ay See Fed te: Ma Mitre ctive Wag, i Ta konle and ateey 5 A nation we understood little of the potentialities of salads until : comparatively few rs ag ‘ho: Those of ,middle life recollect vory w. eavier salads, such as chicken, lobster. i salmon, were the only dishes of the sort wo would have thought fit to offer at a supper I hen we ad er Ana 501 dis! ive “ove to ante value in the wih “the adaptation of French cook- has t Yev Wal Lot Yogethex WHLE ecesa Vegetales aeTE aE, ery which aken place in the 1 twenty years we have made a decided change,and on many tables we hav a variety of salada that would do credi to a Parisian chet. Not only the heavy plseom: “Arrange Sach: YausiAble; by i palade such as I have mentioned, and seit o} A ice: fghiich Sak tomat ith a score of different kinds eat ‘lined with lettuce eae: Put a of stuffings and cheese salads, but Picante ebcbag: chee a's bave learned th: When ae js served with cold meat it ptable luncheon or sup- aay. inger and tenderer leaves the @andelion, pick 1 it wel. Drain it and dry within the folds ast a clean dishtowel or in a salad bow -bolled egg cut into and pour over it a pe which has been added arate Ee onion juice. Mix the iaian. ing to th siplop ana ter 0 ahead. well with the dressing. ane isa soe: Btudy new combinations. You will find some salad for the spring of the ye you will put together with success vege- and has a Mttle bitter toe sbsut tt that is not unpleasing to the pala Dandelion and Beet Salad. epare as directed in t ing recipe, but instead of ti -botled egg mfx minced beet with the dandelion Just the dressin Ss fine may also be put lowing are worth trying: aside to cool. When entirely cold form Young Beets and Peas. it Into little nests with the spoon and / Select young beets of uniform size, hands, laying these on a flat plate. 1 boil and peel them. Out of the cen- the center of each one put the hard- tor of each cut a round or a square, Dolled yolle of an egg. Cut the whites makin a 80! basket or into slices and garnish the dish and each one. (The piece removed may the spinach nests with the rings. Serve be pu ‘ay for another sort of sal. us Geena dressing to which you ad.) “When the beets. are cold, al] Sindee tie aasne propertion them with botle reen place m0 : each ie on a curled Ietwce pe and Should you wish you can ivi welths Brebeh. oh este on separate plates, one 1 They are a little handle, Babe Uheskatyak them with a ple or fish knife. ae Beets and aaa Beans. Prepare the beets as in the preceding recipe, but instead of the peas fill them ‘with boiled string beans cut into half- \‘Beparing the Apole.ckZiad. ‘gee and Egg Salad, asparagus until 4 ut eaten in summer. At a dinner ineh lengths. These will be almost as ind cI 2 to pretty as the firet salad and quite as the tenes rage of it into anae iene my mind, ne: as much out a es good. Serve with a French dressing, Arrai thi dish, lay rings of as would bea eS of lobster or chicken facd walnlldeg ever {e snd ipinnd ties ad. ‘The green salads do not impose Vegetable Salad. Raia oollee yolks, floes Sere the — an added burden upon For this almost any cold 8 reese ba: lerve w: r @ mayon- eady xed alee meg: ba CaRG SGT “Or limon niles Groccin ak ogee bea: green peas, aniieesa: tee If I give a vcholee between the two _ ele dishes than heavy salads at and fruit. Alanine Haatand 68: suitable for the light salads Jes mall hi teh rarigthi ae cauliflower into little | The Housemothers’ , buy fuel and the Saunt not eating apples) will make that, a nd peel thei th GE HAVE been married but six months, and, having ad uo experience sn the fing house —they must pay rent anlar eee that g0 into tas liv for - r WDE a age “(2bes @ 72273 Le nae _ecaeceamE EE sift sugar over his When angry, wait unt “relieving. your rind. tomorrow he- of meal-getting. ss sum anes: while you prepar iy husband earns. $11 a. week, ae I Peanea pet, and tae udding. Do this by cut- SPoomful of salt. Stir into this mixture Canning in Cold Water # een trying to make o bits and putting iin ce asked your Family to around the Weekly ake-dish, eee: aan report upon canning tn cold water. put wat