af Member British> Parliament. from London a we HE MONKTON TIMES VOL. XI—NO. 44 | MILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 192! Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprietor MRS. JANET CONNELL June 27th, after an two week's duration, Monday, illness of about BRRRRRRE Sugar $9.90 per cwt. at Loth’ Black cherries $2.50, quite cheres , red cherries $1.35, at Moh John Loth, of, fravistock, is Items of Local Interest. These are the days when a man’s| _™ er : anet Kennedy, widow of the late Be visiting with Mrs, W. K. Loth at pres. Notice! ‘Thomas Connell, of the 8rd line Morn. | Pest {ign 18 hls Job. the [ent # ington, way. Mrs. Connell weekend ith Mr. and Mrs. Ru: Chas, Keeso, of Pickering, — was born in Glasgow, Scotland, near-| 4” spent Monday in the village on busi- A Sunday Evening Service will be|ly 87 go and came to Canada ated § Whiley, of Guelph, spent| ness. “held in the Milverton Rink commenc-|in 1842 whe r 7 year: age. |. hours on Mo nday with his} As a railway commissioner “ ‘Fear- ing at 7.30 o'clock pam, ‘The musical] The family settled first in. Downte, |Sister, Mra, W. Kk. ess, Fighting Frank Carvell” has ue Tha ntven| DUE & couple of years afterwards |""My’ and Mrs: Malcolm, MacBeth and beet a frost »part of the programme will be given|they removed to’ Mornington an family ‘spent ‘Sunday afternoon with remember the open air spans at by the John Qualen Trio and Henry| settled on. the now owned by ify" Sondes Sremoon. wits red Sass alice, on Thursday even- eed, Tenor. An address will be de-| Mr. Hivared by D. Lee Fitzpatrick. A/2¥°, redecnsed et Stiatloras “4 gly Gi th—Ney's orel n Kerr, of Stratford, spay ‘he L.O.L, district, metrics will Schneider's bologna, 25¢ per pound | at Mohr’s. 1,000 yards of print remnants 15¢ a yard at Loth’s. ere pals peat shirts at 75c, 95¢ and Ee eee tecteeoe adleser aha Grand Cenizal Hotel. For sale-—Beef ring cattle, Apply to Pip Sippel, Milve The o us this year is ted Peis eae ange of raw silk shirts ex- pected this week at Loth’s. All aeeounts should be paid by July bth, TD. Milverton. Milverton School Report The results of the recent REODOMOR expinstions are as follow: ane . 1V—Total 880, edna 660, aes mors—Nellie MacBeth 1 HYMENEAL STERRIT—GRAY m Wednesday, June 22nd. at the, Pie, i Presbyterian mnie, Atwood in Carbert 687, Catl Seheiit cog marriage was ee soletiniced “at Annem cartert fae Ge Foe Mary (Alice, eldest daughter of ‘Mr. 1642, ‘Flora Berktor 640. Aloe cen and. Mrs Joan William |536, Arthur Schneider 535. Failed mStareitt; son of Me and Aire Bebe Stella Oper 494, Louise Tucker 403 Sterritt, of St. M: Matra Rev. W. D. Me-| Evelyn Kerr 819 ee at for “arith, donald ‘officiated. wide was ymetie and geography). charmingly gowned in delf blue silk be . by about Yee aeu ae ect a atd ia Cade Chun MANae: al Hike Mins ettuiter of atoreision, (nite rtd and bugle Sr ABs having taken al collection is hoped for in the| years: She is survived by the follow-|{he Wee cent with hes dane ites eee Sunday, July 10th at i1 o'clock am. |is spending the summer vacation at jbeads. The groom's gift to the bride 15, per cent. al all year—Anna Krajaer caid of the memorial fund. tng family: Charles. at” home, Mrs. Mornington. a Me Herb: Swint defi at-this offits |be.Lome tn town vas a wri ; the cere-| id. | assed with honors 586 or o Annie Kines, Mrs, Lilian Flawn, Mrs is Maty Hoftent, of, Cleveland, the other day several heads of timo-|. rshall, of Durham, the happy couple left on. a| Roe hah Pricey ay oats Blorence r James Ross, Cleveland; Miss Sarah one eet Shae Hahn? ot thy that measured eight inches in iting her daughter, | motor trip for Hamilton and Toronto bel ‘Tucker 688 # over—Isa~ RRR ReaRRR at home, ‘William and Mrs, W. 