| Niet, Henry, carpenter and builder. | Al x Non, ‘William, eames ler. : ee Lis ae Professions, aff ian Us, lone & [e) : pada: eee : Eee ae Fists 52 z lon, lohn, . ington Hole as ae en , farme a vapi uel Oe te er, Main? : 101 iin, Joseph, proprieto M j feri itio avwards, “hotel keeper. ‘| Palmer, James, er, ta ilies PECENCE ROSES Trades, Ete. aueaus cae ree ike i ‘the co ge i eee Bother, John, sigeel er. Nicklin, Arthur, “proptistor of water|Bell, Wm., farmer. ‘ 3 : the second year | vot its Tubiteato . Pe} tierie! ol “janufaciurer and}__grist mil he John, farmer, ‘ \: Bee ; . POOLE — 2 alae mi Nicklin, John, Seman flouring Bell, Ric] ‘ichard, seems = 3 oe Seer age af ae shoe on mill, Dostmasten and merchant, Ria, George. oafegnster: : of the County. Its Settlement and Progress. : Ae ip, Jo! in, M.D., physician, surgeon | Pe eon ce ub: conn mer, "oth con, 4th Garner, E i 2 * s = 5 2h rningt ‘boot and. sh : Poland, Albert N, famner : Foantel Alex., ricklayer A Dias Preston, P. cooperage. Se male aoe a : : : des Be "Libert Bidwell grocery. "-KASTNERVILLE See ell, David, cabinet factory. In the year 1863, sutherland a Be Smits Join general merchant and one hots ee es [SoS | A aia {illage om the Huron Road canpbel Devi Be eee of Ingers a proprietor of steam flouring and |atte about 50..one = Ase ALB., ashe Eas : the Rei ist_con., Ellice. | Cook, ‘bani, “earriage ‘and wagon eRe, eves OPs nee John, ead lesmat Pei ter Kas Bib john Kastner and | factor: s Stews a ‘Wm., carpenter. ed ie Roy, David, salesman with W. T. wichas! Kastner settled at this Place Cassey, Wilton, clerk of 4th Division ~ and descriptive sketch 0 “the col Victoria House, J. W. Maxwell, prop. |hivision court is held here. Mails | stone aattee op - townships, towns, silage and” pore Williams, John, manufacturer of |grisweelly. ~| Smith, ae a ee offices bce nal reside wagons, carriages and buggies. stage ? prie toe. ee ae e Vil ae ~ each locality args ‘alphabetical W Wood, James, general blacksmith. piensa! List of Prafessiona? : nD As a ee sat jrhis ‘ee aaa 63 ompiled from the avai Saree Trades, Ete. Andrew, enter. | f _ ie ae with a apiate averane at-| Donnelly, wis r ; endance of a 4 Huy township fata’ one the ee BORNE ORME Biebiien Batre daaaniie e Sees Fae ear the dee Dover, James, genera dealer in dry BE tata Utes of he prneey | ia” enc os, ve mes trom Fom,Hhcoofs tor ah ee of the Huron trac ma Grayel Road, five miles from |!oss, ore, tailor shop. Alphabetical List of Professi : ‘Of the Canada Company, gan, | Mitchell, contains a store, hotel and | Lowe, laborer. ene ison Mae cal pea ee Te Pofessionty | Dunno adie, nas Sag and hoc ke Ellice, Noch and South. “Basthone, post Tice Male dais. ‘Tc Hag-|Matthews, David, general dealer. in ‘ P Pee pate Rb rend /Ahormaker: rank Tekst Agen x Fullarton, Hibbert arty, Postmaster, hotel keeper and| ty goods, groceries, etc. | Post- iia 8 Bart, Michael, shoemak Gone te eee ana ERS uel! essence gent, lanshard ily. beeen, |ZoRet#l merchant. eter al “| Watts, Rev Chowen, Busisats conechas: Syne ell, 7h Deceit | ont sera sd e timber is ee ra ech, ene armer fe Ho 7 oniage eid, fame Ac BAIRD TFHests, ‘bead & with: a little pine, t e Waugh, W: T., general dealer in dry Diasrecn ieechi aicenieker: Fi! ni Soler W.M. i nt CARTHAGE Re Bee i goods, groceries, hardware, boots | 2ekert, John, farmer. Hyde's Hotel Matthew Hyde, prop. p. G : aa Grandbergex, Simon, shoemaker. ten, general store ane A Post village on the 6th lot, 2th sh, August, gardener, Wallington iotel, Samuel Page, pro-| Hamilton, Hugh, teacher Dakar: ‘ g | Gon. township of, Mornington. olen rie’ =o