Investments The Imperial Bank wishes to be helpful in the furtherance of its clients’ interests. A Bond -Department has been established for the pur- ‘The Bond Department - pose of buying and selling the highest class of securities for our customers. will be glad to advise youthrough the Manager ofeur nearestBranch. — M. R. HAY, IMPERIAL __ BANK LISTOWEL BRAN BRANCH, Manager. 6 13 18 | 19 | 20} 25|26|27 i. The Listofvel Banner - The Atwood Bee (Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 1923.) Published Thursday of each week. Eight to sixteen pages, seven col- aon bon — vase: All home-print. e “Baveseiation rate $2.00 year, strictly in advance: otherwise $2.50. m4 months $1.00; three months 60c. subscribers in the United States foc additional for postage. e Banner and Bee has the cir- ' eniatios—several hundreds ore than its ee excels as an advertising Mediu e do job ener of ‘all kinds. E ; ©. 8. HUDSON. ° Editor and Proprietor. “Member Cariadian b dirty Newspa- per Associatio Thursday, May 26th., 1927 Fd itorial Who remembers the ood old days when a woman could®conceal her pocketbook In the hem of her skirt? ° . One of the worst combinations we ‘know of is a high powered = car with a low powered brain above the steering wheel. Plant a tree to celebrate the an- niversary of Confederation. It may not be as noisy as setting off fire- crackers, but it mé@ans more = The president of the University of ® chicago says that a scholarship thrill can exceed an athletic thrill. But the trouble is that no one elee thrille with you -™= ‘% Is Listowel going to celebrate the diamond jubilee of Confederation? If anything is going to be done it = yee be arranged at once, as the ay time is getting short. La = if The editor of the Wiarton Echo a thinks that “Government Control’ Ss will result in the downfell of the ie Government. He _ gays: of _ Ferguson a ‘Liquor beat the Ross Government and the Hearst Governmeart and the Drury Government. and it will fin- ish the Ferguson Government. By ‘hook and by crook, in a private or in a public way, it is a curse to ev- ¢In Plymouth church, Brooklyn, on a Sunday morning, long ago, Henry Ward Beecher presented a negro élave girl to his congregation, and proceeded to sell her at public guction, asking for gifts totalling 60, the sum necessary to buy the “girl’s freedom. Beecher imitated the manner and speech of slave auction- ef and mere than-$900 was raised: ring in the plate, and Beecher, put- : ting it'on the girl’s finger eaid ; wpwith this ring I thee wed—to i proton.” ; Beecher is dead, but the good work that he did lives on. Last Sun- day morning, when Plymouth chur- eh celebrated its 80th anniversary, the former slave girl, sold at public @uetion in that church, was present, oF co.sheam y old-grandmother, married to rous négro lawyer of Wash- ingten, aoe. c. ,.- .. WHAT A DOLLAR WILL BUY. A demonstration. that effectively |i © ghewed that money kept. in town} th eserves a larger number of peopkt the one sent to a distant mail ouse, was put through in Ow- erybody who hae anything to doj)} with it.” 4 . » A UNIQUE EVENT , young | w Rose Terry, a writer, put a valuable} Dece en Sound recently by the = Retail Bureau of the Board of Trade. It demonstrated the purchasing power of a one-dollar bill. The plan was On Monday morning one member of the ‘Bureau took a dollar and went to the estore of another mem- ber and purhased a dollar’s worth of goods. This bill, which is marked, will be taken by this merchant and used to buy goods from another member of the Bureau, until it has been in and out of the business place of every member. Later all the pur- chases, together with the original dollar, will be on exhfbition in some one of the show windows in the town and beside them wil! be shown the purhase made by a dollar sent out of town, and the receipt for the money order sent. ™ -ON. OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY. We have read many good editor- false on credit and ite abuse, but the one recently published in a Duluth newspaper as a full page advertise- ment, printed and paid for by the busineas men of that city contains some good advice. It read: . “One of the most foolish and inex- cusable of all human