Listowel Banner, 3 Nov 1927, p. 2

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“ee LustowEL, RAXNER +Business © : Patronize These “*"Piretkocy Advertisers Whenever You Need the Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men LEGAL H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- " ancer, Solicitor for Bank of Com-~- merce, Listowel,, - Money to loan. A. Hacking's Drug Store, “Main St. Lis- - *towel. ee Barrister, Conveyancer. ae c. pete, SE a5 | EWS OF THE DISTRICT Let judgment run’ saping ae waters, and theo eae ‘s migh’ J.C. HAMILTON, B.A. Solicitor e ©. MORTON SCOTT, B.A + Barrister, Notary Pablic, Convey- ; Office over Bank of Montreal, ‘ Wal lace Street. ‘DENTAL W. G. E. SPENCE Dentist, pg of the Dentist “philadelphia; a =. The Royal College of Dental * surgeons, Toronto. Office over Schinbein’s store. Avene. Por painless extraction we use nit- “cous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct ive anaesthesia . Heat and inhale Min- ard’s and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. BANNER ADS. PAY RLF, TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.S : Graduate of the Royal College of “ovat ee and of Toronto Un- - Iversit a nl Oxide Gas cod Extractions, Office over J. C. onald’s store. Phon be 4 F. ST. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D3S. : Graduate of Royal College af Dental Surgeons, To ate University Phene 23 for appointments. Gffice over Y Red and ite Store E AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd Phone 246, Listowel. 3 AUCTIONEERS MEDICAL Salle’ for others and always eelis » to others NAIPIONAL FARM AGENCY Miller and Henderson Satisfaction guaranteed Ter asonable Write or phona 76 W, Milverton Orders for sales can be left at * Banner offices” Clothes Spic and Span For Fall Don't delay sending your suit to the cleaners, for any minute may bring an invitation affair. Send your suit today, and in a short time it will be ready for any to some eoclal emergency. You'll find the service and charges entirely to your lik- ing. A. G. SHEBLL, M.D. m and Surgeon > Diseases of Women and Surgery. Phone 13 @ffice Inkerman Street, West. posite Presbyterian Church. DR. F. 4. R. FORSTER Eye, Bar, and Throat . Graduate in medicine, , University BX Fores a@ésistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefidld’s Bye and bang Square Throat Hbe- pitalg, London, Bag. 38 8&t. 8 ord. Phone 267 Joe Lockhart \ etream. (Amos 3% The lesson “title tells us that “Am- os Pleads for Justice,” but he . was pleading for far more than justice, That was but an incident in hi¢ mes- ‘Any man, any God is the practice of many nation: n the days of Ierael’s prosperity, ander the reign of Jeroboam II., ‘‘a: able but idolatrous ing who gg oth am kingdom to the zenith its po "" Amos made. his ggg erigignnait. Israel’s sin was greater, because her drivilowo. bad been greater than that-of any other natfon since the world” began. The prophet reminded her-of the word of the Lord, “You. only have I known of all the familiea of the earth; therefore I will punish you for — all your iniquities’’ (Amos 3:2.) Th more God has done for us, the great- er is aur obligation. Failure in the face of light is the greatest failure; and this was Israel's ein, as it is the sin of so much of he Christian od revealed Q -“hecause that unto them were Sastenftted the . oracles of God 3:2.) As God's chosen peo- ple, honored by God and entrusted with His revelations fer all the world. Israel's sin was a flagrant dishonoring of God. She ‘was re- jecting her sacred stewardship; ehe such < by startling punishments? Bu od always gives full and fair . “Seek the Lor an ye shall live,’ declared the inspired prophet, “Iest He break out like fire It is incredible that men dare to ein against God—yet. we have ail done it, Amos’e description of God, given to him by the Holy Spirit, should call a halt to any one tempted to sin. Here ws the sober- ing warning and invitation: ‘Seek Him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, death into the morning and maketh the day dark with night: that call- eth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them ont upon the face of the earth; -The Lord is His name.” : “God, who calleth must come with those who persist in sin Ov ver and over again in this lesson God pleads with Israel to seek Him in ordér that she may live. Does this mean it is not possible to live with- out God? Just that; for “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23.) Sin separates men from God; and separa- tion from God ia death; , true life is Your Telephone Patrol —a PERSONAL Service possible only in fellowship and com- munion with Him ‘Because of this and vecause of} Lord is a terrible thing for the un-/ répentant sinner.. Perhaps some of! Israel's falsé religioue teacers had OS PLEADS FOR JU (CE . aati: Nov. 6.—Amos.5 and 2} Golden Text: of| ‘that day,’ an @ great day’) ome to Israel as to no other na-| 1 _| Ruddy Canadian Apples: for dj immediately solved. and turneth the shadow of! mos statement} an Will call for your apples, transport is with us; but Hig day of reckoning} been boasting that they were God’s cake boxes. waa, ‘Banner Office. people, and that | in the day of the Lord every one would know . this.