pO oe ee ee ee: M : if: : , ca - Thureday, Jan. Sch, ied A "+4 - on a Spf + ~ Ends Saturday, on | January 14th Every Article in the Windows Will be Sold to the Person Offering the H ighest Bid i ae P Rey at Your 0 g) i Chocolates, Cigars, Toilet Articles, Ivory Goods, School Supplies, Cotgh Cures, Tonics, Stationery, Etc. Paper and ‘tee Supplied Free to | pidders. = SALE STARTS NOW AND ENDS SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th : Reet T he Rexall Store ee VA N° a D R U G Hae Phone 145 ss | — \ _ pey aa ie = : Pp - - be f i ss . * * . we = . : * © 4 _. - aa (8 «-* =? a OS ie Py ; ——" * ' "., . ‘ - . “ fant He ss . ts 5+ “ - h Fete : " * : i = a, Le al Parry - =— a ; , - ‘ : a 3 dF " 4 > 5 af bs 4 a”)6=—C seh te “ i= . bs 3 7 = is oy . “= t a eta ee ee OY Oa vo ee | : ee ee eee ee ee ~ewrt wit et "er - rej tee ita cena iil q tT " J me sat, 8 nse a vere ure we . ee ee ee re ea A mae 4,8 . : r ’ : 4“ , _ ' - S ee ——e J ita , irae ies P.) _ Es te Soll Lease ee ite! ett oe rs +. 4 ie — a ‘Tol "ay 4 . - sit c eee ae _ . 4 . ~~. Fi ¢ ; ese Mae eS, IT te Woe ee 0 he ot f Miss Bessie Russell of Gn't. spent Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Garmble and§& | Friday and Saturday with friends in| son Leélie from Fruitiend epent the ,§ — | Listowel and spent New Yaars at the; Christmas holidays wich Migs Agnes bees of Mr.--and Mrs. F. FHI in; Anderson. | Winghem. Mr. Harr: Muriay and : — | Mr. Orwell Weber ot Listowel, also : Mr. and Mrs. Fooks and deuutdecell Mrs. ¢. - Wettlaufer - vatncees" this} epent New Years the:*. Minnie and Margaret of Stratford,| week to her home in Buffalo, after) Mr. Oswald Scott ro:urned to Tor spent New Years at tie home of Mr./spending a couple of weeks 4t the) onto on Friday, after epending a few and Mrs. Henry Horne. Jr., Listowel.| home of Mayor and Mrs. John Wat-| days at the home of his father, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Anson George and| son. tJ. W. Scott. '] j three children of Metrolt. were) Mr. J. H. Gee was ‘n Kincurdine; Mrs. J. 0. Harnie spent last week) ec Ors O pe guests over Christmas and Now this week on business with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Douglas’ ‘ Years at the home of Mrs. George’s| Mr, and Mrs.-S. A McD-nald of! at Wroxeter, and with her eon, Mr. mother, Mrs. Hugh Tipping. Galt, were New Year ruests at the! J. R. Hardie at Molesworth. / 1 fowel / e , Mr. Lloyd Gilkinson visited| home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeDon-| Mise Betty Graham ef the Listowel Ss ‘ , 3 friends in Walkerton this week. ald. Memorial Hospital staff, svent New : «3 . Mr, and Mrs, A. G. Alexander en-| Mrs, Hugh Burne of St, Marys, was] Years at her home near Lueknow. ae ) , | tertained New —_ oe Pani — a guest over New Years at the home| Mr. James Y. Niccl as Rpligctags I wish to thank the e- | _ ander'’s brother anc sisters, r.|of Mrs. Wm. Haddow. spent the New Year holiday with . ; ander and Mrs. Moorehead of Brit- Mr. and Mrs. Chas Rioutledre and father, Rev. J. M. Nic and .s‘ster, lectors of Listowel for f Robert Alexander, Miss Ellen Alex- daughter, Gwen, spent Ney. Years Mies Flora Nicol. ‘ their vote and hearty : . ton. - at the home of Mr. and Mre. Horne Mrs. Mover of Toronto, «pent the Mr. and Mrs. E: 8 Hay returned at Palmerston. week end in Listowel at the home support. in electing me today to their home {n Dayton, Ohio, Miss Agnes McGi'tivray returned! of her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. G. to the Board of Educa- after spending the bolidaye at the Tuesday to Brantford sfter epending| Stricker. home of the former's raother, Mre. J.