_ A SELECTION OF THE ceed but. I would not say that it equals; HARDY. ROSES ean ig de Claas Polar ze it be: No two persons will probable a- thou gree on what are even the best dozen light ene ‘of ce at "the, egne.:of Fd putty iy sate ae on gated toses.- We-can, however, form a fair- petals Is very srg ; . Small Plant.a6 early as poselble after ly accurate idea of the favorites by mall though Z n Wai . ‘preparing or 80) Clark’s or Aylmer . examining the yearly py Seg eon is, it is “very attra ive oa the bud Plant firmly, sete always fure taken by the American Rose _étage, when the color fs tawny buff reas Sones | @BMS HV Va yy eee hota ON ane aes Se Spas we] Bera, cat Pouplana il No. ? tin 2 growing apace none can question nor) with some pink In. {he open few-t eet at least several héurs sunshine The Dominion Stores can the fact be sensed that ee av- ne ar Bor zs ag — ty a full line of all well erage grower gives them much more! e ers Du color Saori iasitiead Haenek intestines care than was bestowed Scien yellow- is charming, both in aoe, he Massey fst rerularly to ! Macne B; 33 n them a decade ago. The|>ud and in the open flower. Thie groceries. a influence tat the American Rosé So-j is not Ust trou cow. chtain your acon eo t potent in bring.|should ve given a high position. In- Cease cultivating and feeding You ahagosin agate! gp dependence Day=blooms freely and August 1° 4 muleh two inches thick Ie nd always at | Maple Leaf ing. about saa ae |tn2Spen floweeacees lacking In pet-{Ol Peat moss ‘will reduce the neces- Of the older: Roses there are a DP ore er ng in pet amcasbis pal 3% vexes Z23C sity of epplying tnuch. water. ahi: Matches number of real indispensables (I am|#!age, blowing wide open. Its color.) Rerrain from watering your plants The merchandise also 19¢ doz. bxs. referring now to the Hybrid Teas),|@wever, is good and a long widei\ sy jate that "the foliage remains cence you quicker and ici I ccc among them ‘Radiance, which, it will sear wer = a aaa oper damp over nig recher We invite you to . ¥ be freely admitted, ts net only the|Borth of Hngian n July, ‘ inspect the stock in our Crown Brand 2d. 2s 296 best in its color (rose pink), but the|beavily flowered, and dotted with as tee flowers with. help Sutld stores at your Iecisure. Corn Syrup 5-Ib. 33¢ most deepndable of all Hybrid Teas Lilium resale. made a delightful) up a good plant and do not be in too in America. It succeeds in all parte dala eget that Lilies and great 4 oth tom to protect your plante }LREADY you ste on the eee = : of the sointr’ Bad “thrives fairly | 40°") SOK we’) togother. . evidence the popular acclaim with Nationally Advertised Palmolive well abroad, although in England} Since the interest in yellows and vafine tc honks gall gs ame of Cereals So 3 cakes 23° General McArthur easily leads it in}Rearby shades is so strong, mention|" Tove your plants, care for them’ which the New and Finer Pontiac Six is bei ‘ ap 3 cakes popularity among American variet-/0f * few others may not be out Ff] constantiy and they will surely a eived. thusiastic owners by the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. Z2Ic jes. This is an Tntoresting fact, as “penis William F. Dreer from Cal-| hundantly repay you ri ae A ae : < ; Ps . d 2 } = . . Shredded Wheat ize| Fry’s Breakfast *e| Gepecal Meaner does rather th{Hotuls je not a good. does. tt & i —William N. Greig. thousands ard’ wholeheartedly endorsing this * % : unusual car—ate beauty, A Post Toasties 2 pkgs. ZiciCocoa ~~ 2ec Red Radiance is not in the same} SBine well, but its color Afawn and mvTAGES, Me , bs praise ing its arresting ; bd * Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 27¢ class as K. of K. and other reda as trig 4 aged is etl 7 Per- —-+ ‘its long, low lines, its fleetness, its countless 4 . : : ’ to color but is a husky grower and} 2° ‘om the same splen rm as new i -to-the-minute com ¢ Post’s Bran 2 pkgs. 25¢ |New Season's wo. z0tin floriferous. It is ay ood aa pene Souvenir de Claudius Pemnet and , riabies, 3 $o-the-seeee ‘ Pep Bran (Kellogg's) 2 ter 2S5¢ Maple $4 -79 form sold has flowers more nearly other fine Roses, proves not so lusty teness. Even their most ‘ | Puffed Wheat 2r29c| Syrup crimeon in shade. Ophelia has done oe pi a —— nol, tations have been more than realized in the * 80 well that some despise it. Yet os 8 beautiful. An excellent} ~ . 