FL a ae, ee es - of limestone and one quarter toone -arius some sacrifice, but if The Joy of | Accomplishment To save money may require that you make a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at regular intervals, igo ey with the interest it earns soon experience the j SEabmeat . os is a Savings oy of accom- ank oe ment at every branch of this Bank. , IMPERIAL \L BANK | M. R. HAY, /EL BRANCH, _ Munager. 19 20 SSIESBSIE Groceries In addition to our regular lines of staple groceries, may we draw your attention to a few appetizing dainties which help to make the table both attractive and tempting. Skinned Texas Figs... ... .85c eS PineaPple Marmalade... ..30c Fruits for Salads... . Sliced and Crushed Pine- apple.... .. .-80¢ ++. .400 re C & B Pickled Walnuts or 85c + ween HP Sauce.... caniect ALSO FRESH HEAD GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGES, LETTUCE AND CELERY GRAPES, and BANANAS Phone 72 RA. CLIMIE Established 1895 ae pie Banner The Dincoas Bee (Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 19238.) Published Thursday of each week. Bight to the wae pases, seven col- ‘umns t . All home-print. Sp a Sate. bseripiion rate $2. strict in aavicase: Stharwine $2.66 60. six months ‘$1.00; three months eee To su ibers in the United Sta 60c additional for postage. The Banner and Bee-has the cir- culation—several hun more than its bc excels as an advertising We do job ‘printing of all kinds. E. 8. HUDSON. ; Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newsps- per Association Thursday, Feb. t6th, 1928 queer hes d: ‘|¢elebrating the 71st anniversary of REV. JOHN GRIFFITH, wecripnacesde ; WRITES TO LADY—OONDITIONS STIL UN- SETTLED: 83 Racecourge Road, Tlentalu, China Dacambar 72, 1927 @ good many weeke since. we Seisicen your newsy letter of o I passed on your letter at once for" them to read. a letter the other day from Margaret's uncle, Dr. W.T. Me- Mullen of Woodstock. They were his ordination as a minister. If he lives until January 9th, 1928 he will e 97 years of age, and says hé {fs in better health than he was 20 ago. He used to’ itinerate among) , the eettlers-of. North--Perth —before there were bridges over the rivers, but ae the last 60 ed or more he has n in Woodset As on will fae von. the e6n- closed bulletins this country is still distracted by civil-wars and lawleéss- ness of all kinds. We are far from immediate disturbance here in Tien- tsiu, as there are several contingents of foreign soldiers ere B American, French, Italian and Jap- ese h the people of these nationalties live. There aré practically five or more cities here, alongside of each other and all strung along the river. The most northern is the da peg = es of the river. is the French nces: an south of that is thie British Conces- sion, in which a lot of Americans also live and, indeed, mre wealthy Chinese and other peop a0 6 who crowd in here and build beautiful residences Becaeee they it is @afer than else. You would be witeeioed could you eee the enormous palaces, in Western style, The Cook’s Corner + | ere. An airplane to the house. We have them (mostly Wallace St. Like Grandma Used to Bdke Ak. L Oh, the delicious, crisp, freshness of “ Milkmade Bread “I couldn’t do better myself!” aia grand- ma in enthusiastic delight. You can buy it here now! v Phone 85 Zurbrigg Bros. Listowel Listowel Horticultural Society Beautifying the Home Grounds More attention than ever before now being given to making the appearance of dwellings more at- tractive. he difficulty jis just what to do at the least expense, Shroubbery with a few flowers us- uelly is all that is necessary to take @way the bare dook and make the home much more. inviting. In some cases It may be necessary to grade the lawn to make a more even surface, or an ext e lawn surface may be @sirable to a better setting to the buildings. application of one or two pounds Wally lacking and help to secure good stand of Keetucie blue ee which is the best lawn grass. Quarter ounce of this grass seed t @ equare yard, scattered evenly, ‘te thich enough, and good lawns are possible by using half this amount. It is wise to‘ use @ome thera toward the corner of the house a at pals side of the entrance to wan hou The heavier and eeper |. eate should be at the corners with g@hter plantings at the entra Shrabbery useful for planting is not expensive if small plants : . The #mall' plants transplant more easily and they will soon grow to give ae ickle {Lonicera tatarica rosea diy @panese Bush Honeysuckle (Loni- '@6ra Morrowi), kk orenes ih eri fetal oer P, 5 