Monkton Times, 1 May 1908, p. 3

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ee But, Peel in “gags T IS remarkable how we exercise our me ayo ut conscious [es mt js is particu- ianty moticeatler eben rae mn awalk- ening in the morning, ae perere stretch to our vn tter exercise could not be r t f the. one iny catiaee cderciaw iateviry. ‘one adopts, xo why not carry it further nd taka all our gymnastics in bed! he morning is the right thne—when one is neither tired nor stiff—and it 1s remarkable, how much good these sim- ple gymnastics will do; how they t prove the digestion, Seek the complex- fon and Soe the ‘The exer strathing none tends to increaso the height and to lengthen the waist: but if the arms are stretougd over the head and the bedposts are firmly grasped, the body may be pulled up and pushed down—thus bringing into Jay the arm and shoulder muscles he first two motions of the symnas ties may be done without seine the end trom the pillow: but this time, sleep gone and the athletically: Ine ae Person hae begun, to take an in- terest, and the next exercise is the most useful of all. body is fro} sitting Pahoa without any ald from Lev ltl BY LRCLECISE: haa or cage and with the era hy find that, at first, t for one morn- still further by not be gone through quickly, but ae and deliberately, so ing ting all time, for “ike batt comes it is shprise how wonderfully well one fee! Aids to Beauty Seekers WING tothe! great smount of mail roaplved and the Mmited space given this peel oa it te absolutely impossible to an- swer letters in the Sunday Issue fol- lowing thelr recetpt. The letters must be answered. in turn, and this oft- times requires three or fou! 01 who desire an must inclose a self- a nt. Use “he lotion ae ee Sieh wrin- kles once a day. Th alnut for the ha! is made up of the ee ingredi- ents; Four ounces walnut skins, beat- en to a pulp, to which is added pure alcohol, sixteen ounces. Tet it staud lent days, and strain. ‘Then apply as any other dy: ‘aucaire Remedy & phosphate of lime, 154 grains; tinc- ueaire also vaayines the drink ne of malt-extract act during meals. To Reduce | the Hips TOO STOUT—The following exer cise, if persevered with, w! around the hips: i h nes. In recovering position, let the arms sink n ody atraightens up. nd, with hands Placed lightly on the hips, the fingers ointl rward, let jody drop Srwatd easily. so that it is bent in th ist.’ ‘This mi b one. roi the Higbt, countin ° Boaition, © pide, th the i eme' to the le t. Practice again, ‘The waist the trun ead Is elax- “this exerciee the hands ave the same position, but now” th jody Is bent forward from the waist, then back ight and left. Each movement should occupy four counts. Take these exercises gently, but let the movements be firm and mrolt ines sliepa eat strain of the mu cles. whould be worn while practicing them. Powder of White Geranium B,C Thia re a will make Bh into ighttul to one-half pout pie ounce; on Ee bei vom ig ‘Aftee s aFops." Grusn ‘tree com fumpa,” Add the perfume a drop at a tim t Jpowaer’” larch, s Bleach for. Brown Spots ots: Bichloride two ounces; rose~ ‘ABitate until w solution's obtained, he affected parts. Keep out of the way of ignorant and children. Label: ‘Poison ne roots of the ay: Three drams of re- one ounce of tincture canthar- id drams of oll recini, ten Grops of off of rosemary. Add suffle Gfort aay tum to make eight Ounces, ise to Sitting ecipe that will | M7 020 Body. estttorz Without Support: Lotion of Pergam a prt ee “yergam : Eau de : vei spirits of aromatic spirits of ont, nce; water, four + essence of bergamot, one-quar- nce. snitits, add water. Shake for five minster ae have a burnt tion Pathe them with a dash of ng sensa~ hot water, to witch hazel has been six or eight botdes have been taken. Eyelash Grower ELVA—Tiie following recipe ma: used to promote the growth pf athe slashes y nee Ely Fapdl, two ‘drams. Agitate ingredients until thoroughly incorporated. Apply to the evebrows witthe e Deus, and to the lashes with hale paint brush, ‘The be, treed’ trom any lightly along the 6 ids, exercising extreme care that no. ‘mkutest ortion of the lotion touches the eye itself. Rules for Reduction of Flesh | NIE—Avold all sweeten: all cereals, vegeta bles containing "sugar or starch, such a8 peas, beang, corn, potatoes, etc. Have your bread toasted; sprinkle it with salt sptg 08 wel g butter. Kk, I regret to say, if it be pure and good, is fattening, Skimmed milk may be ari water is an excellent substitute for other liquids, Add little of the juice of limes or lemons ‘0 it, if you choose, Limit your sleep- ing hours to seven at tho outside, No naps. You must take exercise. Toilet Vinegar —Here 1s a tollet Vinegar wi gh o- which ‘simple, eno! male: Lavender hol, elght ‘acid, fitty= dail