a a et - , Ss gat GE GG © COE he) EOS. a oe s=l| PIL UAILT HOLE o& ‘The spirit of unity in any community tends toward its growth. The law of averages will prove that Milverton ard com- : : Re | inet sR: n you < te therefore we laurch in an educational way _ THE MONKTON TIMES — ™~ Sif es ih ee aR NER se | EVERY THURSDAY MORNING y oe ate =a ‘ghatiela Graken : = » os ee t <a k: Pd A cy . | |: ‘The Sun Printing Office |rae sunpay SCHOOL LESSON| ear eet | Main Street Three Years of Suffering Quickly : MILVERTON, ONT; | —e0 LY 47: The Conversion of Saul, Acts 9: 1-19.) | Balleyss bi FaUIE omar: / : Golden Text—1 Tim. 1: 15. i vertisements without specific i aR nama tem : | Connecting Links—Though Paul| koe | Wiforbid and charged acs; Connecting Links—Thoug! ul) . Mil be inserted until forbid-and charge" | was seeking to find the true way of|°. Changes for contract advertisements must | life as a Pharisee in strict observance | — ‘Ue ta the office by noon Momiay, ‘s of We Ee and ‘thought he was serv- > MALCOLM MacBETH, _ |ing God in persecuting the Christians, 6 tase the Publisher end Proprictor. |he was not hap) y. He pes oe ae if ee, | oes one ~ | experience of that period of - 1is life) {& SSSR Ae Re eet ow. OF 608k be 5b Busi SCANS | the seventh chapter of the Epistle! [1 G9 pee | |p Place in town to get it is at my SuUSInNesSS -\to the Romans, an experience of dis-| [ae Geass = 3 | if ad Tt will be a service well — —==|couragement and defeat leading al-| |: Rane Ses “« et i to you, I also maintain : most to despair. The commandment! [ge.)< : Se | jae ane hall where you can ——.| (or law) “which was ordained to life,”| [os eee es _ | 47 Spend a pleasant and inexpensive this, he says, he “found to be unto _ | ume. M. H. Bundscho, Barber. death.” For the law continually set) — sees: ae ere | before him ideals, which he could not ee a reach up to, and was a continual re-| * minder of his faults, his errors, and hig shortcomings. The law was holy, ta sath, and good, but it meant death Hin, He found a conflict within him be- tween good and evil. For, he says, “that which I do I know not; for not what I would, that do I practice; but what I hate that Ido” — | “For the good which I would I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I practice.” From this conflict he found no way of escape. Evil seem- ed to triumph. He was being brought} ‘into captivity to:sin. But when, in despair, he cries out, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me?” the ‘answer comes, “Jesus Christ.” And so, he says (8: |“What the law could not do,” . | Christ did.. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ. Paul must have been impressed by}. the speech of the martyr, . Stephen, which he had heard, and by the heroic and patient courage with which. he met his death. He must have met and heard the testimony of many other Christian men and women. While he carried on his work of fierce persecu- tion this leaven must have been work- ing in his mind and heart. The climax of the conflict was reached on the way to Damascus, and. Paul's, great.-de- ‘eiston was made then and in the days that followed. - 9: 1-2. Desired of hira letters. The high priest was still the chief magis- trate of the Jewish. people, and ~ his authority was recogrizéd by Jewish: communities even outside of: Palestine. Though subject to» Renie; these. Jewish communities were allowed a large measure of freedom and self-govern- ment, and Jewish magistrates appear ta have bag, at certain times and places, munity s merchants can give you better values than you can get elsewhere, rg +} Subscription rates:—One year, $2.00; six months, $1.00 in advance. . Advertising rates on application. e's irections ~al Fog lt ig 4 Be ’ ‘ee (came. 4 4 - _ Quality Shoes, like everything else of quality is economy buying. You can get no better values in any town. If in need of a hair cut, shave ware ‘ pi ee es __. im need of a hair cut, shave, We are in business to serve the Massage or shampoo. the best ‘people. We guarantee satisfaction fh: 7 vA iues In and therefor solicit your patronage. than: we offer in the line of Misses’, | Come in and inspect our complete Women’s, Boy’ssaand Men’s S oes. Our | line of goods. Keep the dollars at guarantee is back of everything we | home. It will promote our commun- sell.