|the holiday at the heme of her par-| Miss Margaret Jacaues spent New tion for-1928. I will try N. Hay. mel Fathi ents, — and bak “ie Manant Ne Yeare at her home a* eee ee, | at all times to work for , f 7 Mr. George rkwood who is em- Mr. m McConashy snant ew Mrs. Robert Lester an ¥. . , , ployed in a daily paper at Worcester,’ Years at his home | in Newton. (Blake of Elmira, spent New Years. at the best interests of the : . Shown by | | pe Mass. ‘and a former emplovee of The Mr. and Mre. Cectl Vandrick and|the home of Mr. and Mre. James town. Banner, is spending » week in Lis-| family, spent New Yeurs at the home} Frank. towel with irsends. wean _ of Mr. and Mreé. J. D Miler, Kitch- Mr. and oy Joe pn by ae pte : . ; M C £ th Ca Pa F M ‘ s \Q OL i cine at, . I tn wee ‘ wc a uae this as at the come of oe Mr. Hugh Halliday of-Tcronio, was a ka teares et dirs. Cevasu's parenté DR. WV © G. E. : Fr... onway,- ‘Oo € na a ur anu- ) SPENCE | facturing Co. of Toronto Dr. and Mre. James Moore. in Listowel a few days this week. in Hanover. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Dr. J. Moore was !n To:onto this Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stecne and Mr. and Mrs. James - Moorehead week on business. family of Palmerston spert Newland Lorne spent New Years’ with Mr. Robert Cain ve‘urned to Tor-| Years at the home of Mr. and Mre.j relatives in Wingham. onto on Saturday, after spending the| D, Lennox. Mies Vivian Ciaytsn left. Monday holidays with his pacente. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White return-| afternoon for Sault Ste. Mario, after Mrs. J. Cain. On Friday evening ajed Wednesday to thcir home _ injgpending the holiday at the home of number of his boy friands arranged| Brooklyn, N.Y., after epending the} her father, Mr. W. R. Clayton and - —— ae ee eee ee. - * * a supper which was served by Mr./ Christmas and New Year holiday at’ sister, Miss A. Clayton. TT ee 7 Dew Lee at the Princ? Cafe. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.! Master Vern Abram spent a. fewlia sc a aa area th an 2th Mrs. C. B. Dietrich epent the week] Zurbrigg. days last week with Mr. ard Mre./i5 s end visiting at the tkcme cf her| Mr. J. H. Pickering of London,| Lorne Love of Atwood. Fy “ats 3 danghter, Mrs. Amsey Riehm, Toron-i formerly of Listowel. was in town Mr. Leonard Krauter of the Bank} fi , ‘e to. this week. of Montreal, Acton, visited with Mr. z - ‘ ts _- J. gg of Pig ecg cna . Mr. Ed. Candler of Laremie Wy-j| and Mrs. Maxwell!) Abram th‘s week. |} A reciation = few days this week at the hrme of|oming, visited with h‘s naphew, Mr. Russell Krauter and Albert Krau-|/& pp ai Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemsworth. Fred Westlake, over New Years. ter visited “with their unc’e, Thos.|/F , -& Not ; if the history of our town has an +e Ke Mr. Liovd Schiimm has returned Miss Nora Chamney returned to! MeDonald at Walton, this week. e, ‘ } 1 to Guelph, after spending the holi-| Hamilton on Monday, after «pending Mica Myrtle Lemmex and Wilbert ’ opportunity like this come to you to eS Oe eee .—... . days at the — of nis parents, Mr.|/the Christmas and New Years hoil-| Lemmex returned to Detroit on Mon- - ea 5 and Mrs. E. Schlimm. daye with her parents, Mr. and Mre.