Listowel Banner, 16 Feb 1928, p. 4

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> This is a real bargain. We have calosded a car of Cam which we are offer- ing at $1.85 per cwt. or $1.05 per bushel. : - Get your supply now... s ~ Chaffed and Pagged percentage of flax. Standard Re-Cleaned Screenings, $33 Ton Extra good quality, containing a large L. Pfeffer Milling Co. | The Sunny Side Egg-Pro- ducing Poultry Farm é Why not order Baby Chicks from a winter pro- ducing flock that has years of proof behind them. Get rid of those non-producers that only lay a short time during the summer months while eggs are cheap. Order some of Schell’s winter produc- ers of S.C.W. Leghorns and O.A.C. Barred Rocks. Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Also custom hatching at reasonable prices Order now and avoid the rush of the busy season —— The “Ideal” saves the chicks Equipped with patented egg turning trays —FOR SALE BY. D. Schell, Proprietor Phone 375 i ¥ A Trial Order’ , will convince you that the No trouble, however Pe small, will start with- out firet a warning signal. | Parisian Steam | Laundry, London | W/.4. Johnstone will send that suit or dress Eye Specialist back cleaned or pressed Listowel Phone 202 right. Every garment clean- ed separate in gasoline. Phone 144 Hints From The Board of Health - (By the «) He spent his health, to win him wei . And then, with might and main He spent his wealth to win him health But he spent his wealth in vain. * Something ear ago, the milk dealers of Listowel decided to try and give the town milk free from tuberculos movement to free the whole county of.the white plague is under w Last week a aw stated that never again would articles of food be allowed to remain on in his store. here his movement moe In better health for every- Every progressive movement has its knockers. Even a little move- ment has its knockers. One or two age, y do not exactly atte at cher want. the town to re- nsanitary as it is or dirtier. But hat is what it amounts to. They state that they have no gar- ge. e’ve got'to be shown. We ill take Dotate peelings for gran we wi bones, etc., for granted too, hen-#t co oO tin cans and glass bottles, carpet tacks ruety ; nails, well, we’ve got to shown. Garbage collection is, after all, a expensive matter. Suppose that you divide the’ town into three sections, East, Centre, and West. Gather the Fe mgpe at night, once per week, an tio: on a different ny Night is the best time to do the work, for then there are few autos in t way, no delivery wagons to evens and the garbage collection wagon and men do not interfere with them. ‘The horse and wagon can keep the centre of the street, while the two men gather the garbage, one from each side of the street. In this way the work is quickly and quietly done. Garbage from each meal or from each day should be wrapped ‘nm paper and plac- ed in the garbage can or box, which should have a tight cover, and in each section placed conveniently some time before midnight, the night before, the collector of garbage will call. This system lege apply for pos- sibly nine mont of the year, oF more. For the intanes: the schedule could be changed to collection twice per week, in hot midsummer weath+ er. Looks quite practical doesn't s to the cost. There are approx- imately 1000 places to collect about $1 per place as an average. a matter of fact, when paid for in general taxation, levied as per the assessment roll, it will cost the indi- vidual house conaziderably less, at least {t would appear that way. Systematic collection of garbage should-have been installed long ago. Logically it as the forerunner, not the follawer of the Horticultural Society. tL PRINCESS. E- THEATRE WALTER’S MONDAY & TUESDAY SPECIALS |] BETTY BRONSON Rubbers $2.95 75e ee $3.75 Heavy - «eR 1 29 Heavy $1.25 Wool Hose, .. I ZY Men's Wool Sweaters .. . Men’ ‘s i Pants WEDNES. & THURS. RICHARD DIX “Quicksand” . csevess O00 $1.15 ppiamnenthasiatiidetaaetes