‘ NATIONAL CO! OIRCULA = ing treatment. me Visited Local Offico— J. aneieiinn, ike Sees a Tene tx AOhorse, Oona ae Plans Well Under Way For “Diamond Jubilee of Confederation MMITTER ISSUES. 1 R—URGES EVERY MUNICIPALITY ‘TO COMMEMOR- ATE EVENT. ‘The National Committee has. tak- Bey the ground that the Provinces; co-operate in the organization Vinelal celebrations and = an tions wil! be furnished together with ether information for the guidance of local committee: Salting for Xngland— Mrs| A. J. Oke lett | for Toronto on Thursday and will sail for Eng- land early in May. Card of Thanks— Mr. Chas. Cameron wishes to ex- press his sincere thanks to the nur- gees at the hospital and to his many friends for the many acts of kind- meses shown him while he was con- finéd to the hospital... ——— to Home— S. Good is confined to his! my this week on account of Ill-} Bees Leaves for Toron Miss Evelyn Gee > left Ww ednesday | morning tor Toronto, where commences _her duties in the orth. epedic Hofpfital Emproving Nicely— We are glad to re port that Mrs. E. Grainger is improving nicely, following her recent ee She was able to be cut on Tuesda Returns from Hospital— Miss Berdux returned Friday last from the Listowel Memortal Hospital, and ie now eee at the home of her sister, Mrs, . May-! ‘burry. Carthage. Attende ba Spown Meeting — Bless 8. H. Bamford, Ca: Rbcher. I Vv. Smith and J.’ F. Van-| | drick, were in Kitchener on Good day. attending the annual meet- ing of the W.F.A. oa = chau se a Frank Donnelly wae taken to ‘he Memorial Hospital on Satur-- day evening, where she is undergo- 3s. Donnelly has been il] with la grippe. Nurse in Attendance— Miss Ruby Marks is nurse in at- tendance at the home o r. L. M. Long. Friends of Mrs. Long will be glad to Jearn there is improve- ment in her condition. Return to Ripley— Mr. and Mre. Dave Park, who have been = ependin the winter ‘months in Listowel at the home of Mrs. Purcell, left Tuesday morning for Ripley, where they will take up their residence. Mrs. Purcell ac- companied them to Ripley to spend a few days. T. Patton, of Stratford, ‘un Mr. Weber and Mrs. Elliott, of Kitchener, visited the ‘local Bell of- fice on Tuesday. Mr. Patton has Deen transferred from the. Stratford office to St. Thomas, and commences! his: duties on May Ist ms from Hoapital— Norman Ankenman, Kurtz ville, was able to return from the Listowel Memorial Hospital on Sun- day last, where she has been serious- Ty ill for the past week. Her friends will be glad to know she ie improv- Ing nicely yalbe Dance— \ = A very enjoyable Easter dance was held Monday —— in. the Ligtowel Armouries, an Hokea and his orchestra from Ps woes wi ponent music for the es were very prettily. Sankt to or the occasion with special Tighting effects. . erence— Wing left Tuesday - morning for Sebringville, where het- session of of the Ev- fg attending the annual Canadian Conference the * ggelical poset being held under the chairmanship of Bishop | Law- ger Le Mar, M. F. Zurbrigg is delegate from Calva: ro Mrs. vary E “Wing artes: Rey. Wing am ur Bridé— ‘ Traraday ‘ovening Jast. about thered » at the ts. J. A Mcin tyre, si, Boss. ne ener ten eae McIntyre, with end an {let dealing with the history and pro- -| grees to-da ‘ Friday. and Saturda sg d M MciIn- honour their daughter, Mise It is alao hoped to issue in the near future a Confederation ‘Hooke of the Country, and this will be available for wide distribution in connection. with oratory and essay contests, and also & compendium of information for. Dominion ° Day i speakers, It is hoped to include In all Com- unity programmes. on Dominion Day one or two general featu will be.used both in the preliminary publicity and in the Dominion Day|co program. Beaco fires have been sug- geated, but ‘the Committee mmends’ ilumination wherever possible, oe Is about which will a furnished a A ‘Commemorative Issue of peaks eae Sate has already been arrang- effort