The Atwood Bee Bubscription Rate $2.00 » Year in Advance, Otherwise $2.50 ne ee J. W. Sangster Gets Reply From P.O. Dept. HIGH OFFICIAL REGRETS THAT REGULATIONS NOW IN FORCE DO NOT PERMIT ERY OF MAUL IN TOWNS. a me Public: . me, “ Big press was kind en- the ough t to hao a Ngiter of mine ad- tamster I also pointed out that as a matter of fair play, towns were already suf-/) fering under an unfair discrimina- ee delivery of mail In- stead of this, we a to pay an increased price for mail re from the General Superintendent of Postal Service, and the weil known courtesy of the entire posta! service Jeaves room fer no other-understand- ing than that this gentleman is the ablest authority in the service upon thia particular matter, and planations are the best that the De- partment is able to make. The let- ter iteelf follows: Ottawa, Apr. J. W. ngster, te Listowel, Ontario Sir: x 7, 1927 mecsios is acknowledged of your eoncerning the rental of boxes at Lis- towel, Ontario I may say that the whole question of rentals was carefully considered by the Department before the in- structions were issued to the wereice to place the new rates in effe Th rate now being charged ne ‘Lit- towel and other places east of Fort William is what has always been in effect west of Fort William. The ehief reason for increasing the rates wn Ontario and Eastern Canada ié to make the rate uniform throughout the Dominion. May say that your remarks in connection with free delivery have been carefully noted and the Depart- ment regrets that the regulations do not permit of your request being granted . ? Yours very truly | E. J. Underwood, : Chief Superintendent of t Office Service. To the letter I make the following * Listowel, Ont.. Apr. 11, 1927 Superinte eae of Postal. Service. Gentiem Your sacneniil letter bas been re- ecived and read. Permit me to con- gratulate you upon the plain frank- the 3 com- pletely overdosed “with all kinds of eheap sophistry not to appreciate its absence in this case. Presuming up- on this fact, I am taking every state- ment at ite face value, and also am presuming that you may maintain the same character when I ask for further information. It is quite evident, from your let- ter, that when the price of eae snd boxes was raised, east of Fort Wil- Yiam, that you had taken into con- sideration the obvious fact that res- idents of a ty e man, woman, mrt alien a, and that your candid statement, ‘that the chief reason was to make the rate aniform throughout Can- ada, can be taken in good faith. y much appreciate your eq- ually frink statement that you witi your whole department, fact that at the present time regula- tions do ‘hot permit of free delivery of mai! in towns but does permit and operate free delivery of mail in our eities usually two or three times ver ay. In plain words, you regret what you are doin All residents of towns must ap- Preciate the. fact that your Depart- ment regrets the regulations that hy them to enforce this injust- It is a matte ® rates in Eastern co a rather than to make the rates for boxes every- where nominal, or ath less, the price at which free delivery is accorded to all other people, Permit me to state that it —- our dullest sympatb- ies, that any Department or any Of- ficial, while regretting the ag of existing conditions dy of people, is compelled to aa still-more to the injustice of their position, especially when the chief reason is oO more than. to make the situation “more uniform.” rom ail of this, surely we are to ~ wWelieve, that it ba be a pleasure to » , you, Sir, and to your Deparment, to afford every narictennss and to make every effort possible -to eliminate are ready axprin = th coreg Akould it” oa bea AL ‘thing that the memory General | is . onto Be 3.15, arriving here at seven .| Successful Sale of Horses—* 1| Returns from Hospital— .