Listowel Banner, 26 Jan 1928, p. 5

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Pecvind seen Boone es —— 8 eres A at, oe tee i pe, At oo et 2 tee no 1* + See ee ae “re | SOCIAL "AND PERSONAL Miss M “Gea esak the wack ME. cad ahre Dan Brenneman of end visiting 1 gir i in Stratford. Donegal, pee Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mre. Aaron Ropp. Mr. Gordon. Sw “Switzer” was, botme ——— from Listowel for the week énd, Elwood Rog, who ¥ lecturing Oe fale bin ie ral’ spent the week - Mr. Thos. Hamilton was in Strat- end at his ho in town. ford on Tuesday on business, Er Mrs. A¥bert WE is patie thie ———= rs. James Terry of Monkton, is| week at the home of Mr. visiting at the home of her eon, Mr./C. Ersman, Moorefield. . . Oo Miss Margaret Smith ie visiting in bb, 12 12th con, apent the! Stratford at the home of Mr. Sse! | Mr. A. Ro “week end with his éister, Mrs. Joly] Mrs. Alt. Homes at Listowel. t —o \, 0 Miss Ruby Marks of Listowel, Misa Evelyn West epent Friday|spent the week end at the home of and Saturday vigjting friends in Tor-| Mrand Mre. J.-A. Robb, 12th con. onto. > * athe —0— Mr. Ernest Smith of Brockville, Mré. McFarlane, Sr. Sth con. spent} visited A aie: with Mr, and mre, last week with her eister, Mrs./ D. Sm Howze. —a— an Mr. John Alexander from North Mrs. H. BE. Long of Rochester, N.Y.| Dakota, visited at the home of Mr, bb is visiting at the home of her par-|J. A. Robb and Mr. A. Ro last ents, Mr. and Mrs. J..J. Johnston. | week. ——o-— Mre. James Duncan spent last Mre. James Brown returned home week visiting at the home of Mr. and| this week, after spending several Mrs. Henry Duncan, 12th con weeks with her Aa aiid Mrs. Ed. —o-- - Brunk, at Toron j Miss Gwendolyn Gray. teacher, 1 spent the week end at the home of Miss Janet obertson of Brussels, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Reid. was 4 guest over the wetk end at the , —}— home of Mr. and Mrs. A.\K. Hewitt, Mr. Duncan MeKay, of, Stratford,| 2nd. con. epent an few days with his brother. —- Mr, Alex McKay and friends in Grey Mr. William Jackson and daugh, township. ter Margaret and Mies K. Coghlin es on Wednesday for their home in » Man —nN Miss Evelyn Weet attended ~ the Assi alatt Delta Chi Fraternity “At Home” at Casa Loma, Toronto, on Friday eve- ning of last week. : ° ‘ L A a ———— f 1e Social - Mies Pearl Bowes of Tro whkiage, 4 apent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mre. Wilfred Smith, A Pie Social will be held un- =| **® °° - —-——— der the auspices of St David’s dir. John McKay of Flint, Mich. Visited last week a e nome of Mr. Church, Henfryn, on and Mrs. Alex McKay, 8th con, and friends in) Grey towne ip. Thurs., Feb. 2nd Rev, and Mrs. LB. Kaine motored from Orangeville and were guesta on fry H Thursday at the United church par- At Hen n Station sonage. They-attended the funeral A choice program is being §)°! ‘he '#te Capt. Kaine at Gorrie. a provided, consisting of Mrs. F. W. Sherwood and Mrs. A. M. Robinson spent the week end and SOMIC SONGS, Did: ltace seats Saat ho RE: ta CITATIONS , ty. and Mrs. =H Ww. Rockies} : 0th con. returned home Saturday, and a play entitled after spending a week at the et of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Casemore, Chat- “NOT ham.. ste A MAN IN THE HOYSE” Admission 25c Children 15c Ladies wit: pies free. Atwood I. 0. 0. F. Install Officers * Accommodation for horses D. D. G. M. LITTLE OF MONKTON | M.F. Oldham, Mrs. Wm. Baker, @| CONDUCTS INSTALLATION Recto Secretary, | CEREMONY WEDNESDAY EVE- ; NING. The annual inetallation of officers Ss of the Atwood Lodge. No. 332, 1.0. OR a: lal A F, was held on Wednesday evening Jan.