Hildebrandt, George, shoemal Kenneds, Robert, general blacksmith, aera Ganible was the first po a, * Wel vida. Wa ROU. Maker. Mica Feanel » carpenter and builder, Kastner, Michael, manufacturer of [Tadoe. ‘Thomas, teacher. stone and frame houses in the older copie List of Professions, aes roung, James, -catpente Kastner, Peter, distiller and wool Tammont, Matthew and Robert, car. ownshi ‘ip: re ¢ i rades; Et eo ee earding and fulling mills. _ The total Loh ea Aatist sani ae “ sae aes LISTOWEL Pes caat Morar, Peter, farmer. pom Rodericiy:aene rat plackansth, Overcoats i ienger, Thomas, surveyor, : ' ‘ The total Secupiers of Jand beatin! fae This flourishing ‘village is situated ined, Fen shemaker: aLaton @ Helater, proprietor of e amoun * aa ites pel. MONTREAL, TORON’ NTO, DI AND CHICAGO Brown. Charles, postmastet and ger een eral merc! on the townl Be between : e tow A post ante spane ae - Mellish, A. F., Church of Bngland pec eres news for all cancerteds Donaghan, Bence sawyer. i f the. Mitel : ice teaene SEBRINGVILLE ee eon bout buying a new fall suit or over- Gle . fe Elma Grav ad, 22 miles a vas’ fit z ilne, Walter Rev., Baptist. ‘ lenn, fiat stamens ; By Gravel Roads fe ieee Tt was fh aig ae r Ed. 2 appa village on the Huron cays wine George, wagon and carriage con a ane Boag prices. Best averaging ailset eye pee aes : 4 x | Road, and.on the line of, the: Bultalo < male. : = 5 0 be had anywhere. eorge, carpenter and build-|y7 e , 4 Yi Ni ——, boot aker. ‘ acre; spring aihoat 54,898 netes aver George, carp @-]N. “Poland, Chas. Dodd and Janies|took place in the fall of 1857; four from Stratfor i nshi O'Reiley, Michael, ta Ngee SS Suits from $33.00 to $48.00, Tn. the very important ‘Satter of |sfedfanimin, James, coope: acking, the present postmaster, pu Ae eee etnies Res ammeneea of anil: Rect ie and D Mihesasts WAS | Pervis, William, enetal blackemith, | Overeoats from $25.00 to $40.00 Sducation | arse ecaunt pe ee ee J. & Co., proprietors Carth- jghased the first village lot in the place |were laid offi ‘1 3 r]Esa., who built a saw mill on Black Ratz, Henry, far (Qur own make) ober and 3 nls Me ots ayant BY Surveyed Gre leontaias eho ree stores, | Cree i he built @ grist mill in | Simmons, Henry, farmer. auas:t vn in 1864; | Stewart, 1. Ra, gereral: dealer in dry}. And we stand behind lee we sell. 1 store in 1856 abe ' ae factory and steam saw mi riel itional ‘ods, groceries, ete, Before pane: we ask you to com- rel tas kept by Wm he pacity of turning out two|fof stonés and merchant bolts. The |Trachsel, David, farmer. Decpkbaarke value ; small log ee west of the "English ea a half million feet of lumber per | mill “fe now the capacity of grinding |Trow, James, J.P., auctioneer, com-| eee t Office in the tov Church: ” I as ampraeed annum} there is conside rable pine in| 400 els of wheat every ours;| — missioner in Q.B., conveyancer, ete. ier established in 13 Seite ask Caane ‘ew years, and |the vieinit y of the village. e post | the machinery is propelled by an om eetanieede ine " Union Hotel, R. West, proprietor. You will like our work n ganized’ sys 0 res, one iron | off; ; E as we : ongst the settlers, ig] Alphabetical Re at Professions, | a i ne ing and. fu i peat ward Gree end eS ‘mails by the Doren oe i y | Vance, John, laborer, eee raat ‘heen the blessing of thetr o ier rades, Ete. Boke ellent tees aily—population Creek." The first store was opened | Wor aly George, general enter in| Sh cis tatty nimi: BET" "Sa yan sg oh | "Fn J. M. FLEISHHAUER. The Gibson, wagon maker doo aoe i: iene pated Geddel SENG, iva church (German Metho- eeee | Merchant Tailor : Ramer