ne se ot ———————— zat ai — ee a : e- , a TS ; High Climbing. “Speaking of the Mount Everest ©x-— , vedition, « Sir Francis Younghusband’ | = mpe Toronto Hospital for Incur- | P , FOr 2noe says: “At great heights men get very ite Sa chen eho et ae ms - a mY ai 4 *. aS anne aA a 7 e esp : us rk C aot > nervous and irritable. At 16,000 feet. | omers a three years’ Ooures 20 Sere aay they begin to lose patience with cne) ling to young women, having the te: Sit tei - ‘quired education, and desirous of be- F — ‘another, and the higher they climb the { a ratite nurses. t a his lpia ae ae 4. . @spted tho eight-hour system. Tho §- deeper ey nie 1 in that for men pupllg receive uniformns of the School, There is a moral in that } ‘to menthly allowance and travelling fF — 4 from New York. Forj — 1 aa — ==), AUTO USED PARTS ‘We carry a full line of used parts for gall makes of cars, cleaned and free from “-and dirt. Magnetos, gears, a . y 7 arse | } ane a vy The Law of Tooth | | st: “Se ue Ser cs 2 y Bas wee Highest prices paid for old cars arr rae / ; . * st ee fe Ps > - : ~ * - + ee a oc : . - - —— ‘ = Reet hs ee | 7 frite;.wire or phone, | «- AUTOMOBILE TSED PARTS CO., and Talon “ei | ii 1630 panes apc aie aise. Toronto — a ft according to her story. The Council | : : ai © ee Be oe ee SESE 3 ST: aieee . ‘| seeking high altitudes in our COMMON | } expenses to and fri ehot et ; . cet, ye puree. Bes et What Interests Farm Women? jeasy. It’s bound to hurt, and I want} human life. see PME tnert apply oe By MERLIN MOORE TA YLOR 1 ,once. That was at a meeting of the]. “What one subject is of the greatest i over. They don’t ge Bae igi May it never be said of them =~ ame seer + ae — . | Council. Neilson tried to put her cff interest to the farm women of your) you and I beth now it. There must| truth, “The higher they climb the deep- | == = we Ag ay until the next day, saying. he wound community ?” The writer recently ad- be SPMG: TEBE: | er they hate.” | pected ‘ oe ——— | give ‘her cash then, but Lebrune sided | dressed this inquiry to a number of} “Perhaps it isn't Madge Fowler that] it is a fino thing to find a man who ¥ cone ats , ide with her and so, Neilson gave -in,| women prominent in’rural affairs and| they don't like—” goes upward to great heights without af -OHAPTER XVIL—(Contid.) | the shoulders ph eae OF tree he Sie ee out e chees beth he and calculated to kmow the tmind of tae), Magge mave en impation: gesture.| losing his head, his nervous equipoise, . ; . ; aii; naled | a& hand ebrune signed, and Lebrune handed) |. nn fay: 3 en cdakiaasttbithn aie ark “SPya eft | 8 : a Awe ion. to A iG Bie © 2 | At e-eid yb # the build ton| first, “I happen to have heard every | her-out of it on one pretext or another|. Ware interested chiefly in help- oe. ae ; Pee ce eae Ree eee : Hee & THERE i ee neon isi ta tin * gang 4 motor ord you two have just spoken. From |pbefore they parted and finally got her} ims our husbands make a good living That’s;a proof. I want tie reason. | lower levels to find him generous, Beek OF ber ies . eatetiais ee a Py mocelal your lips I have learned a lesson in}to agree to bring it to his office the| on the farm in order that we can have *“] was gong to say that uM wasn t| amiable, affable, ready to meet all : ia f railroad coach attached to a train that patriotism which always will standinext day and get cash for it.. That| more of the comforts and luxuries| Madge Fowiex, but one fits e trait of | comers and faithful to his friends. . would take them to the prison. out for me as a shining example of |night Neilson was arrested. that are now denied the farm family.” Madge Fowler’s that they dread.” On the other, hand, it is deplorable Polite An a Fi All of them but one. the worth of most of our foreign-born| “Well, Mrs. Peabody went down to! tn nearly every instance, this was the Madge lifted her head. to come upon a man who wins his way| yitthe Johnny was sitting by the pig — vag nt Bee RS ater me ae ne ie who have taken out citizenship papers.|the bank on which- the -cheque was |. eply to-our inquiry. While education “Wer? she said sharply. to eminence of any sort, and in that|}pen Neighbor Jones passed. | ig Bae 1 as el son ound. IMSC eepara I did not know how you felt about | drawn yesterday sand V) bet she raised | : : quiry. PUA DANDASy a i ‘S ee SBE to th : th Send Ss a from his fellows and shunted down a| Jour husband’s case. I knew of the| an awful howl when she was told chev, Teores teh health and many. other| “Po you remember the photographs | lofty station, instead of looking 3 e | ‘quo, Johnay, how. are. tie DABS cy ag oni toe: exmanyt Ht eo mate at money he had hidden away, but I did! never had been any account there in| tovics are of the greatest interest to | that pense iienson took not you last sky end a superior ee sae S05 to-day? , © 3 ae ci = Bes. oF. a Biocon and two chairs. ene nat hot know whether you did. I laid a|the name of the company behind which |the farm women, the most absorbing | *U™Mer® Bes 7x - _» {upon the common ner sane aay Nicely, Pnnecig FOU, 9 ie ih Thea nok prs re oy i wr <. ‘ e trap for you and him to-day im the! Neilson and Lebrune were’ supposed | prebl her mind nt-all:times is|— The one with my hair tumbling and tells—how great he is in compar) your folk? : ae = € + ays &. Saat nah gga hed hopes that if I had not told you be-|to be hiding. Mrs. Peabody is no fool| apparently the problem of helping) C°”™ and-my-stockings torn oy that) son with them. See eg: ne post re open 4 oe en : e ei 3 fore, he would do so here when con-|and she knew in what banks the fund| her husband to-make more money-so} P?!¢F. and tie other ene where Tam; What is so-called “cuccess if in wile Punished. TM ee ze js ottanretypt te ek 3 re this katt bongs that he could not escape prison.| was supposed to be deposited. She! that the farm may be made a better jumping the brook and loos all feet? | ning it one hates and 1s hated? wife-—Johnmy was very bad this af- ee tly stroked her head ntil she had My men have trailed you, and I am|made the round of them and every-| jiic6 to live I'm not likely. to forget them. Marie; High climbing spoils many @ MAM}, noon: he stole a lot of jam and — of, gently stroked her head, until she had) 1.4 to testify right here to the fact | where she learned the same thing. She | P* week easy | ; ; ee | »ohere. He 2 : $93° bp ik eee tm exhausted the fountainhead of her) that your loyalty is umquestioned was fairly boiling over last night and) “& have frequently observed that! B@ve Me the films after I went up in|He cannot stand the atmosphere. © | cakepand ate so much he was. ill. a y es ; be y. ao bi i the air over them, but she wouldn't} is as one intoxicated by the spreading Husband—“Did you punish. him ss tears and was able to look ‘up into his} ~ «4 é eit se Reh EET 3 : : : -+\the f nan Know bout! | 7 s for you, Neilson,” he turned|she could hardly wait for the Council|the farm woman knows more a out) © 4 ; ‘ ; ied ; Sayer, = “bate Then, he led her. back to her to the cerwietea man, “vou, too, have to ibe mathered together before she her husband’s business than iis the case give me-her own prints. So there tney view of the kingdoms of materialism Wife “oy should say I did. T.sent. : c air and, reaching out for the other learned a lesson. Your own con-|hopped to her feet and shot off her| of the wife of a man in any other oc- are in her book, shown to anybody she| beneath him. The more he sees the him to bed without his supper. : ae i pga discovered that they were science will flay you and punish you mouth. Finally the fat fellow got tired cupation. While the city man’s wife takes a notion to show them lc. It} more he wants. Ouce he was happy J.’ a apn ‘ed more for what you have done than will | of trying to stop her line of talk and|yenally knows but little about her sakes me boil to think of them even; With little; now he is miserable with Good Business. The guards who had accompanie the discipline of the place to which | he pulled out five bills from his pocket|}.pand’s store or factory or offi , | now.” much. Weatherstone—“I wonder if your sige Neilson had stepped out into the hall-| you are going. Some day, and pray|and threw them at her. That stopped ee COUR TY Or CeCe) eur 7 The ind of elimbing is. that i Dee ga ae eT Rage eA Soe way and closed the door behind them.) God it will not be long, you will have | her all right, as soon as she had Att the country wife knows and under- v Why ; ~ pepe oc + in “Rug- | ter realizes, Willie, that during the ~ i. ; atarids all the ina atid out of the taska| . “‘Why??~Madee turned astonished | deseribed by, Matthew Arnold in “BUS: +0. month I have given her ten eyes, upon ‘her aunt. “Because, they) by Chapel. iinet fne-pocm Beye pounds of sweets and some flowers RS ae I don’t pretend to be a of his father, Thomas Arnold, the willie—“Of course she Anak Thats . ; But although neither Neilson nor his|the opportunity, in a measure, tolled the money and found it amounted wife knew it, invisible ears heard) make up for this thing you have done.|to five hundred dollars.” on the farm, not infrequently helping their every word and carried them to} When that day comes, I shall visit! “That seems to be what they are all| her husband with these tasks. One of aren't fair. Sa Chief Milton, sitting in an. adjoinifig) yow-in your ce!l and offer you a chance | after—money ”» remarked. Graham,/| the great compensations in farm life beauty, but I don’t look disheveled and| headmaster, who US hero of Thomas) iy she is keeping her engagement ~ room with the receivers of two dicto- ; if é ridiculous all the time. Nobody’d Hughes’ noted book, “Tom Brown at with: Jim Burling a secret.” ss r know, just seeing those snapshots!” Rugby.” He shows us that Thomas " ‘ <a —— ¥ v ty = + 1h to go on the witness stand for thejdryly.. “Go ahead. I didn’t mean. to| js found in this close fellowship that ee boys upward and onward with him. Nobody admires a man whose strug- gle is all for himself, that he may gather riches, and make his boast of them and “show off’ to the world. When Death comes, Death does not ca graphs clapped to his ears. Beneath Government and assist in tearing | interrupt.” 