anciiciapnetn eanoieveccien ETE Walter's eee When .the garbage dump disappears, its wonted “ " ts apt to become the location of .a bed of flowers, or a nice little bit of lawn, even a rose bush or an a shrub by way of exterior adornmer Beofre the old lone all disappear it would be a good thing to get some pictures pate of them. Later, in a ear or tw ‘si te”’ could be shotoaranned again. What a ans trast study it would make, “the an ow?" Bebe daetfoctoofosfosSect-sfietond: eageoedoefeofechecbeofealesdoafon ey a BRITTON 2 + ” Sosbebebnfnrlnbnsonfebabonedtsbnh aaesbled oeeled A number from here attended ne U.F.O. dance in Listowel ‘on Frid evehing of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Coneybeore Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. spent Newb! ay rs. drew Preston spent - fey days 7 friends in Woodetoc Miss Belle Keith of the as eon, jepent Tone with her friend Miss ts tage nd Mrs. J. Wood of Carthage spent t Sunday with friends here. iss Dorothy Seronle sous the eee Mr and ig Friends Lp Aimee, i leon P. K. Bull | , to Her Home— : Wm. Wahi is jE to she home this week on account of {Hness and her friends hope for * speedy recovery. Will Give Returns— The resuita of vil Epraplensce pc seas Theates during the evening. Sprains Ankle— - While getting tgs a a car_on Fri- day last, Mr. Dick Oke had the mis- fortune to sprain a right ‘ankle and has-been Jaid up for 2 few days. Spending Some Sa in Listowel— Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferghson and Lyle arrive in y saterith from Toar- onto on Tuésday and” expect to epend some Mrs. Hp Mrs. Fergu- RB it. $ son's father, Mr. ies . oO. Clarke of of the Bazaar, has | purchased the old P. MS building on | Wallace cteet and rposes moving h's store about April iat. Necessary alterations will be ma Seriously. i— We are sorry to report the serious ‘lness of Mre. J. Listowel Mamceml the illness of her mother. Completed Probation Term— : Miss Margaret Davidson, who is training at the General Hospital, Hamilton, spent a day last week with her parents. M Davidson has compjeted her probation term and is now wearing her cap. Return From Owen Sound— (Mr. Carl Rocher who has beén in Owen Sound for the . past _.several weeks acting as coach for the Owen Sound junior hockey team, returned} to Listowel this week accompanied iby Mrs. Rocher Dr. Fallis Operated Rey, Samuel W. D.D. Fallis, Toronto, Book Steward ‘of the Uni- Livin ted church of Canada, and known to several in Listowel, underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, on Sat- urday morning last. Accompanied Boys to Owen Sound—| ta Messrs. B."L. H. Bamford, Lester Davey, Wm. ZiliNax, Henry Youn, Gordon one le Alex Ross, F. -W: K R. G. Savage and James Athas accompanied the Listowel , junior hockey team to Owen Sound on Mon- y. Return to Home— Mr. ond va. Wright and family o End, Sask., who have been pl the past ‘several weeks in Listowel = Mrs. ene 's par- ents, Mr. Mrs. are return- ing to their home the latter part of this week. Returns to wel— Mr. George eeternes of Woetstes’ returned to Listowel this week a resumed his former — posi Mr. F. Preuter, harnessm Carl Neyberg has resigned his pou: tion with Mr. Preuter and left this week for Toronto. ; Blood Poisining in Hand— appy” Rogers, who is playing with the junior hockey team, . was unable to play with the team at wen. Sound on Monday _ last. It was found necessary that he be taken to the hospital there for treatment to his hand, blood poisoning having developed. ‘He also has been under- going treatment at the Memorial Hosp‘tal this week. feeleofeed eleeteebesdectecdeedecbeedeedecbecdebeeleeberbeefeede tesbeoded ~ + ; THIRD LINE WALLACE rat # fee ae ie wofeotenfocleoloeleatecfesfeefesdes feels Mrs. W. Perrin, Lioyd and Ruby pe visiting in Kitchener a few days this . Mr. ana Mrs. N, W. ted Sunday with Mrs. line Grey andi Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, 2nd line a. * Mra. John Bender was in Kitchen- er a couple of days last week, attend- ing the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Heastond. Mrs. ‘Will Kress spent a few days in Molesworth with her mother, Mrs, J. McIntosh who is troubled with sore eyes Mrs. John Bender is at Milverton this week with her sister, Mra. ier. