Pre b Y. Te To SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ree ict hoe * Fill Up: The Cookie Jar Mrs; J. P..Greensides, ré. Pits basta vek: two. ent Mit, CHAS. A. COOKE, INDIAN EN- caulk ‘and Nellie, Mr. E. T. Green- 2 con, . ( f TRRTAINER, FURNISH ESS ; sides eat Mey cack ae of : ‘with her | ts, ] z - New York, motored to Bi Braattord sr . Ce Lucas... ——=«d| S SPLENDID PROGRAM— LOCAL Kiddies like Cookies and spent the weak-ann® riends ; Mr. W. || ¥. PB. S$. ALSO GIVE NUMBERS ea ¥ Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane and and ON PROGRAM. pape ela Bee roe x sa both at meals and between, Margaret, of Be milion, oat * George. Ingil ‘of Stratford, soeet ; er "athe hardware neoep pried : : : ae ae " t on Sunday at the ‘home 0 6 E 6 week-end @ 2. rie ’ a. m. _—Sun ay c . meals, so fill up the jar Farlane’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.|and Mrs. Chester. Little, 10th con. esta bovigonret mm: wah The Mun! cha pal Council’ of of the el Sohnetay Peables 11. a.m.— Mnpeery, rs’ Day service? : with eoms- Of Greenside: Witr Frank McCutcheon, of Lond- srinesiann Thepsjeni-ond Sar teow ansen es sig ambien INAS ys reer Pachter Bre saturday, Attended, ners 1.30. p.m — “THE RULING . WOMs 2 S ‘oung People’s Soctety o e "At-] A , for gener hil J an, 2nd con. at- cookies, which will be on -jg| on, spent a few days last week at the/ Godfrey, motored to Goderich ‘on' 2055 presbyteriay church, gave an wrainads : Mans present’ “ware eink ate oe og ea 3 ‘ home of Mr. and Mre. Wm. McCut-;Sunday and visited at the home of bers ten 6 fun A - espe th: 8 BR FS People’ i le for the week-end h Mrs. Thompson’s brother, Mr. John excellent entertainment in the Mus-|Reeve Wm. Scott, Deputy Reeve; John Fraser, at Bayfield on Friday} Leagn sale for ’ ¢ — 4. 3. Johamton 1a. waiting Atewart. ic Hall on Thursday evéning last. |Adam Willoughby and Councillors} jast. ; 4 then you won't have to f i few days in Thamesville, with Mr. and Mre. Sam Ramsay and . Cooke's numbers were thor-/Ellacott, Donaldson’ and Si z ee his di ughter Mrs. G Roe : daughter Beatrice, ami Miss Jean oughly enjoyed by a very appreciat-|The minutes of the last meeting | Commences Contract~~ . . 3 bother baking. Miss Marian cack of Palmer-! Petman, of Wiarton, spent the week- ive audience. He was in Atwood two|were read, approved and signed b¥| | Mr. Georgé Chapman commences resbyterian hurele gS to ent the week-end with her|end visiting at the home of Mr. and| 237s 880 and was well received onjthe reeve and clerk. Several com-/his contract of putting two cement} » Ww. J. West, M.A., Minieter | 7 Our price for. Saturday’ ston, Peal Mr. ond Mre. A. Gordon.|Mre. R. A. “Thompson making hie nd appearance here.| munications. were read and filed. Bridges in Wallace township on ev. W. J. West, aA, ter. G _ f trr tT Morrison, of. Forouts,| Mr and Mrs i. Ww Ward, of Rev. W. J; t introduced, the} . Willonghby-Ell@cott— {by-law} Monday next. ; 3 dozen for 30¢ t Saturday with friends in At-) H amiiton; and Mise Dorothy MbBain, |r oer Auennee Bete 18 abext No. 864 of the township of Elma re- Sunday, May 8th 1927 Mido - of Oakville, naAfotad to yy fine: ainj{address at the opening of the pro-|lating to the distribution of surplus Relieving on R. R.— : Mule le: Joyee and Thelma Cogh-| ror the woek-end visiting at the|&t=™. Mr. Cooke gave several songs,jon the “Gernheldér Drain’ as now| Mr A. Porter is Felleving Mr.|10 a.m—Sunday school. aes Have you tried our Date 1! ¢ pid Wenk-end AD Millbank | home ot’ Mim, 35 ik Metatt wnt monologues and recitations... Special] read a third time be finally passed [J > J: biymers as rural mail carrier |11@.m—-Morning worship. Mother's re : ‘- Bn, spen = - mention might be made of his rend-jand the reeve and clerk sign thefon R.