3 cf T - there is no Rose which gives more light oy ee 8 with rch Mr. George Kirkwood, of The New.and Finer Pontiac Six... cy 1 flowers and it possesses great vigor.|T@nce, is William E allace, which| 5 taff, spent the Baster hol- : Drink and Enjoy eizer You will enjey yeur g gE n anner 8 P ‘: Its color, salmon flesh pink, shaded| Promises well. Souvenir do H. A. t his home in Simcoe. If you have not seen and inspected the New. Pewinies Saad Rigel ae by rose, is vary pleaéiix ana with me,| erechurem, a Dutch variety, is may oe sul Finer Pontiac Six at close range—if “< T “ ” it has not proved inferior to its off-; forging ahead; It is not a rich yel-| My. and Mrs. W. J. Finlay epent Red ; i 305 TASTY spring, Madame Butterfly, and is the a nw — Souyanls ie Pane to the Paster irtiday with friends in have not investigated the new, lower oidczs a l better grower of the two. ernet, being more of a buff yellow i makin ig tiac Six the ot 3) Rie = BREAD Souvenir de Claudius Pernet] >but gg Bea is good and the frag- Toronto. —_— of its tone ou owe it to 4 aes 3 1b. Jar Taste the Diftercace stands head and shoulders above) T@nce pleasing. Mr. J. O’Brien, of the Imperia} vi field—y “y ne “i Pure Orange isang dt lige color. There is no = i a pg Mo Bi’ igs Bank staff, epent ¢ the week-end at his to do so without delay. For, in the New and i chmelio c Fell w whic 0 color 60 we 208 “|home in Toron General . Ceylon, Assam 79%. Marmatiade e weight improving as it expands and not ev.| Seles from California and Mme H. . Finer Pontiac Six, Motors presents ‘ , D Ageagemre 59° 39° loaf - weteies isan strong sunshine. Stas weetnes eines ‘ Their Kincardine town ccuncil hae fis- its latest achievernent—its answer to the need . S$. L. Bulk i . ike many other varieties its great ; » Shaded orange, 5t-/eq the tax rate for this year at 51 need {s protection ffom black ‘Spot: tract instantly, and it is little to milla, the pointe as last year. for a truly fine, low-priced six-cylinder car. You. . Aunt : In Great Britain I found this far in-| 2® base yesdoey “4 that they hold an are invited to come in and see it for yourself. Genuine ¢ . ferior,to Mrs. Wemyss Quin, which|¢*4ited place when it comes to votes. E_B { Listowel wax LUX |krast cheese 32 1.|pancat Ieee does at Vente! paul: rhleh| Foch need. much. protection ‘agains’| in Brayton on Teenday taking in the AT NEW LOW PRICES __ . ra e ° Pancake fortunately lacks fragrance, like too-|!ack spot and are less winter hardy|),o;se show.—Drayton Advocate. ' PpReoap - For fine fabri oe _ Flour many other fine Roses. Golden|t®82 many others, but they are so \ A : Ales tn Pimente 18¢ ation is too tender, but Mable pies B paced two crops of flowers! yrs. John Petrie fs at present « tor 20 Tap. Pits Sweeer Morse is more promising. We can-|S#ould well repay anyone for their) visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Hastings, Limburg c not yet afford to discard the old de-| °O%*- the same class comes Con t sent indis- oa 7 ara Pe pendable Duchess of Wellington, ," stance, especially lovely in the bud = inet a " Wm. Stricker & Son Jeo* 0° Fa Pe PG -{good doer in New England and of 4 ries and Padre. The color of the =e pleasing coppery yellow color. Gotd-|!@8t named (coppery scarlet with|® Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLellan i n Dealer for Pontiac en Ophelta is £008 in the tall but peterar nf onion ne be: /epent Saturday in Listowel 'with (tie Lteiowen, Set. “a ° - no th some others.