ew ee A ad t Mig rt ¥ o~ r fee SET 2 AIM tes ote rade a rr ‘e ’ * ld * Se ; nf - se" vs * + = iat oe te F a) —_ ey ot A "i “ Se fs —— +> ‘ =k Fe tot 1k Po Fob laid . ée Pee PE att oo eT i ee i 5 ih THE STORY THUS FAn off. Those who find thelr " mounts settlers stopped at ite bourdaries;} “I wae think the same thing my-| pony ‘and how 4o stay on the frisky | : a - . CALDWELL, K in 1880 SNS G5 pursued the fleeing tio, but two the white man might pass throwehiteell.® Joo Craig said very ing my- litle beast. ‘You'll be a dern good! 4 SA eR wicked cow town vertiee to the border hours later they returned em pty- but-not Anger, « y order cf the gove 4 hat is, about the welcome i guess rider before you. koow_ ite. ORY, POS 4 2 ao. of the fn sa ies There GOR- handed to find Joe Craig, self-appoin-! ernmént at Washington. you might sal that "Tony picked a] You'll fall, maybe, a crew times, eis , ted guardian of.the hoy and toas of : 4 : mewhat worth gtartian, ou just stick to him no : Pg ¢, DON We SALLIE, tater to he known} the ‘situation, feviline th6se BBOUtl ages ta ee ea eee Ee ere eed ee reste: [cca taken ern ene ae PA BILL, 12s. waiting on ‘stvuatnt ness-in-him...‘‘The government> at predicting that = roep: ty , ne re. ee Seas tee ccctauetat,. whtn vom him for not killing Benton tre mom- Waehington,”’ he told bims-if, *‘tan’t| Will make a new nian out ci me.” (| He found -the colonel acated ! GRAIG, foreman of the Bar K ranth ent. he had fired. _..- | doing much toward keeping tre big! Titus Moore latched satright.jTudely constructed ‘vriting table; & in the ‘Cherokee Strip, came to town!, _ Ut Joe, it hapsened \so quick.| cattle men out.” Where 1a the tair-!““Craig.” he said, “I cometinies think| axing thoughtfully at the ne ce as I.didn’t think he'd huve the nerve.”| ness in barring the country to pemeryes show.extraordinary p wore of; through the open window. The cig-j “ ‘| Be? So ened erat anol eit aaa “And Harrison was drawing on|/seekers and at the sime-time tolera-} judgment. I'm right prond now ar between hie teeth tad eae: Smarting* under the guerre], Ben-|him when he fired.’’ | ting the presence of the exttle men} I made you my boss ricer.”” | ke Joe, he Sth em | ton later that night picked a fight} “You all make me sick.” Graig de were turning much of t1¢ Indisn|~" Craig grinned, _ The “ODUCT AL ee ee Oe TOA. . OO I cotenies --- im a poker game with JEFI' HARRI-| said angrily.. “It wes nurdef*. Wish rritory into grazing lane? t {warm-hearted respons? haf @iseipat- Craig rehed himseif tha table, } | ~~~ BON, professional ganibler whe hadjto God I'd been here.” He exhibited} _Even now the Cherokee Strip, thatjed whateter fears he might hare felt} 5 ee drawn wu at eso hie * come to Caldwell with ais small som, his hat, through the *op o; which a|tibbon of land bordering Kanane and/at overstepping his authority. sidasat Wands. Ata weer ene | TONY, and shot him. ‘| bullet had drilled two clean holes,| Stretching, 60 miles deep trom the] gome time later. entreschod be- eS how I was Scwntient sorry = det icorrmii as “The skunk took a pot shot at me age say oes to the western bOUN-| hind a plate of bacon and eggs,| tor the little maverick. Nobody to s 2 ihe as he rode off aid 1 dida’t know] Sty of the terrkory, 200 mien away Craig gecited to be enipl-yer.’theliobk after him--and Caldvall “ain't Harrison, in the act of rising from| who it was till I cor ® in kere» This| ¥Wa8 the home of some of the biggest 5 , the table, collapsed upon it, h's right| here town has come to reg-rd Luman|Tanches in the southwest. A gigantic apg ns g palbeiny Mamheagy jah Se, best atmerphere in the , hand still fumbling for tie holeter|life to careless. .The m-1shal was} Cattle indnetry was in the making;}.+ mention of Tom Buntor and from bd t sine maar ded—-hte— de _ ~ . beneath his arm pit _ | Killed today in_a. literary urgument} tumors: already were afloat that @ltime to time he turned te icok at! cj me That" not 211 Joe,” oy ~~ Confusion descended on tne place.