practices is that of making false displays on oth- er people’s money. Mrs. Smith, of unlimited means, buys an expensive gown. She can afford it. Her neigh- bor, Mrs. Jones, decided she can have a gown just as expensive as Mrs. Smith's. She can not afford it. But, with more envy in her heart than money in her purse, or sense in her head, and still having a little credit she buys the gown anyway. A man j who still owes his tailor a balance ‘on his last season's suit is dickering with an automobile salesman for a Rreater trade—in allowance on a more expensive car, A young man who has developed the habit of ‘‘for- setting’ to pay his bills, manages somehow to have money to lavish on his lady friends. A kgstess who has not sent her grocer a check since month before last, is entertain- ing lavishly in an effort to outdo one of her guests, whose affair of the other night was the talk of the set. Such people are keeping up a front socially by the whfair means of keeping behind financially — but sooner or later the day of reckoning is bound to come. Credit—inetitut- ed as a necessary convenience and founded upon man's faith in hig fel- lowman—is all too frequently abus- ed as a result of our common desire to “keep-up a front.’’ No one can maintain a $300 pace on a $200 in- come. Let us continue to use credit, but only as it should be used. In other words, let us be eure our {n- comes are equal to our promises and obligations.” ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James W. Hanna, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims r de- Township of Elma, in the County of Perth, Farmer. The Administrator of the property of the said James Deceased, their names and addresses and ie particulars in writing of their cla é6tate- mente of their accounts and the nat- ure of the securities, if aity, held by = i-a em. “And Notice is further given that after the 20th day of June 1927, the said Administrator will_ proceed—to distribute the assets of he said among the persons entit- led thereto, having sneere only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice, and that he will not be Hable for the sneer. ~ any part thereof to any perso elaim. or claims he shall have received notice Dated at Listowel, Ont. that 20th day of May, 1927. J. Cecil reg ype Barris F. taaeowel, Solicitor for the gaia’ Bitetulstiater whose ig TH then is is not a story of a Span- ie Sia fight, Tht an A hath that ps he in oe eegzoced M. Brown of Listowel, is valine Mts. W. W. Martineon,—El- mira Signet. aa Mr. Frank Kelly ‘has accepted: a position with Mr. W. A. Kibler, boot and shoe merchant. Blossom Week in the Niagara dis- trict attracted quite a number from this district as usual. ts. W. Bulmer, M abi Birr Sopel and Mrs, Norman Listowel om Tenéey mEaien alee net ¢ Mrs, Arthur Wilson of Gowan- stown, had her tonsils removed: in the Palmerston Hospital this week. —Palmerston Spectator. Edna Hallman received a certifi- cate for honorable mention in the pi- ano competition in which she took part at the Stratford Festival. Mrs. Wm. Bottrill ts spending a couple of weeks visiting at the home of Mr. James MeGawtin, Paln- erston, and with her cousin at Listo- -wel.—Port Elgin Times. City-and town folk are now plann- ing their sumer vacation. Where do holidays for the farmer come in? A few days away from regular farm routine will ee foal bag oie: look greener and th irksome: What about taking in the Chamber of Commerce motor hike to Owen Sound on June 8th? Teaching in Sarn Miss Annie Spence has secured a position as teacher on the supply staff of the Sarnia Public schools, and is at present teaching for the menth of May chiel street school in that city. Appoint Third Member— The Hon. Nelson Monteith, of Downie, was named the third mem- ber of the Stratford suburban road commissioner, at a meeting of the city and county appointees. The city representative is ex-May Ds . Greenwood, and the county ap- pointee is M. J. Regan of Logan. Issues a Warning— Mrs. A. Hardman, Bay street, has found her flowers damaged on dif- ferent occasions and she intends to make an example of the guilty party if the offence is repeated. Two men |Government to Have Radio— were recently fined $8 “and costs for picking flidwers at the Post Office, so the Ity party should take warning. Engagement Announced— ‘The following engagement notice ¢ Globe. “Mr. and Mra. Jonn~ ester, announce the engage ment of BElizabeth Gladys, only daughter 6f John and the late Jessie Mr. Roses Allan Beach, place ‘Geiatiy cart in Inne, Negotiations are now under way for the early establishment of a 1.