Listowel Banner, 12 Jan 1928, p. 8

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to en nie Alias Lydia Moore wis a gucet this spent a few days this week ‘n Listow- . Sound. i- Mrs. R. A. Currie one-denghter, Virginia of Wingharo, % ‘tan days this week vieitins _ hom ana Mr. and tt Wm. Oke. re Ho sm ir. arta Mrs. Roy Roy Collins and baby ‘have returned f*om M))verton,| “We ‘eolicit the help of readers , of this page in making it newsy. Persons leaving tows or naving visitors are requestcd te call 61. Accounts: of portice. vUances, marriages and socis! announce- ments are requested Cal! us and ¢ell ue the news or mail us an account of your social ectivi- ties. If the items are maiied to the oftice they must bear the sig- nature of the sender. not for. publication, ‘but as eviience of good faith,” : —_—{_—— : Miss Rub? Smith is vis‘ London. Mrs. Chas, Zilliax spe"! last in Milverton. in Friday pci: Pare Mies M. Sutherlanu visited friends in London last week. - a Mr. T. L. Hamilton waain Ioronto last week on business en eed Gordon Dier'tem spent a few > this week in Londpn. dr. Frank Caruso ix. v'siting friends in Arthur thts week. oo —-0-— Mies Lydia Good is spend‘ng a few daye in Listowel at her home. ——- Mr. Gordon Fritz spent the week end visiting friends in Miiver:on. —O— Mr Agnew of New hamburg, was in Listowel todav on business. a P Mrs. A. G. Savage spent a few daye this week with friends in Stratford. ——-=- Mrs. Lloyd Forbes ‘s visiting this week in Lucknow at tho homo cf her parents. Mrs. W. E. every Thureday from o'clock p. m. home six —o-~ Clark wi'l ‘be at four to —— Mrs. (Dr.) W. G. EF. Spence visi- ted a few days thiis week in Toronto with friends. ——()——— Mr. Merk Eves of Patrmerston, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mre. J. H. Bender. i —— Mr. Edward Clark epeut the past week visiting with frieuds neat Cran- brook and Walton. ‘ —_0O— Mr. George Binning of Windeor, is visiting at the home of ‘is father, Mr. W. E. Binning. — Mr. Kenneth Seaman of Mimonton| fis spending a few wesks at the home of his parents in town. —, Mrs. Jack Binning @epent the week end at tae her mother, Mre. R. K Hall. —) —- Beacon-Heralt—Mrs. over Stratford, Lome of nf Stratford R. K. Gonder was in Listowel the week end visiting friends. on = (J Mise. Viola Bender fs couple of weeks at the home ef parents on the 6th -en. We'lace, ——-0—: Miss tsabel Chamnev «peat the week end with her friend Miss Bee- sie Schneider, 3rd con, Watlace. —o— Mrs. Grace Blougn of Guelph, spent a few days last seek with Mrs. Lizzie Adams, Main street, East. , —o-- Mr. Frank Lee <f Kincardine, epent a few days las* week at the home of his mother, Mrs. C. A. Lee. Clifford, sponding a her —f}—— Mre. Edgar Schauy of el with her sister. Mrs. Jcc Caruso. —_ William Kravier of Petroit, Listzwe! this Russo! Krau- Mr. spent a few days in week with hie son, My. ter. — W Az, Strat- week at the home of Mre Moore, Arlington Aparimenis, ford. ——f}—— Mrs. E. M. Creighton ara Ruth re- turned home Saturdar. after visiting at the home of her pcren‘s in Owen . —o-—= Mr.