BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON 2 Provincial Board of Health, Ontario r. Middleton ad to answer edestions on Bublte Health anti” It be ‘ters Hee (his column. Address him at the Patilament Bldgs " Teronto. ia i IMPORTANGE OF THE CTLESS GLAN E a a-fel ew di fo a letter reached me, drab and ma uexestign situations with from a molt in the” pone freeing emiles and reed ship. A as Srey 2 baby wei eo evenings ago I was i Hee eA front’ cla nd the com wes “filed with! for This is a difficult question to! the ordi wd ue tired, sleepy. in-! answer by Teg = shows wikat) ee one. — iy BIG at po Pui Heal offici long Bae — r Juncti sa yaad to deal'a wnin| e quest fon! ig steely ae the ae prohi ‘biting “sho ould etre ty hes family phy- ‘ing in the train, or looking out cian. ari rybod, aoe but it is better io have te ing age re peied: ane ferns advice on the matt There are rash- e his wife and baby. That charm- incipient) ig “ittle mortal about fiftee ailments} old was soo: Hi y as this that} when it nd in her Edueation as far as! and cuabbed a nein whieh a mai re is concerned, aims to! was listlessly reading in the’ seat be: impress on mo! GES oe cae of hind. neon aU oF man was aleré m ination of; with kindly Not we their children parare Sperents are| have the realer stud, the mother ier complaints of ,moved over to eat facing, bub a m this or that Fada conpexioned ‘old fellow was the Tiyesieae ion ay The little tot each ke whatscever. For instance, it is pin al-| ts ie hold ‘of his ea e weather- ing to ee of the number of deaths; beaten at anger turned Pearse of infants a voung children eae But wi saw that dapenne ue others were firmly | eee he instantly t! k children had| over his horny hand and shook baby's re aves t” or tonsilitis, | outstretched palm. The child then Bee x a cent. of the deaths from! noticed a lady across the aisle eating ria in Ontario eet year were! an oie: and glued its eyes on the Penildren 4 ve active fruit. With the mother’s is, childr re mission the lady sae section of age who had not yet come under the, the orange to the ein id, to show its ol medical ins; pec-, appreciation, the little one allowed of all nda, Sea itself to be lifted on to the lady's over, go Riaticed to, and bec: knee. chronic b e either the parent did All the time Nae bet a was smiling ranting to} tract, Rol They Play as Rejuvenators First Dis- covered by the French. oe greatest savants of every period made a study of jue! Charlotte West. ought he Buea jactic-acid bacillus. day investigators pin their faith on the hi ated is the ee eat eae as the pas just b ficient Saupe Sot which is serena for many cases of radia of menfal and physical de- eV TR A Such paca OMe as cone genital Se ae ta mental insufficiency and allied ‘si mprove as if by magic on Mamsicaion of thyroid ex- ‘hen the rels gland is normally nae the body is more likely to re- ain. its utah contour far i + vanced instead of ea overbur- dened with superfluous weight, the result of feepectaet metabolism, as the er maturity is reached: is accounts for the patoml alte, ef ‘ect of thyroid extract obesity that z icld to. no ees Saat x treatmen| New Era is Dawning The ‘hag ote body, another ductless know something about, ‘not notice the ales in the child or, and waving its nearby ‘else as anything} in aie compartoientypitnethe 7 ng ina doe z| tha everybody was sraathe ame with mile: you will s “f don't th is sick ¢ @ Beet to send for a doctor’ way. fattie pina tans is nota toy or apleyibing, marked to me that oy baby. was s health,! > fed from oy till it was over lareely ‘ine months old, h was very ob- vic Cecaiae That. baby ton: in facts imes! genial avalltne nate aobeon'y} k he to its parents, but. to rand mit met along the v To, me, int dren, cungstet wa regret—regret t suid not sep moi Remomier that b ideonsaptie-cougitiars para i era = py (The tario. cae me Oe often we i ill-nourished, way ine baby, handicapped and comfor n the moment it begins its earthly ae ueias thoroughly! existence. It is a sorry spectacle and cf the baby’s mouth. Do| there is no need for many "ot these let the baby crawl around on a| wesklings, if the erties ‘only knew Sie im ‘and practiced mothercraft, particular- ket. es| ly the great esse adates east feeding, tcaes the gous with proper care ee a om the carly eee men and| the ot! Pe see thing