a last ‘rece atte or a few day asi Va MD: rinaiees pee on rae mah iy of las here att attended the week, on King as teacher for Be 8, rm cut iting oad silo filling is Age tt ots ‘Toronto ser ir. and ‘} ne a 2 it and dau; sts Ada h and a Salas Visited with friends in nm Mo n en day, Sept. 18th, on and Mrs, account sake aie ersary services in ie ake ch - crag Rae os vi i ay of Gries i Now ae Without Any Formal ete ae joW our oe array of new. and upsto- date Millinery, Rh ak more beautiful than ever ° before, at prices to suit every purs Scores of ladies will be out selecting their Fall Millinery early pate the the eeaorrient| is good. We invite you to call whether you ie : A complete range of Ladies’ a Children’s Coats made by some of the best manufacturers in Canada. We'll be ready for your inspection. Get our prices sae buying elsewhere. ew peels and Ladies’ Skirtings ly reduced pri The new a Flannels in newest shades for Middies and Jumper Dresses. It behoves eyery woman to see these. just to hand at great- We are again showing some of the lines that off the market during war time—Men's Odd Vests, Men's Odd Costs just to hand. You can not afford to miss our week-end specials—Friday ‘and Saturday—real bargains WEBER & BETTGER MONKTON’S .- POPULAR - STORE d Mr. Veitch for 8.8./ sire no services in Zion |. COAL! COAL! PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW AT $15.50 PER TON M. E. BE TIGER & CO. Ontario $50 to $5,000 A YEAR FOR LIFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT = Neo better life investment available Yo better security obtainable epelsed or vied upon for any cause Swill be replaced if los: atic rene over: the age of 5:years Mivlene oy domiciled i eacam may purchas twa Peters may purchase jointly. loyers may purchase for their employees Didis cea thert—congredations for thelr punuaters ‘school boards for tedo, Super: ostn ster; or writs, postage free, to S. fon desired. eghigti noah ucang etaeciaioes Hats ing. the recent severe ilness Sof Mrs. Hol Cee Mr. and Mrs, Richard Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rowland spent Sunday near St. Marys wit Richard Rowland’s sister, Mrs. Leibe. xs. John Rowlai ae iy id family are a Mrs, Will week. Ss. nkton cain at-| Mr. nded the Curry ae on Monday and fhe eckale case on Tuesday at Lis- to report the illness of Mr. and Mrs. John |" of He baby sorry L ae thet * Mr. Storry, South American mis- sionary, gave an interesting address in the Methodist Church on Monday j a ight. There was a fairly large aud- fee a. Mrs. Wallace, of Harriston, is at Dresent visiting her mother, Mrs. s. ee a ‘homson and Mr, te Wilson attended the meeting of Bred bytery at Str: e Sander spent Sunday with: ‘Bortholm fri Schroeder spent tha week aad ih ate ton on Monday. Mr. an: n McCutcheon, of Listowel spent Se, with Mr. and E has been filling the pulps of the wi Methoniee Circuit, has ret to ev. J. Alle G me and BSUDY the pulpits Be ae a eaters ne Cr. Re lev ant Vv) salted ae hig home here to relieve oe, eber ca family rat Gra) end. ia asad 10 “ite and” that M Marie x her recei M Bae sting We 5 _ Mesos pad of Detro: v he foue ee Mr. ane Ronnenbere “have and with friends at| Vy Milverto: Mr. es Chalmers Ie Oey a sale ‘of -household ‘furniture for George Bettger; eens and son ently visited , Marjory ightly ter of Stratford t their respective homes | on pet Scott eee and son Nor- man and Mrs. George Baspilton, of nee visited in the village on urday last. 3 eorge and William Fr of ehewan, came home this} 4 ae ri attend the funeral ot their r. ing brother, of Maitlen d, Mr. James" Hinks, Holman, of