S| and tao sin when they ie > been | tens means that the whole ben en wet fecunee SS, aie nde a raise giv; % PEERS Reset MOS SSN NN a @ ft Be Ge one aifara than ©. coatiate per YA PRINTUL TIN we Take Our Keligion Not Too Seriously But Altogether Too Gloomily. functorily to go through the motions of meee om mournful mimicry. It your piety is a ig thing to you hin others it Sree all ihe: garlands: of Greece and the festivals of Judea, what stead? Hf the Christianization of the ne- world is to xe uniformly clad in somber suits of Sun- day blacks, with countenances to match, t can only be regarded as a, doubtful pe pee It is No use {glia ig about oe nee of faith unless we look and a really are bi is no af talent Ina nee he ven if we pass all these ey ‘OF THE LORD” in this world unless it is tue Kind of a joy that a man can see and aesine to share; the People. of are We the stores. of Kreowled ge how: to live, life's load and. despising’ tls gold. We re blind to the s and light in oN 2 wayside flowers of joy, to the sources of thankfulness. We need to lit up our eyes to sce ho world this is;how falr its 8, \ its noons, how glorious “ils hl; we are too much with the tangled chaos of our own making with God meat glowing uni- Q bi t compels the upliffed eye, the chest, and the sing Tonet, We nie fo take our faces our edgers and ta look. into other thes, to anc > for to ips, to find ue “ti the broad and upward we time to live and le making of a de ing take ear of sat tr WW After all, all our shadows ome from our suicidal solfishness, and gladnes: deep and enduring, is found are ane fe of self-giving. There will always be a song in che heart when the hands are busy with love's servi ice. Sh a fo sing to the Lord is to serve lows, for so our son stasis eke aa scon the piness, venly h COPE hea RY F, > isa chornis 0 I “Where Pets Are Made | Well nd ORG ec Smong em) olunteer thelr sarvices& whom THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 3. Lesson V. Our Heavenly Home, Golden , John 14, 2. THE LESSON WORD text of STUDIES, on the the Revised Based sion.) + the ppreciate uth, and the Lile.- the opening vers “Thereupon ore with ding depar- that Peter nce of impen ‘Then it was Shacenia neue future might have ther S neo the special i 78 in @ for apprapriafene atthe - comforting words wilh which Jesus turns the con versation from th thought of his ‘de- parture from them, to the. thought of their uiflmate reunion and home which Jesus declare lore for ean with the Fath entire chapter, together with following chapters (15-17), the same group of farewell disc issevol Jesus. Verse 1. Troubled—The prec istion at the imy rains departure of their tes ftom then together with. the yes ction of the betrayal of the Master by & trusted member of their company: had filled the disciples with sorrow and amazement . relieve In God-—A filling exhortation Jehovah, in wiv rusted. Believe also in me—The apostles have now been with Jesus sufficiently long and have come to:know his divine char. acler and power sufficiently we a: faith in him~ also, a Miho af “nberielfiiye anile ation “estat have lett ten ather’s house—The eternal eweling nae of the infinite God, and hence an expression which we are ane ly warranted in n_Inverprelnig any lo c heave only The essential idea iz that of the nearness of the heavenly Father to those who share his lovevand fav nd consequently his abiding sa P’Many mansions—Not necessarily ait feroa bree of existence or us ry of blessedness, ‘but referring [1 primarily. to. (ho adoquacy of the room for all of Christ's followers, ‘The word an the oat was offen used to desig- tate stations on a journey. Thus having in it the @ suggestion both of rest and of Progress, would have told you—An appea ‘iene faith in his candor and the lhe s of his previous teachings. e way— di manding eoalehgione = a a critical turn of mind, =the does not quite ie ‘he nelalion