Monkton Times, 8 Sep 1921, p. 1

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a VOL. XII—NO. 2 MILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprietor MILVERTON BOWLING TOURNA- MENT Milverton’s annual bowling tourna- CHALMERS’ SALE REGISTER CHARGED WITH MURDER n Saturday last George Curry, who was in the employ of Mr. Jobs Coxon, of the 16th concession Tuesday, September 20th, 1921 — ‘arming Implements, BekeBrsduce and nousehela ae Labor Day. Twent; Items of Local Interest. ‘Aisa Thane chines is spending a [Day vvth his grandparents at Lin- f\few days with ie, in Stratford. (0% 0! For bargains in Victory Bonds ap- |ply to George Roo, Milvert ‘Arthur Duench spent Labor Leave your order for Engeland “& Son r of cement ARE arrived, JE: cap ppal,S ewto: bulk salt. | Soueteaie along spy. making ment was held Elma, was arrested by County Con-| Miss’ Joan ‘ilto: Denton, Rey C. N. Paddon left on Monday |an Poibe of some kind, aoe took at the contest toslat: fhete on lot 2 seoreat ian oe rs ae rai Kirby char =) with in: Texas, vinited: Mrs. Clarke “on ie ton the Knox College Alumni Sty oa ot Watering, ppebt ter ing four loca +. A é ‘gel | decent assault on a ten-year-old girl.| Friday last, i from Stratford, Wroxeterl,, At-| o'clock, dor Mestre August’ Krugel Curry, it will be remembered, was| he’ an} Mrs; Herb Hoffman ae The a at Milver will be held and other viens ae Ree ee ee ee ee eee eee e rors tla witness. at the William Strickert| son, Jack, spent Labor Day with | on, Thursday and Friday, September re ih fe Eien stock 1, New Hamburg 2, Mitchell 2,| the will of the late Nest and ada itad veguliely keayst toc de in Kitchen 29th and spent ast Week ee ‘friends in Lon- Wellesley 3, Exeter 1, Kitchener 1. ing company with Pearl Strickert, who| Mr. and Mrs. a Hoelscher and! Miss Violet Daye, of Gorrie, is|don an fort 8 tank ley. 4 child " First plac Screaton’s rged her dead father with being feat se mira, spe! a Saturday | Spending a ay ce with Mr. and oo Bi eckert and chil BSD anu Tink, _ Lis towels second place bY! I men would worry more about the | the father of her infant child. Curry |Mr. and Mrs. Walter i AG Se eta i Eee mnie ot: Einwno siete Moore's wfnk, Mitchell, and third place | home brood and Tess about the home the Fest) both sores nowercr, whet PA me eee et = mderson, of London and Srila there etended the Met and Mrs, Me Taylor, Misg Lill by Vallance’s rink, Atwood, |b ewed, the world would be better. | they neve y precarious ee dinaito® haat e D. andD. picnic on Labor Da: fen ana “rotates from the Island Set ate aT Caeky after being prnestes is al-|" Mr, in Orr, of the ion Ex- “Miss Frieda Pommer, "Of Waterloo, spent a day last week at nd leged to have “spilt beans” by| press, Galt, and pas friend spent the spent the week-end ome f| Th splendid rain of Monday will giving to the uthoriaes information Mr. and Mrs. George Berkner: di holiday with Mr. and that : 0 the arrest 0! Mr. and Mrs. W1 ily, of Michigan, Linwood Farmers’ Co-Operative Co., Ltd. ze ay preliminary hearing next Mon WESTERN OATS - AMERICAN CORN sey: morning at Lis' ove . in Milverton. Hammer made a sho. on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyde on Sat- and , Mr. j| Howse and Ruste Hall, oe Bethany | ls spending @ few days visiting at the om d s and Etoile), i the, pt: | Bundscho returned on Tuesday after | business colleges teach s\ |spending a couple of weeks visiting|to operate cf Waterloo, Kite! much towards accelerating the Miss Minnie Ritter is visi at igrowth of ares ener, ‘Toronto and |W! Hamilton’ for a couple of weeks, ‘ss and the recently sown Mei pipes and dau ent pete. at the home of Mi |W. Spe home of Mr. John Duench. Ba cer, of D&nnville, | Rev. Gillies Eadie, of Honan, China n er developments are expected | Hows thissionary on furlough, will occupy “CREAM OF THE WEST” FLOUR - MILLFEED and possibly other charges, it is re-/Soutre ne of his parents, Mr e pulpié of Burn Enoreh morning f the’ informa- M encer. and evening on Sunday, Se COTTONSEED - OILCAKE - LINSEED MEAL - SUGAR n now in the hands of the author ee and H ‘Bvery erorgsleatt bag two great) | Leave your fall order for counter investigation has been quietly of amb Honk. First, to own