| hoped that Listowgl talent will cap- prizes. C.P.R. Train Service : Increases May Ist. dents of this district will be ter connections for Toronto given. For several months = hong has only been one train a to Toronto, but on May let this ont be doubled. Commencing Monday, May 2nd it expected that the first train leav- ing : Listowel will be at eight o'clock a.m. arriving in Toronto at noon. Returning, the train will leave Tor- e afternoon train will leave > Listowel at 4.50, as at present, arriving in Toronto at nine o’clock. ee ee ee Leaves for fiom treal— Mrs, M. K. Becker left Wednes- day afternoon for Montreal, where she will spend sometime with her husband, who has a position there. Peabody's heavy weight Overalls and Smocks, $1.05 at Simms’. Py t ST cent and Miss Peard, of a City Missién, are in St. Thomas this week, where they are attending a deaconess convention. as ne Mr. Alex McDonald's sale of hor- ses on Saturday last was a very siic- cessful one, ~ ae Sy being one and bring brought they eplendid ai of $370, 38: Attended Fune Mrs. G. P. Wicket and Mr. Hally Nickel, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Grosz were in Palmerston on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Mra. Horning, Sr. m— that Suit or Topeott = at Simms’ Taking Nurses' Training Course— Miss Aléxa Kemp, daughter of “ and Mrs. . . left this week for Torento, where she {5 tak- | ing nurs ane course in the; Cottage Hospital. \ (Returning to Listowel— rien 2 Listowel on be wiad hn learn that W Mr. an Wm - ent are returning from ‘Torenio to make their home here. Am will be mployed in the Andrew Mal- cote Furniture Co Friende of Mr. Chas. Cameron were giad to see him on the street again this week, after being confin- ed to the Memorial Hospital for sev- eral weeks, a6 the result of an acci- dent while engaged at work for Mes- sre Kemp & Son Dependable — ty at the prices at Simms‘ lowest Livingstone M'ssion Band— The monthly meeting of the Liv- ingstone Mission Band was held on April $th, at the home of Mrs. Mel- ville Alexander, 4th Elma, with an attendance of thirty-two. Miss Jean Park read the scriptura reading and Mrs. Jas. Cleland led in prayer. The mission study was taken by Mrs. George Cleland. Lunch was served to the members at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be held on May 14th, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Johnson, 2nd Elma Have you seen the assortment “Ashes see" Van's Drug Store of tolet articles at Entering Compctitio This week forms were signed and sent to Stratford for entry in the Musical Festival that is to be held in that city next month under the aur- Pices of Perth County Music Teachers’ Association. Listowel will be well represented. The United Church, choir is entering the choir competition, and also a male chorus from that organization. There are several other entries for solos, duete, Piano and violin selections, and it is ture some of the 4 Two pant Suite at Simms’ Hear This Quartctte— A musical reat store for the people of Listowel and surrounding district In the visit of the Galt Ma- vle Leaf quartette. These woll- known artists are being brought to Listowel by the choir of the United Church and will appear in that church next Tuesday evening. A yar- ‘ed program will be given, includ- ‘ng hamorous selections. Mr. L tf Pleming will be-heard ~~ in” several readings and the.quartette numbers tre excellent. This quartette has ap- veared four and five times in many places. Has Resigned Position— iss W. Bradley has resigned her ocaition in Robt. Oliver's coal office wnd intends leaving for Toronto on Jaturday to res M Fath- _ ere of Confederation Meanie be com: amenwrated by extending free posta) oh to every man avoman and in Canada? > “ C. of C. Will Petition For Road To | To Cemetery Bride-Elect Honored By Friends and ‘Neighbors number - aber of friends ~ and .