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammond of Lebanon, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason over the week 2 sii _ Bowman visi- A. Rae, 2nd Lloyd | saPestosPeatestertestoctenResttectos’ eceatoatectect fosfontentncfonfontoegenfeotontenfoefeetoafootenteoloaiooatecfoafeefooteats SIXTH LINE WALLACE hee sfeledeecee bebe foteedecbetecbedededs a es a hg The W. W. B.C. of the aap brs church gathered at the f Mr. and Mrs. Herman onder Tuesday evening for a Valentine social. evening Was enjoyably ‘spent in gam- es and contests-and a dainty lunch- eon was served. A freewfll offering was taken up, which amounted to $10. and will be used towards the gett purchase of new hymnals for the church. Mrs. Wm. Schneider returned home Saturday after . week's visit with relatives in Woo e Misses Nelda Manz ‘and ertha) Schmidt’ and- Mrs. Milton iis nger vieited Sunday wae Mr, and Mra. J. Scheafer, Mayn Mr. Frank Gchnelder of Toronto, is} spending sometime with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schneider. Miss Selina Walter returned home’! © Friday efter spending sometime “in Kiteh ener. Miss Edna Lorch returned home from the seater hospital on Sun- ri age) a ty a con, t an = Bender. — esars, Melvin ‘ea wath day. The | Sas i { j be made in 3rd Mne nenatee Dies in Wallace “The death oe Wallace on Tuesday, Feb. 14th of Mr. Edward Charles year. ‘The funeral was made tn Fairview cemetery. B rceuace? Resiient D: The death pecieces ta in Detroit yon ‘Wednesday, Feb. 16th of Mra. Peter Zurbrigg, a former gos of Trow- bridge in her 93rd y The re- mains are being Srna “to Listowel on Service will be held at Britton’s Funeral Parlors = piper day, at 1.30 p.m. and interm Celebrated Sist Birthday— “Mary atid Vance Gidson spent the week end visiting their uncle Thomas McClement, 2nd con Ban ick. On Saturday ise os aioiabere of the family thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs} McClement in honor of the Sist birthday of Mr. Gibson of Fordwich, who is spending the winter there. Mrs. Edith Gibson, town, is a daughter-in-law of Mr. Gibson. Annual Rally at Stratford— e annual rally and dinner of the University. ot Toronto Alumni will be — at the Y.M.C.A.,/Stratford on . 24, Mr. J. G. Ftizger: L. ie D., professor of Preventive Medi- cine and director of the Connaught Laboratories will be speaker. to all graduates in Listowel - present at this event. I. Q. O. F. Social Evening— The eecond social evening of the season held by the local Oddfellows took place last Thursday evening in the lodge rooms. Progressive euchre and dancing was enjoyed by about one hundred people: Lunch served. The winners at euchre were aie. . vonZuben -an Mr. Cockwell,. while the consolation) priz- es went to Mrs. A. Hamilton ant Mr. Henry Youn. ; be me I Band— The regular meeting of the Liv- ingstone Mission Band was held on Saturday, Feb..11th at the Mrs. W. Jickling.- The Scripture lesson was read by Grace Gray. Miss ste Thbmpson, who Renigrs 9 to train ree at the General, Hospital, Tomete. we Was pre- sented with an ivory clock, as a re- membrance of the Mission Band. The issions was taken by .. Miss Ada earer. The — pinatine will be held at the -hom s Agnes Park, on Saturday, ‘March 10th. willl rhe ch ald, M.D., |. the principal} Ani invitation is sereneeat was} Gilvary Eaoeelical vary Wagner, Pastor terment| . Sunday, Feb. 19th ~~ 10 a.m.—Public Worship. 11 a.m.—-Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Mon. 8 p.m.—Young. People's Society Wed. 8 p.m.— Prayer Meeting. : Ba ptist Dae a warm Welceo me" “Herbert W. Guscott, Minister Sunday, Feb. 19th 10.30 a.m.—Bible schol ard service 7 p.m.