his o' check books at the Sun ‘ice. SALT - COAL - SHINGLES and LUMBER i inquest ‘was stratford, ber ge ie Second, to own a car to get |handle the cients books which are est S 8 ometimes as stenographers typewriters faster than Fa 2 and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Pinal areigon ae spend- n think 01 tay. Mrs, Robt. Dunlop sedipet Gertrude, of ‘Kitehener, -spen dering’ her, husband, Wm «Jackie and Colin Pitts have family, om Stratford, spent x olf fever days recently with old friends |i y adminis ering poison 2 : ° 7 ‘ Rene riers ORG ueenigN. DESERMES. YOUR SUPRORE Yas remanded to the county. jai he after, ‘hotuin sath ee ous va Has): of Buallnpeon ates pres-|an ai fe anditiee Hammer, of Gio brices th Raksosabis matford for a week, and will come oe am Hodgkinson, Bessie Htcuener, npenk tha weston a ike Mr. Lloyd Bastendorff, of: Hamil- n, spent the week-end at his home Milverton. ‘oys, get that , ton. ‘in colt groomed for 29th an r, coun ‘Turnbull ete a last aoe to Toronto through Atkin, a bunch of Sahers oxtord lambs that topped the mark Miss Dorot! ve Res igh. of Milverton, was successful it ing three fi 0 s other people is lik to find that he ee himself infinitely more than other people love hi tai Spee The Madies of oe Evangelical church ne hold a sale of homemade~ bak- at Mr. Schatz’s office on Satur- day, ce 17th, commencing at three Mrs. Ed, Noll and Mr. and [utr Win Gatcke ant Bice from ‘Saturday to Monday Sisking Mrs. Claude Dunn, of St. =e ZF he mer ald of the Bomnlngton. ercriyura iety continues have’ not yet be cen TO called on, forwied your name to tl e they cai 1, a few days this week visiting at|secretary and a prize list will be Box 147 LINWOOD, ONT. Phone 23 irby on the cage, [ends in Rel City, lion and te, Gloment aetocieat on HEE home of Mr. and Mrs. George sent. you ; had been slow until Satur-| “yp. and Mrs, John Grieve and Mr. | Monday after pending a couple of | Guent Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ahrens, Mr. rrest of Curry is| and Mrs. Arthur Gri rieve, of Hespeler, | weeks e Mt. s baths for ete in this vicinity have been|and Mrs. J. Blankstein, Mr, and Mrs. m the police the | and Mrs. Arthux Griey iy after spend th Teneit ve usy during the past week corn kar-| Stanley e and son Charles, of <= See wanted. Confidence|ing a couple of days with friends Miss Jane icLellan, of Los|vesting and silo filling. We do not|Kitehener, and Mrs, Caroline Carr e authorities that Milverton and ‘icinity | Angeles, ew {remember of a seaso When corn eut-jof Kansas City, called on Mr. and Strickert will be e committed end MieWae Morrison andl ete i a hs el Mrs, Marion /ting. commenced go vs. H, 1. Mngeland on Sunday last. y’s preliminary | yy Audrey, Mr. and Mrac Charles | ‘eLellan. t ae ma. Mr. and Hanh Shaeter ena rr. Barr recent = J. G. HAMILTON Weaning The. tale ‘sittings S| baby A and Taentes Gra A Pherson (nee Mabel|George, Mr. and Mrs. ar ck Wagner |year pay life policy expire with the aa Court here will open on the Neeve, of st “Mary spent “Sanday Aide, * She t ee ave returned to |and children, Mrs. W. D, Weir, Mabel Canada Life Assurance Co. cash Sole Agent for 24th of October. Siihe Homorot Seah [thelr home at Marquette, Mich,, after and Bertha cs ni Sunday with Mr. ae of which am amounted to $081.00. | | " ja one y here and other places, |an rs. Z ert Schwindt. A to thi: its amount- DL. & W PORTLAND | Ceara ‘enn ae , rock, of Cleveland,| Mr. and Mrs. George Guenther and ing to $288.64 Tnalsing’ a total value STANDARD CEMENT Poe ae [fren | y., Sponbaglin, weekend. witht rete cand Me: aug. Mice Albert ait fants attended the wedding of Mrs. |of $914.64, SCRANTON ST. MARYS atte : z ane of London, sneHe the holiday SENS er" eo Miss Minnie Bell| Dr. James S. Ross, one of the most out late Saturday evening, _destr ed Bote Baad oe Dowie. SHER REE Sue tise eee eh Saas ne Heer osti at ANTHRACITE LIME two fine barns and a driving |and also attended the Oxford warm ee Aare ae Rink oe Bearroce enon Of Pen-/prontinent smn, in” the ‘Mathodist | : : ae Tale de Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cochrill, of Wick, et Brenttont nek hurch of Canada, died in the Fergus ped. oyned: yore Mosses, 10th ers See