—Give us a trial. Sechrenk & Orr, | ity.— Schrenk & Orr, Hardware Mer- pce 4 chants. a c s any other coal on the market, the famous D.L. & W. Scranton coal urns to a fine ashand makes the home radiant... J. G. Hamilton, Scranton Coal Dealer. & ae a i a ay : rwwerw ewe ewe Medioal. — ae _ . - Drs. Tye & Nicklin Bee ss Office: Pustic Drauc Srork, IAILVERTOR Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m. “DR. F. J. R. FORSTER | Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - Graduate in medicine, University ef Toronto. : __, Late assistant New York Ophthal- -- Pas and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s | “ps “Eye and Gelden Square Throat Hom ee -pitals, London, Eng. AP Mee s _. Hours—10 to 12 a.m.; 2 to 6 p.m. daily. Evenings—7 to 8, Wednesday und Saturday only; or by appointment - z (Phone 267.) — . B3 Waterloe St. S., STRATFORD. Shoe Dealers. MEN CONTROL WN'S DESTINY ‘an Make or Break a Community ‘Through Exercise of Their Buying Power. THEY HOLD PURSE STRINGS It Is Estimated That at Least 80 Per Cent. of Retail Purchasing Is Done by Feminine Shoppers. ee i ll i i i i i ei li re~rwrwewweeryvewwueevewYewTvTVY _ Want to hear your favorite art- ist sing? Youcandoso by coming to my store and listen to what- ever selection you want on the IB Columbia Talking Machine, I sell and recommend this product on B the basis of merit. J. E. Weir, Confectioner. Allow me to supply your tire. eeds, whether for a new set or he old set vuleanized. Satisfac- ion absolutely guaranteed. No- eed for going out of town, we. ave it right here. Come in anc e satisiied. J. W. Barr, Tires and Vulcanizing. Ke between the genuine and the imita- tion even after a close inspection. In fact, this is the exception rather than the rule. The merchants know it and expect it. They expect a wo- man, if she is a good shopper, to “look around a little.” If a woman should walk into a retail store and purchase the first suit that she tried on, for instance, the shock probably would prove fatal to the storekeeper or the sales- woman, The chance are that she will try on a dozen suits and look at as many more before she selects one that suit her taste or pocketbook, and the storekeeper not only expects but wishes her to do this. He wishes her to be satisfied as be knows that a satisied customer is the best ad- vertisement that be can obtain. Taking a Chance. This same woman, however, may order a suit from a mail order house on the strength of nothing more than a pretty picture and an allur- 3 ing degeription. She has not even ; you a ko =r. the rota the opportunity to try°it/on, to’say $ meaning of service, piace your ® : i . a ~ next. order for coal and wood & It has been said that the hand that nothing of the chance of examining §— - a | ‘the fabric, noting the exact shade of 2 with me and you will have no§ : ‘ 3 i a j = * * i * v rocks the éradie is the hand that the material and inspécting the work- 3 regrets, Now is the time to an 4 rules the world and nowhere is this manship. She is taking chances on 32 ticipate nextseason swants. Buy- & more literally true than in the world | the suit fitting her, on the tnaterial. ¢ at-home and be happy. F. Heagy | % of trade. The woman is the pur- , being good and durable, the shade 3 Coal and Wood. | ‘chasing agent of the household: and~ becoming to her and the workman- 3 ct eh MR. GASPARD DUBORD 5 es 159 Avenue Pius IX, Montreal. “For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general health was very bad. I consulted a ardw physician and took his medicine and thins he supplied by me. Every- faithfully carried out hisinstructions; | ing kept in stock for the build- | ‘ _|@@ er, farmer or housekeeper. The but I did not improve and finally the finest stock in Perth eas. Let doctor told me I could not be cured. all to : us all pull together for Milverton. At this time, a friend advised me | A. C. Clemens, Hardware.