} day, after spending the New Year/|& ee : b : Miss Grant of Wroxeter. Mr. and| Ed. Chamney. holiday with their parents, Mr. and = It is with sincere appre- & purchasea Fur Coat where you can uy Mrs. Robert Clark of Seaforth and Mr. Oscar Nickel returned Tues-| Mre. George Lemmex 3 Mr. Johnaton of Bivth e«:ert New/day to Kingston, after spending the Mrs. W. P. Rennie and Mr. Melvin Years at the home c* Mr aid Mrs.|Wolidays with his parents Mr. andj Rennie spent Saturday and Sunday W. Cc. Clark. _Mrs. Fred Nickel. with friends in Srtatford. Mr. M. Slega} wae in Toronto this The Misees Arlyn and Wiima Nick- Mr. Richard Thorns of Mtchell, week on business. _ el eperit New Years with friends in| spent New Years with frierdsc in Lis- Mr. N. A. Gibson and sone. spent; Stratford. | towel. New Yeare at the hrme of Mr. and Mre. W. F. Schnock and Mrs. Mac Mr. and Mre. Joe Leckhirt epent Mrs. D. Armstrong, Fordwich. Abram and Vern spant Nev Years at! New Years with friends in Millbank. Roland Gibson is spending this|the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Bricker and week at the home of his avrt, Mré.!| Krauter, at Ethel. family of Blora, spen* New Years in D. Armstrong, Fordwich. Mrs. Wm. Ringler spent a few daye} Lietowel with Mrs. Bricker’+ parents, Mr. Morton George retvrned Tues-|this week at Munro eat the home of!]Mr. and Mrs. 8. Corry. day to Kingston, after speading the/her daurtiter, Mrs. Jefferson. Mrs. Harold Fritz of Toronto, holidays at the home of hic parents, Miss Leanor Cobean of-+ Elmira.j}epent New Years at the ham- of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. George. epent New Years in Listowrl at the) and Mre. George. Fritz. Mr. Wesley McKay and daughter.,|/home of Mrs. Ed. Mct.aughlin, Miss Eva Metcalfe of London, was Verna of Stratford, eneut Now Yeare Mies Phyllis Kilgore spent New! a guest over New Years af the home in Listowel at the hom of his moth-! Years with friends in St. Thomes. of Mr. and Mrs. Car! Gray. er, Mrs. W. McKay. Mrs. John Lytle of Gowansitcwn, is Mies J. Dean retuned Monday to Mr. R. T, Kidd has returned to} visiting at the home of Mrs. Fd. Mc-| Toronto after spending the holidays} London, after spending the hosidays! Laughlin. at the home of her eieter, Mrs. R. G. ~ , with his mother, Mrs. R..T. Kidd. Mr. Frank Terry has reiurned to} Lye. ‘eiation that I thank the } citizens of Listowel, who & by their support and con- % fidence elected-me coun- cri BI. Think of It! “i ae ee FM $12,000 Worth Of Furs T 6 Choose F rom! | lf Remember ne Dates---January lith and 12th JOHN McDONALD _ The Store with the Reputation LIST OWEL #44 with confidence from your own dealer. er rhe Cw i ————————— — Poem me ee ee | ru | #. RAN on TR \ TEE a© Miss Jean McIntyre har returned| Toronto, after spending New Years Miss M. Green of London, spent te Grand Valley, and Miss Mae Me-jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.| New Years with her ‘triend, Miss ‘» Intyre to Toronto, aftor spending the|Hay. Mrs, Terry is remaining in Lis-| Helen Fritz. holidays at the home of Mr. and Mre.|towel for afew days. Mies Helen Parker returned Mon- 6 W. A. Britton. Mrs. Percy Raines of Goaerich, day to her home in’ Detrvif, after M Sincere : Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Anderson of De-! spent g@ few daye this week rt the} visiting at the home of Mr and Mr# y troit, were guests over New Yearé}/honie of Mr .and Mrs. George Kaines.