2 DEATH IN TORNADO'S W Temifc a Rage Over the Southern — ‘States from the railroad tracks aie consider- Alabama late. ‘on’ Friday, leaving a trail of dead and injure wuumber of Killed is estimated. at ‘close caught in falling “bulldings and elther fatally in- fured or seriously Tnc-Louleiana if. estivon that score of small towns were destroyed as partly wrecked: They include Atte City, Arcadia sand: Independence, Belle ridge, at the lowest esti Cars were blown Fifty persons wale were injured, tist persons. injured. able other properly destro, Reports also say that he aoe struck late afterno oa, royed ve enticd amie por ot the. town. An une patna Te hark tok this hia gives the death as from 35, with tees ot om Meridan Miss., comes a report |! hat a woman sts her child were killed duteighe while a. number of other per- sons were hu land rt, and La., Richa! rie, by_the storm and nearly’ fitth ét their population injured, is ipa Ste though ana two iba pe die are known to have been ae fasta a small tow killed. reports sixly Natchez, “Miss., a dah i tbo northern known to be di ouisana storn & “Mobile reat nine dead in Hatties- panes Miss., but this has not been con+ firm LHADING MARKETS BREADSTUE Toronto, April fanitoba Wheat —For immediate delivery, No, 1 north- ern, $1.17, Georgian Bay ports; feed aaa te No 2 feed, tse « ‘at North Bay, For May delivery, No, 1 northera $115; No. 2 northeta, $id1; No. 3{ I northern, $1.06, Ontatia Wheat—No. 2 white, 90%¢ to 9134 at point of shipment; No. 2 red, 900; No. mixed, 88}4¢; goose, 87c to Corn Mow American, he No. 3 salon ‘axe Toronto’ treight No. 3: imix Barter Nay dull; No, 2 $8 to 550 A 65 45340 outside; No. 2 mixed, ats.—No, 2 white, Ate on track Toronto; Flour _ Manisha alent special | 7 $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- 0; Ginter wheat patent : Bran— ae cars, $24.50 to rento freights Bran—Full cars, $24.50 to $25, $> freigh Sorin Geatee, $24 f.0.b. mills. , Toron- COUNTRY Pr PRODUCE. 16c to 1 lew-laid, Te. more plentiful, ier. Eggs— Butter—Is bec coming 2c to 2 23 to 2he 0c to 2 0, 85¢ to 9c; De weare, 950 ie Nat i coy Lach ge nee ans. Firm; $1.20 to $1.75 for primes and $180 9 $1.85 for hand-p: Honey- “stained aleaay attic. 0180 per pound und pails and i2¢ fo ise to's. 16 10, pound: ails, Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per Cheese—1he for es Sie bye for twins, tn fob lots here; new-make, 13¢ fer Inrge and 13% for twins, 81 to 4 10° per: gallon, ee mothy. is ste at St to $1550 in car lols on tracks PROVISIONS. PookShor uit set to $21.50. per bar $17. a rTierses, fives as, 11%; pails, joked and Dey Seite Mente Long | 4 clear bacon, 10¢ to 10340, tons and ¢s, hams, medi am tant, 120 to 130: hams’ large, 1134 ; backs, 160 te 6: aloulder one to 0c; rolls, 10¢ acon, 1c to. 15¢; green ia ae of pickle, 1¢ less than smoked, < n Following are ie cpriose paid ato} Alsi 1 He for tency San * iimothy,) tvefOi} “oF qua Ae No. aned, 812.50 fo 813, an ‘a little higher for extra faney lo $11 to $11 ordinary lols, ‘mixed, with weeds, cording to quality. ace MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, April 28. steady volume ‘of trade ig. passing in flour. Choice ar ving wheat patents, $6.10; sccond, | i 8. weet pa ents) 50; siaignt rollers, $5 to in bas, $2.10 (0-82.80; 25; do. t extras, si 80 to ponds: se Nahin bran, $22 to $23; horts, $23 to $24; Ontario grain shor Bx to $22. 