- to try ‘Fruitatives and I did so. |@ After taking two boxes of ‘Fruit-a tives’, I was greatly relieved; and ‘gradually this marvelous fruit medicine made me completely well. oD Ss { Buy at home at Clemens’, your ' : . | ; Seen general hardware needs can al- If you are contemplating | h urchase of the following lines BR am at your service. Campbell uggies, De Laval separators, In-. ternational Harvester’s farm ma- chinery, Fleury plows, Gilson Nis. co manure spreaders, Thank you. * N. A. Zimmerman, Implements. & p I b ee _Never buy jewelery from a a picture book or have your eyes tested by quacks, Deal with your own reaperieple jeweler and op- tician. There you know what you My digestion and general health that his = eg es at races are splendid—all of which I owe to P. H. Bastendorff, Jeweler. ae ee “*Fruit-a-tives’’. = ete es Oo Soe A dollar saved is a dollar earn-2 | = = | GASPARD DUBORD. ed.. That is why we hold our? —,..... clientele. Everything we sell is $ ° 50c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. backed by our guarantee of qual- At all dealers or sent postpaid by | ff iY. oe aieeeres Sh e you . cf ; ro : u sea. ome in _Fruit a-tives Limited; Ottawa, Ont. | and be convinced. J. M. Fleisch- heart was won and his eyes ‘were & hauer, Tailor. opened, The great decision was made. | He was baptized, making public -con- fession that he now believed in Jesus Christ, and would follow Him. It was not long until he was preaching Christ in the synagogues. “The coming of Jesus to Paul was |} forhim from the very’ first-a miracle of God’s favor, or grace; the, winning of | his heart, an unexampled» display of power. The experience could only. be ithe work of God; for it gave him what hé had long been seeking—rest of soul, peace of conscience, a free for- giveness, and a love that was also an inexhaustible source of moral power.” —Strachan. Paul repeats the story of his con- version twice in the Book of Acts, Flour and feed is what I deal > in. Also buy and sell grain, }hogs and cattle. If you have $ anything to sell in this line bring Zit to me and I will pay yougm 2 prices that are right. Poultry and @ f § chicken feeds of every descrip- $ tion. I, D, Atkin, Produce Dealer. al ll il a a ee y PES LEB I PL LOL LPL LD DP OP PIL PPLE PAE OPEL OP OS eS eee wee DENTIST. d. F. SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. - Windsor Block, (pp. City Hall, - STRATFORD Phone 993. Ppa ' Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock aa i - ‘(Copyright.) ¥ / ener ont I H.B. Morphy, KC. al Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. Money to Loan, » : Pure drugs. are essential to fhealth. I carry a complete line § of proprietary preparations at 3 Ball times. There is no need of 3 buying out ‘of town when. you 2. can do better at» our Rexall $ Store. Buy-at-home. » S. Petrie; $ Druggist.. a Owens & Goodwin Barristers, So ic tors, &c. Windsor Block, - STRATFORD, ONT, ib ; ( @.T. HARDING W.C.OWRNS W.H, ooob Wim) ' sf My long and continued service 2 | in the jewelery business in Mil- $ Money to Loan, the power not only-te jmprison, but even to inflict the death penalty, although the latter was usually held by the Roman governor only, or those deputed by him. The letters, there- fore, which Saul received from the Notary Public. —E | W. D. Weir, - Notary Public $ any description remember we are who takes such chances cannot be It has-been estimated by some stu- 3 tion. We are in the plsniits ie 'stood why mere man, unaccustomed : done by women. - This may be a high ; 5 tail. The B. & N. Planing Mill Co. the catalogue habit: “He might find~ $ to convince one that the figures are | anq jook for the article that he want- 2 getting something for nothing, It B - possible. aS a . 9 72] , noney. & | violins my specialty. Geo, Pfaff, 2? 4: any rate, to make not only the ‘ting anyway if he went to the store % %¢* full value for your ! ; | on the mail order gamble, but why 32 & : i = P rE ha “ bd . : ship of Such’a character that the suit — man, as a rule, is very glad to have 2 here to serve you. Plain and | called a shrewd shopper. dents of the merchandising game that. 3 business ‘to satisfy you. Let us4¥ and averse, as'a rule, to shopping y estimate but a visit to the retail ee : ASS: it easier to order from the picture Don't allow your imagination, verton is your guarantee I am § « y T a Je You can do no better $ not too high. The preponderance of | ed or he might take the position that yean’t be done. When you buy § elsewhere. 