that ¢léaned cut not if a clean: shee Seay ines Hea tetas > aby’s room. Keep flies away from the baby andj life, ith toad at all times er the erib| fare there is no ae i tting to keep out yes than the flies oe rs fed at the ies rea: _ i“ healt ood-tenzpere slogan (oe had be preached rot of ite ene joys the houset from the pulpit and . sunshine radiates| from ev: oe Reaapages and avenue ce and fills the most publicity in this country. of Tite, ‘ested in the Welfare of} a of! rodw acrome| ely tn which ae e jerease in the size and shape 0 of of the body with a ion of the vital powers, ew era in the interesting ques- (ion of longevity is dawning with a more conerete conception of the func- of the ductless glands. Sete onditions — among them premature enility, i aan CAiRebith: hee: been obscure b cleared up, not only jin the tre net, Shue in the prevention tions classed among the seler e arteries, a condition ceediny common in ma en arti cal produced in rabbis a the administration of a prod ret- ed by one e “he hitherto spat ons duetiecs 8 glan mee hap ans, “ad- Tavera Maries nani upon the skin, There is a rare disease of these glands in which a white person resembles an Indian, In even slight gees of the adrenals, the skin-loses 's hue of youth and health, becoming dak, “pilious,” generacy of the thyroid gland also af- cts the skin ay its appendages— the hair and nails. Exhaustion of this gland results Sali the fewasittha premature decay Regulators of the Body. | The oe 5 sane. are the regula- tors of the body. they are inter- related, depending enge each other f arteri moré oxygen into the system, and the | benefit is immediate. “life” of | the depression can be felt. And laugh! Lau, | whole sys' vous power or vitality. urged that one cannot laugh it Fieve tf nothing to laugh at; but, as a matter of fact, a forced laugh sGuod Spirits. | "here are three sorts of spirits—al- | Goholic, ghests, and those that are a f y are a health | your stato, gh of yoursel barometer, and indie ate physically and mentally. Any medical man auld corroborate} the Becignicet that it is unwise, if not | Ay get in low spirits, and | gross to a natural one S causes produce that effect, Pe eanuactsat well to know what those causes | FOr SG vou spirits, are, and ter, Gi orget not | Tinaily, add to the auleker ee that what we call “spirits” is really|;.- "ind the laughter, our vitality, the life prinaiole. van asilths We feel depressed in spirits on a Wet 1,545 and the like, That's. the. last little touch. As the proof of tie pud- ding is in the eating try this seatglarl remedy the next time you are de i y cause, and you will fi ty and less peclaias ter The remedy is to get out of door: The man who is afr ble the normal rato of teat jhis hands will not ga That, as is evident, will pump ' ries. catching ¢, r many ber- First on the Appetite Lisi NCE the crispness and chartn of Grape-N uts have been:tested. by the famnily, there’s one item that stands prom- inently out in the marketing list thereafter. That's Grape-Nuts. The twenty hours of continuous baking have produced, from the natural richness of wheat and malted barley, a food that is uniquely sweet with sugar developed from the grains themselves, and whose crispness and flavor mgke ‘a delightful appeal to every member of the family ly. And Grape-Nuts is soundly nourishing —a great builder of health and “strength. Served with cream or mill, as acereal for breakfast or Iunch, or made into a pudding for dinner. See that your marketing list includes this delicious, economical food, today. All grocers. of | tor paael hook aan arian frail and delicate for the hard work of gel in distress, yet a bo: just been invented, that it usual kind, that is laid ai use, and that ft is impossine fae tt te sink, springy crushed by swinging against the side of # ship or by the buffeting of th waves, . | the the vital forces, it lis via ay wnat affects one will in- We sive Stee eae that the main element in thyroid postions = iodine. middle life, and so prolonging youth, is by feeding the system largely upon such ‘st to throw gt Ga on is oe oe role he ductles is as rejuvena- Tnptantation of ioe neue ore tried Age pa 150 years ago. more extended knowledge as to the na- \ ture of the secretions yielded by the in- terstitial glands, we will peetsls be | able to administer it, as we do | fodine or thyroia extract, and so eae tain the integrity of all the vital forces far beyond three s ars and ten. Ly cade ie nore nen of In many ce eae timber trees are to be found in Portugal, one sees the following pa crADuon “Ye who p: yy and would raise {ear ha ind against me, harken ere you iam the heat of your hearth on the cold winter nights, the friendly shade au reukhing your thirst on. as you Journ the beam ‘that holds your eae ie board of your table, the bed on which you i and the timber that builds your bo am the pals of your hoe, the door of uae homestead, the wood of nd the shell of your cof- fi “y am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. “Ye. who. pass by, harm pen not.”” listen to my prayer; Lifeboat N Mace of Basket- id thiksawork Teetoat’ adehis Fai iting through rough seas to a ship at of this type has and it is claimed gives greater safety than the The wooden framework of the boat covered i a cork lining, and over outer cover of woven is said Hae re Bede spon than The baaned lifeboat is so light and that it is less likely to be Both Come From the Same Cause—Thin, Watery Blood. met pete think of neuralgia as head or face, but eeatels i i a ee nerve in the body. Dit- but ‘the: characte: natiire of the di The eee in ee starved nerves. ter of the pai isease are itis same. is. riching and oe the bloo this purpose Dr. Williams’ ae ae are strongly recommended, These pills make new, rich blood and thus Ese as a most effective fee tonic. If fi You can get Dr. Willies? Pink Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 ‘rom The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. sie at Bits of Canadian News. A delegation representing the Cana- dian Land Owners’ ‘Association, of Eng- ue: are touring pie Columbia survey of condi- oa both of the cities and of the vast area of eurctied ig in Central Bri- Columb! tudying the oe onizing saat “yhic ch has bee! the province to ARES rd: bei e of ai ‘cultural settlers to take up land th BH oe has Mean reached betw the prov: acta pempeng es necting of the two province: saat shies ‘ay. Construction of the | Ontario end of the road from cae to the Manitoba boundary is now in| progress, and is expected to be com- pleted this year. Approximately of new highway will have to be constructed in en to connect with: ae ae end of t n acre was paid arewan man for a quarter- water for irrigati is | sor g and some ee ul good | crops are being harvested on irrigated lands this season. ‘The purchaser con- siders bar tion at the price named. A feature of the farm is a fine melon patch. Fall rye will be sown 1,500,000 acres of land for the 1922 crop in the dry sections of Southern Alberta and = ve ie oes if plans un- ation bythe Wester caiaas Golpalagien Association are carried out. It is estimated that the million and a half acres would pro- duce at least 25,000,000 bushels of ry: which should net rth growers pupae mately $25,000,0 The li production of a) pee a — mounted to 3,404, 340 at” $29,849,149, in 1920, eis ih 3,334,660 barrels, of the value of $24,396,210 in 1919, accord- ing to a report issued by the Dente Bureau of Statistics, The totals of 1920 include sales for ee amount ing to 1,127,400 barrels of the whole- sale value of par at exchange of $12, 470,444. The province of Nova Scotia exported almost two-thirds of its total p of 1920 at an everage wholesale ie of $10.60 a barrel. Seventy miner: ship ibis. required for the construction eable-ship, and other work at a Nova Scotia port, is the Sat of an order reported received by the Sydney steel mills. cial aaieararasat is ex- pected shortly from the management of the Dominion Tron and Steel Com- pany, At present the mills have about half completed Government order for ae thousand tons of steel r ascn H. 8. Osler, of Lake cugog, Ontario, trapped. two nue duck'and pie them. Most of them were black du t in the oie m Ono, Inala enti ana a je one cf the ite winged teal wa killed near Port of Spain, in the Island ce ‘Trinidad, «more than 2,500 miles from the place where they were band- d. According to “Thé Canadian Manu- facturer,” a new Canadian industry in the form of cold drawn steel is now being aoe Bene by the Canadian Drawn Steel Company, Limited, ak their plant at Hamtiton, Ont company will manufacture large ite a to four ae pas an two inches Heretotore this