Monkton Times, 22 Sep 1921, p. 4

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the laxity or irregula ears and on his vi: | ee SUNBEAMS }y¥5 | in; any movie scandals which re peti aired in the police courts, divorce courts ie Unite they -were enable Mr. Dunlop nia to ese: 0 disre- publi Iearn ee. is being brought en the Ys are leadii Othe jibes hee will eatane Hatronage to such institutions. icture business is to continue a who lesome influence it must be purged of the inet Nepers that now figure most prominent eee e Porat ReSee yee Re pr scars spec gas sack G y J tion, bu ven a bit It_wo fa con Ontario Board of Censors have Prohibited the showin, th Pe ee and_ other Ministers did effective ed! ie fore the British Roya acy of the contention set ul lish cattle raisers to rot in oblivi ee ee e permit ef n cattle ab : Clemens: Boegel and f-determination atria to a wanted | ford, were Visitors here J Bis uelph, spent eplea conclusion means__ nothin, d. With} Mrs. J. ing Fens infa few aya at the home of Mra. more nor less than a return to tribal: Toronto. t ism as pointed out Mr. Mrs. Hester Tanner and vy Beggs won second 3 George. If Iveland, as claimed i ins Blain eee attended the funeral pr ver at the Elmira fa’ Sinn Feiners, has the right to de-|'T} ‘itish Isles = of the late Mrs. Carmen McKa Wm. Carnochan left fe termine. for ‘itself, not joPposed to prot eerie and ge| Clifford’ last week, and. also visited unde to spend a week at W whic ered. ‘toshetaoinshrdloin | anything that adds to ot friends at Palmerston. umber from here attended the hich is opposed. t ‘the ideals the food and the Eaten of ogan was a visitor to New Hamburg fair on Friday and traditions of South Ireland? Why | Canadian cattle was.demanded. ‘The London fair last week. ‘athleen Hayes spent Thurs- has noi wat unty in Ir Gand semen pS at an opportune fins ; hanks spent the} rthur, the ri aenize *sor itselt attle, trade in’ this ates at St J, Wismey’s near Jean Carnochan sperft Sun-| Abraham Linco settled this ques-|was hard hit’ by the United States Tanaod: day at New lh eee aan nthe ndo: om es ore fs y| sie tariff and ice abolution Wn. Bathiertors of Quite a number ere were at re ears ie an ie precedent will like-| of embargo is likely to save the| Va; Mrs Boles nee Mary | Kitchen, ending the fa és iy hold industry ‘and’ the Old Country” will Ruth tee Cal, Fe tine tenting he tl Pe ee hea waa way of obta Mr. Sa Jac 7 ave eannck a ‘ at cheaper pricey. nee “and 1 eae of weeks The pie Mr. Jas Kantie eealicg Rutherf ord) of! - M arter, 2 ovat of we “Keniin jail, : Toronto, visited at Mr. Wm. Ruther-|c lop, in ue isons, was not the| LINWOOD ‘JUNIOR FARMERS’ es cae tutor Sieh proper. party to investig nto tl HOLD MONTHLY MEETING A ments and son : escape of the Mu rell brothers He ave craig last wsieard ci n terested A tor ing to Carter he had ‘hetked uD ‘in, yare WS of turret brothers’ celfs by which d ve-been within reach of any yh pelalenice when he learned that prison- of tobacco y judge or some disinterested .. Duncan Marshall, Hon. Man- “work for the his parents, fers of Canada when they appear-| o d exposed ate. fall ly to placate once sit in June e | Dany and, e wind. . ted ine . Jani ine. Stewar' ape. Had nor ropes ev. - | Were visitors to Toronto a couple days last wi Mrs. Friday as returned home yuld seem | onto. ae cts the in- ndacted “be ea this week with Mr, and Mrs. Rol AWears Wray, who is undergo at ea ea along nicely. aiFe and Mrs. Chas. Canadian } day lee Caer Liss E. McKee iets last we the | with “friends at Aty einwald was Called to Stou: pb of her uncle, orge ir. For see d Hie nd a couple of aoe wil |frientte at Gusinh Irish | Inspecton and Mi out thirty = olars and parents: wer as well: repre fe at: the cho: Rheu atis 9 sh oduct of, mas Milvertan-0 m, mM é fal finery | more, harm. than |p Ve eee : OrNeuraigia, Sciatica, Lumbago? | ‘ood.”* mative. side was Pace who het oi : dye simple, tnbap ee | nica, Farrell ais tthe : ive, easily taken woe harmiess, hile Miss Ru ¢ Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules but atten on, the pa t pas drwagist will supply you. Fee trial to Tempie- ton’ 3. 