ae eeiceca "8 |London,-ate spending a: couple of| My and: Meas tin pBtown, of Mil-/Hospital on Monday in his 74th | Concession of Blanshard. ech ene fi weeks with Mr hod Ma das, Brydone |verton; Mr. Walter Brown, fe Whe. puincipal: of the: atiteerion and other friends on the fifth line, {and, a y school and thas dusted the jackets of | Momington. ors ‘orrance, Peter Duck- ndrew MacBeth left Toronto|Brown's, 21. Ontario st. Stratford How, Tories Matalin acd ton ote | SSqecs eS] js Sunday to attend the In-|Herald. in this locality. iSenatfonal Convention of Assurance HOURS’ ENTERTAINMENT 2 me lGc 2 |) CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 8 to 11 EACH NICHT Wednesday and Thursday SEPT. 7th--8th IN MILVERTON RINK . 9 . j WILL ROGERS - in - ‘Jes’ Call Me Jim Charlie Chaplin in ‘The Pawnshop’”’ WE are putting on these 16c shows for four nights as an ex- periment and if we get the necessary attendance will continue showing with three changes of pictures each week at the exceptionally low admission fee of 16c for adults and 11c for children (under 12 years.) It is Our earnest desire to give the people of Milverton and vicinity this amusement at the lowest possible price and we are taking this step in anti- cipation of getting the crowds. So that it depends entirely up= on you whether or not we can continue at the above prices. Give us your patronage and we will give you quality pictures at the lowest possible price. -=-= YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BESPEAK YOUR APPROVAL. Friday and Saturday : SEPTEMBER oth and toth ‘His Temporary Wife’ ‘ ee 2 ‘Hot Sands and Cold if eet’ " ZB ae a Se A Mornington man appeared ha P.M. Trim, one day last week, charge laid by Inspector Thompson, which is being held at Cleveland, | Ohio. he ele INSURANCE TO REPLACE REG- f ood, of sending deteriorated | ISTRATION OF PARCELS milk to the factory. He was fined | $20 and costs j,, In order to relieve congestion in Remember the Mornington andthe registration system and to facili | Milverton School Fair at on ibition |tate the dling of registered mail, |r adies Aid of Knox Church, |grounds, Milverton, on Friday, Sept. |the registration of parcel post will be | Mi ill a sale 16th, Parents radtees, as well | ieooetionen on Cotes test ul B aie ie baking candy Mucha prods te tha Lae eehon} childreti; should take an Jn. inbirapee. of ‘parcel gone alt tana | Oddfellows, h all on Saturday, Sept. terest in this event. ‘oduced for parcels destined to Can- Oth, at 2.3 and Mrs. James H. McGill,|adian post-offiees. scale of int | The ianded action of the | Millbank, .gnnounes theergasom tnt surance fees will be as follows:— | Stratford Fair in taking |of their second daughter, Ella Mary, |° "9 ee for insurance not exceed: Milverton Fair dates will not get them jto Mr, Harold Tate, son’ of Mr, and 5: Janywhere. ‘The fair will be a success ‘ate, the marriage will| 6 cents for insurance from $5.00 | despite the opposition take pikee: the iniddle of September. | to $26, | J. F. and Mrs. Scott, New- howe who unday at M. tr. | a2 cents for insurance from $25.00 [market announce the engagement of |M. it ¢ were: Miss Laura Hoff | their daughter, Helen } sepaertts rabree and riend, Mr. Ernst Slocum, o mi insurance from |Mr, Ralph A. Lavery, Dorking, Ont.,| Waterloo; Mr. aimer Switzer,” of 30 cont for i oe LEA ERLE ES marriage to take place ‘ate in|St Mase Mttes Ruby Atkin and Mrs. Senter Jack Diehi, of Gadshill; Mr. and Mrs — pane zg of eds layers are at pres-|J. Taylor .Mr. Reuben Taylor and, jent engaged on the new factory be- | Mrs, E e past two months Police au ing built by the Ptivenon Furniture |__ Within th C Magistrate Trim has convicted seven 0. With good weather conditions rr hlit son Lindsay, of Listowel; Ms. Agnes Coghlin, of Elma, and Mr. Warren Morrison, of Atw In the defendant plesHed gailty ¥ and a exception of 0} dana Me Messrs. Alber " th the Ohm and cases ab oat Births, Marriages and Deaths the second storey will ted as See Elma, on Monday, by Saturday night. fi Ss 5th, Gd Mr, and Mrs. Charles three storeys altogether. > ahaee in each case ee laid Be Rote Sey Aa ‘bart on. Mr. and Mrs. Harr: in and | Cuddi ‘on to ogan, *onTuesday, Sept. , to Mr. and Mrs. John