sin its unique flavour of rich ie varies. — = et Sind All grocers sell ‘ in metal Packets only. rc) It _ | district, will MONKTON J. Allen and daughte Ge rues ‘accompanied 1 by the form. rs. eae isting here, t aa than ae they will vist for several wee ede n has aM piss chairman of- this anniversary ser- ext at Vee ete duc} Aone at Bethesda on a nday n: eleven amssnd seu os m here attended Drop in Price of Case Farm Tesctoce a eectirs at once 10- 18 Tractor Now $950. 00 mie a this tractor Ee $135! I wire Hence down from 8e to 10c coil wire dows charges ERCh eee ae called upon to pay over 1914 mdi- ions, and regulations such as exchange, increase in freight rates, surtax on freight, import tax this new price on fence would not be 0) }marketed in _ GEORGE 2 uke F.0.B. TORON’ is a drop of $525.00 from the tie price and the pre-war Wire Fee petty lars per ton higher than the price “at which fence MILVERTON Bettger. Qui mber from here paltende eather mele cote Mz. and Mrs, Nelson Rus tushworth, of “visiting at the +) are rand M A. B, a yet end visitor hi Mir, Bid, Schroeder and friend, Mr. Johnsien Kearns, and Misses Bertha nd. Loulge Sander called on oh Eligsen, Strat- one evening last w and Mrs. Peter Schr ford, Mr. family spent Sunday visiting the | roeder an, ter’s mother, Mrs. Morenz, of Log: ae who is ill at eraser: rath Mrs. Geo. Hammar and G mily, of Bape spent Sunday at ae Monkto: Miss pene Henry esc Sunday at her home in Mr. and Mrs. P. “Sehr jeder and son ‘Canadian Pacific Service | TORONTO LONDON DETROIT CHICAGO | account of the ry services at peeee: eS school at 9.30. G. McKei of Sart ia, ap fs et visiting friends here. Quite a number ae sere took in the Atwood fair on Tu The Stricker family. moved into residence in the village. rence Merryfield and s Galle htly spent ae fond age Aber met thy. eeks with hi Phsshelhe , and ather mi here. principal. of ek-end ‘Ly.Toronto * Ar, London . Wi see M4 a.m. a.m, % 00 p pm. 4 3.40 ar n.|* 6.45 -p p.m.| 10.00 7 p. 1 a 8.00 a.m. ral Time. H12.40 pan. GADSHILL. blessed “w ti a \First-Clas: s Coaches, Excellent Dining, Sleeping and Parlor Car Service. Lao FOR TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION APPLY CRAWFOR Agent = MILVERTON eon, Mich of home home of vere: Mr. 3 he Work of “Six Men = seatites as fast as re fe in the oid oe Cuts out the dirty art ’ Bunty and the slippery plank. the stable—and that means healthier cattle. tle bigger profit pace stable chores study of our big stable equipment A Toronto a es oa aan aetna you with the tt of work it does. Enables one man to clean the of the job... Takes ener the danger of the old wheel- Encourages cleanliness in id make become e: venowledge of proper stable equipment ca d from a eee book, This will be "eet free if you ask ONTARIO ae hs & PUMP CO., Limited led Toronto R. J. B. LEIS Dealer, - oda M v ses Lena sarah Schultz, ot Hai le, . Dahms Mane _Branis deli ad of a to M |B ered _ienty-tve . Stock, of fi 1 Strat ford, the former being fortunate in curing four choice pure bred York- hire - brood ae one of. them of ee Soeder held a suecess- cee a household ef- Mr, Robt. Arm- the hammer. The lot were, previously sol Nichol b with chele Shion Ans f near Sebringville. miss ee in our burg. ceri ng to the, latest press re+ ports Belay has not yet.suryived, the “devil-e1 d that a member of police force