0: middlings, $24 to $25 Shorts, $25 to $27 per ton, fending i bags, and pure grain mouille at $32 to Cereals—Rolled oats, $3. cornmeal, ou 67% to 8 aa rood demand prevails: lor eggs on the local merket. Ree ceipts aro hardly keeping pace vith the consump- | c without change. selling at 1 LcRgre ries tae 821 hadl 3; jong clear backs, beet #1550 daze; size; breakfast bacon, expor per W be to $5 per cwt $4 bee praia offerings. Chinaman Tries to say ce A ents finian, was partment, decided that claned him a ran along the street, Engfneer Rigger Kille A despi A Canac in fan Northern looc Sacciiie firm, ¢ to-day He er donot he “yobbing lots, and at { e in single cases. Cheese—Colored "usta fb ewe to 13c, and old white at 1234C. Re- tion, and prices ae Provisions—Barrels short sie ess, bale ey do., $10. fat ; long cut hoary. HES $20; elt ii 6 rrels eer Nn bee $7.23 sic t rs heat Torres lo 86: compaund lard, i ae pure an rd, 11Xe to 11%c; kettle eased 11Me to hams, 1c to 13340 jpocaring to c Wind- isyor frocks Hed sor lye to shattoir-dressed hogs, $9.75 to $10; live,, lo $6.75. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, Bales York, April 2 Y > ; No. 2 red, ES. gL.04%y f.0.b. %s 1 th: ae Duluth, $1.15, to tla No. 2 hard winter, $1.11%, oat. LIVE PEE MARK Toronto, epee w lots of good ioe ae ae so around $6 $5.60 40, and Bebvy, bulls: were quoted at er cwt. ices Aes choice, in small lots, 0 250 t 50 from $3 te SA. A considerable busin. wate’ in ue te ings. ‘cow moa, Bulls ranged w was trans- and stockers on fair of. for feeders, and $3.2 Calves were lower in value on large. Their prices ranged from $2 in 85 per ewt, wold at $45 to.8 ; lambs. ein fed, 86 Fis logs nee “UnEMoERe 8 at $6.40 for se- ects, and $6.15 for lights and fats, A DASH FOR LIBERTY. Escape at St. New Brunswick. A despatch from St. John, : B, aunan who. was: bel John, » made a “pola | 8 dash for liberty an Thu ap tu wed, Te ca and travele minus a queue. must placed under guard ¢ ‘Thursd it ul r. day he eluded - this ‘walehe ‘S$ an umped overboard. He am followed by an cited, yelling but was recaptur- crowd. fed and put back aboard tho stemaee pti Tes GRASPING THE LEVER. ed on C. Near Roblin, Manitoba. from Koln ae ed ing a ght train on main itee jumped the tra raf about four miles Seg of opla ng Ne can ti o,fitemant jumped and eee aped sub injury. "rhe engineer met death s Post. When removing his y Was: found that his Y grasping the throttle. Ten cars with wheat fonlowttg the’ loco- lerailed, and considerable led on the track: Mi, ingle man and lived in He was formerly a resident Rigger wa Da uF phin, of V “Two Little Nova Sootia Girls Meet With a a OF MILL, a Horrible Death. A despatch from ae tits S., says: ~The report of a most unusual acoi contest lau, , aged 9 and Bas lives ah ‘on thelr re fay, and tho ren. we abit of taking a rt ci Siegel as the mill was et be set in, that aftern The chil er Ma} ti maw e Rat ean pote em ‘te AY under ¢ pie when the aot was idle, to short-| to he distance, oceaston their Guiles Waleed ‘them not 10 go in thal anes oer Aes e ad, muieted 20 ) badly eve were ‘ null s; Fashion Hints. + FADS AND FANCIES. craz ir. all summer shoes. tongue of the eveni ing slip much longer than last yea brown “pro mises to be men’s suits Nt atsvenvee ot the The the bordered sitks un f Aeboneid lengthy "Sins pes will be much used in the quar- ter inch and in: the hair tin Polka dot silks are moi cponiae than ever, and they “pole bub liltle trim: new summer © arranges arly all the Parisian gowns have stooes without the fullness. at the top. A popular sleeve s to simulate ihe wide ovina by a band of material, enon ate wearing of tan silk sores to match the tan stockin, In millin: t two most. insistent spring shades are taupe and pome- latest_in gloves is the long cha- mois with the bultoned strap across te wrist. all and Cretonne, the eal Adepled of all fa- trims hats, 3 buttons Tetusee in es Fancy suits have aes the domain of shirtdom. A popular one is tho turned back gauntlet cuff. Red half shoes are shown for men, but it remains to be seen whether they will 9 wear them, For the