-18th and a large numiber of Pi Oddfellows turned out for the pur- ( ' d ? pose of watching the Monkton Instal- reensl es lation team install the officers. William Little, D. D. G. M. and sulte of Monkton, were congratulated Bread on the manner in which they did thelr work, and the following officers were Ser pees G. Ray Hamilton. As tasty as any that §] NG—p. B. Hodge. Mother used to make. v. G—Gratam Bell. Fin, aec.—T. G. Ratcliffe. Rec. Sec.—Maurice Little. ne A. Vallance. eit has that nice tasty : Warden—Gros ort el > crust that used to make Conductor—L. A. Valla your mouthwater when 9: G»—Jobs Willoughby. 3 I. G.—J. P. Greeneldes, © Mother would fix it for 3] ks. N.G—a. E. Coghlin. 3 you. Every loafiscare-"@| 1. 8. X. @—Jack Godtrey. = fully baked ----all Dis OS Ga —Nelvok Shalem way through. Wh R, 3.-8.—Chas. Danbrook. 5. orge Ruttan. ; LL. S.——Geo try it, starting tone? Chaplain—Chester Little. After the work was completed o| social time was spent and a luncheon; Doughnuts, Sugar & | servaa, Etc, E —— ies ' Engagements ‘Model Bakery’ § ..2'.an? is, 22e Sie 28 5 ) : ‘ of their second daughter, Mary B,J. een 1 ,to Mr. Joseph A. Holmes second ‘son G. P. Gr sides, Prop. of Mr. and Mrs. David Holmea Wal- ton Ont. The*marriage to take place uci; quietly early in February. THE STAR GROCERY | CAKES! CAKES! CAKES! | Just-received a fresh shipment of Wes- ton’s for advertising purposes. Reg. : 35¢e Ib. epatsae for Friday ae: 29c Saturday, per Ib . a Nota more than 2 pounds to customer. ve married life they have veen resident PDSDREORS farming community it fe. today. In 1915 they moved to At-| wood, few is given the privilege off The deceaased children are James celebrating fifty years of marital| |}GUmer, also Lieutenant EB; R. ‘bliss, and ft is.a rare occasion that) falls to the lot of fewer still whe sixty years of married life tuay be! children and one spent “gran ‘child looked back upon, To. the latter; are ilving. class, belong Mr. and Mra. Wm.. Gil-| mer of Atwood, who on Monday,! tes; Jan. 28rd, completed “the sixtieth | | Mr. =e in.a very happy married life. mer was born at Banbridge, | , iucOounty Jf'Down, ireland. from the Ladies’ Aid of Landia, Saak. 18 veers of age he came to Canada’ Elma and have «een it grow to the aa thimer will be $2 yéare /his death was unexpected. who was killed In phe ae Pome ni for democracy, Twe e gifts were many and useful ifving the high esteem ‘in which an was no fam | beautiful bouquet of of the Atwood Methodist church, now the United church, being a member] obtai of the ©.0.F. lodge and in ee a life-long Reformer. His sudden high ara: Then Passing has cast a gloom over the en- Mre, Hart are member During the after- {and settled near Done eset, Perth} noon Mrs. Peter Suaklow. sxok “The Goailty. On Jan. 23rd, 1868 he wae British Man of War,’ atid Mr. Pater {married to Elizabeth Dales of Mil-| nuckiow and tire. rton. During the whole of their wighland Schottisehe; “Both Mr. and £/ Mrs. Gilmer are in good health and jin the summer Mr, Gilmer is an ar dent bowler. have heen lo yal eupporters. of ' AMban's Angiizab ‘church, Atwoo old | in February and Mre. Gilmer was 77}. Base 5 guests“were Miss Mar meni ed ped etonn ical Hae the w innifred. Sind Florence of Listowel, Mr. John’ Gilmer ‘of Woodrow Sask. happy icy and were able to be! photographed together, A sumptu-| ous wedding dinner was served at| Mrs. G. R. Hart of Landia Saek., Rey. noon and in the afternoon: many call- | M ers came to congratulate the happy! . couple. The family conalsts of Mre. | Britton, Miss Mary E. McCourt of Hone of Listowel. Mra, Johnston of}; w. El aw.y Britton, Mrs. Williams of Landis, | ‘0+ Elma cad. Whe sk., W. ¥. Gilmer, Elma, John! ° omeatead. Gilmer of W sodrow, Seaask.. Mra, | munity wishes t Hart, Landis Sas j jrears of happy married Ufe. en and Mrs, S. Johnston: hnd Maurice. : esteem in which deceased was held. Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duck- CONGREGATIONAL _ MEETING oa, gn toliowing were appointed: UNITED CHURCH HELD TUES-|- trons, —¥ T “Maintenance “ana Extens- OX. cupled the chair aud the clerk of the | Sessio n, Mr. Thos. Johnaton, acted as secretary for the meeting. After oe devotional exercises and prayer by| tt @ pastor, the following report ij A We) y members, 19 active members and 177 associate, - The average atter naane nt llr gate Malt ittand Factory— wae 15 and the recelp They esnt to the Branch Tee iver $157.50 Thies Society went ate thet ; top In exceeding the allotment asked dance of 12 to 15... ‘The receipte fad & talled $236. 4s ata expenditures $155 With-a balance in the bank af $81\5 titten’ by Dog— ‘The Young tel pee Mary Harvey, was given by Mies ary arvey,, hand by ey : which showed a membership of 25.| week which required medical at ten-| iin “stratford this beh ge “Thetr” recetpts> tort “e126, 50--and : (expenses. $113.81, leaving a balance jof $11.69. The ‘debt meh the new!) Leaves , plano has ell been paid The San len by the DAY EVENING—HAVE HAI! SPLENDID YEAR. : * | Fund Clerk of ‘Session, —Thos. Johnston.} . Very enc ouraging reports were giv-j en -by all branches of the Atwood! T, J hnst oa United church at the annual congre-| kine and Fred “plsien gational meeting on Tuesday evening sig cal Sc Smmitt ee ane Pets, | Jan. 24th. held in the basement of/ A. | och ~~ shurch, A fair attendance was! A vote of thanks of he c ongre 'tion was "Fee pastor, Rev. C. C. Kats ne o¢-} = be j135 rT nisking a total of 14” ] e Presbrterinl. ee The Ladies’ Ald report wes given: Sites y Mrs. J. P. Greensides. The mem-} last for ik: eteahan ka Pale, baretin ig es with anu average eh Sak nef oats let, ‘hool ment | Mrs. Jounsto n Luproving— ba Friends.of Mre. J. 2 Jobnston will :| be glad to ing: | Liersch, and Thos. Johns s Encouraging Reports ie At Annual Meeting, es rd, - P. Greonsides :, Lawson Cogh- ed tha the rship ier 1927 enol ae and] that 2388 ‘books had been n-out. The. board of managers for ne én- suing sch were appointed as fol- lowe: T.:G. Ratcliffe, Bert Forrest, Hugh Richmond, Wm. Morrison, © Bell,, Mre. Thos. ‘Hamilton, Mr | Greenaides, Mrs. A. E. Coghin| MAB, Chas..Vallanea. Mr, J. R. Haminond who has Ween sactateey and Mr. George Lochhead,:treagurer for the past fourt®en years, resigned. Mr. J. P, Greénsides and Mr. E. H. Swing were appointed auditors. The meet- ing then adjourned. Respected Citizen Dies Suddenly |* MR. ALBERT McBAIN PASSES AWAY IN 66th YEAR—HAS LIV- ED IN ELMA TWP. FOR 45 YEARS. . se A well-known and ‘highly respec- ted citizen of Atwood passed away on Saturday morning, Jannary 21st, 1928, in the person of Newton Albert McBain in his 66th year, Although in failing health for about two years he late Mr. McBain was. born an Pet erboro County in 1862: He m d with bis parents and settled of 8 Elma township in the year 1882 on the Sth con. east, one anda quarter 0 the village Wate he resided uotil his death. In 1908 he tried Ellen Hamilton bey éurvives ins. There ly. eased was a life tos . memperd for ain, Vancouver; Mrs. A. Scarlett, Bowmanville; Mrs. J. W.. Ward, Hamilton. The funeral was held on Monday, January 2rd, with private service at the house, followed by public ser- vice in the United church at ae o'clock, .The large attendance t the funeral attested to the high =] a? The eerie was conducted by Rev. CG; , assiated by Rev. M, F. Old- ham®of. the Anglican church and Rev. W. West of the Presbyterian church. Dr. W. A. McDowell ‘san; beautifully, “When we get to the enc "Interment was madc in Elma Centre cemetery, Palpearers were Messre, -R,. B milton and George C. Coghlin, Millbank, H. W. Hamilton, Milverton, Rev, Hafy McBain, Oakville, J. W. Ward of Hamilton and ¥.