3 | : : ee sig spares Heanor, NES down.the.mon3trous machine you have} “The Council decided: it would never oidse Wa, Gemgen! oa 5 Aunt Kate’s steady eyes met the Arnold was ever a climber, but was King’s Hearing is Good strumen re SKiitull reealed | helsed to build. Will take it?” oO as ident’s Counci: Ma i= eee air) ae illi li alone. He led his ) - Oo ill you akg do to ask the President's Council for lowship is not always found in the girl’s angry ones. unwilling to climb alone. He lead h when King Chrittian visited a little town in northern Schleswig a Germam = = woman remarked as they were passing ihe King, “You can’t call him good cae looking anyway.” The King turned — Ser and. answered in German, “But ig andthe wires which connected them) “] will,” said Neilson, stcutly. “And|more money at. this time. A million |“ to the receivers hidden from sight be-| that day will be the happiest of my|and a quarter is big money, and the | city home explains in many cases the meath the. flooring. life; sir.” high moguls might think some one steady grind of the divorce courts. The Chief Milton had laid a trap to try| Then, for the first time in his life,|was milking them if they. were told|proper relationship between man and - ani learn from Neilson’s own mouth} Chief Milton shook hands with a man|that the Council here was broke. Oh,| wife is always possible in the country ‘a the hiding place of the milliom and a| whom he had helped to convict, I put up a beautiful speech to them) while in the city, in most instances, “And now I’m going to say it, dear. Madge Fowler is big and fine and plucky and can love unselfishly, but, she makes people uncomfortable be- cause her mind is like Marie Henson’s uarter dollars which the Bolshevist along that line. I figured the less Pee , ints. She lil + : : roy Ane. z , the wife is onl 7 : 4 iy, | Prints. e likes to tell jokes upon cane : er is excellent.” ) fhmer snp nilieaee ie oy oe care. CHAPTER XVIII. money they had the less they could) 4, Moore age tiperomentg people constantly; and to some people| care to see any of his things. Tis hearing’ 18 exce ut net even that astute and tar-Se2- : D'S Bolshevists,” sarcasticall pee ae cpa gas ef ‘ 3 tei a question. at the last is simply, “Dix PBR: ' The Day is: Set. do 0 WO. Ors S Ys ata. es | —\:the jokes seem no more fair than} 4 ; ’ 2 band during each day. A well-managed | : Saree you serve?” It is not “How much have She Couldn’t Explain. : hi Py eee, oe rr “are planning to give you a little bit , tion which was to come. : lero pater ee bia’ Sage ence of the hot plate on.a bobtail flush. In home, a ‘healthy family, comfortable Nellost Began, any “Till Se she met Charlton at their rendezvous. other words, the Council is going to a a living. conditions—these are allright and you and the children are! Lhey no longer met in the park upon ‘doi er ea) she ee es Habe the-hasbend sae provided for. Every month a certain | the seéluded bench. ‘The place held sbbaicaert vas ORE SENS his own problem of } oe Cake : : making the farm produce the maxi- The. other day Jones heard.a con undrum and decided to try it on his Marie’s snapshot of you coming feet foremost across the brook.” For a moment Madge stood in stun- ned silence. -Then-she.spoke: “It may be hard to digest, but I’ve swallowed ing man-was prepared for the revela- you ted The only portable. baggage on the last and loneliest climb of .all .which:| wife. . Pee | the soul is called upon to. make-are the | “Dovyou know why I-am~ like a «= imponderable qualities of character. mule?” he asked her. when he got ae ~~ * aC WA, ak : % SMA oe ah aot a ie et- com: AAT faves gn 26 too many unpleasant recollections as rT; pee: : . =. penny she Fe ee for ak cate ete a result of: the duel ‘between Lebrune Porter-House Steaks. mum results. Asie hs ea Yonire: a) bmitk, ; Aunt Love and truth, courage and faith, if home. while T am—-am away. And when I and Vogel, recollections which not} Many people have attempted to eee sees we choose, will go with us all the way, “No,” she replied promptly. “EF 9% come cut there will be more to take) 700 the fact that it was there that| trace the origin of the term “porter- Hot Weather Recipes Aa Sea nea SLE " linow you are, but I don’t know why sd care of us all for the rest of our days.” they had told each other of their love,/ house” steak to a man named Porter,| | : eee A Home Motto. e Pi ' You ave.” | a es “That is just what I want. to. talk) CU it overcome. Instead, Charlton| who is supposed to have kept a res- emgnede are ou tap sace of | What better verse could we frame They Enjoy Taxes! an to you about, dear,” she replied: “I had asked her to write him when she | tayrant in New York. one-half dozen lemons and remove the’ .nq hang on our walls, as a motto of Whatever the lot of the taxing au- Go to the Top ‘ i, will never touch.a cent of that money, wished to see him and he would ar-| pno real reason for the term was be- seeds. Do not distur) tne pulp Uaatl oy home, than this, by Max Ehr- thority in Canada, his way in Papua is ae ne ee oo 3 ee ne, either while vou are gone or after) PANES @ meeting place. catise, in the early part of the last cen- was reamed out with the juice. Turn’ ony. cast in pleasant places. Hxaminer—“I am surpt sed thal yer oe be we ee re I Sane its poets oe me phn Bae ls ae ed tury, there existed in New York a egw dorsal and pulp into a pivence and! wrboe’er thou art that entereth here The Papuan feels himself insulted if all made sobre oH prota Se a - Ve Nien " ; 1? Cy dst | re) < eci- E 1d Ty ; ¢ ia : , +. | AWeSTLIOIL! ~WnSTe Vas ic ABS Le bees Blas i st tig Tea oy hing a ings for a time, that duty must take | number of public-houses where ale and ike pier ae oes aka alps Forget the struggling world he is not taxed. Most of us would be | pet ee ieee is vente G the library I everheard every word, precedence over love and that it would} porter were the favorite beverages or- | ~~ ef , " a hs of le And every trembling fear. quite willing to sutter the insult. ET me?” , + I was not aslee> as you supposed. I} be most unwise for them to be seen|dered. These taverns or saloons came URED OF Se eee a ee ice, cne-half| pare from thy heart each evil thought This desire.on the part of the native | On ttn pe Glaee eee BP hear? his voice and I went downstairs | together until after the Government to be known as porter-houses. cup of finely chopped mint leaves) ang all that selfishness {to contribute to the revenue is Te- scour sine Si cds 8 “Go — . oo and. Hetened. 1 did not trust him.| had struck with all its might at the | The proprietor of one of these es- | Stripped from stems. Stir well andi) ywipin thy life huh erie ties 5 ferred to by Judge Murray, Lieutenant- | ©”: sir.’ fees ae 2 ts You had never remained away from | Bolsheyishs and rooted them cut. To! tapiishments, on being asked for a | Serve. For once within this place thou’lt find | Governor of Papua. XRD INGE S wv orbs 3 ; : z home at night until you met him. You ee Pe Prove dangerous | particularly tender and appetizing Punch—Six demons, five oranges,| No barter. servant's fear LB The money raised is used for the Ate Boy—“At the bottom of the ed te er be rorrie: ross ' 10 iri hey soul 2 watched, | , : t F438 aaa Pa teee age. ae Lee ! ‘ 6 es age,’ ; . pap pI as for hi fol Paacae Cig icon praee 7 wa Bisa of | ging Pa eae Seer ipelt of pleats A eee ne 5 8 ee poe = ~ Nor Master’s voice unkind. Givedk, 6s ak a pe + puss ath, ease : dear; L.did not know what wa: wrong.| the Reds might have learned his Sn the top off a joint which had been sent ales: te ae th me <i aa 2 Here all are kin of God above— She: Opaeee ah beats isa emt des Brief Van would hot admit it 60 tity and he felt sure that death. swift | for his personal use. The customer ene ed 1Ccé, ree quarts 0 water, | Thou, too, dear heart; and here plained te the people, and not only is a ae eaeee Ea BS = ‘ You would not admit it eo were plot,|and sudden, would be Stella’s portion| w2s'so pleased that he called @ day | °° and one-half cups of powdered) The rule of life is love. no resentment shown, but the natives}, Fred was being sent to @ Doardllin “lass os tiriz against the country which had|if the Inner Council once suspected | or two later and demanded another of sugar, one small can of crushed pine-) De seem to regard the payment of tax| School, 4 given us both shelter and a home and| that she was betraying them. | those steaks. apple. Stir with @ wooden spoon to} Snot th S as conferring some distinction upon “Now,” said his father, “when you liberty and privileges we never could So a new method of meeting and| The fame of the tavern .and its ‘blend and.then dd one small.bottle pots on me oun, them. write do not send me pages and pages have had in the old country. I be- talking without interruption was de-| steak soon spread, and it was not long of maraschino cherries, cut in tiny On the sun there are countless num- The tax-gatherer is received with describing all the pupils, where they lieved that you loved this country as| cided upon. The ex: took a tax! tO) pofore epicures throughout the city bits. bers. of markings, to which the name! cheers, and