'T. [ena and Mr. and Mrs. 4. Hahn, of eneth, Mrs, WA. Heughan, e bride travelling in a navy trico- | Rose Ghewone EOE se eee oie Shearer, a son and daughter, died |{7tchener, were Deo Mer Wiad! Lanitmetichorly chief | cTie Bela auntrareacy ee he Hattie Mine ’atiicond blacks we stale eee abe erty 006: Mabel Weir 543, some years ago. Mrs, Connell ‘was Tan rs, Pred Weiderhold and |of Polite of Stetlatds tad bash salectstat the Borne Wil Pe celebrited thi [Mueuchiuuweee Oo teen ice ing BOG) Mile a eee ee poce ———— i i from ten applicants for a similar [year at Palmerston and Walkerton, il reside on the groom's fing farm 1) Mildred Gatcke 523, Almer is hale mac Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman spe fo ison ne are througout the’ cou ntry are|near St. Mar the ¢,fat™ | Appel 508, Alvin Hopt 506, Mayetta ill sition at 2 ny friends i" ', riends in the highest esteem an Bellver, Mere ners oe es aan ae e uepten, of Kingwood, |looking splendidly, but wheat is said |wish them a long: and happy wedded | Swindt_ 485, Valter oe Ser. ae : regard, and her passing will be sin- SROROM. ss seeenstite: intaland ME Be Renin, GE Teton {to be tieome extenr-atocel bya lite pares pe Aa Reel ERI cerely regretted. ‘The funeral took | 1,6" Methodist parsonage this’ week spent oucay artic to me of Mr. and| . Specials at Loth’s—$1.00 and $1.26 tees Falled bel Below ahh Gaerne oe e se nh place on Wednesday, June 29th, to| sng will preach hh augural sermon | Mrs. Herb Schwindt, Gravelridge. ties for 59 75 pants for $1 goin tS —E Wages 0 reenwood cemetery, — Milverton, |°™ sina meet: ‘That the decennial census now be-| table oils Be month sockes regs abe MACHAN—FLOOD Zo Br. Tit Passed, having taken { Where the ints file, apeertie ok §. J. Grosch has Reese of |ing taken ur show ect to pos-|to 50c fo: aH b ¢ retty June wedding took place Schneldes, er Sao a chaal Acuuene if . i. e funeral services re ing st. to Dr. sess approaching nine “million aia very ae Fin a while you hear o: 0 ii P. " a ‘Genuine and Reliable Cloths|»y" sev c.'N. Padion, of Bums ezendeie on Ringo Be thetic estimate at Ottawa. |e human unc, "One fa een a on Wednebday, une 22nd, a five | Knizht, Pawsed with honots, 886 o rch, ‘ ilverto; . will at-|covered in Hamilton, wl e threw 5 Huber) ing ce Making Wen’ Sui she was a devoted member. THRE, Winnie’ Backer, nurse in-train:| tend service in Burts CHuréh on Sun- broken glass into s children's wading |Mogber, Monkton, when Jane M. on-| Welt 610, Gordon Gunther 603, Char. in Making Men’ Suits S Ohicago. i,” fat present day, July 10th, at seven o'loek, ‘The | Pook ae the peice Eee a aoe Dasa ntas se ema Oe spending a few days'at the home of brethren are requested to meet at the members of L.O.L., No. 45, son of Mr. and Mrs fachan, Grey. {er 581, Jean Smith 672; Jessie Some @ have a stock of Blues of Indigo A NEW TAX Mr; and Mrs, George Guenthei |lodge room at 6.30. flverton purpose holding an Arch imho Rev, oason; -Monktan|568, Lorne. Gook- 601, Rogrie Pande Dye in worsted of excellent wearing ‘The public school board have se-| Mr. and Mrs, Otto Mueller an-|meeting on. July 6th at eight o'clock |th¢ Re nuptial "knot in the presence |559, Mildred Smith $53, Earl Bunde “quality—the ine and reliable 3 tax on real estate is now |cured the services of Miss Thusn n the engagement of | their sharp. Every member is requested to of about thirty-five "relatives and scho 537, Hazel Stewart 531,Bill ‘ood: also the best trimmings on the and’ came Into forge on the Ist| Mantz, of New Han as assistant jeldest daughter, Melinda E., to Mr. |be presen of