4 ; ie ‘ e lect and always @. y Son % | ¢ My stock is sele d ys @ sca lakes 2 retailer but the manufacturer and the | ‘ sea ‘the woman who knows what she $ 2 When in need: of. lumber: of # ! will not fall to pieces. The woman a ber Rae Oe nto 2 dressed timbers of every descrip- fj Jt might “be more’ easily under- 80 per. cent. of all-retail buying is ¢ know your wants. Lumber at re- | excursions, should fall a victim to @Q ; » 5 Sinden £- : . stores of any town or city is enough |; ii, catalozue than to go to-A store” to carry you so far that you are here to offer the best values ¢ 4 . - r x Watches, Clocks or 2 women among the buyers is sufficient, he wouldn’t know what he was get- 3 groceries from me, you always § « : ,and he might as well take a chance §4¢.2., py. C. Mohr, Grocer. wholesaler realize that it is the wo- The time is at hand when you 3 Auctioncer for the Counties of Perth _ and Waterioo, Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages drawn and affidavits made. high priest would be respected by the Jews of Damascus, and would author- once to the crowd which thronged about the stairs of the castle (22: 5- 16), and again before Festus and $ i will want your batteries looked 3 § “4 over for spring delivery. Bring 2 wants and knows that she is getting men that they must please with their what she wants when she gets it merchandise. 2 Here in your own town the @ — § “Kitchenaid Cabinets” and “Red @ are made, In your Be ¢ Cedar Chests” $home should be one of these . great conveniences. They may >be seen at any time at KR. Me-g 9 = > Mane’s who is agent.. The H. E. - Bee: > Furniture Co., Limited. ~ Fee should buy on the “sight unseen” plan—well, that’s another question altogether, ize the arrest and punishment of the Christians. 9.7 A light from heaven. What exactly it was that happened we do not know. We might conjecture that it was a sunstroke, or an epileptic fit, but no such explanation can fully ac- count for what followed. That a con- flict had been going on in the mind of Saul seems beyond question. His men- tal agitation may have helped to pro- duce a physical crisis. But, however, that may be, the one certain fact is that God spoke to the inmost soul of this zealous persecutor, and compel- led him to see and to acknowledge the truth. It was God, and yet it was Jesus, too, whom he met that day on the way to Damascus. “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest,” the vision said. Im all this early Christian ex- perience there is an identification of Jesus with God. Paul, who had fought so hard against Him, now calls Him, Lord, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” 8-12. Behold, he prayeth. It is signi- ficant of the reality and truth of the vision and experience which had come to him that Saul was driven to prayer. He came to persecute; he remained to pray. And his prayer was answered. For there came to him, divinely in- structed, a good man and true, whose name was Ananias, who was commis- sioned to lead him into the way of| faith. | The street which is called Straight, ™ them to me. Automobile repair- % ing of every description done. I $ ™am agent for the famous Chev- fm rolet car. Order now. Gasoline } land oils, G. W. Jacobs, Garage. Agrippa (26: 12-20). In both cases he declares that he saw Christ. So also in 1 Cor. 15: 8, he says, “He was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.” “Am I not an apostle?’’ he asks, “Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?’ This testimony of Paul in 1 Corinthians is indeed the earliest record, earlicr than any of the gospels, of the appearances of the risen Lord. Village clerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia ‘6 A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License J.P. for the County of Perth, Real catate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. ONTARIG Because they do by far the greater | part of the buying in any community, the women have a responsibility that they do not always appreciate. The Women are taking a more and ti LS women of a town, through their buy- more prominent part in public affairs ing power, can make or break the all the time. They are aiding now in merchants of a town and as a nat-| apie. an of ae country in run- | ning the affairs of state. Even where ural consequence they can make OF | 1.5 do not have the ballot they are , break the town. It is in their power ‘playing a big part, individually and # isfaction. Try:me. J. Kelterborn, 3 to make it a prosperous town, or.a.ihrough their organizations, in the — Butcher. ® dead town. When the women of a conduct particularly of local govera- - 2 town acquire the mail order habit, | ments, yet in the one fleld where they E Did you say you would buy 3 the town may just as well begin mak- | can do most to help build up their B if the price was $495.00? Yes,$ ing arrangements for its own obse- ; Communities they may be overlooking # 1921 Fords cost less than 1917 guies. their opportunity. With the buying ® models. Call in and judge for ¢ power in their hands they can do = yourself. All kinds of repair more for their community by stanch- = work promptly attended to. Free $ ly supporting their home _ business air and battery service, E. men than they can possibly do in any Gropp, Ford Garage. other way. Man may think he is a very im- portant element in the progress and development of his town but when he reflects that 80 per cent. of the buying power of the community is in the hands of the women he is apt to realize that he is a very insignificant atom. Woman's Greatest Opportunity. ee Be — - - — eT art serrrrrTCrrvees”YYYY~ (| The best is none too good. You Shave often heard this remark = and it holds good with us when # it comes to. the purchasing of mrieats from me. The meats we $ ® handle is your, guarantee of sat- We are millers of the follow- & ing well-known brands of. flour fi . and feed: Five Jewels, |(Mani- @ toba Patent); Banner, (All Mani- go | toba); Jewel, (Blended); Pie Crust, (Pastry);. “Red — Star” & Bran and Shorts. Pfeffer Milling Company, Limited. oS —_—= MONKTON, Application. 7 It is consistent with the Divine atti- tude as revealed at many times that Jesus should commence speech with the erring persecutor with a question. Men who do wrong are not only sin- ners but fools. Through the centuries God has been trying to get His chil- dren into a sensible frame of mind. “Israel doth not know, my peopie doth not consider. Come and let us reason together, saith the Lord,’ was the message of Isaiah. “There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of .death,” was the word of that writer who so earnestly urged the advantages of wisdom. It was the same spirit which Ezekiel expressed in “Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die?” This was the burden of Christ’s own complaimt over Jerusalem. “How often would I. put ye would not.” This is a righteous world, governed by a God who loves goodness. There is no figure of speech strong enough to describe the folly in which Saul had his lodging, is still of the man who yields himself to wickedness... The whole universe is to be seen in that ancient city. Most," ™. streets of eastern cities in those days| confederated against him, were simply open places, square or|- Berges oblong, inside the gate, where the) marketers bought and sold, and where | SHADOW TEST , Vetertnar ¥v- R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand Mr. Farmer! Do you. really & think you should send your milk and cream out of town when you have right here in Milverton a Bo ereamery that will take your en- @ tire output. At least unto your & selves be true—give Milverton a @ chance. A. F. Clark, Creamery. § Hard to. Understand. Just why a woman, who is a shop- | per by instinct and a shrewd judge | of values in merchandise, should succumb to the lures of the mail order house it is difficult to under- stand but, unfortunately, some of them do. No one knows better than the woman who has had some