exemption from the tax | come from, and wheat clets they are much ay I did. Had I known that you| the edge of town and there dismissed) — oo. asking for porter-house steaks,| Cherry Ice Cream—This recipe) Of “Tite grains” has been given, be- | is bitterly resented. in, because I really shall not have time and butchers, learning the secret cf makes one gallon. Wash one and one-! cause of their resemblance to those The tax-collector had finished his | read it all. would have turned you over to the! machine around and was on his way i 4 | a law myself. Don't shrink from me,|back to the city, a big touring car, the cut, adopted the term themselves. | half pounds of cherries and remove ae dear. I love you. I will always love| driven by Alfred Graham, drew up, i aa 1 the stones. Place in a saucepam and ’ :y ‘ou, no matter what you have done.| paused only long enough for the girl Did You Ever See a Deal add one.and one-half pounds of sugar, | Miles across, and are noteworthy for;another place. His carriers — well the rapidity with which they change | ahead, he was resting by the road, aca were breaking your pledge to her [| it. When the driver had turned the objec work in one village, and, in pouring A few weeks later his father re- They measure between 400 and 500/;ain, was proceeding on his way to ceived the following letter: “Dear Father.—S.0.S., $, R.S.V.P.—Fred.” A . cu are the father of my children.|to step on. board and was off again Tree? Cook very slowly until the cherries| |”, : bi But 1 cannot and Iwill not raise those| like a shot, to prowl along slowly upon : ‘ are soft: Cool and then rub through| ‘e!r Shape ne Pear OR: when he was overtaken by a breath- 70: Ehp: MARS ee en chiléren on money Which is not right-| lightiy travelled roads, while Stella} Canadians whose country oweS 80), coarsa sieve This restlessness can be observed | jess native, who tendered him £5, ex The Hennessy twi rere } i "th | Marries 'etven ‘4 Chariton talked. When they had| much to wood, should pride them- Rees. oe Peae. Hak ie Wee the tad 2oe biel! “Eeighborhood. on the jacana fully ours, money which was given for| and Chariton talked. pila ek deed Wane EaLORE fx SOE Eee ee Place three pints of milk in a sauce in a telescope of even moderate power. | plaining that it was the tax for himself | the whole neighborhood ti Bick © the purpose of harming our country. finished Graham would drive them to}selves on knowing what the different, Thee. sane<"! rheir profusion on the sun’s hot and : wens Nei oe er a are ype Dene. eradaniting acs tae seg ee: se aed a ) IT will it +f d I will|a little t ag tN il- +7, ' pan and add one-half cup of corn- é and four other men. ‘Holy sufferin’ cats!” exclaimed will wait for you, dear, an will| a little town upon an interurban rail-| timber terms mean. Sometimes per-| ,4; : ; glowing surface gives it quite a mot | , : , starch. Dissolve the starch and bring | 2’°CY™ J a mot-| The messenger said that they had| Mrs. McTavish, “what do you boys ees work my fingers to the bone to give|road. On its edge, the girl would) sons speak of a certain article as made ; ig Sew , Sopa in? : my children and your children all the| alight and walk to the station where} o,¢ ro Gia: Meer are aakod Ea AS to a boil. Add yolks of three eggs and ew iden tartan meee nag pete is an|peen away trading, and, on returning | think you’re going to be when you advantages which they wou'd have: he would take a train back to the kind OF thot Anat i eau a. ; ‘ ; ake dessa iant speck of light when | and finding the tax-gatherer gone, his} row up anyway?” had otherwise.” (city. Charlton and Graham would re- Ke : * gi Xe ! are at a loss. a high-powered telescope is brought to| cgmpanions had deputed him to find And with the promptitude of per- Dry-cyed, she heli his eyes with her|turn by motor. The latter part of the s a matter of fact deal is not a kind bear upon them. the official and pay the tax. fect conviction came the joint reply: own. while she waited for him to re-| scheme Charlton explained as coon as of tree but a piece of wood. Aboard | +.c7ine can and pl : : So dazzlingly bright are they, in- lac ; tice 4 SInigh men.” oor : Sa Mies PS : Y : ZANE | place in the freezer. ’ The collector explained that he Irishmen. ply. Suddenly the man’s head sank| she was seated by his side in the car.| is one inch thick; a plank, two inches | wu.) frozen to a soft mush, add stiff deed, that it is believed they are the! eoyld not take the money, as all hi raion to the table beside him and Chief Mil-| “It’s rather rough on you, sweet-| thick; and a deal, three inches thick. |). 