|and this ‘boy here was orphabed by| cattlemen’e absociation wa: to belTony hig usuaily-stern fentures re-i Hah? Well, Teck; 1 fens , Men came running from the bar,)an ornery bully who con’t know how| formed, to lease millions of acres|isyed in an éxpreasion of j-ity {bili we apart Ben. a from adjacent tables. The faro bank}to lose at poker and ehoots only| from the Cherokee nation “You: ri , ir ' ee eu I fie. “gh papa gregh + --—-was- deserted andthe -chant—of-the| when -he's-got the dron. eS Crate noticed his preseenpation.|.“Yet were right about — Benton,”’| ton ee had - run- a earner in ae *. re croupler as he anrounced the de-} “I've got two les‘limaie ercuses| V2at's troubling you, Pili?" peptone ato Sco. be cease roy te ville ty nee > Seeek of chance at the wheel was! now to let daylight through Benton’s| > See suse CONROE. — AN THRE ITE Oe make Gi the lbee ne yonrl Olde bun io wan deen e ee ; , ce ¥ stilled. Through it al!, but two things! hide the next’time f ase. him. He| !@24¢ down there some day 1 going pie re fais up ie “uk nt eee phe him he was downright unam- = . aoe x £3 were heard distinctly by Gorden LIil- miseed killing me by three inches and to be thrown open for _ settlement. Cc eh ok h wae f e yaen aI “That to , h 1d - Tf BS ’ : -_ @ Bekah a lie: the votce of Tony Harrison as he| he plugged Jeff Harrison, who was! it YOU and I are alive it will be a rains ar Be rae W at ey Mee aa ans hha resi ree werk’ date | , iia to org rushed toward his fallen father and a real gentleman, at the ‘gamc time sight worth seeing.” : , aa be * se : Tt . te oe bh a “aby Re: a €iT bi nee ni Proved safe by millions and prescribed b h icians for ‘the voice of Benton sayixg. “I calllmaking'a mess of his Lave litem Craig made a scornful reply. Craig |*Ponsible; ae far as I knov he diagn't| someone tonight and — m, where , | y physi > TOF of his boy's fife. To saved a dollar in five years, due chief-| Is my responsibility? '. on you to witness that he was draw-| those two counts I’m adding a third.) “85 ¢ Cowman; he worked for a big}; ee 7 ‘ . a | cowman, , a y to an irresistable desire to exam-| Craig studied the floor iv silenee. Colds Hea 7 ae I fired. It was +4 fair I’ve been suspecting Tom Benion of asl ie Ba estas pb nt ome. ine Peay ae man’s hote car, but Moving Peace to the winflow, be gazed ; dache Neuritis Lumbago eee ae . pone ‘ : a _| he’s equare and he’s dependal'e.. I'm} uneasily toward a clump cf. redbu ir oS ae tg snes A fair fight!” Lilie exclaimed] open charge. lovantce narra agar Bis hod ac te:ling you thie becance you have aj trees that bordered the creak. The Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatisr ea, to himself bitterly. 1: was cuoning,|. He put an arm around Tony Har- you go and absorb any mere of thoee|Tisht to know what'sert ‘of u man} moving figure of Tony Harrison, a-|. « : Mae Ss cats rts ee brutal murder. = rison. “Son, I’m hoping you'l! sort fool ideas of Dave Pevne’s.”’ | you're lining up with.” - " stride his Indian pony, came into - Tony Herrison was c'utciting fran-|of let me look after you, unless} Thus do men ignore the prvpheta| Craig reddened hencath the praise,| Vie¥, and this seemed to hold his in- DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART tically at his father’s shoulders, beg-| you've got some relatives you'd] in their midst. A decade more and] The boy, who had been staring at the! terest for a while. His eycs soften- a | . Sing the fallen man t- tpes. to him.jrather go to. I Hket your daddy] the firet great rush of settlere—tens| plate, as if to hide frum. ihe others|@d a8 he turned around to face his ).—s- With an effort, Jeff Harrison moved; a powerful lot in the short time I! of thougands of them—was to storm|the misery in his.eves, lifted his face}, MP Oyer. : , nts. lips. Anthony, he gasped.|knew him. I'm aiming to take you] across the barrier into Okluhoma.