|2'5 'S fatinct and lovely. tiatter’s mother, Mrs. Rev. F. Page-Roberts is a coming| These latter Roses need much fusé-! perry.—Milverton Sun. variety; the coppery red bude open; 2& Over but are worth it : golden yellow and it possesses some}, { have elways considered Mme Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe of Lis- fragrance. Eldorado has done well Leon Paine a gem amor Hybrid|/towel, and Mrs. Sciones. of West Lair points ar i fragrance. | yfionkton, spent Friday with Mr. and —— — on ‘ ( age and a lovely color. on-|yirs. L. C, Wolfe, -—-Clifford Ex ening salmon and turning pink, bu’ press GEN in yowr“orders now for Spring requirements. We guar- Simple Mixture Stops unted Mie oie. cease nies oo ; “nD. iss Lolita 9) i antee all our products to be uniform and of highest quality. open. Mie i enane Lignor Store Unlikely— ie length of “ Roofers”: eavestrough Fi die stamped, making Gas Bloating many crave is alt a y unreliable and!“ q; js again reported by a gentle- CHIEF - AE au martyr to spot. Queen of - a a snug joints which are quickly fitted an Farranze in pot at ail remarkable| close to the Ontario Cabinet arkable| thre there will not be a liquor store easily soldered. No tapping needed. # Simple buckthorn bark, glycer-| Put has a wonderful fragrance for ¢/norh of Gue ‘Iph, at least not this} : : P ine. etc. as mixed in Adlerika, often| Hybrid Tea. A very lovely variety| year. It appears that only the larger) PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF ‘CANADA, £ helps stomach troublles !n TEN min-| {tom Pernet-Ducher is Willowmere | centres will have stores this year. (re ‘ utes by removing GAS. Brings out aj the pink flowers of which are shad- . pn Se surprising amount of old waste mat-|@4 yellow. It lacks fragrance but [*/ Cat Mothers Pair of Fox Puppies— ter you never thought was in your|* Steady bloomer and is worthy 21 aie" " lv Roofers Supply Company, Limited [oyitn’ “Stops tnt ait a steady ‘bloomer and is worthy 9] “eusrs. Hefley who have a silver sor ~ A complete stock of trough, pipe, ridge, hooks, valleys and sundries always on hand. bloated | } Lady -|fox farm here, are having quite an Ne London Tgro ‘onto ttawa Montreal | feeling and makes you enjoy eating, |if@ Stanley can hardly be left ont! experience in fox ates this «spring. nie Excellent for chronic constipation.|% @ny collection. Of a rich coral!QOne of their best females which Adlerika works QUICK and delight-|T°8e Color, it is ‘thoroughly depend- , 4 : ; ppen ave birth last week to two fine pup- poms easy. E. M. CREIGHTON, drug-| #>le.. Another Rose worthy to bel Divs, has forsaken her family and a a A iad planted more largely is Pharisaer.}/eat, with several small kittens, has 4 a — the double flowers 6f which are of! heen brought into action to mother & good form and the color (white and|and, raise the pair. It will be inter F . = rose pink. shaded silvrey-galmor) |esting to watch the result, which he very plesaing. This is a aaa not successful will mean good Rose for New Englar the owners of several hundred ‘tol. 7 3 C @ Imperial Potentate is a deep shin-|Jars.—Drayton Advocate. E / ’ ing rose pink. It came to us from a ‘ ge i of ms Portland, Oregon.