4), te hit ¢ SH, BOC St |tops of columns of white-hot gas ris- | p; ae 1 ‘euies a : A Chéert ton’s ears told him that great sobs) heart,” (he whispered the last word; The word is not used in the lumber y beaten whites of eggs and one cup ing from deep down in th ‘s i sheila cai Sanh SL ee ae qqrtah i reeect Sec ae . D © sun's in-|eyen if it were otherwise, receipts| A recently enlisted soldier was walk- one-half cup of sugar. Beat to blend and then beat in very slowly the pre- pared cherry pulp. Turn into the of whipped cream. Give a few turns were wracking ‘his frame, lest Graham overheard), “but it’s best) trade in the States, and in Canada it | aie Then Neilson raised his head again| that we take no chances. Now 20} jg ve < AiR to blend and then remove the dasher pari could not be issued in heavy rain. The|ing post for the first time 2 Bar is chiefly used in connection with the The “best photographs of th Bt e first time. A-edark ee and faced her. ; ahead and tell me all you know.” shipment of timber to Great Britain and pack. Allow to stand for two Dp & py 0 S € Sun | native was greatly distressed. form approached him. “Halt!” he : eh “My wife,” he said, taking her face; Graham had throttled down the en-| + ig shipped in this form b es it ic hours to ripen. Use three parts of show these amazing grains” to con-| The tax-collector then suggested | cried in a threatoning tone. “Who are~ * oer, between his hands and kissing her full| gine until it was barely audible, for ees rm pecause it 8} ice to one part of salt for freezing sist of a collection of smaller “grains,” | that the five names should be scratch- oi , . : a convenient size for certain British vain or “granules,” as they are known t é beds , Nn tO;ed on his tin match-box with a pen- “The officer of the day.” on the lips, “you have taught me to-| it was thought best that he should “@ay a lesson that I can never forget.| hear the entire conversation iin case | woodworking industries. Since deals science. The “granules” do not mea-| Knife, and the receipts sent later. The “Adva 4 A >». © , 4 sh [= c . }. F ( fé nce, The Reason. You have shown me as courts, and|anything went wrong and Charlton | are chiefly made from spruce, balsam | sure more than ten or twelve miles ive: tok 7 juries, and judges, and ivot bars can! was unable to make a prompt report to| fir, pine, and sometimes hemlock, a Madge rushed upstairs as if she| across. pagettes Sean bab _ i stage OF tne The officer of the day advanced, but : n2ver chow, just what I have done. T Chief Milton. : secondary use of the word in Hngland were storming an . enemy—upstairs, Se difficulty with be before he had proceeded half a dozen : go to Prison joyfully to pay the debt) | “The day of the big doings is set,’| is to Indicate some kind of “soft” wood | &FOss the hall and straight into Aunt} Norwegian women have a daily PT a steps the sentinel again cried, “Halt!” z aes I owe, to expatiate in hard labor and| began Stella. “Tt ig next Friday, only why, nee oe mare 8 Kate’s room. “ ge Pee ae aes | 3 Canadian Airmen Protect “Trig is the sece ‘ P we ee. embrés thé wronds that I have spon:| three day eh vee i or wood from a coné-bearing tree. In om. “Aunt Kate?” she cried.| newspaper all of their own, and no ® nd time you have £ Pes cant Take the nfones and seve Ht to| abe Secant ben Second isa Veil, Canada, however, the word is not.used “Yes, chile ?/ man can have anything to do with the Forests. halted me,” cbseryed the officer. a ise th: Government. Let it be used for| son and Lebrune got away with all its in this sense and “deal” always means “Why don’t people like me? I’ve|issuing of the sheet. The money to} Airplanes were used in the latter hoe are you going to do next?” Be ie b-tling and blasting its enemies, the, funds, and it has heen décided to strike|® Piece-of wood-of-a certain thick- come to you because I know: you’l! tell| start the paper was left for that pur-| part of last season in patrolling Do-| |, sh oka da mind, My orders are to > eo men and women who duped me into| with all its strength at once before| Ress ~~ —- me the truth. Don’t try to let me down | pose by a wealthy woman. ninion forést reserves in the West call Halt three times and then | » ee ; believing that they and I cou'd make} the men ‘who have been promised large or ‘ eae and the experiment will be continued | §2°°% a better country than this already is.|sums for their part begin to demand Toston vuker —ooooeeee land developed this season. . This is en Z I will give you a list of the banks in| their money. If all should go off ac- “> ntegrity. | d | . cae ina Tatoat mebhod of vu CAP ne 4 ‘ Easily Remembered. . 