Listowel Banner, 12 Jan 1928, p. 2

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‘ugh > ismess S t _....s—saiK<._ B. MORPHY, K.C.. es aneer, solicitor for Bank of Com- -* \ merce, Listowel, Milverton, Atwood. —s Mlomey to loan. Office over J. A. Hacking’s Drug Store, Main 8t. L towel. oy "J. ©. HAMILTON, B.A. i... Barrister, Conveyancer,.. Solicitor tS for the Impéridl Bank of Canada. sf Money to loan. Office on south side Fr of Main street, over Zinn’s store. a Bonds for Bale. \ > i C. MORTON SCOTT, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey-' ancer Office over Bank of Montreal, Wallace Street. D. G. CAMPBELL, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer Johnston's office, Wallace street. Phones—oilice 88. Residence 2138. << "DENTAL Ww. G. E. SPENCE = LEGAL | Office temporarily at Bolton &, } SR No mother in this enlightened agc }would give ber baby something she |did not know was perfectly harmless, Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist; especially when a few drope of plain Department of Universiey of Penn-!Castoria will right a baby’s stomach, sylvania, Philadelphia; also gradu-!and end almost any little ill. Fret-}siderably in the past fiw weeks, and ate of The Royal College of Dental} fulness and fever, too; it seems nc Surgeons, Toronto. Office over!time until everything is serene. Schinbein’s store. | For painless extraction we use nit-| rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct-| ive anaesthesia. Shek R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.8.; D.DS. os Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un- iversity. . Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. Office over J. C. McDonald’s store. . Phone 60. -—--. 88. C. WILSON, L.Ds.; DD Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons, Toronto University Phone 23 for appointments. Office over Red and White Store AUCTIONEER W. J. Dowd Sells for others and always eells to others. ‘NARIONAL FARM AGENCY Phone 246, Listowel. AUCTIONEERS Miller and Henderson Satisfaction guaranteed Terme reasonable - Write or phone 76°W, Milverton Orders for sales van be left at Banzer office. MEDICAL A. G. SHIELL, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Surgery. Phone 13 Office Inkerman Street. West, Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. ¥. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat 3 Graduate in medicine, -Universils of Toronto... Late aséistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s . Bye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng> 53 St. S@ratford. Phone 267 | be at Queen's Hotel, Lis- Il, on the Monday in the mot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE companies: alge accident, su- That's the beauty of Castoria; ite gontie influence seems just what is neenled. It does all that castor oil might accomplish, without shock tc the system. Without tae evil_taatec. It’s delicious! Betng purely vege- jable, you can give it as often” as there’s a sign of colic; constipation: diarrhea; or need to aid-sound, nat- ural sleep. Fletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! Besides, the of| book on care and feeding of babies that comes with’ Fletcher's Castoria is worth its weight in gold. Children Cry for Metchers. CasToriA ae ee [na Hurry? HENEVER you ‘want a_ printing job immediately and yet you want to be as- - sured that it be a good job, call on us. Our or- ganization and equip- ment are flexible en- ough to accommodatea special rush demand. When ia a hurry call ‘lafy, plate glass and insure Antomobile insur- 865 ots. per 100. Your business . .B. D. BOLTON. “The Banner | Patronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the “Joenée more “take Over the duties oi} business fren and citinens of A\ii'dmay Just one warning: it t& genuine;- .. FUNERAI ™RECTOR pk | W.F. Mc LAUGHLIN @ptbalkmer and Funeral Director —- Grm@ate of Canadian einbalming - @cthool. Reelience and parlors, Mam ate? St “@ne ond a half blocks easf of ¥ Fahetst church. Night and day calls promptly attended. Phone 227. 