business has cae to the United Sta That Man ie te Who values hcnor and good name above riches Who can enjoy the landscape with- out owning the lan Who can face poverty nal atator: tane! with cheerfulness and courage. ‘Who ha aa a ae es bepaki Oba ete Gaited geal oa in nature, Who has a contented mind liberally stored with the knowledge that makes life interestin, ihe er plain living, High jtblaging and us work consti real riches. ho is conscious of ivithitne Ode Who has @ harmonious, happy home. den has learned how to neutralize fear thoughts and worry thoughts by thelr antidotes. his oneness Ask for Minard’s and take no other. TORTURING SCIATICA = ee hen ci tise choke for wind ay | That Seat | self—only dee Peel lie ous "PUT ME IN SPI ENDID to be responsible. | Rub- HEOENE It HE SAYS ‘They have been, and are, the ttrevallgrs of ult Ths. watts: ‘Tanlac me that I feel it m: found in the fact that ve tate fs, par excellence, the home of s) ort demands sociability. Tian a tennis ee among a: “aupérahy, rerervéd a ittation are alleged to be ee unco! careful wi’ th bawbees. Thi ands of jokes eee been built-up a that aisude , as a matter of fact, the Seot, a6 alt who have bad to do with him know, is ex SO aN generous ied kind-hear' treasurer of any hospital! troubled with constipation. I had s that I could get no rest at night with- out taking sedatives to induce sleep. “I must confess that I did not think ae could help me, mutes i are ls ies slandered. ed. to: a ga. sas beupiited by, Saul ety both ae e Iris ey are ae race, frites ee eee ler. wai eee aaa 2 nd gratified by i result, “It quickly gave me an excellent ap= petite and so improved my digestion that IT could oat seit vg ver I eee without suffering bad after ef- ieste and it also es my Bates: ‘Irish humor” The Ivish are a tensely, serious. ‘cal plore it is a doe: ane ins nd as being fact that OReY are rifty, clean, ee super-moral. The French are supposed to be ir nespanel ipimandsercitautag in obvious pee Be the: ne War killed— # ought to have ki Then “thees ie te. “wily, at haven't an sche or @ pain, el my body now and ever since I finished the ¢ T-haye aval ‘ve been ising F vecommending ft ever since. in is sold by leading druggists unspeak- a fact, he is about make ‘em! ‘The ged to be “stolid,” and ait that the tanm impites. I's a slan- der, for the Dutch are very much all there! The tale might be penny but the result would be the matter dealing with the “cute” “Yan. ir a ry “a herous" Spaniard, or the fag, “Standers all! Se Haven’ t ae ears Opportunity tapped at With a chance for ae otiee with- in; He ranped till his agers’ were gore, And muttered: “Come on, let me in. Here is something ‘ ow you ¢a Here's: bill can climb.” ut the ares oe very quickly The Cie ‘To be the cloud for which men pray When earth is paijehed by high sun’s “Old slow; I haven't got time.” Opportunity wandered along n who woukd rise, ‘0 be a breath of cooling breeze of seas; ‘0 be : dew on ripening grass s o'er the angie pass . it must et, "To heal the earth of weiliapin: heat! a chance for the fellow who Bae each st them said with a smile, could do it mit i'm vay an kay: and I'm sorry to say That I really haven't a time To be a song when silence seems A pain, an ache, a void of dreams; To b grance and perfume When lives are longing for a bloom; ‘0 be a kiss, a hu i At last Opportunity came ‘To a man who was burdened with And said: “I now offer the same Opportunity that has been theirs, Here's a duty that ought to be done, It's a chance if you've got time to is, aS have aungeneiedn ie Tt must ns fing to serve some end Of sweetness for a human friend! with a Tis “Come long, pass it in To be a star when mae a dark; ne rl cnt find time or I'll make it.” To be a lyric when t ne flown to other dake of life; oes all the excuses there which this we wor Suheemets cae gaat oe got tit , the techies “he Rae A sates tt a4 and a sn If the habit is yours, shake it, For if you want to do what is offered it must _be fine, O. cloud, like thee ee oe the cool breath of the sea; rose, to grace with beauty thos: Whose lives are empty of the pa gh Sr Ca trea should nlac has been of or pote to f- Fata : much neuralgie pain in my pei out joan but. < Nutie: * every man in Chat part of the Dusters has Be lump of dcugit always when he wants to examine a Serow ats Jabs the pleco of a