7 ® which it is deposited and I will write| cording to schedule, which we know|. In the -world-of-things created, In-}. / uyiames all ell rgin will be Sablaabd: PT ie te ad anergy voices were heard as the mid oye out the orders which will turn everyjit is not going to do, the Council fig-| tegrity is enduring. / bs pincer ae ee “: } ah ice oF night er hie oes dopants ey CENT -eent of it over to you to do with what/ ures on getting enough money in its| The pyramids have been beaten up- a : ; planes, aunches, and railway, nee ae one WPS about to start. you say is bert, hands to pay off. If the plains should| on by the hot sands of 5,000 years. METCALF MANSFIELD ve oc podes, “ on Loot. Hundreds cf tet y ou, cried the attendant, “But the monthly cheque which the | fall through, as the fat president re-| Their edges have crumbled, their sides Variation—Metcalfe. Waltation’ Nagel Abana miles of telephone lines have been cto the carriage door, “this is a | trust company will turn over to you! marked, the Council doesn’t care! ,., oe eas +4 me ; tain-——Welsh es : te: § erected on Dominion forests to give | eep'ng-carriage, and you can’t tread y pt be | | are defaced, but still they stand, their | Racial Origin—Welsh. Racial Origin—Anglo-Saxon ie nt Or cee : ; oo 4g clean money. I earned it in the! whether the L.W.W. ‘leaders ever get), i AE : : quick communicatoion between look-| im it without a special ticket,” ay rT ae ie : Page oe ” Integrity untouched. Source—A locality. Source—A pl! Z & : z ae ' husinoss, and I laid it aside for you; their money. 2 In th 14 cient ae OES ; place name, also an occupa-| out stations and forest headquarters. Begorra, I ‘had a ticket!” Me aie antl ns apa pies { eee leave EN re. ea hc a of adh po aR ia pei Aerie! S ape fy be Hcy ie Pie Zo tion. ° Lockout men stationed on mountain} “Where is it?” | you, did not think then that any-| I'll bet is a quick way of describing)” * CRST SY Or. va allmark .of | origin of this family name 2 Sor The fs es af Manatiald comes | peaks or high towens se: r 5 “I’ve lost it,” replie . Tri ¢ thing besides Ceath ever would cause what must have been a riot when the| steatness. Temptations to evade! that is often met with an attempt to fe : ths eR Fetes ahive afoughout™ the ere cas abet who wae silanes a ee a ce me to leave you; .The other money I Council met,” grinned Chariton. agreements, to cheapen quality, to| explain it by a fanciful story woven Wostond of ene gend im warning tS bas portage ae HF we on've te I , nas Soe did not fix so you could get. Deep in Stella laughed at the recollection| place personal favor before impartial | around the apparent elements of which Rg oo , of the same name, Its. first iinien ths | fi “te 2 mi Hist. ign of to 1 Hadrian? ( nae the misfortune my heart I did not want you or the| that evoked. justice—all these can beat steadily | the name is supposed to be conpound- use as a surname, of course, was to 1oke, that fire-fighters may be sent | % tose your ticket, perhaps you can ‘ chilcren ever to have-to spend a cent| “Riot is a mild word,” she replied.| upon it, yet it will stand stanch and | ed | designate the place from which the in-|®t once to the spot. Where there are rerhember your berth?” of it. for it was tainted, as you say,|“For a moment I thought the fat man aaa a iat | ..:, | dividual had come, and later, from | 2° telephéne Hnes a system of flash-| There was an interval of silence, ta ani I feared that the sorrows of wo-| was going to swell up and burst. The Maer teak | ; This tradition has it veoh a cel i «which his ancestors had come. light signallin® using heliographs by Paddy evidently employing his biti: S44 men and the tears of little children—j} news was broken by a woman member egrity is the measure of a busi-| strong man, having had an encounter r day and lanterns by night; bh: sy | Ing powers ac " : : hae at ‘ : The name of the town is ancient , y night, bas been ' a: the things which it was intended to| of the council. Seems like she had ness; compromise ever so little and|with a bull, in which he finally con ses Se ; tl worked out” So far ds the tande i ‘Ohh bar Jabora: thatla Aleem b whats buy--would be the sorrows and tears been given a cheque for five hundred honor is’ dimmed and reputation fades | quered, explained laconically that he |C™ "08 Ove os Si antares it ead abl srmit tl onan A er Sah Beata en ea ie Oe ae yen | a ; 5 i“ ae eRe ibs ial rf ap 3 “Manrian” in the tongue of the Anglo- e permit the most modérn methods | ©*C/4imed at last. “I was born on the ee of my ehiteren. ‘That Is alll. doViars signed by Lebrune and Neilson , @way. had “met a calf. & a apa HE ad shang EMP Ci iieatyaixen oh P as A ‘moment later the door swung| weeks ago and thadn’'t cashed it, or —~—— Actually the family name of Metcalf Saxons meant to trade or traffic, and)... Coat resource . sarge 3 OF SOON ae ans ba open, and Chief Milton confronted| even tried to, until yesterday. There The Foolish M is. one of those which have been adopt- this has given us the first syllable of | , bee? sources, In the Dominion 3 ~~ 9 ne De. them. He crossed the rcom and upon was something funny about that, too, © © OONS an. ed as indicative of the Jocalitles in the place name, “Field,” of course, is si fetus : -* Wilhelmi mr. T vei er sia —— siden | Carbs ROE | There was a man in our town, which: the first bearers’ of the sun- synonymous with the modern word. C d ~~ ao —_ eet ; ee LD «2S ip. vt eae ieee te each And he would never leaen; names lived. And its origin ts traced But in the olden times it also had a ana > aoe Great Fevest Queen Wilhelmina, who for years. ssid | He went upon a fishing trip special, restricted meaning, indicati Cae has: never left Helland, is planni “st as : to Wales. 