ne ferent g} al- ly ereer ae to ain esoE are from which they are gathered, but to different leaves which may erow. on the same plant. ‘A young shoot on a tea-plant has at its tip two very sinall leaves, which juiciest and ‘contain legst amount of fibre, Of thes: a nectattles Cart ingled. When vegetables are used we smalier is called “flowery” as More and more since the Ao ‘came ould seasoned with L le, with a bump on his forehead as|the other “orange” Pekoe. It th pack, country folk are coming to real: ‘pepper. ee Se naar Iie as an sare even ‘smaller still, as ia MEH reep' the: doune folks her pene sea an Seawthorrie “went Home| some very sxpensive brands, the name |e the fa m. We must not only elimin-| scoop out your exeumbers Siena ten n years, SE escai ne enetull “broken” Pekoe is & te a lot of the drudgery, Dut we ye must ting them in two lensthvrise, and cut 3 e his place? ording to 8) ve Senloit. ‘the e job eleneel at tc > Adlei assing through the union depot h saat qhglaew this, tenet farther. Aa entertainment for . The ie em. an ERR shape. refill gat = ee Sie ler has hever been popular gab pute bury of H Stehder black-garbed gg the stem, come leaves slightly | days when early to bed and eee ly to! your sal ixture, a at ching ‘ anv 1 CS te aauektens niin ee Bigger. ese in Pekoe. =| eah a a play ne no work makes in fh the Aree of triangles ant Tape fe ~ Still coa re the ay y boy, had power to move,| them like se ae sails _uprial se san Nowe sineer. § is ce jon’t Call Me Nai t one didn’t think | leaves, which: a basis Sage ae Ce The c cities. with! in the front of the canoe-shaped cu- . iked fut 1. fof that at ae ee eons awe t the| “household” teas ne dance halls and movies, or per-| cumber, lay a wreath uf ‘greenery ms s tall, strong aan wal iM sweetness it her, the simplicity, the) the “Congon” Jess ‘which a : around on ang ee ne a a utter f-consciousness. Her i 0 well eres since | are too easy to reach. tories a r y prepared, dish’ on nS cr tiked by th epeer, chin a ‘ A store: ort ab ning | stood 1 re don mok ing rai he. |‘mherited from her father. H e The tea-plan' s Ss |m b ivi ily, wi intier’ and more ap: tii an| | zed the 0 ina on! vera! u i 0 if, V ie termine served’ with ae tn Retort . 5, situated a good | Ki br oldest fireman on A r In * fi e. aul satheysweto:talk- * fe Ree ney ane e firs p Di roa i ‘ hold its young folks anal The "ee a mi in| “tow did yor get that et on ean” est Bs an me faa nee s, glancing now and verages, though the es om is us oe justle up and establis ot water to loosen the skins, wl e “ ' mping Bee ‘ough a plate-) M esos ae a stad i ii Ler Dene eae '®) not followed in India or Ce y of catering to the pleasure- loving BEE OLY, GARETUI Sete mne uty | tas Sanayi Danien ots Donisiea 4 Onb:s SAMA EE Se u say ycure going to get It2"| “utente this ‘poking eta tent your tae TO the jouve: [ele ot caret healthy boys and girls,| range each tomato on a Bed of ae night 8 ate around’the depot, Kathari is| after infusion They should be a cop- ‘orm. of ich is| pour a spoonful of dressing over it;|” «what on earth did you do that for?” q | tone eaeCae solicitude rather than| pery tint, and all of the same color. ing more and more po in| and chill before serving. “Oh, 1 don't know. Tt seemed a good FepEQGr. t the end of the first five minutes’ i theate : She laid her hand on his arm. they. shouldwnot have unrolled them-|cals. I ities eeiie th ‘The Blue Bovelope. (eect tire: tine, pr | Selves: ee has A n worked out HOODIE the sevpryorie knew thai el ne