9 Motor or horse drawn equipment as SERRE oe 3 desired . desdetenbetecinbetnctetbeetebeletnteeeinteeetet _} — rHE WINNrR a24 we? ; “Noone ie 60 poor that he cannot afford to be thrifty. No one is 60 rich that he does not need to be thrifty. “The™ margin between success and — ~ failure, between a réepectable Pp in life and oblivion, is very narrow; it is measured, ya single word-—thr'ft. The one who saves ie the bwho will win.--Celvin La ” 5 Lee eee ee ree ore. La = nsec 4 Cook’s Regulating Compound reliable reguletin hn rte " eid is deen ae of strength—No. 1, $1; Ks. $3; No. 3, $5 per. box. Bold | all drugg gent sent on receipt of price © pamphlet. Address: THE COCK MEDICINE CO. TOROWTO,ONT. (Formerly Windsor? Fame of Band Spre»ding— The Kitehener Urdiex Band. which wae orgaiize® two -earn ago, may take a trip late next s*:immer to the Pacific coast. Sa maty . offers the executive of the Fitchensr Musi- cal Society will short!y me-t to con- sider the project, wi.ich was inves- tigated to a certain extent inst year. The latest Invitation comes from De- troit for the band *o play fer three days at the Michigan Stxte Fair, “while other Americin citles issuing invitations to the band are Cleseland Buffalo and Rochester. fl. propos- ed tYip’to the Wast would. cast. $28,- 000, it i= figured, and of « ebout $21,000 is Im sight from ctrcerts. The balance may be raise? tm Kitch- ener as a meane of udvertisiuy the rity and it ie planned to a th the. Cey rina oot © Poard of Tr this. respect to have *he money guaranteed. It is believed ‘t tan be pti, Powe aey A ead a a ¥ . RTE ae, ea = - - e ‘* 4 2 J ‘) gees 2 1 BPA Ee Treg, poets . 6h tnt 4 ' ? s ] : 4 ee anyining have been received by the band that: ‘book lover finds enjoynent in sitting in a comfortable rocker before the T= badd So bm mie oh, esting News ut Meaiae | - — * 3 ning a job printing plint in town for @. year, has made satisfactory. ar- rangements with the Advance-2imes to return again to ‘ta expicy and foreman. Will has practically grown up with this establishnreut. and we trust that for the future he «ll find it ‘A Betier Ole.” ~~ Ask for New Postoffice— A petition largely signed by the is being forwarded tu *he F.atoffite | Department at Ottaewn, with a re- quest. that a new. Post Ties Io! erect- ed in Mildmay this rear or ese that the present building be en'lareed It 4s stated in the petition tua: during f- the Christmas rush emplovers of the local Postoffice wera groatiy hamp- erad ih their work by laek of epikce. Fight for Huron Warden's: Chair— Goderich, Jan. 5.—-it tioke like a three-cornered fight for :h: War- denship of the Huron Cranty Council when they convene on Jan. 24. A. C. Baker of Brussels, John J. tfaves of Stephen Townéhip, aud Prank Me-| Quade of McKillop Township, will! likely all be Im the ru) nine. The road | between here and Stratford ts open today for traffic as the h'zvhway snowplow has been thronet Reformatory Crowded— The population of tie Ontario Re- formatory at Guelph has “urowu con- a total of 624 inmates are now con- fined in the institution. Of these 514 are in the regular warde sud 110 in the Ontario Hoepita!, as the nhvschi- atric section is known More 1 rison- prs are being brought to Gnheltph in preference to.Burwash, owing to ex- tensive work which is being carried on in the industrial department at ‘the farm.” Gashed Head in Fall— _—. While Mr.: Ed. Daley of Kerr & O'Bright’s tailoring staff, was pre- paring to deliver a stone tu the curl. ing rink on Monday nighi, h's feet slipped from under him ance he plunged forward, his forehead strik- ing the handle of the granite rock and making a gash between the eyes that required the services cf a doc- tor and seven stitches tc cloze. As his both orbs are still badly swollen from the mishap, he hae been sincé off duty from the wound.