the young couple. The| Appel 534, Mary Neumeister’ 517, market, In addition we have other | day of June tax is one-fifth of |teacher in the continuatio: \H chade, of Milverton, the mar:{. Mr. Fred Scholl, Mr. A. | inide Toched cha Fming in's gown of | Charles Henna 407, feel Cook sae Motnaidowhocsertem: ates eak bat one per um ‘upon the emount rt, and Mrs, Andrew Gropp and |riage to take place quietly next month | Scholl_and ftiend and Mr. ‘Herbert white silk with georgette and bead |Ira Hamilton 468. ¥. iled, below 468 sgain. of the purchase price and shall be|daughter, Ada, Miss Gertrude Opper, | nday visitors at me of Mr,|and sister Lavina, of ible tte are | trim ect uieisuutorce mlazence "Stewart 418, Lorne Zu $32. 00 to $36 00 paid by the party registering the|Mrs. George Reis and M z Bele Oe ae Eas oT ae Present visiting at the homeof |\.i] with orange blossams. After con. |lauf 417, lovin, Heimpel ’399, "Gordon t essrs. Henry and John Diehl an i ‘a A same upon eve y transfer, ane spent Sunday with Goderich Blondes Messrs, «Honey chon asin Diehl: ead esha. Gee Beddencicneont: ei Rateatous a en extende he Schweitzer 28 whereby any land, tenements or other realty. sold. wee be peAnteds assigned, transf eee 0 otherwise nae ce or vester the pur chaser or chasers. Such tax shall be qaliected by the registrar of titles, as the case ONTARIO! may be, before he registers such trans Tt will ied you to a esha a this © before buying. J. M. FLEISHHAUER Merchant Tailor “MILVERTON, - - J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for DL& W PORTLAND Seyi CEMENT SCRAN’ ST. MARYS ARTHEACITE MILVERTON Chautauqua JUNE 30TH TO JULY 4TH PROGRAMME IN DETAIL Evenings at Eight O'clock Afternoons at Three O'clock FIRST DAY AFTERNOON— Opening Concert in charge of Seen etree Vocal. THE CHESTER SCOTT COMPANY EVENING—. Concert Heaven Chester Scott, Marvelous Cornetist E CHESTER SCOTT COMPANY Popular bite: ve One Hundred Per Cent. Man” DR. J. FRANKLIN BABB, of Boston. SECOND DAY AFTERNOON— Seoeat Concert by Prince, the Prince of Concert Accordion- Lecture —"Red Race ape the Lid Off” LIEUT. W. /RNE-DEMPSTER, M.C., M.S.M. Who recently Eavalaa rig 000 miles through Bolshevik Russia EVENING— Prelude Concert by Prince, Concert Accoriionist Magis a and Mystery, with Inexplicable Illusions AVIS MASTER, MAGICIAN. THIRD DAY AFTERNOON— Musical Program with Mntertainnent Numbers THE JOHN QUALEN TRIO and HENRY REED aces for Community—“Community Nuts to Crack” D. LEE FITZPATRICK EVENING— ; epee of the Famous Comedy Sane “Contentment” THE ELIAS DAY PLAY COM A Company of pee Players Sake ee of Last Season’s Great Successes. FOURTH DAY APPERNOON— 4 ith Operatic Selections. | Grand CSUSON'S LIGHT OPERA QUINTETTE EVENING— 7 Lecture—“The Outlook in Europe” N. PERCY ALDEN Musical Program peace fee ons from Victor Herbert’s Comic Ope’ mat.”” FERGUSON'S L GUT OREaA QUINTETTE “ GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Single Admission: Aftern ee es Bvenings, 75¢; Children, 25¢ and (War Tax ieaateenad)” The Semen erece costs $2.00; junior tickets, tig 2 children the ages of six and fourt Boi a War pte, $1.00. th are subject ason. vihats ol t less than half the aggregate of the. inele, Mabiasio ions fer, conveyance, deed or other instru- | th ment. and vicinity attended tl ciréus at Stratford on Friday. All say r, the Progressive that the performances were quite up candidate and follower of T. A. Cre ‘0, date. ar, defeated Col. n Bags The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- overnment Rite 8 in the ie tex yeas dishensed in Burne’ Church lal Hat bye-election for the Fe on Sunday last, There was a good eral long on Monday by « majority attend: and over 200 partook of | % Meg erie F r. John J. Schaefer, of Poole, has ‘The Library will be open on Satur- EES: very serious operation = & day afternoon and evening during July and August. ‘The librarian would | ener-Waterloo hospital which was per- like all books returned that are out le y allace assisted by Lepe | Drs, Ballantyne and Smith and proved Seventy-five candidates are writing eae successful. their abirene xami! kK Largely due to the attitude of the r. Wm. Irwin - younger Mennonites with the poliey sisted by Moses, Melee Irvin and: W. esnen by 1 colony see a ites and the apes ‘ilu land a rosch left on Thursday | deals there is a stron possibil lity that saat for caleaey, Alta., ieee he wiil/all plans for a wholesale migration spend some weeks on ess in con-| ftom Manitoba to Florida may-be ab- Nees with the estate of the late andonet S$. _G. Grosch. | under showers of Tuesday Me and Mrs. H. W. Hamilton, of [wore “undoubtedly general as a mem- Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. ° arntonig quartetie’ sal |Bettger, and children, of se meen ter were in. one:hefore arriving at spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. | Stratford, the atta, ofom pierre |had never seen the equal. He added, Mes Thos, McBride left for her| “nobody need tell me now that a For - | can’ ee m Toronto on ‘Thursday after| (° ance, of Stratford ite & vs at as just returned from’a tri pees Metenen visiting hes father, land and haa ‘an’ offer’ from Verillion , ma|Bros., of Quebec, to take a position 8 a anda oe Doteais {at one of their posts on the northern Labrador coast. In the event of in to accept ho will leave short- Girls’ The Milverton Tages “defeated the} x | ete IL, in the rink on Friday [Weanevday. ‘evening fast week g PR evening, under e auspices of the a score 0: The Stratford guniors| o a ee ical Church was have since defaulted to erton| Well attended. The programme aclontine “ie! nee igh teams tHe | n lve girls and the numbers Bite district © |were exceedingly pleasing, The pro- ainriolans Gtk ev nowden, of Londen.) A B.0.T.A, charge which (ras, pre: cei apie ed the uit of Forced vetently ts the ony alles the "Methodist Chuzeh on Sunday last |Court against W. man, Was Mr, Snowder the accused ownership ofa half-empty bottle of liquor which had been found Board hereby notify all those owine|" CUE: Bat for mowing grass on Plots, ete., that | impire. PCR ee ee Soe Gol. J. C, Massie, formerly man- or before July 10th or they will be ager of the Bank of Nova. Scotia, Stratford, police magistrate for Port Colborne and Humberstone Vil e friends of Miss Sarah Smith, | F r as been appointed poliee magistrate of Brunner, who has been quite ill) \¢ the town of Dunnville in the ste go the aks Cie mmve thay. sen CORES oe Me. David Hastings, who was dis- to hear that shi ot making the| missed by Attorney-General Raney on improvement i tie eaenda thatbe renee ilone ie returned Shae after thanking their iently oceu, the chair. PrO-! host and hostess for the pleasant gramme given was of a very high| time, order, the numbers of the Milverton arden party held under the auspices of, the Ladies’ Aid 0 h on Tuesday evening was, not- withstanding the circumstances, a successful affair. t quartette being éspecially appreciated The Evangelical band of North East; hope, was pre and discoursed Perctly dantertesereqine othe pros ceeds amounte: ves Grosch has disposed of |e bo treet to trus} cillor jand for Aa ‘years Beh held the} g1 but it e chair. In his val the | cic ‘with the programme Classic City acquires sagthee vo our/and a most enjoyable evening was leading citizens. spent after all. weeks