|Prominent Batons eighbors cathared at the home of OFFICERS ELMOFED FOR 1037— ag nian. ‘Holmes, hound: | ME; CONRAD ZILLAAX PASSES A- GHWAYS FOR WORK TO BE oe ne ae Saree nde dnbte,| RESIDENT OF LISTOWEL Bee Aue, BO. OF | Beaste, and d presented her with many NEARLY AY FINTE YEARS. usefu The angwal mesting me the Listo- wel Chambe: erce Ww in the coonntl Chataber evening, when considerable Roser sd was transacted. The minutes of the last annual and regular meeting were adopted as read, and a few ac- counts passe: The secretary read the annual statement which showed a balance - hand of $153.40. The the year totalled $845.75, in- aetae the beaece on hand from last year of $102.90. ® question re the condition of the road from Wallace street to the entrance of Fairview cemetery again came up for discussion. E. D. Boiton stated that he would furniasb an estimate for an 8 ft and 12 ft. pavement including all the necessary drainage. On receipt of this infor- mation a petition will likely be cir- culated and then presented to the council. ; . J. W. Sangster urged that the Chamber of Commerce should take some action to have the De- spring to put this road in go dition, but, so far, only a very little grading had been done. It was cided that a letter be sent to the loc- member and the Department, -and the president, secretary and J Sangster were appointed to this letter. Another motion was aléo passed whereby the Chamber of Commerce expressed themselves heartily in sympathy with the Board of Health n its efforts to put over a clean-up campaign in Listowel. The election of officers also took place, and the old officers were re- elected. ee Wate lst’ Vice—E. F. Pinkbetner. 2nd Vico Ww. P. Renn Sec.-Treas.—E. 8S. thadeon. Some twenty-oné men were nom- nated for the Executive, and from these the elected officers will select a council of twelve irre to the by- owe of the organizatio A meeting of the new officers wil! be held. shortly to deal with the question of a banquet, a member Ship drive and the annual motor hike. draft you beard Haye the Maple Le Quartet-c? If not, don't miss this opportenity, If yon have, we Ov you'll be at the Usritrd (7 urch Tues- day evening. Committees Appointed For Footkall Club The executive the Listowel Football Club met in the Council Chamber on Friday evening last, ind appointed the following committees: Team js gel aaa Man- ager and Cap Finance Committee— J. F. drick, F. VonZuben and Herb ‘aL lax. Grounds Committee—S. A. Me- Donald, Athas and F. C. Kelly. Transportation and a eh . Vandrick, C. Vandrick, C. 2illtax, W. P. Rennie and C. Bock. of " eengemene were also made for a euchre to be held on Tuesday even- thay April 26th Bowling Club Elects Officers For 1927 : One of the best annual meetings for many years was held by the Lis- towel Bowling Club on Tuesday ev- ening in the Council, Chamber, and prospects of a splendid season are bright. The finances are reported in good shape. The election of officers for the _ resulted in the following beinz placed in o on. —J. W. Scott and D. L. Chap let Vice, F. ie geet 2nd Vice—Dr. R. F. Taylor. Secretary—H. Hillis. —J. A. Barber. Tournament committee—W. A Johnstone, R. A. Climie, D. LL. Chapman, Games re Koch, J. Lockhart. L. A. Olive Grounds Gommittee—W. Squires, W. Spence, E. Jerm Clean-up Week for Listowel May the ist. is the legal date when according to law all premises cl tle bit of work for each will do it. The results are many wortb wae. Get rid of all garbage, refuse matter of all kinds. first r prem as well as. in-door. The movement for a cleaner ba: smore wholesome town y The Chamber of Com-/da Citizens, this erce, ney "an go makes 4t easier oh srk To M ts} ity know your m Put ‘your out-|- class The following address Was read by you go without some tangible sign of our good-will. You have grown ‘ap among us and everybody in bape: 9 h and commun “dooke! endid qual-| 2 ities, but we will espec Hy. remeim- er Beasie's “smile “For a smile is like the ‘sunshine It cheers the wor Jo! u to accept ‘these gitts from your friends and neighbors, ac- companied by the sin ncere wish that through many years ‘ot happy a. ded life, ada richest blétesing may be with yo Signed rt behalf of bors and friende. Bessie made a suitable reply, fol- lowed by everyone singin “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.’ The remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing. the neligh- | There will be divine service Christ Church on Good Friday ten-thirty o'clock. in at After a short ¢ Hines, the death of Mr. -Zilliax, prominent -herd- ware residence, Dodd s' Listowel, Friday eve! eaten ren 8th, 1927, on ear. Mr. Zilliax hi been ailing tor the past*few ‘months 0 weeks was confined to The late Mr. Zilliax was born Jan- 3ist, 1862 near Elmira, in Wa- terloo county, and nearly fifty years ago came to Listowel and learned the trade of tinsmith in the store of Mr. John Climie. partnership wit éstablished a hardware business. In 1907 this was sold to Fred Howes, and about fourteen years ago-was taken over by Mr. Zilliax and-.h 6on, Conra Mr. Zilliax wa: well known throughout the entire district, and remained active in the hardware business until two weeks ago. His lafge number of friends deeply regret his demise Deceased was united in marriage about forty years ago to Matilda Lipphardt, of Waterloo, who sur- vives him. hree daughters an three sons also survive: Conrad. Herbert and Harold, all of Listowel; var Oscar Ruppel, Listowel; Mrs. Bailey, Flint, Mich. and Mise Vicia, Zilliax, at home. One brother, Fred, Listowel, and two eisters, Mrs. David Sanderson, Listowel, and Mrs. oseph Cavanagh, Moose Jaw, Sask. also survive. One son, Henry, pre- deceased him March 4th, 1927. The funeral, which was largely at- The Synod of Huron will meet in London on the 9th day of May be- day evening. s es Mr. P. F. Hoadley, organist and choir leader of the United Church.: Ls ot ony a short organ recital at the of the evening service next} Sonday 5 s we . The regular meeting of the B P. U. was held = the vestry on Mon- day evening. arry Bennett gave a Sreaghifer’ address on the Holy Spirit. There was a good at- tendance. . the Young Women's Missionary So- clety of the United Church was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss; Roxie Ellis. The topic was taken by Miss Isa Austin, a eolo was render- , in a Miss-Rae Ward, and readings re given by Miss W. Bradley and “ Miss Roxie Ellis. Qn Easter Day there are alwa additional servicea in Christ Chureh | in order to allow all to attend qr particularly all confirmed persons t be present at Lord's} Table. There will be services at 7 and 8.3 and 11 o'clock a.m. and thes vseal One in the evening at 7 o'clock when there will be carols and anthems and readings to proclaim the Resurrect- jon truth At an interesting debate, entitled “Women have done more for the ad- vancement of humanity than men” the negative, upheld by John Savage. won, at Knox Church Guild Monday evening. The affirmative side was ably supported by Robert Symons. Judges were Mrs. Moore and Miss McLa Other pogram for the evening included an _ instrumental duet by Carol Sangster and Blythe Duberges, and solo, ind Garden of Your Heart” by Olga $ The vant sanateas Missionary mesting of 6 oung People’s League of the United Church was airly well attended. on Monday ev- ening. Miss R. Wari presided over an excellént program. <A juvenile girls quartette, consisting of Mieses Dierlam, Welker, cher delighted ite oe i L. piano instrumental by = der as very much avecactieea. Miss R,.Ellis read a most: interesting let- ter from Mre. ger, a missionary in Kored, telling of the life of the n the subject of issions mt J. R. Hill then gave a very favourable report of the work carri on e in the past year, ore in the Mission- ary departm Attended Wedding Here— The following guests from a dist- ance aaa dn Listowel on Saturday for the ass-Stevenson weddin Mrs, N. r Lamont and Miss Phyllis Lamont, -Mrs. evendgn, ré. W. T. Wells and daughter, Anne. Mr. T. A. Steynson and Mr. and rs Brown and daughter. of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward, Exeter; Mrs. Alexander Stev- enson,; Miss Beatrice Stevenson and é Stevenson, "Strat- () ind Mrs. J. A: Dickson ~ ‘son Douglas, of’ caearneharess N. Easter Lilies at Van's Drug Store. ginning with Divine service on Mon-! p.m The reguiar mohthly meeting of! Kibler and Fiet-| simms tended, was held on Monday after- noon, from his late residence, ma two | an Proabyteriai rch; Members of the local onle Lodge attended in a body. In- erment was made in Fairview cem- |etery. Pallbearers were three sons, and nephews, Messrs. Fred Zilliax. oronto, and Charles and Wiliiam Among the relatives and friends present for the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bailey, Flint, Mich.; | Messrs. H. Lippardt, O. Hoft, J ,;Gerbig, Mr. and Mrs. Derbecker, ;Conrad Ruppel, all of Kitchener; 'Mr. Herb