paid village ands ‘oundings last. ¥ ie ene of the Marvel If Secpespene ida he. pat rself) ea fear Ss aes ing to be s) in in bringing fugitive criminals to ene Ww. D. ‘Weir's Sale gees y Real | , Hay, x He and Household Effects, on t 2, concession 6, Wattesiey, eee Section), for Mr. James E. BRIEFS) H Cagemore, of Blyth, was of ind “Mr. Geo. tended fie fair at Messrs. Hanle; yas drain will complete Mr. ons. and Stumpf and Mrs. Kit iaterie visited tives here on Sunt EN Ue ane Mr. ored here a relatives. ‘A very sa great succ motored to n. Mrs. ored ss Ritehener is t i ing ee this fall. M Splendid Horse abe: W: da ho un av on the rectors ha themselve: Speeding Conte: Free for ne fi R Ww Shela "One Pall. Agricultural - at foot— ; Ge : ‘gelai MePaddin, 11, Bo foal at foot— Rennie, ae rae Freeborn, One. ©. Hoffman, Roadste -—Broo lau: eae oid colt- Hae otz. foie heavy. horses—Ed. nie. a _ HESSON lay. and Mrs, W. Fritz and child- r ge edness a ‘heo. e: ‘Harnmont Me ae of three light h "985 oth. Basler an friend at- Tondgn. last sreels Bros. have star’ work on the construction of the S|ny drain with a si ix foot flat bottom. over a_ mile fe meth, They expect to have the work al ti John 3 Borbach, of St. r. ae aoe xX. ae “Ot frends and rela- ust Schnurr and daughter Ealenor, of Erbsville, mot: nd called on friends and large number from here attended ene Elmira fall fair which wa: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. “Isley and family ow, where they visited friends Pa rel ae Mr. an and conse of Wa feileon silted: a few with Mr. and’ Mrs 3» \M. Stemmiler, i : en ae and Mrs, Eugene elm, a_son. er. iL Miss Rose Foerster is Eatending the Elmira High school ag: DORKING WEST Mrs. Jos. McDonald is spending. a few days with friendsin Art Mr. Lloyd Lytle and his uncle, Rev. Alt. Lytle spent a few days on the ¥ a number eon around here took and: ‘were returning from the-Toronto Morris qpetiels mot- ar day last week. talk in ‘Sinbtow wn n cement sidewalks and Mrs. Tunney and fa’ amily spent Sunday with friends in Macton. WELLESLEY FAIR A SUCCESS- FUL EVENT Races and Good r held on The: eek to Sconeratuints Mi showing made: sts Walters; a antz, also He H. arted. omapeen ¢ ae with Vilhelm —Br A mae W ie, sie ° ies year Bi colt—Geo, akepas ing-—Lori m, Colt sha’ eavy antight tao nee with an old rt. Freeborn, Geo “Bal. of 1921— Heipel. Thr Baker lding—Ed. | as. Two year -old| Mrs. Hur agner, B. of i One year old ‘colt| Huras. ‘reeborn,|C. Hoffman. Home made + ‘soap— 1, Special 1 by Jacob ex Hammond, Pie ne waite a mare with foal at foot, ae Dunean Dewar. Foal of —Kd, Three ev old filly oF geltineDavia Cool; Harvey old filly oF pelbhg = eed. ‘Hostetior.*N. “oth vear old colt—C, Schauber, John dma: ke with foal at fout—Tohn C, Hoffman. Foal of esa a Hoffman. Three year rison make, old filly or igelding—8. Freidman, 0, confusion and expen: sSnight Be saved Pommery-Mrs in Harn ess—Group of three n= er, wise ors Span agricult- ist and 2nd aa Sp Sq 5) > 32325-90 Sm Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money Canada's best ee the apes He MACDONALD] Spe Horses in Harn pane ao as ial H. Lingelba G. Hoffman. Tone edd Pommer. e ackson, Bert ee heifer—Are old heifer—Areh Petch. Saddle Horeeeae. K. W Weber ist and 2h lawee 1st and 2n He . Mc Hho Heip- Special mS; Reinet seat aummie. lt nd | Baadachoy “8 Brood gs