should be made to enéure participation on a large scale of school children in public ceremon- jes on Dominion ry. The National ‘Committee proposes to issue a medal ‘to every child toning part in these proceedings. Medals will be furnish- ed for Provincial competitions in the schools and Universities In the July lst program proces- sions should be organized as far as possible, and -in these precession: pagentry and floats representing ep- fsodes from Canadian History should be used where time permits. The object of the processions should be to- assemble at a ane convenient point and hear t resses, com- munity singing by the children, and rt other program may be arrang- eda. Decoration of public recommended, and special attention should be paid to monuments and memorials of the Fathers of Confed- eration and other National Leaders ® communities Old Home Re-unions are being held in connec- tion with the Diamond Jubilee Cel- jebration. In many municipalities already or- ganized, icipal}’ Councils are | Suaranteeing@* part of the funds, part is being raised by general sub- scription and the balance by the sale of souvenir programs, turday, July 2nd, which hea been proclaimed a Publie Holiday, special attention should be paid to sports of all kinds, especially Can- adian sports,-and programs should | be arranged to suit the particular nee ads = each - locality nday, July 3rd, the churches | building The roof of thé water- should? be requested to especially | ¥orks building Wwaé torn off and gev- recognize the Sixtieth Anniversary of eral trees were blown down. At Pet- nft l-ration. and some caseg| fers Henry Sage’s barn and J. Car- joint community services out of [S025 Notse was unrooted. Trees doors-may be arranged. were leveled and telephone service The National Committees is ob- interrupted At Monkton the barn taining full information from var-|22° ‘“riving shed of Patrick Nichol- ious communities as to local actiy-|80" “ere biown down. The windmill ities, and will be glad to furnish |°" Fred Lince’a farm was toppled any information or answer any in-|©V@r and the driving shed turned a- rounc “ assist local communities throughout the Country. Simms sells dependable faded Prices. clothing at the lowest Van's Drug Store commenced their le sale to-day. Will Friday and Saturday. Millbank Man Bought Chevrolet Garage On Saturday last the necessary papers were signed and the deal put through whereby Mr. Chas. Osier, f Millbank, formerly of London. purchased the garage on Wallace street conducted by McTavish and McMichael. Mr. Osier took posses- sion on Monday. Mr. Osier will have his three sons associated with him in the busi- nees and Mr. Archte McTavish will also remain for the summer, so that customers may be assured of firet cles service. Osier’s farm _at Millbank” figured in the deal z Jack McTavish has already a an xto this farm. The same car agencies. as carried by the former owners will be carried by Mr. Osier. ¥. fas ‘ Drug Store commenced their ay. ‘oom continue for Elected Officers of | C. of C. Choose Executive tthe annual meeting of the erce twenty-one men were nominated for the Execu- tive, and from these the elected of- leera were to choose uyetve men, oe to the by-law: On. Wednesday moraine the elect- ed officers met. and the. following names were chosen Hugh Hamilton ‘I. C. MeDonala ox Wien gster W. A. Britton GG. oan. . A. Schinbein = A; Climie J. F. Vandrick L..H. ‘Bamters H.. P. Wanzer © Bote. Cassels D. L.. Chapman: su re and visit «Van's Drug state’ feta their 1¢ sale. ware to: |Bride-Elect Honored ~~ Tes—possi-| the MN} bly an addrees from the King and “|from some National body. | Charlotte Schwass. “buildings is | C2? continue for} - t ‘By¢ Girl Friends ; ‘Upwards of forty - Forty ie friends ga- thered be Poeont the Lay rd Mr. wee Henry wass On ae ing when thelr . Char- lotte Schwese, ente’ “fn hon- our of Miss Violet Beas, bride-elect. Miss ane: © home after the party -had ‘a! red, and much to. her sarees nd'the girls, and éveryons._ jo! gin; “For She's a low.”’ Jolly Two Httle girls, Marj and Joan Griffithe wheeled the gifts in a prettily ) rated. wagon, and ntation was made by Miss Miss Erie bei an, accompan ng address gifts consisted ofa “peautital ative presen Don’t forget the le sale at Van's Drug Store. Barn Demolished By Wind Storm )* DONALD ‘CAMERON, TOWN LINE SAST, LOSES , SHED AND WINDMILL—MUCH DAMAGE IN DISTRICT. The first thunder and wind storm of the season struck this district on Tuesday evening about ten o’cloc’ and considerable damage was done in the district, although Listowel es- e was very high and te ratnfall heavy ni dies as his barn, straw shed and nd mill were wrecked. The scene presents a eorry spectacle. The barn and shed were blown from their foundations, and only portions of them remain standing in unexpected positions. Some of the heavy timb- ere broke through the floor, but none of the stock was injured nesday neighbors were busy assisting Mr. Cameron to clear up the wreckage and building oper- ations will begin as soon as posei- ble. amage waé partially cov- ered ocd insurance. ort from Milverton tells of eunuldeeante damage to trees and You will always find the best quality at the lowest Simms Attended Educational Co: ngress— r. and Mrs. Henry Hemsworth, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Smit Mrs. . B. Howard motored to Toronto od Monday Hemsworth and atcational Congress Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. Work shirts $1.00, khaki and in- digo blue, all sizes, regular $1.35 at Wally Beynolds’. Property Changes— Mr. Jas. M. Rennie of Guelph, has sold his 100 acre farm on Town line Kast, to Mr. W.. Rae, of Lis- towel, Mr. Rennie taking Mr. Rae’s house and lots in town on the deal. ‘Mr. Rae’s many friends in town will be ‘glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Rae will continue to live in town for the summer. Deal by Mr W. J. Dowd. Peabody's heavy wee 5 reeie and Smocks, $1.05 at McCormick, ee Glenallen. eee _ Suit..or.-Topooat-at we Entrics From Listowel— for: to Saturday, the 23rd. So Sing, | day evenin eorewe of Galt, | oe more than nald Cameron, town Hne dist, Shout Sour Sotien them Laie: choo ik Conc ee wel, was the worst sufferer in this prices at | 28 other officers are: Vice-president; Celebrated Birthday— B:. Fs Forster, Stratford; Congriisianoas were extended to secretary, M (Rey.) John Hart, Mr. bi gos lacs apes ck on Wed-({ St. ; treasurer, R. il- neaday » when he cele- ton, Millbank, The retiring president | Renta tie birthday. Mr. McCorm-|‘’s W. tuart, Mitchell. ick. haa enjoying £ health, An informative address was given Guesis present were Dr. Wesley Mc-| by W. A. k, secretary of the. On- Cormitk, A. J. McCormick, | tario Prohibition Union, in which he Toronto; Rev J. McCormick and | went into the history.of temperance | children, and. Mrs. T.. Richmond,| tegislation in this county since 1946; come Dr. Harry McCormick,| The Perth Union appointed a com Detroit; Mr. iciaelon Curry, Lind-} mittee to keep in.touch with the iiq- say; Mr. ae Mrs. J: McCorm-juor situation and take whatever} ick, of Moorefield ane: Mr. Roger}steps deemed nécessary. very | Miller, Wingham, Those who attended the concert given in the Uuited: nares on Tues- by Maple Léat with - the program © pre- tle, over $32. bere. Their voices blend and balance to. perfection. 6 two fav- orites in thie ling: were the selections | “Kentucky “Grandfath- er‘s Clock."’ Mr. MacGregor,. bari- tone, delighted the audience in his otch selections, and Mr. Fleming gave splendid Scotch and French habitant readinge. Mr. and Mr. Hetherington both poes Saverb tenor voices and their solos y n MacGregor, “Your Girl and My ae ” a thie comic selection was well acted also. The. pode nal had not a dull mo- ment in it and the selections were lacked some heavier numbers. Mr. Fleming introduced the dif- ferent numbers tn his able style and to please and radlate happiness. The members of the choir en- joyed lunch and a g6ocial half hour after the concert and the quartette rendered three more numbers to the delight of their hosts. Simms’ is a oe pl®ce to buy that Suit or Topcoat le sale at Van's ug Store, Thursday, Friday ‘and anti of this week New Pulpit Unveiled t Knox Church An impressive service was Held in connection with the Easter services i Presbyterian church on Sunday last, when the unveiling and dedication of a beautiful brass pul- pit took piace. The pulpit is in mem- ory of Cecil Woodburn Penn Ham- iiton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, who died October 1909 a “41, The ceremony of handing over the pulpit to the church and the unveil- was performed by Miss Patricia ape ono degen of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilto @ ceremony 4 dedica- J. M. Nicol, pastor of “Knox carck. The pulpit is supported pillars, each o g and evening serv Wally Reynol le sale at Van's Drug Store, Friday and Saturday of Thursday, this week. Perth Prohibition Union Elects Officers For Year Prohibitionists from all over the Stra county gathered in on Tuesday for the annual meeting of Boy’s Book Great hace The gift we offer, A remembrance from those who love rendered by the choir at both morn- N in w See the ee outing trousers at Blate angle meee hington T i ie Se Fielding } ema Thet Stopped e to Van's Drug Store during m. their 1c sale. Miss Bradley Given Pleasant Surprise)": a| FRIENDS GATHER AT HOME OF MRS R. A. SEAMAN-- TO BED FAREWELL TO MISS BRADLEY. 14th, Thursday evening, April twenty friends gathered at ce ss diversified; embracing sentimental,|o¢ Mr. and Mrs. , to humorous and sacred. The only crit-| honour Miss W. Bradley, ae left icism heard was that the program|Saturday morning for Toronto, where she will reside. in. Miss Clara MacKenzie, on behalf of the gathering, Bradley with a purse, and - fol- . It seemed to be their aim rowing addresa was read ‘M Jessie Climie. wide circle of friends and they deeply regret her departure from town. in games and a social hour enjoyed. presented Mise in Listowel, The evening was spent he a ping as follow 2. Dear Winnie. is it really That from our midst you pian to go? We hate to see you start a And wish that you ad ‘vith us, eta A pieasant friend you've been to all, For any need, on you we'd We're going to miss you a whole pile, Especially eall. your bright, “winsome < we have gathered here tonight o show our affection just a mite, Win, to you, you true. Though in a city big you'll dwell, Don't forget your friends in Listowel n Thursday evening. the United church choir presented Miss Bradley with an Eversharp pencil. entation was made quite informally The pres- at the home of Mrs. R. A. Seaman. S. Oratorical’ Contest-— One Friday recently an Ora- torical contest was held at the Pub- lic School hetween the Sr. III and Jr IV classes. The contestants were allowed to choose any subject deal- Ten entered, the class. Tle P. ative Land.” im Burroughs, topic was “The Maples of Canada" headed the boys. The best 8 by Marjorie Pratt. Two ex-teachers acted as judges. Van's Drug Store 1c -_ As now on, also Friday and Saturday Wedd ings y, of St. Marys, was alevted | president for the ensuing year and Visit oss. eres. Store during the le sale Spring Car Sales— Messrs Zurbrigg & Bender, local Hudaoa aed sedans; John geri palo Essex eearet far there ate 208 plications: place i m the onutewta, ihe aralority| riage ae og Reserve eee. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westlake have : part the. double residence dealers hab ‘the following sales} urday made this en oe: M, , town, EKesex ‘and Mr. Sted in The » GREGG—McINTYRE ey La at vena $a solemnized the y morn: a. April 1 20eh, 1927, mat nine o’- cloc Miss Jean Mcintyre. second dangntée of Mr. d Mrs. A. Mcintyre, Listowel, “was junited in» marriage to Mr. John W. Gress, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cargill. Re J. M. Nico 1, pt 8 of Knox Presbyterian church,. per- formed the ce prorat Atten Miss . Florence uéintyre. pitts “Ot the bride, and arker, of Cargill. After the maretoiadys the happy | young couple rae for Ottawa, Montreal and Que on return zm take up their Geatdanes in Car JARVIE—-FINLEY The. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fitiley, Wingham, the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding on Sat- afternoon at 3 o'clock, when their daughter, Ruth Elsie, was un- A nate Martin of the Salvation Army Corps of London. The bride, who d in. white voile, was at- was mald and Miss Velma Finley, as flower girl, both sisters of the epee ; ad ‘best man was William Wopdruff “Listowel. Phe. ae — bride- : honeymoon rber Tarkington | United Migs Bradley. has ajy week at 8 o'clock. ¥ dresse' tended by Miss M. Finley, as brides- | ters ual con- éented by these’ ts. The concert Platoerat Church ‘at ‘the ann was given under b sueiioss © of the! Juvenile 3 bana Rey on Wiodoeneny thtalion sis ping Bete a Robin Connettiol’, the youme> enpled the chai r. He ‘his io pen ads earn After sips abe a Ht- Dickens | @Pp: #f the loyal support of all the aiticials during bad year, and of which was adopted This report named the m the Board of eee taits, ond the Ses- ona. and also ous committees carry on the Ore of the church, The different Boards will meet next Wednesday and appoint their offic- Ladies’ Aid reported a balance on hand of $45.42. They raised during the year the splendid total of $770.70. The different Circles had raised $419.95 anda donation of 00 had been made to the Offic- ial Board The report of the W.M.S. was perhaps the best. in the history of that organization. They had just doubled their givings for missions contribut- w 0. A Youn Auxiliary had ‘been A gener during the year, but they did no Mr. . eaman, pin Sil of the Sunday School, reported a total membership, including the cradle roll, of 449. The School raised for all purposes $1379.30, and the ‘mount raised for missions was $515.- 06, both theses amounts being an in- crease over the previous year. a- Rev . Geelhaar is attending the Kitchener District Conference of the Lutheran Church tn Preston this week . Madame Lipinski of Hamilton, is speaking in the Baptist Church . on Friday evening. er son will ac- company her and will sing. s * a Last Sunday at the Sunday School session in the United Church a very interesting moving picture was shown on the life of Christ. Five reels were shown m o Mrs. C. L. Whiman, evangelist nd a returned missionary from West Africa, will speak in the City Miesion, Main St. next Sunday at 3 and 7 p.m. also each evening next The Baptist Yous People’s Un- try Prepared and by Miss ete Chapman and Miss Elva ou tis. Easter, one ‘ot the pom days in rved in L wel churches on Sunday. Nearly all the churches had made arrange- ments to augment the musical part of the services. _ aster liles and Spring flowers were in abundance. And the sermons from the pulpits of Easter . * The monthly citizenship meeting of the Young People's Leegue of the United Church was held on Monday . ©. Hallman pre- The scripture lesson wae ne by BE. E. Leppard after which s D, i sagas gave. a piano solo. = topic for the ening, dealing with the Sjapest or eitizenah ip aur ped ably taken 8S. Hud- 5 large attendance is. noe £0 or next Monday, a e “Reds” will entertain the Blues." > Easter, the; apiciee festival of the church, was duly observed in Christ Church with sarees specia}) serv- —_ °% ‘ ose and continued at $. 30 and 11 in the morning and in the evening there was a service of unusual character. .