THE ) we of money can give. branch of this B 8 M. R. HAY, Money Gues Confidence Those who have money carry on their work in life with greater confi- dence. A Savings Account with this Bank if added to regularly even with small sums will soon give you the confidence that only the possession There is a Sav- ings Bank Say verge at every 41 | + IMPERIAL, BANK or LISTOWEL BRANCH, Manager. yey if / AVHERE (QUALITY } \COUNTS / rs e Girls and Boys Tho # Jubilee Year and te commemor- ate th day on attractive portrait tof the "Fathers ef Conlederation™ with every loa! of dian ae Lai Bay Bread that i: WHER! QUALITY COUNTS Kis 2 Wrapped. the protection you can have 25 \ id ~ ~~ STAR {| * 4 Ba, Ammonia su. 23° ===!’ Powder PO Ca oe | @| ¢ ie@efe @efe ¢ <==) Spring House-cieaning Week z:: Reckitt’s Blue phe. Oh Boy Hand Chant 3 for 25c Babhitt’s Cleanser 1Oc Old Dutch Cleanser 11c st wate 10 cakes 49c Laundry Starch 2 tbs. 19¢ ; A Charm rsrptiee 2 7. 17 : * Soap sunuicHt 1Q cakes 59c = — “mn . ertec i Good Quality Floor Wax 1 Tb. tin ie Fee. 35° 5.0.5. fw ru mite 1Se Liq uid 4ox. 22c gBrooms ase Flexo & 19°,, Flake Veneer 1202 3c lise Washboards so: HILLCREST Large Cc Dominion Stores DS.L. Cc N a size 25 BULK 55 BARTLETT TEA 2. a PEAR 2 19° Splendid value For real value RICHMELLO 72¢ Domino Blend GOc Castile cakes 9 for 25c 7 Py 7 Christie’s Sultana Biscuits 28%. Soap bas I Smeh a. Molasses ‘3° 16c Kraft BullP3 97S, Crosse hd Aunt Dinah Cheese » ». ri: 23% Blackwell's are ae Canadisn or Pim — and Past 2 phes. se e 2 Large Bottle : Vinegar 19¢ Pastes| Toasties Z1c a «& Slevin CORN ° Baysid Pay — “ Bags Coaten 2 tins ef: Saar site 2 meets 27‘, Domine Fancy Crosby - 18 7) ara Fd a 9 Pa PP a ee ee Many New Features In the Latest Series * Hupmobile Six Until you drive the new series _ style, rich equipment and refi qualities now offered in a Six Hupmobile Six, you can have only a faint conception of the ned mechanical listing at $1910. voi Contrasting New 2 . Lene encine . i Shatraanente Manifold Conte 4 re a isha ale | ahs fe) kaa Hest Cured am Sterring AM Around wise bone nt Thermostat fF Weta is, Gens Cheat i Viewrun Hy \ Body + , . Ne Vision Vent): then Wiedabreid Cae The SEDAN or BROUGHAM $1910 §..«. ». windsor You may safely use the new and finer Hupmobile Six as a guide in measuring the up-to-date qualities of any car. Inspect the Hupmobile Six anal you_cannot fail to observe the extra quality—in design, finish and color; in rich appointments, in high grade uipment. Ride - a in this Six and feel the extra qualityin e car’s amazing smoothness, agility and overflowing zest and “ go”. McTavish, McMichael, Chas. Osier & Sons. il UR Si Siu 18 35 The Atmood Bee (Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 19238.) Published Thursday of each week. Bight to sixteen pages, seven col- amos to . page. All home-print. Can use ma Subscription rate $2.00 a year, strictly in advance: otherwise $2. six months $1.00; three months 60c. To subscribers in the United States 50c additional for postage. e Banner and Bee has the cir- culation—several hundreds more th ts ee ae excels as an advertising mediu We do job aieking of all kinds. B. 8. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Wember Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association < a S Thursday, May 12th, 1927 Editorial CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME The columns of the Banner are al- ways open for signed contributions from our readers or citizens on any important question. These contribu- tions may be on both sides of the question as the Banner étands for fairness and a square deal to all. Newspaper editors desire to have their papers serve as a forum for the expression of public opinion and die- cussion of matters of interest and importance. 4 and eventu- ” “Keep up advertising ally advertising will keep you up, was the outstanding comment of R. S. Williams, advertising manager of the International Harvester Comp- any of Canada, who spoke before the advertising club of ‘the Toronto Board of Trade on “The Neck of the! Bottle.’ ‘It is the last little jump” he said, “from the retailer consumer that is the hardest part-— he is not on the payroll and can buy To keep the neck of ddvertising and co- ure necessary.” as he pleases. ‘the bottle open, operition =x THIS PAPER iS. EVIDENTLY The following editorial is a clip- ping from the Chicago Tribune, and we would judge after reading it “|that the policy of that paper is en- While we do not a- viewpoint, we pub- what they think is rio voted for Gov- tirely “wet.” gree with their lish it to aes the reason On ernment Contr “a MORE OF CANADA WET New Brunswick has adopted a liquor control bill to take the place of prohibition. Canada, which was all dry except for Quebec, ie now all wet except for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. On this side of the line Michigan has passed an act making evidence obtained by eniffing liquor sufficient. Canada is a lure