ex- perience in the buying of merchan- dise how difficult it is to distinguish Hotela The Queens Hotel o Beat eccosmmedation for commercial trav- ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms. GHO, F. PAULI, Prop., = Ra ADD PDDDLDDEOD DODDS OPP OOOO OOOT vwvrqcvwvew’ How many hides has a cow? # Don’t you know? Come to my af shoe store and I will explain everything in shoes for men, wo- { men and children. A complete am line of traveller’s samples kept “@ in stock, Keep your dollar at fhome. E. Siegner, Shoeman. The largest non-medical imsti- tution in the world is a Chiro- & practic school with a student & bady of 2000. The percentage te- @ <ults obtained from the strength fj of this system far surpasses those of any other method... .E. 3 Gingerich; D. C., Chiropracter. os Milverton, Ort -_ —) Gectetios. e Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.F. & A.M. G.R.C. Mocts every Monday evening on or before full tuoom ewery month in their hal) ‘ doaj, RB. Weir's block, Vielting brethren always welcome j. 1. Leawia, BE, Stegner, f The days of Old Dobbin are m far from being over. My line is fH harness, the best harness in Perth | County and at prices that are right. Buying the best will al- & ways pay you a dividend. Let me prove it. Repairing of all kinds f also done. W. J. Smith, Harness. We fear competition from no & source..Our line consists of the § highest grade furniture of every B description, made in Canada and # at prices that are right and our fa) ouarantee is back of every piece of furniture we sell. Undertaking in connection, McMane & Walker & A combination billiard hall and barber shop run on a sanitary and gentlemanly business basis is the kind I. operate. You can §& always while away 15 or20 min- i utes ata billiard table and eliin- i inate doctor’s — ills, Smoker's 2 supplies. L. Gamble, Barber. The curious traits of human nature have made possible growth and development of the great mail order houses. Make your dollars “‘Boost.”’ Keep them at home. Ss S| ooo oo feos or” — _ a POPOO POPE GGL OGLE FE OPRO COLES POPOPOSR SE The Grand Central Hotel is a i home on the road and house of scood eatables. Fine clean and fm comfortable rooms. Soft drinks w of every description as well as a choice line of cigars, cigarettes always kept in stock—drop in, = James Roberts, Proprietor. Silver Star Lodge No. 202 : io. O. F. Meets every Priday night at 7.30 in their hall over Bank of Hamilton, Vielting brethren always welcome J.N, Ficisehhauer, W. Loth, N. Zimmerman, N.«, Fin -Secy, Rec,-Secy You will find a complete assortment of anything you may - need in groceries and general merchandise at my store and at prices that are right. No need of going out ot town for things that can be bought in Milverton at prices that are sure : to prove to you we are here to do business on the square The Buy-at-Home Campaign i3 good. Forget your petty feel- ings, let us all pull together. W. K. Loth, General Merchant RI PLLLI LLP PLO PLOOOI LP OP DOOD OOD ; WEST MONKTON, ONTARIO. NEWTON, ONTARIO. é Remove the merchants from the village of Monkton and A community is no greai mar sca a . ° . greater th th f ¢ . & Ss you will depreciate land values to two-thirds of what they $ Prove your faith in Newton by nade ccs oF ae ee - ee l now are. Think it over. {t will pay you a dividend. sesenen se a “*He Looks Inte the Eye’’ | is DIOPO PLP PLIOGODPOS DDC» FE the elders held council and the judges | their court. But this, apparently, was already an open thoroughfare, eon=| necting different sections of the city, and with the open shops of the mer- chants on either side. It was lined with columns, the bases of which can still be seen. 18-19. I have heard by many of this man. The fame and dread of Saul’s name had already reached Damascus, and the Christian people there knew of his coming and what he had come for. Yet at the call of duty, the call of hig Lord, Ananias went to him. He did not know but the going might cost him his life—never- theless he went. A chosen vessel. There came, by this word of inspiration, to Ananias a promise of what such a man as Saul might become, if converted to Chris- Headaches