The Milverton Sun and ay soiton: Tones EVERY Ee ae oud | The ‘Sun Printing Olfice he Street ~ CUNY ERTON, ONT. eaeartgtianc ca eee Suey ar, $2.00; 6 Siew oo fe wdvances > vertining rates on application, _ Aavertceme Ithout apes ‘lrectio erted until forbld and charged aes Changes for contract advertisements must : Ma acres omen n Monday, MaLcorne MACBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, BusinessCards _ Medical. Drs. Tye & Nicklin Oflice: Pumtie DRUG STOR, 1AILVERTON Hours: au Toma, Atop, 7108 p. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ace in medicine, University hs Tate. "aes ssistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s @ viata Aral Sto to 12 a.m.; 2 to 5 nae Saturday ‘only; or by appointment 7.) and Golden Square Throat Hor daily. | Sees: 8, Wedni * pnd Phone 2 3 Waterloo St. “ss STRATFORD. wR, SEBBEN, DDS. L.D.S. indsi , Ppp. City Bull :. se gTRATFORD Pho} — Open evenings me 5 ‘to 9 o'clock THE eaee aes LESSON te ‘The Early Be of Saul, Acts 21: 395 Be ae CONSTIPATION AND HEADACHES rand Completely Relieved by this G PiMedicine, “FRUIT-A-TIVES”? 22: 8, 28; 2 Tim. 8: 14, 15; Deut. 4-9. Golden ‘Text— Hebrews 3: 7, Conneeting Links—For the shoo! teacher and Bi st and work o! unday- Bible class erate the gr MR, ALFRED DUBOISSEAU Hina te 482 St. Catherine St. E., Montreal. greatest and mee epee nding: fi os me, New Testament is that of Boul rein family, h-g0ii of dent: me wer of his Teople fand of th cient faith, a man of quick im alae, vol ahigts ‘or the cause which he 6 eine Me medicines for the trouble butnothing seemed to do me any good. ‘Then, a friend advised me to try ‘Fruit-atives. Now I am free of Indigestion and Hesdaonas, the Constipation is cured, and I have thiane nanan oe gained considerable weight; and my ‘and| general health is Sie: ‘Fruit-a-tives’is a medicine and Teannot say Rat in its favor.”” FRED DUBOISSEAU. ‘Fruit-a-tives’ are made from fruit juices and valuable tonics—and are pleasant to take, their action being gentle oh mild, yet always most effective 50c. a ee 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, shor Paget e, the Weapons that follow, as Oana preacher and teacher, eee rst saw clearly chy stepped ‘torch as the leacer of a H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solieitor for Rank of Hamilton. MILVER Listowel, Milverton. Money to Loan; Owens & Goodwin Barristers, So°icitors, &c. Windsor Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. BLT MARDING W. 0, OWENS W. K, COORWH ‘ Notary Publlo. Ww. ‘D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer fr the Covsiten of Perth connec tate mortgages drawn | mo b; a else winds Once: Weir ise ane Ban of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Conveyancer, Issuer Notary Publig| f of Marriage License F the County of Perth. git and sold. A few choice rimmediate sale, Beal eatate HS farms MONKTON, ONTARIO Veterinary. ra ATWOOD ‘| third At all dealers or sent postpaid by movement of brother- Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. - hood and good will. His ambition was tray, Simpl being nothing less than pite of, the world for while in @ Roman prion that he wrote sis ie to his younger aan deere ompr bel ‘imothy. othy, tke "Paul, had been born and eine inor. ome was in idst of | y. would dwell. 21: 89. A Jew of Tar ving, k of Acts, and i movers of the Epistles, definite state- hilt about Paul's eatlion life, He ah oiype y a ood mother he had The spirit of unity i in Shy inate tends sae its growth. The law of averages will | prove that] munity’s merchants can | THE: MILVERTON SUN “i. ay will BESsE to you ive you better values than you can get elsewhere, therefore we | launch in-an‘ ot THE MONKTON TIMES CAMPAIGN that the money you keep at home remains here to Baoats: y Path in need of a hair cut, shave, ge or pune ae the best piece in tony to get it is at m: phan. Tt wi lered to rei a Milocd hall wher sp end a Me eae and frespataive jarbe gu Beli -Give tm H. Bundscho, hoe