Reson Blackemtth: shope> |Dezarmum, two:cabinet fast ne i ete azmon minister, Tt thas TOINES |MILVERTON, - - ONTARIO ein Seeieaink Bennett, Joseph, proprietor West n average ae Sas Soe 3 pi a tos teal hag 8 3948 = talon shops, thee wagon Monckton Hote rue pupils, under the ch A Post Office in the Township of and 5 females fares in usted ay ELMA CENTRE painters, six masons, thirty earpenters | Berrey, Thomag, teacher, West Monde | : sala Bol one wa ts ee i est salary > two Warnese6 ne tase . of pupils | © ksi ai oe Mates ane ae suis (Formerly Tennant's Corners) | ive _hame “Shops, one Lodge Se 50; averaze attendance Ps shop, eve talons, two cabinet makers, = the lowest $186, the average 2 lage situated 16 miles from ae Rages Henry, general merchant. ings285 without board. There, were ifiekell, conteine. @ Beer ee ee ee ae eee By [roster ew et maker. and stove shop, these earpenters, etc. e ea AVOUE 86 fehool houses. 12 brick, 12 frame kent by John ones, 2 shoe ; SCD LE RT eae ae Mien, blacksmith. ae postmaster. and 58 log, ‘The average time 0 i, a blacksmith shop bs ce » Sfterwards ac” | Greensides, Edward, postmaster an i eee : : Siwy : iheeping the’ schools was 11 months |p. 8. Stevens and ¢ cabs |School, aap ie sf Haier |” superintendent steam mills. Sa aaa ays Ae eee of the genuine “GREEN” Tea is in every D3 rades; Ete, s packet Of —mm_ and 7 days. ss Church’ built i A802 ,Jance of about 60 pupil: 2 Christ pu BEE 0 LAY ae My, 36 , $500; capable of ie teacher. a nnd) Acke: ‘, Ja farmer. MILLBANK 4 name of s Enea CeRRehy Sree i Fromm i: , boot and shoe oat village in the township of Ray, Me Renwiee. as "joc Morningto the Northe vel APR ‘oad leading “from mn Ga uch; ie n etor Fa ee ttecgtmale SU proper Srortmars| Matar aud nazcaat sot Ferme NEWRY he Episcopal’ Methogise ePnibin rms Hotel. i Hes 8. -R : post er and cost 300; seats about 200 per-| Queens Arms Hotel, G, S. | d ead aes 2 ; Rev: J. H. We proprietor and boot and ais uel ‘ .P | rR oad, a out intern matles |miniater, Bigs Wiss sb joshaaker. 1 ekeantaicnct oe acs genet wal acksmith, ot Bes boca bane Pe Be contains one hotel| The Presbyterians meet at present tus, Georg and shoemaker Tram, dam, cabinet, factory. : blacksmith shops. © Mails! the Conere: hurch: Rev, |. 2nd hotel keeper stner, John, Reeve of Ellice. | e Congregational Churet; ev. | 804 a ieee ls ee GREEN TEA Sus : tose abner e Sportman’s Arms, N: i vinegar and. cider | ‘ Alphabetical List of Professions, erected fr nenetanie ee oropmente and cider" Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or Trades, Ete. 24x jail Pe “about 200 persons; aS merchant and toll) Moore, George, farmer, 4th eon., ish) Young Hyson. Sample Free—Saiada, Toronto. : lot, Ellice: | conten, oh SCE es i fediijetes Moth ras “yuite in{West Monckton Hotel, J. Bennett,| lomtiner sson and plasterer, | = M Sine placket re 40 % 52; cost $1,200; seats} ,, Proprietor | Poole, Michael, millet orrison, Wm. blacksmith, 2 Bee John 1200 seats | Winstanley, Edward, steam saw mill. Ritter, John, tinsmith. he village eee inis White, A., ma acturer. Ritter-& Smith, manufacturers of tin, | it e oe dily, and Uta a LISBON The | Erimitive 3 Methodists meet. in eee [og Re nd Be anon mate 30d a EL A ed the | Rey. Mr. Cooke, WEgUe CORNERS pe i A post vane ae ind Township of Ns 5 ouring and grist) % S i wery, one re water an North Easth the boundal +!" ‘The village contains six getter TORONTO Wellesley route. ane Tr. one wagon shop, two blacksmith shops SHAKESPEARE ebringville M Houring mill driven by steam, a tan doh, ‘ Ao ea eneP et township ‘and the|The stage routes areas follov A. post