mt tor corner plante. The Bridal | to know; ¥ *! planted, an irregular planting may ea (Sp! Van’ Hout- Thunbergii, a lower; ones. They are spaced about three to four feet apart, and arranged to give a rounding bese line at the corners Fi from house wall to alk. t is wise to plant two or three slats of one variety together to give a group effect when they to have one group predominate. That is, there may be three plants of one kind, two of another and one of another together. Or the plantings may have more' plants according to the size of the dwelling. leave one-third of the base line of the ‘dwelling without ‘ Along the edge of this planting flowers in groups oor perennials or annuals may be set. If the border a the lawn is to be eed made up ~of Japanese drang rborescons, Golden “Bell, “Siherian Pea tree, Golden Elder, wood, Weigela rosea an {Rathke, which are so deciduous shrubs, Petar Dog. rat ateshe feat | Boosting for Highway—~-, The Guelph Mercury saya: Prom- inent of pie of cities and towns to the poh are strongly agitating that a high be - constructed from Sarpy aah te Elora, Alma, Tevi- otdale and Harriston to Southamp- according who was in the city today, The’ ald- its" n, Doone of Mil ¥,. Wali) Sha edn see nm soning tkirts Betas slr ecm ‘and add to the hoa mixture. Whetstone of Harriston, | , Cheese Fondue. 1 1-3 cups soft stale bread crumbs b. Canadian cheese—rub through grater. 4 eges 1 cup hot water” bread crumbe, and ‘add salt, cheese and well beaten and bake in a ee oven until firm, Serve at once. to Ore 2 cupe cooked 1 beans % Ib. pimento pore! rub through grater egg 2 canned pimentos 3 cups bread crumbs Butter Seasonings to taste Drain liquid from beens and run through a meat pper; mix with toes very fine, Add seasonings, egg slightly beaten, and enough fread crumbs to- make the mixture stiff enough to shape into a Roll in bread sare and bake n a moderate oven ntil brown, basting with melted Sutter and water Serve very hot with tomato sauce. Tomato Rabbit: 2 tbpe. butter ™% stewed and strained tomatoes Salt, mustard and cayenne pepper tsp. soda Tb. Canadian through grater 2 eggs, slightly beaten. Cook the butter and flour <ometines stirring, add the milk, and ag soon the tg thickens, add tomatoes and soda. eggs, seasoning and stir in cheese until melted. Serve at once on oe ed whole wheat or gteham Dread : Welsh Rabbit. 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. cornstarch % cup niilk cheese ‘ —rub Tb. canadian cheese —rub through grate % tsp. each, salt, mustard and paprika Few grains cayenne pepper. Melt butter, add corn nétarch milk gradually, cook, stirring until thick and smooth. Add cheese, and stir until it is melted. Suaua, and serve at once on crackers or toasted élices of brea aysonne Cheese Rone. 3 cups meat stock 3 tbsps. each of spect ctiopped car- rots, Seubert and pars 1 tbsp. finely ry ch Pendit 1 thee. ebonens green pepper 2 teps. Panton and paprika to taste 4 slices-of toasted bread * % Ib grater. Cook the vegetables and season- ings in the stock; “when they are tender ,add the cheese and stir until melted. . Serve with slices of toasted rea Vegetable Salad, 1 cup cold boiled green beans % cup cooked peas ve sh . cheddar cheese,rub through cup kidney beans eup Swiss cheese rub. through gra € oy ey salad oi! . 2 thsps. lemon juice % tsp. each salt, pepper, and dry mustard 1. thsp.. chopped parsley and olives Make salad dreseing by mixing oil, lemon juice and = searonin Add chopped “parsley and olives, paprika, *|}peared. We had a lovely autum t Mixi Da American) fiying about here eve or 4 blocks from this’ house. One day not long ago, I and seaplanes flying abont here at the same time. em were performing thrilling stante ‘in th coon el rolling over, looping the loop ritish,| premises has a Palmerston man’ selected as man- ay big Chinese} ff which many Chinese have built right é he has just passed close w. day. The landing ground -is- only 3 oa wil saw 14 airplanes; Presented with Gifts— Veatoriay. we had a light ‘sprinklé of snow but it hes almost all disap- but the weather Weg getting — fairly cold now, and e next two months it fe not likely to be very pleasant. ‘There were roses in the garden until late November and the trees in Marc Margeret is very busy today so ehall fast send this off without walt un be Year of great joy and blessing. * Yours sincerely, riffith. seleleleleleleteieletet tele ieheededeiebeeieteet Da + TROWBRIDGE . enter Peiehheenbeneabteubes (Too Late for Last Week.) The monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Mrs. W. Ward