cl phavine Master’ a twen saying to the immediate n fullitiment of the Messianic pho es sie ses, Foreword to Tom. the Water Baby—Ad from Charles Tega Saree Caries S Minar that "never grow old." been a very much over- a worked chimney-sweep, but as Ton have one too!” back and n marched about “ate roa. st wette fellow, Be. rick. “Fe “had ttle “one, all over teeth, spinning round and round of a thre: eohing machin, od wheels he swopt together all the mi which floated In the water; all that was cr tting, Sout "alt * big as him Tt had big stomach and its head, reat were jusi “you are ugly!” and faces at him. and out popped a long arm with a pair of pincers at the end of it, and it caught ‘by the nose. ! oh! let thon let me alone,” “I want to be quiet. ‘Tom said he pout Sa the pincers let Tom him alone and and Rea ics oe Pg cestiediiskh bona ceeciie cciad “I have no one to play with. If you ea come back I will not try to cateh y Tiras noteate penatiiek you ag or not,” said the dragon. yo And away and talk to you some day,” it called ee dora was aittingiom Bwalee: uy feat oelin Nk cree Sue cea: fy, who eal cowie back tor = talk with him, wh ae Tom. hoard the strangest noise up the stream, like TOM’S ADVENTURES ~{ grunting and whining. He looked up and saw a great on “Why do you want to split?’ asked thing, all soft brown fur, rolling o eae oid cir deen no Gueaaa Catcee : m “Because my brothers and sisters hi the ees what It was, but he did all split and turned into beautiful files not kn -h wings, and I want to split, too. Do It ee out to be a beautiful cate not speak to me. Iam sure I shall split four or five times as b! ‘om i I will splt.” saa sa@lgtaisig "stout aut ollie. ead 7m stood still ae weed his diving. There were a lot of these ani- swelled up and fed and stretched mals, all playing together. Vhen thy himeeit out stift, and, a ente, Dench, ebienael ae ietae Tome ahs date? Ot his back split u nd out came a most and crie lovely, slender , but ry frail and ote hildrent aad ee something to weak, like a little child who had been it!” and came right Se showing: fil a long th It moved its legs very a set of ee rp teeth grinning pestle ene ees ak up @ grass iouth. Tom epost ag the roots of em to op of the water. Tom: Could: net: speak: for. wonder: the water-Illy as quick as he coul The fly grew strong, ai the most ome out,” said the otter, for that is lovely colors, blue, yellow and black what it w a gg ak all mau ie: and {ts wings But Tom ‘looked out and shook his e ad. You beautfrul thing!” said Tom, "€tSsmo, ehtiaren,” safd the otter In ais- and he put cut his ‘hand to catch it But gust, “it is not worth athe ation se) the one flew up in th it {s'only a nasty eft. “No,' sal aid, Ron ann not “I am not an eft,” said Tom; “efts Tama dragon-fly now, the kin ng Oe Pall have totleg! flies, ae es will dance in the sunshine n eft,’ “y sald the otter; may stay there until When Rising is Difficult rson to lean back in a 1 fo they come from?” asked of the sea, eft, the great wide @ otter sald, and then turned t sea, and as he thought he | 0 nd see the salmon and the great sea. Toward evening ew suddenly ark. ‘The thunder roared and Tom wiftly. The otter came past him with ail her family, and when she aoe (ren the sea, with us!” “Oh, stay! walt Sher ag alee “By ely thing is Ane to thought. “I will go to “Good-bye, trout?” he Pa es as he went away to the wide se angely Affected, uth—Physiclans Say that cal Swreather “attacks the nerves. Aftected One—Yes, when {t's be- [do feel awful timid and gettin’ out of bed in the jaw uae nervous about orning. “3 No one cometh unto the Father, but by me—Jesus eS to speak te Stat terms, Graves thie eomtutdiainne details. of objective 7. If ye had known me—Their rela- HH to: Aifhse)L as tne vevesiac- ot. he ‘ather was of supreme dmportan nd until tay had come to regard hia. ch they c as such they could not be said to