== T= ee ‘MONKTON BRIEFS | : G CHEESE AWARDS AT TORONTO me EXHIBIT! 4 ees Detroit News—The ;Ko-Klus-Klan oe See of Has pt TON ts Driving horse. seh osep) - in Georgia has decided to admit a on Monday te e Ul t Wes! ‘Ont: has main-|Faber, Re R. Ni ‘ilverton, ey feat and a Lae Erskine.) n. ‘It’ ori inally was. fal aeeree ee Wes ‘the junior room of the ie tainel its heh eee for main = ea erie olight] rs Ken: organization. " ; 3 7 lightly left last Monday to attend 2 Lorne Blackwell, of Listowel, y the fact that in y NTED / er cons last Monc Tastitute. |, Orillia a Ear aa is rected take ° nae the week-end i in town ake e ee Can: f WA Pe br. pocket Erskine a Har Be term. than andolpb Brakdne is in’ Tor- all the pri fsemakerg| Horse four or five years old, about Even the Si él anil fripe ties apauag, on’ the i sbon’™ would! be more informing. one Margaret Berscht fics Stnats ar igCwi twelve hundred weight. Apply Alex quirrels are Laying fF. W, Sehwalm gpent the week-| New York Evening Mail—There is|to her home in, Gue tion of three. This is a splendid re-| Urquhart, Canthage, El a at Mildmay. one vin the Unie evel = Miss s Ima Wenn 1 He stunned’ : 5 Fane - a ‘oronto Tee in Their Ww inter Store ea her aut Mrs I, en Os irteen other persons are always ia {months ic the village Neen Tae Ontar, cing Won by ‘Mr:| SHIPPING NOTICE the reels nd. th ay. 0 of the one automobile at} Mi s, Vyles and son George |B. Boake yarn. E : Ethel Mc Na ught is at the see eee and Miss, Muriel ‘Ducky of London,| Perth intkers “received: Bae cin I wi ship hogs for eal oe a —_——. Pogento, Exh on this Tite: oe aie — The ine ie ee ae ia ucklow. 2 poe cheese as follow: aun as no etinn ‘in Sr eeet er. : eee 1 5 5 ‘iss Bernice Bettger, little daugl eeoenty Pat ae wil ee pe sop le—some year in England, ly pen Tene Catekone. We have a well-assorted stock for the fall season at prices cut ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bettger, | willing to work, the rest willing to|Year in Ey PeRee ae s - in two. We invite the public to compare our prices with cata- eis a ef tonsils peed BS ate me oe them: ley oe ats aes ESSER PSU Sipe Be 2. Oliver, Atwood. . SHIPPING NOTICE : ae prices hea sending their cash away to build up the large Haney Betiner are nathen at eee eee Recorde yee Alexis Basson, of Stratford, [OH —B; F How Benen aes combines in is again eaching in We s fipehin hoeacdeont ohne . Thos, Dalling spent a few days them be eepeatusbaags happy, Suse wa to Hiss, Helen Gillespie has retuned Shy vealed iChacdk se sialon Milverton wae, ene sea NeMaPAPET space will ot permit to mention all lines—a few og oe eS einPua noe iia Buin hs cp, Some Rev. Pe Wee Tee ek = Wn ORG a ee 9th. “Yas. Hantilton, Shipper. leaders are: with M Boece Bunce eee urn ou rig) incumbent co St. n’s ch, | 5th—B. FE ower! Monkton 17 A princi Misé Bessie Gafton, of Pee eg ge 8 rene on. Sunday afternoon. |Sth—L. H, Schneider, Listowel. 94. ROSTOCK CIDER MILL rash Towelling, per yard. e right, as junior teac! an p ze 0: : Miss Mabel Chalmers hi eeemell Re St. Da ni June White Ch ke cider on Tuesday of Linen Towelling, per yard ., erie . to her r school at balers + Mins Gr ce| Sit ane ee ae S., pee When, we i ing. < eee Lahey untae he 20th of Septemb- 34 Inch Factory Cotton, per yard. : Chalmers ig teaching at Peete “this look at some feeb We are toveed to = Mees Ha 1d ous . ee T. Oliver, Atwood Geo. Dungey, proprietor. 36 Inch Factory Cotton, heavy, per yard 1 year. the conclusion that the divinity. piel ‘ank Hughes were in Toronto at- oa Krotz, Fameraton 5. 