8, e # BRiman contributes® to the vi “aneday, Oct. 27, 1927, mR Our Service * Se . The Bank was sétabitched i in Pa and during a period. of more than fi years Branches have been established from time ime at. points. The ser- tot carefully chosen vice at all Branches walooat and personal, but it is‘also world-wide in scope. ‘A mbder: - ate sized Bank —not too machine-like — with a friendly interest in its clients. 183 IMPERIAL BANK LISTOWEL M. R. HAY, E - BRANCH, Bs Manager. The Listowel Banner The 2 Atiood Bee (Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 1928.) Published Thursday of each week. Bight to sixteen pages, seven > li to ha page. All home-pript. neeneigtien rate $2.00 a year, strictly in advance: otherwise $2.50. six months $1.00; three months 60c. To sabseribers in the -— States 6@c additional for The Banner and Bee oes the cir- eulation—several hundreds mngre tham its competitor—and excels as an advertising medium. We do job printing of all kinds. H. 8. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association Thursday, Oct. 27, 1927 Editorial , a success Of himself a success In making everyone else - Y | If parents knew their children as well as children know their parents. the parents might be able tc handle the children as well as the children handle their parents. - LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE We have noticed that there etill many farmers who are not dis- are playing lights on their buggies or Wagons at night. The law compell- ing all vehicles to carry lighte hag now been in force nearly a month, and yet there are many who are eith- er ignorant or careless of the law. Motorists are anxious to see this Jaw enforced for their protection and for the other's safety. A man who attaches a light to his vehicle ig doing so for his own safety in the horse nlace and secondly to the motor- ists. , we TO MERCHANTS—LONG LIFE ADVERTISING (Every merchant who his goods in a weekly newspaper +does 60 because he knows that his advertising will live at least seven imes as long as the same advertise- ment placed in a daily paper. The daily newspaper lives only one day. When the next day's issue ar- advertises tives the whole family forgets about the previous issue, and takee up the new arrival. Yesterday’e advertis- ing is forgotten. It ts forever dead. Every family welcomes the week- ly newspaper. It is the family paper. It stays in the house a full week. No news item, no advertisement in a weekly paper escapes the notice of the readers, for they read it all. They remember your adverti they use your store when they make their shopping trips. Advertising in the weekly paper lives longer—therefore the most profitable for you. not Hke a bill, cast away after first glance. news- it is It e the DESIRE to LIVE (John E. Allen.) I would not have my life be one of Untouched by heart-ache, agony, despair— A pale, anemic thing. My nightly prayer Is that with each new day I shall not miss High venturings, nor undeserve the bliss Of envious human moles who nev- er dare To touch off rockets in their souls and flare Above their deepening grooves. O grant me this: That I shall scale life’s penks, plore its gloome, Know mountained ecstasies, deep- valleyed paine— That when my Iast ex- red sands by Time are sieved. And Fate has struck my’ sinews ro I shall have earned three words o'er my remains Besides was born and died— “Between he lived!” Dal THE STREET NO PLAYGROUND Addressing the National Safety Convention at Chicago, says the dally prese, a 14-year-old school boy from Providence, R.I.. told the delegates that it is too bad that the children of today can't play in the streets as thelr parent’s did. And he is quite right “The curb is the limit’ was the saying of the announcer over the | Tadio the other night when he was talking to the children in the inter- ests of their safety. In this respect the boys and girle of the populous cities worse off than they five years ago. etreet was a kind of natural ground, where an infinite number of kids played baseball and _ football and had no end of fun. On many of the eide streets this was safe enough. But then along came automobiles, and turned this playground into a place about as dangerous as a rail- road track. Millions of city and town youngsters today have no suit- able place in which to play. This restricts their development, it increases the chance they will get into mischief and probably crime. — —- —. Brass Bands of District Form Organization pgrriteloey NOT JOINING ORGANT- ZATIO THIRTEEN BANDS aaa ECOME MEMBE COMPETITION NEXT MAY WALKERTON 1 IN At a meeting recently held in LESSON No. 14 Question: Why is emal- sified cod-liver oil so effi- cient and so beneficial a | food-tonic ? Walkerton of the brass bands of the district a branch of the Ontario Amateur Band Association was or- ganized, |... The meeting was opened with Mr. ! Thiele of Waterloo, president of- — Ontario Amateur in the chair. Mr. Thiele axpiathed the aims and ideas of the organiza- tion and wished it every socess. following officers were elected for a term of office of six months: orary president, Mr. Thiele of Water- loo; president, Mr. Arnott of Hanov- er; vice-president, Mr, Iles of Owen 2 > Chesley a Port. aren, and George ger f Palmersto siatiok will be in 4 ithe laiter part of ‘Thiele has very kindly | donated silver cup for the: ‘witiher of ion, - bands AMOS DENOUNOBS SIN. Sunday, Oct. 80 (World's . Temper- ance abst: 2A re ~ os 2.4 to8:15. 4 eek good, con not -@yil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God}- hosts, shall be\with you, as ye aecount of the doings of nations and individuals in the so-called Chris- tian lands—Europe, Great Britain. Canada; the United States? Would not our national and individual sins seem equally senseless and suicidal? “The wages. of sin ig ‘“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” This was true ry the Garden of Eden; it is true 6,000 years later in Toronto and Philadelphia. Amos denounced ein because God always denounces sin. The other side of the tragic sin question is that God who m neces- éarily punish gin, has eracided the way of escape. He has given the substitute, Hig own Son, to bear the penalty of man’s sin, so that. #inners by faith in Christ may be kept from —_e by trusting in that-Saviour rd, moment by moment. is the hain Israel eth y be yoret and kept tovther naiue, en they reco nize and receive “this same Jesus’ their Messiah T esson declares that judg- ments of the Lord “for three trans- ressions of Judah, and for four.” Evidently this means Judah's sins were habitual, ey deliber- ate, repeated. She by her o-_ choice turned away ir e therefore, .He said, “‘I “will not tent away the punishment thereof. Lying and gp eit always go g- as together. The who wes lawlessness, aa ge any rT oes it because he hatieres a lie. believes that lawlessness ia better 5 net? Mrs. Bert Whitten epent Wednes- day in Listowel.—Blmira Signet. Mise Norma L. Hone who é6pent the past month at her home in town has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Candler of Listo- wel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gatcke.—Milverton Sun. e Mr. and Mrs. William Knechtel are spending a few weeks at Listowel with Mr. and Mre. Noah Oppertshau- ser.—Hanover Post. and Mrs. Morrison and Mise viele visited on Sunday last with friends at Listowel.—Clinton Newe- The Banner will be given for the balance of this year to new scribers for 25. cents. Mail order or call at the office. L~ 7 your Listowel merchants are inviting your custom with many attractive specials these days. You'll be money in pocket if you consult the adver- tising columns: Sign Your Name— Almost every week The Banner me item pubtbeatfon and looks to be O.K., there ts no aignature attached to - = its bona anony- ous communications are sometimes pinto “Subscriber” or ‘Reader’ but that is not enough. Be sure and give your name with all items sent n. Your name will not be publish- ed. Appreciate Program— The Milverton Sun in the fowl supper and concert at Trini- ty Anglican church, Elma, on 12th says: “The supper was a mag- nificent spread which wae served in the basement which was tastily dec- orated for the occasion. The pre- gram was rendered in the shed which was a ecorated and proved an excellent auditorium. The Listowel concert party, the chief participants, in their rendition bed the numbers of solos, duéts, qu ; choruses and r endings exhibited whe 4 quality of aint that is rarely excell- ed and proved themselves to be real artists in their wor Marvelous Value— a bi really = the wealth of g read. “hg prt Bik in each issue, of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It is a wonderful bination of three great papers: of the world, with the greatest newa gathering organization in existence; a family magazine of interest to every member of the family, old and young; and an agricultural. journal that is worth alone, many times the ue of the paper: Just imagine a mbination containing all the above sa tures-in a big 72 page paper, and all for the price of the averrzge coun- try weekly—o Family Herald. and Weekly Star is a e port of all Canadians. have over a million readers Hon-| week TREMENDOUS BUSINESS In the laat eeven. seven. weeks nas been first al