pee = An Alibi. ' an coat F ourse, i 7 It is by this “out-turn” test that the | method of organizing has been velopes were comin: ike hundre: at | of hn e , big aa bebe ila iilee hg Everybody erie Un paniee, Sistem profesional veataster forms bis Jude out a que Higlaster Sessa Ae tal fms sCopeland ore bal pee Tam afraid John-} 01 ver was 38 Rees “_ thinks Adler's first choice; he's been! 0’ Ur he prinne ag aes after a sip of the liquid has | will joi ; doubled i ing the a Papal podness! What does | peautiful: gir handling a throttle for five years. But) °\iwho said anything about falling in proved satistactor ae The vol Gntton! saw it shraibing Agate to sh Sen aes dispatcher called him when he ditched tove? Frank Havthor icra otey se stume makers, or| normal size, “That meant that my Anxtous Mother—"He hasn't, begu hat Charleston local last month!” |™¢st conceited, impert inent— Fine Fine Weather. i indivi .; employees could no gas be_kept. to “complain vet; but I forgot to lock ouvecior toate st Maries days Weather 19.9: for pee that's To be successful the Little Country! The firm i jain cupboard yesterday and there aes thew f at of us wa eatre must be a real pce the came aalee iitcame| ey calccing 1k Ce the shadows of) affair, ae everybody and his wifel it nevertheless seemed like a thunder- glory that oan and haunt; orkin| a ‘one-person show will not] bolt. Monatng SST 1 tivit: nty | § wane Fieht eee pu oe ates aa Dor le ANAC HoWetaiyourobacheloh| eee oop cence tne found a bench protected trom prying | Weather is. ne tor loving, 0 ones a suitable hall must be| missed. : ip roses. fs years of raliroading fade “alle to tire’ ayes. She moti ee him to al hosts | Andidveaniine and sitting by found. If you hi i course; Florrie’s ce sigh tier esa pemeren on him last he | {N° Oncor: ae ino is ae s hed ueforon eft him curi-} pearing the harp of the evening wind, 85 in, thi work had AGE Dae ee She Ribaly ee Seri ae Ga it aid to oe fe ans ee ts {ously 7 i : ma: fli i i at her dismissal and remar - opie anes pee Ae ne you a message before] "avi Of the morning 8 eee Patni ich is| © cae che should: noblet It cee SENET S AAR Sco aaa roses, Hels of ao my be nest custo: laughe ng for aughin’'—and that's i er. i so los .” : ee ater “Lo or here veteran like you can’t pan Pippa ee uneasily; the old | Weather is ane rr ue ov to even mi pl pale but said nothing.| -“He- hasn't been: ho. was. sewing.) measure,” h And you better as a Ne ae "i {some buttons on his clothes. as wi the last 's of h life. Man; To aes ie ven oe ae woun mad 'S mi 5 szou'te going to fre for me.”| He strange stories told of Big Cypress Fey eich tng: los uoeryiaceet iy. Many ily. Of them al Se Oeeeses Nicely Worded. d the boss jto let you had cree with him, and Frank bleed; published whi i irecti Ellis. walked straight to Mr. Cop oH Mrs, Newmother ertain evenings when he . ildi and on scenery and| land’s office, The Savage Bachelor—"I don’t See} raiq of her baby had. walked home with. Fipp _ and] weather is fine for dancing, m ing up, ete. She had to wait half an coe before| Why a man should get marrled when j And sails with what life sends Pageants, in which everyone can| she could see him. the end of it|@ good parrot can be bought for thirty |); ©! 