36 Th Print, Miss Ruth Bettger is attending | shapes ae r ends has its moments of 5 ition. i i ith—B. F. Howes, Monkto: = inch Print, per yard. . is ti Mis: a. re Continuation pehiool’at, Milverton gies Seucxisiex, wid pees Se bec, Jul. OW bike Ghidesg) FOR SALE . . mith and son Wilson| Kingston Been ig—A stomach “ . Men's Overalls, large and roomy, a pair. were visitors at the Toronto Exhibi- is much like wie Xe ig nich wae ais, Hane hby. sea —w I—W. Krotz, Palmerston. Good general purpose bay mare, ; pie! e more at- - Ww. 7 ; i i ; ees sce wilson tas purchased qantion aot ive it 9 Be . T. Oliver, Atwood. Od $2 sin 04 four years, broken single and | Special bargains to clear—Woot Serges, Underwear, Hosiery. pears Bet if N. A, Zimmerman, Milverton. t fran ene eae be Kitchener Record — Ttalian- asia : i ‘ ue F 5 » AL ay 4 2 i Specials in Groceries for Friday and Saturday. peoune roan. uate inachiie oe Wietunpes ete etetace tone, and yee eo hes inl pees yn ee 1. Ne eRe Tavist oe 3 F, HEAGY, Coal and Wood : ago. a istock. | 195, Leave your order for Bulk Salt. Car to arrive shortly. “ne Presbyterian Chareh be held in| Kingston Standard—The trouble |i qusen, of Torentay ao a | eB. # Mee, Monkton. 9 D, & H. Lackawanna Seranton, Pa. _ ves Oh acs Belek wa wee ome ies that, instead isiting in Li Rag tie WHits fa hard coal; Del. Pa. steam pte the of cleaning collars, they only sharpen i Ba iere, ae e . Get your furnace coa tibeai? ae ceo pemarll ate fire = een | ie a eerny 4th—W. Krotz, Palmerston. . .95.48 |getting scarce. B.C., News—When the |spent Labor Day in town. AM te 'T. Oliver, Atwood 95.28 ~ ai h Chii n, B.C. +95. : Mead Wee FAs Rannenbare eae aan the. presents, she| Miss Elizabeth Spence, of Ford-|Sth—B. F. Howes,’ Monkton. . 95. and: Mr. and Mrs. e W. Hobbs spent | realizes that the times Baye lowered suet arrived in town on Monday to illon’ ; FOR SALE Sunday in Granton. the standard of giving. take'e of S. 8 No. 8, Stillon’s Cheese é r. and Mrs. Peter Schraeber and| Manitoba Free Press—Money is |. Miss Ethel Donaldson, of Stratfords| ona 1.9m Schenck, B 98 eiown friting horse, 8 resis, old MONKTON’S - POPULAR - STORE : and one d at-|going to be cheaper, according to an|i® se es Baw OG ATT BBO g auiet ma Table, lio. good steal . W. babu i Seay Lebar eleuummiere RoC cortruag exe heir, holidays, Bth—W. ‘rote, "Palmenston. opty wether eady, MIC Oe ingston Standard-—We read of a tien. McKinny vee Re aes at the eine ind Mrs, Elligsen are ay tion oo on ewe mene ner} tile oh oes ig ace wl a ih eR RAE: Race has) SHrING Nice M : : After a a sons, Willie and Bobby, are |4th—W.- Rrote. Balan aie Bertha we spent th the week. mate oe ae coe ought to ho Sere eae after a temiek hale almerston, eR si endt and Walter boro’ Examiner — Looks as Babletn snes the week-end at Water- though the boi otleszers aint find ‘it will ship hogs Friday, Sept. 16th Special Prizes "de the C.P.R. “station, r ‘rerton T. Oliver » of Atwood. attained | Kindly pe CR AR Fe | atte for sale or. to ‘ship. 1D. Atkin, ., David, Stiet, spent Sunday and | neces again wear badges in . LSTOWEL ject place with’ an avernue sore of /TFIn.0, 2. eces 09, ial verage being. at- ncanescst arise Keep from selling 0. each rs. Rocher Sr. returned home on |tained by ©. J. . don === Mrs. Milton a aanenbeed returned Sa naan Yeon conte visit with | 899% 3 A / S home on Sunday after being) Saginaw Courier-Herald — The Jfvlends In Muskok and ‘Foronto, of 820 REWARD at the home of ee H. Rowiaeteee small bo} id of heaven is a place Mr. C. 0, T. ah of Woodstock, tha e her illnes where Saree. have, nothing. but | Ga0e Weber mient uerdaue bands and go around and around Mis fgpent the week-end at his home in b offer a reward of $20 for Gageaeton vehat v will lead to the con- PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW AT Me W..S Osborne, ae Lists has! Border Die Star—When the fami tho noan and ieee and Rs rant: positor been ene ed as clerk in Weber &|1y must ehioose between beefsteak and }son motored t Mr sie ase Seal morgue eels ned ‘or daugl shown byt Th ed p i to at _ The reas a e. i 4 . Tozier, of Stratford, sper is e editor who a ee - ae ear aati been Saas for dinner. re holiday 5 een ii Ruan as been investigat uae: oan = Mr. and Mrs. Geo. a r. Fred Goldner, of Stratford, |so e fi g f New Mambure: vere pliday si - ae spent the week-end under the parental |ures ou 15 vages were MUST De REAURNED E. Bettgei : : 100. in 1914 d BY 2 r a oof here, ._ in n had his tonsils Jolly and niece, Miss aes and in 1921 re was 893. New: pane part ty or - parties who removed rridag teat laa Mice Robb. ‘left Litovel on Friday for a| print from j moved | lay pli 7 < pa to a ar’s visit with nee ab the Cai ah 1914, and t PER TON Masters. Cha ert col Bs 4 sapere |e West and at Vancowven pos a 0 see lonctiydee Ataim He ae ¢ the fol-| Mr. Ed. Heinbecker lett St. vas 147 i 14, and 7 in witshel Hah Spo ee Omiee ant ale ee escatirtatione came ated Catharines on Saturday mere ne child gata kanic 1901, 300 pest oMoericaa ani friend, The Globe to refute them: ach for another term and to-day stands at 33 = : ie aioe SNE Stade eee That not the Government, but Say If. Faulkner, “of Carthage, expense jumped from 100 in to STOP = LOOK — READ former's home here. the Ha: PC. administers the power |Was a visitor in town'on Labor Day.|120 in 1914, and 1821. Mis- Sa ox “ostello, of Detroit, was | Po) oliey o: rovince in a most ab-|__ Mr. H. vi 0 t S cellaneous expentes ane from 100 in isitor at his home in |Solute seine : the in tow: 1907 to 125 in 1914, and 244 in 1921. “ 2. That that policy tends to cen- F "sac 7 aor of Atwood, cone; the aay phe saa ; i y aturday with riend . | cos : om -: fs seek at Stratos alee ‘tion, whi in a hundred w: Mr. Bloodsy a tant it oa in 1907 was 100, in 1914 i b vous thog . a ae the | works HG the: ‘detrimel i the | an brane! Bonk of f Ham-|was 159, and in 1981 it reached the efore:t Tack Ritz htning. st_ wel I ian mark 9 411, It is not surpris- | by lightning. Exnibition ES Tee at eee ate those WRG. live ae the |Deayton. this wreck hots he hes wees ing ae figures that over #000 ial and worl oS pered B. F. Howe e W. Schmidt, Milverto ’ 7 : smaller urban. centres. appointed manager. out i Mi. E. BE GER & Ca. for his cheese at the Toront a4 3. That the “owns and cities”) Mz. Clarence, Johnston opened up in th United States and hibition. ——- Misses _B: rman, have had their full share of represen-|4 new barber shop in the store ree in. Ganada, Monkton, Ontario epent trom Fray ti Monday’ seas tatives on the Hydro Chanmtisigie ena fo Miss Tabbwerner’s offies on Mamn| ; LINWOOD CIDER MILL home of Mr. A. Bannerman. ore. # 5 : Mina Weanren: Sefllon eorutiad See EE a Las Ae ni iN FARMERS ee rape IS OPINION day, September Och and Yor th anes elbh on. Tucsaay wheres Abe yl Baln of “electric enerzy and’ the]. ™ *. C. Kelly . Bam- | two weeks will make cider on Tues- er position. after: syenting a ee ictethe Mactaent Thao e| ford Hy As Black oo yk OT day and Wednesday of each week, a a [have @ wey motored ami 'd- Toronto dW, Sutherland, President of after that time cider vil be made ee esas | the waterfalls belong to|this week, the former play ue ‘Sutherland Press, St. Tones in| four days a week— Monday, Tuesday, fh ‘the ots and that those who |With the all-star W.F.A. team against |an interview regar in trip he has | Wednesday an ursday A PANEGYRIC | benefit from their potentialities