ames an equ spots fa there now rmous veil with plat Pa the wide and se- ductive sash that swathes 1 hips and waist and is knotted at the bust ft ie louches characteristic Seles ilinery is the is "over pre- Don. ui r r Guia with strive ed cloth shoe upper embroidered and which has been porrewed ne 5 now ey +h rt ie is” of BING lin- t skirt of white 'y color or turquoise rblue ne-gre en; vert of blue and gray, and bistre an ON w shades os b ra_cotta, nifle an taupe e, The latest paves. peas tet ae one ah ich may be repeated at the slightest It which a antenne. By wearing h consi ae do tone Bie witisioe: ore striking, ong the feathe new igs upon hea Shunaetng little hu he enormous pearls some of the stole de: panacea emer a ds look so introduced into ans, and the huge ich, chai aracte splendor that nove is the dom atures: But there is nothing he display that Tictestie ‘rom le stem: demand a fashions f utdoes all other: in ae: cate atting, sttect ot the There fs 4 fie belt that extends. the entire depth rom there fall “tat "powvee: trimmed sylth irmimerabie insertions or rows. of r bottom is finished th lit ‘frills vines ait hoa skirt es up enough room and adds Ampercopti le “pull, lines are the most tmportant feature of the fashionable cost and te ‘and tume, t¢ obtain such effects many. resources are employes tunics that pte tpt bs, and all the devices now n tb dressmaker are brought into The sash of ‘the dire Mie pe the brea nad sash which th ran evolutionary mo Pent of the ot whi tly ak the tie a waists and is fas jened in a. knot low at $s ich way that the ends droop fa dhe is used with all toilets, But ed arow nde one of the. diree tor coats f striped velvet. it achieves 88 that crs hp Ihink that the piesehh » the mast picturesque of many one por eae CAR RAN AWAY. LOG Killed Nine Men on the Susquehanna | | Railroad. A despatch trom [Ralston uae say A work train anna & Yo ond mene tute Pi ie iced on Wednesday SURE yy a runaway car which dashed into the train after descending a steep grado, outright, tis Lumber Company's log road lead- hi ee re ta ine thie Injury. — slaam of immigrants coming jn- Province from (he old country] at's deed tating 6 or a touch of color re > this 3 ge is one of the most ‘fan a ot | 409 Ww fo again into the fe pis ishe ipa eek hy ;| Daughters of Mr. George Sears of 3 ta audi of this | <¢ RETURNS. Failing Of in the datos ‘in Li Three M A despaich from di lawa Says: {otal immigration for the first Months of the The inimigeation ‘trom the U 64, The immigration 6 ats eS year, ending with last month, , made me at, 120,182 British, ny continental a meet womsn should” ee Of | Slate: sl 59,243 HSS increase for twelve months was 39,767. pS SE eae CONFER! ‘e Still Fa C, R. ences with the place appears that neler: aris seer Know where thes are "The C. Py R. mechanics faith Grant Hall for and the conference. ended single ht in being agree en’ spent y with A ‘Shields end 3. R; Cameron when the meeting ended both upon. hi parties re was reached at all fentencly ie ceenian conferenc which apparently are useles GIRL'S HEROISM UNAVAILING. ed Children From Only to Lose A despatch from Miss Anna Matthews ie: the urvivor of a family of ye, of prai fies in the Tr District, The father went to flumes, ‘which were swe eping down their te attemp! ays: irie ook fire, a 3, 189 ours of age, 1 carried her fi ner and ‘sister to a hen returned for THIS IS A CRUEL BLOW. Prunes Theaten to Become a Real Lu ury 7 a ca oe ot ma sneding g house: sappe verts fro the growing cro} Santa cur ra Valley also is thought te hea A normal erp of total about 1 70,000,000 pounds, Li 75,000,000 pound pected to send prices Sayin ge RES THREE GIRLS POISONED. d—Canned Salmon Blamed. P Cafined salmon on. Wednesday They did not notice