village in. the township cin Sabra “ man pene age acca age Acie Eruaiip of Wilmot, in ae Cou r|to Mitchell daily, to Shipley tr Week. Mornington, nie 2 lot ebringvile Totel, Paschal ut 3 0 p T He Caulfield, ihinister Bai eg; tarmet. three. shoemaker, shops, one tailor LONDON The Ca pada peer Church Alpbahetiear Le of Professions, Ss til 7 assista - shop, on: mter hee three tay \~ & Post-¥i ilage 0 on the Huron Road, | DETROIT ories D8, Bi oe 2 f Waterloo. ly, to Carthage’ semi-weekly, and t ssion, 17 m ba ‘Stratis . A ta two masons and one paint-/> 0) in 1852, by. ‘ohn enn fee |olesseoriie terete: Population ihe Bat: sete e Andrew SADE OOUICE ss wag erected in 1858, of frame, and da Be ; ‘ohn, farmer oer’ there two churches, ¥ ; aa en Ro wat Fe000 and will, accommodate Hinnewies, Henry, saddle> and har- "The Canada Presbyterian, ‘built in| tasthope, 7. 1 eee 3 18 ye zt surveyor, eR the present pos x, The willaze | 700. Seer Mat Netra sheet iron war 0. persons.” Rev, David Beattie | Beilstein, Adam, cabinet maker maker 1862, of frame, cost $1,200; Rev, ; town, ntains two eee ‘one blacksmith The post office. was established in the 2 ‘on Hotel, Henry Scarth prop. hot one hotel, two shoe shops, Alphabetical List of Professions, Mr. John Pierson e pres-} Michael, miller. hope, 71 | Glebe, , blacksmit! Bsr ge, carpenter. Thoitias Lowrie minister. ‘The ehureh | Wa Bias eet Ha EES CHICAGO Wesleyan Methodist Church Tegner, Henry, ie top, Farmers’ Ckmpbel D. Dy tacner aad cont lis cunable of Seti aiatian 00.0 soe Gninte £6 ga nECORTAY ze B a ine Gran master. in 1850, by Wm. and vist mills were ‘erected in+1850. } | | Bisebi | ops, 0 1 tailo or, two cabinet makers. Mails Teades, ent postmaster, The village now Glos Pie eckly, by. the Hamburg and tains two stores} one steam saw mill, | | | | | | Hot missione’ Q B., conveyaneer, |sons. too nie. |Ptang. John, “tailor. ete., Main The Wesleyan | Methodist, exected | Bunk ; eae es Henry, boot and shoemak- Conley, Jo wee in 1858 at cost and will ti which: Win: ct & Crawford, Willia ts shoemaker, 5 3 a 83 se Messrs. | Cassey s cle The at 2 Ly.Toronto * 8.00 a.m.|f 7.00 p.m.|* 3,20 p.m" 6.45 pan, $11.40 Stein, Eckert, cabinet maker. awson, James, blacksmit Crane and Armstrong, minister: nery destroy’ by fir auini Ar, London 11.15 a.m,|710.55 am.) 7.1 3 ‘Wie: Rand, Lawrence, boot and shoe| De ‘ eect . eh wi yer | a noe a s 00 p.m. 0 p.m. A. mors, ete. age atte seri " Metab nce 6 Jol : 100. pam) 1215 aa Magwood, teacher, There is Zink, “John & Son, general dealers Draper, "Geonse ra nn eae : fete ues tothe plas : Ar, Ch’go c.t%9,05 p.m. { 8.00 a. Orange Lodge numbering apout 20 in ¥ goods, groceries, hardware, |Dobso nk, machi EAC tinea Petes (add Lodge of} stores,'¢éun aioe al : ; Le members. Population about 300. D tein, farmer s of Temperanc : eer eae Daily. TiS Toes IP. (J. Zinkann &]E fee tame rpenter aid builder. : Alphabetical List of Professions, Son) .postmaste: Gibson, William, proprietor Victo: Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete. Zinkann, Joseph, (J. Zinkann & Son) | Hote enh c ee x 3 deputy postmaster. Go nats odsave be O'Hara). egdeey Ete. vidge, John, wagon, ta odsi a, manufacturers of RR OW w Philip, fet ernbac and Para AiR ea iE Barker, Wm, sh shoemak me EDGECOMBE me ssehahte gees The other bodies, siealeva an Methodis Caulfield, “Thomas, cee mercha ' |Hacking, W. H., postmaster and are es i, De ee ° By ae = “ c td, John; boot and shoe mak post office in the township of] gist i aay ie Chowen, 3 Upves ae aoe en Ba aptists meet | F. L. CRAWFORD, Agent. =. MILVERTON | a! mu nk, San ooh general 1 black- eae