Elma, was | at Detroit attending his moth- s fune Mr. David Allen, of Brunner, is operating his threshing machine in|, Elma latel it fiss Annie Robbie, 10th con., spent veek with friends in the Mait Smith, of Maitland, n last Friday afte’ n important operation in the Shatford hospital. Milton Ronnenberg has re- eran icely ae pe to her own home ag: The Work of Six Men ce Toronto Litter Carrier put astonish you with the t of work it does. Enables one man to clean the patie, as fast as as men in eae Bite bce job. ‘Takes away the dange ee Gat ii scouts sas in e work and make cattle bigger profit pronunets stable chores become pide bnowiedge oF ‘proper ‘study of our big stable equipment ONTAR CO., Limited ONTARIO ye ENGINE & se imites lantic Ave., sat Calgary Weaiiot Resins ONTARIO: WIND ENGINE & PUMP.ZO. ORONTS ~ Dealer, - R.R. 1, Millbank -d. stable equipment ca: in be gaii 't book, This will be sent free if you ask Montreal — Rev, Mr. Storey, formerly of On tario, but now a missionary tne South upied the pulpit in the | Methoai t ‘Church last Sunday morn- Vi ELMA COUNCIL The municipal council of the tow p of Elma met in the Agri ricultaral hall, vood, on Saturday, August arth Members all present but Reeve ott. Moved by Nene tie tiene ene in the absen of the Reeve, Deput Reeve John Mien be appointed Sead t meeting were read ied by the Reeve nae sta read from he Oni membership Moved by Hargreaves—Shear that, By: Saw Noo? 3 appointing John A. Tumbull as ane of taxes for |the township for ir 1921 »as now rend a third ae Hee analig pass- ed pitfoved by, Shearer —Vallan 4 of the p for ie vying Coun ie tPownshin, Railroad and General School rate for : the year 1-as now read a third time be finally passe M ved by Hargreaves-—Shen that n. elly be id the, Mar 0 oa eaee payment of the the Shearer drain as per Engineer's Paints yeah! -—Vallance—that paid the sum of $1,- part. payment of the Se the Greig drain as per En- gineer's corti jargement as per Engineer’s certit te Moved by Hargreaves—Shearer— that an. order be issue 259.84 being a- Saar section from valance —Shearer—that the Reeve and Clerk Eris oer ‘or the. payment of | wae ai Moved He t the Couneil ae Hi adjow eet again in the srjeuloural "hal Atwoo d, on Saturday, Sept. at ae o'cloe ge eneral iar cae hw gal \ fGen! Lochhead, | SR TSE in er check books ee ve ob- |S at. the Bee pace. Se less than y Were Several Lees | months ‘ago. Bhs and oes in Listowel on 2 Mr. Brussels ‘on spent Tuesday in. Lon PL. Re was a visitor i a Shelia Tuesday. Mr. oa Eo St at the home of was a visitor in town spent the. week-end at his home in an Can has a nc in Listowel and which Miss Bertha Henry’ was at Milver-| ance residence on Mai, Loves 3 olls, of Lebanon, who | brige put ina garage of Monkton, in a cir ms assault, emmided for e' w i peared ‘or on. Wednesday, sen 1th TO) ford, on of Str Se Sat-| that fall As held in Str The evening rs ia lay. A spe council was shel a The day M cently (oat ote became refuges inregions where work or beggin: Chinese christians many more 0 8 tario Minit Association re | $r relief worke the as “of. that there is suey S\ tion of grain and money, of over being n, yates To sifu penton would. nave been ini | special mention efforts in gathering relief ra é fall of 199 Mone hay CANADIAN PACIFIC: ALTERA- Clery Ath 3 t prices fiom Guelph Iqt. os | Fre fom 3 all aches and Erskine OF pale peerelbr ‘Tues esday. . Schinbein. was a ‘visitor in Tuesday. Templeto: Rheumatic Capsules : Hamilton, of Trowbridge, | \ ion, Tekethem on in your hoi ennie is a visitor Be in Sickness, Ete, ) at your