atronize These yp eater Bet Whinere: You ‘Need the go RT of Reliable Business or Professional! Men LEGAL H. B. MORPHY, Barrister, Notary ts "convey: Solicitor for Bank of Com- . en Atwood, to 4 Office over J. A. Hacking’s Drug Store; Main St. Lis- : 3, C. HAMILTON, B.A. “ Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor for the Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to loan. Office on south eide - of Main street, over Zinn’s store. Bonds for Sale. C. MORTON SCOTT, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public, Convry- ancer Office -over: Bank of Montreal, Wallace Street. * ‘DENTAL | W. G. ‘E, SPENCE « Dentist;: Graduate of the Dentist} Department of Universiey. of Penn-| e@ylvania, Philadelphia; also gradu-| ate of The Le tel Collage of Dental! Surgeons, Toron Office over « Schinbein’s vl For painless extraction we use nite! fons oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- | ive anaesthesia. R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College ot| Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un- iversity : Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. ; Office over J..C. Jae aati store. | é Phone 60. F. ST.°C. ‘WELSON, L.D.S.; Graduate: of Royal Colleg Dental Surg ‘ya Toronto University Phone Office over ve and White “Store AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd | Salis for others and always eelis| to others. NATIONAL FARM AGENCY Phone 246, Listowel. AUCTIONEERS Miller and Henderson Satisfaction guaranteed reasonable Write or phone 76 W, Milverton Orders for sales can be left Banner office. MEDICAL 1 A. G. SHEIBLL, M.D. | and ; Physician Surgesn Diseases of Women and Surgery. P 3 | Office Inkerman Street, West. ! pposite sbyterian Church. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Bag, Nose and Threat | Graduate in medicine, University ef Torento. | Late aésistant New York Ophthal mie and Aural Institute, Moorefidld’ a Dyt and Geiden _ Throat aaa pits, Longon, Eng 8t. Stratford. Phone 267) the at the Queen's Hotel, Al towel, on the first Monday in e! mouth from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. DDS. i of: dians v appointm | due i real or liver to act properly. Violent Headaches ‘Until She Found “ “FE ruit-a-tives” MRS. MICHAEL COULIS. Once again a former sufferer, grateful for | relief ee by SPrat-@- tives”, returns heart-fel “TI used to feel tired ~ * and sundown, = periodically es Mrs. Mizhael Coulis, Killaloe Sta- ain * Outi. “After using ‘Fruit-a-tives’ the headaches and tired-out feeling soon and for two years now I ' have been i in the best of health.” For over 20 years “Fruit-a-tives” has been rheumatism, constipation and kin‘ to failure of the kidneys, stomach, “Fruit-a-tives” is so universally success- | ful because it is a eatuend medi mbined with tonics, Let it help you, 25¢ and SOx, | too. Buy a bos, te-day. deadly grip of colds in the Giese wand ab chest. The following letters are ) the best proof of Ks “We consider your, Minard's — ment a perry su r article. a = wrellet, for noo throat and chest. --Chas, F. Tilton, Fairville’’. “We can recommend Minard’s Logan Have Islands, Lun “Have uscd Min Liniment. for Croup ; found mot td equal to + Chas. E. Sharp, Hawkshaw, N.B.” INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE gears om 2; ce TSO. Yor bus B. BOBTON. FUNERAL DIRECTOR W. F. ens ey Beer | ro ae argh ig Sédutes Main} 8 east o Brats Fe pat atid day cats oo Phone 29% eS awit equipment asi Gestred Hie, your siiirt = ¥ out.’ Clothes Spic and Span For Fall Don't delay sending suit to the cleaners, your for any minate may bring an invitation eccial affair., Send your suit today, and in a short time it will be ready for any emergency. to some You'll find the service: and charges entirely to your. lik- FS Gut? Vere ito NOR oO gett the beet of the ent than to! preve that you are é Fer Sag et eae eae nave: nd hee be eect yan’. better day = “DISTRICT HOSEA PREACHES GOD'S 10’ OVE: { of silver, and for an homer of barley, eds November 13.