Bk fl “Every Inch OF It---’ Clean ! Dust takes its toll of wearing apparel. It grinds ita ‘way into the fabric and, unless checked, eoon tdkes all the life — out of a garment. Get your money's worth of service out of your clothes by -“ ged at regular intervals. Joe Lockhart The Tailor We call and deliver. your having them cleaned and pres-~ Easter: us well as every other Easter events occasion » Seals, Pretty Cut-outs as rab- _ bits, “chicks, egg bask- thereg are Crepe Napkins, ets and. other material for decorative or party have use. We also purple and white erepe paper; also Greeting Cards in ap- propriate designs. ELLIOTT & GREER Quality and Service Gable’s Old Stand Phone 138. Listowel. ;that no gove' a ze F . ‘ * j r ~ : We now have a full - ' § line of Fertilizer “in. "4 stock, specially prepar- in stock. able for eced. _ # ed for flowers, lawns Lard, Basifirst. Fresh Cured Meats ov" ‘bien a few bags of } potatoes on hand, suit- 4 ; er ae oy NOT CON- ba aget iee Whig) Mr: Gc, cIntosh, North Battleford, vice for ‘every ne roe up in his-p use Commons and interrupted Hon. 8. F. Tolmie, of Victoria, Ma ees akkted that Mr. Dunning controlled -the newspa- Sackeatchewan, no Rp er M.P., ° atchewan, prompliy told BM Mr. Tolmie rnment controlled his]. pers. It’s a habit poli have— Conservative and Liberal—this ‘talking about “controlling” newspa- e gone, never to re- Most wepaper men naind thety iaabinanee as much asa member of parliament does his. AS TO INCOME TAXES (Ottawa Journal) ~ The United States sacome Tax ag auctfon Bill has bee eve Under it Gremstbind like $300. - 000 is cut off our neigbhor’s f bil ‘in one fell swoop, and 2,800, re 4 nce mericans who paid income. 1938 will. be ns os Sereiner in Ths is a fine eek 08 ies United States; a-serious thing for Canada. This country, if it ‘is ever qoiite to'at- tract capital, develop its resources, and keep its people at home, keep the scale of its taxation as low as that of the United ee There is no need to labor the reaso But we = not doing thet. To-day uae States taxation (so far as in- mes ane: eonears ned) is not more ‘uae a fifth of taxation ..in Can Canadian business men, in addition to being subjected to frequently un- fair competition, through lack of ad- equate protection, are burdened with an additional handicap of heaVier taxation than their American compet- itors. The consequences, inescapably, are ba The worst feature of the situation is that there is no prospect of a change. During the election Mr. Robb and Mr: King promised lower income taxes, but few familiar with the ex- isting position expect fulfilment of the promise. The simple truth is that we are still spending money reckless- ly, using it for purely political pur- poses, and adding day after day tol our annual fixed charges. One has but to look through the auditor-gen-| eral’s report for last year, and study Mr. King’s legislative programme for this year, to realize the hopelessness of our position. THOSE BOYS FROM oronto Star) When Mr. Dunning resignea the premiership of Saskatchewan an was succeeded by Mr. Gardiner, we remarked upon the fact that one small section of Huron county, near Exeter,-had raised three youths who had become western premiers--Gard- iner and Martin of Saskatchewan and bag ig be of Manitoba. . J. Ephriam Elliott, who is him-! a old. Huron boy, tells us that have not told half the.story— that Hon. Arthur Meighen, ex- ro ier of Canada, was a boy in the same vicinity and that boys exported ri that county are the prop and stay of the whole Dominion in politics, the professions and business. John Willison was one of many who could be mentioned among disting- ulshed native sons. The Clinton News-Record states that when Prem- fer Dunning resigned the premier- Ship of Saskatchewan three Huron old boys were memvers of his cab- inet, and if the choice had not fallen on Mr. Gardiner, it might have gone to one of the other two, the Hon. ba _ Dante or the Hon. Cc. M. Hawil HURON "The young men of Huron and Bruce counties poured in a_ eteady Stream into the western provinces and are to be f the forefront of affa While Hon. A. Denning éame out Bnelend. but a few years ago @ arm hand, it is -worth veewiie that his successor, Premier Gardiner, went west from ~: Huron county at the age of