'To help us along to the smile and song | take part, are as much a part of the, She was facing Mr. Gipebend across | Shillings.” Ss ae: cya acres hein to, vetatve. |: Aaa the beautiful faith of friends. | work as one-act playlets with a half| his desk. Her eyes met his steadily. The ey Young Thing—"“As ie Sho even managed to smile woman is ata disadvantage. A gi bear can’t be bought for less than fr times 1 Se .g | difference. #) message from the dead! Something doz rs. in his nature hitherto dormant set he aenther is fine for Te gut that’s. i ical rf ip-|__“I'm one of the blue envelope girls, most of us ki ping with dramatic interest, offers un eee Hehe e she said. “I’ve co: ‘elieve me, Dad was never out a As over the hills and Boles strug- Bounded material for Pageants. Start- u for a little help. I know ee wanted to kiss t know that, Frank. gling for joy we £0, ing with the coming of Tenth ie sed Authorities. very well tel oh pe with the many thri e' my work isn’t so goo Li ay told little Anita what Y Weather is fine for singing ° And swinging and ee away the me ecru, coming of the 3 were congratulatins Hawthorne Set sa wonderful father; we loved | To the lilt of the looms rah United Empire Loyalists, the War of} fai Adler "yer a ite tone He a Voard. His | ihr so dearly! Even i essage is| The hoom of the mills ec 1812, and satea: life in Ontari b there eae Pats, St tet ak arety odd, he meant it for the best—in your eeu aise is much to be drawn upon for pa-|S°mewhere else, A 8, ft-is, because niy. father | ae him, the Ae sake aaiten (ay a ’s like a voice An Appreciative Son-in-law. geants with a provincial appeal. that a shall be for the same thing. i ; at the university.” fei sig AMM ap peMreide, sugves4 ee : When Amy Wentworth married Seta | ety every locality has its own par-|_ Mr. Copeland's. keen eyes looked “Nellio—*I don’t cate if he is. My tue of a animal Beherc: terday morning, the mornin, Amy ‘ ticular histor; sre is Aa interested. He turned 2 his files and} father is an editor and he knows more c ‘ ory. ete ne Horne?” he growled. |e died, he made me sit beside him on} Knowles her father gave the couple a8 11505) interest. A p de out her rating a about lying than your fath oer “ « | the bed. si e was very weal a t one of the most de- » eae * ss ~ T want to phitsts “, Ati Ue lpslatened ane hy eet LS ier ER rected and acted meee cohen ou understand, Miss Ellis,” he ie skipped back out of r Well Phe eal iy ity ito gh |S uperhuman. Tl try) — as Mr. Wentworth a his’ som] /7nish enough Sea en to keep] Said, that neither We nor sn ane eles ec Jawiwad det. .Daublless chil o ‘ '|imlaw the deed he “Seth, the |# Telghborhood busy almost a season. sot coeiner sone a asilore, ‘a cas mised what coming. @ bi last Sicte = is La ee from all ee as ex — eveiec oe sures 444 shouldered closer; the two men re migeas ight bg * ce] ortgage of three hundred dol-| Would You Spend Ten Dollars? pee eas “trot oF the baletn “ ow. ss aiisti eka wetensuancaa Dodane roots of his ‘ hair, Gawiinens smiling a little, but! At ai FES a ee eat one ant not_provoca Wy, e man who w @| paid ft at that time, bat Mr. Richar : ‘The time had come to dole out the | day’s vr: Hons. and in an Irish regiment} master and his assistant 1 wh 2” flare Pie had been Dito ming them out in pre-} Legian EA 0 saettaniartuaneuan t@ Be paration fo a ls sinwate that Ihave em| the best myself. some day, and.L-w to think ti eine of Ue get of! to know what I have to ¢o: ee q tant tmnet to i pb aste ith a in big Copeland glanced at the er th He fs ay fhasd a d whig; ev. his aturally we are fae * at @: Me eeecr ae ia Wi aed who holds the mortgage, Me te, gaat ‘ o d DES backing you?” The} gj . Don’t laug vh as 03 ig) “You are a little Still, pee i short Ager L * ou ought to ors Tae Lh 5 panties