druggist Sold . Ss. Petrie; onion, Weber & Bettger; Aeeaod: » AL es ehlin. nd Ms 6 the week- ‘iss Grace Cow- il, f West Monkton, an Seoul, of Owen 70 YEARS AGO Tn 1829 an Atlas of the County of Perth was published which contains uch interesting histo: ecoun: ti including the Townships of Mom: , Ellice, Elma and Logan. From ara Genres cee Council” of Perth for 1851 was as lows: B. Atkinson. Mr, lobns Atkinson, of prevails, this week. Mrs. A. R. Terry, of ceroads was es in town one day last week. r. Fred Goldner of Stra tford, Thomson, of Henfryn, was ie jin Listowel on au lay. Farmers in this eutting corn and fill 1s sil ‘own council purchased a lar rd, Thomas Guest; abe pe; icGoey for Hibbert, Sade oinith fos ‘Logan, Elma and Wal lace, ring the above year arr ple tad for Perth. t undertake independent municipal gov. ernment, s history as a distinct corporation i eee ith Bit From the minutes of the first session of the first County Couneil we quo “County of Perth, 1853. “The County Council met in the om of the Perth County ean or te nate as of eheemiges 2 1853, ith, "Hea in the following gentlemen, d_ their ada Business College which ee quite a large attend- W. Payne has purchased i Mr. M. F. Zurbrigg the eee street and ess as s00n as ed into his new home ich ia almost comply Fein ona hr A. d that his Cheyro! ik oticing +t ie siest vermin had it pons ni On Mon mech Re Reet Sey Listowel i for the Township of South 1 Basthope, x by Count; ple |.. “*(2)——Robert Christie, Esq., for d_appe: | the Townships of Logan, Elma and milton On a charg ge of inde ; Downte ae Monteith, Esq., the Towpship of moto ie Ha ied jby a jude eNe Wege ckowacot ti (1) alexandek Goutlay; { rn on oe as Mrs: |tor the Tow: ee ‘of Ellice and a Ker Monkton, ap- ‘ing! ietorg, Magistrate: Harti li Adel Hi, Esq., Deputy- eli ninar; hearin; of. the of Blanchard. eis or “her hn tf B. Guest, Theete, iabsent), re heard: ad Ghee until about five ey MePherson, ‘hi o'cloe Esq., for ‘Attorn f Strat: | of North ‘Basihope, seeuted, and Mr. F, Thomp-} Wa. Su Esq., for the d, Gey the pris-| Township of nie. . Curry, | ‘The above per eia oe been itness in the |read, it was moved mn tt b 4 atter peng seconded by M Tiyteel be th ter hearing ei ortand’ e imously. ord fail nti that ear Subsequently Stewart on the | (who had been Township | Bllice since its first organization) was Clerk, and (with é year) con- f the Campbell were ae to of a appointed County eae AN rine exception a loyd Roberts. Mornington was th are taking inthe London” Fair aside from Ellice at this session. this week. CANADA’S HELP SAVED CHINESE TMasthope, James Whal r fom his |ington, W. F. ‘om aes th |ford Village Gust incorporated atson from Fullarton and Ro |Denkin from Hib re-elected Ward: J. E. Goforth, of Mitchell received a 2 of: the famine ie il ave in history as one of PERMIT REQUIRED TO LEAVE OL Under the Adolescent Act a parent jor guardian of a child between the | ages of 1 ho desires, that ohlld 10 discent ending school, 0 | must application to the cl ief attendance officer for a permit. The y | application rene s statement vies the parent of the reasons why i made. If the child is needed to work ig might ear pe ery large number pe formed relief | hours of work None ene shee cece and the allowed all in for. fgmine relief to. come in credit is given this | satisfied his timely action, | ment certificate. free passes issued fo famine : k railway saved oe issues an cupiegs beeen Bre GIVEN N JAIL Altogether ission fond to Sake a pica distribu- alue in dis' ire lat were and in ractial need. —throughou he supervision ee in