|At the morning services a very large to wi utrection story givin, that which brought wis to the con- mn the whole of the truth of) | Te day. A duet was eung by were characteristic of that note of hope appropriate to the significance; seven o’clock|the death - | pa theatre here yesterday. Mr. A. M. ; the tharck treasurer, reported that $12 b& 1 ilve: sere tray and sil- appearan i rrow complimented the r and the| had been raised during the year for Pastiaa agg Soe y. oie mi Sogo Tieton rer) we Pluck of amare Hannyorganist on their efficient service. = Lae ange Ea rect the bride-elect in reading the ret crowd was not as large ae the artiste Brenda Home n| Fifty had recet mem- sped $653 yy - ead! fous cards, and these were written | meri In localities where these Jacqueline of Carrier Pigeons bership during the year a ree co “i = ite bt an in humorous verse. Miss Bean entt- entertainers are known they are al- nba Seaman non now 723 metibe in full etand- ae ereinuan a Baus bl lied to the presentation. 7 Extension ‘ The. evening ecm sy cards pete sahy Ore cancer ad oan ee Magic Casements arhart; The minutes of ue —s annual aoe’ and dof this $3600. has peeves and games, and a dainty luncheon’ would draw a much larger audience.|T@ Beloved Physician Wileon | meeting were ae te | ace Gbdective ait SEE ee ee was served. They excel in their quartette num-| C20adian Foot prints Hammond| McDonald and then Mr. Geo. - James y Fisher | rose was called upon to give the re-jall contributions are in. of $259.01 was reported on hand. Van's Drug Store Ic sale is : on, also Friday and Saturday. Returned From Duties— “ Miss Isobe! Nichol, R.N- has re- turtied from professional duties im Ethel. Attending Convention— ‘Meesrs. Sanderson and Henry Sanderson, boundar are in tario Educational Congress Erected 8 The Viking Poster Co, Lietowel, have erected signs on the vacant lot of Mr. E, Smith, next to the Postof- fice. . 6 ne With Father— Clarence Bean, who has aa: Mr employed in the store of MeDonald, is now engaged with nis father, Mr. Elton Bean, painter and decorator re Transferred to Atwo Mr. Clifford Rennie, w has been on the becal staff of the Canad- fan Bank of Commerce, beer transferred to Atwood, where he has received the position of teller at the branch there. Music Teachers to Mect— The Listowel — branch Perth County Music Teacher's Federation will meet in the United Church Gehoot room Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. Mr. pastes will give an ad- tems ‘on “B4ginners."’ — Position— wusierut. in the Baza: cepted a position fn the "sare of Mr. J. C. McDonald, and commenced her duties om Monday, succeeding Miss Violet Bean. Move to Listowel— Mrs. Aitchison and her daughter, of Tara, moved their household ef- fects to Listowel this week, and have rented the rooms over Palace Meat Market. Mre. Aitchison has taken ea position in eorge’s restaurant, ‘|while Miss Godfrey is on a month’s vacation Sell Residence— Mr. and rs. G. A. Kennedy enh sold thelr residence and pro- at the corner of McKenzie and adame 6treet, that and nnedy will rensain in Ligto- Favors Reunion— One of our readers in Calgary wrote us last week favoring the sug- geetion of Mr. Joe Dillabough, of Chicago, In his last letter to The Banner that thie year would be a very fitting time for a re-union. So many Canadians will want to cele- brate the Jubilee in Canada and ar- rangements for re-unions in home towns would be very enjoyable. Successful in Winning Bicycle Lindsay Coghlin son of Mr. and Mre. Harvey Coghlin, town line east, was successful in winning the “ C.C.M. bicycle offered by Schindein & Son for the ae guess as to the distance travelled by the bicycle exhibited in the store window. The actual distance was 1160 miles, and the lucky guess was 9 a Fighter Dies Suddenly— Mrs. Margaret Rothwell, town, re- ceived word this wee The Detroit. Times, des patched from Denver, Col, says the “pres in rt: "We fell dead in front o y Prgteiane say he died of peat disease. as rr years old. n inven, he attracted attention: in Tocal amateur boute before he was years old, in three Toronto this week ae the On-~ ‘ iss Jean Haddow, whe has bese c-