‘Thursday, Dec. Ist, 1927 23 cs Business Directory’: Patronize. These Advertisers Whenever You Need the Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men LEGAL H. B. MORPHY, KC. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- li EB of Com- Milv om, Atwood. Money to loan. a. Hacking'’s Drug Store, Main St. Lis- towel. J. C. HAMILTON, B.A. — Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor for the Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Joan. Office on Sonn side of Main street, over Zinn's store. Bo C. MORTON. SCOTT, B.A. Barrister, ange =e Convey- Office over Ba ae of Montreal, Wallace Street CAMPBELL, B. A. | Dd. G. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer | Office temporarily at &| Johnston’s office. Wallace street. | Phones—oflice 88. Residence 213. | DENTAL | W. G. E. SPENCE pentist, Graduate of the Dentist! Department cf Universiey of Pe ann-| cyivania; Philadelphia; also gradu-} ate of The — Sollee of Dental! Surgeons, Tor Office over! Schinbein’s sere. For painless extraction we use nit-| rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- | ive anaesthesia. R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of! Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un-| F. ST. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S.! Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sarecce: Toronto University | 23 fer appointments. { Office over + Red and White Store AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd iversity. Nit@oue Oxide Gas eid Extractions.) Office over nald’s store. J. C. MeD Phone 60. Sells for others and always cells to o Phone 246, Listotvel. AUCTIONEERS a al Miller and Henderson Satisfaction guaranteed T reasonable Write or phone 76 W, — Orders for sales ran be left Banner office. MEDICAL mds for Sale. | | | NATIONAL PARM AGENCY | | | | | ] i at) | | Apply the liniment every few hours to throat: and chest. Cargle with Minard’s in warm water. Splendid for Bronchitis and Asthma. ." HORTICULTURE NOTES ‘ ROOM AND WINDOW PLANTS The number of plants suitable for growing in ordinary ng-rooma -is necessarily Umited, although larger than generally realized. ps most adverse factor affecting plant growth indoors is the lack of humidi- ty in the atmosphere, which no amount of watering. at the roots will} counter-balatice Draughts are also extremely detri- mental to the growth of practically all plants in rooms, for cold air quick- ly turns the leaves yellow i may cause wilting and withering of the foliage. A third cause of failure is lack of . but this is not—-appHcable— of course’ to plants grown in sunny win- dows, and some thought must be ex- ercised 69 that only the must long suffering of foliage plants ‘snch as j the useful Aspidistra lurid are {placed in the darker corn even these will benefit cohsiderably | if they can be changed arownd oacca- ly so that the period @pent un- unfavorable conditions 1s ust collecting on ‘the leaves of room plants also exercises a very adverse influe nce on the he: aith of the deleterious influence. / with hirsute leaves are uneuited to room cultivation, as thie very fact renders them very Hable to collect dust and the nature of the foliage Clothes Spic and Span For Fall Don't suit delay sending your to the cleaners, for any minute may bring an invitation affair. Send your suit today, and in a short time it will be ready for any emergency. to some eocial You'll find the service and charges entirely lik- ca to your ing. . Joe Lockhart makes sponging impracticable. The watering of pot-plants in reoms ai- ways demands the utmost attention for extremes = either drynéas’ or wetness will use Only water at the same tempereture as the room should iz applied, and this in cient thoroughly moisten the Whole ball. Healthy plants with their pote full of roots will require feeding during the growing season 2nd this is best effected by means of weak but regu- jar applications of geome good proprie- tary fertilizer, varied occasionally with diluted clear eoot-water. obvious reasons manure water is = a suitable stimulant for room plant have found that by adding a little sulphate of iron occasionally to the water supplied to pot-bound Pfoss Cordylines, Aspidistr$s, etc., it great- ly increases the greenness of the fol- iage. Springtime, when activity of the roots commences to manifest itself, ig the best time for potting most plants. In the case of plante accom- modated in fairly large receptacles this should only be undertaken when absolutely necessa a small shift will suffice. portant that a properly prepared compost suited to the requirements of the particular plant be used and Care must be exercised so that the root Systém is not unduly knocked Adequate drainage must be provided. If it is Spaeth hetteh herent }an extent, Mr. Huber. possible to place] the newly potted plante in a close,| shaded greenhouse for a short time after the operation is completed 6o much the better. Division of such plants as Aspidistras, Clivias (Iman- tophyllums) etc., which have grown too large for the positions assigned to them should also be carried out at thie season, while leggy plants of Aralias, Ficus Cordyline and similar A. G. SHEBLL, M_.D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Surgery. one 13 Office Inkerman Street, West. Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Kye, Bar, Nose and Throat Graduate in mredicine, of Torente agsistant New York Ophthal-| Late mic and Afiral Institute, Moorefiéld’s | Bye and Golden Sysare Throat Hos- | pita’ bs We terieo St. Stretford. Phone 267 | Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Lis-| towel, om the first Monday month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | INSURANCE | = | HIRE EXSURANCE | come : 7 aecidgnt, an-/ toy By te Jomobite a r 100. Your buefneys EB. B. BOLTON on ee ots. FUNERAI ™RECTOR W. F. Me LAUGHLIN Sten aha AND ATWOOD ato er Cawadiun cifvalming e aud a or Tse drawn equipment as, fired . . te bbbe + % > +. * KURTZVILLE * + peri cbeleebee ee bolet feof ofeede and Mrs. -Wilfred Fisher ‘and é Marjorie. spent Sunday at the home ‘ot M. Mr, an McDowell. Mr. Fred Ruppel, Miss Elvera and Eee Ruppe? spent the week n Kitchener witn ule former’s midt. home of Mr. J. Gaus, ryt | and. Geo. Ott # Universiis | | Resiierce and parlofs, Main |= | The BABY | |: | | subjects may be shortened bv cutting half way through the stem just below bed — omy leaves, and binding nd sand around the slit, which ~ rept open by meens of a org of wood. If this moss is t new roots quickly form “os be top may be severed and potted up. Other details in the successful cul- ture of room plants consists of fre- quently sponging the leaves and turn- j ing the plants occasionally so that lopsided growth ig discouraged. The t never on this for the little moisture rising from the water creates an appreciab- le degree of humidity. é No mother in this enlightened agc would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, almost any little ill. Fret- fulness and fever, too; it seems nc time until everything {s serene. at’ table, yeu can give it as there’s a sign of colic; constipation: Ste hon: or need t to aid sound, nat- ural s us re warning: Fletcher's Castoria that “" ge of Dabien that een with Fietcher's Castoria is worth t in gold. Children Cr a fami-| Z ant Being 2 at ae héies of Mr. W. Nuhn, pley. it ts genuine The Pick of GIFTS CANDY from Diana Sweets. It’s delicious . to the taste, wholesome, and attractively boxed in the Christmas way. __Makes a Gift in ‘good tas 29 FULL DIRECTIONS OW EVERY PACKAGE E.W.GILLETT CO.LTD. TORONTO, CAN Broke ‘Right pra Mr. Jesse Jac of the 8th Mary- borough, while Pauline manure with a stoneboat on Thureday last, had the misfortune to fall and break his right arm between the shorlder and elbow. r was called and after giving first aid took him to uelph General Hospital for an X- ray, to ascertain the exact exrent his injuries. Mr. Jack’e man friends regret to hear of his wishes and hope that he will soon have the use of his arm again.—Drayton Ad- vocate. . Auto Struck By Train— Mr. Milton Huber of town had a very close call on Tuesday morning when a freight train shunting in the C.N.R. yards hit his auto. Mr. Hub- er was going down the hill on the county line, where the view to the west IS badly obstructed, and the train hit the rear side of his car knocking it sidewaye off the track. While the car was damaged to quite ,» Who was rid- ing alone, eescaped without injury. -~—Hanover Post. Banner Want ‘Ads: Sell NEWS OF T DISTRICT Interesting News> of Nearby Fergus, over the week end. The Provincial flicers stationed iph,. Constables Waiker and The regular monthly mecting of the “True Workere” missionary cir- cle will be held Thursday afternoon, | December 8th at the fous of Mrs. wget Hart. Oeumere are urged} .5 as it is the ann nual| *# ene for Get election of officers for the coming year. All « “tmite’’ boxes to be handed in at this meet- ng. Listowel jas poner Mrs. J, M, Dick. } friends in 4 ae Cameron end with friends in Listowel and Mrs. The.Ladies’ Aid will meet on Wed- Place of} home of Mr, ogee der. Mr. and Mre. J pulpit on Sunday morning Sunday with friends in Listow: ae Inez tains spent nat week visti spent. ag week Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Jack” ‘Alevander = vid a London epent a day last week at the Alexani Maybury spent owel. Thompson, were notified and are in- vestigating. McCallum Again Nominated— ; Teeswater, Ont., Nov. 26.