vi Thi Des Herel pretest more Pdeasivans consequences. Si REGISTERED MAIL STOLEN. ves’ Work at Edmonton—One Bi ‘overed. espa h from Edmonton, A’ A bag containing Tepislerod 7 Ss wos oe enon the Wittnipeg otietar were eae on the mail wago A looked. contain the Gmlgary south, and “inanton ‘bn r by, I pears, were over registered matter fo 1 Raslvay, e Calgary a eee empty s the other was gone. rests are proba’ PIERCED BREAST. H. Codee Instantly Is at Waldo, B. despatch from Fernie, B. Details of an mills at Waldo, in which H. Codee wi killed, have ben regeived putting a belt on a pulley, and, findi that it was too stiff for his hands, fook @ piece of heavy steam pipe wi ich Hi ‘slip on the leather. As he w manipuletin the belt caught in the revolving pulley, and stantly the iron was reversed, and through his breast, enter: behind and pinioning him there. —t— BATTLE WITH MAHMOUDS, e . British Troops Dislodged the Hill Tribes ee men, of communication Sir James ons from Pershawur pens the rai ing pale attacl emy on day mor with tw >to ren the Bri nae troops bein The three ), as compared will ES ARE FRUITLESS. Railways an Mechanics al Winnipeg ie Apart, A satoat trom Winnlbeg, cope Tie sit and shetadipe: Weik avl Santen z mpanies on Friday 8 he pies totale anne Sijett at all and were Closet. r one hour without Th three hours and fused to give out any stalement of what at hat matters ae hey utisfactory is evi- n ieee House Them, Raltleford, Sask, nl ko fight the y and. perished In the ho with |§ place and per- prun: is were pro- this year merchants say is not Nea ue ihe over deficit Wel- A despatch from Welland says: The Sears Te any ill-effects unti when an nse a a rival of the and on arrival at the post-office, it ap- ST "Two. orsthnes su- spects are under surveillance, and ar- Killed in Lumber Pit the sarntar A despatch from Simla, India, says of the British ates por ning pare a vie evailabis troops. | Aller dis- British sess are given ae es ie losses of the Mabinouds ast UAFPENINGS FROM ALL O\.. TOE GLo! Telegraph Briets From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events, CANADA. The subscriptions for the Bell me- morial at Brantford amount to $40,700. cal The Lin ler ae was bad mi as it is said at Ottawa that the insur: us ‘Dill will be left over to next ses. sio: sone) Tarente doctors are piece to the advertising signs in store windows The rail mill at Sault Ste. Marie has been closed indefinitely owing, to. lack ord: The ‘fone trade of Canada for the last fiscal year amounted to $538,200, 291, a large inci The Fornebo, trom Sydney, C. B, with coal, was the nS sea boat to arrive at uebec this Magiatate. Kingston, of Toronto, has dec matic cent-in-the- SHOE chewing aren Gauthier, a laborer at. Mout al, Was crushed {o death under a large sino that fell from a building, on Fri- to “tho Cataract Power Company has ac- cepted the offer of the city of Hamil- ton, amoaiting the terms of the street a | railw: SOG S Chrelvead Seri mar a weautrea) ee “dealer, has disappeared with ae employed Ga Vnekeonel tay an ninet P Depisiie inc candle: barley Oish have been steadily declining, increased by fifteen millions during March. The statement of the banks for the month shows a healthy revival and prospect of easier money GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Winston Churchill was beaten in the bye-election in Northwest Manches- ter najority 0 The Shipbuikling Employers’ Associa- on nisvaclare eo eerie every shipbuilding yard in the United King- om. eS, on] Speaking at Manchester, Mr. Winston a jared himself in favor ot ne Irish question on broad an ae b crucaliaen’ Peeedent al the first of Mr Ministers to go lected in Mr | the Board of Exucation, abinet his constituents, was re Dewsbury ‘by 