Monkton Times, 8 Sep 1921, p. 7

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E “aat roll in the Belfast street “RIOTING I IN BELFAST STREETS: DEATH ROLL STANDS AT FOURTEEN ‘St Lal, of N “es Aloette Tro Disturban despatch from Belfast sara re tands at” ee are Pious off the but the situation saber extremely dangerous. The Ulster Lae held a confer- ence with the police and civic author- dow ities and are eequstioning additional i troops. Boies were again active in the! Old Letee. ‘ieteick They opened a! heavy ‘iro e direction of Shank- hill Road, & thickly “aay Pro- testant quarter. 2 8 ied and four wore Reciswaly wound- ed in this fighti Workmen woke att d on the way home in West Belfast, oe police were obliged to fire on the attacking forces, which were dispersed. ‘The present trouble had its origin in! n and side aiserte ‘lying ca en res | jinn Feiners, and Sony Row, "Shank Ballyr t, where nd liyma' Mens pidgin are Pile of. ie day progres: increased their te in getting Teves con- the ee “Sir William ‘Coates, the Lord Ma yor,’ » Sinn Feiners and Orangemen pps Requisitioned to Quell - ary called on General ¢ 8 | bell, »| rioting, urging the need was! mi d}as a shield -Camp- commander of iho Briti Ister, for soldiers to quelle Ie of protection for the city 8 citizens, and his demand was granted. During the dinner hour a heavy: in UI e rioting could be considered at an end. During the morning sniping was inded be tStrect. tee ry a section of a adie by bullets. | mobile and other hazar s. ‘ A court martial pare at Galway} “Within another generation | ation ab ori Br Our nt two menibers of the Black and the allotted threescore years and | {i700 cov onto: th ait Toreéa-in Ireland to ten years ati ten will be a thing of th eae Reeneat F penal servitude. They were convicted’ nr George W. Hoagland said, {ty the Demeinn ontis tite of raiding a house at Salt Hill and his ea a mortality | population ST one | compelling two students to walk bare-| 2: Pik et tewie in Bed an cb teed oer th foot over broken bottles ES “ z te SEVEN. SEATS VACANT IN THE COMMONS Another Federal Riding Loses Represgtaiye by Death Devii A despatch from Ottawa anuel B. : mn: represented—St. Division of M seen held Ae theGa Wrig) ut n, ed by Hon Je} member of eae ache Ast Se | | Red Rash. Sina Fein’ ‘Must Decide: | De Valera has rejected the terms! ‘2 offered by England, and the reply of Lloyd e quickn George 283. with her this will be the the i George reply, b st a ereiel English} Ebe permitted | empir It| m for indepe ace orge reiterates the| 8 that it does meet| s the or re jectingg rile Government ane offer Some years ago a writer on cena tt ichasenis tay and pear ena said in substance that’ restatement, of the higher in 4,000 recorded history| the Bish 3 Bete tat bores te thas 4,000! mor days when peace had been unbroken in all i ‘of the world. The old globe is free of aS Red Rash.! Sin Whe bye af dis Ditaciuatent, Cob we are enjoying a period c comparative world peace, but it only comparative. We are dread the “next war,” while a doz rs, | little and big, are : course There is pri he ee 1 sh in Mehsud ee the northwest Indian frontier. In Asia wage Greek and Turk are continuing immemorial he! that have aivays ae ebweedi Daa ‘end West a eee st te Near East. Her rst-class, Biieniiens: an nd oe. “fiat Shes issues. There is a truce in Ireland now; but! a few weeks ago Erin was a place of bloody ambushes ane sage in nar- row streets. It so again.! Upper Silesia is eee quiet now;| no man knows for how long. There is continual fighting in East- ern Siberia, where old boundary line ol ing up, dying down and lighting 2 he New World is comparatively Rica and Panama hay i Re ‘state of war” in parts of Nicar- eho world 7 not free from the Red never be immuno’ en- tirely; but the Disarmament C ence may help in building up a high degree of immunization against the disea: Sick Se EROS, The first trip on the new Paris-to- ase air service took ten hours, as ‘4 une the dominion fighting in China between] co) ste settled their little difficulty, but ioe df a ‘Sinn Fe Ini, aad at all the: oe ae at v on, and particularly at’ America: araivie That reminder of ‘his that Iretand oe will be han the § tat His