Listowel Banner, 10 May 1928, p. 8

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IES ete, eee yaaa aA FCT Tet . -—% . SA 2 . Mardy et ta eo Sear De ob a o's: ee : RE SER LE or eavy Alterations” on She. Building F Every article in our store must go at prices that have no retail, as everything will ba sold at t parallel i THE OPPORTUNE TIME The very fact that this sale comes in the face of a rapidly rising cxerkel in the -shoe trade should act as an incentive to the thrifty buyer. Buy. Now! Save Money! Sale Starts ae pl 12th, at in the rebel me be ables in this We haus no pling : ‘We. nust ‘aut oft e beyond the aaa tel ofa si i tie ereateat non ny of 3 foo a. : 7 he wholesale price or even less, =. Ey hs district. ay T- c jit are be eee grt yh. PEERS WY TONES 8A RERMIONE FY nines SRT EIS aerate ert he a m Pe He Eee TORE ORIEN PT oN DS OE SE Sea The hie Bazaar Bi j You won't have the | blues if you buy Blue | Willow,Allertons, Eng- |} lish Blue Willow Mat- chings now in stock. Dinner Sets initat $25. Good serviceable ev- eryday Dinnerware on sale‘at this store from | $18.50 up. | White & Gold Cups and Saucers: 1 cup & 1 saucer for Plain White Cups & Saucers per doz. .... 98c | Clover Leaf Cups & Saucers per doz. ....1.10 Seeds, 30 pkgs. ........1.00 Flour Sifter small 15c Flour Sifter large 19); Glass 7 Tumblers ea. 4c Ri: rd Pitchers, 3 Red and White Store Phone 93 All your Fresh V egetables and Fruits are kept cool & crisp at our fountain. aaa TSE Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c California Celery 25c Tomatoes............ Ib; 25c Rhubarb <3: 10c Leaf Lettuce....... .... 10c PING PPIES oss oh “25c S'less Raisins 2 for 25c Canned Peas 2 for 25c Servus Tomatoes 2 for 25c Prunes 13¢ Whey Butter ...1b. 40c 4 Prompt Delivery Service sizes ....23c, 33c, 43c Mirs. Potts’ Sad Iron Handles ...........:..-. 15c Whitewash Brush .25c |} Scrab, ‘large™.....:.:. eee bes Use our bape Room and i FRESE LOG: OM ST oN t THE BAZAARH| § iO bee? ha ne ——"} ig Se EX 5) ig = » ad | ; “ete s et 1 GS Another new lot of | ‘oA Wallpaper |i Fresh Spring | V b] oe iit egetables J ust anE?Y, Fresh when we get them; ; Fresh when you get them. Pretty Bargains ! . Tomatoes, : ; Lettuce, Cucumbers, Casi, and at 1 CaubFlowed sad Cotes ' Bargain Prices | Fresh Pineapples and Straw- berries for the Week-End. 'a)7 7 J i 5 tee oe Sill > Causo’s rug olore Fruit Store The Ring For Her eau eUL hand-engraved Wedding Rings —fit symbols. of of _marital sentiment —are ~ offered here. We have them in both*T4 kt. Green Gold and 18 kt. White Gold at $7.50, $9.00 and $12. 30 each. prices, but all worthy of | t Rings, too, at various the jeweler’s art, are aeadible ae Prices Moderate ~ tf Wet A. JOH INSYONE, is [| ton spent Tuesday in Li ] }Sunday in Milverton at the home of | daughter lonto were week end guests at —E——EEO ee ee | Mr. Sam Congram and son Ellictt of Lucknow spent Sunday in‘Listo- wel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Lioyd Forbes. Mr. and Mre. Sam Kincade of Newton, accompanied by Miss Louise Subject, motored to Elmwood on Sunday and vieited friends. Rey. and Mre. W. Y¥. Dreier of Zurich spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mre. J. H. Bender. : Mr. Griff and Mr. Gale of Strat- ford office and Mr. Vernon of the | London office visited at the — local + affice of the Bell Telephone Co. on Tuesday. Mrs. James R. Hardie and baby Elieen and Mises Nellie Sanderson spent the week end with friende in Toronto. Mr. R. O. Hube and Dorothy mot- ohn to Toronto and spent the week en Mr. and Mrs. Harold WUube -and family of Galt spent Sunday at the and Mrs. R. O. Hube. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcrast and family of Wroxeter. spent Sunday in Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hay and Miss Hazel Hay motored to Toronto and epent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Terry. Mr. E. M. Creighton motored to Toronto and spent the week end. He was accompanied on return by Mrs. Creighton and Ruth, who had been spending a week in the city. Mr. Arthur Sanderson was in Tor- onto’ Friday and Saturdar | Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doubt wind: fatvily of Hanover were week end gues. at the home of Mrs. Doubt's sir ‘Mrs. John Bamford. Angevine spent the week end tonite, friends in Durham. Mr. Lindék:: Mason of Toronto is .visiting at the fome of his parents in town. Messrs. W. J. Stricker and Rich- ard “Johnston were in Oshawa Tues- day on bueiness. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Smith and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burke 12th con Elma. Mr.