Thureday, June 80th, 1927 Holiday Accessories _ ftom _ a “Man’s Ste 95c = eo. Handkerchiefs to Jubilee Neckwear | Exclusive Patterns. i in Italjan Silks. os match, each: 95c | | 3 OUTING SHIRTS . Coliar attached shirts are ideal for the holiday. ’ Priced at $1.50 to $2.45. Smart and comfort- *" able. SELECT’ from the. largest wat ' A - OUTING 'TROUSERS Sc, Thursday 7 _4n both flannels and fancy tweeds. Ideal for sports wear and durable. Priced from $3.50 to $5.95. : ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR BPc 95c and $1.50 suit. Batbrigegn combinations $1.00, $1.25 to $1. 76 . peo doz. just mg Art silk. over liele: 95 Gut étock. is still Epod, Get yours early before the -range is depleted . BLAZER COATS _ are the correct thing this summer. We have 'em in the popular etripes and plain shades. ed $5.00 to $7.00 YOUR gy mg HOSIERY range in tow ch our Window Reg. Pric- Our 'store will be open | all day. Saturday. on Thursday evening and Phone 93 ~ Wally Reynolds Listowel Local Orange Order Attended Divine Service. HUNDRED AND FIFTY ON, TO UNITRD CHURCH-- PREACHED Become a Stenographer /; ONE | PARADE REV. ARMSTRONG STIRRING — NN, Our course includes: Shorthand Typewriting One of the iareent ehuren parades! § Oftice Routine }of the local nest order was held: 3 ; here Sunday 10rning when 150| ; Bookkeeping members, tootuditan the True Blues,! marched to the United Church. Vis-| Spel Spelling itors were present from Bthel, Car-: Penmanship thage, Donegal, Atwood, Gowan- stown, Wallace and Palmerston Rapid Calculation Business and Correspond- ence. lodges. The parade was led by the boye ‘fife band of Stratford. Rev. E F. Armstrong deilvered a ‘ strong Orange sermon which great- rd ly pleased the members of the Ord- er. He took his text from I Peter, AG s e 47, ‘Honor all™men, love the broth- Listowel Business erhood, fear God, honor the King.” He stated that there is something College in every man to honor, something in _ faith to honor, and something Write Box 390, The I canal for informatio < @ ery man’s church to honor. sareen that there were some things in the church of Rome that demand- ed reverence and respect. He spoke of the contribution of ie ehurech of Rom ade to the law, order and civil government “mg Eurepe, ; to * art, architecture and music. Some Monster of the greatest saints In the world were Romanists. Mr, Armstrong ° then emphasized the fact that un- Confederation less the great Protestant church of Canada and America got’ together that” religious control will pass out ks Jubilee Celebration of their hands within a Century. Under auspices of Dork We don't have to submit to error, ; Farmers’ Club ignorance or superstition, but have ri the right to differ°when it comes to matters that are vital to our faith Tues Jul 5th and civilization. This gave rise to e y (s the Reformation. He pointed out the distinctive features of the Reforma-' from 1 o'clock to 1 o'clock on Stemmler’s Excellént grounds, % mile east of Hesson tion—the right of privdte Judgment, the right of direct actess to God in ragtters of faith. “He dhowed the place of the Orange Order in Prot- 3 Public hie by F. estantism and showed main feat- wad a iat Tr Tre 3. Montelth ures of order—fYoyalty to Empire, rovinc: easu : integrity and re Morrison, U.F.O. Secretary and Lat ged . erence _ other notgbie speakers. The choir rendered epedial muic “So for the occas ed ; fore of Christ Arige,”” and a mal : $60 Award in tei ye Your Si he y pea ie et’ a Mesers. arges, man 3 rizes = = 9 Parade, Games, Races mane a? - i ll Brass . tt _ a or . i 7 Death of Mrs. R. Taylor wholeso e- = wong res meee punted Occurred Last Friday on the groun . déath eccurred on Friday, Dancing in the evening when music will be furnished by a splendid orchestr: Remember the date. Come early and enjoy a real jubilee. Everybody welcom conevession Wallace, after a lengthy aoe ‘who was 55 years Of age, was born in Bhma township where ake . lived until her ‘marriage osgeers r. Taylor in 1902. Simce that nee ‘ she ‘has resided in Elma town- ship, Britton, W k, and about Admission, Admits 38. Child- ren under 14, eight years ago moved te Wallace township. Besides her husband ehe leaves an Wilson of Stratford and Mrs. 8, Wil- cott, Manitoba. The funeral was held on Saturday, ‘| ulars. “PRR” y's ~ “Ten cents a 54 for first ; insertion, ~ min charge of 60c. etre ene a insertions five cents a ¥ Minimum ‘charge set c. “ of FOR RENT = On Penelope St., near'station. Wa- ter and light. Possession at once. Ap- ply Valentine Kritzer, phone 232 FOR SALE... & Howse” for“#ifte;~ nitie rooms, «all conveniences, with 110 feet on corner ty red to. Box, 327. tfnp, FOR SALE 14 aares putes aay in field, Also 8 acres @weet c A. T. Hemp- hill, Phong 6278 . "Listowel. EAT. MORE FISH It is good for what ails you. Dir- ect from the water to your table Fish skinned and -boned free. T: Clarke, 'phoné 410. . HOSPITAL AUXTLIARY The regular monthly eeting of the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, July 4th, at three o'clock. GARDEN PARTY Under auspices Molesworth Wom- en’s Institute on the school —-- y, July 11th. The Wingham will ties the program. Proceeds to go towards yoy cemetery. Supper “served from 6 to Admission 35c an t = SITUATION VACANT Reporter to send news of new buildings, fires, new businesses and business removals. Stationery -and postage supplied. Interesting work for ad time. Write now for-partic- acLean Building Reports, Ltd., 346 “Adelaide St., W., Toronto, Be Your Own Detective ¥ IF you, like so many of us, have thought at times . that you'd make a good detective, suppose you test your skill on “All at Sea,” Banner's latest mystery etory. A man is stabbed to death, ander water, while bathing in the surt. Who did it? How If you. think make @ good detective, your chance. today. Turn to page electro newspaper contest at the| {zt anaee hlB aed edi-| U Hip and Thy Broken In Fall From Barn Roof William Caldwell, Listowel, had a Buchanan, ad gone up on the roof to er- eet lightning rods and after mount- ing the ladder from the ground had walked up the roof to the peak an was about to throw a wire, which he was carrying across, when his feet slipped on the roof, -dampened recent rain and he slid down, He attempted to catch the ladder when coming to the edge of the roof, but the ladder was shoved out bd the impact and he fell into tle bot- tom of an old reot-house which was in the process of being rebuilt. though some old scantling lay where he fell, it is thought the softnesa of the earth broke his fall. He wag by removed to the Listowel Memorial| ™"% Hospital. He was taken to the Stratford}° General Hospital on Tuesday for an X-ray examination. It was found that he had a broken pelvic bone gnd also a fractured femur, eeu Pleasant Time Enjoyed At Mayburry Re-union e annua! re-anion of the May- burry family was held Thoreday af ternoon, “dg 28rd, at the home of Mr and Thos. E. Mayburty, 3nd con. Elma. khout forty of the family} connection were present and a pleas ant afternoon was nt in playing ‘con. 7, Lot Al-| Btves while}; a FARM FOR SALE acre farm, well drained, 11, Wallace township, good bank barn 48 x 65; brick house eight rooms, woodshed and summer kitchen; school house on farm. Ap- ply to S. Heinmiller. 99% STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The Ladies’ Aid of the United church, Lebanon, will hold a staw- berry festival on the lawn of How- ard Walker, Monday, July 4th. Sup- per served from 6 to 8. Good pro- gram. Admission 50c and 25c. erybody welcome. ~< FOR SALE Pure Delamere strain trapneésted Chicks, . June, July and Auguet half price viz 12 %c each. Order direct from t Hatebes oa week. Delamere Poul- try Farm, Stratford, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm in township Maryborough, 50-aeres in crop, 20 acres hay, rest in pasture; 8 room briek house; close to school, church and store, on main gravel road. E- quipped or mpeeaingee. Apply W. H. of Ferguson, istowel, or d Shean 614 r 32. 7- G, W. PUPPER, B.A., Main &., Bast Listowel, Ont. Offise uipped with ali the latest and best electrical applianees used in the treatme of Byumdn ailments, including a Carbon Are Lamp which the “UL®RA-VIOLET RAY”’ by in securing his marvellous results. If you are. sick, do matter what } teopath pg ea ~ Ultra-violet ray or other fieal treatments, = a ear “ooab’e ff it is cyr- able ASEM | *, . ae iaa Hazel Donegan is spending this week with triende in Hanever, — Theft o uelph, Jane ha Wa alking inte ne ‘Guelpe ‘police station temllay «& ung m vi his name peorse Grey, over @ motar car which he adini merstoh family were appointed ee coming year: President, Thos. urry; vice-president, Mel Alesander: secretary, Ty; sports com Mayburry, Miss Florence Messrs. Melville Alexan Mayburry and Robert ¥ a whieh we: tine thoes incident at the close morning’s service, when the pastor, Ww. warts, was presented gis the consrensty with a well-fill- in token of the esteem in herp giao" Rye 8 his a is Lond é city” this ae a r) 3 bo tb the retiring pastor ad.jeome fifty-one years ago. While in ‘| atives fn Owen Sound this n Mr. m {Sunday with the former's e ur ,} fal notification that‘on Wednesday, “for” Tari Teavé. Palmérston ‘off Sor highway. leche ee. Rey. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, July 3rd 0 a.m.—Rey, J. Pifbe Moriostir - 1 11 a.m—Sunday # 7 p.m.—Rev. Morlock. Rev. Harry W. Jackson, Pastor. . Sunday, July 3rd 7 ee a.m.—Bible school and Public reh 7 p.m.—Confederation Jubilee Serv- Monday 8 p.m——B.Y.P.U. Thursday, 7:30 p.ti.-—Prayer- service ar) * cy wees United Church Listowel Baptist ~ | 5 tha} “along jurricane Me inngiead beam. Beautiful éabins, an finest cedar, have been b her upper decks, On the aes there is ‘ample room, dally promenade, while thére ie-also the glassed-in observation. be used‘in case of bad weather. The Manitoulin ‘has 36 of°the* fii?) mh est outside cabins. Instead of port holes there is a regulation habe ck which may be opened ta, thé-dake) breezes. ~ The inside cabin. which | i are fewer in number, have also ex-} and - telephone, “ights.” “and mail a week during the su m= 4 noon we arrived &t a pro- ttle village, Little Current,. fa: ue se and. Rien packs party was taken on @ “the jeland to Suaitowsning nh of both villages . It waa a de- nttul Lip of 25 em: “scenery” i quired of “Mr. Ankenman, on 0 and Mrs, Jac nkenman, of Lis- towel, who teaches there, bit found eithat he had-jeft°on bh About niné o "lock Sunda to Killarney ant’ Owen's us that city evening e rd, iia * the-~earl rning train hom ‘About nine oclock ‘Su ee evening the party pacomP lca in a- |tion cabin wh aches 0 ot epprec- n of the service e, courtesy and Sindsece of the Owen Sound Trane- Sunday, July 3rd, 1927 MORNING Subject: “CANADA, THE _OF PROMISE" “God of Our Fathers” Vincent LAND Anthem Mixed Quartette. EVENING Subject: “LIVING FOR THE FLAG" Cornet solo “The Holy City” Adams Mr. Ronald Cox. Mixed Quartette The Church With The Open Door E. P. F. a al Organ F. Armstrong Minister. Miss Kate Campbell, a missionary on furlough from India, will speak at the United Church next Sunday morning ™ Rogers of St. Thomas occu- my the pulpit of ee United church e had preach- place ed in Listowel as a student minister Listowel he was be guest of Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Bay BEBE IN MEMORIAM | MURRAY—Iy loving memory of our dear husband and father, James A. ak who passed away, Ju- ly 2, 1926. We atten think of days gone by When we were all together, The shadow o’er our lives is cast Our loved one gone forever. His troubled nights are past, His ever patient worn out frame Has found sweet rest at last Long days, long nights he bore his ain To wait for cure, but all in vain; Till God himself knew what was best He took him home and gave him rest. He bade no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to noné,, of: Hts spirit fled before we knew), That he had from us gone, ! Sadly missed ed eee and temily. ” remembrance ot, who passed away ho rdechold gone, pre is atilled fre! voice wach se is vacant at the hearth, hever can be filled, No one knows how we miss her, None but aching hearts can tell. he is gone from earth to heaven, With Christ in peace to dwell. ‘Miss Mary Jermyn is age rel- bess fishing season in Weat- The ern Ontario-opens on July lat this year rs. J. G. Medd spent brother, near Listowel.—Clinton News Rec- d. Province Took Over Road— has received offic- une 22, at .00 o’clock noon, the province took over from the County < Wellington, that portion of se 94 y Road from the Listowel carner t Periotdale. This is welcome news to Palmerston since there has been in- terestg at work to induce the gov- ernment to change ite decision and —Palmerston Spectator, Attended Flower Show in London— B. and Mrs Howard wei.: e by . J. Jenkins, folowing Penick 3. ue e board of to kondon on Friday inst to see the Meony show of the Lendon Horti- ultural Y eee held in the ‘Masonic re. While, ee show muccoen Yet the p y seems to o linait pari develdp- is Uttle advan io Her ever lonely motha@ and father, be .