Shed an eaten. : writing them!’ when I reflect upon on top. Now take theeamecttok! beni mnors and suppers are certainly a tb sg effort has cost her. Y the: tau parings from the | fire and rub th. because the jar w: problem, Kindly weggest some sirople She asks me priek —as my zara: the pulp through a colander back into ght ‘Then mould into loaves, and when J calso, notic Seca we we nara am byt avanter mia 9 dott's biey- the water In which they were cookéd, ake inva steady aren Te Un Slenetracine 10 Ws; no one ym to call for ad- Sweeten this and pour over the pud- will make four loaves. house. I do not have vice. And cvervthing te ©, badd ie ity af: ding. Cover the bake-dish and cook mi ur ip fel foe : a mnt oar fo Rte Poe Ree aE ren iGehL Ata eee te, Uses aoe you abi earn our ee “omen with the Pala of 5 “ thane cS ait spoonful. of sugar. shut it si in the Sees nde ae Ah eee tatag Ai ‘Two regrets arise in the mind of the oven for two minutes. Eat hot or cold. feb Ae ce Or +S A port, bet oes eee you jooe a rf if not sweet ssaeh oF Soha taste,“ | wiih’ kerosene: . success of the experiment. I am si waiting NES fort a c SO LPC, O22 LD Oe. Ze AAP Family Meals for a Week SUNDAY BREAKFAST, Grapefruit, rice polled in milk eaten with cream, fillets of flounders, popovers, toast, tan and coffee, LUNCHEON, Cold mutton (a left-over), a baked welsh TabbIE) steatoee: Chips frail esd served in banana skins, toasted crackers and Swiss cheese, chorolate biano mange. and cream, cake, tea, Mulligataw soup, roast beet with ronnie pudding, souffle of onions (a left- magaron{ with, tomato sauce, tpsy Dares Pouaake Son) MONDAY BREAKFAST. eaten tewed prunes and hominy ith 1d sw Trench bacon ani peppers, toast, tea, and coffee. Btey cream, rolls. (heated), LUN Becitoped clam: Daked tonst, mewn tatoes, graham bread and nd= iene texan ion, conte. DINNER, aded, beef a hed potatoes, black coffee. ‘eaterday's soup with okra Ja. mode sh fried aalslty caste ple TUESDAY BREAKFAST, Oranges, cracked wheat. and cream, scrambled eggs, muffins, toast, tea and oftee, Beet te tettover, potato putt (a Tettuce salad, crack- and Pik esneaaalibbaey; Cold left-over) ers and cheese, DINNER, Cream-of-spaghett! 5 cheese, ‘veal stew with eens sees Bina wets sual Diack sp with Parmesan dumplings, ch, jee raisins, nuts and sauce, WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST. SU sige ltr bacon and fried mush m bread, toast, tea and coffee, LUNCHEON. Cod steaks, stuffed potatoes eal rufina Tetteee malady beachera: kan seat tea, INNER. Creaia-ot-rptiach sous (6 1S eyse Ss ton chops en casserole, stewed purine dieenot prure ie eae epee aan dlack coffee THURSDAY BREAKIAST. vhlte 4 croam, creamed con (8 eva Wi ae ae bread, nd coffee, t LUNCHEO? Bavory ‘ew of jltton snd. gata age macedoine salad Ie ratte tat el eae eocastaset moaning yeieh ara sauce, tea. DINNER. Beat gray soup with Daria: Gleam Shickta botied. tes, caulihoren, ag rtare, cottage ‘puddin FRIDAY BREAKFAST. Fruit, cereal and cream, melts, prabinns, Dunst, ea Ga Sees eee 2° readed = baba, earings: dn Sone tato salad, peanut sandwiches, crackers and ch, alesen. wae csereieere oy EE Jam, cake and cocoa. DINNE! Cit chowder. baker Hallbat with Paaiay aise sauce, whipped potatoes, spir suet= and-raisin. pudding with lemion palice, Blase coftee, SATURDAY BREAKFAST, imeal porridge and ‘ream, ‘con (and! cegn, rieé mudin, toait Rea LUNCHEON, uiopedbalibal(e Neth oven) aay aay lettuce and celery salad, crackers Ie Canis lk eingentread earptrcet peter ae (a vettcover eon ettes, splpaci weet potato eet Potato soup, noreday) tack, done entirely. different, 4 from es or transparent puddi Lemon ples either eh native recipe for Pepemseny calls fo wa siete. the s freely frome one ano new recipe to the donor ous old penetra books we treasure now as we+would rolls of Ngyptian papyri. Dish a recipe from the eat tow with dumplings Init. T think they ad no. sho ke forma an at to re mad An einen able’? Some years ago T cut Pines be somber able YM you favor “dumps dings ‘ain After dilige book and cook: a vehCes upon you refer found your eyes and Dump! reh through scrap ne gs for