Fyle, Hespeler, Mr. und Mrs. Stockfish, Preston; — '‘Sarvis, Mr. Lawrence and of Hanover; Mrs. Harty Zilliax ‘re. Henry Zilliax, Miss Marie Zilliax, | Miss A. Zilliax, and Mr. Arthur Zil- 'liax, Elmira; Mrs. Henry Zilliax aad | daughter, Marforie of Chicago; Mr. i) tJ. Rose an Struthers, of | Hopba Hardware Co ndon;- Mrs cline . May and Mr. Fred Zilliax, Tor ‘onto; and Mr. E. Telleskie, of Len: don. Firemen Called Out Twice During Past Week Twice during th the | past week has the local fire brigade been called out o fires, both of which, fortunately did not prove eerious Shortly before ten o’clock last Friday morning, fire damaged the frame house on Elma street belong- ing to Richard Freeman and occu- pied by Fred Westlake. The firc, supposed to have started from a de- fctive chimney, damaged roof and plaster, possibly to the extent of about $200. The loss was partially covered by insurance. On Monday morning about 11.30 4 grass fire, caused it is thought b a cigaret butt. set fire to the cedar hedge at the residence of Ben John- ston, Main street west. edg burned fiercely.and nearby wulldines were in danger for,a — and tho firemen had a busy time for awhile. Caps, Neckwear and Hosiery, at Well Known Missionary Honored By Class The following. lip clipping, ing Rev Wills, concern- taken Yrom a Senta Monin, California Pa Ww nnings an Mrs. .Savage. His ag oe will be delighted to know is intention. to come summer. He is saifing Monica on May 29th for Vancouver. thence to Calgary, Toronto, Listowel and Chesley The article reads: “Thursday night the Eig Bap- tist members and friénds the Men’s Bible class gathered rf the onor. chure’ A. Wills on the occasion of -his ‘seventy: third birthday. The chu very prettily ecceated with hawers and vases, together with many an- tiques from China,‘where Mr. Wills wn taupe ike fe char he is held n 0} utch Mecum ‘Tead yg Merchant Dies| New Spring Suits, Topcoats, Hats, — nd | needed. A- yg Accounts yassed and Yoru jee painting and Appointment A At ‘Customs After « de iy) of several wee! word-was received Mon- here day y that Major R. G. Sav ane had been appointed Customs = Excise examiner “3 e Custome O fice here to fill by the promotion ‘of. Mr. ‘Russel Knipe to Lage aa Se Knipe was to have been tr in Febru: ary pra word of ppolntment of an ger has | expected “thoes sy nbs. Savage iearatar Te duties tha quired of him’ when he takes. office. Mr. Knips has not to. assume hie new. duties {| Stratford. He has been at the local office for the past four years. Buys Stock— Mr. J. P. Walter is in Shelbourne for a few weeks, where he Was pur- chased a bankrupt stock. Assisting for Short Time— Mies Esther Wells is ped for a short time in the store of Mr. A Working in Mount Forest— Mr. Orwell Weber was in Mount Forest a few daye this week, doing some sign work in a jewellry etore. always find ‘the best lowest You will the prices at quality at Simms’. Able To Be Out— Miss Thelma Rennie has recovered from her recent serioue illness, and her friends were glad to see her on the street on Tuesday. — s Funera o we Brook and Misa Fore- x. ee in Blyth on Tuesday, at- tending the funeral of their arnt, Mrs Full assortment of Easter Cards at Van's Drug Store. Able to Be Out— Friends of Mrs. T. A. Thompson, boundary west, will be glad to learn she is able to-bé out again, after be- jung confined to ber home for a few weeks on acconnt of illness. A hundred new. hats in for Easter —large head sizes and all newest s‘ades. iced reasonably. Some- thing -for-young end old. H. Chislite, MAl'ners Patient at Hospita Friends of Miss x Berdux will be glad to learn that she is progressing favorably at the Listowel Memorial Hospital, where she has been a pa- tient for the past wee Quartcttes, ducts, solos, readings. sacred, secular and humorous by the Maple Leaf Quartette In the United Church, Tues. April 19th. Purchases Residence— Mrs. Mewhinney, town, has pur- chased the reaidence of Mr: Robert taken possession. has rented part of the pega to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. be re-| we a vince ch ceused |th producer of great” si ed | statezswomen. The children notice as to when he will be requir-j 8F® ed e i but * thle’ will probably come later. Misa Thotnpebe hah hee giving a very graphic account of the rein- deer, its haun habita and uses. Myra Davidson, however, ‘was ge paying the slightest pat Mies ompson ask “Now, what is the use of the rein- eer ll startled, looked up and said “It makes everything in the garden lovely, Miss Tho mpeon DB. ral We have received word that our Cadet Inspection is to take place on Thursday, May 19th and as a result ee and quite up to the etandard. Saleswoman (at Easter card count- er)—Here’s a card wih a beautiful sentiment on it: ‘To the Only Girl T ever loved!’ Jack Walters—That’s the very thing. I'll take five—no eix—of those.” J . s The first form agriculture class spent a delightful half hour makin the first year course of Agriculture and we are fortunate in having this industry in town as a means of study . . . Jack McFarlane—‘So you know as much aia as Miss Thomp- son, do yo Orville Ovens—"“Bhe t old me her- self. She said she couldn't teach ma anything.’ . . urray Forman—‘"lI hear. your father wants you. to join the mas- ons. Cummings—"Not me. Joe I could never lift those heavy stones 4a- Mrs. I’.) round Thursday and enjoy a week's holidaya eo dur- ing that week we will have no School Notes, Just imaine, pupils. a whole week in which to recuperate before the test examinations. It is a case of “Now or Never” at the present time. e * Mr. Hemphill—“Elya, will you age the least common denomina- a Curtis—"Goodness, is that thing lost again W eddings ° moved on Thursday last. The reai- dence Mr. and Mrs. Routiedge ya- cated on Reserve street, is being oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Poag Simms sell deunababto clothing at the lowest Prices. Hononr Bride-Elect— uesday evening, upwards of for- ty ‘in friends gathered at the home er pieces of silverware. Leben e we Miss Marjorie Thomp- and Mrs.-Harold- Winstow; and Miss “Marion Morris made a short speech concerning the presentation. A dainty luncheon was serve Simms" is 2 good pl®ce to buy that Suit or Topcoat. — are Warned— ny occasions the firemen are nome ie if the spractice oad = her a box of eusesiatte for Easter. A Refund of 81622.01— At the regular meeting of the Pub- lic Utilities Commission on Monday evening the chief business was the of $1622.04 was finally decided to have the ‘Hy- iro forthe pre reta! due for the the commission ap lage upon it when were ve }sleeveless anel mode * w a to park’ their. cars as in the rv f a fire ¢ Billy Burke Van's. VASS—STEVENSON marriage of Mary Llewellyn youngest daughter of Mr. §. J. Stevenson, Listowel, to John Stanley Sutherland Vases Windsor, was solemnized on Satur- day at 2 0 iy ge Fina aus home of her parents, Dodd s' e Prac Be “was performed by The the Rev. » -pastor of Knox Pheshitentiin cents: in the living room, which was artistically decorated with a rotates of spring blossoms and fer The winsome ‘bride, who entered father, was charmingly gowned in a of heave. ivory crepe having turkish skirt em- broidered with large Butterfly movi- ifs of gold and silver sequins with touches or green an and bodice nels outlined bands of gold lame. Her -t rose-point Pri brought from Parie = %.. gift, fell gracefully from the rs, an as with a film. veil of tulle held In place with fintesen in their run to a fire bYja ooronet of o e bloss b Ooms an motorists driving in front of the| rhinestones. -To > oomaplater her. soon reels a elaying their speed and/ume she wore white kid _ slippers also endangering ene traffic. Theiwith rhinestone buckles carried m0 torists are anxious to g the /an exquisite Colonial bonqyet . tied fire also, but they should be careful/ with multi lored. ze in The to offer a clear road to the firemen. wedding ic pl a oy her it is the intention of Constable Wil: |sister, Miss Winnitred Stevenson 50 make an-example of some / er the receptia h ¢g pink flowers while tall cay tapera fa silver hold- ers were burning. The bride's mother was gowned in black crepe romaine with pe io of white and wore a corsage © te | anak ih residence eraed by the niaracas a sion. re Wwe cease our struggle” the Hving room on the arm of her- bale .