have|a picked team from Hamilton in the , r0 ian West | Koebel, Prop., Linwood, Ont right to pay into the public treas-| Plenty Cup series. = la | e 2 se va Adaquate-rantel for thabtprhes Edmonton and elsewhere i esi eK sara Notice besten gh ot apron ot somes engl ol Vestine i a aes FOR SALE < €. ‘That the Province has a finan- general elec. ae bia Shosanu.se mather| § reas ape at CROSSHILL tin. Sheol Edmonton poli-| Farms all sizes sand all, prices, Six ature and orto tion. wie it is the paaee My. "s, Ja ACE om ye ec Ww eee good dwellings for sale from $1600 creature of common things, ae ee duty Of the Legislature to- sates (in Mr. and Mrs. J: page Paes omelet in his pene that there re | up. Good ill ing lots. Also fire K - So i elma, spent a:few, days Q eral or | insurance. Special reduction on build- Farmers we are agent for the following i has mgre poe vol cnpier anal tthe rights of Toronto and ap lag 1d 7s leew gti ae an bive ret usned ta the ederal inge Poe zoned, Bee Curb the dreams of d | ia eee cent ve not suifered | week after spending some time with eS nm Phovinces,”’ | Inner “Lires— ved 7 Rh he are not e1 reaso. cea Punctures, no Waterloo Boy Tractors and Separators cea amet. "reedom and irs oie nennemeee eam fiend 1 tsbenee SToyeat Beh Steg Mee on " eed the wheels of industry, [by reason of any “arbitrary” action |and-Mrs. Lorne Rennie spent Sunday Weir’s List of Farms For Sale Ree chine ceen alli st my; orice Robt. Bell Gas and Steam Engines Filling the warts ctgemen 7 Nae, Grea an wigh fiend in Elma. chatz, R. Miller Block 1 span the seven ipaliti ; of ‘week with her cousin, “Muss [Have two of the most up-to-date and Bringing the wealth. of literature, with “her “cousin, Miss ss ay sn oebwn bareentee CIERK’s NOTICE OF FIRST PosT- e $ ; g rth] “School has i ith M 6,000—Will buy 300 acres of the NG OF VOTERS’ LIST Silos, Silo Fillers, Engines, Water Het snd patty of merchantable pape 4 ]teqn onal iechargee"=) "NS |" bes, and i Borin, ’ : 9 ’ To the Goi OF Noraryran jay respect Sich ne nun Miss Bartel our formes taachee building s—the largest barn’ in the | Voters? List, 1921, Municipality of _ ML CHitle eotiaeocet dens [p pallies a obligated to the extent of/made a business trip here last week vownship; ; 2 sets of buildings‘on the} ‘the ‘Township of _Morningto Systems, Stable Outfits Iam the torch of civilization i the sucess of the Chip-|i" connection with the school fair. BOOS WH Teen eek ee County of Pert 3 Bringing light into the darkened [et a fe Blematioal) “|, It is reported that Mr. A. Schwartz 3 Made by The Ontario Wind, Engine and Pump Co. sg : Osi is _problematica as disposed of his farm, stock, crop y at if it proves a success ond Jrapleni ont to Mr. Leslie, of gician’s ly the Miunilpaitis wll reap ‘the bene- | Waterloo Transmuting the aig dross of fgnor- int, andi if it proves to be so ineffic’ ance that the ratio of power developed Hs Into the refined gold of knowledge. |he cost of ki z ohn Deere and Maxwell Implements oa ereonamge- the cot of the undetisking wil end: | THE WESTERN FAIR ri Province will be compelled to stand LoudtpeOh: sapc dee at Did you ever give it a thought how. cip L [million my is e daupanded d— eae” F uses are overflowing— Programmes for London's big E neha: d. B. LEIS y Power and:strength never wanes )¥.P.A. EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Bibusourha ve: hagts distributed throu al soo ihe mrorth 95 acies 7, tam sup the country. ere will be some- Tot rnington, 90 Lents ee the R.R. NO. 1 - MILLBANK, ONT. The mightiest force the world. has| The thirtieth annual convention of |thite doing every minute in front of ae iene ake