—Song Servic Dr. G.i W. Tupper will preach. Come and ging some of the old time bit City Mission Deaconesses J.E. Peard, H. Sconler Sunday, February 19th 1.45 Be m. pgs school. ‘a 7 p. Se Wasa Service Tues. 8 p.m.—Cottage Prayer Ser- 2. Friday 8 p.m.—Young People’s Ser- vice. : NGL 8 Ns WA Homath, of Elm- fa | 26 Ne ge oe a ame Five weeks old, fine bunch. "phone 381, o. Lgityees ee In Lis len mit asked si retgtn same to oe office. FOR SALE ~Fifty three acres, east half-Lot 3 - con, 8, Elma, new brick house, ban arn, cement silo. Apply Box 265, ‘Milverton. FOR SALE Two 50 acre farms for sale, or will exchange for town property. Apply A. J. Vandrick. BOR SALE About ‘fifty hens, rocks and- leg- horns, al Iyoung. Apply Ada E. * Matthews, phone 613 r 2. FOR SALE.OR EXCHANGE Property for sale or exchange on rm. Seven acres, good house and steble, at east end of town, on Elm — jstreet. Apply at Banner office. - HOUSE FOR SALE : Large solid brick house on Royal SSS TT United Church Listowel. Sunday, February 19th street, lights and water, one lot. For particulars apply to Banner Office. v 2-16 - THIS’ PLAY t play, cot te 3; mine Mine’” erty: at 8 o'clock p.m play. Admission, enulte 35c, child- ren ‘FOR RENT Red -brick—residence oy Wallace Road with stable and a “acres of land. Apply to Robert Bray, phone 621-21 ‘2-23 pa ~ MORNING Anthem— “O Saviour of the orld” ; Subject—“The Only Foundation" EVENING Anthem—“Take Up Thy Cross." —Grant Male quartet—Messrs. Casgars: Hallman, Hewitt, Cox. 5 Lost Subject——“The Man Himself." sreepepeeeesseeseesereess || Wel. § p.m—Midweek service of Ps ely Prayer and Praise + KURTZVILLE 2 “4 © senncesasessssisaiatibo ee ee Ce te ee i i ae be its P. F. Hoadley, E. F.S4rmstrong and Mrs. and Lyleij. Organist. . a _-Minister. | Mr. Roy Ronald apes Gander at the home of Mr. Ear! Vin Mr. r. ” and Mrs. Wilfred Fisher and Marjorie were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holtzman on Sun- Miss Tenie oat oa is spends this week with friends in Listowel. port spent. ge friends on the sixth | nd McCabe and sion Faust spent Sunday at the home - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vines, 3rd ine. . iMr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Master visited on Sunday at the home of Mir and Mrs; Norman Ankenman. ‘Mr. Gerald Grey~ spent Sunday at Mr. les Schaefer's. and Mre. Otto Mahnke, Miss}. Tillie and Nora Mahnke spent Thurs- Pica pe, ay at the home o the . former’s brother, Mr. Henry Mahnke near sep ns go nd Mrs. Wes. McDowell spent Sunday ‘wit h the former's DOH ers Charlie. McDowell, 3rd lin Po John Schaefer spent Tee with her daughter, Mrs. Elden An kenman., Mr. Laurie Vines of Palmenston, spent poniay with his mother, Mrs. Ellie r. Norman McDowell spent the 1 week end in Kitchener. Thank You i] _IN MEMORIAM — banana FEWSTER—In loving memory of Emma Jane Hf&atherly, beloved wife of mas Fewster, who departed this life on the 23rd of January, 1927. One year has gone Since eek sad day; One reve ir as called a pan will ry e gr Neither shall] her mem Precious thoughts éhall wander, To the spot where she is lald. —Sadly missed by Husband. ’ fade we ever KEMP BROS. AUCTIONEERS EVER BE BEFORE IN LISTOWEL A 1924 Maxwell coach, looks and dike like mews new set of tires, can be or less than half price: when new. ge Races hes no further ™ use for it. Car can be'seen at Zur- brigg & Bender's garege. id s O1ck PEED ate all parties th will not be responeible for any debts. ‘contracted by my Walter ecuend: ae AS tion, brick house, ban shed attached, "aeiving shed, drilled well, 4 miles from Listowel. ARP w. J. Bartley. peone 619 r 2. CORDWOOD WANTED : Wanted, any quantity of cord-~ wood, sia! or —-bundled—_edgings. Trent Valley Lumber Co., Ltd., 95 King St. E., Toronto, Phone Elgin 5754 or Elgin 7972. Pe HOUSES FOR SALE Two good houses, one brick and one frame, all conveniences; several good building lots; will estimate on new buildings to be