56 Golborne St., Toronto. nthe Sold by S. Petrie; Monkton, Weber | 4 Co October 5th. & Bettger; Atwood, BE. A, ghlin. a long consultation le on r the. by nal "eons to" Saatt itors he Vogan, The Beginning of Success Nine times out of ten the answer to the question “How did he do it?” dates back to the time when he opened a savings account. Few business successes there are which do not owe their origin to a modest savings account in the beginning. Form an early association with a reliable institution like The Bank of Nova Scotia and open a savings account now. A small deposit and a few minutes’ time will start it, a visitor 2 . Sunday rch puoust St E jarybody tend these servic | Potato day here Be quite Mr. the « h Ic a number and Mrs. Wms | fron thei ry Of pottone bales a this week for Lo: he intends training f Wm. Mrs. ited MORNINGTON COUNCIL _ rhe cca be in their hall at Sank 6th, 1921, ent: Ss ane last meeting were read | Yo, 546 to provide for the daparkeceene, tthe MILBANK NEWS his| McLennan are visiting friends at Tie it. Mrs. Wm. Young, of Strat- Spence er spending several weeks with er sister Ata Wallace at tee s M. Gale, of Sebringville, visit- glad to say that little Bruce ‘ing treatment ely r, of Mitchell, spent a Pare of last week, with ville last week eri ing to ie illness of Elliott, 4 ee 3 Mon: Mo = London, 8, Mr LINWOOD TPs J. Barrell and a a Mohan aoe sbignday'a - Kitchen eh Were excellent, jurich, pounied the Mrs! M, Kennedy attended a fun- eral at Hlora Monda areas Rathtegn Heyes Clar. rd_and Winni, at Kitchen D te of a Len- on ie Beggs spent Sunday mer. the H. 4 iydro pecans the Bee hall, on t. Tuesday, Rous pag trub, C. Urdm: Tae smith and C. Shifle, le, of Kitchener, oie last Thursday evening in our bt. Bt corey, returne ian and Mei thodt fst. Churches on Sun, cise ‘airly Hee gudienee ap- preciated his addre: 2 n Mo ons ay-aveniig tes gave an address in the Presbyterian Church illustrated y lantern slid Ba. e ek ff Martinson, ith t the home ai Kitchener - John ee |, of Goder nday at the * al F are Mr, Harold ard for [3 c habit Momston S ‘DELIVERY HOURS Afternoon Morning South of Mill Street, 4 0’clock — North of Mill Street,.4, 300 "clock ‘South of Mill Street, 10 o’clock North of Mill Street, 10.30 o’clock New Fall Goods / Our new goods are arriving daily which You are cordially invited to inspect And above all is the new prices. GROCERY SPECIALS GOLD MEDAL TRA, cup & saucer in’d, ... » 65 $ MIXED THA, per Ib. . '38c DATES) Wer Ubcaee ; tee ttc sa oe ee 10¢ §$ ROYAL SALMON, per tin ....... Panis 15¢ PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 cakes for... ... 25¢ fo Q-CEDAR MOPS WITH HANDLE, each .$1.25 GRAPE oBUDTER OS 8... ale oe nck «10e:..$ LOR aceasta tiers kata a 25¢ feeeccccoreconccoocereceeorstete We pay highest prices for Produce Poultry taken every day except Fri. & Sat. W. K. LOTH, Milverton liv aa Victor Gramophiones and Records ae We are the exclusive representive of these fam- neni : lees ED fai) way aie ule? ous gramophones and records. Callin and see the line we carry and also let us demonstrate the quality and tone of Victor recor ds in stock. Peik BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician MeFarla ane, of peice d, at the ‘home of Mr. [one We don’t a nt pa car! Hoad comp! ored y wit Hawksbee : MILVERTON, ONT PE SAUER oP sey iscmeNea s: T oe isa ———_<[<__£_—I FERNBANK | ie buzz of the silo filler wil soon | be iter for another | think the oldest inhabi- | n » Mornington can call to mem- all t the fields contain ae of verdure at this time KOCH ‘HERE are a lot of j i ed to people to “Start § Sar Billy Gordon, Perhaps you have already Di aamiene and ount. The question to d to Howi ou to “Ae your Savings in proporti we ena ee rs Me' of Stes, called on friends mere i aley. y at the London faik fUr'a couple of days ‘aine Buchanan gent Sun- | last week, of purchasing st Lo) evening “Municip: ion _of | rece! The wn Telephon | M lornington The Bank of Nova Scotia ni al day your Income?” or “Are you keeping hy ae Mr. and Mrs. Neilson and. Misses your expenses down. sufficiently to eos Neilson and cordon spent te allow for a real savings account?” A noon in List and Mrs, eLennan, ot 3 1 Millbank, and} en son and | MOQCB =|4 LOWER PRICES ROK GR Touring - - 3565.00 Runabout - - - 515.00 Sedan - - - - 990,00 Coupe. - - - - ~ 890.00 Touring and Runabout---Starter $85 Extra F.0.B. Ford, Sales Tax Extra Rapessvesenrenet THE MILVERTON GARAGE