with L Sud. Heifer calf Ave, MeGillawee ‘and 2n . female—Arch. ae atest of cattle—A. Me: berdeen Angus 0 ee old ull—A. J. Kriesel. me year old ull—Geo. E. Schmidt, Bull calf-—Fred Schmidt Ist and 2nd. Bull, any age—Fre midt. Cow —George E. Schmidt, Fred Schmidt. Two year old heifer—F: shmidt. One year old heifer—Geo. . Schmid eifer calf— Fred Sehnae Ast and an, Best fem: alee Fred Schmidt. Herd of ca Schmidt, Geo, 1, Schmidt. calves—F, Schmidt 1st a Grade Dairy type cow—Jacob B. Miller, a ai Fred Schmidt. Beef type cow—Fred Schmidt. Steer of heifer teif Toh Wetilaufer, H. L. Schmidt. Fat ox or steer—H, L. E Schmidt, Arch. McGillawee. Steer or heifer —John Welttauter, » Schmidt, Fred Schmidt, Her type icattle—Fred Schmidt. Pea ranecayed tarry type cattle—Arch. McGillawee. Best class—F, Schmidt female in beef type Geo. E, Schmidt. Leicester—Adam Thomson and D. Kelly were as winners in this class. in R. Bell, J. K. Thom- gon pail Hevig Ecky wes te Wier in this class. shropshire- Thomson, Jas. Monoghae, F. 3 Mie echell and D, Kelly were the winners in this class. lampshire Downs— David Kelly » the Eh nurday. | was the winner in this eas f Be itement t Was cause rast Thursday When att fe : pig—E, an, evs! car tuned turile teeP | Berkshi Fred Schmidt 1st_and diteh where he was Ree at Sane ; oes y WAS | 52 and Or es bail ru nd shaken up.” Both In and aS Yorkshire aged boar— ong men. n Collingwood | 4m Pap eande let ane ond. dm: provadavo mene shden pis Tourer, Lome Bizam. Improved il Yo ow pig filcbranat, John Wettlauler hree White bacon eas Hei heen J, Thachse, H. R. Phair, John Wertlauten Joan ©. Hoffman, and Mohr were’ the winners in this el ruit obn ,Wettlaug H >hair, Mr McGillawee, Jacob CG Gerth, Joh Ida. Sons P, Ber- er, H. orler, A Mis. Bt ele this ae Vegetables John Welvsate ry M. Russell Hei H. rle eicher’ were the ¥ Daiey Products un - Domestic Science t doat brown: bread— Mrs -R. H meal son | Cookies, any y othes nall frui Preserved it—Mrs. Hu: Cc ee peas— Mr ura: fe fanned corn on _cob—M: 1, Janned de ur ee : ale ie Collection of by Hi. Faber for 2 a (hie “we Flour)—Ezra Mohr, J. Ae Mechani ical ttman sly both firsts ce oubie and single jomestic M. Talton, Mrs. eae eer Ida petdess h- n Wagner McVean, erdi Helmuth ii rages E. Mo an nd Reiter Bros. were the Ww! ners in this clas: Ladi Fancy Worl Louise B. F H. Wagner, .L ch is Huras, Mrs. Sol lton Ida Berdux, aac Z. Wagner oo chsel, H. F ess—Span carriage | butt Lingelbach, Harvey ibd cy Ad ams High stepper driven to buggy or cart ch, Ed, Baker, J. F. eber, “ne Single pony— arnt lady Hider Be: re light Rian lady: diver—Rolph aNog yea silt One IeGiliswee ist ant F door panel-stin Sol. Cap! 0 Fin rts Oil painting, Tandseape Py T painting, rad Deine, tie c. eee ape — E. Tolton. <8; Tolton, H. Wagner, To ru est abet Tae i ok by_ Sturdy ton. seater UceutataD” key) When ase apache ate Ror Met por an dline cele Me ‘igen, iB Wacaers, ee: boys 14-to 16—-John C, Hoffman, E:|—B. Tol en. and ink drawing Mohr. Handling colt, boys under eae ner, E. Tolton, Peneit draw —C. Shauber. Ladies’ novelty ¢ —H. Hymmen. Design— test-—-Rolph Jackson, Boys’ novelty Hymmnén, E, Tolfon. “Abiatedy’ pho: contest—P. K, Weber ‘tharaphy y—H. W cee oe Busy i agner, Ds an CATTLE painted china, realistic design— ea Hymmen, E. ‘Tolt. and ina, conventional design— Best bull —Areh, MeGilloyse One ae nen, B. Polton. year old bul Phair. Bull : r Sol a UGilawee, ghorthont ball ult = Arch, MeGillawee, Cow-—A. Me-| "The main exhiitors.in_ this, class enna Sehantz, re. Ip ‘nach, e0, u-| daughter of } spending aie Holl re thro | men, ‘ t soldier having served in the Tite in ypt. mar, Lorne Bigam and C. Stable. i lowers +s Geraniums, double — ee single—J. Hamm, 1 ia 8 Bee Fushias, double—J. mer. mas—C. F.