eration wii th he our mis was Fred Taylor, of Hibbert, was charg. ed in police court, Stratford, on Mon- day. With being diunk and with being $20,000 ii Feds aes in his posse: “shot” around the onan during these ‘ormer’s: wife. oleral Canada and 1otably Mrs. Go- HENRY FORD’S WEALTH Gillivary, deserve highly ‘successful funds. The ‘were for ‘ayment of its Michigan State pro- 7 ty Sept. 1st by the Ford ins in th f in ed in his. re ae w 0. $268, 3081005 but etroit Bankers ‘point out that th 1ese en move ter only fanaible assets and far exe D pvelth, will p a igure. Some Pee pale rth more thai 000,000 when the zo will and crane. of the Ford motos ompany are tak- cc Li 4 Jeav-| en into consideration. Ford hi sng, eae Cana sae ty af he does not know how sithdvasen, making last trip Sept. much he is worth does not TIONS IN TRAIN SERVICE Drain 3. oat front Toronto for Heatet, will leave 6, pdfs 10 bake and Cine Kon at 6.40 am. instea em ive: Se nity, dear, promise m. i 642 |1 die. io ou ‘vill marry, Jane Jones, ae ‘Nl ly. Jones! “Why, Apply to Heber Hedy, es : {| Kindly notify . Mr. Smith ae “s July imselt | ea!" he} can And shadows stretch oP" tranquil lakes; The wild duck nestles close by helo rills, ~ The weary world its rest from labor <see taker, 3 ae x Like fairy rl the clouds, enchant- Before the majesty of mountain peaks, 4 And parting sunbeams linger long to The on Sleeping frozen tears Beauty’s cheeks. Oft SREROG the the still and fragrant a air The a or mill, the click of busy Or warbler stays, loath to his nest to go. Rises the moon, full radiant o’er the Her spell om ee we stream she v| No breath ot ¢ summer “wind distrubs Wrapped in mn, the. jcopl sweet air of § Av Then = by one, the stars come into Those tng luminous orbs of quiyer- On steeping flower now softly falls And evening’ gently melts into the night. Blanche Walker Luscumbe, Burnaby Lake, in The British Columbian. Culled From the Press Baltimore might as well learn the e sae ae which they Washington Post—Many wage d mands are finally epettled A poriach demands. Philadelphia Enquirer—One never eard of 8 coal operator giving up angabligs during I 7 railroads now as later that Tyw Ojibway Indians, . brother: were found by _Andien Agent Browk d p to Long Lake SBeay for. tne JAEVEN < oris two wives andstheir "| children, Piabeeie eight and five respectively. F, HEAGY, Coal and Wood & H. Tachawanue, Scranton, Pa., hard coal; Del. Pa. steam coal—th Get your furnace coal, it is getting scarce, FOR SALE Brown driving horse, 8 years old, quiet and reliable, also good steel tired buggy; cheap for quick sale. Milverton, SHIPPING NOTICE I will ship hogs Friday, Sept, 16th from the C station, Milverton, me if you. have any cattle for ale or to ship. I. D, Atkin, $20 REWARD ffer a reward of $20 for information that will lead to the con- n of the s that stole a quantity of tim rom y barn, lot 36, con. Geo. lang, Betton , Elma, As thrifty” ee the bracken } antry, can’t support rates in the | pu in, oe , Be] TBs vary hall Milv ee Sie or ih Pee rede for cae ieinitae tion of électioi aign funds, . Shearer, President. FOR SALE —— farms all sizes and all prices Rod dwellings: for sale from Good building lots. insurance, Special reduction on build- rings age ‘operly rodded. Agent for Areo res Sa ave the tro} alle a ae blo ewouts, Double drivin :: interested call at my . D. Schatz, R. Miller Block... AUCTION SALE FARM, See IMPLEMENTS: LIVE STOCK, PRODUCE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: é Under instructions from tors 0: chars a offered for sale by Babe. Reon by Alexander