Cured, Cross itianity. A man of his learning ‘and Eyes in many cases Wench, 4 Pree ii | ledeve of the ‘ Qur message to the public — Tiheg Dal teyaglv rae Mrmasg oi atraightened We have a complete line of, mer- ‘world might indeed by the chosen ves- E ‘ ae se] ia haar Christ’s Bape: before the when glasses are fitted by this 4 chandise, boats and shoes, We are ho : st ww -) nae ; my ; : advanced system. Children’seyes ty mes ater to your needs. A trial Gentiles and kings and the children.of accurately examined without a) here ‘9 Soe oR Buying at home Israel. And that was the divine word asking questions, - = aah lee apply itin our lo Ananias. BA aa Re ieee t Ie 2 Se He yobs wi the house and greeted SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ' COmMmMuUunITY. W Peer ep Loxreht., General his enemy as “Brother Saul.” © Who! p W BASTENDORFF | ia Views hart ei could resist the spirit of brotherhocd| Be ase es ct of “Getting Your | and goodwill which was so manifest '* Eyesight Specialist" Be ety Weecaitt Tipk in the elimin- among those early Christians? Paul's | MILVERTON. ~ 9-9 - ONTARIG F, ee gh yf buying mistakes. Particu- : Wf larly is this true in the purchase of vere pare By ovoceries. A complete and select y : n sy il : B assortment..carried in my store. A Applcfard Counter f trial solicited.—dJ. T. Gill, Grocer Check Book. Co. K T H = S LJ C ¢: E S S 2 UJ ie and Confectioner. You will find in your visit to my : Mi store that I have a complete line MAN ( O- DA y RES } Hof general merchandise including : h Let’s get to- —-—— L. O. L. No. 45, Milverton Meets every Wednesday on or be- fore full moon in their hall above Petrie’s Drug Store. Visiting brethern always welcome. Geo, J. Coxon, Abe /.ttridge, Master. Secretary, er eee eee - . - = = oe ~ / DA 2 I oP were vrwroewwewewee eee ewewwe”Sm.€S PPL LPI PO POL IACI ST The cheapest is not always the best. I have a complete line of shelf groceries as well as a lunch counter. Cleanliness and quality Is my motto. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Come in and find out. W. S. Merryfield, Grocer and Restaurant. LHEOOLOOLT Trg us for anything along the lines of general merchandise. If we B haven't got it we will cheerfully get lit for you.—No need of sending 4 out of town. Boost our community MB by buying at home at Monkton’s # Popular Store. Weber & Bettger, im General Merchants. , When in need of Coal, Wood, Lime cement and lumber remember that is why I am located in New- ton. The principle of buying-at home is a good one if earried out by all. You will get equal value from me. J. E. Campbell, Coal and Lumber. Because Newton is not a city is 4 no reason why you should not sup- port it. I am here to serve your fi ~ needs with a complete line of groc- eries and dry goods. If you believe fy }in the policy of live and let live i } you will buy here. F, A. Pollard, § 1 General Merchant. ‘e Y THIS METHOD, it is almost impossible to make an error, as all work is done by looking into the eye, thereby locating the de- fect right atits source. a ee a ee oe Weak Muscles Strengthened The Monkton Bakery is a home concern. Buy your bread, cakes, confectionery and groceries there. | Adopt the Buy-at-Home spirit and co-operate with the community — Keep your dollars at home and make them boost. John Rowland, Baker and Grocer. Yes, | am in business for a prof- Who ain’t? But you can rest assured that the groceries, dry goods and hardware I sell cannot be duplicated elsewhere. If you believe in Newton then support it by buying-at-home. F. A. Ellieson General Merchant. he St PPPS PE PPL PPL IF PE POOP LDI PE ie Ifa town is good enough to work nt in it is good enough to support. *1 endorse the .Buy-at-Home campaign ‘i from. the spirit of co-operation. B- Let us remember Newton first and think of the outsider after. Buy- at-home. Henry ©. Wagner, Woo!