really. eae a heneeforth—His revelation of the “Father and his Infinile love. would be ‘comple, nd their un- of the gi pose of his a would henceforth also be Phillpin: Johan's Gospel mentioned usually in connection. with Ie was like Thomas in his fe ridiiees ie insisting on the practical lest of personal experience, 9. Dost thou not know me, a) = The verb. “to know” in. this ver in verse,7-above, 1s 10 be’-takenin the donse of Mto-eeodanlza’ The direct per- Rescate Phi Hh indi- surprise and pain caused by pil in ahest ion alse, believe me for the ory works’ saks—An appeal {o faith on @ h hoe oti being of no avail, Teas reminds them the more material a Van gible-Bvidence sot. tas vinily nd his relation to the Father, which the miracles of his entire public. mini ry had furnished 12. Verily, verily—The usual formula er solemn ‘assurance an eater works than these shall he do jo miracles of a spiritual etd Bae nt as still ‘occur today in the lansformalion of character through faith in. Christ, though probably includ. ing also reference to the miracles Keating and similar acts performed wy the disciples in the early apostolic ts Wha atagegerparatial he second Pitan As inseparable fan be first. It refei the spirit in which prayer, in, or¢ der e he effective, nts be soltenet ‘That spirit is the sume esus exemplified in his 0 prayer lite. Ge Another Comforter—Or, “advo- “helper”; Greek,. paraclete. wi Mo is. {Comforter ‘and Advocate is to 10 Next sentence, tne. spin a truth—Whose func- tan it is to interpret and maintain the vit “He thet igi my commandments, nal Keepeth them—Again oe sound ause hatiente is the ott sollte cont | myself unto him—By granting's taller revelation of Rlrprace and a fuller Se of = ruth, ats Ju el af (08 riof}—Th Coalled Thaddeus Gr ae iets ante Matt. 10, 3; M 18). Sa eee a — wd Just one reason they should + roam— And there is no oth pont you aes they're Sringtig home A bouquet for mother? On a bright spring morning; But they had no. pail Tne ys and Jill went up the hill I must give you wai 23. Make our abode with him — The course of Jesus is not ended, but is con- heart of the believer thus becomes the tinued en route to the garden, Eathics. dwelling place. (combete. vate? above). ust not in either vers 5 3 ve ‘THe Dusy a the interpretation of the figurati fs ame aes aa Sas fied aki SALA Nat pea clr teacher to write an original verse 26. sete nai he my r Bs Dae ua about th ee, Alice submitted the fol- 2. Not as the world giveth—With Ese z ulterior motive of selfishness. mgt 7 fst abd be Peo 28. father is greater than I —| _ honey all the Jesus is speaking as oak ener, ie oe one who aus Ade will on con su ier tovttle one at Vanity is what makes a woman's skirts poker on a much when she 30. hnows she has pretty ~ankles Nothing i e—No thing ‘ot ‘won abt ane are kind and polite to OH oF “ara appeal laymates, what will be the result 31, Arise, let us go heave The dis- Se “They'll think they can lick me!” hod aya up his position of emuae with the Father. The prin ibe ot the w HILD it is true that Jerry Cole- ae a cy ¢ g a 223 5 5 Played the A ft Foo!" t up @nd became a fairly sis sort of chap in the opinion of his comrades, there still lurked in him a desir though at eaten ould not help resent the Biehion)tfchaa bebe given. So a argh - Auj uae jerry beckoned to Billy Mumford, latter was about to snter the School bahatnge gbithy, Jouned him at the curl gh wie wy armen Halleck tes; utes x0" ‘hispered with apparent innocence There, was absolutely is. word. r of fact, the tale seemed le to thé doughty captain Robbers,” inci ke and truthfulness. no reason for As a matt very. plaus! 