~ Services of "Reliable B Business or oem, Ys Ne the | ‘ LEGAL \ % 2 SSeS ane ta label on pour Banner tells the| celery H. B. MORPHY, K.c. i eee age you “Se fs pald up. hare nae. oo Barrister, Notary Public Coors a The 7 : ley, nae ‘ind Pe “pepper, —ancer, Solicitor for * f Com. “i " Miga Dorothy bp h top of Sella iy over. jstowel, Milverton x jf | returned hom echtel of Listowel! add flay ae M in fewond ea erage oney to loan. Qffice over J days with Miss Bm ng Lae an Weel ‘ny an m ppl ached ae Sit alata Store, ‘Main St. el mira Signet, nor Wittich.—EI-| tables Is valuable > stanidppinte—-the rom two With practicall + ¥ariet t of food value and y the tg y. Below are som ‘Ba J.C, HAMILTON, B.A. shin cere pHi soe = ene the het Mrs. Clny cere aoup rris neewife i rene sail aint eee or ex Soliéitor Rh in splendid. qnaition. ears: the youngsters. in planning tieale for) » Mohey to lean. © nk of Cunais g to farmers, more snow ia r : of, Matn ffiée on south eid however, to enable the needed, CREAM OF POTATO ? a ssc Teg tes Zinn's store, er the cold months. Soak eit 1 - 3 potatecs SOUP. j. i é Bon: Sale.’ ate eeeae and thawing are alter- ; sinew 08 2 onion oo enp flour j a crop, but so far no dam <eP? eat spinach, add. soda; ©. MORTON SCOTT, B.A of any unease tale sours eee 2 thay. flour chop, then rub through @ siev boi, e ro = we elt Ss oc signis A Motaey Femi Convey- ‘lthe country. a ee ae tep. salt. | vomting: pofnt water, heat to te | 44 Office over Bank ot A large le ie % tap. celery salt, milk; xed fiour and utter t see ere Wallace i of Montreal, by csaree semoncmeansarinn pec ha Gates pars! tates ee ees two mix im “a r and two ouncea h ne pound 1 qt. mak raley° Sit ys r , in Mr. Free aas been on display; Cook : iW A : i | D. G. CAMPBELL Fy Mi a window for the| wat potatoge in boiling sa oT? z ° ° 1 Se aan hs a Bhat cw Mays, | This fen't the kind water; when soft rub through i Former Listowel Citizen | er, ae Office ov . yancer ondi, but is. : rom Scald cups (aitery : Pip wgumee over Bolton & Johnston, iy Culrose s a sample that is grown slowly Bag ‘with onions, add Tnilk Died in Wingham! — R = ae >| ar, i. ie ten - -2a: Phone, Office 149 gg ren i alley phabact iy Ansell Pees reich ysitgeatied ager add ary in- Bb hg ool Jan, 18th, after an ead The Banner Adve ° : s a e Wad 8, 4 : ertisemen sea ; ok tae fail fair in October. Last Beis | ECO" Hab SOED; bo eee then} at is residence in Win epg uct tie : ts a DENTAL the Bente as removed fro te with on prc butter; prin: pee 7 TEMICS He a zal = ‘s | a ates ad attained its {nll arsley. 7 ie village of Hollen at whe oe Namie growth and was getti 1 * twhp.. In a . Meriborough t W. G. E. SPENCE would give. her baby. socletniogg one bush was purchased Righne far CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP cosasea ain tah Keats © Soeitees a Dentist, Graduate of th ot know w ething- sho} ¢, n Mr. Barker's po 1 mMeatoes ngham for the ut of e Dentist;e as perfectly harml or aboutsfour ye possession 4 tsp. soda Prior t past five years, partment of Universiey of { epecially when a few d es. /in Wat years, It has thrived 1-3 ¢ 9 going to Wingham th syivanta. Philadelphia: of Penn-! Castoria will ri rops of plain} an; erford, Belleville, C i up butter ly lived fn Listowel e fam{- : also