E, H. GROPP, - Proprietor «the home of M « Louis Brauner, ae Strat- ige, of Carling- itor at the home harles Murr TRALEE and. Mrs, “Win. Watton and ter Dor pS soe ds lett. Hi ed Guelsh a Hearty spending a zn e Sf “Hanley peck: from here attended a fall tate, on Satara lay. lasi ‘hi is ‘at ound te in Kitenene er. son, of mite hener, , were gues of Ais and Mrs, J Hanley on Sunday, for | chi e intends with her friend Quite a number. from this paxt | ty | System wa: . ee passed 0 on mation | Mae H: took ate ao ae fair ca d an fe i 5 0: essrs. Gamble and er, ie ‘ats 3 * on parent body, i ESTABLISHED 1832 J, H, LEWIS, Manager, os mOnrmotionto? a Gamble and spe Stiles and e expecially the children, were de: MILVERTON BRAN F Paid up Casal § oma By hat Linwood, an Hanley, By-law No. to impose | of the 1.0.0.F. in Toronto this week, | light | EI ANCH—N. Schafer, Manager serve + 000,000 bran tM nike Ponte Nit oud rates ac county y township, ral school nd Rueben Buehan- Ti Clara oeen is at present} Uy Raden sadn daya and: Saturdays. poner for th 21 we e Bi ee itkin apeny = the ‘guest of 3 d Mrs, Wm. ell: | Z — jevening with Newton fries : i raise funds for| ake Mr end tes: and | eet a attended the fanera al] iii, $$$. : SEaee on motion of| ROSTOCK ef the form ce, Mrs, Letsony of | Messrs. Gamble and C s - a : These, who attended the pita ed a time in il | aa eaetaceaiecneet sitet |The Si, ye Sagas! ae sans) | NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS cil adjourned io, feet a ees on: Mon and Raf Henry 3 | chayivaris oa the’ ‘Programme. 4 Reduced Prices on y, Octobe x Br vd, at one o'clock p.m, "fa rsldev Fantiokens ee “ ae shi Mi ~ | ALL WOOL BLANKETS, TWEEDS, es YARNS is), . eorge Dungey, Mrvand Mie, Sino Vihe uN pennaaict ean ear ok mo fr and THE ISLAND | HORSE BLANKETS AND AUT ae chtel, m. rs. M.> S zhauer, Andre feat Lavern Zulauf and George a hd weeks with maces. in n Powe - H. C. WAGNER WT | Yunde, : " is? ss ace NEWTO) NT. WARTBURG | L. Hyde spent the week-end) {? and anent TON, ONT. 8 Ottley Richardson, of Buffalo, | st Biration fear con} A number from here attended the aa a few days at the home of Mrs.| (, Mass Bradekreuter cane Wm, Strickert ingu Listowel ‘Mewes wanecaarit bari raising was |Freida Yundt and vearl Zulaut spent | on Tuesday of last w held home of Mee Werne day sley Mrs. Frank Atkins, of Stragtord, Br a lot 26, Ellice, artin eke ed with friends a aap week-end at Mr. nie! a ba oon, When a fing at Bridgeport for a few day Sc chni "Bs barn Wai caine ed, de Zw Ly eid spent a week avet Kerr bocca a i the ti of Rostoek, and his on were with sister, Mrs, B, of s to London Fair on Wed the rapeb aie na and Raver Armstrong, | Mr, and-Mrs, Kendle and {laughter sj D. Schneider and Mrs. George Richardso ani Missers | Gertie pps Walter and sons spent Sunday afternoon with| K &S. oa George and Hamitage Richardso fe eae OF 2028, pane Sunday rand Mrs, Ed, Rehberg in Bima, h tended the funeral of { e Mrs. | fend Mis, wm, Wie .| Mr Milton, Denstedt uhry-|$i8 worth a Adam Armstrong at Signe on|_ Mi. and Mrs, Bin 1 Kuehne 8 Sunday visitor at The Dollar here. vida istktoil, Mict ith My, * r. and Mrs. Robert Henr Mr, and M Schen John Becker is busy drawing § belie and Miss Mabe? sion Neve| Mra. 0e Ww ‘gete) pen. vei on ithe Hig ‘away. WF af ito! Mr shed er wil CROSSHILL of Stratford, Peter Campbell, iB Witte Mk okny Ht Gam: ‘iting with Mr. hn Geo. SSennieel Mr. Leslie, ion of Water f the farm » Sehr d the prop- and will re. “Ou be. held |epent Sn suniay, Getober [ite ni nL aes alana: Paenlag bee Meals Toronto, and. grandson of the late | Myrtle, of Rev. James Boyd, a former pastor of 3} ach atjand aun’ shill, is expected to in. and 7.30 pam calle on friends here during ’the past tt the home of the ney, for the past few. days. Get Your Suppl: ly While we en it in cay Wm. Hanes. at Buddenhagen, ay, af Boatoliay were recen' “ Mr. id mnry. Buddenhaze 8. Ke riving i Monday, Aad with fair weath- ill soon have it completed, * KUHRYVILLE . Young spent the early st week at her home in ..C, Chamberlain, of Detroit, dite a number from this vicinity Wednesday last at the London Robinson and daughter, Detroit, have been guests ‘ormer’s uncle and Mrs. - The General Gara G. W. JACOBs, Pro kage MILVERTON, ONT it, Mr.

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