last week. There was quite a large crowd present, notwithstand- ing the stormy day «+ Mr. Ar are ong of Listowel, preached in the United church + loko Thursday evening, his subject was “The possibilities of Faith.”” ‘It was a very forceful sermon. o) number were present. he special meetings are being well ettended, Rey. Hart preaches very heart searching ser- mons, and Mr. Coyle’s eae is very much gst iby all who attend. ‘Mise Smith returned home Monday ron Guelph where she has been for a month taking a, short course in the O.A.C. Miss Jean svete arelurnga home from Toronto last w ies G. Jackson is reiting her aunt Mrs. M. A. Leslie. Mrs. Mary Leslie is oem a few days at her son's, Mr. fe, Mr. C. Allen spent the iC aeee end at his home near Mt. For Why Go To All That Troubl He was calling on his best girl orn during the evening ‘she said: “Ex- cuse mé a minute. I’ ™m going to: put on my new percolator “Oh, don't bother,” “he said, look fine the way you are.” ied Got the Wrong Number “ At three a.m. the telephone rang a the garage. The sleepy mechanic ook the receiver. ‘Say, sai Soke: “come out and get me right away, I just turned turtle. hat do you think this place is, the Zoo?" replied the disgusted garage man. The Over-worked Teacher The town cynic who is aleo some- thing ofa mathematician, has it all figured out that a teacher, actually works only day a year. is his method of computation: A sthool teacher works six hours a ane Christmas this leaves 71 days that a works. Summer holidays. about 9 weeks or 62 days, this leaves 8 days parture from Milverton to take up his new office’as agent of the C.P.R. at Perth, a number of thé members and .friends of St. church, Milverton, assembled in the! ain should begin to ewell on the} > h. J} 80n-in-law of Mr.’'and Mrs. W. A. Gray, Listowel. and well yaswa here! having been a former agent of the n|C.P.R. Mr, en an church work at Mifverton: es Fog ih Waren Falls and Buffalo, Mr. Jas. Cleave of Listowel, - a week end visitor with his’ daughter, Mra. An Harriston Review. ony.—. Reuben Fatum, son of Ed Fatum left 5: Monday for Wallace, where he is gaged w' vl “Henry Bayler, for ites — -—Clifford Express, J. M.. Williams of © Listowel ee tthe week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Mogre-+Palniers: fon Spectator. Mrs. Cecil Vandrick and daughter, Reta Mary of Listowel, and Miss Kate Graham, Palmerston, were-the uests of Mrs. Ed. Eckenewiller Wednesday.—Clifford Express. Acce tio: Miss na OH Saint hds accepted friends wish Advance-Tim May Open D While no official announcement re- garding the matter has been made, meny4 success. —Wingham- rumor has it that the Liquor Control | esc#ped. Board will shortly open a dispensary in Palmerston, d that suitable been arranged for and ager. 8 ich | Received Diploma— ‘Mr. Douglas Cam Township, plom mpbell, Wallace wget received his di- a from dake ive: ‘week Be waiting the hunters, who supplied Westera Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. suid Sins fit Tom Pry Ear Cok Ba ee Taneath Mant, Chinen See ob rty-elght ‘ men made : a big jack cataitt drive in the east.part of Lo- gan on d. and after cover nearly four — they took shelter) at the home of Mr. and Mre. Geo. Costello, who fad tea and coffse a- their—-own-hinch:” over nineteen jacks were and in tovering the fi this first jag! Saving the Payement— Hion. George 8. Henry Minister ot Highways, eg authori ‘Before Mr. Frank Crawford's de Paul's United m y their Sunday school aseociates with a cup and sauc- er and a gold penell Mr. pander has taken erest. ake much difference and on going over the same gro Bigs ies or two after this great drive old that hundreds of rabbits till + remain Lon a district.—Mitchell Advo- judging as PHOSPHODINE. whole nervous system. makes new Blood represents in old. Veins Used. for Nervoss oo | Berenden, Lonel Ene Paaaton 3) | fer SS ee ape cihgpete don pagel Leads the World In Motor Car Values When In Need of FUEL —CALL 4— We have the very best in Coal Coke & Wood. Robert Oliver — ae ae its ity of engineering and manufac sd maa of $870 up- turing which produces the i ; adda tae Heian cae Chapdiers ot po eg ee Js. i end oe f 6 iw su gh es com- There xe ae iphand 8a Chrysler “. Serr low and ¢ ; - a ee hil soy hing pub eee as ; oo in th gon this Full-sized roomy bodies of excep- pe mi a 4 F 3 s anid eauty of line and Sensational New Low Prices ; color = set the pace for the Coupe,*870; Gi ae seat) ive Touring, °870; Two- a ' Porat res 41 é. ok. door Som $s A = eg Seams rumble seat) *930; Sedan Pa sat Bll oA iaieli