|and smiled. | Doggone it, Colonc!, I. like the only g ‘Bayer” per “Anthony—"’ Then he wae siill, and| back to the bar K with me tnd give’ And Gordon W. Lille known tu the “You've been very kind t2 me; boy. There ain't any explaining it, ; Tony Harrison threw his armeé}you a horse to ridetapd meke a cow) nation as Pawnee Bill, was to lead| you and Mr. Craig. . ‘1 try to make}? sue@s, but what fxscinateu ‘me, around him and pressed his face|puncher out of you. How abcni itt’ | them in. myself ue@eful around here so I won’t| ®°rt of, was his independent spirit. againet the lifeless ciieeks. The boy during all this had stood CHAPTEP IT!, be too much_troniile.” He's led a kind of lonerome life, but Fe An angry murmur of voiccs broke} ® éilent, tragic figure, his eyce fixed} Colonel Titus Moore held ~“about} The colonel was loud in } his « pro-| he never looked: aronnd for _ sym- aS about Benton, who, stil huld‘ng hig} Moodily on the floor. They . had) 50,000 acres of grazing land in the|testa. He eaw that the ial was on|Pathy or nothing. And when his os gun, was backing toward tne door|/Picked up Jeff Harrisen and laid him|/ Cherokee strip and woa inst begin-|the point of hresking dewn under! @@ddy was killed he didn’t spend hie: repeating, ‘He was drawing, 1 beat}@Own on a blanket ani thrown an-/ning to fence some of it iu. It was!the shock of bereayemen! and the} time crying, althouga rou don’t ex- i him to the draw." other one over him. Now, being dir-| wonderful range; much betier in hie| unlooked-for.kinJuess on the part] Dect much of anything eltc: from —s a There: were those-wio seemed to} @ctly addressed, Tony looked tp into} opinion than the stuff he had owned|of total strangers. kid that’s going om 13 He kept : be not wholly eatisficd wita the ex-|the broad-shouldered cowSoy’s face|/in Kansas, just north of the berder,| “We're not aiming.’ 4e declared! fring questions at me about Tom e, planation. Technica'ly he had shot{#0d voiced the question uppermost in| and had sold a few yeare before, gruftly, “to find anything f-r ycu. to| Benton, I reckon I knew what was _ in self defense, for Harrisor undoubt-| is mind. “Where di¢« Benton go? The colonel was au indivtival of|do. This,” with a sweep of his arm,| ™ bis mind, avd it didn't iesso. my .... edly had béen reach'ng for hie own For a2 moment Craig seemed sur-| goma character. He had gained his|“is your home. You jnst ssttle right affection for him, either.” | » Weapon. On the othe, hand, Benton} Prised. Then his line widened in a/titie, and Jost an arm, in the Civil}down here and grow up.’ ? Colonel Moore emiled. Hoe threw é had hurled a deadly insult at a man|Slow smile. “Tony, I'm king you) War, A Virginian, from Prime Wil-| The boy's eyes followed the col-|the dead cigar away and plucked 46 while his own hand ws on his gun,}Detter every minute. Benton's prob-|jjam count, near Mansaes.s. he had|onel’s gesture. “My father,” he said| thoughtfully at his graving red goe- & had invited him so to speak, ‘o com-| @bly crossed the Line into Indian/ organized a company of cavalry just|simply, “taught me nit to :ake any, tee. “Joe.” he said, “Taere are mit euicide if he so math as made aj territory. You see, there oin't any! before the first battle of Buil Run|favore. If I can't earn my buard fli] times when I'm downright proud of te threatening move. state authorities there. You have to/and offered it to the Confeceracy.| have to pay for it. Daddy left me| YOu. I've been wonderiug if you Fee ~ Benton’s two companions had} have a federal warrant to get a man|Stonewall Jackson himself ha.’ com-|something Hke $1500.’ : felt the same way abeut that - boy +. moved close beside kim, th:ir guns|Out of the territory, an“ getting 8) plimented him after the ba‘tle. Later| ‘Which,’ supplied Joe Craig, “‘I'm} that Ido. Look at him ride that i drawn, and were retreating with/ federal warrant is what you might) he had ridden with Jeb Stuart, and|turning over to you, Colonel, for|f00l pony. He'll learn or Lreak his him toward the street. Still no one/| call a tedious process. : it was. while serving with the .fomous|safe keeping. I reckon J'm not] 2@CckK; he’s that kind) Did I under- made a move toward the killer. He led the boy towird ‘he door.!cavalryman that he had received