-R. No. 3, Mr. Hymers being Day service with Mothers choir. of Loafs at 15c—something with Mr. and Mrs. George Coghlin, | Mr. -“ Mrs. Albert McBain. Mrs.) oring of “A Home by the Wayside” |same. _ farried. busy ae My. George Chapman, | 7-30p.m.—Subject: “THE STRUG- “4 ; + Dew & vot “ Mr. and Mrs.. J. Rutherford)J. A. McBain, who has been epend-|anq “4 Friend to Man Simpson-BMlacott—That this coun-| contractor. ° GLES AND VICTORY OF THE a new. Try a roll and cook spent Sunday at Mone rief with Mrs. es sometime in Hamilton and *Port The ¥.P.8. also gave afew num-|cil approve of the cancellation of CHRISTIAN LIFE” ies this week. ee a iy airs, ears Colborne, accompanied them to At'ipers on the program and these con- Hydro | Blectre Light contract, of ‘W,| Had Tonsils Remoyed— Monaes, 2 Be .—Yaung People’s | provi nicel : following her eats few weeks with Mrs. Mc ie sisted of a violin:eolo by, Miss Irene! G. No. §7,,Cisea 1.C. Carried. On Wedtieeday: morning, Mrs. E. Sonia + Pp Fienat ¥> . Mr. Raiph Hatter thotored fro MpCutcheon, and. a play. erititled Willonghby-Sitips on—-'That the|H. Swing underwent an operation | Tuesday "io a.m.—The. Presbytery of car. ACE aa dive. Canineop lckesa| Toone cnt ‘aneme’ kite age saat M}«Rey, Peter Bryce Bachelor,” by}Council do now adjourn to. meet as/at the office of Dr. Kidd for the re- Stratford will meet. in.the Atwood i family, spent the week-end with} with friends Rg le a Niehaits ity, (Seven, young ladies, was well pre-}a Court of Revision on the “Clarke| moval of her tonsils. Dr. Tye, of! Presbyterian church. : 3 “MODEL BAKERY” and family, sp Bc an cinity. |sented. The ladies taking part were| Drain By-la Carried. Milverton, did the surgical work. Tuesday $ p.m.—Ladies Aid Society ; f friends in Collingwood. Mrs. Hunter accompanied him on|yiisges Jean Hamilton, Alice Dick-| The Coast of Revision «ow ihe : Thurs. 2.30 p.m.—4th. and 6th « 4 H l a ae inating, ee ive this locality, spending & week iMigon, Agnes Dickson, Annie Inglis,|"Clarke Drain By-Law” having clos- Shipped Cheese— and 12th. con. W. X , : ‘ G.°P Greensides, Prop. bar a George Richmond, of Tavi- Mr. and Mire. Jécnes Deumen £00 Becky ody Isabel Vallance] ed, ns Council met for-general busi-| “tm Cheese & Butter Co. ship-j. Thursday 7,30 p.m—t rayer service. | ED . % . ae a and Evelyn W ne ~tped or “Wednesday. 260. boxes of aes 4 E week,» spent Sunday at his home in ile ag sy Me ca negro 4 Miss actors " Ratelitte acgompan-| “Willougkby-Stmpson — That the| cheese, and Silver Corners shipped! | = friends . . any yisite weet wal Cooke on the piano, and he| Clerk advertise for tenders ‘for the|100 boxes to the Ingersoll satiated } a : =e 7 7 will receive a warm welcome shouldjconstruction of the Drainage ba Se Co., price. 16c. | = warns apaeres Se ene ae he appear in Atwood again. Thetknown as the “Clarke Drain" in. th 4] me Lon ete a orater an Bandar They {Proceeds of-the concert were. $6¢.50.| Milverton Sun and Listowel Ban Moved om Monday— “a : were accompanied on mahaen ‘ey sites eames mar, ner and Atwood Bee . John Barton moved his house- | : Bs Bllzafeth Cowan, who had oe Tenders to be received up a two hold” effects on Monday to the et a4 PS spending the past month in BE en St Alban’s Church o'clock p.m. on Saturday, May’ 28th.|dence vacated last week by Mrs. J. | The Btticial Board of the United ee Mr. and Mrs. 1. D Pas ‘hs ma * 1927, and must give the nantes of} Longmire, and is now comitortably | church met Monday evening follow- s a) ew Miss Margaret Smith suaranat a Honour Rev Jones : sureties and be accompanied with aj settled. ing the League service. * } att . 