aah, 5 acres in|and Z ver known— the Conference Branch Young Peo. |the Grand Stand. ‘There will be acte| ‘ K ple’s sAlliance, of the Evangelical ]of all kinds twice daily on - Church was held in Emmanuel Church |and platform wit ——— Waterloo, reuptt 29th to September | Two special and orks ey ¢ 1 co: 5 res; 4 n hereby call upon alle vot : Exhibition will be : 4 ave 2SS>5-9= SMT E=O= ===-=9 eT grt ug | en fon theft went enag op gn $Waetn'g "u's Sag ke maa proceedings to bare ; a comfortable |any errors or omissions cen 3 eople’s Alliance of the Evangelial Saturday Bight, September dith. On} dwelling house and other outbuild- cording to law. comected ee = Association coud retltgh 0 the Bvan. Friday and Saturday ay ings; 3 miles to Gadshill; clos, ; les a gelical. Herald and. Sunday |b al attraction put on in the| {vR8s,9 miles to Gad jomebody, 8) ated us jae Een ape publications, was present “and. ad |Way of a “Cireus.” ‘Vhs wil $10, 000-—Will buy the south half of |” : \ dressed several large audiences, a y over two. une!" lot 3 ssion » W. J. Zoeger, bout 180 delegates were in attend-4! il be ef specia acres; brick house, bank b: z Clerk a areaian once: interest. On. Saturday ; on ui, The officers and departmental sec- | thr will take place on} pig’ pens, implement’ hous. rge mars i \ erperice reported a very successful t Severa m0! vane ind cl rail yea and infroduced plans and poli-|Which will be of a very ne} “ed, 1 1-4 mil ool, 2 3-4 Notice to to Creditors. ; i more efficient work in’ the i ot eb AI Bon ote oa n Milverton an mn. local alliance: 7 i 8 RI re (e) The ‘Standard of Eifficienoy,” fg] Me Hunt, nt. f ‘ll buy. th the matter of the eatate of William submitted by the General Board w. lot i A h "anckone late of the Township of EWING : o eres; bank bar 6,| Elma, in the County of Perkh, CH S : Sas 3 he folie officers were clected| THE UNFORTUNATE PRINTER tabling at farmer, deceased. : et or the ensuing year: President 24 with brick ven TOBACC ‘ J. B. Dengis, Hespeler; vice-presi- 8 x 22; driving shed 18 x 30; ‘ ; i j ae pow pe vehates "tle fo ee pump, house; jamake houses 40 acres |i : : ala yeeorinbe Mamteais he has a chance to try the ase al? i over again. jens i hen a carpenter makes a mistake 000—-Wil ae eli ark f ny Misa lig just what ie, expert “ier 80 andtlot 85 in the 10th co Gertrude Belch “Walkerton” bible When a doctor makes a mistake he! cession of Elma; 164 acer es vot the vee a8 A. T. Nash, Platteville; |huri sit, best land; 2 storey. brick houses spt. “Ms Wo H. Umbach, a Judge makes @ mistake it bank Ban nO x 78 nt stables all New Hambut heaotied: theslawe ser the lat piving “shed Chesley wa selected ag the néxt| "When a preacher makes mistake place of meeting in August nobody knows the diffe 1 oe Mi P.A, oF ‘Centenaiat Cure But when a printer eke a mis- was represented «J. Smith, | take—good. night. viv Mr. Clemens Payne, Mr. G. W.Heagy : " . ‘ 00, given oe » ove, and Mr. Earl Knechtel. --\ pier eee i Eee 18 sate rhe Saa ne pee ie given pursuant to 4. Sect aN ry > Out of ans Duils, in the. Thad } ban! i, an me Tha; Teustee: Acts and urth Classes ive leading ee Thompso: octor“Now drop 4 little of | Public ‘schools in: To: Bo ee one of 40; 0 ; rat ae ee . thls Jotion in the eye—three times a them sata name “the twelve Apostles] tion; rl les to }» Solicitor 2 si eg Ae ity po. | Mate the Ten Command nts, The ity of pte vehi isitor for the Executors. d yo Th indly. Be: [suet ion of Bible teaching in oronte | 2 TH miles, to Metloys opt : font teniticn: schools should be a live one. good water; easy: tem sate: 1st ems of Septenther, r ation; 10 acres virgin sally drilled well 140° feet deep