- pete radio broadcasting station, © be the property of the Ontario Government, and to be used by the of It broadcasting of lectures, and other service reports,” grams poss! This is the etory that is — in radio circles at the present t he station, it ie said, will tikely’ be cated at Guelph. A Few Suckers Still Left— es! Barnum was right, 4 6ym r of diners therein by offering eas lead pencils, pens and — in exchange for the odd “dim or “two bits’ picked up Monge’ “easy marks,” this knight of commerce sat himself down and ord- ered a real hearty meal which coet im a tidy sum. Just, another in- stance of a beggar living on the fat of the land, all on the sympathies of the public citizen who gives credence to = “hard luck stories of the ‘won't ork.”—St. Marys Journal-Argus. appeared in last Saturday's Toronto | 1 MOVIS BRRAD, ter 40 years the favorite in Brit- ain, is mew being made fer the first time im Lis- tewel. Anything can be sold by Long Distance No matter what you have MOVIS is different from all ether breads.... is < sreater in fepil value ..... and richer in flaver. , You can eat this nourishing Golden Brown Bread ff © mado from Mevis Ficur, and Gad a new focd val- 4 uo and fever that we sther Bread -possesces. Hovis Bread maay be had from our salesman. Try a buy by sions ene | leaf of this Health Bread. Cost a little mere— things they formerly worth much more. Price l3c per leaf, or%8e per pei they had to ex- half loaf. E betare: purchasing. ae Those who have definitely ac- Dis Zurbrigg Bros. ceed =e ae sale on = first try, aa y always es ob ry aod to buy. Get the Long: Distance habit. There ara 40,000 more Selepmone prospects bed cia ario and Que- bee this yea It depends ely on. the flour you use. We believe ‘ou'll welcome this suggestion — try Purity, the rich, vigorous r—made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. PURITY FLOUR Cook’s Regulating Compound THE COCK MEDICINECC., TOBONTO,ONT. (Formerly Windsor? Banner Want Ads. Sell| Send 30e in stamps for eur 700-rcipe Parity Flour Cook Book 261 Geneda Flour Mille Co. Limited. Montreal, Ottawa, Saint Joba. Westera WS i —— ae st Mm eS DUNLOP TIRES eore That rugged | road resistance is not there by chance. That | adequate resiliency was no blind selection. Thirty-Three Years’ Merit __ T splendid ap- <a of Dunlop alloons is no guess- You receive the benefit of thirty- three years of honest thinking, FREE--A Set of Beautiful Bonny Blue Kitchenware With Every McClary’s ‘Electric Range THIS special offer holds good until June 4th. Be- tween that time and this we will give, with every McClary’s Electric Range, : set of lovely Bonny Blue Kitchenware. A complete $10.00 seven-piece set goes with every McClary’s Cabinet Range, and a splendid $6.50 set will be given with all MeClary’ s Lower-Oven Ranges. careful planning, judicious experi- mentation when you buy DUNLOP TIRES to-day. Ideal Manufacturing Company, Listowel Chas. Osier & Sons, Listowel Wm. Stricker & Son, Listowel E. L. Desjardine, Ethel Vallance Bros., Atwood WHY, radiator, _ 2ero wea’ Ea: free 2010 40%. ~ Y endure another winter with a cold garage? By it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked Taga water pump and numerous repairs caused by out winter's bitter cold. ng. and mexpensive to % Bt will tell pee for my Gee one Ey tiene THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA —— ——— It is also fire- buy and apply. f BN gt will Buy your Electric Range before this generous offer expires.” Come in today and look over all the beautiful Electric Range models, with the famous Speediron element. Standard Prices Three and “four burner, lower-oren type — $87.50 to $110.00 Cabinet type— $110.00 to $185.00 Also Supplied in All-White Porcelain Enameled Finish we eter el Come in and Make Your Choice. Before This Special Offer Closes _L. Adolph _ . 4 _ Listowel, ‘Ont. :