nays Oi t Why not Protect Yoursel f With an Accident and Sick Policy i . This can be paid Monthly. For Instance: Bench Hand, not using machinery Cost: $1.60 per month, 2 Giving you the following: E- $50 Per Month, Accident * or Sickness. Other Special Features on Request. | a A.W. Vandrick PSR ae 2 are NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC GODERICH - LISTOWEL - HAMILTON and TORONTO TRAIN SERVICE Effective Monday, May 2 (Daily except Sunday) i Ly. Goderich 7.00 am. Ly. Homilies 3.50 p.m. | Lv. Listowel 00 a.m Lv. Tor 15 p.m. Ly. Guelph 9.57 a.m. Ly, ake Jct. 445 p.m. 2 Lv. Guelph Jct. 10.39 a.m Ar. Guelph 5.25 p.m Ar. Toronto 11.55 a.m Ar. Listowel 0 p.m | Ar. Hamiliton 11.30 a.m. Ar. Goderich 8.15 p.m. } For other train service and detailed schedule information con- Town Agent or Depot Ticket Office. CANADIAN PACIFIC sult J. Livingstone, TRAVEL | MR. BOVAY EXTENDS | HIS THANKS — «FRUIT-A-TIVES” ENTIRELY MR. R. A. BOVAY. After much suffering, Mr. Roy A. Bovay of Trenton, Ontario, turned to “Fruit-a- for relief from digestive and liver. which Were making his life a *T wish I could tell every igs Sa in the world what ‘Fruit-a-tives’ have done be writes—“For years I was m bad h ches, nervous os liver trouble. Then I com- menced taking ‘Fruit-a-tives’. Thanks to these wonderful tablets, I am once more entirely well.” If your nerves are upset, digestion poor, system generally out of kilter, you need the corrective help which “Fruit-a-tives” unfailingly gives. There is no other medi- cine like “Fruit-a-tives” which is made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits i “ Fruit-a-tives” a box, everywhere. Buy one, to-day. Cook’s Regulating Compound A pale, reliable regutati i Sold in are ne ‘ id on recut “of Price hiet ddress: THE COCK MEDICINE CG.,, TOBONTO,ONT.(Formerly Windaor? Sunday School Lesson - ‘PRTER'S DENIAL AND REPENT- i ANCE Sunday, May 1Merk 14: sf, 54, 66-71: ave 22: 61, MS “Golden Ai Let him that thinketh hb y e stand- eth take heed leat he fall. 10:12). a Cor. Perhaps Peter was given such a ment its 60. PD inently the typical possibilities In he life of Mieté phe an, both of fail- ure and o ccest. = wer to the lowest deaths the Christian can know, and he was lifted te the high- est heights the Chrisfan can kriow. His life is ed a warning and an encouragem Before siuavink the sad record of his denial let us look back at some confidence. disciples of the TeBeesity death and resurrection, ally “began to rebuke 8: 32). self above Christ} as we unconscious- ly so often do. Then, although the Lord plainly fold Peter. he was Satan’s mouth- piece in that word, Peter ignored -this..warningand..drew..a.eword .a- gainst the men who. came to arrest Jesus (Mark 14: 47) Peter had already boasted that, al- though all the other disciples might abandon Christ, “yet will not I... If I should die with Thee, I will not deny Thee in aay wise’ (Mark 14: 29-31 A little later the same night, when the Lord had asked Peter and others to watch with Him as He prayed ip Gethsemane, Peter went to. sleep. and called out the Lord’s rebuke. “Watch ye an ray, lest ye enter into temptation’ (Mark 14: 37, 38) Earlier the Lord had definitely warned Peter, saying, “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I hav pray- ed for thee, that thy faith fail not’ (Luke 22: 31, 32). Peter evidently ignored the warning. There is something of the back- rround and preparation for the aw- ful fall of Peter. The Lord was now under arrest. and on trial before the high priest and Sanhedrin. Peter had invited failure by following Christ “afar off."’ and then by ming- ling with the Lord's enemies and warming himself at their fire. It is a poor place for a Christizn to get , at the fire of those who have ~ ADVERTISE IN THE BANNER Banner Want Ads. Sell “of the maids high priest, seeing Peter warming himself fixed him with a stare and flung out 1 ourth in Dollar Volume of Sales URING the last six-months of last year, the car-buying public has lifted Chrysler to fourth place in dollar volume among the world’s largest motor