- en Mill, i PPP PP PPD NINE I EIN PPOLIDDOOODT ore : MILL BAN K, ONTARIO. _ —_ xt least unto thyself be true, if you go this you will be A true to Millbank. The money you spend with your merchant rR “1 ey fates ney you spenc. wita your merchants # will come back to you, Try it, : EPRI ORE PPL IP LILO PD LDAP LPL LD LPPLPLADL POP IPS POP LI OPP L LD DO DLD DPPEL PPPS PE ER 4 % In buying my stock of groceriéos, y fruits, vegetables, ete., I always consider | quality. You will find that any article bought from mea is dependable and at prices that are it! —-— =e Come in and be measured for that Spring suit or top coat. An excellent. line of fabrics from which*to. select; Now is the time before the rush. Why zo out. of town when we have it right here, Buy - at - home. Oliver Duffield, Tailor. BOOKS... ‘We are agents for the chet Be z tee ane _ You are protected in every way when you buy from me. My stoehk aa * : ee a” cen a hae Pera ies te is based on the word quality, being » a ee ‘on ey . Resco |. tee nowy a om ae with. a national ¥ reputation, . he best is always thes right, A well selected stock to | cheapest. Let’s co-operate. “Roont a choose from. Call and investigate: | Buy-at-Home. John Brunner, Gene R. B. Hamilton, Groceries. érat: Merchant? “asi Sareea PIPL ILI IOID IPL O LOIS IDO DOD ODD I ODPL GOOD OOO PLO OOLP ODDO DDL FS OROPOBOODO ODOR LINWOOD, ONTARIO. : Diszention in a town whether between jnerchant or Yes eo. dent retards the growth of that town; where the spirit. off cé-aperation is shown the town Shows it... Think: it avert Co aR PRODI DID FIL OPIDP POLL DG OOP LO PII LG DOLD LODE OLR OOD OL LOO ROO DLE OO epee “P ~You will always find quality and Pere good assortment, backed by con- scientious service at my store. If your need is not in stock I will. cheerfully “Obtain it for you, 1 believe in co-operation —— that is We are agents for the renowned McLaughlin and Chevrolet Auto- mobiles and have ‘a fine stock on hand. Call and: pick out your car. We also carry a complete line. of repairs and accessories for both these ‘cars... M, E. Bettger.& Co., Garage. So’ This firm turns. out only. high-grade work fy boots and shoes. See ae : fH octher and buy more in our home at Very reasonable . : town. Forget the mail order and “prices. whey Is the one who gives careful attention to his B chop at home. J. E. O. Erskine, , clothes. To him his business suit is of as much fy General Merchant. consequence as the clothes he wears for social | engagements. He realizes the importance of being well dressed at all times. He requires “QUALITY” besides style, finish and correct tailoring. Try us for your next suit-—__.._ A es Modern service and convenience ig what I alm to give my patrons One cannot send out of town ‘for a night’s lodging or a good “square. meal. but 1 am an advecatesot buy- Go-operation is es- ing .at home. : } sential to progress, John Elligson, fs Do you need anything in the line fl of boots and shoes. ' If so, [ have | ait. When buying at home you can Mi inspect before.you purchase. A vis- Hi it to the shop will convince you as M to values received. Repairing neat- a 41.. nramntlv done, W.. 3 ry coaes es oe ee oe ’ ’ He! Hobbs, Boots and Shoes. [t “a — See our samples and get our prices before ordering. - ie es inkl ; a od * 7 oi seamed Cs i The Gos MEfin - & , , ome WALES Everything good at pleasing py» prices to you is what you will find a at my store. Coniplete line of stoves. is B paints, electrical fixtures; tools of every idéscription” and @tirnaces, in Bf fact, everything in Rhetornee. For Bx why I appear here. Buy-at-home; | progress Buy-at-home. J. G. Seip, () wi A. Hy Terrill, General Merchant. Hardware. | , aie , Fiance Galion hide dere <1 Lao: aah Sout Lar SR ath MIME Pa te, tees . ‘ 4 — Pag vec att ine HNRNP A I SSN 5 as ONE Ne West EST CAN NEN. SiMe ae oue: 18s Sede ay- s2RAe CDN sn NG SAM RT ae Hotel: 7 : : ‘ ! ; : | ; : 7 ; t W@ -*ro establish a savings account early im life 1s your assurance of fu- . ee 4 adipdbicigiiiees tk PLE edie ; : : | ! D FE Ry LD THE TAILOR, ture independence.” The Sterling Bank of Canada offers you a service JX) | “ MONKTON | | | ide ee O ° AM of banking without embarassment and solicits your clientage with tha A asstirance at all times. E. G. M ena | pe . st : ™ ihe th F rn = 7 i : brs tas A BA car in Teed gh ahaa OE ae, AE POA ih gee; ATS ala FATA eg aly SO i ie iN a ht SEE r ra ah ‘ = * 7] - ¥ * rey, f