to the American tourist, and the experience of Que- bec in attracting this golden flood was too much for the other proyv- inces. They were denying themsel- ves their freedom at the expense of their bank accounts and _ pocket- books. Their form of- government permitted them to reconsider and back out of their restrictive laws, and they are doing it. Ontario found that it was stagnat- ing while Quebec was bettering it- self. New Brunswic can offer great charm to the American auto- mobilist, but if he remained in Que- bebe he had not only beauties of scenery, the spell of a romantic history and the flavor of the old world in New France, but he had cheer at the inn when he stopped for the night. He again could feel that he was adult, responsible, and free. He could have a bottle of Pommard, and with it the gratifica- tion of knowing. that his habit waa, not clandestine, illegal), or, in the opinion of the people who might observe him reprehensible, shock- ing, or immoral. This gratification, the sense of maturity, self-respect, and persona accountability in itself was exhbilar- ating to citizens who had been ac- customed to the doctrine of juven- flé irresponsibility and. government-} al custody. Naturall¥ Quebet, with its charm, its good roads, Its good, -| hotels, its mountains, and its Shien! tiver, the, golden . donor sce Mi iself and to the t NEWS OF THE DISTRICT “Interesting News of Nearby “Sewns Clipped From Local and only bis upstretched hand show- ed. where he was. No digging hie out. none the worse of was devoutly thankful for the time- y assistance of his rescuers.—St. Marys Journal-Argus. * Stratford will celebrate the Diam- on Jubilee of Confederation on July 1, 2 and 3. Fined for ttre Thursday for the offence. Inspector Widmeyer laid the charges When a bit of sunshine hite ye, a cloud, When a of laughter hits ye, An’ yer/spine is feelin’ ont. Don't fergit to up and fling t a eoul that’s Healing Shine For the minit that ye sHng it It’s a boomerang to you. A recent church announcement contained the pesren ee for Sunday eve “AV Hell.”” Miss Jones will Md aig and Crown Attorney Freeborn proe- ecuted in both instances.—Walker- ton Herald & Times. Crushed by Roller— Stratford, May $--( Special) —Pat- rick Kelly, ‘employed on the farm of L. Grieve, Downie Township, suffer- ed a dislocation of the left elbow and severe injurigs to the head and face when he was run over by a land rel: = yesterday @fternoon. So far n be learned, the horses attached in “the roller ran away throwing Mr. Kelly from his seat and underneatb the roller. e was brought to the General Hospital here, and is in care of Dr. Lorne Robertso — d B. Sc. Degree— BE. J. Willis has just re- turffed from Kingeton where she at- Canadian Bridge Co.. Ont. His many friends exténd their heartiest congratulations and wish him abundant success in his chosen profession. oe Mud Puppy— Watson, Jr., and Glen Ged- ea” on "Monday evening. caught a mud puppy in the river by the. mill. This specimen is about fourteen in- ches long and a very ugly curiosity. It has four short lege on the front part of the body and a long tail like an eelpout. The eyes are buried eep in the skin and the ears, which are large protrude. There are no gills and no scales. They live under the water, Severa) others in this vicinity have caught these = rare lspecimens this year.—-Kincardine Review-Reporter. Missing Lawyer Returns— Sarnia, May 6—Arthur W. Me Nally, member of the legal: firm of Haney & McNally. and Walkerton boy, suddenly February st, in the city to-day. Mr. McNally made no statement regarding the business circumstances surrounding . his de- j parture, but stated that certain rum- ors around the city relative to him- his business were entirely untrue. He did not know that his ate, W. S. Haney, M.L. of the city until his arrived in Port ah a circumstance which. he ald, he regretted. McNally, be is understood, has been as far Mexico during his absence. He vould not discuss his future plans other than to say that he was leaving the city this evening. Farmers Will Large Amounts— Commenting on the improvements ins the office of the registrar of the surrogate court of Huron, his Honor Judge Lewis made the statement to the Goderich Star that there were zixty-three million dollars’ worth of wills filed in the office. These aston- ishingly large figures he quoted to show the pagel prosperity of the county. orning recently, : stated, before leaving to attend ue he filed no lesé than $225,000 wills. will covering property of 00 each were filed recently, armers' wills,” his Honor' added, and went on to state that there was ican continent where a man could do so well in agriculture. Pinned by Barn Door— r. Albert Harbottle, of West Lu- ther, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Harbottle of Arthur, was the victim f an unfortunate and very painful accident while working about the barn. On the shed beneath the barn, is & large lifting door, operated with cables and weights Oné of. these cables broke and the door fell. Mr. Harbottle was knocked down, and 1g broken a kle. For mpre th our in terrible pain Mr. Harbottle lay on the floor of the shed, unabl= to aiais himeelf, doctor was — and the fractures reduced. though Mr. Harbottle will confined to his bed for several weeks, the injured leg is now doing nicely.