in the organ: per reporting) y -;today escape all the n ewspaper covering the news) so aha than Sur Betvioe: Of such “They have. despis- oa tke law of the Lord, and have not ents their and lies i thent to ere thing worth w 4 lie. The frst. sin of the human race came through the firet woman belier- ing Satan's lie that . sinning ro she although God had said she would if she sinned. Every time we are tempted wh sin let ue ask. ourselves, or, better wherein we are being deceived that we should even want to Christ the only Sean from sin and sinning; is the Truth. He alone can keep ue ‘from sin and ite decep- j death.” tions. Sin is a destroying thing; and the consequences of sin are destructive. Because of their sins God id He would send a fire upon Judah which should eeour the palaces of Jerusa- lem. This was but a faint foregleam of the final doom of unsaved sinners who reject God and Christ and who, God says, must be “cast into the lake of fire” (Rev. 2 The Amorites had been bes the land of Israel before God ought His into that mighty and successful people. prob- rag thought they were too powerful e dispossessed. el eays: ” Yee destroyed [| the Amor —— height was like the natekt ‘ot e cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed ‘by fruit from ahare, and his te from beneath.” God must deal with sinning Israel in ceo same way, but with this differ- e day is coming when taraat shail ibe eave as it is writ- ten, there shall come ‘nt: of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away un- godliness from Jacob: for this is My covenant un em, when I shall ey away their sins.” (Rom. 11:- 26.) Among the sins of Israel was the giving of wine to the Nazarites, who them- fore separated themeelves from cer- tain things, including wine and strong drink. The Israelite who gave a Nazarite yrine to drink was con- a rejecting the law n few sins of today is that utter disreyart of God “A passenger on a eteamer from Bombay to London asked the cap- tain whether liquor could be pro- duced: at Zanzibar, where the vessel was to touch. captain said. *You could get it.” I know Zanzibar well, and here’ the form the greater part of the Harold Skinner’ s Blue Water Boys Hallowe’en Dance Monday, October 31 with HAROLD SKINNER’S © BLUE WATER BOYS | (Last appearance of the season) Novel Hallowe'en Effects Under Auspices of ~~ Palmerston Amateur Athletic Associa en FOOT COMFORT for the Fall and Winter months is not assured And other delicacies, all characterized by Zur- brigg freshness and tastiness. unless you are protect- ed from the cold and wet and slush by a pair of GAYTEES Whether for afternoon callers, breakfast or evening meal, or for hungry children, our bak- ery goods are universally enjoyed. Layer Cake 25c Doughnuts...................... .20¢ Cup Cakes.................... 20¢ Cream Puffs. ..... ........ 40¢ Butter Scotch Pies 30c Zurbrigg Bros. _ Phone 85 ec Newest Thing In WOMEN’S GOLOSHES Black, Fawn and Grey Priced from $3.00 to ATS Watch Our Window—— -—Always something New W. A. KIBLER a that hristian missions make slow — way in lands where the Christian is associated with the crate in liquor and narcotes “ where the yceies that corrupt the atives are practiced by visitors: cron so-called Christian countries?’ The BABY do so many, many babies of little . fretful spells and infantile sxilments that used to worry mothers through the er (an and keep them up half the & If you don't know the anewer, you haven't discovered Castoria,. through a tiny system. Not even a distasteful dose of castor ofl does 80 mu ao Fietoher' Castoria is purely vege- 6,.80 you may give it freely; at first sign Of colic; or ee cas or diarrhea. Or those tim when you just don’t know ist is the ma ess, call other bacres Besides, ne of pabhes er’s Caatoria gold! tie co weight tent tn It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the finest grown on the prairies — that gives extra flavour to bread and buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from PURITY FLOUR 5 Western Cansds Flour. Mi oromse, Mostreal, Ostewa, Gelet Jobe. Sua cian saeaate fir sar 70O-tecee Poly Eeia Siinh Sloe bs Go. Limited. Wire beautiful materials, you'll believe that they are values that cannot be duplicated now or later. These youthful Coats are offered at a special price for this week only! Sizes for women and misses. From High Class New ‘ York Creators Come These Marvellous NEW WINTER COATS 15 to $45 The Season's Accepted Fashions in Dress and Sport Models - o HEN you see these Coats and consider their super-fine quality, the impeccable styling, fine workmanship, sumptuous furs and One wad Two of A Kind