gradu-! ght a baby’s sto and the best of al » Canboro 3 cup flour and Brussels. ate-of The Royal Collees aA and end almogt_any 1i mach | 5 all in Bruce, as ™ 3 rviving are i " ts y little iL 1! Barker has m » as Mr, tsp. galt sons widow, thre Surgeons, Torcate, “Ottis pred pani age iL Fret-| nim. The perfume of “the Lemon| 1! top. white peppe and Charice Wdward, Listowe Arthur chinbein’s store. | : Sisget aks Mepurig is serene. sees wonderful and mon F 1 at. milk pper pao ee ae 8 ay tate Listowel: Stev- ks 4 = w ri ae For painless extractio ; gentle He eel Ses rei te ee Pa pay anyofie for, the Little ‘would Te). One I and stew the tomatoes slow-farne’ Robiieokt aud: aia : oui cele eeeear eee. alee coe? WG enone Te tees ali thar crete they require. +—Tecswater Oe pedceede iy one half hour, rub Atoce slow-| Moir, Wingham a oaiien ughcmen % ive abdesthesia , Also conduct} might accom o@s all that castor oil) ¢ a Oey ner, and add soda whi | was reported mi er son, Iwaac}., ? . ccomplish, with Snakes make white ile hot; : miissing in the— } the system, With -hout shock +c aml Caterpillars Roami } e sauce of milk, fi late] + slg . hout ti The a ng— | butter, and our and R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.8.; D.DS fade, toa eka Gee paveig-- vrgectee during the-past two RBas prevalie| Sn. mp eee ee family, toadence inet Friaey’ at Géaduaie of the: Ro ng eee > thare’s an give it as often as to he creating a revi seeme 1.30 p.m. Th ce last Friday at Dental Surgeo yal College of) aj a sign of colic; constipati On Sunday, Mr. va) in nature. DUCHESS SOUP td Listow Spaine wate brought] iveraty geons, and of Toronto Un- teak or need to afd eound, fate ie se la SB els A Rigger te : Se eaten : cemetery. él fér burial in Fairview ‘Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians f trouve Oxi J rage. ‘DOU cheeso ‘ Sh Gita ovis ee, tie itor Bxirecticns. Fitcner a Pia ens Jt. is genuine | @ sot ye foreman at Saramage; pected % tear Colds Headache Neuritis “iy oe * ‘ Phone 66. vocoraiiend” Other at physicians| yp ake meandering along the C. Wy egg Mother Was An Easy M : umbago * be ivat ab treat preparations may | nei right of way. . Followin ig thep. fi John, aged six, was t A Mark : Pain Neuralgi | ieee ee er re eee inclination of every eon of Bee ‘hel acy tO: Bu had to go to the hidenital to hae hig uralgia Toothache § Rheumatism’ raduate of Ro} ev 8. ng to test them! riter’s | Milvert sing its head.— e @ thin whit ed, and hie moth Dental Surgeons, Toronto Univeraty ek pak oats and cenalig OF baton |e: ety of and butter. se scald ons i Charleston ss morale, ays. ‘the ‘DOES NOT AFFE Otiice over Had oe and area 8 ts Worth its Weight in geld Castoria io A ea me Grey Bed es b our white sauce over n}e pen: Poe anet what you ‘tel ae Note Gr THE HEART te Store : attended seetia At a Targél eaten; heat-ebtit esE we @ promised, “but I ’ m , meeting of th gely/ en ese slightly thick-) thing, they don’ etcha one = " S. 8. N. &, Grey T residents of by on m palm off no crying AUCTIONEER Children C for to hold nels Twp. ft was decided Teka inistvie tune grated cheese. | qwhen you en like they Beslan on you : = t only. “Bayer” packers. we | Ww pha ee ecla a mete 7 Sppoinied to, and com- 1 can it aos ia ls ne Gy