Dealers. We are in business to serve the siness is coal, rantee satisfaction My b Sts “The kind of one Cae sell you more B,T.V.’ any dite! coal on the varkob tne the | Tt will raacitite our comm’ Tops enkk & Orr, Hardware Mer. Scranton Coal Dealer. o hear your favorite art- ist sine? You an doso by coming to my nto. what- DEAD TOWN. VERY SELDOM RECOVERS J. E. Weir, ‘onfectioner. rs home at one your n 2} Community That Is Not Prosper- ous Cannot Attract New Residenis. finest stock in us all pull ke for Milverton. A. C. Clemens, Hardware. lever. buy jewelery fro e book or People Arve Stockholders and When ‘They Si From Home They D Its Capital, A dollar saved is a dollay earn: is why we hold our Everything we sell is r guarantee of qual- (Copyright.) ‘There is nothing deader than @ dead town, Try as hard as it may to conceal the facts, the truth is written clientele drugs are seaee a comp) fete line town is dead and that’s all there to it. ett pire: -Buv eg Oe ‘The worst of it is that once a town S. Petrie, jbeen carefully taught ia. hele é of | scriptures, 2 Old ‘Testament stor- nets == atter bis {| les, poetry, and prophecy were. fam- by. Jour epee to him, and s him t P continue in ene things Shieh he had is learned, and oe al is Luke tells us (chaps. 1 and 22) of not in at] themselves, bu Pape rae faith of Christ, are merely the exceptions that prove the rule. violins my ee Geo. Pfaff, ‘The fact that a town can seldo1 7m Jeweler. Honien| sincere piety’ c * © Gr ete homes, which wa he Vatnitiel was Scere lime and. pars teachings of the Old "| erowd from the castle stairs. To the| “Deut, 6: 4-9, Thou shalt teach them. aptain’s inquiry as to who and what tm the time of Christ and ever since, | made the answer of this| j, “come back” is easily explained. The growing and prosperous town to-day is the one that can attract new resi- dents and new capital. It is one that offer nipactive inducements for the eee of n industries. The offers no attraction to as The time is_ a Rend, Ads you cobs, Garage. EE ans hs jin devout Jon wish hh ores, a sincere ef-| Tarsus, the city of nis birth sui toe Aina ene manila; to. seep, Hee Soe the chicf rovinee of] morning and ev‘ ae Paul’s family: the prophets ana the psalms are dili- Tt would be strange in-} thus learn | PEE of| eld fy inheritance the righ < negitinen of the fact “here Paes hee developed in a free R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND ‘SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand “‘Hoteia The Queens Hotel Beat accommodation for eommercial tray- < ellers and others. ‘Two largé Sample Rooms. GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont ‘Seoctoties. t have been, hearts and homes a real faith in "Goa, ur gue language! 3 i A Frestimabe| hrist, | under- | the people from ‘whose | Jesus and Paul. best is none too good. You handle is your eG of sa isfaction. Try me. J. Kelterborn, Butcher. say you would b The Price was $495.00? Xe8, toa Fords, cost less, than 1917 town, once dead, almost always remains dea own Like Corporation. is just one | hing, ordinarily, 'y service Gropp, Ford Garage. at bel the worshipp the murderer; Moses ‘the m: scholar, Gamaliel, and xo be-, mon Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.B. & AM. GRC. ‘Meer! ‘ry Monday ever Wei mogn every ont ine gicie Taal voiiies pba ontge eave Lori E, Slegner, fore JH. Let Silver pe Uodge No. 202 Meets every eae Sea ‘at 7.90 in thetr hall over Bank of Hamiiton. L..O. L. No. 45, Milverton - gellegts every Wednesday, on or by — fore ieee mn: their Pall above fectioes Drug Stor Visiting npeettesa, “always welcome, Geo, J. Coxon, Abe /ttridge, Master. Secreta: We are agents for the’ _ Appleford Counter _ Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at. very reasonable an es a pene council of the Jews, the San- d ame an accomplished scholar both| the te Greek and’ Bubrem. fueekers Acts 22: 3, According to the perfect; Napoleon manner of As law of the fathers. Of|men were children the Jewish scholars and teachers) cradles there slumbered the energy Gamaliel oer one of the grea iat He Ey Agee a forth for was grandson of Hillel Tous of Site paring Soe. fOr : of tho Ribbini had an Eaceatty my influence ove the ‘ople in the time | of Chris ‘That he wa s. also of tolerant and liberal vi fromthe story told o! ae 40. Under his teaching Panl| th the worl SHADOW TEST become How many hides has a cow? me fee | the town will fail just as the.corpor- | | ation, whose capita! is dep! feta through poor management or other causes, fails, And just as the cor- E. Sie; gner, Shoeman. 