T. ‘Martin, postmaster. tt, genera dealers Chowen, Daily except Sunday c:t.SCentral Time, eer suetoronahe 8° llFivst-Class Coaches, Excellent Dining, Sleeping and Parlor: Car Service. £ Good Templar, terian Ghaser bunte , eapable FOR TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION APPLY foods, groceri Denyer, , sh |. general black- eee aves, a dietharehants tstI0 Dorland, eee ccorvanien ond s hi KINKORA ) Charles, s joiner. z. <_ Davidson, John, tailor shop. fi in ell Mills , John, general dealer in dry "+ 3 Le — Eillott, John fora blacksmith A Post Office in, the township of [iny, B.D, len teh Division. Court, soganicn, eter, SS s>5- 0) =n Es=Qe eSese ue & Martin, eral blacksmittis Ellice. Jas. Moriarty, Postmaster. Ha: pare bailiff 6th Division Court. | Gro: George. nl shoemak - bana on takers. ‘ Hay. Robert, constable. in, Bice wappn wiser ayikh Flwack, George, mason. A Oe Hay, Wm., J.P., blacksmith shop and|_ Fox. GOWANSTOWN manufacturer of wagons and|J ous! oot and shoe er, ploug’ mggeoenal merchant, A small village in the township.of|Henderson, J., plasterer and brick- vie, Henrys “brewer: Wallace, three and one-half miles|__ layer. ona as James, M. Be ‘physician’ and igtowel. Henders gee butcher sur; SF aster and mer-| He is ecient boot and shoe} chant. 1, Ric Rote ee ree Re pchsS Daniel, blacksmith. a - blacksmith. Ww : ; - 5 . rd : ma Aus i 2 h, Mala 088, Salesman. ge - i ee Roy eb eee Leopard ce ner. Moss, Wm., bailiff 5th ion Court. : é MoCulloch, 4 ma f well Foundr: Machi Jollar, Georg smi Sr . j ander, proprietor Mill oes canoes Tuenby Lockie. P en ary i ie j sank Hotel. the townshi istowel Ste: we qi Grist Mills ods, groceries. postmast j | WAC DONALDS: : : 4 ay Felix, wagon maker... fi : A. Past V Village Bh a BL 5 — co — eS, n. of {Li MeFadden, Moses, Provincial Borier Wallac. the townline between op) ee commissioner hee Pb *|avantace ‘and Elisa, 6 miles from List= Livingstone, N. peer. seater in wagon m! ro. Spropsiator rot Vicborlot >" - Longman, Sam Smith} Robert, bla use, ‘ . Alrtabote List of Professions, vd, Jam) painter Watson, John, general Hlabkxind Millbank Brewery, Hen: 1 hades; tc. Lynch, Guffrey, salesman. ’s Comers steam saw mill, Val- “Le les whip Takers , McConnell; Henry, general black-|' entine Kertcher, Millbank Tot MeLella Graner, atone pee c ith. West's Come Tannery, y Bech: "Millbank 3 ait Seam and wale), Living stare, N.'M. general dealer:in| Mc‘ ntloch, John, shoemaker. proprietor. John .Smith,|~ dry goods, ete. Melt: ath atenrar os fs Vestas and te indie, He: shoe itehell, "John, postmaster and: pro- ots and sl Samuel’ clerk Sth Division prietox of saw mill. Mekal William, seddler rai Norman, John, hetet keeper. nea ey Robes; “Consrees- ee. savas eens =, 35 SS ' Packages 15% %lbTins 85¢ @ — —? ES ¢ =< : ; tio " ‘ ne! ter and builder. | desta? J in Wa manufacturer and) MORNINGDALE. ‘oid, men, DONEGAL BEY iF dea ts and shoes. Rb Roy otel, “xndvevs McCulloch, | * Mo: i. post village in the powaiahip of proprie! A Post Off the hip of v1 Xv ‘ington, 7 th, 14th 18 Rutherfor: Cea farmer. ;Hlmae J, Re “Foster, apace er. M timo eet manufacturer of tin files from Si frat ford! 22 Flas Bes Rutherford Wi neral dealer: in oe § >d copper Wars etc... | Berlin, County. te peer es The dry goods, srodaries, issuer of mar. 5 2 Se seh to taelfe, Hens senzpen village contains t and i ave. license: 8 Ae Et aster and TROWBRIDGE © E aiaay a er maker > ny ae ap Soe sho sho} Ww mill propriet . a De fice ule i ck i = ey ed etcae eas ; ema, St util Ins. Go en Post Office. in the township’ ee bel i ‘agent. nti ee store, ayes | c Camm oe yi