1,148 Votes. UNIT ED SI STATES. ae boys at Hawthorne, aes: ‘were ux: arpiteaion treaty with nti-bucket shop Dil cat Houses of the Legislature at Al- any. The Rothschilds of London will take ssue of $ 0-year & per . bonds of the Pennsylvania Rail- any A committee at six has been appointed y the Uniled States House of Repre- sentatives to ike puire ue the question of the price of print pi ‘Tho New York State Senale h has passed a bill placing telegraph and telephone | companies under the Jurisdiction of the Public Service Commiss At the American Newspaper Publish- ers’ banquet in New York W. J, Bry yan 5 islet a non-partisan type of paper, wilh claned editoriaison. ‘both, sides politics to es ast Gi deity The port of La ha: een closed on pails ot ie sean Sir James Willcocks will lead a puni- tive expedition against the Mahmouds, en the Afghan frontier. Corean insurgents made an unsue- ssful attempt to wreck a train in whan: Marquis <tlo travelling. hing Manuel of Portugal has promised refund the vue Aaa jewels aid by his me chiontao. boundary 2 y{ (nee Teas has ‘been re opens bate ee ead tracted evo been ‘espatched’ to. Ame Eighteen persons ‘have been hot al conspiring to in dea erie ale eeseuticns od dispute be The mountaineer s on the Persian fron tier aro. flocking to the pid of the Kurds, Ry ake menaced by a Russian punitive expedition. Strangers committed sacrilege in the Vatican by receiving Communion at the sant of the Pope and then sp out the consecrated wafers, ag let. On, ed TWO MILLIONS A DAY. Enormous Growth in Canada’s Foreign Trade. A despatch from Oltaw the seal year. ending Math vast dnohih Wolal trade reached the record 5a38 900201, a -inosease of over the respondin bw lve sronths af 1906-07 he ee ag put fee of $25,818,940 “The waters fe anes 388.08. $280,016 ‘00, an. inerense ‘of $7,810,000, The customs revenuo for the year in- creased by 8314281, the tolal being $58,320,737. The te ae mestic ex ucla, whlch totalled a 000.989, soupatel With $10,544327 for the pre- ceding twelve mon Exporis of fionufectices tolalted 188 507,124, an in- crease of $: of the mine totalled $39 f $3,030. Fisheries ex les Henney 3K large decrease is shi he exeatis of animals and { t ne aye, wa reached. only {260 last ‘year, mpared wilh Sunert i for the nesta tvelve, months. led of ‘the forost ea i a decrease of $1,652,202. For the aie ivonth the Maer ear $30,- Bh4. Exe pets “imoinied act $18,572, a an in- f $2,h as ing he ie in- orts remain- wn S. ees RUSSIA'S: seed se WARSHIPS, ite Five Ordered From mi Glyde Firm Larger an Dreadnought. A tesa from Lone: aoe is Government, nding: ejateneh has venders each one to be larger than th ks ugh, fom a frm of Clyde ship. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS|T soe an increase | nrun folalling $18. “lo $44,170,-| The e | $454,644; et, A despatch from Ottawa sa; duit returns received by the Taeeriion De Ree from agents thre rougho out the West show that the acreage under crop in Manitoba, Saskatohewan and Alber- record ae of heat from “the granary. o} pire this year, ‘The increased acreag I course, largely. due to the influs f new settler: r Age eports. from agents of the depart- tions recently pul in force ent, the immigration trom s Sven less than for the correspo month of last year. fy if Extraordinary Malformation of — St. Louis Judge. A despateh from Bete Ma., say: Sule in John Hop! Tospital uy ing an autopsy on the. bad of Judge i MekKeighan, ot were as tonished (o discover that instead of the usual seltin ig of the sue those in body were scattered about in at- ‘His heart wai ais mal, his kidneys ere aiid by @ liga- ment in the shape of a horse-shoe, ai he pads sayns gall ‘bhadder on smaller organs were a chaos a eck ling cords and fatty substanc: How Judge