quo inaug al addr ng upon pe physic al near ness and a the Americ: m N. Ih i making a new era tor their na- situation af eles and Ireland, ae tive land.” een peals to Ami ho s understood Rearee ee , p : is u A Canada’s Lum thing of the "Civil War re maces Pee a et ee eeuielegan. = ra hal ia Gi ROK ea ines in Weat US. ' dangers - Pe ree acquired the greater portion of nib dtc say Bao: madésby eae theralder achaol cf Eres lea the United st tates exchange necessary|q physiologist that the anilkt of in- ‘A despatch from Washington, D.C., ers suis have weight in an iste payments) ebriate mothers contains a small | says:—In spite of demands of North. | that is pe: eraumstot ie pea. s on amount of alcohol, and it his belief western shingle men, that the duty of | the Sinn ein, Racrahots and th that m communicate to} 50 cents per thousand, as fixed in the | German pee regard England cargo are| their offspring a desire for stimulants. rae Bill in the House, be retained “ ” nation of the Prussian} COS! gerous, owing to the , BS by the Senate, Western ly interests a dere well! 8tong fumes given off by the fruit} San Merino, the midget republic, is| oppose the duty, and expect lates {to ignore the De Valera insi Huations/ causing dizziness and a form of in-|to double the size of its army, which| to make a strong showing against it of “militarism” and the implication| %xication. in future will consist of six soldiers. | Senators on’ the JMinance Co that England would deal with Ireland —= Tare Moga ' ao disposition to s Germany would deal with Belgium. oppos lumber duties land knows better and the world = aimed at coats are The ace the exchange of notes leaves the situation deadlocked ag it was a week ago. But so long as the truce holds, so lon, iggeition tink Mies TaAe been-kald cihes bape beeestniiiclive in spite of the unbending attitude of England the Si, hardly weakened a inn Fein. But Sean aad reply, restatement and argument can hardly m in- definitely. “We cannot prolong a mere exchange of notes,” is Lloyd George's reminder. Sinn Fein must make its decision. | It has been told over and aver again that Ireland ¢ have fr reedom, but a ceanpuaontt a eho eas make its decision for war petals seas It as or for peace. e happy, one pita always mpared yay sa | hours ‘for the Journey by tra! To be have something beyond one’s reach, as} ue says:—The Byer nye life of man a has been hem in the last quarter century, de- in the line of fire, but the ane were spite the crime to: dramatic, * and depends upon| Said, ultimatum! ly en Crown and| GERMANY PAYS that | nouncement is made by Otto von eee 4 the Ger vias arse in the United States, has | a ms to the allie: | LORD BYNG OPENS THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXH His Excellency is here seen presenting the colors of all Toronto regi- ments after they were dedicates posited in Westminster Abbey. d by Canon Scott. IBITION The colors will be de- The Leading a Tarents Manitoba wheat— $1.68%6 ; No. 2° Res a1 toe ‘No : Norther » $1.57%; No, 4 wheat, 1.39 Mai anitoba oats—No. o 1 AB% CF No. 4TYe; extr: a No.’ 1 fee: es No ef feed, 465¢c; No. 2 fe teins barley- Not Rag rece ion Abendonehs oned As A despatch from London, Ont, says ‘ Coneus eae Returns Are Ready—Tariff is the fore the ae to redistribution, but he had com a 4 CW, 746¢; Vee ‘somes tai —The chailenge so lightly thrown out | e to the conclusion that it could not ORT above in store be 2 yellow, 6 Solaris Anat e 2 white, 40 to 42c, wheat—No. 2 Winter, car’ ee (sid 18 - (35 22; Na 3 Winter, $1.15 $1.2 i commercial, $1.10 to! a, $1.15; Nee 2 Spring, $1.18 to $1.18; 3 Spri iz, $1.10 to $1.15; No. pee wheat A 0. crley- Matting, 6 a to ‘72e, accord- me freights Ser! ee . 2, somal Manitoba flour —First pats. $10.00; second pats., Ontario flour— ane 25, 0 ny: Millfeed—Del, gntteal freight, : Bran, per ton, $28; g crerege Human Life Lon; atistic surance “Union, of which he Amount Due the Allies on} eu of Ontario returns issued are as fol- ernment thes: aaa with the pane “ot ie “sritieh, French and Belgian Governments in |exchange to effect» this were concluded several weeks ago, it ger by Four Years A despatch from Columbus|Census Returns len; four years Years. ‘ave, war, auto- A increase of ii, when the las' of 21,228. at the count is subject to correc- eee Sir saddistmantss gta marennt ot | closed houses and absentees have yet BILLION GOLD MARKS 2 °° pee | census statistics. August 31st Fully Paid. Fe 5 A despatch from Berlin —An-} 1921. 