-and Mrs. Roy Collins and baby, and Mies Margaret Roe spent Mr. and Mre. Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawrence of Palmerston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood of London visited Tuesday and Wednesday at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Harris and Everitt of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. George Mathieson of Goderich epent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mathieson. Mr. Dobson of the High School home of the former's parents, Mr:} eG Mr. oe Mrs. Wm. Coates, ‘2nd con. Elma, left on Wednesday for the West, owing to the fliness of Mrs. Coates’ father, Mr. Chapman. Mr. A. Corrigal has returned to New York after being called to Lis- towel owing to the death of Mr. D. Sanderson. Mrs. Cérrigal will spend a few weeks with her mother before retirning to New York. i Rev. J. M. Nicol epent the week end with his sisters in London. Mr. Fred Hoadley of Hamilton spent the week end here with his son, Mr. P. F. Hoadley. Miss Florence Hoadley of Hamil- ton is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. P. F. Hioadley and Mrs. Hoadley. ° Mr. Lou's PI effer and Rey. L. H. Wagner were in Milverton on Tues- day. Mrs, P, Richardson spent the week end In Drayton visiting at the home of Mrs. Watson. Mrs. D, Miller spent a few. days last week. with her Jamestown, near Bluevale. Mrs. G.“A. McDonald and Mrs. S.L. Adolph motored to Stratford. on Monday. Mr. Robert Cassels was in Strat- ford on Saturday last. Mr. L. W. Payne went to Detroit Wednesday on business. Mr. Carl Gray was heme Stratford for the week end. Miss Helen Hodgson and Mr. Mel- vin H. Bean of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. La. M. | Long. from end at his home in Hespeler. + Mrs. James Vandrick and Murton mrotored to Kitchener on Saturday afternoon. . & Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Finsky family of Detroit were guests week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Filsinger.. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. El@on Behder and Miss on Saturday. Mr. R. J. Binning of Kitchener and Mr. B: C. Binning of Calgary were in Listowel this week visiting their father, Mr. W.E. Binning, who is ill at the Listowel Memorial Hoe- pital. * Mr. Horace A. Peachey of the Bank of Montreal staff is- leaving next week on two weeks’ vacation at Toronto, Niagara Falls and Detroit. the week end with her mother, Mrs. R. K. Hall. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binning of Stratford spent the week end visiting at the home of Mrs. R. K. Hall. — Mr. and Mre: Eldon Bender and | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells motored to Clifford on Sundey and visited Mrs. Wells’ father. Staff spent the week end with his parents at Tilbury. Miss “Marjorie Thompson spent Thursday last in Galt at the home of Mr. Cecil Vandrick was home! her sister, Mrs. Norman Howes. from St. Thomas for the week end. Mr. Frank Thompson was- home from Milverton for the week end. Mr. and Mrs.'Zeno Parent, of. De- troit spent the week end visiting at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mre. W. F. Heath. : Mre. Ruesell. Wray and little Marjorie of Windsor are visiting at the home of Mrs. “‘Wray’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Heath. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davey of ae e , home of Mrs. Kelly . Mr. and Mra. Wm. Roberteon ‘and’ two children Lloyd and Jean and Mr. and Mre. Joseph Brandon of Belgrave spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Abram. Mr. Chas. Osler was in, Oshawa Tuesday On business. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mothersill and Dick of Toronto and Miss Edith George of Oshawa motored and spent the week end at the home of dr. and Mrs. A. B. George. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoffman of Elmira Spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. 8. Squires motored to Mil- verton on Sunday and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockhart and Mr, and Mrs, .J.-A.. Barber —_ and, daughter motored to Stratford on Wednesday afternoon. Mr.