| J. R. Vernon for a fow days. . at the home of the former’s parents,|; Mies Mary Jermyn spent New; Dr, Harry MeCormick *f Detroit, 7 h an ks Mr. and Mre. T. G. Anderson. Years and a few days: this week with! Dr. Wesley McCormirx of Tvronto, Mr. J. H. O’Brien of Torontc, was! friends in Owen Sound. and Rev. R. J. McCormick and eon a guest over New Years at the home| Mr. J. G. Spence of Toroutc, spent} of Hamilton, epent the holiday week of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Anderson. New Years at the home of his broth-| with their father, Mr. Whitfeld Mc- Dr. and Mre. Howard McLachlan/er, Dr. W. G. E. Spence. Cormick. of Port Dover, were suests over New Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bailey of ys Mr. R. W. Willis haa eg to Years at the home ‘vf the former’s| Mich., spent New Years and this} Windsor after spending the holidays . : sincere ap- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McLach-| week at the home of Mra. Hailey’6} with his mother, Mrs. E. J. Willis. It na with P lan. ,| mother. Mrs. C. Zilliax. | Miss Ruth Fefkar has returned preciation that I thank Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Welsh an Mr. and Mrs; Laverne nechtel| home after spending the paet wee sus - Yamily of Palmeretorn anent Newland Mr. Gideon Knechtel of Kiteh-| with friends In Toronto. the citizens of Listowel Years at the home of Mre. J. A. Kel-| ener, spent New Years in Listcwel at! Miss Pearl Ferguson of Owen who, by their support ELECTORS! — . Your Vote What of those seeking \relief, only to find that they waited too long? ae the home of Rev, and Mis, Ee os Sound spent New Years with friends 3 : 4 Mrs. Siegner of Newton, 1rd Mrs.| Wagner. Mrs necht®l an r. G.! in town. elected Lee Herbert of Detroit, spent last} Knochtel remained and spent 2 few Mr. Wellington Fisher ard Mr. and confidence, cte W A. ohnstone : week visiting at the home of Mr. and] days HERS. of a1 a = ours tg Atel te Bik me to the 1928 council. Eye Specialist > ‘Mrs. J. H. Gee. Mr. and Mrs. vin Benne 0 niversity on Tuesday after spending set aed . 3 . Galt, were New Yeare guesis at. the; the holidays at the home of their Much Appreciated, T hank You home of Mr. and Mrr. E PP. Ben-; parents. nett. Mrs. Scott of Toroato, eyent the Mr. Harold Kopas cf -Waterloo,| New Year holiday at the home of Mr. spent the week end’ ¥ th frieuds in and Mrs. James Stewart. -Listowel. ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coleman of .. Mr. David Bell of Atwooeé, spent! Sarnia, and Mr.and Mrs. Lawrence With Every Wish for a Successful Year’s ‘ Work By the Entire Council ge ‘Red and ‘PRINCESS * White Store New Years with his pa) cate | here. = Wenzel bs dc ig sn ~ New rece is ae + Zo ‘i Mr. Alvif. Kelly returned to bis; at the home o r. an irs. uis| See ee en ee ‘ ; duties at Palmerston today, after} Wenzel. .- | espectiully i ours-- . pest bn: : ‘spending the holidays in Listowel Mr. E. M. Roth of Hamilton, epent = : ) , } , wees S ial This W ek with his mother, Mrs. J. A. Key. the week end with his i parents, tm ame | E et a at SPL Bre fm" : pec CekK. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gamble and Mayor and Mrs. Jolin Watsor. mi 8 | SA RECT! m ‘ son. Lesiie, returned Wednesday to; WILSON—MUOORE : t | eo . | , their home in Fruitlard, after spend- A very pretty wedding wis solem- ; To the , | ect rarer Cooking Onions, 8 lbs 25c ing the holidaye in Listowel with! nized at “Elmhurst” the home of Mr. | relatives. é A. Reid Moore, stowed on Tuesday, ; Monda & Tuesday Mr. Ronald Cox sprnt New Years! Jan. Srd, 1928. when néice, Miss : y : at the home of his sister in St. Thom-| A. Lenore Moore wae ne ed ct mar- . . . Be ils . “ s as. riage to Mr. Harry Fliliott on of thes Bebe D ain iels — Mr. and Mrs. R. A Crrrie andison of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, The