5,82! | Bastview | Barrie .. Sault Ste. eee Falls the Reichs- paid a ili rk ts the Antes ba Ane| added het the Reichsba pean m obliged to take 68,000,000 Inert : god dollars and other for-| Hawk esbury moi m its gold reserves,| Mi di hh are now on the way to New; ," Marie patch from New York says:- rae Government, through its His Majesty P Piet With cipated. further reparations obli- Scapetiun ata ritopriar settine rene | Be Berlin Gov- se pay ‘imated —King George has e s wog0.a0. ie a The message sai measure of response vouchsafed to’my Irish people. let us pray that the’ his city. Purchases of United States dollar transaction y appeal t With a full heart eir reconcilia- | tion may be consummated by th ONTARIO TOWNS MAKE GREAT STRIDES Show iS crease in Population in Past Ten assDayae fom Ottawa says:—An 8 pe Po} st Dominio: The Dulletin fae cov m. census] « Beans-— Cap, ay ken. ers ;’ primes, secretary. Scepnrerere brought about | 25 cities and towns in eastern and| Maple prodnele Syrup vee “ine sanitation, the nationwide | Western Canada. Although Orillia Kei sugar, vb. 19 to 22c. anti-spitting fight and othe shows the largest percentage increase Hor ey—60-80-Ib. tins, 14 to 15e p bigs fiributed. toward | &f Places covered in the bulletin, Sault| 1p; tins, 16 to 17¢ per 1b ue e contribu war te. Mari sere mate a Ontario comb honey, pers doz., $3.76 man’s longevity,” Dr. Hoagland | percenta rease the| to $4. ine of “Severe epidemics of ty-| last ten epee anda Beasts ae Smoked pu and malaria which former- 4: ook such a huge toll of lige, | | The Dominion Statistician announe-| {9 |no Lanner are known.” s th ject anyone who thinks that s been omitted from the Sue ecntlte the faa 1911. 6,828 d Irish Response oe A naptihat from London says: | sent a me: sage to the Archbishop of Can- ‘| terbury on ve ae situation. “Let us fail God that some hi Wee Estab of it aoe deliberations now proceetaes ’ ernation= : this “cenit nd the and that they may be united, SHGIBRALTA Strait To sy = [Tan Tangier” (eater ae ee ———Aetak laraiche xe = 4. In- 0 shorts, er fn, $80; ‘good feed fl $1.70 to $18 Baled tay ~Track, Toronto, ner, ton,) 8 ae $28; No. 2, $22; mi ee New, large, 24iwe; triplets, 25¢. Old, large, 81 to B8e; bwins, 82 to 8c; triplets, 82% to tiltons, sy, 25 to 27e ee lairy, 85c; creamery, Sue fresh, No. 1, 42 to 48¢; cooking, a to 2be. — Spring, chickens, yw], 80c; duck- choice, 83 to otntry Spring chiens, 800; at tees titel ; duel Eggs—No. 2 to ae selects, 50 to page “cart a ee 4c, I-picked, aye meats—Hams, med., clear bacon, 18 | to ae aad bellies, ei to 20%c. Lard—] lt aN a 3 20¢; ts, 21 to 22e. 14% to 14% paile, 15% to "15% T%&e. 14% ; nae 17K to heavy steers, $7.25 to butchers’ steers, choice, $6 to do, good, $5.50 to $5.50; do, coi $8; $6.50; *o $6; do, med "Bid , $8 to $4.5 to $4.50; 0; apringers, $60 to a #58 50 mbs, fearlings, s spring, $8.50 to S875; 3.50. to 3 do, cars, S- £5; do, country points, $10. al. No. 2, Baik to fo B8ibe. Man 2 wheat pate, tects, Ralied Gate Bag 90 aH s—$3. Montre: +—Can. West., eos, a Ne. 8, 58 t ie ‘0. A6c. ag, car lots, $1.75 to 7 gant calves: $05 dairy ‘calves, $9 to has Rakes ee the B lish Columbia sh: uperior to those made on the United States side, because the latter are kiln-dried to ex: cess. peal 4 announcement tirely unusu: the close of a matter of planation of the considerations that had Jed to that decision, Mr. Meighen frankly squatted that he would ave preferred to tion bill na rore annealing to the people, It had though he aa y William Lyon Mackenzio King and the Farmers’ party Within the next three months the 8 a ree wae pee in the Grand Theatre Mies and a show of fighting spirit en- in is in my sf ha the duty of Parliament and my Minister of this country to aa for the dissolution of Parliament at an bec date and an election hefore the year, and that is the jour, i 4 has been accepted. mt Parliament eri id not be avalleblo before Decem: pers ve sens ig veri ‘could be read; Periment “held, tH 0 commit the feountey to oat "winter campaign. 