-A. McBain, Atwood. Many beantiful flowers were received. Those who attended the funeral | from * oa nee were Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward, Hamilton: Mr. Nelson -Ers- | Hamitton, Millbank; Mr. and Mra, ps Mr, Jack Willis, West wing, Montros Cox" treas, Maint |Delegates | Give Reports a at U. F.W. O. Meeting} * | Mrs . Mrs. J. P. Greensides gave the re-).By rown of Arie | Cockies, Cream Puffs, § {port for the Mission Sand, whick in} vill age on We an rte last , ‘showed receipts of 341.00 and Byer =| nage.attendance 25. The W.MA&. re- | Carter Rotors Ca ;pertiwas given by Mrs. Fy sae mass nd m Mrs. tr ‘One new iife member wa ed) cer ve 7, wes Bae by the President, Mrs. | repeat ting t} pomkeg We ome n's -. Creed, The "sntortts as Wwe Me ae eee |The the Natlopal. Anthe in Northern the Lotd’s Prayer. jsAteendedd, Co Counts Ci Con ‘oune i I it rt Ma | Reeye Ade am ‘Willoughby attended fr. Rober ay wae bitten on. the sioné of Perth Counts Counet! and Mrs called on a number of. old acquain- | entertained at Tex ! tertained @ number of friends at tea onj— ras waiter Hear 8 a ged gs oni Wednestay Sateen and a aocial school faport: Waa _giv-|.connéction with rintendent, Mr. B. G./sidee at the ea Bakery, and has: ime waa 6 nyse ‘Sy al : | feft far: Stratfo: ¥ evening tron the “Tillage have charge of the; -|- program. BR @ yard, Porpnice Dr. Wallace McBain, Port Colborne; Mrs. A. Scarlet, Bow- ps Bt Mr:-and Mrs. George -C. Coghlin and Marion, and “~~ R.._B: W. Hamilton, *AEverton: “vr. Tom orreat, Guelph; Mr. Robert Pwrreat, The AtWood U.F.W.O. held their regular meeting on Janttary 18th fn hehe Forrester’s Hell. The meeting gg Pe ah singing an Ll ypted and re on call “reaponded to. by Z: orber: o dobotnted. | to con- tors of the U F. 0. ; “At Home.” : a - Graham, f Provincial conven- on, gave very intereeting and csm- : qe ihe various sesslone. @ meaefing wasa- clo by singl Reeve W, A. Dickson and Deputy Mrs. Jack Seeitvatr, T2th con, en- hi: y Night-— The second meeting -of Atwood terary nad will be held on Pri-}: nh some of the men Z mon of the meeting. The minutes o last ann meett The rape statement and audi- as read and discussed and adopted. “The report showed the eo. ea had 1381 policies in force covering. property ys nich amount af tal of $3 86. 857, have hy cash’ balance lantyne and Chester ‘Litre Sree re- appointed auditora. for 1928 and J. K. Baker of Grey, Alex Hoes of Morn- ington and ~ D. Smith of Elma ee oc ier directors for Moffatt, des Cl eland, John Denatedt, and Iv ivy Smith, ‘organized ‘20 elinwa: Pr The mnéattiie adjourned till Thurs- spats at the usual time and place. Atwood Bowlers Honor Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer PRESENTATION OF TWO CHAIRS MADE TO BRIDE AND GROOM On Monday. evening of thie week cpecneees: to the home of Mr,. miles from Atwood. “Later he moved | Mra. wh ‘too possession, gratulate efron in aftaining “ie dia. mond w — ete tienda and ted] Wednesday, 2. 20 ‘p-bu—Prayer meet- 4 Thareday—Prayer meeting at Done- See ae Chane Rev. W. J. West, MAL, Minis ter Sunday, Jan. 29th, 1928 10 * m.—Sunday school 11 a.m.—Morning worshi, Subject: “Missions, Hlowing of the Lord's ed for missions, bilities.” Mon. 7 7. 30 p.m.—Young People's So- ciety ; Wed. 8 p.m.—Young Wom- en's Mission Auxiliary; Thurs.2,36 p.m.