Ag! directions. . J. Dowd the various de bate oe after 1 gh yer” boxesof 12 tablets partm pt, milk Also of 24 and 100—Dr J sseWelio oe gram, and nothin rRakal BAN ADS. of Balicy in. Canada) of Bayer 100—Druggiste: r eae others and always eells sn be make th his. mi anniversary NER Ss. PAY seerovior oti eee fen at he 8. Ne was While it . agen . c } “ H NATIONAL FARM AGENCY pointed. ‘siidieimaa of the “tavit tt ome geaeal’ trate tmark, the “Bayer, Tadlets, Phone 246, Listowel nies 4 C h Vv I : A Man Accidently Shot— ; = sier ¢ é UCTIONEERS WINGHAM, Jan. 20— z sa “tense oare.| DRICES iller and Henderson of Ewart Linklater, son of SH Link. Effective ; Satiefaction ine bulla ata p., Was found Immediately rate S sustantead Bast Wastaondh, their bush farm in —. Write or phone 76 — been in Wingham { a Pcarince N. SON, B Orders for sales ran be ae with a load of hogs on nag Spel = ew anner office. noon . with the team, had ibe poi Chrv-ler “52” As - proached ier his yening ap- MEDICAL Mr. Linklater, ino aid ot worried 0 - + $870 elep: oned to a nelgh the farm ghbor, ne s,8 48 A 6 Seine. SED heb ok to goa and gee-if-he ‘had left (with teat) 70 Physieian and Surgeon ing {hat the men ueed while working Touring - - ~- 870 : 7 Diseaees of Women on the farm, thé rorking T and ' nelghbore ‘wo-d. ah peg Surgery. Mwart dead. It is thoaghe nnn E see Sedan 880 ; Sersoniis Vresiy oat eo In a Hurr ) me his heat oo este rain te a, elt sp Smeg pe a s Preshrtarinn Chasch y bia Geother ana es his father. uxe - De upe - 930 . . LSRrRMCE avai sina sister survive. Cwrith DR. F. J. R. FORST completed, gFements are not yet mR pending th gift, Bar, Nove and ‘Thre \/HENEVER = Se Lrathey Prone the wos. arrival of DeLuxe Sedan - 1000 . of eoeorta in medicine, University ‘ob want a printing Narrowly Escaped Pois . o ' Late assistant New ¥ jo immediatel Wiarto vs olsoning— ua " ? o n, Jan. .22,— , Gr ew 8 or’ ears Institute, Mooretield’s yet you want ne pea a tm are now well oes Seen to Cc ea: l y olden S : - acovery i pitals, London, aed Throat sured that it bé a good death F in ciwitiee eon escaping hrysler “62"" ; 58 Waterloo St. Stratford. job, call Tugieday dieher arsenic Bavlog West Business C Will be at the nme boar e 207 » Cail on’ Us. Our or- used-in a cadiee aa having been Coupe $1350 Tl towel, on the firs ‘e Hotel, Lis- ganization and ; flour. Mr. n mistake for Roadster : month from 16 nite att = ie ment are fl ‘ble ex their Guahtor ~ ariatne, s ers : Avi ‘ + 1570 ; ook p.m. x1 en- and Clifford Pot ne, aged : ot A ee , ough to accommodatea ae a Tiany aiteted Wisk ‘i nueee aoe o - 1375 s ned to bed fo , con- q INSURANCE - eng rush demand. scatant Gore chutan torbe Oult aaa, wo-door Sedan 1450 A —— : ja a hurry call Three other ch — COUPE (wich rumble vex) 1490 TRAN : @ in Wn companies; pre = | 7; Betty "i sae pores, aged Four- door Sedan 1530 - tompiiles, burgiaty, ne tues au- j h ne months, who had only ek een Landau Sedan 1 Wead insurence. Antd glass and e : anner ‘ ns of the pudding. were “not por- - 600 ance, 85 ¢ mobile insur- . ously affected, w ser- ts. per .