—-Walker- ton Herald & Times. Jackrabbit Shoot— Mitchell, Jan. 6.—-One hundred jackrabbits were shct 'n the hunt conducted yesterday by a group of 36 men. The average weilrht of the jacks was 12 pounds Te three teams, which participated were cap- tained by Prof. W. F. Elliot. Willard Ingram and Ed. Rustin- Bi") Elliot did the best shooting of the duy, bag- ging a total of eix jacks. one of which weighed 14 prundz. Accord- ing to the number cf rabpite that have ‘been shot this year there area great many more in the. dirctrict than in previous seasons, Had Narrow Escape— Mr. Robert Wilson of Palmerston, had a miraculous escape from sér- ious injury on Friday afternoon last jin Drayton. Mr. Wiison wes motor- ing from the station to tho village and when opposite the ontrance- to the old tile yard ‘ost contro} of his ear which ran over the curb and sidewalk into the ditch and upset, and pinning the occupart «nder- neath it. Mr. Wilson managed to extricate himself from hia perilous position and escaped with an Injur- ed leg and a bad sueking up. The ear which was a Ford toning was vocate. , Milk Drinking Habit Brings Strong Teeth Children who are getting plenty food are laying the ‘ounfation for strong bones and sound tecth These two minerals are inilispensable in eee eer As | eer eg he. 9 ee ee es a Se neem er rm - aa ee ‘4 * + * Y f a os v7 ae ‘ = = | ee i ea vd tenttcg ath 5 & Business yee Will MeCoot. who hrs teen rin-] gs ae ee oa . ' ating tom easy. Don't waste ~ rig - ¥Xon'’ll get your cash prize before March a . Find the two airplanes that are exactly alike. : *S SIMPLE---READ THIS first glance all the airplanes look alike. But upon ex- é some The can be from this soul, you win as much as $1,500. You can have $1,500 in cash. Im all, $8,000 win- planes that are exactly alike. If these are correct, please give me 475 points and tell me how to gain the final 25 points to win First Prize. Full Address eeeoveomeeeeeeteerveee ee «@ ** © © @ & @ ees eueueeeeeeawereeseeeeeevenenee ® @ «@ ee ee a ee completely wrecked.—Drarior Ad- eeeeaxneaceceenene twee eeseeeaer ee ee © ww eee eee eese "Ee tru and ........ are the TWO air- se @ ef © © @ @ © © ee ee Geoeeees ** “ese © oe @ of calcium and phosphorur in. their | Gan 4 Faster Deis REAG t “T think it was some other sort of | woodpecker’’ went on my friend, “be- ‘Same in every way, se acted Hike a ‘stranger, and man! but ke was hun- * ée A Nail? Voor although he was exa*tly the building strong bones. 4 Fortunately, it is eacy tt. Inelude both of theee minerals in cach day's meals, for milk contzins large am- ounte of each, and“: child who drinks a quart of mitik a day ie —_—_—_ se a Sa a a ee eee ———eE— = By Wallace Havelock Robb Wt you think him to be the éame; BFS: (Forest and Outdoors.) What a foolish qnegtion'! feather drive a naii? Can a questions, do you But hold on. catering to the sensat‘unal? are the richest foods in cale/.uni, ac- cording to Mies Bertha Ciow. of the home economics depariient at the be éaten to obtain the amount of cal- cinm that is present in a gines of milk-or an inch and 2 halt cnbe -of cheese. to eat 5 oranges or about 60 dates to get the same amount cf caicium that is one cup of miik. And cer- eals, although valnualve "sr. cther subatances, are not rich ir “hese two very necessary mine:*is. - Vegetables, howéver.