|} Interesting News of Nearby "Bo all such, an r ieras las a nation, Towns Clipped From Local and to the whole world tocay comes ty; the warning and prophecy of .the/k ; Sire the 1 jate a remilttanice sire the day of the We would apprec Lord! to whatitrom a number of our subscribers i ae it for you? she aay, ‘i 23 the/ who are in arrears. If this means Lor is darkness, and not light.” _ > will kindly oblige. The. Bible, eS Gia Tesenmesthe een ey bile and New, has a great deal to S88¥) The county section of the street ni pavement at Cliffo been com- history, yet to come, which is called! Dieted by the contractor Mr. Emmer- It will be a) son Simmons and from all reports it glorious, and time for those who have committed’ p themselves to the Lord in full faith| jieased with the and surrender. it will ve a tragic! entertained the county officials to an time for those who rebelled! elaborate banquet last Thureday against Him. evening, and also held a big public ence Bible has an iHuminating foot-| street dance on the new pavement. note on Revelation 19.19, summariz-| ing — of Scripture on this Had No Business a There— n} great A pen of ferrets, on show fn the “The. fie ay we aeherd (called, also, poultry building in the Btenheim fair isi} week, escaped and killed twenty- that senvinoued aeeiae of time be- gee fine show chickens, valued at ginning with the return of the Lord| more than $200, and belonging to in glory, and ending with the purga-| oynipitors. The incident was dis- tion of the heavens and the earth) opyered when the buildings were by fire preparatory to the new peer: opened next morning. 9 Car Burns After Overhauling— 1.) The order of events appears to > living be: (1) bag nee of the — in| Monkton, was getting gas at the Rets glory (Matt, 24:29, 30;) (2). the de-| parage in Milverton, the gas became struction of the Beast He: his host, ignited, supposedly from a cigarett ‘the Kings of the earth and their) andthe car was completely destroy- armies,’ and the false prophet, whichieq. The car had just been thorough- fo the ‘great and terrible’ aspect Of! jy overhauled, and was being re- the day (Rev 11-21.) (3) the plenished with gas, prior to being judgment of the nations (Zech. 14:! taken home. Matt. 25: 31-46;) (4) the] surance thousand years, Le. the kingdom-age j 20: 4-6;) (5) the Satanic re-|nfant’s Body Found— an and its end (Rev. °20: 7-10;) Stratford, . 81.—Pojlce are (6) ‘the second resurrection and fin-| investigating the finding of the body al judgment ng 2 5;) and/of an infant among the refuse col- ly ‘the day of God.’ carth purged) jected during the city clean-up cam- by fire (IL. Pet. 3: 10-18."") paign and deposited at the city dump, : Coroner Dr. Maxwell Fraser, follow- Over-! ing an acamiuation of the child this as morning, expressed the belief that it “What shall T send the folks in wes a medical specimen, and was the Old Country?” is a quéry heard probably 20 to 25 yeare aa the Christmas season approaches,| ayent, a: il but if the average Canadian realized} why it should have been left on the how much our big, juicy rod apples} street to be picked up by me garbage are appreciated and enjoyed by peeo-| collecto ple overseas the problem would be ’ Wiarton Gets Liquor Store— Canada’s luscious rosy apples are “ Wiarton gets its Nquor store. The relished’ by:young and old alike Secretary of the 1.0.0.F. received a They symbolize our brilliant sun- telegram yesterday advisin them. ehine -and warm summer days and : y ape that the store underneath their lodgé room had been selected by the Board at Toronto as the most suitable in town for their purpose, and to pro- ceed at once with the necessary a!- terations. We have not learned ag to who receives the appointment ase supervisor of the store. General ex- péctation around town was that the estore next the post office would be a but it did not apparently hey do look Christmasy and cheer- ul. Northern Spies, MeIntosh Reds and Baldwins are the dest and the t popular to carry’ your kind thoughts and good wishes acroas the packed fruit, Government. Inspected, are procurable at reasphable prices from any grocer while the matter pt shipment ie as simple as the mailing of a card. The Canadian National express the way o plumbing, heating and decoration vette the and deliver them by quick service to) now tenantae move n.—\¥tarton Beho. any station in Oreat. Britain, Ireland ‘and ‘most Bur whe transportation “charge, rows Unidentified Body, Found— ber 15th or from Saint John and Stratford. Oct. 31.