car producers. Chrysler is now preceded only by that other great individual manufac- Bee turer who gave the world standard- % ized ee Walter P. Chrysler ¥ introduced Standardized Quality— and two units of the largest cor- porate group in the industry. ‘The significance of this amazing ad- ‘vance of Chrysler in public esteem is very plain: people have once more proven that they will always seck Chrysler “50” Chrysler “60’’ SIX BODY STYLES SIX BODY STYLES 1045 to *1220 1470 to *1770 yt e 50 miles and more per bour 60 miles plus—with ease Listo wel, 7 out the individual operator who istegards outworn principles and practices and brings them some- thing unmistakably new, vomis- takably progressive, and unmistak- ably superior in service. In Canada, as throughout the world, people have found that Chrysler assures qualities and values which are not to be found elsewhere and which therefore place each Chrysler unmistakably apart from all other cars in its beiee-clane. Last year, Chrysier business in Canada increased: 93% —and, to meet the ever-increasing demand, the Chrysler yR Reason of Palaa Endorsement wit 2 Chrysler cars. Chrysler “70” STYLES NINE BODY $2010 to *2590 70 miles plus Demand for Canadian-Built Chryslers Results in Huge Expansion Above: Number 2 Plant recently acquired to keep Seat TaeneE ay demand for Canadian- nile Left: Number 1 Plant of che Canadian-built Chrysler cae. Corporation of Canada, Limited, took over in January another plent, securing 300% increased facilities for 1927 production and the long chetished ambition of having Chryslers built largely of Canadian materials in Canadian plants by Canadian workers. We will welcome an opportunity to place a Chrysler car at your disposal. Take out the car. See for yourself how it settles all arguments by dem- onstration and by differences so ob- vious that you cannot fail to class it as unique and literally above competition, _ Chrysler Imperial “80” j ELEVEN BODY STYLES 4 £3635 to *5225 So miles plus—ga bersepower AB prices f. 0. b. Windsor, Ontario (freight only te be added), including all taxes and complete equipment -ZURBRRIGG & nee us - able: “ditterenee between Peter after He un¢onsclously set him-|‘ confession the taunt. “And thou also wast with esus utterly: “I know not, peither under- siete I what thou 6ayest."’ Uneasily E id the palace of the high priest d went out into the porch; and he heard a cock crow. Anoth “raid ognized tm there, and befain tal to the bystanders: ‘This is. one of them.” Again Peter denied. Finally others sald to him, “Sure- ly thou art one of them,’ and they insisted that his: speech gave him Then came the climax of denial as Peter “ curse and to- swear, saying: “I know not this man of whom ye speak.’ Again a cock crew; but something else also happened. “The Lord -turn- ed and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had eaid wnto him, Before the cock “crow thou. shalt » [deny ue mgs ote he vast, immeasur- that he had “betrayed the innocent blood,” and then he “depart went and hanged himself." (Matt 27: 4. 5). Peter “‘went out and wept bitterly.” “The attitude of Judas was unbeNeving “repentance,” which Is Father Famorse” and hapeleaaneas The attitude of Peter-was broken- hearted repentance followed by ed We know that Peter trusted Chr’st even after his terrible sin for the Lord, after warning Peter of Satan's sifting. added: “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fall not."’ And Christ's prayers are an- ewered. Net beennse of Peter'e vir- tue, but because of Christ's faith- fulness, the falth- of Peter was super- naturally sustained, and thus only could he “come bac . . Furthermore, the ia yther gg sidelight on 1 this in" Sonne ape Immediately after the Lord had told Peter that ~ Pag deny Him thrice, the Lord s “Let not your heart be tronbled: : "belie ve in (John 24 Christ's wonderful na- “where sin abounded much more abound." Rom. 5:20-. Peter’s sin waa great God's grace was greater. The “look” that the Lord gave Peter as he was betraving Him must have said all this, and more. There is