—Hosea 6,j;and an half homer of barley: and 11 end 14. eaid unto. ped Thou shalt ‘abide Text. @ many days; thon shalt not -p) I desiraéd meroy, and not sacrifice: mm the harlot, and thon shalt not be and the knowledge ot God more than pre 36 man: so will I also be burnt-offerin; interesting News of Nearby Towns Clipped From . Locat Exchanges. A petition signed by over 200 citi- or G- ) ee” (Hos. . 1-3.) The prophet The fourteen chaptites uf the briet sa asked to symbolize, in this’ act book of Hoéea's prophecies tell ajof unfailing love for oné who had marvellous story of God's love. Not! forfeited all right to his love, the} only in the prophecy, but in the ac-j unfailing love of God for the people tual life of the man Hosea did God} who had forfeited all right to God'e show forth His love for Israel. herr: love. . “for Israel” means also for the whole Bes world; for in God’s plans Israel ie/,. 5 d om t Fear wip “ baci rio the channel of God’s blessings for BSDATnE te ulness and justice, the world so He had said to His people whe ne 4 have abandoned Him: “Ye are not It is a heart-breaking story that : ; 32 |24¥y people, and Iwill not be your God jasked Hosea to live out in his God." Yet * tan. Go * " ae ase re ae ee stone mes toes ae, love is as unfailing ae His justice, BES REM DeS bgt joredoMS’ has this message for Israel through and children of whoredoms; for the Hi rophet: -“It shall t land (of Israel) hath committed S EXOpNS Ch6 Pon 20 Pee reat wiidred Aonarc f the hat in the place where it was. eaid 5 OM, TERATERS 120 unto them, Ye are not My _ people, Men. 3 La = there it shall be said unto them, Ye a of cae of are the sons of the living God” (Hos. “Call his name Lo- 1:10.) What Hosea did in unfailing 40" love for his faithless wife, God will amm ‘or ye are not My people, and 1 will” not be your God” (1: L ae Se neaeing love for His faithless “not my people.” judgments and punishments that God must visif¥ £0" " upon Jarael for her sing In turning! Tedeeming love of God.” What a plea } way from Him and fellowshipping) ‘t !8, not only to Israel, but to ali with other Gods, with idols, with; ™en, to turn to God! “Come, and false religions. Were these severe |! et us return unto the Lord: for He material tell of this great and judgments an expression of God’s' hath. torn and He will heal us; He love? Let us never forget that God! "ath smitten, and He will bind us ia love: and His turning away from| UP.” (Hoa. 6:1.) His people, dealing with them Israel had been “having a form of verely, was done in love that they | | godliness, but denying the power might realize what their sins were. | thereof.” (II. Tim. 3:5.) Her leaders The relationship of the prophet} Were religious formalists, burning Hosea to his adulterous wife Gomer) S2crifice God and living In si hic! They were grinding down the people. is the relationship of God to tor corrupt and Ba ders in their govern- (3) adulterous people Isracl. untrue 2.) “That Israel is the wife of Je-| these later prophets of the Old Tes- hovah (see vs. 16-23,) now disown-;tament were correcting the mistakes ed, but yet to be restored, is the clear) of Moses and Israel in earlier times, teaching cof the passages. This re-jand that animal sacrifice was always lationship is not to be confounded/a mistaken idea, never pleasing to with that of the Church of Christ | God. Such teaching of course, re- (John 3:29.) In the mystery of the| jecta the Scripture and misses the Divine tri-unity both are true. Tha! meaning of osea’s message. God New Testament speaks of the Church | ordained animal sacrifice, the slaying as a virgin espoused to one husband|of the Passover lamb, the dhiedding! (11, Cor. 11:1, 2;) which cowld nev-| of the blood of bulls and goats, as a er be said of an adultorous wife, re-} type of the sacrifice and shed blood stored in grace. Israel is, then, to be| of ‘‘the Lamb