nalmet, anctionser, upon the premi- 8 | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, "24 at 12.30 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property Lot 21, Concession 16, Twp. of Elma This farm is all cleared and fit for cultivation. It is well fenced and . ii on a good about 3 miles from Monkton, from Milverton and 12 she on the property ai and bank This “property will be offered su ag to a reserve es—2 cr rs old; eae horsey Th yen aia driving mare. ttle—6 good nile cows peg ed oo be in calf; 15 head of cattle. es 2 years old; "4 calves. oultey About 60 hens; 5 geese ane 2 ducks Binder, -7-ft. cut; mower, hay loader, side rake, dump take, see ed. grill, dise harrow, iron h ng plow, iralling plow, gang pideeurannin mill, meas mi m plat tform), scuffle ler, eelbarrow, ae sleighs, wagons, hay fork, ear, slings and rope; top bugsy (nearly n blacksmiths condition, For quantity of old oats new oats, corn and mangolds. sehold Effects—Cooking range, extension table, bedsteads, coat, glass eu} pboard, gramophone and records (new), window shades and other artic i ‘erms of . 1 Of Real Ee ees ttles—Sales of $10.00 ash; over that am ones six credit on approved joint Yr hs Cha er, Ci sent particulars and also of real estate, For further for conditions of sale apply to the auctioneer, Vendors’ Solicitor, ratford, Ontario. Alex. Chalmers, Auctioneer, Monkton,. Ontario. Weir’s List of Farms For Sale Have two of the most up-to-date and MUST BE RETURNED The party or - parties who removed |the necklace an 0} is requ d to return thet Sth, without iver delay. ROSTOCK CIDER MILL make cider. « every Tues amet STOP — LOOK — READ Did you ever give it a thought how quickly lightning destro A goo Be e them before they are damaged or burned by lightning. Only the t best of Pape jal and worl penal offere W. Schmidt, Milvert = on and LINWOOD CIDER MILL. cider aut will open on Tue: he Septembe two week: in |Koebel, Prop., Linwood, Ont. Notice to Creditors Strickert, late of the Township of Elma, in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased. The cr hes and all péragns pe ing claims against the estate of the above mined William pieces, san jied.on or about the 16th di aay Be 1921, are aan 1 ‘ore the 1st day of October, “Tonts 2 send to the undersigned, solicitor for August Kruegel and Frederick Pehlke, e, executors: th estate, ue pardenlans of their claims against state, after wl hich, date the assets aie the ie e I given as “pete This. notice. is feection 56; of “The Truste By be Thompson, 2: ee Act.” ie st, es Ontar “4 eu tory be the ist day of seat best residences in for sale. $16, Meera buy el acres of the bes in Mor ington, good Dullaingesthe laveert in the wnshi 2 sets of buildings onthe See me about it d 6-roomed ill good brick dwell- ing with frame Kitchen “and woods shed— | $9,000—Will a splendid aere mfortable dwel bank barn ahd other out dwellings; crop, stock and implements—a si for somebody, $9,500-—Will buy the north 95 acres by 100 £ lot 12, The Uiioke see of lot 5, in the iy cone: Bliice, 50 res aces clove wean a ‘tp Do Aes THe ote of the finest. a SI en bloc in North Kasthope e, 191 et can be for $16,600, ne bank Ban In the matter of the estate of William |- given pureuant to : veniences, in ood locali 800 down, oo Toce saad belane ce on first mort- yi 810, 0 —win buy pine south half of 3. arias af hope, 50 acres; bank barn 40 x ree st wien brick veneered house acres vivgin feet d deep the Aihect holt fot Syne : oil ‘due well 140 n $l, 000. read buy lot aR and lot. 35. in bet tae Elma; ands 2 er ben barn’ 64x Haat 10 acres the ae of, At