Veal Stew. A Few New Wnunkles = oks Cc. ane oats hae ale an im t with (cold), ils after using housewives, pe Ve 8 possi- : Y ny ef= ect sion ik een discov- ered that if 8 run through a pi the odor w a this ea surely be helpful to those women who are interested in household af- * fair It has been a difficulty to manage abbage and rela tions of so that the fume: do not enter rest of the house, This may be done by covering the in which the vegetable is cook-= to keeps the 1 of se his din: absorb all ter of the house in {i is being prepared norance for Modern and Improved Bathroom Fittings ard ae Kl will cover the, cost of that ful of flour, sifted twice with a ‘ow them inte cold. dinner—or forty, if you add bread and | an your numbers are. good: z is ir agp rok eae ade S THE “progress of oe Saas eee ee: chem thang Ac yer Seve eae CARE are ot glen OF eOMtee- Atter thin No, 4. It T might append toes 8 n told in thi Of butter, Rub or ¢ oh | ‘out A marches on, the fittings of U nedy ‘vatore oe esa sor ien'ds! are contig: to: toni than off re 1e,,- gp. AG GHIA TRG hater watces ier eked sag e apchae a ter into the prepared Nour: wet the modern bathroom are 1 Bae ie wite, pave had applica the Shells, and slice thie ae ee eee * a voft “dough our souk hands ahery ¥eabern for the place of a Dockiceeper herore duarter of an Inch thick, Break a fourth Next week Twill give you 4 re eine fF your mind by gett! fellow- eens A fi ough Into balls and drop ime ments are ho could add up a line of figures in sim- °8E, a) ng the white to go into the @ meat dish that, will make a dinner pejng's inind, write the terter an Cheesecake Eee ia ran gaak fig. ven' aidutenes Thay Sere Sperestaln fs ple addition, Pudding John likes, beat the yolk and and a luncheon, and cost but 15 cefits. “pola it over until nest day. Tead ding mould be ready at the same time with the lain stools to replace the wooden Lot that pass! Wh was a chila1 “ip the sliced egg into it. Next, roll the | in all. tet earetuwy © then’ twles- ada’ tt You published Bae ago a recipe for Ag. Shey metcciuniiny with, wale hairs, and vel used te hear the poultidatly disposed te in cracker-crumbs; set in a cold cana chances are one thousand against one Cheesecake.” 1 never ‘str se made of be a Sti +3 s being m wi lemons, boys sing a cams paign song of which I Place for an is and try fo a tight Suggestions and Recipes that you will not send it. gehs by ane “aon from 2 irgintan | ahd ate So that these:implements may not be se nd lay h ros aie 1. Herewith please find recipe for mak- I ‘Mrs. . W." would add “th bute s af too slippery on h and lay upon @ hot dish, pouring about ing aerated ‘bread, carked for'tn tate to 1" aerated bread defi c ee ‘ant ine TOPE LRM tein. Sy The ai aes y are em a Hittle white ce or gravy. , issue of the Exchan; nite instruction”as to the quantity of — fUnBy ¢\ made with a davoring on, change. ming, PoRp dishes “and: etch: things, hey oe Toast triangles of stale bread and lay caer can: yee se. This fs, T think, the have, tin sicen of citron tala thickly ono ned and coverea with a thin layer Pet a an eee yeni frst necipe we have had for the broad fra nn Nomen, weintyelin ong of ms and Of Cork, ‘which keeps them clean and otatoes with it, and follow wi @ pint ef boiling water up: this Nn pose. If the bought citron let me xnow if I have found Tie ig! renders the’ b: i o) they must lve on $11 c. rs pint of new mili adda tabiospoomtue — BAMEG. uid make ft:as explicit. ._ pest for thie Durpote nai: oves ml Saat he bathnos mae ae ber week. ‘That =a brown Betty Three apples (c cashing: each, of sugar and of ag caniespamntul ca: GS possible, a caee RP Bates ie thing. ip pabtisie @oneneied (ever sosemeensrerenn ~ : FATE OF MULTAN F Pesan : ce ; — = eee ass - ~. | ANY UNIFORMS, sre ihe discatdia garments of some creas wet Fs feo, the. besants thy. purelived bythe natives, 1 have for the last twent sin years Ive heen leented tue mundsed fie Sune Mie ike ode {im the pi a ‘ ay into the erior of the the. blacks of “Afriea solemnly w purchased by Mv. Hyman, dred front the Jade ag Tteukor sdesgended, fotawwed yh ; Many Once Worn. by bet ae Regi. niny, ani explorers and, travellers “aout with Rusepedn waisteonts Buller : marae ae ES ob relat eae ; aa z ments Sold to African rehs, neve 2 ent Wed how’ they have met a ‘up beiind instead of in front and «sen THE MONKEYS MUTINIED ring v0 sips | athe am . ‘The world’s « biggest oid ye Sets is native king eentral wearing «sen wearing Tadies’ Gostumes. 