tiiea Grlvts cease wien | oo - : ite pater eyaten r fairly ex-| not the first pec nae Your chi ep it yourself, alike" reptiod tne! 844 98 a Compliment. Germe and ere was just Pepsive . Ev i ” Neen cee * ‘ you know—they beth Lke title n-| i es a things.” t get a Peis cde Fa radia Is tees cles laid his hand on Ad- pone fast, train between Savannah and a {the South. ‘The engineer, ‘Tim Me- 83 ce ences but they in time as) speller orke ked es Frater hamaled her tor fifteen years, | both money | th Te, NERDS ae Dangers of Intellect. e was a friend of mine. He always le. arder, I'll, plaster my walls with| A Worried mother living in the enat on,’ he advised kindly. Know it’s tough on you—you're the! Oe it isn't Bronk’s f Building New Plane in it isn’t Frank’s fault. | vowed that after hig death. his spitit and 1 should lke you to pay the mort:| Dia y the words that trip me till I can see| side of New York wrote, to hier boy Secret. ee “after the. boss, see your union bs prraplt take: care of that trait. Eater, | gage yourselt. ie. ab sheen with my eyes shut! ‘Thank you, ‘etcher 2s Toll uch 8 expected from the tests os aerate Spapped the, SEL Evie profuse i us eee 1h good hardwar me ety e r-| Mr. ela 3 se ot push Tommy too reat Britain's n tee angry engineer. “Yor ut! Now, | pj. “ . or | assures father-in-law that he wou i ‘hi i 4 x 4 ed ‘hel! Baoia | csseat, wre bate Rooke Gurqay ed anche Uae She had risen, but Mr. Copeland de- is chine locontes “Gretta the young man liked his rod and gun tained her.” "One cain tesa ie aul 4 eae RGAE . better than he liked nis plough and Scanno’: aieor el toe eit ao Who. etorie. ne meenis tb (2 " is determined to make her defects Help entirely, nd I do not desire it. So trus ted worke to save you. an ‘0| hoe, and consequently he never fa i eth h hh: please hold him back so as to keep hi aa money ahead to ft er to victory. You are a rat we.con~ t i = drive the Limited as f: rte That did not trouble nie | 28 ider to be a very good risk. You ‘wi are aa cana ae Wiser Uae Me ee See peseiag vel eae ee ADEA Sean ene ING re tb ce Min Went | ep ele tor example the eae ee oe Bete stonday niet le peer ee Re chan aor ae uch Stheroeity, was exons Tien but I ne ay Ais aati ee t. dish drainer, It is estimated that a i i id, a dazed Sad, s it ore. anding; he merely re: n a nt aa ls MRM See eats dish cranes will save at least a but smiling girl found hevuait bt int Litto: -Jullan’ Hed Sompletea “the and the time they will occur are ke You now blamed ins Eisventworths eave’ up Hope of erarceete| Ee nee eum oe Ae or one sear | Ahe-corriipe first day at school and had climbed up- | PecTet and it 1s not improbable tha stopped whe ‘Limited three eae f over twenty working days of nine eo Ae ieee, ahietatber the tests may be made at dusk, y cocksure | Feet fro: free which had. fallen| ting his son-in-1 fee to pay off the mort- r he Thi 5 i onvhis father’s lap to give dad his im. you ean knife me in the back and get | a he aha asiuicshembiay oat cee resets eee Neap and Spring Tides. | ; thereof. y wlth oat en’t you? haehowitaeecnithat tree ttt THe Dank pal e: “his alt poe OL Pins simple, inexpensive] ‘The tides are caused by the attrac-| “Weil,” said dad, poy, do you think | It to if smile chee pian We a Rewtae itis Saree that will give the work- jor te the moon exercises on the | yea will like schoo! Vy youre st folly: to expect e word had a certain sank under the trestle? We didn’t hit! apie ee th a told Seth what he had ho inthe ‘heme 6 total ‘ox Hogra\and “Whereupon