n sin that is too great for God to deal with if only it is brought to God in and faith. The self-confident ,boasting Peter died after this, and, by the resurrec- tion of Christ and the descent and empowering of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, a new Peter was begotten. The story of Peter’s denial and repentance is not com- plete without ia heart-burst of gratitude in his First Epistle, writ- ten thirty years later, when he crice out ier thanksgiving: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten’ ue again unto a living hope “by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance ruptible, and undefiled, and fadeth not away, reserved in Heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation believe also In Me." 14:1.- It wa surance that ready to be revealed in the last ume."’ (1 Pet. 1: 8-5). BEFORE CONFEDERATION To help Canadians of to-day to know what conditions of life and cost of Hving were at the inaugura- tion of Confederation, here is a Tor- onto street market report of Janu ary 3rd, 1867—=six mont the petare the first Dominion Day Fall wheat, $1.60 per “ome epring wheat, $1.37; oats, eents; barley, 55 cents; ae 63 cents; potatoes. %5 cents per bag; apples, $1.50 per barrel; pork, $4.50 per cwt.; eggs, 17 cents per dozen; butter, 11 cents per pound; cheese 10 cents per pound; turkeys, 60c each; 5 cents each; ducks, — $5.50 per cord; green wood, $3 per oe and pinewood, 2. 50 per co The waaite bl to understand how farmers in t ays manag tc live, and ay of them to make money. Imagine potatoes 35 per bag and . eg $1.50 per barrel in January, eggs only 17 cents per dozen, — 11 cant per pound and chtese 1 Both the cost and scale of living are of course much higher, now, but the prices of all the farmers have to sell are comparatively still high- er, so that the producer still has the advantage over the consumer, and not much to complain about. n insurance Company refused to ;Pay the claim of a young lady who }was accidentally miared when she ress. looked too much like a teked ee dent The Way t it t Seemed to’ to Tom Teacher: “Now we all know about Noah’s Ark. Do you know of any other Ark?” Tomm “Yes, ‘erald angels cing.’ BANNER ADS. PAY miss, the one the = reth."': He denied #} “TISTOWEL BRANCH - Manager, N. L. Scott, BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Bond Interest When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav- ings Account in the Bank of Montreal, The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you. SUMMER SCHOOL, J b. Course in Nature Study and Agriculture. . Review Course in High School Geometry. 3. Course in Library Science. Courses offered also in Chem- istry, English, French, German, Greek, History, Latin, matics and Zoology. A splendid social and athletic program throughout. Beantiful new Ssivernty Build- ings i in a 260 acre Start on a B.A. now. UNIVERSITY OF WEST Special Courses for Feachers N ONTARIO 4TH TO AUG. 13TH Sixdelightful eke of study and recreation. bis. ‘I ‘heMenWhoKnow MclL usghlin~Buick Best is from the man behind the wheel of the McLaughlin- -Buick that the most sin-ere ex- pressions of appreciation experience and the judgment of them McLaughblin-Buick that this car. has become the > 1 the ws come. It standard ‘by which all other cars are measur the literal basis of comparison of automobile values. Year after year, by dint of constant improvement in detail, yet upon the unchanging principles of McLaughlin-Buick construction and quality, Mc- Laughlin-Buick maintains and increases its undis- puted leadershi the numbers .o Buick because they have among quality rs and adds to those who res t-McLaughlin- tion er ¢ and exper- ience of McLaughlin-Buick comfort, beauty, per- formance and é¢ndurance. Upon the verdict of the McLaughlin-Buick owner, McLaughlinBuick confidently rests its case. DR. H. W. NURSE, PALMERSTON, ONT MSLAUGH N-BUICK CUEN BDETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT MILAUGHLIN- BUICK WILL SVILD THEm 2 4 CROPUCT OF GENIMAL MOTORS OF CANADA UIMITE® =z Printing! The Listowel Banner