- are richer than fruits and cersals wnt’ they munet still be supplemented ‘hy. milk to give growing chili--n the. neces- sary calcium and phosaphorns. Con- tinuing the comparison witr ° cup of milk,:Miss Clow says thet if takes 10 servings of lettuce, 4 large eerv- ings of 8 and spinach, “nnd 5 éervings tapagas i6 6Snppy an amount of minernis equcl to that found in mifik. ea oe oT . \When the chores are finished | the. ‘fire -with his favorite author. Books | psrcs on practically <3 - gre | bere’ reyenue Tt.» band} =~ din addition to ris ex-/ thst se 5 ‘ ui *e ’ : < a % 2 - sen Le » th / ; - +2 ik Pe VI lab: whinge ee quite certain to have his share. ta minute! 1 know some ntls small iy think so. In fact, milk and s-mo of the milk! enough and some feathers big and) nature products like ‘buttermilk ond cheese; heavy enough to do the tricrk, but) and mee cee tO ee Gaara) ubout) couldn't seam to swallow it. nee! “ip abs are hak oy hc ss: One| could he get it up. It wes a. funny ~ 1g es - v4 «4 ifight. ; stop! Peckena—or any other birds fun that) - m | matter-—in an imagiaative and en- : tertaining manner. Well, whoee tongue is a corkscrew! 7 it. by hostine -the—tooset; However, in a’ and fish-hook combined? “~~ a ghee ’ feathers can. this is hardly a tric: question.- Cana feather drive a ratl? Yes! it can do that and van start I have signed man with a wa-wa quil. University of Wisconsin. Althongh a war. eeges rank fairly high on the coeiclum and phosphorus list. rine segs mMUBt) eneaking, a feather ‘Is. than a nose tickler, more practical and do drive blows which protect our trees and serve to ho'd them togeth- Pruits, as a role, sank farly 10W/ 9,%s5 much as nails hold boards in.these minerals. I: is necessary position. muctr more} ting, and with an hammer on the end of it? a aammer: from his mouth, and Hew up to a I epenk of a feathered higy moring! and the apark of life t. api it <7 tribe known as Woospecks, shal! tell a yarn or two abcint special consins known as the Downy | and the Hairy Woodpecker. bunt be-' fore I begin, why not ask a few more) odd and thotight proyoking . You "know, the trochl> with; us all is that we are just afraid to be natural. of being fornia) ana artific'a}, writing a crafty and stilted orticle, | how would it do ff we juet let selves go a little on this nature en- joyment stunt — oz. .The way to enjoy therefore to love it ja nt tn study it, but rather to carefully oheerve it in an aimless or eeemingls crreless! manner of rambling. ’ Wake ‘the Golden-winges: r, the Flicker, seaa a summer bird which. 's sup- ety Sige arpereg ¢_| posed to go south in winter, out } 7 ¢ | wn working on However, let’e Have a stcry, we've! Vice-like hele. tWO;}rembled enough. I know & man whe rune a winter bird-feeding table, am! he met me the other day on the streer nna said, Do you believe that birde san think: nnd reseon ahd” figurs more or lees ag@we dc?” “ff eartainiy. do!” -antwore', why ask mo that?” our), vel’. sald he, ‘We've had esvernal kinds <f wood-: reer ineckers sige ‘to ove Temticg fable! '* all -winter; ‘the nice ' : ‘Woodpecker has been. gettina: his} Comical to see,” eaid I, “but did you the bunk: notice the tail feathers of that bird?” thiuee out! ‘three squares a day’ from Z 7 Pn et ' And as my friend had not. I told kim: ture ita tiny feet. of- suet we keep fastened_‘o a port. | oanhe it sea Pinsent a Hatry Wood- ‘pot of | pecker whic ers from the Downy : — ead Very little, being almost the seme injcanary. The songs he sings Es tontbera/ Svery, way exongs ht Sehr Ag and we conld deseribe his binck and white markings