slain from the founda- the restored. and covatvan wife of Je-| tion of the world’’—(Rev. 13:8)— hoveh, the church the ig oo wife of, _ is the Son of God, “The Lamb the Lamb (John 3:29; Re 19.6 f God.” which = away the sin 8;) Israel Jehovah's sayihty wite| of the world. (John 1.29.) In suc (Hos. 2:23;) the Church Ps Lam 5| passages as this lesson’s Golden Text heavenly bride Rev. 19:7."') | God wae not condemning or repudia- After Hosea’s own wife had aban-| ting the animal sacrifices He ordain- doned him and Lived a life of shamo ed; but he was declaring that they with others, God asked him to do a! Were empty and worthless, apart hard thing; seek her, out take her| from righteousness in the life, mer- back, and restore her -to the place of cy: and “the knowledge of God. an honored wife. She was evidently | When Israel's Megsiah, the Lord in’elavery, for he had to buy her. | Sesus, comes again to this earth, the “Then said the Lord unto me, Go} prophecies of Hosea will be fulfilled. love a woman beloved of her! Then “all Israel shall be saved— friend, yet an adulteress, according | ne ok 26 6 )—then God's Word to the love of the Lord toward the’ will be ke “I will heal their children of Israel, who look to other; backeliding, I will love them freely: gods, and love flagons of wine at Mine anger is turned away from . i) I bought her to me for fifteen pieces him.’ (Hos, C.P.R. Plans Two New Musical Festivals edncs during the Piping Contest— pron Springs Hotel in the back- Samet -eveld E. Key, ed appoint musical director of the C.P.R. specimens: of the handicrafts at which th are so skilled. The summer solstics is associated. with folk-festivals of nearly every Euro- a on account @ great was the interest in. the 8° paar ibs Folksong lace at Vancouver in tival at Quebec and in the Scottish | fall. is Music Festival = iekined or Banff, that the Canadia The three chapters chosen for les- clo the one who betrothed them to Him-| Ment. aid to them: “ self. God can Eimesif the husband | de: sired merey, and not sacrifice; and |; creasing busines of of Israel. T gh another prophet| the knowledge of sin 2 rove an exinsieaned poultry of Hoséa’s hominy God said to Israel: | burnt-offerings.” (6:6 man, hae been engaged by Mr. Rose ‘Thy Maker isithine husband: the! Does this mean chat Ged never|for the coming year and will arrive Lord of hosts is His name; and thy!really wanted animal sacrifices offer-|in Brussels about December ist. The Redeemer the Holy One of Israel’ cd to Him? There are some “mod-| family will occupy the house recently (Isa. 54:4, 5.) The Scofield Refer-jern'’ teachers of the Bible, higher\vacated by G. C. Manners on Turn- ence Bible has a note on Hosea (2:-; critics, who take the position that{berry street.—Brussels Post. zens of ro gawd for @ liquor store, in that town w chel, M-L.A., to be S aatinicted to the Liquor Commission. Tron Caused Fire— Teeswater, Nov. 7.—Leaving the electric fron attached to the plug nearly destroyed the home of ae + rac Sa aa ie etre of the Mon réby ‘noticed the dames at the window. and the back) door was broken open and’ water] thrown on the burning holding the iron. Mrs, Nesbit: is in the hospital and her at the hospital at the time. ruined fron, window curtains and couch, very little damage wae done. Goderich Hotel Damaged— Goderich, Noy. §.—A ee we a out. in the Park House, serious fire West oy by Thomas Hiljott, cnit a number of r ing for new lodginge. ‘burned off and the firemen did good work, being on the job _ practically nll night before they got the finally under control. Installing New Incnbator—~ This week workmen.are bu 6talling a new 12,000 egg unubetor at the poultry plant of Walter Rose, Brussels. This es Mr. Rose a total incubator pore ae of 3 0 eges which should ane care of his largely Child Swallows Ring-— An accident occurred cn Sunday when era the Hittle daughter of Mr. an . Jas, a of Blyth, seiiraer 7 rin child rushed to Wingham Hospital where the doctors failed to locate it. Dr. Colborne, who had charge of the case took the — one to Goderich where an X-ray revealed the ring lodged in the wrgauipe, An immediate opera- er oa And other delicacies, all characterized by Zur- brigg freshness and tastiness. Whether for afternoon callers, breakfast or evening meal, or for hungry children,. our bak- ery goods are anETERITY enjoyed. Layer Cake... 25¢ Doughnuts:.