1 hav Spisace oe ree no, rest -am eae f ap a asa from the Heading German hotels. costume that put them in tind of @ Tile. seen enormously. big fellows wearing _.. 4 ; Parties of the: monkess re ind in the London thoroughfare showy aniitary costumes and. guartsman’s “unfor ot : Wour Hundred Took Possession of the inns seer ot flduodeditch, 11-18 presided oxen be ete le Rasiya ee td fe tat al rim ins, Bethaps, garmen's thal for the life of me 1 eou : i crafty simian, known, Just te'soan i John Horoestewine ta anti eons ce ne ay hes he eit and badly in need of a ile plpe- ict imagine how. they, managed to get + as the piel meney, Teeently, Pash: “suuparviiy the tille of the Pringe of Old Clothes, f ie Ht A ean ev muctr prized by the into thei’ and dun ‘afraid when they drunken ‘ KS, picked up a bes place in (he Rigs to Wiis. Individual, that. the Lord ced, 15 ou Ae wie the he ower si ees en a ied to tale. them off some of the lite, staggering about the deoks of the Bri @ pin oF otter handy. object, _ ‘ Mayor of London, our army sie: our sere ihsee Webiation’ be tt ' is Por ors 60 Latah i H ‘a ren e y- raunfels, Pat arrived ay bet! ack up the riggin: . S soir, str, cish rn {he romance of! the whole busi-. the-old clothes establishment an Cutout earn the shewy costumes’ at Philadelphia recently, fom Caleu jeer or. men eer at patatla oiambe - at peeeeerdin oes bt eee “quanlily of showy. wearing “ap iparel. vic ics rd Mayors of London rved to banish ennui fro ie envy pee aes the di DARDS: mat he 3 arthon am for them, says London aie Sie he recog goer 3 ite mp also They find it. makes Pare prese ae for noi ae a Se market abroad as lives of a ay and crew on a dull animals would vet fly their fever’ o . a well be called he cost ee a the dusky native kings. and ite aid one well the anes tunic of a private soldier, Sunday at sea. fins or a missiles. WISE, PREACHER. of Africa. ‘The goods ave sent known trave ler to ‘the. taprietor the 5 np: Then, nov only ad aff iter old: Clothes abroad in itigesbales Salk halk contain. other tay, *r ailing Uk SFE E ee ee ae ees Concilen of the antmals was the thing could be done to round up . “Tommy; you have been to chureli tWO | ; Bs ay, “There is nothing like: showy “After his wer Be ma Mayor has result of a prank three days ago by the mut nimals he b> Of this country find their way heré, but ing from 206 to 260 articles. waUNatctcatilaaal &. black ng to ality ecurehags te Gioiat doe! ee yw has wae ons nei ee eras iad A cok siunaay'n Eee ee ne . ver tO 6 a ons aH SES-a: RTS ee = £ B- af © river th oat ” 3 fre Contents Se Sout eae oe to 49) Wales are sent as a aye it £0 lake your party through bis coun- Beeat rigcut of ati scene eRe Can pS eg for morning the captain deo in’ Ketols Me ee eon ieee Nae : j fe ahilp- MsaINS yee a ached a hal Evidently s e mpainine with ‘the pe To ot ures. He took @ large quantity of Bae andy bps - of the most miscellaneous gai They Bq to all: patts of the world *P have Yislied most of the great Ore pads coste about eral mola mixed it ree quaris of was going tale about Jonah an’ the on Felten te pe bo PAL Lia sof oo nadia, China find” ki ~ ay ental bazs: where Gur clothing is sold,” ‘pis term of office he panes ot ‘vb to ‘he family, Lizzie, who hi ite te tehanai tot of bran and putting It nm pans placed Safe bet peony ns per i Fepresentalives on Japan. i iy’ sdidghr, Hynitoh, “and 1 Have wetcted “beootia hone ener Trae ee yy bedpeatl decks pistes ‘es eagerly boug! the Continent, Io ese Ou will native t no Sel] then th ihe Dr The official oos- Mayo) with much amusement our goods being tumes worn ky London's Lord ve where the monkeys were confined, and it cba the decks. nds issppeared, “AUracted by oh, T had to go again today 16 hear akoul ths white,’ Hay sae He