seventeen on one of the harvesters’ excursions which are run every season. He Went west and grew up with _ the country, as: Many another has done and will do. jle everyone cannot be born in Huron county—or even in Bruce or Grey—yet there is for everyone, in the success of these men, the lesson that a man does not need to have a fine start in life in order his get to the front before the finish WHERE WILL IT END? (Kincardine Review-Reporter) “Inspector Hill, of the A- musement Tax Dept., has “just announced that in future all churches that intend holding an entertainment must make an epplication to.the department at Toronto ten days prior - to the date of the intended enter- tainment. He-gives as reason that many churches have been evading the law by paying art- ists) and o helped on the program. This is a contravention of the law.” er example o nee tax tha a only burdened the < ches, De or ganizations re and this e@ a erie ie the working} fo that de- notice fof the “brilliant” 1 t myth.°The day of the politically Sod i deste organ Q “MOON” - ; 2 nar the point where they believe their! 1 found Sera in] The above ap oches ate is anoth- “Tr syen more pplbienis: Age The eet: ic service amateur geri elubs with an en- dies. If a church. to wal Bi rng or ea tthe kiddies with his, ihe et permission and also Departmen ust Iterally as te the bables to pay the salar: ies of & group the: amusement tax et public service, organizations and s0 people raised a eae holler about it. It is ple ueen's Park. Why must such meth- ods of taxation be used ‘ OR MILK; BUTTER (From the Wausau Record idteraia) According to a peor sige report given out by R. R. Runke, secretary of the Marathon County Guernsey| E f : u tax; fie issue, will be met squarely and n. Plans’ are now being set in motion whereby a nationwide ap- peal will be made to every dairym: enlisting hie business and economic reasoning in behalf of his own in- terest. Dairymen here have analyzed the issue of the return of unrestrict- liquor traffic and have reached * interests are pone aia To them it means ‘Booze ter. “Moon” vs. Ik. The following questionnaire sent to approximately 1000 representative dairymen of Marathon county indi- coe a program of thought never before submitted to them in a sim- flar light. It follows: e Je eae “There ma issue in the question of. prohibition, but oe dpe in these parts are not al- lowing it to eclipse the involved ec- pin issue in any’ way. Dairymen e ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ in their person- a hs it of living in relation to liq- uor, but when they see hundreds of millions of American dollars .which are now being spent for ‘butter, cream, milk, ice cream, cheese, etc. in danger of being diverted from their industry to that of any other, their thought evolution will border on a thought revolution before our next congressional eléctions “This new vision of the. American dairyman puts him on a new pro- gram that will sweep the country in- to a new era of thought, health, wealth and general prosperity. A program of business education and industrial dairy promotion through civic, social, commercial and profes- sional organzation throughout _ fhe im periléd. vs. But- of useless spect-1 Lint ny are wc dace short‘of a lot of poli lood-suckers. on = . BOOZE" OR WE CALL THIS LIFE We pany this. life, that. ‘is life's prep- We call this lite, “@ little time of tears; : ae think you Godefor this designed crea A few short years? , Lae is all, then why these worlds und us, a Are prion skies, and undiscovered stars? I Pavey theugh one little world we ‘ und .us first freshens. The why Goa made Mars? ~ profitable cow is the long-time pro- ducer. A cow to be a “‘good’* producer in your section of the country ehould give at least 200 pounds of butter- fat. Cows that give 300 pounds of A mitiion spheres, and onrs one tiny Eternity, and earth a little span——. I cannot think for this that God be- it, a butterfat or more per year . not That God made man. at all uncommon. I eat, I drink, a little gold 1 win me,| » : pee pit Seon - gee for gs pa Sy . ut some e some other 25,973,928 Motor thing within me Vehicles in World Does none of these. , ’ . is My cot a little use for earthly The world had 25,973,928 automo- tive vehicles in operation on January} comes aot to table, wears no. siik 273,000 in excess of that for a year before. While the United States predomi-| nated overwhelmingly in automotive] vehicles in operation ig ae. 9$99,- niet other oountitee we ore’ tmportant haps mare it- ath had 1,474,578 machines running; Franee, 855,000; Ganada, 727,594; Germany,. 