a countenance of , othe you cotldn’t| done, Seth replied. cheerfully, “Father, pours a fey pn ane uo over and onthe aie of high water on any day ys took on a most serious expres-| Son: “What is heredity?” fae Spied it a train length away. The) voy gid just the night thing, ccm a ases the next time/is roughly fifty ene later than it \“Something a father betiev a office, swore I was a wizard. “But, you go to tow isa Fairs tesibhéat: EECA B etieves in un. Daughter, ib wasn't me; it was : ee Sainte Toe Q ba son begins acting like a fool.” aent ee McParland keeping his Promise, Both Can Sea- Shells W Walk? ‘Tasty Salads. eetih oh = as a better man than you.|tines T saw Tim—he (aks Seashells Sait y be some day e comes in much $0 at first, but now bm mes, t saw Tim he w ae ag! oh USES ae A good little salad which the house- | farther Asereeehsy ae tamara” a8 ‘i rs ag as cal egsauriegnea epee (cotati dol ste Shave atte finger nds satan han nh urnames and ther Origin Sa ab lea is made of apples and celery cho ‘As a matter of fois these big and thie atipertndendent: opped | beach’ “ate, ier together wat ate ed with mayonnaise. | small tides occur at quite regular in- halves" of their hi charmi ay served, tervals. Big tides are called springs, SUSGLYS BECK s A word about pi SI ides neaps t de- | Variations—O'Higgin, MacHiggin, ae Sen ee abana ee Becker, the changes of ginson, Huggins, McMiggan, Mo- Guigan. Racial Origin—irish, Scurce—A given name. {pe lect, of course, fe ees and, One night we see in the sk: firmest you can find, peel them care- silvery Pabst which we call the ale take out the Sed: and scrape new moon, On he following two or t as much of t id pos. three d : Wha ing tid While the family n Higei a} tional. is ou vue e inside as is oe ree ays. “we shall have spring tides, le a ames Higgins and maHode etd Adler crumpled to the at's k. He di ee sible ‘thou allowing your knife to! Seven days from the time when it | Higginson often come from “Hick” or] While the family names of Beck, ee 5 app | “Hiccon,” old English Ee se Beckett, Bi Waele Bil, pushing forward, rable hi f mem-| rowers,” They baratcthmueh. ue mnppears as ecker and Beek bed FP ming as very, words, but: the wh ‘ In Saee them, place each apple o ea a : Richa Be it is safe to s | become. confused through changes in te . ae & “patie he shouted, “get out of M n my | d of watercress, lettuce ite week later the full moon makes night } majority of et in this “country rpioh Spelling, so that the tracing of 01 Bascal of-you!" “And oe Giosp f—as hin ne} -baseages for. eee vee ou e leaves, nasturtiums, or other almost like day, and brings the second ey are Celtic, “80 is vy obeyed. Hawt e ke oS Seal ta ey eg 1 | dai flint green thing. They may. be lot of spring tides. arid MacHiggin or MeHigg ally two sources ‘of the ar aca tl ees pact when he finish-| row very rapid decorated, ‘ya with red beets 3H fancy: | | Neap tides- eceur ale Maan ae ty meer ie “iad Bera) e doubt eee in racial eis and in mei ed Twak terri Paes considerable distan Th Ng eoeious salads may, ei, 4 Ket waters vice “a ae to i mihorne ps. Suite (aot the ete cme es in these pretty ‘apple cups.’ moon. s there is a fortnight’ in| 4 ish Higgins, Like the Bnglish,| It is safe to assert, however, thet if a the enteahce of the rounthonse. i . dear?) meee LA ihe ander salt 9 aR ‘ cabbage oF Jetaice ‘terval between spring ie ie oe a given name, but not the | you spell. your name, Beck, cor Beckett, Spee os af dent knaw; bi ae patty T know? | Sesser & pushes