ago shi h | ha: his fine dwelling on King f Le , and Church |have rusty nail pier foot Mr. E, G@ for the sui ided the musical part|throuch her slipner. "The wound was $4,500. Mr. Grosch has purchased |of the programme. The numbers of | properly poulticed and no trouble was house from Mr. Thomas Trow, of| the London quart oo _Teceived |antiinated from blood poisoning un- Stratford, sand ‘will. take. podsession | with. tremend The |ti1 the latter nart of last week when gome time next month. Mr. Grosch| zounds were beautifully lighted with she began to feel ill and expetienced been a resident of Milverton for) the Fairbanks-Morse electric lighting | 4 ctiffent nd a twitch- nearly sixty years and a aiveye been|system for which Mr. J. C. Hardie, |; f the Sraicles i ie A i Or held in the highest e: e is|of Listowel, is ag ‘in inter- eee serum from Stratford under ;quarantine for ten days, on accoui ving unknowingly en- tered a home at Palmerston on Mon- day, where members of the family were, ill with smallpox. four rinks from Listowel played on the local green on Two of the local ae lost out while wo were winners. On the whole Mil- verton stood about 17 up. Idleness never won distinction in the world, and never will. The world oes not owe us a living, but every man owes the world work.’ God made dodge the Tn places where they have the “cur- few” the orities, complain’ that they cannot enforce the guarantors holding Chautauqua Heke for sale must turn them over ewis, of the Bank of man for employment, and we cannot | y, Tl Passed, haying taken happy couple will re|75 per cont. all yeat—-byaeY; ride on the groom’s farm, Grey, and the best wishes of their many friends Neumeister, Bessie follow them to their new home. Hi ith honors,’ 450 or 1 470, Olive d 463, BRITTON—MERNER d, 360 ‘azel Crawford e home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mer. Bobby Me- r, Sebringville, was the scene of an| Mane yle Bundscho 431, exceedingly pretty wedding on Wed- uriel Dahms sday afternoon, J id, at three | 412, Berger 403, Joe Schrenk ’clock, when their only daughter, | 399, Viola Winifred, became the bride of Nor-| Attridge Hocking 380, n Britton, Moosejaw, Sask. The| Margaret Bundscho 361 Arnold Baird marriage: service was by Rev. | to illness but ‘ immerman. The bride, who| cent, al was unattended, entering on the arn’ ted etna Duench, Rose of her father to the strains of the 360—Russell bridal chorus from Lohengrin played| Maddess 353, tela” Bundscho 346, by her cousin, Miss Edna Hoffman, | Mary Ford 341, Lin: aN Hoffman 319, ‘oronto, Was lovely in a wedding robe [Helen Paddon Ratz 279, of ivory duchess satin, (the same|Jack Gatcke 278, ‘walt Akins 2\ Nova’ Seotia on Thursday, June 30th, After that hour they wil e held responsible for the price of | peda sunt the other | day sid tne pre lay costumes air sex are. hen | his parachute fails to 0 open.—Preston | Piano t tuning—Mr, Ford Chapman, | piano tuner for Mason & Risch and Heintzman & Co. fe i oe. is weel f g their pianos tuned kindly leave orders with N. G. Schafer at the Bank of Hamilton. grasshopper plague which threatened serious damage to crops in Southern Manitoba, Alberta and ‘askatchewan, has been aes by the discovery of a poison bait—a com pination of bran, sawdust, penehier molasses and salt, union panes ae picnic will on the banks of the Ni ‘edn will be mie Oi Eve munity +s cordial The are asl ‘yone in the com- ed to bring baskets. A certain man died and his wife had_ for him a church funeral. The iy other Corpse jin’ the church “peatdes your ned on ee ae 4 Miss man. pats ie Etter of Mr: Westma Mornington, wil rerret (RED RUSSIA WITH THE LID orr tener "Schmidt - glamilton's bush jan aay . A pi programme of porte i vited and ladies rn Pp thrills and human interest stor! e the country instead of being dur dress wl Le the bride’s mother wore | Mabel Schauber 2: on Agr. wed ding day), with orerae ict aes 320, honors of dered net ‘and pearl a 50—Annis McMane 294, fiver d ae trimmings. The fimy juliet | Minnie Fund 282, Belle Baird 271; [Yel oa fastened to her hair SN Reh Gt Sc 268, Clarence Struth- Joi rs (ey ant juet 0: e blossoms, pbs, carried a show-| ¢! ladys Stevart 266, Ethel of-the-valley and | Cook 266, Richard Sage 261, Willie ornament! Blair 244, Elmer Zul: aut 943, ‘Gordon ea “Tove 153, Nelson a ee Ea =) 2 3 Ey g Su a g g 3 Total marks 200, pass 100 —Ho — Laura Crawford 182, E) ‘om 179, Grace Pope 178, Eliza- Few paneday have seen Red Rus- sia and lived to tell the story. Only Howe , so far as we know, has recently jee crewed nates ceva ot a f a tnd 152. im e going on there, gotten out alive an ‘oolner 140, Kingsley Hi is here in Canada to tell about it. ildred er 134, Har is Lieut. jorne-De! Aes ty Ford 124, Lucille Engeland 109, M.C., M.S.M., and he will appear at ffman 105, Goldi Chautauqua ‘the afternoon of the! 00. second day and tell, the unvarnished Cla th about Russia. He travelled 20,-| Geor, a 000 miles. through» Bolshevik Russialya =) ooo 76, Baward Strohkireh d Siberia in recent months, spe ad i Births, Marriages and Deatha e ‘olchak was murdered, was exchanged by the ish Government and will speak plain- Roe—In Atwood, on Wednesday, the es 3 sane, 1921, to Mr. and eae a son. Bee fee on Friday, June etn Ton, vi santnacid tie: George eeblés, aso Strubb—In Wellesley Township, on Friday, June 24th, 1921, to ‘Mr, and Mrs. . Strubb, a son. ULSTER’S LARGE POPULATION ea How- father “Those who suggest,” says the his, decisions suggest,’ ‘Matthews In. Kinuatdine hospital, on ever, a change ma eas N. and Mrs. Paddon, Mr.|_ No’ tice Is given by the Postoffice |don Spectator, “that Northeast ister Friday, June 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. pe li se Baia Rp Bia! shape aaa in Hasvey “andeMe: Joiner: Aeldy Department of the inetease in parcel is an absurdly small province to have] jy, atthews, of Monkton, a tering on the highroad te wacover¥; | attended the induction of Rev. Neil|rates t6 Great Britain to become ef- | self-governm: re ill-informed. | son, (Stillbor reshient EW. Benttic. of the CD-R [Me Leckie into’ the pastoral charges fective July Tet. The moveage is | Northeast. Ulster—-the) Six County peas presi - Beattie, 0: ie fof. Motherwell 7 nde Reon ban from twelve to twenty ts Area—had in 1911 a population of 1 passed through Milverton on Wednes-| thursday last. aoe tee the pound parcel with a gradually incfeas-|250,531. She had almost as many) Connell—At Poole, on Monday, June day eek on its way da) cuimiade cutin CMe curtiond cot hing rate Of clxtees cents ToreuUr a ite people—within 26,000, to be| 27th, 1921, Janet Kennedy, wido erich. e party were President|Drocpetery and their wives, A pienie| ceeding pound to a maximum of el- |¢xact—as the Union of South’ Africa.| of the late ‘Thomas Connell, aged Beattie, (Gane Hal vite present} was held and a very pleasant time was|even pounds which will be $1.80 as|She had more people than the Domin-| 86 years, 7 months and 27° day: H.C. rout, general supe iene, spent Neat presi compared with $1.92 at present, io of N my onland, She ad as many Heertiierobiay eutl: Maleifoy” ioral Tu ming, June 2ist,| The cheapest way of secing Chaut- |Pe°Ple as Queensland, South Austral- superiatendent, London, a thee pupils and friends of 8.8. No, 8,|auqua is by purchasing a season tick- |i #nd Tasmania many people as the (MEMBER BRITISH PARLIAMENT Mr. Mrs. Walter, Peffers, of Mire oer bled i begpme cL MrT efore noon on June 30th (after Nominion of Newfoundland. She had TO APPEAR Clon Mr: aad Mee D. Be Temer elie i a that date ar for sale y people as British Columbia, Gnd Se, and ‘Mies. SN.’ Petters, of | thelr teacher, Miss Jeanie B, Kerr,|A season ticket admits you, to eight Alberta and Saskatchewan combined. ming of a f bi he Soo, Mich., are spending a week|With an address and an ivory toilet | entertainments at a cost of 25c each. one dreams of suggesting that | of the British parliament, Hon, Perey or two with friends in Mornington, | et Prior to her leaving this commun-|while the regular tickets cost 50 and|thege Dortinions and Provinces are| Alden, is an event of iene ane It is thirty-seven years since Mr. Sam-| ity. Dorothy Quipp read the address |75 cents.You can obtain season tick-| not populas eneugh ve" Patlia-| Aldenewases membel-c? the: Hones el Peffe: ngton, and the|#nd Milton Gropp made the presenta-|ets at the Suri office, either of the|ments and Ministries, Protestant Ul-|of Commons for thirt se ‘a resent is his first visit since he teft,|tion. ‘Miss Kerr, although taken by [banks or from an e guarantors. |ster, with her Northern wa: isionatel ageleedt Fie sees many changes but remembers |Suxprise, made a suitable reply.-Her|A seasan ticket costs only $2.00 for is not a subject for statistical ri ure during the war. He bas tnvelled distinctly ‘who resided aneatl the © strict integrity Ailfgence have |an adalt-std @1.00cfor a child: SO Se EO irevelieg farms in the neigl von £0 ee tie highest pateerns Contending that the live stock in- ee a aifiten in, ail pattssot tie SOMA, confidence 0: community and one istry was almost completely ruin- ‘ . CO aa Hes cis cmdoving his | ond all are. sor losing such an|ed thzouch the high freight rates, rep-| BRILLIANT BOSTON CLERGY- fo oeakae oF cee a ieee ast vty, held ander the (Cees nty |resentatives of live stock interests 0: N TO SPEAK ea tive: culls partes Oe ih eg oe rie lunch was served by the fidlee whie the West and Biddle West asked the inelish ie obla, having 4 Re ce ne eee a orate fall thoroughly enioye! aind-|Board of Railw: ners in|. Dr, J. Franklin Babb, long a lend-| Epeishspenting world, having tour. Ee aS ct accuse |,,0f ,the evening as spent. in alsession at Winniver for a 50 per cent. Congregational clergyman in Bos-|¢d # i pele ide ead ing of last week, Was a great success: |social manner. Dancing was indulged| reduction in freieht nates dn cattle. ton, is scheduled for the first address| as 8 ati 83 the Bri EB ie es ce OO Miibanie ecky offic, |, Until, a late ae after which all] And it was re élaimed that scarcely | of e | Government. a ve ject will be “The the Chautauqua, sppe evening of the first da: e has been lec! Outlook in Exro) dering in ail cacao tes and Canada, and e spent ni ee a year «+ Monster .:, occupied portions ing to the soldiers GARDEN PARTY! “Canadian and Ameri-| Under ate auspices of Grace Church ill be will be heldon the x Cent. ae ot SCHOOL ROUNDS MILLBANK humorous a AI she dn TSS pxupay, JULY 1ST, 1921” eetainin —all th Programme . ab sqrae abe di chenn and’ Cadiing ot the Famous Manahester Male Qua Hamilton will supply e programme A RARE INVESTMENT Province of Ontario bonds guaran- dition will ne to improve ina day | se We have tried to make this program igger and better than ever . Next to Victory bonds thas! nee ce onds always on | | | Supper Served Eee 6 to 8. p.m. | Admission and 20 Cents | R Subscribe 1ez The Sun. ev. E. ee aes and, ne Listowel Brass Band in Attendance Fe colm MacBeth, Sun Office, Milverton. °