3 oN Bs campaign through | cem| and Februai something AMEE he c mime’ ny : post-war political uty as Prime ae making his announcement the course I rime Minister placed squarely. before Mr. Meighen declared res people the issue upon which the fact ex-| election would be fought. The cleay- age between the advocates of a policy ol trae ertecicn, and enemies—the e tra , mer Party ae the chameleons of Liberalism, with their muftied drums” of @ trade, which never before drawn so clearly, so forcibly, m a redistribu- is intention, peed pledged himself PREFEREN ish Industries ors, every encou to pap hieiene Hie Imperial character of the Fair, that tee for space seas would be given a time preference in the order of allotment, owing + ist be shown TOO OVERSEAS EXHIBITS British tne Fair Invite Cones Manes Z Antarctic Will Consist of i A despatch trom London, Eng., says: Eighteen Persons. ‘rary to conditions in previous years, when lack of space at the t free co-operation of Canadian manufacturers sh eons at the forthcoming ae to be held at the White City This Fair will be open to all exhibitors ;| Within the British Empire on precisely | creased from fo th Th. ing this year, as the food in uae re nego ea falta whieh Tower for Parliament Buildings This is an exact model of the tower to be erected on Buildings at Ottawa. nes ‘ON SAILS SEPT EMBER 12 ~ Explorer’s Expedition to the A despateh from London pa Bligeileton, Fairs ragement be be given $ = that further alterations had bee: to the ship “Quest’” which will bear} the party among the ice floes. next March. ic The personnel of the party will be in- parture 6f the expetion, wth it is; pow expected ta Ie tem- bor 12 next: ‘The British Admiralty , has ae ererrtie possible ae a3 way of loanin; installations oat sveMeranle She ment, h a lines 0} ; sired | 3 out. This that conaiippndent from over- lo the would should result in ensuring ‘| safety for ships at sea in certain areas, | The expedition will also undertake a’ instead of in| program for the British Air Ministry , Eee partments, es original PRG pro- | ee will be in nowise curtailed. ossibly batons feeviue® “caption Saati geologist. may be added to the He expedition, It is the desire of John Quiller Rowett, well-known. publicist and sclentist, who is egal the ex- pedition, that the “ New one FEAT A have been commission- ed for the party, but no South African. ee “< at i War never amounted to much inthe re. it never came into its! take ‘eertain| « “Iron, Cold Iron.” ipelago is of volcanic, that these islands are so} eta of iron oxide deposits of: saath _about this for the! i Ee 18, 1920, ies Japanese War Office had this t Tron sand is so gen reat throughout she the new Parliament (4063) FEZ SPAIN'S WHITE MAN'S BURD| The history of the Spanish zone of Morocco has waged on the whole with considerable. been are country by the colonists.” “a constant ¥ success, against the Moor! tribesmen, together with very slow penetration and organization of the a aa WAR COMES TO AN OFFICIAL END IN GREAT BRITAIN despatch from London say mle tinal ta oe oe Wed. | | nesday re brings a eut in and salaries of employees of the Ger ernment appro: ximating £500. 000 merely. | civil servants? bonuses, bas-|b n the cost of living, have been re-| considecabiyhThs higher” goader| workers lose 10 to 60 per cent, cf their bodying a variety of wartime restric- tions, lapsed inoperative, recent pay. Sutaien unet £500 yearly are reduced fron tember, 2918, Bias a a-special Commits a year “i been: ena) ‘with ‘alneaile sue= fo twen- ‘orks, under the control of the oe firm, with very satisfactory results, ‘he grea tea from sight or ‘hearing, It w: secret and sul ig it’s a Great Lite tt You Don’t Weaken HT 'D pote en ae HE DOESN'T! HE GET'S OUT THE TELEPHONE BooK ITS A GREAT LIFE iF You DONT WEAKEN w process for the fran “iron sand” ‘that will revolution- work Britain and the Unit as iron imports are concerne " Vickers, om) plants will miss the Japanese ag tomers and feel them peti If “iron, cold iron, is 1 Nor it be forgotten we! iron and sted the metals.of wa

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