Mekaighan Tees such strange fransposition of the ma- inery of his body appears marvel- utgeons are myetined at ‘t. Sines he-wae! Boe. with his eens i abnormal positions or they were put in this state through disease or some f nature is not known, > Judge MekKeighan lived to be six years old, and was jenn the ablest. lawyers brain dia Hal seen Sta aulters Gita the slate of organs, and he was oto. eat tae until ee a of March 1, when brought, to the Johns Hopkins “Hoe tal in nd frea was ‘nally Eeauatt to th fan Hopliins Hospi autopsy, which was performed almost immediately after death. CIGARETTE IGNITED FUSE. Frank Foulsham, Emplo: Near Fort Saline yed an C, P. Loses Hands. patch from Winnipeg says: rank jeonlshaiar a young man empl L thee con str cl. cal oe a the ad his ne fus and the accident \ as the Site ot eee Soe lessnes: Te ing a i Wi iam, nt t spark from this ree enn exploded the his hands, bloy doth of them almost off. He is now in Fort William Hospital, rauar las MR. DRINKWATER'S DEATH. Was Assistant to the Bessie at the €. P. R. Compan; A despatch from Montreal arles EF esident hursday fi eloped S DEnwater was been born x day week i pneumonia in his y al Ash- in 1843. He began miWay-curesr in England av ite ag of sixteen years, and had, therefo been nearly half a century engaged in this work. ear, ng ndland, Xa FEARS THE YELLOW MAN. Austarlian Premier Tells English Peo- ple a Baniile is con h In guiheririg i a the 1 sVerpool change on Thursd Ae Montel brive reine ol siralia, said that G not keep the the flag ov said, e rifle. t resisting the advan ance o fhe vellene men, pepceees ‘vse katooe OUR STANDING ARMY. The Force Now Amounts to Five ‘Thou. d, All Ranks, h from Olde says: The day give the es- permanent year, and the recapitu- lation shows Uh adas standing army now totals 4, MMcers and men, an: A despat ‘et A despatch ae Lin Loweie, a farmer living about teh vl north of here, committed ide any night by well: lox oD, seeitres was Aerio a teers ee FOR THE INVALID. Foot Bath in eee in ‘bed Sry vay a large ¢ knees of the pi . the bathtub sh be neath the vetling it rest on the ged. wel over the tub to aevent Ain fear dampening the bed clothes, When the tub the patient's foet, w under the tub. ‘The fect are wiped n this towel, Not a the dry, wh is then roe drop ot water is spilled 1 patient ee ai nade by whipping , adding a oy ee » and aren ging it on aie of br which has Hae Sang os an instant in boiling water, oo sion in the centre, drop on fi yolk, and bake in a ee oven until the ee is a. delic mish with Y Convalescent. Wi bread a is sl t dip ae pee beaten ‘egg and ae ‘y in butter un’ a deep brown, e neatly on fan and serve wilh maple sugar, ae ne TIME. tithe sae) a arra Mary baked a n ang She baked it a t ee lis dear’ sak 4 mmy's sak And the St re 1d “he went. MUTUAL. Landlady Oe make an pet sy I'm sorry: to hea ady- oes everybody else, Annual Report of the Ontario Railway “Municipal Board, A despatch from Toronto says: al ownership pays is one of the things the second annual report of the nitario KR: Board shows. It paid iu 1906 with a profit of over half a miriion, Jn iw figures are given respect. Te ulilities in the penne: lal investment bale he 1564.88, divided as WS $s, $19, 085,116; Electric Lignt Ls eae Sle 716,667; Gas Works, $916,735; Tele- pies $1 ebenturo and other lebts Wet vera ee $12,502,301; lect; Sle 313,816; Gas, $737,948; Telephones, gui 100,~ ba ing ‘or the past eae ge returns were e Piles: Wa oF ite ss income, 1,626,984; ae pia aia, Fae gross, ele 750, 1 Telephon ri 797, ‘nel, $6,109 a = me n t yeargthe pub- itl ate vulilil yi ea are the: smuntel a owning them tue neat Ulta prof ‘of $545,176, Petey paying all chi ponies eying ane rt also see ih Tho tion “ot | jurisdiction aj