‘and Mre. Sarll of Stratford spent the week end visitirg at the home of Mre. Sarrll’'s mu‘her, Mrs. Mitchell. ee visited . this week with her parente, Vr. and Mrs. R. T. Kemp. ood 4 Mr. George. Kirkwood icit Tues- Gay for Woroster, Mass, *fter ¢pend- ing a week at the hu..te of Mr. and Mre. James Ross. a —o— Mrs. Frank Terry hes returned to Toronto, after epending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hay. — — Wires. Reuben Shewfcit of Tiverton, @pent a few days this weeb :n Lis- towel at the home of er daughter, Mrs. D. A. Campbell — . The Miases Molly Wanzer and Kate Nicol have returned te Trronto after @pending a few weeka at the hume of their parents in town. oo Mre. (Dr.) Harry Monnt of Rochester, Minn., spent a fsv days in Listowel this week with hor sister Mrs. (Dr.) F. C. Wilson. . & —_o— Mr. Gordon Oke of Union spent a at the e of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Payne be] they had been visiting with § parents, Mr. and Mrs, -_—_O— Rup é) and pone % ait ge Jack, pg month Satine: at the home - Filins ‘| Strachan school, | ruary.—London Frec 1} left. rhiz “seek to}. *s na Con, ahaa Ritch | - Mesers. ‘Hyelop an? Mark were ta Kincardine this week. —_—O-—- Mr. Louis Pfeffer was in Milverton today on sdepmnaip sc Mr. J. R. Burgess Bea in Atiilbank -— Tuesday on business. ee Mr. and Mrs. Geore Meyinirry are visiting friends in Carthage for a few days. Mr. Orville Hill of Stratford visi- ted at the home of Mr. J. A. Wateon on Tuesday. Mr. George Fallis of Detroit, visi- ted hi cousin, Mrs. J. A Watocn on Saturgay Dr. Frank Gray of FPitteburg, Pa., is spending this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mis. F.. J. Gray. —o— Miss Jennie Porter of Mew York, is visiting at the heme of her aunt, Mrs. Violet Zilliax. ” —o— Mr. and Mre. J. Heme arid Miss Amy spent the week e:d holiday with relatives in Listowel —Pulmerston Spectator. ‘ a , Mr. C. O. Tatham. and Gum Woodstock, week with his mother, Mra: am. editor of Rod visited -this S. Tath- me Phe Mr. James Faliis and Mis, J. A. Wateon, uttended the funeral of their cousin, Mra. Hugh Bride in Paimers- ton on Satufday. —_—o0— Mrs. Ed. Chamney returned home Tuesday evening from Kitchener, where she had been spend'z:z¢ week at the home of her ‘taughter, Mre. Harold Hall. ee Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Batiey return- ed Saturday to their home in Flint, Mich., after visiting far a few days at the home of Mrs. Brlley’s mother, Mrs. ©. Zilliax. Semel anata Mr. Chas. Osier rcturned home Saturday after an extended visit with friends in Detroit, and with his brother, Capt. Henry Ceier. at Mar- ine City, Mich. — oT Miss Patricia Harailton returned Tuesday to her studies at Hishop Tororto after viaei- ting at the home of her perents, Mr. and Mre. J. C. Hamilton. Her mother accompanied her to the cin. Engagagements eo Mr. Edward Costes, Tiowbridge, announces the engagcment of his eldest daughter, Eva Marion, to OH- ver J. Stewart, son cf Mr. and Mrs: James Stewart, Gorrie, the marriage to take place quietly in the near future. *” © ve . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eliiott, Wil- ton Grove, wish to announce tne en- gagement of their daughter, Frances! Marianne; to James Gordon Kirk, M. D.,.of Litowel, sen cr Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk of Glarworth, the marriage to take place early in Feb- ress. IN MEMORIAM ALEXANDER-—In loving memory of our dear husband and father and brother, John C. Alexander, who departed this life January 2nd, 1927. Trueting him to Thee J.ord Jesus, Let us love and serve Thee more, Till our days on earth are over, And we meet on that bright shore. — v. Ts ae Waward = as yi Siimark: ton on’ Tuesday audttting ihe books of the Horticultural pocicty:: Taking Short Coarse Miss Edna Smith, “nd line Grey, left on Monday for (Gue'ph, where bear hose take a sho~t corre at the on The Blackmore-Han ‘itor Co. have | naa a few alterations made to their office. Golf