539, 830; Italy, 184,700; Argentina, 181, 250; Brazil, 64,950, and Russia, 18,56 So many things ue soul has naught to do with; To which | the man of flesh so fondly clings Shall that soul die when these things, ‘ "lam through with, ~ “3 ‘The teshly things? oo - for men an earthly habi- The 6 body soll in which the soul may ‘ nor w Commerce - ater ging figures,} With all cil . dara finds its compiled as a result o world-wide cal 1 census, disclosed that this total is 3,- The beautl ' HOW TO ENROLL member of the Leaf Club cece io Pree toueee: courage in 24 yen’ ef Maple Lent milled and teated as to igs cruoces in 2 fe bee itssd £37 possible its sale er ar cae Gis Moaictat Ge mity and the Gret four lessons of eee once, the - month—withou' Apparently the Rigtia. ‘shies the This Itle life is but the preparation | automobile is least desired is Tibet, The soul must for the search disclosed vary one ma-, 4nd then some day aan 's errors ov- chine there, a motorcyc ercome him PF January 1 total tor passeuger| The body falls, the sou) alone is wise, alone was 20,799,151, against| And ng wt — pes takes ohe 18.5 578,7 smal wor rom him i ae + ine — Givés him the skies. ~—Douglas Mallosh. Banner Want Ads. Sell Scotland, A Listowel man calls his wife “angel” because she never seems to have any clothes, is always-in the air about something, and never. wil}| quit harping. * BANNER ADS. PAY A Paisley, thread com- pany—is- reported to have madé’ a ne profit of twenty-one million dollars from the sales of its products last year. Others sew and the. company does the reaping. , nations is being rapidly “The dairyman will show his ‘tel- low citizen that the ice cream cone, the glass of milk, or the. portion of butter is worth more te America than a frothy pot of beer. The form- er will develop a stronger and better | citizenship, while the latter eventu- ; ally destroys it. The former g6up- ps ports. the greatest basic’ wealth pro- paneing industry of America, while the latter maintains merely a few unscrupulous and-intemperate brew- ers and distillers. “American dairymen may eternal- ly set tariffs and legislative subsid- ies for their protection against cheap foreign dairy production. but what avai] it is to them if they are to permit unrestricted Hquor traffic at the hazard of positive and abso- lute destruction of their own busi- ness? National dairy publications herald this movement as one of the oe of the past decade.” Salles Your’Problems At School Yourself Why do you ask teacher or some classmate to solve that ‘hard prob- len?? Do it yourself. You might as well let some one else eat your din- ner-as “do your sums" for you. It is in studying as in eating; he that does it gets the benefit, not he that sees it done. In almost any school I would give more for what the teacher learns than for what the best pupil learns, simply because he teficher is compelled to solve all the hard questions and answer the diffi- cult questions, for the lazy boys. Do not ask the teacher to parse all the difficult words, or assist you in the performance of any of your: duties. De it yourself. Do not CREAM WANTED If you produce good cream and want the best results under the Ee pA om aeaicen, ship your cream to The Palm Cream- ery. Our Creamery will be operated 24 hours a day in the ‘hot weather and your cream, will be in our Creamery and graded 15 minutes after arrival in Palmerston. Thus assuring the farmer who produces good cream the best possible grade and price We loan our patrons cans and pay cash for each can of cream re- ceived. You can ship on any train any day and be assured of RG . as coe Flour, Feed & Seeds BUY HOME GROWN SEEDS $11.00 bus. No. I Peel County Alfalfa Seed No. Home Grown Red 'Clover seed. $18.00 bus. No..1 Home Grown Alsike Clover — $14.00 bus. © No. 1 Timothy Seed . $5:50 bus. No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover _ $4.50 bus. No. 1 Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover $4.50 na Chopping Done Satisfactorily and Promptly T en C.H. SMITH, Phone 256 prompt delivery and pay. Send. us a trial can to-day. THE PALM CREAMERY CO. il PALMERSTON ALFALFA MEAL ou have heard about it, But Have You Tried It? If you sacviat es ten don’t-be satisfied until you do. Don't take the word of the fellow who hasn't tried it. Get a few hundred Ibe. 1. — sedge oe years ago the writer and one other man init- iated experiments with wheat: screenings. They could be bought for three dollars per ton, plus freight. But nobody wanted them. = four years they went.up to $16 per ton—half their present price. To predict that in twenty year’s time from now alfalfa meal will pa . eolid and as staple a factor in: agricul- tural economy, ig just as safe. I am stating that alfalfa meal and Dran half meh ‘halt ig Metter than bran, alone. Alfalfa meal costs less at the present time. Now is to give . it a fair trial. - $25 per ton at J.. W. Sangster’s;Seed House Fred Render’ s Store L. Pfeffer Milling Co. : W. Lamont, Molesworth | ask for even a hint from anybody: Try again. Every trial Increases your abflity,| and you will Beto rat succeed by dint of the very and strength pees in th this. effort, even if at firet he problem is far beyond your skill. i thes the study gna not the answer] What Makes t really rewards your pains. a Look. at that stings who has saree eeded, after. six. hours, perhaps hard study. How his eye ‘ls it up with Ms pene joy as he marches He recites like a conqueror, and welt he may. His page weak school mate, who gaye up that same prob- lem gieee the first faint trial, ere,——a those boys who stood yesterday, side by side. They will never stand to- r-| gether as equals again. @ boy that did it for himself has vee: a stride upward, and, age is better stil, Bovine strength for sréater ones. The ers who waited to t both st Sookie 7a aidy ad Saksons look! s0me excuse to give up hoth aclionl and bis 5 Cedybe ——Albert N. Raub in ‘ ment to make this tax as bothersome} see others do it has pene - DIDN'T KNOW A clergyman met a parishioner of p, Sibolnte cao You Tired ? Not hard work, but the struggle to digest rich, heavy foods which clog and overtax the system. To achieve efficiency, confine sanaesl: to a whole- some, easily digested diet, with a basis of Milk Made Bread The allcenerey food; nihide of quality ingredients. This bread provides you with the wide-awake —— That pret: meccees in ely treet: ss The Banner's . thle Lae be al Banner and Daily Globe .........05.. 0600 ee Pee hermieret, 2, eo | Banner and-Family Herald and Weiter Star: cn ee tee BOOS Banner and Farmers’ Sun ......%... od Keres oe See Banner and Toronto Daily Star .. ...... settee eee eee 6 TR Banner and Daily Walt.and Beapire 6. 262.0004 Pa 6 75 Banner and London Advertiser (Morning Edition) ..... 6 76 Danner and London Free Press(Morning Edition) ..... 8 76 Banner and Canadian: Countryman .........;..++. 3 00 Banner and -Farmers’ WOONES «ns 0 ie ve ne oS ~- 3 00 Banner and Stratford Herald (Datiy) .......:. & 75 Banner and Montreal Weekly Witness .............. -+ 4 00. Banner and oe eye seine al tet eesweeeele 4:06 Banner and Presbyterian ....6. 4.068 sacace Pee r a ee | Banner and Canadian Poultry Journal . erry iy Banner and Youth's po sree ctvee peevevdne cane SB Banner and Northern Messenger veers severe, 8 OO Banner and the New Outlook ......: 2. c0000ee0005 . & o Banner and Toronto World, (Daily Bdition) ........:. “6 76 Banner and Farm and Dairy .....6s.cs050 cee vecuees 2 OO” Banner and Canadian Farmer ..........eseesecesnes BOO Banner and World Wide Sesser eee w adam ener enn een ee tes 4 60 Banner an@ MacLean's' Magazine .........+++ssssees $75 Banner an@ Saturday Evening Post’... .:..%.-..+.5. & @8 Banner/an@ Ladies’ Home Journal .....,.....--..+--. 8 00 | - Banner and Ottawa Parm.deurnal ...-..--.+ +++. 0004 _ ee r) above ublications may be obtained by Banner AE Sogn sosantnntion, tke the price for any publication r the figure given less $2.00, representing the price of ‘The ‘Thee prices are for addresses in Canada oF Great Britain. If the pablication you want is not fa the above list let ue know. We = Bh yaa any wn Canadien or mia » rices are ‘oak te BAteloe! Gqnd subscription by pest edlce or exprems order to. Banner Pub, Cae