—l10th Line Auxiliary,—7.320 >.m.—Prayer Service; Sun. bth—Communion; Fri, Feb. 3rd —Preparatory service. St. Glban's Church Rev. Maurice F. Oldham, Rector Sunday, Jan. 29th, 1928 ith Sundgy after Epiphany 10 a.m.— Sunday School and "Bible ass. a.m.—Morning Prayer Service. 7 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service. ST DAVIDS HENFRYN mn.—Evening ‘Prayer Sp Service Thars. Fab. 2nd—Pie as at the home of Mr. A. Hamilto ne DORKING Ene \* mmunity, . a ides hia sorrowing widow. two the “occas sisters and four brothers gr ag J.) mer to aaees? an ay chair and ee ‘ Rev, Bain, Oakville; Nelson and Tom ‘Me- ro ng, Prestasat. of the atc veniet ma the Gilmer on behalf 0 of it Gilmer and an revert A “dmself thanked gl ad ena for their Mr. John Gilmer also Pe behalf of h stating that as the family went to ‘helr several homes they would not forget the kindness tendered to their aged poem on this Peer on. 'n short aiidvenses Hav. WS West many years happiness, all am a whic h Mr. and Mrs. Gil Imer and fami. trented all present to the bride’s|- cake and -other luxuries and all hid rood-night and remarked Board of Health Met _ For Monthly Business township met in the Clerk’e office on r. Kidd vaporiait only one case of scarlet fever existing In the ag ofa poh for oa and clothing des- Mr. Joseph Blatchford and ke this means of expressing teanks and appreciation jeje i of friends one helghbo rs at the} a iso tor floral tsi butes ret mle former well known resident visited: last week vat the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Parl Switzer and Mr Ww The funerat ar the tave M¥s, Jos: way. asad. Monday eveniae’ ioe 1éth, wes “held on Wednesday, Jan. 18t Guest of Ethel conducted the. service at the pt of her son, Mr. Clarence ma. bid M., | their Sar the late Vera President A ee the men's or- Lavery. esman was a business . Lin visitor ia | wrotgane last Monday.. d Mrs. L. Wright entertain- i thas, friende last Monday night, rte ae of Kitchener spent. ine ee end with his parents here, , Mrs. William i i and little aon Joseph, spent ednesday afternoon with Mra. Willicm Alling- 4 BP m. Mr. ¥. C. Linesman the 4ocal live stock @hipper, beg ee two car toads of stock last w Mr. and Mrs. Welllegton Gowing of Glenallen spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Seleletsinieinieleieeieieinielebeeeqelededele , ; 4 Rev. E. W. Hart. intends holding eescinl meetings for a couple of weeks in the United church, The meetings will commence Sunday evening. Mr. Geo. Coyle of Dres- den is assisting Mr. Hart. iat tad aa el feleblebetetepe BRITTON : + > ie i Mr. and Mra. Will are he ek puadey with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gib- Mrs, Sam Johnstpn and Mr. Maur- ice Johnston spent a day Inet week with Mr. and Mra. W. J. Eliott of 4 Seaforth. Miss Edythe Johnston spent last week at the home of her brother, Mr. Ed. Johnston, Sth con, Elma. Exchanged PalPite— Rev. F. W. Schaffter of Wingham and Rey, M. F. Pre age exchange: | pulps on a Sunda ay ervies.- Ribhenk 7 iy your oie rey earbon cf ‘paps ni The Raunar office. ei ey 3 eee EVERYRODY'S COLUMN sertion, with minimim charge of 600. ment Insertions Trumpet.” Special” offering ask- 7 p.m—Evening worship. Subject: “Samson, Preserving our ~ Possl- 2_p.m.—Sunday school. and Biblo + TROWBRIDGE + > Serlerlotfeofeefeslentierienlentnetetestentententotiatentosenjejengedge,__ Dae ane ne . i wa i | Ten cents @ line for first im- % 4 | with mini- | Se. toe ‘ ~~ “] ae _ | CRFEEEES ETE AEE EET EET | uitable =e Messre. R. A. Lavery and Richard 4 week end attending the funeral of sr) aa ie be

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