and the red on the back of the: and the white outer with the Httle dark 5 with our eyes shut, ote, ree, even} €er and hae no now w don't; © ; He gobbled down thei cnet eo i fast that he couldn't stop to take off (the fascia, ‘the stringy skin mixed . Suppre2 we ask a few eget chide: ind with the suet, and he disers cred fin- think tt will be’ aie that he had swallowed a chunk . hard-! of suet that had a Jong efring to it I do not think “it 18! which was still hanging out ©’ his faking if I try to be wyself)jnonth. He couldn't’ vite it off, he | brains. He sat looking at “Le cause ‘of hie trouble, after he *ad fafled lend of it under his f‘ot. He must ‘ally, then reached for tae tocte end Fthe crev@e and he rmered home. “put; Whole troublesome business. jJnet in ithe rame way as aber pills a bad Dawny “That certainly must hive. been a 7 i : Te 0s is : se My Fy ty pseu Rt ea a wf . Vint Te Se x ioe : ‘ sin, The Hairy ie over nine inches long and is more aggressive in its actiona. These birds chisel holes tr bug- ridden trees, and wher the bug is lo- cated, the tongue, which seeme to ‘unwind from a spool! itn the bird’s- head, ie inserted, and no worr gets away, for the tongue has « barbed rend. Perches for Our Cavar'tes It ie not generally know: that the perch in a cénary’s cege should not be too smooth. The beri Find of | This woodpecker ssemec to have) perch. is that which any #¢bool-boy could make with a pin-kn'‘’e Lof the fascia which he jammed into! .snee . slippery surface of the porer, : When ell was ready he braced “him-} ayneriment of 2 “ndwtedttanant perch - self and backed away from tur tree wag then tried in all the birds’ holding the string. anc un cati> the with the result that, the cn eat ; : ‘feet were eventually in goct condi- Fe : piel vou , tooth by fastening the string to the! idsor knob and backlog away from! pin selecting a large and tardsome |cage for their pet canary, ‘un or ido not know that attractive perch in jthe gilded cage will eventually tor- FONE AB f cs Sor as ng . * ys . } " m7 © i ap ty eee, :' 7 aaa ne oem eae eee ee ee Sepia a4 ve z pA gio = fonne : nm sori ne ie 8 * "ia ete ah onsahy asin Wobieeteeete ; ae i : : y in ’ ‘i ae * i ‘ 4 9 qj a ' Da. ~ pute = . . en eg . =i — wa oe : , iq . me Pk Pe Le J Ma ~ a rey ney Sr, oe or ai «a A oh ; ey . . ; : dels ; Pg aFeadgey | ; ; a) ‘there should necessarily be r'dgea on ‘the stick, but the more closely it re- .. And what tree surgenn hes 2 chis-) tiave been thinking, and If so, believe | :embles the ‘branch ot @ . tee: the el with eyes to see. were ii is cut-| me, he thought to some g300 pur-; oasier it will be for the bird to ; ‘atoatic trip! pose, for he left the string banging! j, 4 to clutch { . ' 3 It has been observed by the canary ieharged with high tewerel energy; good place on the tree nearby. There | lovers that some birdé pails Phchons | he went to work and recks| » Cr@/the polished perches found in cages. Now, wher the holeitinon examination of t aha? | was finiched, he exam'wed {* critic-! 4 he péts’ feet it was found that '\.y were quite /raw, through the cortinugl chafing d by attempts t? ¢!!ne to the The tion. - | ss Many people spent time and money or to give it space and c@gnfort. But thay s - Few birds give as wuch ta. eturt for their board and lodging as th ‘brighten the wistful, or sad moments tejin our lives. So in return f melody that helps to cheer ‘9 in She a8 we CiAl.— st Eas) “8 F Sry ake th =) e's ‘ - Be * te Ki 2 i , * i ah Call aa Ve ea. ees, “Tl x - ” a wR :~ oa LP e853 ug _ Tyee Sat re ae ast > = we A ve ' Me eS Baise "eel © t The wrier doesnot -mwean that > whew Oe . : : o € yor , - 4 a

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