Healey, ait er. Hadenkucom Logan, on_ Tuesday, Abn 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hadenku, a son. Arthur and Mrs. John Bettger and ‘children, Hartung and Misses Louisa Ohm and of Monkton, spent ‘Stnday vith Mr, | Lilli verton, and and Mrs. H. famil | Florence ind Min Hugh Batra andePaei: to ily have returned from their holidays visit- after visiting friends in Michig: attended hey P.A. Miss Lilian Baird, sister of the form- er, of the staff of University Hos. lilver- pital, Mich., returned eld | with them and will spend’a week in Mrs. ie on} Milverton. turday, September 10th, (one week, e Byangelical Church, which has r date ecount | recently painted and the audi- ladies welcome, Miss J. Krug Sunday Yisitorg at the home ort Mr, jw and Mrs. nd [inviting appearance. xt Sund: 0 am. |are both to be in a lish. will render special r welcome is given to attend. chener; . B. Wilker and baby Burnell a3: Mr ‘and Mrs. E. Wilker, of Stra ‘ord. 8 Erie who desire ‘uropean corn borer has been | found. not only near Tavistor schools reopened on Thursday in other parts of South Easthope and |jast with a large attendance, Thy to nce bborhooy E Btociesnens ie jContinuation school hag an attend . vas | ance ut fifty, and twelve new PNB tes Thome Bboy |seats wera ordered which will be, in- stalled this week. ‘arbert, dur- ernment Entymological Department | ing the coming year, hopes to main- whe Bee nas eine the con TE OS tain the good record already attained y ce y aon Sot, Sap OM earn cave) neat dinar ia rel ing in the interest of agricultural re; resentative for a, pulverton branch of. the county, advises that the alfected x * Ohi Re ag be *held : in is “the ground as possible and ensil-| ryan ek , eae s Ghinamar Mr. Messe Jas) Tolitatart aid attending Toronto. Univer ty wal daughter. ‘au, of Winnipeg, spent |speak on the work being accomplished couple of days last week at the |bY the society. ia music will home of the former's cousin, Mr. Jas, be provided by the united choir rydone. He is now engaged ex-| | Burns Church will Senta its tensively in the wholesale lumber |sixty-fourth anniversary on Sunday, busi He was one o: ix | October 2nd, when Rev, David Ander- men that effected the captui ral n, B.A., of Burlington, a former Louis Reil in 1885. ‘Their visit was | pastor, will preach morning and even- cut short on th ceipt of a - | Ing. n Monday evening, October phone message stating that Mrs. John-| 3rd, the annual fowl supper will be ston’s youngest b: M will be er AP. re suddenly rates dead at The musi i they left immediately to | by the Harmonic Quartette, of Lon- attend the funeral. Mr. Johnston was | don. a former Shakespeare pee ae vhas ie Evangelical Church has been be gee in the West for 43 y thoroughly overhauled and redecor- he meeting ald Pele ‘public jated. Ti Ils land ceilings have ihrer on Thursday evening of last|been papered with a beautiful. stip- e pled oatmeal paper, the ceilings being very important piece of recent legisl-| done in panel effect vith in rrOW ation, was very sparsely attended. | borders. The chancel wall in front Miss Joan Hamilton, of Texas, now which is the organ loft has also visiting friends at Atwood, delivered|a large panel which gives a splendi ery compelling address on matte ect. rk is very. artistic educational which was followed by an|ally done and reflects credit upon interesting and intelligent discussion. | Mr. W, J. Spencer, the designer and r. Amos; Jutzi, of Gadshill, who is| artist,” who hi several © Splendi uch alive to the problems hey church jobs to his credits ‘The ‘seats affect ‘schools in the rural localiti i ood work rch i ening will take place next Sunday throughout when special my e supplied proved interesting and instructive choir, morning and evening, NO. 2 C. W. OATS 60c Per Bushel Best grade of oats "NO. 2 YELLOW CORN 88c Per Bushel Extra good quality PFEFFER MILLING CO., Limited Bring your bags CUT THE SLICES THICK! BREAD is food of foods beeause it’s —always delicious Rot —most nourishing ——your full money’s worth eee e a & Goldcrust Bread ‘eS a iy “the high-water mark of Bread- odness. Z ae : the bie fall fair at Milverton, Sept.

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