% 3 3 ce on oO. The =e S. S. MANITOULIN cellent’ ventilation. Every cabin has! running water. The utm has been taken in the building of the beds and the seléction of mat- tresses, etc., make certain that} every passenger obtains the maxi- mum of -comfort... The thought ‘| the minds of the a that the Mackinac trip on The Man-} itoulin shall be 3 reatfal, health ra, las invigorating -holl The merry carte “tett the Owen Sound dock shortly after midnight. thongh the scheduled time is 11.15 p.m., after the late train ‘arrives in that city. During the night the boat cruised over .the eastern shore of Georgian bay and the first stop made in the morning was at Killarney on the north shore Killarney is a picturesque, inter- esting little village. We disembark- ed here and enjoyed an hour wand- ering through: the little fishing vil- lage. I was informed ‘by the purser just as we docked that there is more fish shipped from Killarney—white fish particularly—than any other} po on the great lakes. The few Kb agers were mostly on their way a small Catholic church, the. church in the village two. stores, and they_¢a potation Co. were delivered by sev- eral of the party, which wereheart- ily endorsed: by all on board? t, not, forget to say°m word about the meals on board, The din- ing room service a. Lege to a high standard and all meals served were excellent, The Gining room seats about fifty at o: For the weekly ult Monday evening nd Owen Sound at 4. rsh on the ‘ioliewing Saturday morning. Thé fare for this five day cruise, cjeaiee berth and meals, is $45. During July and August the Man- {tonlin will run week-end excursions leaving Qwen Sound 1 Satur- day evening, visiting Manitoulin Is- Mondsy morning. The fare for this honk trip, includ- ing meals and berth, is $12. I regret that space ana not. permit my dwelling on the many scenic feat- ures of the trip, the, hospitality and seryice of the company, and the soc- time spent by the party .during »Melightful week-end trip. I can only gay—-try it yourself some week. , . and Mrs. MeBride and family, ount Forest, visited Sunday at the home 4 the latter's ‘mother, Mrs. Fre rotz: Sunday aeltes at the Itome of Mr d Mrs. BRS po pebafetecbe bbe petecieepabebeddbebe 2 8. 8, NO. 1 MARYBOROQUGH + OO Se 2 ee ae a ee ee ee 626, peas 42 examinationa. Honours IV- °>-rtrude - “Phottipson Victor Findlay 487, Shirley 520, Cc n 437, a elle Biison 421, - IV-——Harold B passe Fileinger, Hthaga, N.Y... Mrs. 625, Simon Koberlin and Mr. Norman Howard “Ayelstock 638, Ila Jones Kaufman, ef Fremont, Newbraska,| 492, Jac eak. Findley oah Filsinger and daughter, Sr. I1I—Gordon Wilson 554, Norine of Listowel. ' tge’ Plume’ 45T. _ J. H. Detwetler, Misses El-} To Jr. I1I--Honours 375, pass 306. era and Leta Detweiler, accompan- Kathryn Burgess 473, Stewart Find- ied by Mt. and Mrs. J. G. Behnelder,| lay 340, Frank Ayelatock 33 isited Sunday at the home of Mr To 1l—Honours 2b, 210. and Mrs H New Hambarg:| Myrtle 99) Stanley Wil- Miss Merle Ward entertained son 273, Jean Plume 270, Merrit Bl- members of the W.W. to a wigh-!/ieon 188 (promoted eonditionally ). er roast, at her home To Sr. I—Arden Findlay Glarke evening last. Miss Nelda Manez, McLeod teacher of the class was presented|,. FO dr. Carl Gowing, - thei. with a seven-piece sherbet set. The Thompeon, a social man-|.. Primer class—Winnifred Marks, evéning was spent r. d Mrs. August Zinn, Mies Helen Hartman and Mr. Russel Findlay, Nelson Geige Mary I. Pirie, taialer. man of Athens, Michigan, visit BRET Be SE age hg ersneneneneseeence evel se Peagen accompanied | by| f ‘4 KURTZVILLK = e ville, New York, and tae. Wess Kate Petites ser and daughter Manota, motored to Kitchener on Tuesday Quite.a number from around here attended the ba meetings at Mild- may oe ay Mr. a Wal iter underwent an op- aration OF se seigewaittrs at” the Lis- towel Me or ay Hospital on Satur- an ay last. ends are glad to. know he is improving nicely. Bae Wiarton’s tax fate for 1927 will be She mills, the sams a8 last year, SE Tystowel. 36. vis ng re the (Dr) faagy avcaalt aes “Aavoeate. Mire. A number from around here at- {tended decoration day in Listowel on | Sunday. Mr. Fred Ruppel, Miss Elvera and Mrs. Oscar if rs. Sam Schmidt spent Sunday at ike kane of Mr. Géorge Schmidt of Kitchener. Mr. and Mre. Smith Vines spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Ralph Rayson, near Palmers rgé namber from growna here attended campmeeting at Mil fidmey on bs Mr. and ‘ag Val. Schinbein, Mrs ?P,.Schipbein and M h Lohr spent ponder with: friends in - Kit