—Drayton Advo- cate Pp = in Co®l— Wm. C. Kidd, the Jocal coal De. ‘aad @ close squeak for his life the other day at the-coal sheds. onds failed to pour out of the hop- per he went up on top of thé lond to give them a start. The moment Mr. Kidd stepped on the coal it started to move and before he could ste back he began to sink. Fortunately —_ Teviin wae passing and heard * . James Egan and his freight office staff. Among them they were able to shovel Mr. Kidd out before he was smothered by the lence tai and. it also ‘may be ex- EX-ARMY MAN SAYS IT IS TRUE NOTHING LIKE “‘FRUIT-A-TIVES” FOR CONSTIPATION fe “ss MR. E. E. NEWMAN. Even the most severe cases of constipa- tion yield to “Fruit-a-tives”. Witness this iletter by eh E, E, Newman, Iona Sta- tion, Onta “Ever a aie the army I suffered terribly from constipation. After spend- ing a great deal of money on other rem- ecies, I took ‘Fruit-a-tives’, I can sincerely it gave me permanent relief. I often thourht testimonials were untrue. I will ladly ‘ass vone writing me that *Fruit-a-tives’ are all they are claimed to be.” “Fruit-a-tives” goes right back to nature. Apples, oranges, prunes apd figs give to it their fresh juices which are in- tensified and blended with tonics. Conse- quently, the action of “Fruit-a-tives” is naturally corrective and strengthening. It is a positive remedy for poorly function- ing stomach, kidneys and bowels. This day buy a box of “Fruit-a-tives” your- time was lost Mr. Kidd was}: ce self. Feel well, vigorous, again. 25c¢ and BOc everywhere. \w ost inne Made by afresh 1 oo tarto- Ove g-gree™ . such On ed redo ot eq d the [mnitore -flaoot wont ~ “eld Eh des. 4 no other county on the North Amer-, ones oan i ee O39 LEE GROM one Coast to the other, The Commander is smashing records of speed, records of h climbing, and records of sales! 5000 Miles in Less Than 5000 Mimutes In a recent sensational test at Cul- ver City, California, under the auspices of the American Auto mobile Association, ae Hartz Jiive the car ed.20 world records witles in less than 5000 minutes! ao fy WA Veet New SS EE OI MMANDER A STUDEBAKER BIG SIX Only by owning a Commander can you avoid taking Commander dust on hills and highways In Montreal, Too In Montreal, on April 19th, a m pe alvaer! Road in 2 minutes, 5814 st! The car carried two pas eons Sain 358 pe owns, up an clevation of 433 feet! Another Montreal test was.on a’ 17% grade _ Avenue, In Toronto, on April 26th, Listowel, The Commander Out-ClimBs All OtherCars and th The Commander—a strictly s stock, fully-equipped started in high and climbed to the top at a speed of 4 f 15 miles per hour. T. C. Kirby, General Manager time, establishing ten new world records! Moni Motorists League, timed and observed these This is better than mil i dfor8lcon- tests. Performance on hills demonstrates the power secutive hours and 49 minutes—the fastest deed for built into every Studebaker by Canadian craftsthen. the farthest distance ever attained by any stock car! What These Records Mean to You You probably will never need mile-a-minute for 5000 miles— ebaker and Erskine models range in price prices. delivered in Listowel, URBRRIGG & BENDER Soudebakerfouance charges are the lowest throughout the Dominion STUD. E BAKER a 10% grade, ec, this pow- ania o on Studebaker’s spionccel ce d— erful Big Six motor carried rg ser aeapeph he ye a e Commander niictine. every-day a mile to the topin high gear! a ving wil outperform and ou nd outlive hs as car, start in high gear, The castied two six or eight, selling for less than pa ot s over the in 2a Cestiareltcae sownentiie As an additional test, seven Hartz wired after setting thrilling of The men were chétied up the hill at 10 new world records in , eS eran slow speed im high gear. Start- The Commander: , do in you: ing et bottom I ge of Based ience di m7 * hind bq whol ath Commataantor miles per fr, in , wae daguaaneemioees tea making the receat record run at Culver obligurion sereatocecesutteae Testa were made with a strictly | Cure tinl, mock model it is my | the Studebaker Big Six now far er under the ob- opinion that it will maintain any given - Pa servation and timing of W. B. d, up to 6S miles per hour, * rie 336 1 of T Sop sretin eet m ter opeen Contests, Ontario Motor League se onker-abache aubecanbita horsepower.’ and Au ppetty Ywrmeod Ay — us now and take command of The Commander today! Commander Sedan $2340; Commander V gee aod — Stud- from $16 to $3285 All completely equipped wat tax paid. | Made” in’ Canada | speed | —you may never want fo enter a hal-' ceeins contest. But these remarkable records are : ai