“Ottman, ue C. Gerth. Se oe List of Prizes Won by the Pupils of Wellesley Public School at the Local Fair 1 a —V, Fleischauer, ‘amel. oat made book- aha eed atercol olor, ichti, TS Leis, J canes Faulhafer. Bs res Cla: Milles Ge Dor othy ele ny ‘Dorothy (New Prussia Ima bait Helen Bast, ta Alle e Leis Alice "se tee } pee ber Zettel, ‘Anse tal «Olivia Zettel, | 1G OD a HYMENEAL il Qa 5) DUNBAR—McLENNAN At St. Pau 3 eeatheaeel Lontous FE 6th, by ney on man eth, lt ex Her Lennan became Melville s hat to match, On he return’ they were tend ered ae, Tecan tion at the home of the bride. 2% @ YUNGBLUT—DEBUS. e bride was attended by ter, oom wai ok, of Kitehener, couple then left on a moon trip to Detroit. The pe hort honey- KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE John ey i c Sollingwood mar- ine x Gee’ eth d A, Reid,.a mar- ine engine: ame place, while rea found that Matthews poly received one aed it is likely that death was due e pressure of the car on his ches! < Reid was also soon aha vig by numbness by the weight. Linseman was the first to, ‘appear OH e scene and he got some blocks and raised the hae Found Pee ty the eid, it d, be riousl, jured. Dr. ¢ Moorefield, as notified and an aaeee was held Ls 7 r Cinseman's the 8 evening. J TL, aS Sail to be an exper se’ a war wer Hindi n oe eee have any’ vist. Hammar, 'C. F. Ottmi = ay ft a moh ee ae Fe Berdux, D, Ham. G6 or oi or a ‘ti Bek SHIPPING NOTICE will ship hogs from the Mil ccd Bs PEE ce Ae ae 2yd. James Hamilton, U.F.0 Shitipans SHIPPING NOTICE a Ae reo pegs ea Sept’ 20th Aes pres Milverton, [inner hti. : getables—Cl Boat ‘ore the 1s to eet to the {for August Kx suagel eobiee. tarts ee der tone see at ft the Sw 17th, a chai Sept. er, bere “Jacob’s Rayeraft’s. mn One, e) y, Wednesday each week. See Re Hociiers Collectontot house plants—J. Hammer. Petunias, : gingle—~J. Hammer, Fein plant —| F, HEAGY, Coal and Weod jammer, L. Ber e TElowan &H. Tacha vanne. Scented, Pi eam 3 Collection of Nestorius Pater hard eral Dele furnnee coal, AE Js erdux, an. ollection: of Zinnias—John Hammer, Berdux, geting seanee, : Collection of Asters — Jol © mer J Streicher.” Collection of | MUST BE RETURNED Petunia HK. Rorler, Ida Ber- : . lux. Collection of Balsams—Jo] arty or parties who remove annie, Walnatss Wasneee, 00s the nidines and eun burst. fro org the Cina Waenert don of {pone a at es ee hogan GladiolKH. K. Forler,. Collection Ser ornament teen cut lowers—Helmu' ‘agner, Ent Haroon: Collection of Carna-| Without further delay, tions—John Hammer. | Collestion of : Marigolds—Jacob Streicher, J. Ham- ; ILL mm f jrloral design HL. K. Forler, ROSTOCK CIDER M ‘able bouquet—Helmuth Wagner, aes Hammer. Bouquet—Helmuth Wag-| ynqif the Both of: September, 1 will ner, John Hammer. Snap Dragon | boil applebutter September 27th ani “Syohn' Hammer, H. Wagner. Ver-| 20 etree WL mals day George Dungey, Prop. STOP — LOOK — READ you ever give it a sah how dit dina. te