other forms of ex- h use the muscles of the than any. other part of the re all beneficial! ‘ace . AIf your face Is too red be ¢ of your diet. Take no hot drinks, a be plenty of cooling ones. water, nor wlien you rm W: x slyeerine ghe tuld gunce: geranium, twelve dro} r the Hands ROSE— ee ape te gr eceott Mule 66d tor the hands: | Cocoa butter. one outice; of sweet almonds, oye ounca; oxidé zinc, one dram: borax, one dram; oll of bergamot, six drop: Heat the cocoa buiter and oll of al- LK, eee fvezyeLescle Sat 3 |[)IYSICAL Curr DE: |EASY Pr $e neat “eA @ Ye = iS SVEN STD GES , ee 2g Back Pee taped anny Low ¢ About the ae au ides Remedy two or three times that many. So you pikigcu ananid uot feslsdinesucanea: ag you have not given the tonic a fair trial. Mouth Wash 8U — For th ensive breath it would be well to use a mout! h, ‘The recipe I iving you is very good: Oll of sage, txp and three- quarter fluld drams; lemon, one sid ops anartar 24 eer rcsh one-half fluid ounces; water, Grate! five and one-half fluid ounces. ee i ZEAE Lotion for, Blackhe. am ads J. M—These common blemishes a are one | ounce the face thoroughly with soap ater. Lb Sede tle LG25, re is a recipe tor. ths antiseptic reat monds in a bain-marie, and when thor- ates Be Blended add, the inc and borax; js, and add the oil of ber- Staak ub into the hands at night. It fs al agree with her, hat disagrees repeatedly. st Impossible to prescribe a erson should half drams; é vain: ekingt thymel (in: crystals), Stteen of menthol, Pinte, “Hinse the proportion ; cologne, jiquor potassa, one-half Since. “Apply at night, after washing ad Wen tase et with the reat above, which should be diluted for use in the of one-half tooth wash to same quantity of wale Use after each meal end at any tim) required. To Whiten n the Hands INSTANT Before going outdoors rub or rere into th s ges hands: One hundred grains of lanolin, twenty-five grains of paraffine (liquid), ten drops extract of vanilla, one drop of. oll of rose, Mix and apply when necessary. Enlarged Por J. T—Enlarged pores are sisuaily eb reault of ‘nckead They can be cured, bu mn you formul distilled witch ply with a piece oho aa Se ace of abate cotton, For ‘splring feet the following Te very efficient: Salicylic acid, tw aay seruplas; boric acid, one dram; talcum powder, one ounce. 0 you and greasy foods, for pauanes on the cantition of the skin. Ing off the face pay oes with nt. ly mmonia or a pinch of vater with which the e hair curl use the follow= sae oisparation Rapes sium carbonate, 120 grains; ami eee ono fluid dram; alcohol, twelve uta dvama) pose water, enough to make Gietece “tur ounces, In using, moisten the hair, aie tt loosely and it will curl upon drying, Cream. for. the Face i's what you need to Seni up tbe tissues of the wv , four ar ances; 8; oll of ft bigarade ‘orange skin) petit grain, fittee tinea Tae uenE add the gl ‘ops; oll of Spy ey ne ae ee the orange-flower ‘water sha borax im the mixture; then es It slowly into the blended ‘fate, stirring ever recommend the use of hydro- gen, dloxide (commonly, known as per- je of hydrogen) on the hair by ama- fours. “Any” Dlesching ‘chemical ‘of. the is gure to lighten the hair more than toward the roo {e séldom that ‘the tn enced rson can apply it so carefully that a fighter shade will not in ume result. Henna is a vegetable stain, quite less and eee an equally atiractive reddish use It will be round a. estan arile cle than the Flesch,” Hydrogen dioxide, when used on either the seaip or skin, should be Giuted wish water” eaual parte. Doom ye" With CAE Being (P ltt Cl DREN mined by the rapid or slow development. conscientious shoe- nm of the child, A 7 actk give you reliable advice o1 cerand that = worn ‘be- “make ond the proper time, it causes flat foot the subjec ‘ gymnastl ercises hen ‘the evil has been wrought, T IS a grave mistake to undervalue if ibe Upoehasent ok wesc pe op erly fitting for the growing child, ~*Prouble:frequchtiy ents from carelessness in. this matter which: it re- quires y and a considerable expendi- ture of money. to rectify. ‘A child's shoes should always be gen erous in length; they may be narrow—- w without disastrous re- Sommondabie vocorbmy te te pair of pel reas Oy, ees broai shoes, if the child has outgrown them ‘There and they “stub” the toes. card the ‘The bad effect of short shows is obvie heel beot; a ane heel shoe—but their names a foot of today requires a Jow, cna re few. is no stated age at which to dis- snring-heel shoo and, don, the itis a deter: her ertain exercises which will iy Osan sbonetca in counteracting the bad effects, and three of the most helpful are jitamtratha here-they, axe especially oe to strengthen the ankle and to develop the arch of the inal “instep. first exercise ae child Sees in