<........i5..c... .20¢ Cup Cakes... 20c Cream Paffs. ...... hice MOC Butter Scotch Pies 30c | Lurbrigg Bros. _ Phone 85 = tion was performed and the ring re- moved, The little one is resting and recovered nicely from*her trying ex- perience, Arthur Factory Assi The Arthur Shoe anor’ went the way of many of Ontario's small in- dusetries, when on October 11th the proprietors, C. H ooper & Son, made an authorized assignment of all aged property for the benefit of their credito According to srstachent out ‘<™ the Canadian Cred- it Men's Association, the Habilities of the firm Gre in the neighborhood of $10,000 while the assets are not giv- en. Arthur is set forth as the heav- fest creditor holding against the firm an obligatioon of appreximately $4,- 353. Died On Way Home— Palmerston, Nov. 6.—David Pat- terson Hobson, second eldest son of Spanish, Honduras, to Palme visit his mother. Details of heed ia are lacking, but from wha learned it is thought that ‘Mr. "Hobe aon left Spanish, Honduras, where he had been living about a month age, and while en route was taken ill. He was taken to a hospital at Panam j and underwent an operation. After | he was able to leave the hospital and | about to continue his journey, he had to return to the hospital for a time, ._He ~~ started for home. but at New Orleans he had to enter the Marine Hospital, = his death occurre Broke Arms Cranking € The cool fail nights hetton made many of the Jocal cars rather diffi- cult to’start, some of our citizens have had -to resort to the expedient of winding them up by hand. While cranking a Star touring on Tuesday, Mrs. George O’Nefll‘ had her right erm broken when the engine back- fired. Soar, Waechter, eldest son of Mr. Ben Waechter, had the — caro li be on Saturday e n ing, in turning over. Mr. Jos: ores fan's Queen Elizabeth, the contrap- tion- kicked and. broke ‘his right wrist. This is the third time the ing Prine ed it in the mee a cob den, radio room, ‘play- extra sleeping quarters by erect- a wal partitions of make your attic Seseaeaat warm in vwinter and cool in —"M Home.” Ttwill tell Write’ f or free hag ; El five or Insulex will jedan your fuel bil rom 20 to 40%. ing ing ceilin G THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, iin: CANADA For Sale By Ltd. | Robert Oliver, - - « Listowel, Ont. Succesoful Baking! It depends largely on the flour you use. We ne yur welcome this suggestion — try ae 4 tich, vigorou —made from the finest Western wheat. Satter of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. PURITYFLOUR Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recipe Purity Flour Cook Book, 201 Western Canada Flour Milic Co, Limited. Toronto, Mostreal, Ottawa, Saint Joho. cranking a Ford a few years ago., | Started early to break the arm by {fracturing it on the firet occasion by | toppling out of a high chair when an } infant.—Walkerton Herald-Times, —__ ; FARM NEWS IS WELCOME No téws that comes fo the editor’s desk is more welcome than that which comea from the farmer. The editor has lit- tle or no trouble to learn of news ,that happens “in towns, his attention is soo called to ype his town reéad- ers have so. 69edutated that they enti pty each week call in all the news and person- ale that they know. . But with the farmer it is different. en the farmers self, hig farm, or his neighbora, that the editor would take af- front and refuse to print-it; or lie may feel that should the editor pb DB Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Rheumatisr - Neuritis Toothache