—M. A, McCallum of Brant, unseated mem- ber for South,Bruce in the Ontario entered Pro- riding here yester- At their convention last year a number of others were proposed as candidates, but yester@ay after- noon Mr. McCallum's name was the oniy one submitted. He said that he had hoped to receive the nomina- tion and ecught re-election chiefly rto vindicate his d name. * Appeal against disqualification, had been un- successful, and he felt it no disgrace {to be unseated. |A Promise More Than Kept— When the publishers of The Fami- ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- | treal two years ago annonnced that {the owner of the paper wiched them j to reduce the subscription price from two dollars to one dollar a year, they promised that not a single feature of the paper would be eliminated, but new features would be added, and the paper made more valuable than ever. It is frankly admitted by ine a million of readers that their has been more than fulfilled, and to- day The Family Herald and Weekly Star at one dollar a year isthe marv- el of the newspaper world. No home in Canad@” would regret this invest- ment. Just think of a great big 72 page publication at less than two cents per week, and every page of it alone worth the money. No wonder The Family Herald and Weekly Star has over a million readera. It de- serves them all, and more, too. SPER EEEEEEEEEE EE EE EEE ED 2nd. LINE ELMA + Fe eeeriorte: Pee | The roade are in a vary bad con- —— at present. Mrs, Geo. McCutcheon, Wallace, spent bandas on the line. Clarence McLaughlin and son Harvld spent a day last week at Mr. Miss mpson epent the week end with her aunt Mrs. H. Cul- ‘len Mr, Murray Fallis epent an eve- ning last week at Mr. Jas. Camo- ning last week at Mr. Jas. Carnoc- hans. /IVHCRED. ULES ALITY Canada’s Largest Retail Grocers Buy Your cneiniss. Groceries Early *e All our stores are now Harris’ Domest! 3-1. _ fully —s with new Sh rt ing = 49° nt AG" Picts tab o en = seasonable jac coma ez| Mincemeat 229° ies early. re ww 2 PYM] Come and Jook around fe and 7 ne ae cele Belting Powder | ions leisurely. . ; manag hi will : pleas- yrs a Mapas a pigeon 29¢ ed to help you ae Oe Zic and tin tee % Finest Shredded Domine Blend SPECIAL OFFER i fe Cocoanut Pi Diente TEA 69°... e4 25° Ib. Braeside Finest Creamery English Breakinet Style s@ e 1-Ib., 14-b., 4-tb.pkts. = Butter 406, | —————_ Flavoring The Finest Butter in Canade Baker’s Premium Extracts | waytiela c | Chocolate 22 £Oc [Brand mr] um 25¢ mee! . RAISIN: Golden Hallowi Dates 2lbs. 23c Karavan Stoneless Dates 19¢ Natural Cooking Figs 2lbs.22¢ . aa gig Figs Ib, 25¢ Malaga Clusters, pkg. . pine Finest Australian Sultaizs, Jb, one BSE Cherries pte H Finest C. a - Ib. Whole Glace age b. st candied Citron... --...aveb. | Evaporated Apricots 336 b. Lee tR A cncssinsciosinnvie Rnleeed Currants 166 hb. California Thompson Seedless 2 Ib. 27 unmaid Puffed Seeded, 15 oz... 18 Sunmaid Puffed Seeded, Ib. le Delmonte Seedlegs; 15 oz. ~16< Bom + Fat E : i ad er ween Oe ib, BOR FOE) BO Re) ee >= | 4 | Jo? o®]o® o°jo° 0°) Fle Ae at ~ CHRISTMAS CAKE Give your order for our own make Christmas Seu Our Christmas Candy Duplay Sweetheart rt Chest 1-4b. bex 38 an Peek 1. 2¢ fMictere Zin, Beans ne ziin a ccc 34b. bex 99¢ Aunt Jemima and PUDDINGS Puddings and Cake to our local manager now. Mr. and Mrs, J. Pretswell spent Senior in Wallace Mr. and Mre. mmond, sixth .corn., pert aad with Mr. and Mrs “Jas Brazile 29... ~. Flour 23 and 25c th. } Rca, 59%, cade “Ele - r 7O6-C-F Fa ad Pa Bia Pia Ba Be McDON ALD’S-- Headquarters for Sensible Xmas. Gifts TH time for gift choosing is here again. . crowde you in any way possible. The wise person will do this choosing while the stocks are choicest and stores Sensible, us2ful gifts should be the keynote of your Christmas buying. This season ‘more L > full up of interesting gifts, and remember, we have gifts at any price you wish. n ever It is a pleausure for us to help SILK LINGERIE For Her For Him SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS SOCKS _ TIES GLOVES GLOVES HOSIERY .§ SILK.SCARFS SCARFS BATH ROBES LINENS MADEIRA WORK HOSE SUPPORTERS For the Kiddies HANDKERCHIEFS WOOLLEN SE%S MITTS SWEATERS, BTC. ~P. K. Outerwear as Gifts A gilt with a real value. An all-wool sweater in the many atrative designs which we have, and also---they are made in: Listomel. McDonald's. You can only buy P. K: Moth-Proof Outerwear at OHN. McDONALD $ cad e * PY She a ‘| Nea