8 fen emer ‘wished 19 bribe ther ik ‘onder to i mself on frien: terme with tho “gang ‘Therefore, as, soon as Billy saw that every “Robber Was present in schoo! cet ne a tebin he left car with a alate penal and a alight shuflling of the feet. All ‘rightful members observe and uni After atealthtty derstoad. school every ‘Bloody Robber? ade his way to the secret en, rock chamber near the cave's ook. “Farmer Halleck says we can go help ourselves to “is fruit~so 7 s'pose we'd better begin the helpin’ soon as possi _“AFTER THEM CAME THE BULLDOG" Billy, shortly, Ya less tha ne minute the cave had emptied dmals of youthful CESS and “Bloody Robber” rinting nce tee sine Se as though his life de= ded ‘oal. Cer= ble," quoth °} Jerry had fallen to sAHOe himself scarce 8 notice, are!’ yelled Skinny, ss ing Minos © Siar Seer ean For a moment the others were con= timed wien anges ae GE Skinny, by reason of his ae thin legs, had ar< rived there frat, but the alluring pros ct pefore: _theth uictely drove all un« hts trom thelt min ou jeck. x tins “Blogdy Robber proceeded with th go an’ % Acting upon ‘advice, ene “stui But Rrra had they reached the trees bulldog. Quick as the feroolous an< imi of the boys were akle to place themselves in aavoly among th tree limbs, while the others scuttle across the orenara Gnd Sived over the fence with that far eclipsed previous is Fagor Farm allel, made a. spetity ‘caps ture oe the six Jada treed, Hi wi as to. call them young Shoe | Billy tried to explain he aid, and ecenice served lara’ six “Robbers” recelved inv TRAY of, punishment waa e-plenty,, Fok ines was nothing. to wh at. Jer ss a hen he vontured jeemed small the nce two days 1 teringeed, th Better “not rece forth Even ag it was, Jerry di price paid for his reveng a A eqnEaT @ GIRLS ia. IN READINESS FOR MOUNTED DRILL i N Islington, say there {s station- edo regim Relveo, from infantry to cavalry with ariable facility. mind you. ways nded with the skill of Pleture these gentle maidens dashing the witnessed the drill of thesd warlike misses without being profound? ly impressed, THE AMBULANCE CORPS SENTE Folly congeals faith. haracler is controlie ed wi Silence. will end almost ste quarrel. Faith fads: its’ fulness. in triendshi ‘The eligion is for the weary, SERMON nob the I ety: y. Things readily believed are not often really belie man’s et depends on tho ideals ae ‘still cherishes. fen ten a {0 approximate to their own ee Living tor cihers ‘ia‘an imperative at the higher life, Your foes will not fear you as long $y ke el over them. Te who gives to be soon usually. has nUcione weeny -ying usually is a "pin of hiding one Diemish with 0 big Hage follows duly een may. find dnngaecofiens puketatert eave It is better-to. give without “ihinking than to think. without giving. When the church is only e place of rest it never is a place of refreshing, who does not look forward with reverence will look bac! of tomorrow from the discords of to- day. There always are few friends ‘o mourn the loss of the man who made no enemies, Keep the wolf of worry from your door and the rest will take care o themselves, hes men an in moral danger as great as those who proclaim religion eae Seaway they feel no need to prac- ise ——t It is all that some men can do to keep from being done, RECORD BLEPH ANT SHOT, Big Rogue That Was ter in Ce: Hu. Hla tis Gand big game hun ter who came into prominence at the recent elephant kraal, ion erie a lombo after a month's shooting Hatneabtote district, says the Shignbore led by a German. vion. Times, He secured pital bag, includ- Ing two papas: se buffaloes, twa ae one boar and some aa Se elephants was a rogue and ndard book on be 1 ep was the second asuremen| til ied there are as follows Holght of skull .. Breadth of skull . ate dry! Tt si Phaiy, light, Mr. Hieland says, and owing to the comparative dark Ne had to soy quite close to the anim before shooting, and as it was he we Ret able 1o get food wink Tia hasta wever, was fatal, but not instant ously so and the elephant cd, stopped brute's pro with a buls lot on the knee and the Ned over ae7 ee ewe Ye See ats = pen ere orn Aiton mice Rs ee a GPS eo GR Res Saar ELEN OIG