The on a ledge, such as a step or benc! , with the toes, the toes turned. in and foot turned. ov THEIMPORTANCE of PROPERLY FITTING SHOES fia to “piek op h. Second exerelye the child with Walks ‘on the outer edge of the Loot; this Laced Boots wi taLowe ; Teak ra ad is a club-footed walk and has a tend- sack as s peers the ankles, rd exercise the child stthas a) feet parallel, rises on to 4 © fect out with 'a rotary mo- fion;. this kbs. aireot, inkigenes upon the inste) Tn addition to {these exercises, a spe ay’ be worn, or nla tS, Ot -aEsel; oovered with Weathers may b ced in the shoe to ra! 6 Instep. Caution must be taken that the *plate does not irritate or hurt or nnoy the child in any way. A child should wear a laced boot which may be adjusted at i, and the heel shouid be low and bro: A SULPHUREOUS CALDRON. (yA. Banker) A wiles west of Naples is vast sae of an extinct volcano ic wile 6 a upllon has taken, plac since Hig). Aopawn. ox, the sStllolors. é t, ae pint it " west ‘bel ie, volumes i white aan tases jelg of si phur vapor apeties (ro. yavning ¢ ng eis me ina oe book sare a roaring soun. 2 Of 4 yor of 1 ry lire ac 3 Srration hese Siar. This, bow- y not alway ever, ‘is cer{aini the POL veyen when. Inere are-no_ swelling blasts, atid no Hooming stridor caused hy these ath piste from this “safely aive’of Nature the-scene is so. weird And-mystic that an uncanny, unearthly spell appears to pervade the place, for- cibly reminding the visitor of Gustave Dore's terrible Diagire ot the nether re- ea iy hits © 114 ions. of Paradise The great craler—it is about a a cirgumference, and, unlike other 08: er, high foals a crust of sol- at a ae se igen in thick jere ie a8 water fark rial boilin re ‘sia ard which me: Deal ul Maleneineag white ether, is blooming luxuriantly, riot guinstanding the sulphur. fumes (owing, er, probably to these fumes the flows very soon afte plucked); ero agrilt from which issue a stream of noxious gas and ; whe the a Noor, many acres in ex, fent,-upon sehich the. visitor 1s eaulions: ty wa aikin 4g reverberates with a hollow sound if stamped thon. in fact if a regimen soldiers to } across ihe ue pie Bd collapse ai hey v tinged into the ate caldron he And. seins a sleddee suiphurédus earth-vent may remind some of the fig- urative a8 re and ‘pristine ahi is the fate of those slut oul from the glory, Buf the ires of remorse’ implied by. this pet rs need nol-be the fa Bact z the reparation’ "ae at i se eternal Tustice by undergoing, 0 te transgressos' ‘behalf, : th Ser of the which Son ee pros ded wl 4 = 5 & 5 oS & S ge 32° = pe 25 <3 being the slices . will Be com pilenc and fo. eg in conttition in to thal Realm of Glory, ain Pet Names stance OF “EM, fy one’ nalio thelr vacabultiry” of endeetinentakaroe authorily that em mpl ye for quite ther peoples, says Lon LOTS First Gommercial—Yes, fam’ just back from. thves, months. tsp on The poe. Sasori Commercial—Got many orders, vin old ma peses T took my. ts ta First Gon eae bet! wife with n e and ete employed. by me of the most feo’ and’ most isan Hin Ss 7 the French, _ terms of endei rn GUESS ‘THE REST. ig” nd “ny ri Puppy dog” is es times cane his mile in nis “ooll,” Pp) ct deni you go lo the club te- much bene sary, but 1 need the resi The average woman woukd jot more than she does if she listened {6 everything she the che Molike'’s Letter. the poopte of This eppoeite pas Some "ime ogo in Germany een jore. appro peedpetl eau Aunation freqeutly. lattes ig en & French 9 well mown fi wiigh! mate calls his wife a “cat” she does “It ig not esi neces- not fly it prctasion “my little grain. af power’ ny little tin en aa” would have aSoeeioas ars ikings and oc uray hi th writen hy the lale Count von Moltke rmiany—In- to his, betrathed were published. dn ian’s worth some paias to tes the rol soul equently. called he. jady “my Hlle Kernel of coffe - 1 for woman is the mea- Pixesenevns even ctucer il Pe ole alien's progress In spoiat life phrases in “Taine ond suggested to "a cynical ~ Cheesite. y in view. ob Ihe-writer's p:NO map-has yet. discove ed t Sot: patel Sugeest) {riendlly ea 1G women.—Balzac. Women saw by en how to dis- guise their emotions far better than the ost eae snes oUrhee can do, fe mer ee pee ante to creates cor the b were as the ap- iy firite a passion of (ment, a3 ple hi Xe ‘begin his ie — glish speaking wife might do un- Ute rte gut ne Ce as his ne sa Tanees, bot takes gontng savenitens rd. “My is a géntle compl se ns is dear it spaniel ut if he were ep whom the Upsied ae ® Sear Garten OMS me arn has read the aie that ealled woman‘imows more than the cue who has grown pale in albraitone nissay. hee Be Jepansse a Hause of Peers has embers. A large proportion are ite only one- their

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