— 5 d other solicited ee our business ces Se ey Della, did not tl ‘ y of the puddl 4 cueatiyeroaped he Maca hich Chrysler New FUNERAI "RECTOR Coo e others had stffered, ch sler 6677 a? i . k's Rogtt ~” | Shot “ atin ot 142 “Jacks"'—— oadster , safe ¢ Compound . There was cnoiher big? jack : i Sport Roa , 1930 , ae un — W. F. Mc LAUGHLIN mca itis Bree | ook part, and the chase wae in Two-Pass. Cot Coupe 199 LISTO : yar No. 2, $3; No. 3, Se 1,8 |township. 1 ® rhase was in ‘pllice pe 5 LISTOWEL AND ATWOOD ‘ praud aii druggists, or went Beinging Gale ino aod ths: hanvers (Royal Sed Sefian - & a estate ot & cdreien uhaten: Wess pamphlet” Auden” worked northward or are Meee, Four-P: oe y les 4 oe and parl Sots, Mais Teaourovoxt. MEDICINE CO. mad bank tor a mile and a Peciaes our-Pass. Coupe 2060 “4 aa aah. lf blocks east of ‘ venmet tains ee Me Ew Sct The pd Town Sedan . 2205 “Chesler s Sensational rise at ict promptly aren. Mish and day calig Riehl and the se tea bet ¢4 and Harry Convertible Cou - from 27th to 3rd place in prices _. Mowor or horse crane Phone 227, Fon d was 142. The Seateen Pcie shot aster pe 2265 sales in 42 monthg is the igh csi ei iS a ced to Sleep In at nine o'eloek in the ermine “at| “Ceown Sedan gor 3 sult of a phenomenal public Chrysler more empltatically a. a i tee -past twelve o'clock the ¢ 2335 refe ad nan ever bef = _____| Chair~Gas So Bad of lunch at the Nome of J. Harri Rede Aessghah ce cecacdl” ees leader of the tainty — OTHER END onesie ed at about five o’el unt finish- - vt record- in mot i tk. n . or uxt, Marauie of com onderry, min-) suo" pablo ran . preter had. Sadat eer rexeey where. the situs ae 112 h. p. motor slit ei of-quality these care Munchacaeee _- of Northern J on. din the pertinwpat and nothing T eat h Jerika | num nnted down, they wer mperial “ 99 quality — 7 land sle urts me na érons and fora ti sl pe 8O0 ; y—at their sen a amusing ae . recently told a eep fine.” ——Mrs. Gl ow. Tling but ba me it was noth- Chrysler's tre 4 val at an agricultural ie Sven the enn Butler. ne! bang! bang! . : mendouspro. YaeuCs- Ride in. te m. FIRST of an ash tray: A prize ' durti nd ye ; m—drive le spoonful ai y waa giv 7 ir - 5 on 2? rapid cr -“ them. weil concerned tn Cuter tary inor-/ tnt remover suriehing gt _-Ad-| Jacob, for the Dineen, bak of Jacks] ct rena she digest seedies af pubic tion Ss lady of of hie 5 Sansa deserip- oe wane matter, fro cee Sonate of = yomapest anart i fag dest pet ve-Pass. Sedan 3945 recognition of valzres and sav- You willtheninstantly recog. , * pohied hi age ye atte at your meals and per “ot yo Agee wo Hie-wax the wie} Town Sedan - . 4010 ings which only Chrysler nize why Chrysler cars—by — oe ae Iain at The by ret ws tail,” he ex-| Rave tried for pains at wae ves tray.—Milverton Sun. Seven-Pass. Sedan 4120 Standardized Qualicy can the, most aston ori eee and I TT daesa’t Tet Cretghion’s sae 700 Vers. Comtonting, Sedan Limousine 468. ae age aia result from a ct al ae “| acOh. steward.” ean 5. Four great lines of “ Btige rapidly growi et the a of a dilemma, gyoan from a passenger gee | “62 a “ - cars 52,” public dem d ng i) Not schalr, “how far are = All prices 4. 0. b Windsor, Ontario, ” “72” and New 112 © ae eee : es nee 3 ¥e from in ft more than ss ‘the i hearee was sate Shaws eee ~- p. Imperial “‘80”—supply. ever the most. ae he wasn't] York hospi a es a wr. every e yelous motor car % cece Se sue: ertaer iaiskelr respective peli eee * bok ° : . . beet 2