the} qualified to plant dollars and make| Stand you to esy that h‘s mother was } -* Scmeone moved over to where| “We're going over to your cabin NOW jeaber cut that necesn'tated the am-/them grow. They hav> a pabit of| dead?’ et) Harrison lay sprawled across the/@nd pack your belonsinge. Bill,” he} nutation of his right arm. Appomat- stopping off for brief Visite in uae Craig’e face clouded Fe fambled table and pressed h's hand against aid to Gordon Lillis, “if you'll stay} tov had found him in line for pro-| pants pocket and then. heading for/| 1m his hip pocket a moment ar:¢ them ‘the gambler’s chest. “Deed,” he, here and help the boys cash-in Jeff! motion to brigadier erneral, and at/a permanent destinatic>,” produced a worn leather wallet. _. @nnounced with a shake of «ii; head. | Harrison’s chips I'd count it a tayor.ithe unbelievably youthful age of 80,.| Titus Moore’s - eros — twinklea.| ‘That's something «1 don't rightly Mi i Tony Harrison whiried siiddenly,| And you might preserve the-cards he Phestask of “recorctreetior ‘was| “Young man; he’ kdld” 16° Tony,}| *"°¥,” he said slowly. “I've got s face contorted, h's e3«s blazing| held when he was shot. “on boys,’’| more than one of his impatient|‘‘since you’re.so imsietcnt on atand.| reason to think she we dead te Jeff’ hatred. His hand chad darted to the/he told the other Bar K riders, “had/| character cared to face. He cheer-| Ing on your own feet, I'll take that| Harrison.” pay holster beneath hie facher’a enet and| better be riding back to the ranch. I! fully turned over his rights in. the money and Invest ft in cattle fer you.t . (To Be Continued.) , | it now brandished th: heavy eix-/ expect you,were sort of counting Oit/ ancestral plantation t) bis ‘brother,| They can range right here with my|: :2n the next chapter Gord: n _. Lillie: ) shooter. not having to go_back till tomorrow, | cashed in what he could and turned|stock and I'll deduct gracing fees| Meets David Payne, atterwart called’ 7 “Why didn’t you kill him, some}but—" | . ih his face westward, first paysing long} when they're sold: You're loaded| “The Father of OKiitome. | sof you?” he cried, his eyes coarching That's all.right, Joe. We'll be/ enough to marry Katherine Pridmore| up with responsibility. now. As fork . for Benton, But that worthy, flank-/Tight glad to etart fixin’ up 2 cOM-j daughter £f.an adjoining neighbor. | making yourself usefs!, I’ turning “Doctor,” asked’ the ifivalid. “don't . ed by his two cronies, had made good|fortable bunk for the y ung en Kansas and cattle had teen kind/you over to Joe Craig with instruct-j vou think a change {0 a warmer his. retreat. . And we can tell the colone]— to him. In less than 15 years ‘ye had| fons to make a cow hand out of you./ climate would do me good*”’ ) | The boy tore at Lillie’e restraining Thank you, Heck. As fcr thej accumulated a tidy fortune and, what} When you reach the pelt where “Heavens, man!” repited the doc f hand. “Where is he? he cried, and/ colonel, { wouldn't tell him nothing,| was equally important to hir:, thelyou’re earning more than your feed| tor. “that's just whet {'m trsIng to dashed for the door. “Come back; xcept that I wae detained finest mare in all the southweet, Now) bill you go on the payroll for what-! save you from!" ‘here,’ he shouted at Benton. Then Jeff Harrison was buried the next that his herde were <attening con-|ever Joe thinke yon’re worth. How ‘i he leveled the weanon ard ted. day, Joe Craig having perconally tentedly on Cherokee nation grass,/ does that strike you?" 3 se | There was a shout, and ar aneswer-|rounded up a minister and instructed} the future promised even greater An hour later younx Harrison had TYPEWRITER RIBBONS - ing shot. A bullet tore into the} him to do as fine a job as-he could. | things than the past had delivered. |been inetalled ins tho shack that! Beaver Brand Carbon Paper and| jf ° framework of the do-rway against} “At the same time,” he added; At the moment he was attride the| housed the bunks of the Par K| Typewriter Ribbons do not emudge # aise