Club Meeting—- The annuai meeting of the sthare- holders and members of ttre L'etowel Golf and Country Clr will be held in the public library, Fridey, Jan. 20th. Shareholders meeting at 7,30 p.m., annual meeting at § jm. “all members are requested to atterd. Now Located In Office— Mr. D. G.. Gampbel!. B.A., Barrie- ter and Solicitor, beg to announce late Mr. Terhune, cver Poitcn and Jolinston’s office, Wa'!nce St. <A Attended Dairymen's Convention-—— Amone the dairymen from this Jo- cality ‘attending the annv.l conven- tion held at London this week were Mr. ‘J. R. Burgess of Listowel,” Mr. Bell of Carthage, Mr. Elwin Schnei- der of Wallace ,and “1. Wes. Krotz of Millbank. ForMer Residents’ Visit Her — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me:zier - of Montreal, former well known _ reai- dent of the 3rd con., Wal'aco .return- ed Tuesday to their heme, after spefiding an enjoyable week visiting friends in Listowel and on the 3rd con, Card of Thanks— Mr. and Mrs. Alex jergtsen take this means of exn:easing their thanks and appreciation ta friends and neighbors for their kindness shown in their recent é6ad »ereave- ment, and aleo™for ‘floral tributes received. Will Install Officers— Th local lodge of rne Inc-pendent Order of Oddfellows will kLeld the semi-annual installation of cfficers on Monday evening, Jar. 23ré. Diatrict Deputy Grand Master .V. F: Little of Monkton and suite will be present to conduct the ceremony. Entertained Friends—- Mrs. Harry Peppler enterthined a number of friends atc her bome on Wednesday evening sand ° . pleasant time was enjoyed by «ll, Mra. Pep- has been employed ir towr, ing for Kitchener vbortiv and the social was held in her honcr. Has Holstein Herd Tested-— Dr. Torrey of Stratford inspector of herde, visited the farm of ?fr. Bert Cleland on Thursday of laet week and again on Monday of thie week end-eave his herd-of- Holstsine a sat- isfactory test. The entir= h-rd came through with flying colors. -This- is the fifth year that Mr. Clelard has had his herd tasted. Ladies’ Aid Elect Officers— The following officers were elected on Wednesday afternoon “7 the Ladies’ Aid of Mayne United church: Hon President; Mrs. ‘Rev.» Hart, Pres., Mrs. McCabe; vice-pres.. Mrs. Irwin ,Master: sec., Mre. G. Fauat; treas.. Miss Ruby Master: organist, Mre. John Schaefer; floral «* mmittee Mrs. Marshall Jacques and Mrs. Wm Bell. ° Pleasantly Surprised-— On returning to hor bome on Mon- day evening last, ehoitly after nine o'clock, Mrs. Jacob Arkenmen was) ~—Evéf fémembered by Wife and Family and Sisters. - oe WILSON—In loving T.emory of our dear mother, Martha Ana Wiison, who died one year ar) or Jan. 12th, 1927, Days of sadness will come over us, Friends may think the wound is} healed, But they little know the eorruy That lies within the heart cealed. con- Inserte? by the family. o is | McLAUGHLIN—In loving memory of Joseph McLaugnhi.n who dapart- ed this life on the lith« day of January, 1927. In a near and silent vravervard Where the trees and branches wave Lies a true and loving father In a cold and eilent frave. You are not forgotten. dear hisband, Nor will you ever bs, As long as life and memory last I will always rememorer thee. The happy hours We -onee enjoyed How sweet the memory sfil! But death has left a vacant space This world can never fill, Mother, daughtors aud eons. Thank You Instead of sending receipts by mail, which in each case requires two cants postage, The Banner takes this more convenient method of acknowledging receipt of the fol- lowing