erected. particulars apply to Geo. Wake TUESDAY, FEB. — John W. Querin, lot 16, 3. rybor- ough, miles money of Glenallen; cattle, implements hay and grain. THURSDAY, MARCH 8th— Sale of 40 head of- tad “ae accredited Holstein Friesa Central Stables, Mill St, "Riaseei at 1 o’- clock, sharp. FRIDAY, FEB. 24—For Herbert Mec- Millan, lot 9, con. 6, Wallace, stock Instead of sending receipts by mail, which in each case requires two cents postage, The Banner takes this more convenient method of acknowledging receipt of the fol- lowing new subscriptions or renew- and implements. FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd— At the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, valuable tywn property, the Griffith house __on Bay street, als, received during the few PS ee ner er rer days, and for which those itting| > + wil) pledse accept our thanks. : DOWD'S SALE LIST z Thursday, Feb. 16th, 1928 Wrrererereeestsererrerrren Mr} or a EeoN London. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 22—For AC ae ba temas Sar Wintekeret Findlay, lot \4, 6 2, Dor kt. Hendersaur~) ough, stock, Beta tinplenenta, Mr. Al rt Gedeke, eb seisi hey. , Dr. BE. H. Smith, Angeles, Cal. SAURDAY, FEB. 18— Horses ‘and Mr. paras Thompson, Port Col-| colts, pastponed from Feb. 11, at rne Central Stables, Listowel. Mrs. Witmer, Vancouve ‘Miss Hazel Rassman, Stratford. Mrs. O. Wilson, Buffalo, N.Y. Mies Helen Foster. ea gg W. Bradley, Toro Bog T. Gingrich, Hamilton, . W. Ward Hamilton. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Beaver Brand Carbon Paper ané Typewriter Ribbons do not 6mudg=2 and are guaranteed to give twice the ‘length of. service. Ribbons 75+ each. Buy your ribbons and carbon paper at The Banner office. , Thrifty beac le land a Jewish wedding ryone was except the b ata abe Ask- aig ¥ y he was so gloomy, he he ae gore aa ain Sy seem right dot bg haf to rither « 3 aft thy THURSDAY, FEB. 23—For Henry Camphell, lot 38, con. 3, Wallace, stock, grain,. etc. CONSIGNMENT SALE OF SCORED: ITed HC ILSTEIN, FRIES. TTLE To all farmers and farmers’ sons of, this district, to all Jovers of gocd pure bred cattle, we aaiene a cordial invitation to attend our sale to be and seven promising malés listed. Me Merritt assisted. by p Bros. are the anctionee AShbeiat and A. ©. Park, expletning Catalogues will be ready for distri- the. end sg scared LPLAYFORD—At lying olin. Wallace Tp. on Monday,’ Feb "to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ‘ARM FOR SALE : West half lot 26, Con. 4, Howick,” containing 55% wood bush, barn, dri oe dwelling house, drilled well, or- chard and small fruit, 3 acres fall wheat, fall plowing done. For terms and particulars, apply on premises. Ed. Currie, Fordwich, Rs. I. SELL e, GET YOUR SEED READY TO I am ready to hull, reclean, grad _jand get government test with stand- ard grading for your sweet clover, y, aleike and clover seed. Bet-- oo where. Will pay highest es ‘on commission. J. W. grad ater, phone 14, Listowel. NOTICE “Pro f. E. Katz, the eye specialist, will relleve eye strain and banish headache on Saturday of this wank at the ee nine Listowel. Why not ha ; nervous’ qoatinig and aotekivel vision by se- curing a péir.ef-our fgmous meniscus 4 lenses. By ‘our grgat skill we can help you even Whefi others fa‘l. ‘ FARM FOR SALE ..C. W. Grigg, sixth con. of Mary- borough twp., is offering his sixty acre farm for sale, located 344 miles from Moorefield. ie farm has a large bank barn nd comfortable aix-roomed house, situated on a high dry kn é gen pumped to the buildings. The so loam rich in humus. School He on farm. - Any reasonable exchange offer will be considered. Spring w es AERA <a BORN * non, on Mon- day, February 6th. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Playford, a daugh- Bridge, “ times a man's black —. Say *|tlen fur ‘gaunt (mew) with Finder - is price for best and will sell Secondary —_ ang A s %

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