4 ‘ : marked cheque for $200.00 Carried. a e a nee Ss vied . Tenders were then opened for a|C@rd of Thanks— — AS “Geogieaa. of ater a ; Mr. P F MEMBERS OF CON 1G: yN | Man to operate grader and spread We, the undersigned, wish to, presided a ig churn : rds Mien Lena. Grenneiine aout 6 one a aggro - gravel as follows: Norval Hall, at!thank the many friends and neigh- Sunday last, and Rev. T. W. Jones a in Donegal. J Mase GATHER AT HOME OF MR.!¢2.90 per day; Ed. Baillie, at $3.00) bors for their kind deeds and sym- took the services in Millbank for Mr. ‘g Misass Mae and Annie Ineits| “* “A DAHMER—RECTOR | per day; Robt. Smart, $3.50 per|pathy during the Sinean and death | Geoghegan. a spent the week-end visiting at he LEAVING FOR HOME IN SOUTH day for running engine and crusher.|of our wife = mothe home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis John-| AFRICA. $2.50 per day for @#rading and Wn _ Buttery and family.| Special, ie oye bg servis weil - ane —— — eg an creas, coe 6 Oe stock of Colum- ston, 2nd con. : Pe spreading gravel. ee Seer ee ee pale ove € or m i on ja New Process Records, to retail @ M 8 * Rev. T. W. h red at the ap- ’ . 4 ' . this Week with ie om. 3 " Valence ~e | by che. mem bers a tpen's ober plication of Norval Hall to operate| | The Presbytery of Stratford sed | et a as Matar gorse a The fatiuded in these are the Ford's Dance Records, aac Inglis, 14th co Grey. shal aaa ch Atwood, at the home of Mr. and|stader and spread gravel at’$3.00| hold their meeting on Tuesday next, ed and Presbyterian churches Records, Sacred, Organ and Bagpipe selections. br and Mes” WA. MeDowelt{ Mrs. Adam Dahmer, last. week. prior| Per day for each day engaged be ac-|at ten o'clock, in the Atwood Pres-|are arranging for a Mother's choir. | a eee brides cepted. , Carried. pyterian church. The Ladies’ Aid of| - ite a 3 ‘ and two boys, visited friends in|to his departure from this commun- Th sarvi Sunday last were > nee . 2 3 ‘ bg ion; one ed le That by- | the church, are arranging for the he services on nday .ias 5 Hear Paris on. Saturday. ity. He expects to leave on Friday ell ded in the United Church a Mr. Bert Forrest motored to Par-|and is returning to his home in hiw No. known aé the “Du = serving of dinner. bh, Taveeae ie ois eat ey peeb i é 999 fs on Saturday last. South Africa. There were abput low Extension ot the Peet Mynicipal a large number obseryiag the sacra- 3 * Fun at Hogan $ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCutcheon] forty-five of the members present. Drain By-law’ be pe gage ad- eee lige a ecarg t ed i a levee ages 2 lg * , a 4 opted and that the clerk have the r urray ompson return . ‘ 2 a and the hous of Me “and i a. Gates en, ok Sree tollowe: songag| same printed and served on the part.|home Friday trom Toronto Univer-jthe Sunday School’ reached. t 4 ° ttt Parks, sginestown Se Mra. Clarence Smith, Mrs. Hoes jes assessed and that the Court of wise’ a — by Bg aw splendid number of 112. 6s od Mrs. N ¥ Har News ; “it Revision be held in'the Agricultura]j se is leaving the end © is wee ¢ 2 6 . ] | Yodeling Bill spilt, N: Givens, of Delisle, Sask, land’ Harcourt, Newsfeed recitation | Ae MAT vad on Sucurdag ine avin] oF Fort colgorne: where he has weop On, Mond GoshInGs Os Nouns : k ekWisiting day of May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.