Tanehe hough, ne ‘ ewok to be piek- ee al Seats: ered by the: he Danes ‘s *s be almost. atten reat sight. the Yarmout» YMCA. Boys’ cating hela ae Tusket Falls in August, : found Mina Liniment most bene- ficial for epeeued an immediate relief for colic and toothache, Alfred Stokes, Ceneral Sec’y. aper life-boats are nev. ‘The Japa- of the Japatiese navy discovered a ounetil method of waterproofing this oduct and top otonting it, This diane lod-to. the invention of col- lapsible paper lifeboats, MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Orger for five dollars costs three cents. Great Britain was within 90 days of being starved during one period of the war, stated the Prime Minister of Australia recently. Minard’s Liniment used by Physicians. The British Red Cross received 60 mullion dollars involuntary contri: butions during the WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABYS OWN TABLETS ae W. Beesley, Mille Roche, Ont., writes; “I have used Baby's Own Tab- ice if ston past eight months and t be without them. I used here nee inet and teething and| my baby is cutting his teeth without | 89d any trouble whatever. can highly | recommend. the Tablets to other moth- ers.” What Mrs, Beesley ehh ree ands of other mothers say, jens are a mild but ee eee which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus ving out consti- and oie en and making hey are sold ge meat mail at 25 wins Medicine You'll find time to do it, or make it. fea NBS Courting on Stilts. A dlnaatrons Beis te, Denstsiont of Landes, , has focused at- saniee ain cust a that district. Owing to the dampness of the soi mous floods, the seats 8 BS user Soin himself against it when | be women of the district age as eet as the men in the use of stilts, and a courting couple striding off to heir trysting-place om stilts {3 a. com- mon sight. A Co., Brockville, Ou Say to Youreelt every day, and mean it with all your hea ‘| ainsi ete ee sil Sehieve more and more every aay 1 know that Ican, 1 will r eenisc Ghia tent ails sone in my- tiv ood in A fool is‘a man who is wise—too in all things and late, “Bayer” stiltwalker of the district, a Spakeri: ate on istance ae he | giivain Donon, stilts from Paris t jot 1,580 miles, in fi will be more determined tha) my life to prove that I c ties to good account. is only Genuine Warning! It’s criminal to take @ ges on any substitute for genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” prescribed Sang come by. phyiltiats for Satbty: -one years and ae safe by millions, Unless ae e name “Bayer” on package 0: all beautify existence for all my way. ° Baie denise Forest Fires Burn the Future. Every what forests mean to province and ‘ti neve every fire urns in the of sree? may fire In destroying ae forests wi are literally rani up the future, ent Keep Minard’s Lin Soe into eV E, HT place it imme- ut i cold diately Palins ‘ts dormant state. good citizen should know ah sets for Canada, to his | fin is very home: aud isa apertniate to the progress and girl should have fustilled {nto thelr zany ie oa maging the present, but the house. Bee on tbl you are not getting pean In ight Bayer package ar | sia, hua Rarache, ‘Toothache, a mb: Handy tin eder on eee tablets cost few cents. @ is, Headache, Neural. | | FTGRING BURNING ECZEMA Oh ON FACE InBiisters. + WasDisfigured. Cuticura Healed. Bh creneg itlee on my. diffe: nothing would me ae geod. T pro- and a box heal H. Frisble, Gray, ‘Try to prevent: further trouble by using Cuticura for ail toilet purposes. LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER Says this, Woman Until Re- lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable: i Dien ‘Sound, Ont. ae toes for Fs with f¢ Reis AS er | Det sts also sell larger packages, Made in Canada. Aspirin is the. trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer ! | Salicylicacid. . ae ae astronomer, Pons, di of the comet that has areata A hibernating animal can be awak- | career ened from its winter sleep by being, of Marseilles, When. thirty- seven come! He discovered, in all, ts. Minard's Liniment Lumberman’s Friend a Lam now well think hee is no Boa | eouleg and have we easmmgnded i to it to hb You wean publish my JRE 5 eas Mate peeyscm tate ‘A 1767 th Mr Ate ave cabaret ou Wveany sym] about eu cn like te oor write to ee ‘inkham Me ine Co. n for helotul paises ate