| Found Dead in Well— ‘ predict that it will become Tv popular, as it appears to do well Last wee Mee, Nae santzi bape found dead in a well at her home at with all who have tried ft. H pos- Greenview Hill, near the Village of ‘ oe s e e rivals the h of; St — fragrance and Is a fine grow-| Wellesley. The well was not used 2 é = Tice in Mre Hen for supplying the house with water, . enury Morse is vastly bet- i ate é © ter than the ugly J. L. Mo but was located near the stone . t } ! y x ck. A dairy. It was covered over with rails : - ouch of yellow runs through th@/anq had about three feet of water 4 “ud it an er Or d two shades of pink it it, and here a-Jin jt. It is not known how the ac- f & i 71 nce gain we have fragrance. Souvenir| oiqent happened. ‘The deceased was de Georges Pernet may not be 89) formerly Katie Zehr and is survived much talked about as its yelloW!pny he 1 t namesake Claudius but its terra 0 es oat Re = ers class Ros White wees are not much in demand and the old Kaiserin Aug- uste. Viktoria still stands high in favor. Mrs. Herbert Stevens, which is tinted lemon in the centre hae some fragrance, is extremely popu- lar both outdoors and under glass abroad and has done very well here. Columbia still etands high as a bed- der but if BriarcHf{{ does as well out- doors as it has in greenhouses, it 3 HERL’S a get-up-and- bacon lace eceomeer “Tragrant ' : go about Hupmobile Like all the Pernettianas it should BANNER NER ADS. PAY '| e to p be religiously dusted to keep black +4 3 Six performance that spot aenr, but this is a really first- — |} appeals to you at once as entirely outcftheordinary. W A 2 Uy, And the more you try to find its N ‘ parallel among ordinary sixes under $2000, the more surely you realice this Six is unique in its ptice-class—in fact, has no rival anywhere save among the BS highest-priced sixes on the running. I do not recommend J. L. ¢ a miaricct. Mock, as it balls badly, and while ; ; , it gete many votes, it is in my opin- - i f the coarsest Hybrid T Perfectly logical, when you Every Worth-While Feature we vs. Neit =f iG coley aaa er that Hupmobile has The Modern Car Should Have ing. The old Killarney is not to be a reos ‘ : : * ns despised even today owing to its P i; monde ae the wae ean ~ —— ision Bodies—Color Gasoline Filter-—Oit Filter free tlowiving . aaiisien, githoonts reserve — . in sr io ry actually add- ene er Se hl aaa anal the individual flowers are puny com- } ing a per gent extra stery—ContrastingWindow ires. pared to many others. ° quality without adding a cent “Reveals” on Closed Bodies ce "For years practically nothing new |} - The life of your clothes ” to its purchase price. —Instrument Panel Under — brid Perpetuals but the advent ot by having them thor- Glass, Indirectly Lighted— Be sooner ee pomenaits C0- Mme. Albert Barbier a year ago. oughly cleaned at reg- . ts : 7 $ oor, . Sedan, five-passen- seedling from at neomparaite . Seppe tment Sold alot Sees reece soe Ser. (rile ae Some || Siar intervals. | Dust — : illustrated), two-passenger, with a really sterling novelty. ‘With me ; ; performance thrillsofthe most Headlights—Headlight Sombie pom ig eye 0... Roadeter, last year it flowered as. persistently cuts into the materials. expensive type of six-cylinder Controlon Steering Wheel _ with rumble seat. $1910. Tour sane arenes net. and shone eee Cleaning preserves the “motoring which if assures you - —»Both ManifoldandTher- fag Sve. oe Winde $1825. terms of its behavior. It is a dwarf-|} mewness and neatness ty et a very substantial saving. mostatic: Heat Control— Prre# 0 dsor. er grower than Druschki. and _ its 7 ‘ flowers are white suffused with del- and keeps the suit al- 2 ; . icate pink. t has wintered very ay : finely wh little protection. . ways of fresh appear mong the bedding Roses (1 ance. . pf 5 e A would hardly class it as a “baby mo ; racer’ on account of its great f : size, rues and Aachen is-the most , : « Poy remarkable. The flowers are an Dr y Cleaned and Pressea . large as those of the average Hy- s brid Teas, for which they are often ‘ $i 50 mistaken. The color is orange-red-| ie on Chas Osier & Sons... ie te tne ula, tar ee 4 heh expanded, ac! Siar elen ech ies 4 | : sa : Ontario. : ation. Chatillon. . the | ___ Listowel, Ag a - /fimati vobaniaas wit trate 3 | Joe Lockhart 1} 3 ot eat cea s : = ay ‘ oy es nati ‘flowers sh: | . : i at inet ve wes sf ems } a pink varie hard. to beats! ana - Ae: eee BEE a ra