|<uted a good position. People Malet in the basement of the \ : Pa at Hensal! and Atha “comiet Miss . “Thompson, of Henfryn, pi. tor delerinining th } if ohurch for ed regular weekly meet- a A few old Vfotor selections left which we will retail at 49c we Mr. and Mre. Henry Raszinan and Jack McFarlane and Pearl Dahmer. any. Daa tee anid "Court or testator, Resumes Duties in London— *° ing. Script lesson was read by ; ; — - Roy Raszman, 16th con:~apent| The rector was then presented Carried. - i Miss Nina a aieAnatan Te left” Fri-} Barbara Tindal followed” “hy” the MOTHER'S DAY cards for Sunday, May 5th. unday Visiting at the home of Mr. — several gifts, these being a elub Ellacott—T h thelday for London, where she will re+|Lord’s Prayer. Mr. West gave a ‘ : an rs. Fred Anticknap, 10th don,| bag, fountain pen and box of sta- '. destinies ‘ ‘ : t i talk “Faithful- n bh Special gale of $1.00 COMPACTS at half price. Ask to see Miss Ella Hamilton, of Toronto, tionery, as an expression of his’ est- Reeve and y lerk eae orders for, the eng oo. a4 Ror a neee on oar ‘ot the pevotions! en “4g ° them. Apent the week-end with her brothers|@#™m among, his congregation. The ayment af accounts. ; : . t Old Testa t. 3 a on the 8th con. presentation was made by Mr. Thos. Coe tae niteton aon the | he winter months at her home injof the Ok 7 =e _ yy , Mrs. Chas. Y McFarlane, and the accompanyi coh GG, DOW. A nto. meet a-} °° : r ’s League i s ° is visiting at ’ne hor - mr at address read by Mrs. “Thos pare. gain in the Agricultural Hall, At: the Young Peale? Lpeeys le / D St Mrs. J.P. Greensides. | The address was a6 follows: wood, on Saturday. May 28th, 1927,) Seriously Bl United Church met on Monday even- og in S rug ore Mr. and Mrs. “Dan Rev. T. Ww. pete ‘Atwo ee at ten o'clock a.m. anh at two o’-|, Friends in Atwood -will be sorry ing. Carrié Hymers had charge of Es spent the weeires d ith ee Deir Mr. Jones, : “i clock p.m. as a Court of Revision |‘® learn of the continued serious ill-jthe meeting. The scripture lesson ‘g Atwood Mrs. Wm. Hol i i ela It is with feeli fd ton the Assessment Rol}. Carried,|2e85 Of Mrs. L. Pelton, who fe re-| Whe read by Margaret Terry. Roll | - Holman, Monkton. en “id eelings of deepest re-} siding with her daughter, Mrs. John eall taken, ( @ach answering with @ ~ oo erermeeeenie ynm ofa chur Se a St. ectemseomerone’ i b forrissn, In Toronto. Her many|vYerse out of the Bible beginning r sa The Thrifty Scot Again etention “Or dagavtéve trem: 0 nae ‘ends here wish her a speedy re- pe M. it hes ee cahe . the 4 ‘ ; / \ -overy sea céept the ‘invitation from a4 a © = SES bet a ee was stitching up the pock-/midst. During your stay as viahort *!Robert Smith Dies In j 2OVOry. the wnited Young Peablets: Leagué, 3 pa Ko we foundry. efore sending} by onal kindness, generosity and Grey In His 80th year | Unfortunate Accident—- Milverton attend a social ~ everi- | “What's Pagar sai ui poet efforts you have installed While Mr. Henry ‘Smith, of. Mait- ing, May 18th. The tépic’was taken i af ske 5 ‘ askec at n this congregation a new hope, a Mr. Robert Smith. a pioneer of|jand. was engaged in cutting wood by Walter Smith. Bible quizz- was roommate. clear and happy inspiration as to our a Bae 5 ’ “Mon, I've hid & pair o’ socks in|duty toward the work ask ame township, passed away at the}on Saturday last, a stick flew. up| *ken by Rey. C. C.. Kaine and the pocket to save a bit on my laun- \to accept these gifts as a token ot home of bis son, Mr. masi}and struck him on en aye. He waa Current s7mne, Yow. / S t / the bill,” replied Sandy. ‘our esteem and godd-will. We’ sin- om ith, 2nd con Grey, on Thursday. | unconscious for a time, and it is CW . mar e cerely wish, one and all, that’ you April 28th, in his eightieth year. Siege. he will not toae the sight of Ww. M.S. Meotix = ere = ; eins : YOU) nad been in failing health for the! nis eye Central W. M. S.