3 g, indicating _» “Fantry. | , is planning a We | Purity.Quatity.Economy And ah is camp-fire burn. The original Metcalfs were dwellers | * place of trade, a fairground. And| ga," nt ry three weeks’ boat trip to the Norwe- oe | tani this was, in the ancient days, a trad ada has much land too rocky or gian fjords this summer, says a des- oe 2 Oh iftl Pes in, or near a spot called anciently “the |. 1BYS, B | *f tS sandy to. grow. far ; Re li e coinbination of pttrity- , swiftly spread that forest fire alli of the Shuteh” (© the Gymric | ine centre. ty | an ay 40 81 arm crops, but just| patch from The Hague. She will ¢ And many homes it burned, Heiediives ce Ss suited to the growing of forest trocs,! travel incognita oy 2 5 i quality and economy And from that little fishing tri te ; _, Derivatives...of this Saxon word |If this land is kept in forest it will —+ 2 i SN boaiae made Mavic Bakin That man had ne’er Be et In the Welsh the word “medd” indl- Sak oa: appear to bo among those | help our farmers, manufacturers, mer-| ~ A camel can find sufficient fo Peas Pa oe 3 | ed. ss | cates: a valley, more specifically a lit- which survived’the tidal. wave of | chants, carriers ua, » ay : icient Lood . th . “> zh : , carriers and workin, whe 7 imal wi ee + i py adr Friends fa hee tle vale, and bo: tt variously a | French which the Normans . spread if the forest is destroyed ies tats = See gene ee starve. 1 “ ion of Canada. . | . —__siiontten eet, chaticel or-ittie churclg it the | Over Engiafid, for in the period fol-| be desert: : Pe inp mains sik. 3 . | ; | | ; come a barren desert, strean | aoe Posi ly contains no! Frieads, in every human heart ancient form had been adhered to in| lowing, when many of the old Saxon | dry up, and business and cad eebry ve o : ae Te Behe i alum or other in urious That beats beneath a breast, tha development of the name, rather | words came to the surface again, there | be injured. The chief ft Sse as . Os Sgt —There is sll as t | iy : . a. ee ee 5 ee a Sate , oe of our) . ) Re ee : r il a secret part than an unconscious approximation of | are found the words “manser man- | fo ; | edt eed RB ( ea” tubstitutes.’ * Where truth alid goddnézs rest Bnglisl ds’ in the An licized for sell” and “mancipl indi Ne orests is fire. Most fires are caused RBAKBY SELLS THEM: USED i b are pe i JW SS hy Mnglish words in the Angiicize orm, ; © nanecip e@,” ndicating by carelessness. Therefore let il cars of all types; all cars sold SED. Be 4 | AKIN J : ts use insures perfect , 4 HH Jewels of surpassing worth f » thie name to-day might more properly tradesmen specially skilled in buying gO into the forest be careful ae ie ben's oF Rese ‘up to 800 miles,.or test ee es i: : POWDER satisfaction. ; Woeatan Lie waiting you to bring | Be spelled “Medealf.”. mien ears rather than selling. They were, in | a "| @OCA order as rey i pe Bar en apais won | a ve el aie “Costs | . Them to the light of men and earth But though of Welsh origin, it is | short, the “purchasing agents” of those The British Museum contains 2,700! Py RE eit POM ae mm. CONTAIR TAINS | a if . no more than the | If you but eenck: the spring. more than likely that the name’s prin- | days, in the service of big institutions complete Bibles written in all lan-| ry - look them. ori ee nak ae os ee ii | ordinary kinds”. 7 : SRT TT Senne __ | eipal development England. and large households of the more im-} guages. inapection, Veer Weer ee ive for — Pi? Batt ap as in Ca oe | P araguay 18 experimenting with) Certainly it would never have been | portant nobility. And from these It is necessary for telephone oper- band. id sabe beer dere. ee Fi E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED the cultivation of Chinese tea) used by a person still living in the lo- | words denoting occupations have come | ators in Egypt to be able to speak ¢oa as bese ce Used Car Market : f winntrea .. TORONTO,CAN. mowrnzar gee - aaa, pe variety at least being|cality of that name, unless he were the family names of Mansell and Man- | English, French, Italian, Greek, and |. ee 2 - Soronts mee x we | giitest i, ae readily acclimated. i, ee own : A sgh ~ hapa Sno Sa i ra : —" — ie EOS oe es. Se pei ¢ va sie et Oe [the owner or overlord of the section, | Ser caf te gaa as x) PArabie be. eet See Se ISSUE No. 29-21. “wee - eS Se oe roe et Se a AS eA ST =