dot shel je ett the tide and between neap fag [s me one, it probably comes rn di en I've Peep peeved An Bh Nay. gay ar Spite inl "| apples and celery, tide te “cheorel Gold S 1 Cho mistake is often. iene of con- 1 ¢ i : ent vou aivta ra Gonth onto nuts are always a splendid addi \ ke ic feats Fret aSvierme to par neath an fap i eren ‘Ce oonitinatttns neh | Sept fox gold is cne of the in Bo atasering a lit] OP atied eyes flashed him the] move again. It spins may be used for variety, and a cream Nigay glcrbae arate, of ite x i a a It, tralia, says a Meiboutne des It! Boghan, through rene threads, called eae ie binds it- resin “nate spilt J elt 5 be pie ed y evergbody. enfo miles be-| “mac.” The argument being that there Brooks has, ! has Pe “se eee to the spot it enough ing to ‘. 8 little real difference between Mac-! appearance é ; : r 3 and MacHiggin. © This) argu: "Tho people, ae Pie a ae Bee miaues, 12 Wan omMas Ale Bec! as eager ever, loses sight of the fact the Be * ‘ ‘ spoonfuls of vinegar over on : ue oF PSTCTy LOBED SNR. OF TG CAC UI Dart maue ails. Mauretania Will Burn a spoantulaate grarated me at The Diesen iy ree cae mo that ew of these forms are but going to wall any longer, The Cunard Line announced 1 with a little lemon and vanilla extract, po Bak Ee evan Bae tate Go ay ‘lly that the steamship Mauunetanins and just before serving add “thir irty miles ae this city two pros-| aie ae ir Heme esti oe e got to admit it n i 4 | ok ee which was damaged by fire recently ttbespoonfle of rich cream, aber pectors in June smeited approximately } ferent sources h by means o: ft spell-| son, through Ye a a ties walked bias the girl’s| and a undergoing repairs, will be con-| sweet or sour. Mix the snuresientss | $i bee tee er gold Shenae ten the | ie eu nee torleakgenenog teal. re- anus the family conti < aie ere flushed and her eyes were| verted into an oil burner. The con-; Boek over the fruit or vegetable mix- et HG Breet aed Dean LO eeD SUS UAES © same place. Be bright, with a joy that not even her] version will proceed at the same Aine ecae, said es ieee at walle {the one site realized $6,600, worth el Ren tos Of the utente: dey saxon word; ath could ec! with ‘the fepairs: the precicus metal. O'b-Vigin.” or “MacUigan,” the 'o be conelded) the conversion of the Mauretania 3 ctones ave also available, | boing a necessary ea after “om ‘Poresthy and Paper ‘Making. a, total ae ed vessels using to make it NO erred S The family ; cc Re L ed. fleet of} poms i s . meee ae ites aetna OnE E Ghee “= ok New {ontit Wales. Two. manic ease Peat [would be just a peiiter. Vet fpnticsten ae. rom " S110 nig ve obtained some exceptional: “tte form Higginson would’ appear } am more tiseful than a ‘einder, please | #€%t of elghteon vessels ordered since | Zhe they. sn instead SPAT aa: 2 | English, Dut aS tana Falp ats “kBen. any weakde the armistice also will burn oil what they are ike, Aue: : sh hers, rae nar he tha bi ites fi hate mecca ul, Ree ee = ; the nest pear’. the Sania on record w rothers from turned into ashes. The Te “ e PS oune ap Australian pea) ters. oe) fleet he a i ue Ttis s the wise student who burns| It is not until we put them to the oe YONGE : ef bireltsea tee Sc iis oil and sleeps oe the| test that we can distinguish between yeaa esoment | our friends and our acquaintances. ve ? = Racial hertaleAnatey Saxon, aloo Ge mai Source — Geographical, also ocet athe eardrot me—you and that) eeking in Tetra, jtusizg tits namo with: the the ending “er” Be ae common a method o! ol