\af the Presby- ——----~ | may have every success In the fut- past year ’ terian: church held . their. regular ure and that you may be spared to The late Mr. Smith {is widely known as one of Elma’s early pion- return to Canada to carry on your Rents Residence | | e - @ | in r : splendid work, We pray that God’ - Mra, J. J. Mayberry, of Listo- . 3 rin ults Sunday School richest blessings many “attand om tates — his ye wife. | 91, has refited the residence of Mry eae teas foad re rls gd : ‘ through life wherever you may ‘cast three daughters and four sons SUT-) josse Peactiey on King étreet, and M M. Little took th ript- q e anchor Lah The funeral was held on Sat- moved on Monday. Her daughter, er. " rs. a e me iy “ pt F Anniversary —{{"Signea on vensit of tne poopte of |UiaHy, afternoon, ADTiL 40t4., and} Alf Emily Mayberey, will remain 18] pemeance." ors. J. 8, Hamilton had ia —— St. Alban’s church, Atwood s sht! Listowel for Fal indefinite time, and} tne Mission study and an interesting \@ 7 In Honegal United Church Rector’s Wardet-Adati Datimer: of the United church, Trowbridge-jihen will algo come to Atwood to ¥ ‘a » Peopl Ward 7G. M Paria Interment was made in Elma Centre| ;osjge with her saothiey missiqnary reading was given, by ’ Were justly proud of these Suite President . W. G.-=M Or 7. [cemetery - Mrs. W. Shera. Mrs. T. G. Ballan- —and you, too, will be, for-every Sunday, May 15th resident 0 - G.—airs. . fais Méied to Moakion—— OP quent extract from the Gwal- ' garment is correct for spring, fresh i op President of A.Y.P.A,—Cldrence Mr, and Mrs. J. C.-Fiood, who j ! from the foremost makers. Specially | ev. E. F. Armétrong of Lis- {Smit Funeral a Mrs. Buttery have been residing in Stratford, and . HER NUMBER priced towel will preach at 2.30 p.m. Although taken by surprise, Rev. ly A ded 2"? former Elma township residents; He had suse. ove from the Old * . \} and Rev. Bell of Carthage at ||Jones made a suitable feply, after Largel; y Atten have moved to Monkton, where they} Country-and' Was not ‘so fatniliar {} 7.80. pm. Special music by which short speeches were made by have taken up their residence. -Elma | with the use ink mie telephone, so he If you desire a made-to-measure hol the chairman, Mr. Adam, Dahmer,| There was a ; attendance atjresidents are glad to have them re-j}took down the receiver and demand- : suit, we can give you eatisfaction, GEOrFY and Messrs. Thos. McFdrlane, Johnithe funeral service on Thursday} turn to the township. ed: a) 4 we have a large range of p- Smith, Norace Péachey and Mr. {afternoon last, of the tate Mrs. Wm + “Aye vant to talk to my wife.” j anc WS — { Monday, May 16 Hodge, and Mise Becky McFérlane.} Buttery, who passed y Tuesday| Brother Leaving for Southern States |The operator's voice came back swe- les to choose from. . ees owen morning. April 26th. aeny beautiful! mri Harry Seehaver and Mr, Wm.{etly, ge er please?”’ | Rey. E. F. Armstrong will ners at Sch floral tributes were received, show-: Gilchrist, Newry, mo otoed to. Detroit “Oh,” he eA yrryg kane bane my : _srmixo rorcoars—smart wot- fff ete be mension “Pane ine |) Eee eaatere aad hn Sty ih ao Her” M| Sar the ferme tr My |e 3 ; 7 t."' Music w is 3 oe pmab ees , ing Topcoats of fine woollens, clev | abe phe big none ggg = pod gsr Remeeh ot of Guest, of Ethel, bad charge of the| Pred ‘Sechaver, who leaves the mid-} = = = erly tailored in the newest fashions. orn sks capable leadership of Mise B. West. funeral and interment was made in! qje of this month for the Southerp Have a look at them. Special prices. ss May Hymer and a male The pupils include: Billy -Dickson, Elma Centre cemetery. States. He is employed with a. con- EVERYBODY'S ODY’S. COLUMN H _ es, ad quartette from Listowel. Nora McFarlane, Bert Fisher, Mac Pallbearers. were