Jas. LINWOOD CIDER MILL The cider mill will open on Wednesday and Koebel, Prop., ‘hu Linwood, Ont. id V Classes—Best school garden ex- ly lightning destroys hibit—Vera Fleischauer, Marie Ham- quickly ee el, Clarence Wagner, Walter Reiner: | rods on. and hav Display of elementary art work —'hefore they are Clarence Wagner, Lloyd Faber, Map | hy Hightning, nly the best of mater- of Waterloo County—Walter, Reiner, |}2} otmanabip:omece Vera Fleischa Model aéroplane |W, Schmidt, Milverton. obert inifred c= hauer. rg.— Wini = Fleisch Hamel, -Vei F ‘Tues school garden! day, September 6th, and for the fret authater, , Mary two weeks will make cider on Tues. as Sehaefen “Stilton Reiner. gay and Wednesday of each we tion 0: <ious weet —|after that timer cider ara be. sae ollection of | four days a wee i ays ifford Hart- a Males FOR SALE ings pie “Ue ee anne No interested call. a My Schatz, R. Miller, Block. x: netures, tae lowe ioe Double’ driving Shascieed and ry office. Notice to Creditors n-the matter of the estate of. William Strickert, Elma, the farmer, decease in late of the Township of County of Perth, d. The Creditors ae au RAG -|ing elai ate epere named William Stricker * ms again ay, the ex s above. otice is fF Oct undersigned, and ors after given of ua “full particulars of the’ ait “the who ch day of ower, d Which, panies, ysta’ Th n pur pettion 56 of “The Trustee Act.” on requested on or ms foe yt mt to F. H. Thompson, 22 Downie st., Stratford, . Solicitor for “the Executo Ontario. Dated the Ist day of September, 1921. ‘| Weir's List of Farms for Si’e est residences ni fe er bu. in iy a t barn in 00 storey brick dwelling and 2 building ite en On Thursday afternoon, September] ¢, aay a 15th, a quiet wedding took place, a § s Is ran Church, Ellice, | 28 Set Miss Lydia Debus tnd Mr. Henry Yungblut were united in the $9,000-—W ie bely Phelan of matrimony by Rev. acres bloc—t te tik, |Have two of the most up-to-date and yd 6-9 Peta ood e lots, ‘are , one ona pluie ‘ood brick swells ing we feame kitchen and woo a sp) with pa ee rtable bank barn and other ou lend: 100 ellings, crop, stock and implements—a sna for somebody. 12, coi $9,500—-Will buy the north 95 acres » Mornington, 90 The west half if; concession, Ellic s from Milv feet: aot 5, in the 0 13 ae acres seeded in claves and timothy: acres in pa comfo: rtable dwelling house Ant aihet outbuild- ill; ngs; 3 miles jads school; a snap for some! Do/you ant a good far the finest farms en hope, 191 acres; can be for $16,600, plendid brick rel ing, bank a oder veniences, in a good lo pening? lown, balance on first mo’ Rage. ates brick cemented throu; pig pens, implement. orchard, jand clean and 1 1-4 miles from. s walles from Milverton. ard body n #10, Mesa say, the Houth half o Z n 00], close to bi of bios in North 36, ork Newton. » Will sell with or without crops. $5, al at the east a t 30, paiettion 12, Nort ope, 50 acr 18x poe pete ‘iek v 22; driving s bed hump Pp poushy Fin jer ok ank Baan 40 of h East- x 56, red house ith brick v. coated kitchen 1 05 e; 40 acre ‘ation 5 10. Tages naan nM soil; drilled well 140° feet Hale: fails. ee 36 ani ; . $7,900—Will buy lot 26. “once eesion, Nort “acre ioity-oF See aie verton; 7 mi easy water; nd lot 35 in Elma; Aen 1 80" acres uni attor rig t bi me 8 to erms, 3 es —Will buy the west half o: the bth otk i Jn the ab