—-The body of Halifax theréafter, by direct steamer] ®" unidentified man was found this to pointe in Great Britain, Ireland morning in a field beside the Cana- and the Channel Islands is $3.10 per dian National Railways tracks, about standard box and $6.20 per standard/One mile south of St. Paul's. The barrell, including refrigeration. body had apparently been there for anadian ports,}/Some time, and was concealed by a through rates to Continental sta-/clump of buehes tions and other particulars, consult uagressed, and indicated from its any Canadian National Express Ag-|&8@? ral appearance that the man had ent. lg nay preci Bh : sleep. His shoes had een ta off and were lying »be- VETATIONS side him, pol his coat had been plac- Or announcement e Banner can | @4 over his head to shieid {t from the assure you of a snttneiors job, on}/5un. The.body apparently 19 that of latest @tyles of weEene stationery.|® middle-aged man, but aecomposi- e-also carry a of wedding | tion is so far advanced that lUttle can be made out about his appear- ance. In one of the shoes which was WEDDING INVi Ss. sitting beside the body tnere was a portion of an issue of. The Toronto gen® Hotel, Lis- _tonel, en the firat Monday in th catth from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m $ Your service depends on more than just the way your own in- strument and line are working. Any moment you may call for connection with a telephone two, ten, a hundred or a thous: TS SA partment of Marine and WARNING TOUSERS OF RADIO _ All Radio. Recetving Sets MUST Be Licensed . “i Penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding $50,00 Liscense Fee $1.00 per annum Licenses, valid to 3lst March, 1928, may. be ob- tained from, Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, (f|>uilding in the past tive years and Radio’ Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, De- A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries Globe, dated Sept. 22. Palmerston Assessmnen:— According to Asseasor Wilkie of Palmerston, that town's population has declined 57 in the pas! vear. The seasment also shows a $22,054, which is accounted for through the exemptions of In every other depart- ment there As - decrease, although otal assessment this Palmerston .is not decrease of d there has been little two industries have closea aown, The decline in the asaessment this year is also pointed out. In spite.of this apparent decline it Is said to be al- most Impossible to rent a house in Palmerston. Fisheries, Ottawa. miles away. Pi L8)%f It Wasn't So Serious it Would Be Very Comica: Your call may follow one of the great long distance highways, = ead off along some eee pole line into the next cou ah whichever $3 y be, your rvice sstantly. patrotlcs, in ag rea a and cars and afoot, along two million miles of wire in Onta- ri a see that the track is‘ quickly cleared for veur call when the elements get the upper hand. These men are serving you per- sonally. With them it’s nt a. day's work, but a job in Your interest, Whether the make-up men of the Teeswater News did it unconéciously eT i ici : * 2 oa re a ni i : Pee ce: Be ; ey ; ; ay . Ps v6 ‘fe a ‘ YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE —Is it as Attractive Inside as Out? MAKE brad 3 cotthge comfortable pe and nei tie yproc partitions Ged done igh bo A egaea ag hing fa or not, we cannot say, bu? on- pick- ing up: this newsy exchani 6@ we were attracted by two items that appeared s 23: ot + ed for Driving While Drunk,””. and tello of three young men of Wiarton who-ate serving 14 days in the coop for driving cars while intoxicated. Phen directly below is tne heading “Wiad rton Council Votes ror Liquor Store.’ This item tells or deputation 4 citizens interviewing the council. ng to persuade them to appeal to she legislature to establish a booze ehop in that town, and the councli favor of doing so. The two articles appearing together. would Think of: it—three Wiarton youths ceilin: in- jail for driving cars while soused. By at akes! Rolls! Bread! And other delicacies, all characterized by Zur- brigg freshness and tastiness. Whether for afternoon callers, breakfast or evening meal, or for hungry children,’ our foak- ery goods are universally enjoyed. ‘Butter Scotch Pies Zurbrigg Bros. Phone 85 Listowel The owner had no in-} Bulbs! Bulbs! Bulbs! (ES ene DIRECT FROM HOLLAND Hyacinths, all colors; Tulips, for indoor potting and outdoor planting +--including---, Darwins, Daffodils, Narcissus and Crocus We bought the largest bulbs we coud get, and by getting them direct we can sell them cheaper. Phone or write your orders in now, before we are sold out. Now is the time to plant. R. A. CLIMIE Phone 72 Listowel WM . e Made onty roms hard Western wheats, Puri rich in — the d body building food. ng an Purity fer t is best for Salt ents baking and will sapely ate extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and PURITY FLOUR Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 265 Western Cavada Flour Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint Johan. Flour is ADVERTISE IN THE BANNER be comical-if they weren't so serious-+ eae a PP ictnear fire. out by throwing ofl} _ } et ie Review-Report- Proved safe bv millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuritis Lumbago - Pain Toothache Rheumatism __ | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | Neuralgia Headache D

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