Mensirs. David) etrution co. and they have a contract e ‘ ww { Cleland, Norma: Goghue “Arctife Sherry, Wm. Brown. George Mant-| which will last for several months Ten eents « line for first in- % : Admission’15¢ and 10¢ Coghlin, occ Sim Helen | 0D. Roy eer Charles Buttery. fn the Southein states. sertion, with minimum charge ee. “ry . hh and R y = onocentns | raemen kets Metin hit | mone tee fd. dunce, starch tnororing Ae noes ne 4 Get your Groceries at he I Quality Store. Our stock is al- V tending the funeral°were Mr. and! ie community spirit ts abroad In num charge. of 25c. ‘ ways fresh. ‘Note our epecial i Mrs, Dayic Sherry and son, Alberts! atwood, and thc desire to improve ; Mra aland Mrs. Bengough. of!ine appearance of the. business = Oranges, per osem 2... 65-6 eee een eee reer e ees 29c 4 : = Hensall; Mr-ANlan Lamont and Miss places along Main street js a com- FOR SALE Pork: & Beans, 2 Came fOr... ..4 eee ee eee ee eee 25c t “4 ; e Mary Lamont and Miss Margaret) endable one. All citizens are anx- {One newly . freshened Holstein Pans, 9 GRU OR eke nea Who oon og tile andthe Yd vipa ee 2QBe araen and Field Seeds ! Robinson of Brussels; Mr. ana a jous to make the ¥illage look as at- choles. of’ three. Alt-regletered Salmon, Regular 35c, a 18¢ © Edwards and Mr. and tractive as possible, and the merch- re s 2b Gavia A apse de® “ty Dates, $ ibs. for .... 20.50: Rp adtsnn eatin le ated 25e ae Whitfield, of Gorrie, and Mise Nellie auta are taking the initiative in hav-|~ >>” ee ee ee MOMOR MO AD. hii wp RE ey Reine eh ee ae ea etaes 18¢ ' . 2 one taeaes, The close ieee ing the fronta of their stores en- ~ . P & G@ Soap, 4 cakes Cg ene ees er ee 25c ' If you are going ‘to hay: thi “ ere were quite hatived by.a coat of paint. Last week ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE Pure Lard, 20 tb pala, POP ADS 4. oan sk bN asd petSES 17¢ ; have sata eating Me A ceeds Fight way. T ae FE pon ge a number present at the fu nee we reported that Mr. A. Donley had|. Of household furniture of the late Black Tek, per IRE civ. ene aaye lee ee eek oe enced ed new #hipment of arg fresh, full of life and in wide variety. from Monkton and the surrounding | {painted his store front and this week | Robert Wadge, and real estate, if ; Anderson’s Orange Pokoe Toa, at ..-.5.- seer ener eende 75e They'll produce rae that will prove sturdy and give good pro- patrit. itwo more merchants have followed |not previously sold, on ingen opted : Big ber Castile Soap, reg. 30, yell B LOE 6 sac eee enn es 25¢ fusion of pretty b suit Mr. J. P. Greensides, the |MAY 14th, at onethirty o'clock. : fr 6 cakes Castile Soap for .-...--+6 e+ eee es 5 ee ooo »« 28e yroser,.and Mr. Earl Switzer. But}of articles wext week. ; Elma Sewing Circle— - Corn Flakes, per package ....- 6.56 eeee bees + cade otha vin eee i Fa Laima en so Corn, Mangel and Turnip Seed. Let us The da meeting of Elma/|it is not going to stop there. Dies @™4We will offer special bargains svery Saturday. é EBSEy: 298 Sewing Circle was held’ at| have reported to. The. Ree gen Fe it : 3 Robert Cleland. intend also to fali’in line. Now WM. SPENCE : S Hye you ordered your Spring Wire. We ie a tiew ahip- the citizens in general will carry = > } EGGS! BEGGS! EGOS! t. Th ‘ 2iet... There Ont. Pi. 4 4 en. m nd f vi sa the same. ea a in their homes e one tag F your vite one and to Aneeeh Highest prices. cash or trade. D ted £ mg tage Bvt hat a ess promnet Conveyancer and Commissioner j . We all to our store... tS ae ths ; veg af Melggaaas : A | “after which “the mecting| would be E ¥ ~: y a is ‘o ! 73 oy > galte ING INVITATIONS ada, and Ocean A Acciden' aaa G antes. Corpora Actt- Automobile Pres eon Giass 205, Fahot Ont. rere