-and Mrs. George Fisher, M‘s- see Helen Bender and Edna Schell and Garfield Bender were in Strat- ford Monday evening and attended the music festival. _ Mrs. R. Pirie visited friends in Wingham on Monday. - Mr. J. P. Walter was in Toronto Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bennett, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Karges and baby, motored to God- erich on Sunday and spent the day. Miss Velma Smith spent the week end in Trowbridge with ‘Miss Ella Smith. - Mr. apa Mrs. Peter Dickert and Irwin, MY. and Mrs. Alex Murray and baby, Mr. Norman Dickert, and Miss Murray of Lakelet spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl and Mr. B. F. Knipe. Mr. Fred Hoadley; Miss Florence Hoadley, Mr. Leslie Hoadley. Mr. and Mre. Matthews and Mies Phyllis Bolt, all of Hamilton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hoadley. Mr. F. Hoadley and Miss Florence remeined o a week. Mrs. C. A. Hardie has returned to town from ‘Calgary and is staying with her brother, Mr. Wm. Davideon. Mesérs. Harold and Charles Cam- eron of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family of Torento spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ©arl Rocher. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Duckering and Miss Louise Holtzman spent Monday in Kitchener. Mrs..H. P. Wanzer is visiting friends tn Toronto and Hamilton this week. Mr. L. J. Burrowes and son spent the week end visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Carrie Lawrie of Winona ié visiting in Listowel, a guest of Miss L, Climie. Mr. Robert Goldner, accompanied by Miss Emily Ogram, Miss Florence Gibson and Miss Mary Cochrane, motored to Drew ‘on Sunday and vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins Pie V., Stewart . Kitchener ‘Salewies afternogn. = Miss Roeee a Fogger ~ of ai baby. ee Margaret Roe and Mr.} tend Mrs: ! ‘etl. Miss Eva Hamilton - S$, Cochrane. 'g° visiting srishos in Toronto for a few days. daughter in’ Mr Hass Murray epent the weekf | Lillian Bender motored to Kitchener Miss Ora Hall of Freelton spent Miss Helen ped _Zoturned home Mr. Lorenzo Thompson of Toron-- r THis spent Monday in Listowel. Mise Mary Hill of Galt apent the : week end with friends in Listowel. ‘Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Schilmm and; Miss Gladys Schlimm epent Sunday’ with friends in Hanover. Mr. Robert Johneton of Blyth, Mrs. Robert Clark and son George of Séa- forth epent Monday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark. Miss Margaret -Hall of Kitchener @pent the week end = the home of her mother, Mrs. R. K. Hali. Al {5 a. mon 13 =a | ga pe = ee ee ee —_—eoee Pahlivded Dance’ Arena Wednesday; May 16th. Special Attraction + Harold Skinner’s . Blue Water Boys Dancing every Wednesday ard Saturday evening Citizen’s Dance Committee rt m rs r ! = a tT 7 = ant) Sp a ea Se Se é wT 7 A ee — as i Sed = "Decided Tri m ph The American ieiaekien Diteeak and Insurance Neseitha a” ‘recent publication carries in it a message of outstanding im- portance to a great many Canadien people. This far-reach- 4 ing financial publication is one of the best informed papers of - ite Kind in the United States and is most “authorstive | on. such matters. -.. Recently, udlication was given to the remarkable pro- 7 gress of the nate company native to Western Canada. The paper says in part: “Not the least of the factors responsible for the company's . increasing and larity is the fact that the cost of Great * West fe pro is amazingly low: This is not ‘lain, baved upon tature eat mates, but is proved by the actual history of ea. as long as twenty years ago. Its record in. pens iy given ina. recent ‘sene of Best's Insurance News in a set. of tables showing the actual net cost of protection in most ‘of the older and larger perticipating companies. i REDS NS Policies issued in the year 1907 were used In the case of each company, and the net cost of the insurance arrived at by deducting~from total premiums the dividends actuaily paid. . Of all the companies included in the tabuiation, those operating . on the American continent, only one was as low as the Great West Life in the cost of ordinary Ife over the twenty-year period, and in the case of the twenty-year pay- life dnd twettty-year endowment policies, the net cost of Great West Life protection was shown to be lees than that of any other company: ig a = ae ' po Full particulars of Great West Life Policies may be had from Se elon Local Representative r — 4 oe | DPESS FVENT ‘Plain crepes are often ae All New Summer Pa Dresses for Every Feminine Member of the Family to 520 CESYER, distinctive: and new are these trode that capture the best details of the mode for the new season in the smartest colors and the most correct fabrics. Lovely prints abound for sports and afternoon occasions. cunning sleeveless jackets. a Sheer Chiffons New George te tes Cant Printed Crepes

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