1 18 UKE BIG CORPORATION = poration which has once failed can seldom eh its lost fortunes, the town which has failed cannot often “come back.” The capital of a community is de- | pleted eats mortey ts spent away a way that brings no e community. Come in’ and W. Barr, Tires | st ‘m me chinery, Fleury plows, Gilson co manure spreaders, Thawes 4 un N. A. erman, Flo feed mal I de i u me you, pri 2s that are Bek eae and chicken eeds of every dee Atkin, Produce Deal you want to know the ae i meaning of service, place next order for coal and wi ital. ‘The people of a community are apt to overlook the fact that they are stockholders in thetr town and that their SOUR ESRTS OBEY with those of the community as a whole, ey do not realize that (or ay See, fails they will fail “with it, The of the away tt heat great cities, without re they are impairing the ca nm corporation and that if m pursue that course they W corporation into certain ‘foal and Woos in need any description remember we here to serve Plain an dressed timbers of every des We are in tutiigincte sages know your wants. Lam tail The B. & N. Planing Mill Don’t allow your to carry you so far th nat you Pye Merchants Not Only Ones Hurt, getting something fo fox en you ba ays. j j | Many customers of mail order groceries from me you-alw: | houses say that under no § get full value for your none ‘obligation to ‘tr their home My eae ig select and alway 4 merchants and this aa be true. They $ fresh. H. C. Mohr, Grocer, overlook the: fact, thal 38 men of a tow eaiaiatey ane hn for thei Here in ye entitled, in re- $ “Kitchen: io, to the support nity, bu' ome uld be ony they i overlook the fact that they are bring- ing about their own downfall when y drain their town of its money— ital home merchant will “not the only one that w own “abinets”” and MeRed Cedar Givests™ are made, In your one “fh er ie Furniture Co., | be are millers of the follow. is of flour Crust, (Pastry: Rei Bran and Shorts. * Poffer Milling Company, Limi of the community, including all those | who have sent th CG money away to jother cities instead of spending at at home, that puflers most when the hard times come. ‘The time for all the people to pull Do really tui you S npidaaese your. mille and eream out o n you have right, here in Milverton a vy that will take your en-| tire output. unto your: selves be tru five Milverton a, chance. A. F. Clark, Creamery. largest non-medical i world is a Chiro- ‘a student 000. The percentage a sat obtained from the strengtl of this system far surpasses thos tone ‘time dead—if not forever Learns His F; er realiz c days of Old Dobbin are tar pa being over. ine is es, the best harness in Perth County and at prices that are : Busing the, best will al- a divi et me “Renairing of all Kinds Tig GaneeW.-L. Smith, Fecne them at home. The curious traits of human nature have made possible growth and development of the great mail order houses. Make your dollars “Boost.”’ Keep y other metho . C., Chiropracto e fear competition fro: source..Our pete consists oth the a f evel of-fu: in connection McMane & Walke Grand Central Hotel is a e road and house of einer sien a drinks You will find a complete asso need in groceries ae genera. at prices that are right. No ne things that can be bought d in M to prove to you we are here tc The Buy-at-Hom ampaign i ings, let us all pull together. W- a choice line of cigars, cigarettes anate kept in stock— irop in. James Roberts, Proprieto: coeceowe rtment of anything you 1 merchandise at my store and ed of going out of town for ilverton at prices that are sure o do eusitiee on the square, s good. Forget your petty > K. Loth, General Manse A combi: ation billi vd hall Pat ita i supplie Gamble, Barber. | WEST MONKTON, ONTARIO. Remove the merchants from the village of you will adalat and values to two-thirds ne Piet they now are. Think i NEWTON, ONTARIO. “He Looks Into the Eye” » ¥, THIS, METHOD, tt ts almost Paul's father een to make an all wo! been a Ro- born, must, therefore, have also the eye, thereby locatiny fect Hight at ite source. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cro: Eyes in many cases straightened when gl 3 are fitted by thts PaGere item. berpan 'seves accurately examined thout malay ranean SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! “Pp, H. BASTENDORFE y “Eyesight peers Raat tu enaeaantnieest andl Sency patones 2 ONTARIG THE i @PCCESERUL MAN TO-DAY— | Is the one who gives careful attention to his Clothes. To him his business suit is of as much ~ consequence as the clothes he wears for social He realizes the importance of oe ALITY” besides style, finish and correct moti Lay us for your néxt suit. Try us for anything along the oof general merchandise. If we haven't er it we will cheerfully get sen The ioe is not always the est. I have a complete line of poet groceries as w ae er. otto. Hadtae en thieveatines “or and find out. . 8.) Me one cer and Restaurant, ¥ in need of Coal, Wood, Lime pereae and lumber remember that ii y i am ton. rinciple home is a moa one if carried Lo oe all, -. You will get. equal value rom me. Campbel and Lumber. peal oh cause Newton is not neral Mere he public — have * sage plete line of mer- ndist, boots and shoes. ¥ eater to your nee ge you, Bay The Monkton Bakery concern. Buy your gonfectionery and Ado; foarceite wi Ki is a home read groceries ‘ome spirit and ith. she communit; We chi lohn Rowland, Baker Ye m in business ak a 1 Who aint? But y assured. that. ‘thegroceries, goods and hardwar If a town is good enough to m it is good enough to suppe the Buy-at-Home oon ai ae the spirit Oh £4 Lat ‘aa zemember hink of the a oD Ce west fecret of “Getting Your Worth” lies in the elimin- in’ and is Beatie: for Oliver Duffield, out: TAL ‘Elligson, tetennes Henry @ ny ae Merchan’ o Mill, MITE RRE ONTARIO. t least fn thyself be true, if you do this you all At true to Millb: The money yon spend with your mercha will come Back to you. Try it. tonfectioner. yu will find in your visit to my at I have a complete line f general merchandise including boots and shoes. 34 ’3 get to- gether and oe in our home tow! For; the: mail order and shor at. te . Erskine, neral Merck ae agents for the renowned Geass and ‘Chenier ass: mobiles and have a fine stock on faud.” Gall and pick out your car. We also carry a complete line of repairs and accessories for, both these cars. Mt E. Bettger & Co. age. rou need parting in the abn jodern service and convenience 80, a night’s lodgin, a good square meal, but Lam an “rdvocate of buy- @ at home, \Go-opetation. is ‘¢s- sential to progress. John Elligson, Hotel. in life is your assurance of fu- et | vanee offers you a service its your — with that, To cétablish a savings account oa tare independence. The Sterling eee of banking without eroisresetei and soli SE ries BG. Matthews Manage n buying my oud cee groceries, true, eee auies Ww consider that any Dielel hought te om me is Bo enda ome ehocae froin Call and, investigate. . Hamilton, Groceries, ral “Merchant. ; Linwoob, ONTARIO. issention in a town whether between merchant or dent retards the growth of that town; where the spi co-operation is shown the towm Shows it... Think it t over: a You will always find quality and nt, backed by. c Everything soar need SCR atten tt vs al tures, 0 cheeefelly Ghtain Tb. for ¥ description and far ae Bee in se Te ‘io: fact everything fi in hardware.