Palm family of Wingham, spent New Aggy Moorefield, Ontario. Tho marriage in Lietowel with Mr. and Mra. was solemnized by Rev. E F. Arm- Town of Listowel | fe 6s Gir ? / ‘Kemp. , strong, Listowel, - : Sea “ Dis ~ “ ADVERTISE IN THE BANNER We wish to thank the. capecarsaie of the 4 Town’of Listowel very sincerely for the: did majority given.in. favor of the by-] _ the vote on Shea last. We he pres Re much sO Usteing a support by the ee: aniQrthe.pras y of the t town. oe Nuts, Oranges and Christmas Candies at _ Special Low Prices. The Misses Kathleen and Gladys; The bride who wee given away by{| Somp returned to Detroit On TUGS-| her uncle, was gowned tn Wi'te crepe — > eee day, after spending the holiday at/satin her.veil beld_ir place by a 4 , their home in town. . wreath of orange blorsomz. She car-|— Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. Campbell Gibson. retarned to ped ophelia roses me lily of Bn | Toronto on Tuesday, * naing| valley and jen ip fame as} ‘ . the holidays at the home of his. tmoth-' Rhea Moore was her ejster’s brides- I wish you to aecept my a Mre. Edith Gibson. “a | maid, wearing Pas Peis apple green thanks for. the very hand-_ _ Mie meu Bennert of Horawich @atin and tullé and carried premiag over New Yea sfaltae oo oe Bight. of, tho bride’: friends! te “Eaith Gi BE dty Deo gsh tat ohare o r. 2 rm. Wo A a , 4 Ei) twa Woys. Oliver. be said wine spent ere entte bell. Tho ere ae | “age eee oR In ote Ewen } j j j ; ; _— —EEE——E——eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeEeEeEeeEeeee eo We are on a new year in Our so far successfut business and - fake 2 Farrel our friend, the to. our best ee eee at ” ] j hi ] po wy yeaa poecpanes Sis Bootp eae groom supported by Rev. Wm. Mitchell of! 2) | Ashburn. During oh signing cf thei # Be vat Bus | haa a ca debt acta rae : bas pe veri ’ ae t. s ae " i” “4 - ' : F i a ’ +e . z . soe * = .* ' . « fo ah "i “ I ie " 4 ‘ * ‘ , tren : we “= * =? « - whe 7 a? E ; — = i? ' hl att = FS 7 ale rh = 4 : ' eo “ . =. ed ~ = tary; “ae +) She oe jy el od ty ad ~-“ argh * ee re, I : —+ oa ee oe i J '. alate a F ‘ . 7 - ss * ‘ * 7 tated “ey ‘ Je 4 re “J ‘ aay) = . ‘ . . ¥ : ./ : : + a ne Tie . : 3 , + adiea s . Plas ‘ e ue - o] * a a Soe. mg “Te ae «f er r 5 “i a ‘ 7 oo * x ‘ J ‘ ] F _-" =e g “ fony| T Ties 4 A Yo a > > Laos in ae ea. ry alle . — +s - al ao C' - 7 As 4 fe * a ee i +m + ee ee oh the ee eee in / : - il nee - ia pres ve" . 4 — © e i he =, e'5% ; rig al ~ ad fs hil MS, oh 6 A ze ak ; ra ey é. eae a _— + ; 7 tic h } Siete pote # tt Sa Boe ieee 2 *. at alia Tr ri eg ares { > - Ff i. a. nil en 7 ee: = “<" a3: r= ¢ ae a ar. . » * oe a fy ’ ’ 2% ie “t - J i ees r Lh pore ‘ . 73 Qeveenyl TR att 1 °F. “4 oy : q A .. , WT Ewe ‘) a". os a -< oo 7 4 - . > a 4 —_— i ' ‘ “> a y ay ie Soe on - ‘ am rf) cs oe » | « . . r = . 3 - t = ia) é 2 : - ‘¢ « "> ; 5p 7 ' . 4 “az a5 Z ; rr ehialses = alt 3) 2 f ; 2a aot a 9 it He “ft i ; a? - 4 Lf ae en P a) ” 4 4 : ef f=. °atpiys a 7 ts a 7° Cae > ! x" . a _— > ne aati dare J Ser) | - 7 2 ‘ 1 Z De Phe a ts 4 é . r “ ri f a? . ~~ a “ “a, “2 spin.” q Aner us SW tece Ty F wi < 2's * 23 ae TS Z aos te, c wa +h " P ’ ‘ “ . ' ee ae on . “ sor i r oe) ae — | is ly *“. “ - apt renee - — £ a - - r if eae am ’ phe? ie POS. i eee oe } Seen et . eG Le ee TES 2 Aen © 5 a) . ve ere ig Sa th a. te ‘ ' é _. i) \ j ‘ ae ee ' . “ Be Lal ee Fi i . 4 - > bi = a i“ 1) 34 4." a ' . oe . * * : = - ‘ i “ak 4. Se : * a at oe i Fem. \ j ~ | tae » “es “ey x 4 7 . - * 4 ‘ * . va 7, LP) « Se ae SS Les oh =~ at