new subscriptions er renew- als, received during the past few days, and for which those remitting will please ——. our thanks. Thureday, sintaey 12th, y Hh tap . Mr. John McClory, Clyde, Ohto. Mr. W. G. Inglis, Stratford. Miss Hazel Lowry, Drookirn N.Y. Mr, gi Mody ai A pes " Be = ® ~ + Bri * : aay é ' a ; a "id ‘ " nr %, 0 i Ll * i Ne *, a Desk ard Z eS ae ** ; . ; ewe ‘aia ot 4 TP tate - y Vapind » ree +| pleasantly surprised when m«mbers| of her family had gathvred In her ab- sence. It was the oec16l.u cl her birthday and she wae preeonted with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and other gifts and a social hour was en- sh A dainty luncheon was eserv- ed. } ‘ Can’t Talk to Wife, “Even my husband couldn't talk Vinol has made me 1 diTs-ent and happy woman.’’—Mre N. MeCail. Vinol ts a compound of tron, phosphates, cod Hver peptone, etc. The very FIRST bottle mekes you sleep better and have a FIG appe- tite. Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK tbe iron, phosphates, stc., give new life d pep. Vinol tastes d#licious. Cre gh- ton’s Drug Store. — ra ET IS PT EES Real good opportunity for purchasing mining security opening. Watch This Space A TA SR ee ADOLPH Correspondent for ERNEST S. HILL - nday | PS i, rn fa. oe ee Wi eran fhe - ree ae See W ay a .. Special iy: the Tieiere, Clamkot ae cs nee ocean» t #~p | | Dies In ‘Toronto— _ that he is now occuv:ing the law office heretofore. occupied by Mr. RB} G. MacFarlane, Barrister, acd the | nedy is a brother of Mr. F. pler's-aister, Miss Luella P:ast, who} is. leav-} -Too Cross & Nervous. to me, I was so corres and nervous.) = < # eriahde hope for a speeds recovery His son, Mr. E. G. Matthews of Tor om," spent Monday with his father. ges She | The death ‘oceurr™ at 12) Park Ave, Toronto, on Friday, January 6th 1928, of Miss Letitia Riddeli, former- ly of Listowel. The fvuerel was held on Saturday from the above address and interment was made in King heemétery. Miss Riddri,’s sister pass ed away in Listowet ja July of last year. Leaves for Elgin, 11L— Mr. Albert Nickel, who ner been spending the past several weeks in Listowe at the homie of his nnrente, Mr. and Mre. Fred Sickel, Jeff ‘on Friday last for Blgin. ti'., whore he will resume’ his duties wit* the Elgin Watch Co... Mr. Nicke!] came heme to assist in the store of Mr. W. A. Jchn- stone during the Chrietmas 6cwcn. ‘will be “Canada’s Travatecred to St. Marys— Mr. J. A. Kennedy. who Laa been) with the Prudential insurance Co.) at Mt. Forest, has been transferred’ to the St. Marys office. an* arsumes| his new duties Jan. 24rd. Mr. Ken-| A Ken-| nedy is a brother of Mr. EF. A. Ken-| staff, and visited the !%ca! cfice this! week. i Report of Molesworth Institute— The monthly meeting the Moles-! worth Women’s Institue wis held at| the home of Miss Marraret Mcewen: on January 5, 1928. ‘there being; twenty-two membera present The} meeting was opened by singing the) opening ode, The winn‘es <¢f last meeting were read aml acon ed. The roll call was answered by each mem- i ber reading a verse. Mrs. Birks Robertson read a paper 91 “Good form in public Place,’ Miss Edna Smith gave a recitution entitled “His answer.’ Mrs. Guts vave a paper on “Apple Dumpling” Mise Jean MacDonald and Mrs. Leraont) gang a duet. The roll cll for next; month will be a verse on Vaipntine or domestic, Mrs. Henry foe, in- vited the Institute tv her bouwne for L.the next meeting. bake meeting .clos- ed by singing the Natfons! Anthem, after which Mrs. AicEwen. served lunch. ee eee Red oad | White Store = { =, es A. Few Special Lines a ee > ee ee ee a | Home-made Sauerkraut -2 lbs 15¢ | Oysters in Pint | Jars 45c Oranges all at _ ial Reduced | *Prines While { They Last ———— Spec Diana Sweets _ for 3 Light Lunches Hot Drinks Fresh, Homemade Candy al-. ways at our store. Service &/Quality Is Our Motto “ rear acenrrat xo Died In Hie Sleep— oad » Sec iies <~.¥. Ee ioe id aii? eh tine! wae’ 8 oy at In last week's ae the ‘china eee ae j}of William Stevenson. who away in Wyoming, ws oublished./~ Further particulars have since received and it is learned that Mr.|- Stevenson died in his aleep. His wife was not aware that he’ had pueped! , ‘away untifahe attempted to awaken him about seven o'clock if. the morn-) ing. Death was dus to Leart ‘fatl- ure, The Toronto’ Daily Star bas again announced that In ernjunciion with the papers in Canada. t conduct the Oratoritail competitions. The subject Fiiture’ but any subject may be used in the ind‘vidual school competitions. Tis echool competitions must b> hel* nor later than March let. The Cansdian win- ner will be given a free trip to Europe. ail ain } JANUARY SPECIALS —at— T he Rexall Store Swiss bait in roo. 6% tin. 45e - ‘(imported Confeciivn) Artstyle Chocolates. reg. $3 [Olav ah we awed oe can $2 hvtatele iineotaten: reg. $4 LOn es << w<08 thee . $2.75 Tuckett's Cigars, Irate, 10 Oe — . -80¢ Tuckett’s Gisars: Fanstoas, 10: f6P..n eeu Ee se STS tt Aimond Bigom Exe: , for chapped hands, reg. €0¢...38¢ Paradis Talcum,. rer. 7TEc..45e¢ Jonteel Bath Satta, reg. $1, for. ‘a , «a we . «67c Cod Liver. 01 Fmulsion, Oe. ere 68c Fancy Rubber Aprons. reg. $1. for sow 1 ib Caramels fur........ 39c _1 tb English M-Jasses Mints: —_ for 40c French Svork Hair Brush $1.50 Paradis Perfume, 1. .z ..$1.25 VAN’S DRUG STORE Health * es = # © + © * © #* © oeeesee e@#efe aw eewveenr eee In Business For Yorr All Kinds . JAMES | ATHAS, BEBO at re -_| ace _y "yee are rise | Dida a wets ‘Prop. he | SadptmicmcaheccediPian a om . - eee wee + ee * a Dement ! ‘Any Coat uP to $27 for By ger bree eld Sasa! than aie vis on W. A, Loe —e We are TAKING STOCK DURING this PERIOD. RATHER THAN TAKE IN, we would PREFER to SHEL OUT. Ws ARE NOT BUYING, WE ARE SELLING. If prices will tempt you on any MATCHINGS in DINNERWARE-- ODD LOTS---we will meet you half way. On April Ist-- we are FORCED TO ~ VACATE this store. Make us an OFFER on the TYPEWRIT- ER and the PIANO. Everything Must Go! Soon you will not--- because you cannot--- Trade at THE BAZAAR! All Colors MBAR welts, Rte , ih ie | =, "; i i j } — we ee ee ee ee eee eee eee EO SE ee —— ‘ Stock Talim g Clearance Remnants! Remnants! — Now Is Your Chance To Buy Just What You Want AT ABOUT HALF PRICE From Our Remnant Counter. Woollens, Cottons, Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Towellings, Cottonades, Curtaining, Table Linens, Sateens, Comforter Chintz, Silks, Dress Goods, Fiannels---and Anything You Want! | Men’s Winter Overcoats To Clear nay Coat up to secon for Meee 8G De OS: OY Ss ‘Ladies’ buckle a | oshes, to Ch * om i eee piemanentldmatamnieentenaliiete oo _ onthe nent eMmer3-a SACRED ton "MONDAY & TUESDAY = Emil Jannings ‘Variety WEDNES. & THURS. _ Evelyn Brent aj ~~ Lawrence Gi ; —in— “Love ‘Em a Leave ‘Em” All Lengths Come Barly! 4 kth pee a tes poe snk ee “ Te OO at os ed MCE Ae EE RO LA rk ee lL oe. eee oe —— ik ae ee - 4“ — . ‘ Be iets eed ed . ae “ ne a # o* Ye = . aie » —* ea c aid ee ’ \ Q et a a” + : ‘ ah 2 “* : 7: Saat ~ * « 5 ' i *~ ‘

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