which he wae clearly ontlined. Then| “I'd kind of like you to be brief. I} black Kentucky mare, efiting as|riders, had been intraduced around|@2d are guaranteed to give twice = the sound of gitloping hoofs,|don’t like to deprive the dcceased| straight ae a poker in his saddtie and! and had become owner of an Indian! the length of service. Ribbons 75c 2 followed a little later by m re shots./of anything that’s coming to him,| watching a horse coming toward him! peny/ which Colonel Moora had. of-| each. Buy your ribbons and carton 7 Tom Benton and his cronies had es-| but I’m thinking of the boy. beneath the double burden of a manj| fered as a gift, but which the boy|?2Pper at The Banner: offive. tt ee comp ee caped the wrath of the crovd. which,| The minister . smiled. He wWasjand a boy. _t|had insisted om paying for. Titue ; slow to move at the tragic death of| Young and lately from Kansas City| “Joe Craig's one of ‘em,’ he pro-| Moore had charged him $20. Jeff Harrison, had juirped te instant/and efill profoundly shockrd at the/ nounced. “Now, what do yeu sup- Craig spent another two hours : action the moment the tiller had| wickedness of the town which had] pose kept. him in Ca'dwel" «il thisishowing him how to saddle the BANNER ADS. PAY You are.invited to view our. display of new styles in “ Northern” turned his gun on th:: boy. sprung from the prairie.to inherit}time, Fancy?” he addresse’ the ani- There were hoars., excited cries.jfrom Abilene, Hays and Dedge City} mal he eat on. ae “Git a rope.” the notoriety that had been theirs Fancy snorted and tnrew uv her ee —— ; “He's headed for the Line.” in turn of beng the wildest cimp On| head. She was impatient to be off | ii——= =i **Where’s my horee.’" God's footstool, — on a mad rugh ovor tie rolling | qi ee Hit ; ay Only a few had chaned, like Ben-| At Craig's request he wae both} plains. ih , Hd ton, to tether their horses outside |eloquent and brief. Crai¢ thanked| ‘he colonel checked har with an, Ae Th B ? Hit the saloon, and thes: he iad had | him and fed him liberally, and prom-liron hand. “Behave yourvelf. Fancy. iit e anner S forethought enough t. untic and run | ised his moral and, if need he, physi-| Where’s your manners? Wonder} ji ve cal assistance in the young minister's) who that is with Jue Craig. Can’t| ii ) | Mi | 2 yo arm aco avowed intention of tryirg fo chrié-|be a new hand. Tov smalt. He al-! a ; » e Hil hd ) tianize the town. lowed the mare to munch. gross, and | iit ; : te | ae , “I'm for you all the wavy,” Joe| waited. _~- i it ee =| = Craig assurred him. “¥ don’t live in A few minutes Iater Joe Craig dis-| . tit i 2 — Vi Zee l . i ow price of Caldwell and I’m not aiming to. A} mounted before him, helped the boy;| man like me feels sort of cramped at] out of the saddle and paueed, a wide the thought of living any nef.rer than) grin on his face, to pat ths -edlonel’s| | ten miles to his C1 pees hy Sage miare. Hy If you want a publication not im the list published beftow- let it | But the decent folks here are in the “Afternoon, Colonel. I'd like you i ws know. We can sapply any: One a A 1H mhjoritiy and they’re trying to getito shake hands with my friend, An-| iH be dian along peacelike and tend ‘o their] thony Harrison.” A erican publication. “Ehese prices are strictly cash in advance. | + business, They want ‘o make a liv-|° "Titus Moore smiled. - Exninnations| iil All orders sent from thie offi ‘ : Hit ing and raise children and rmount| would come in Joe Craig’s own good|IM! grave sane Wag eerie al nid Baap morning. {iii} to something, and this here riotou®/time. There was no rushi:ge thei} bunch that’s swarmed in is clogging} fellow. “How do?" he sald hospitab-| iH ) the wheels of progress I'm not deny-/ly, and reached down his one hand/ ii “ecm ing that the beef industry bas con-/to the boy. : | The biggest value tributed somewhat to the general “Name's Anthony,’ Cra‘tg contin- | ad . ; a. SNe RE ee — ne _j state re rg Tae -the| ued, “but I call him Tony.” Ht Banner and Toronto Globe. ........ Leas ine (Sine eer ever offered boys feel like they had to epitl over) ‘Indeed. Do you mind !f I call|ii Banner and ‘Family Herald........ pit Sat eee Hi) / when they come into town fcr = spree} you Tony?” The cyorel turned to| |i Finwmine “Rake 3 Pas Rh eS it : im a genuine vies Wan @ after riding the peop for wecks at the buy, who. smiled his ersve, shy ii Rat Ha x ae Fo Se ne een ee ii ill Rogérs Batteryless ith Junior a time without much compary ex-]} smile. Hy Banner and Toronto aily Star... .. .. cw hanes 353 em ttt , at , chee. cept senseless cows—"’ “No, sir.. I'd like it.’’ : it Banner and Mail and Empire.'............. 0.0.44. tH > Set and Speaker Symphony Speaker} BRUTE wate cemmmme ‘if you'd only gay that from my) “That's fine, . We'se getting along) ii) Banner and London Advertiser... 002... 6... 6.75 «iit iy oe , pulpit some time,”’ the min.ster in-] real well, ain't we? ‘ow youw just) ii : : . ath ab tes ial bod Hit | : terrupted. “It encourages me tO} make yourself at home, srh. Joel iit Banner and London Free Press... ...... tates eeens ss CTE Hi} Banner and Canedian Countryman ................ 2.90 feel that a man liks vou te on the| Craig will show you the p'ace.” i ; Banner and Farmer's Advocate .....-....... ....... 300 side of righteousness I* would dc} The colonel started to iide off, Public approval of this new 1928 Rogers Radio —_— - | more good thah any sermon J coubd/ It was not his way to ask qvestions| ii : a ) oy ! D2 mainte areanie atatthdgane, SHeCRLE whee teacll Banner and Stratfort Beacon-Herald (mew) ose 6 ests BBO Outfit has enabled the Rogers factory to produce 4 ‘as. awe ea. «ies “Who, me?'’ Cratg sjared at him| were his guests. A word. from Joe|f (renewal) .... 5.75 more of these sets and speakers and give you the Soak .a cake of Royal and reddened beneath his tir like aj Craig detained him. “Colone!.”’ a 6=s« Banner and New Owtlook ooo. oo eee rch ae eee: 3.90 benefit of the Saving. aig" a ; Yeast, with a little sugar, seme nd boy. font : sceipeege fr : Titus Moore's eyes twinkled. “Yes, | ii Banner and McLean's Magazine ......... inch epuke are : oe ee ane . stamp your whole conrregation oe."” : TT oBan : ees se Ae ¢ | . | * an in tepid water over night. - I was to mount that platform of} ‘*Tony’s daddy was killed? Saturday|] i SER ueedner ioc? Evening Post vo. oe. oe =e» SB. At the former price of $263 this outfit Was a good i Stir well, strain and drink . |yours. Come on, hag’ 438 He laid aj night in Caldwell. I've sort of ap-}iil ope tes tes Home Journal ...., toptrneeae es BOO ‘buy , at the new low price of $250 it is sf Sy Sgr ree? igentie bind on the boy, Wao Was! pointed: myself to fook after his|/ii} .. Banner and Moutreal Weekly Witness. eee sw sete 4, | | tionably the big; t value ever ffered j five- <a 8, eae ~ adeing chejoics | Garton sity betwece wlOm andl wight caves mse Ske) it" Soe “col DAMS Sad Norther Meesenaie 6. iw | taki, Wgh-graile, completely batteryiess oth ae ; qui ordon | between Ww ; might ¢ me wher core it : TM Be age oe Bar athe ae en tUD 1g) ess 7 ease y= of cing by Z i Joe pba Hendin ety bday lnc gery = . sr him to egsie | Pp eeree man, 2 Sk gaa af Xo z Be : ck "y ho Be sp: PSs of an | had s while the funers! cervice mn understanding sympathy ‘was|fij tom 4 oy sure to. : ; ; Son sss tn ee Ce eee waa being read, trailed glorg with/in the colonel’s expression of sorrow. } Bay ont this: cae aoe At me sy: pe eigdinn gi Senate —_ = nny Be 17. ae Sie aay : : : them. It.wae time, he refiected, to]. The little black-haired figure with , - : be returning to the reetantant—-|the brooding brown eyes had 4ouch-| ~~ Panother day of- marking time until}ed him trom the statt. Ruminat!vely ae pecan ee ane came .*. . . -Heihe scratched the: bacte of hie head: jewang his head arounc to the scuth.|‘"Well, now, you-can’t be too careful! iii Between him and the horiton} picking the proper kind of home or : SI = family. ¥ Ga: tines 2. . Pr ct an a young boy like Tonv, What would s BOI you th sheets K? 1 don't ‘ ' i SS i re GT! SS WELT j AS) W POTh | $3 a oe ae. ‘ ¥ bs “a a