Listowel Banner, 10 May 1928, p. 3

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a : Portas . @ te . 4G * ' + qwee " * ; Be tad a " a aye" + 5 - oa’ , ' : ‘ + Ne j ae , 2 Se ‘ yy « d ‘ F “ah ‘ de ree ‘ - heal a PSS ee ee re ee ee a edlackins ate Ceca snd 4 i " * : om ‘\ i ‘T Lie ’ ~ ha ~ . . ss ae me nee» iain: — , i te t LL Di al i “ ' o ry iia? ee .. ‘Thureday, May 10th, 2 : od ‘ r = ee ey arte de eta oe ie ‘ eee ‘Ae Want ae pe oe = - = “ .) ee ora em ee a oe OE Ue ee = ‘ . 2 *, ae = es =e : % ‘. ay Pat F aa he ae , 1 - 7.2 a4 «| SS +3 Triate » Ars Ret 5 ; pas = — bi a cindsindin . , Po “4 = . ’ hh 2 . , | HON. J. D. MONTEITH WRITES | OF RECENT TRIP TO CONVEN- TION OF MOVENG PICTURE ‘ENGINEERS. AT THAT CITY. — _ There ‘were rendered many val- uable papers at the Hollywood con- yention of ‘“‘Moving Picture Engin- eers.”” ‘The lectures and demonstra- tions Were of a high order, both in- teresting and instructive. Much useful knowledge was absonbed that perthins directly to the motion pic ture industry; ite value it is hoped imay be reflected at least to ¢ome j extent on the activities of this mew Range of Prices— Choice of Treads But All Heaping Value AG. Ld HEN we selected our stock of tires we had the owners of Chevrolet, Star, Ford That’s one reason why we chose Goodyear Tires. For the line makes every provision for the user of 30 x 344 and 29 x4.40 ie sizes. If price is the chief consideration we have the Pathfinder, z¥ both 30 x 3144 and,29 x 4.40. If you want the World’s Greatest Tire, we have the All-Weather Tread, 30 x 314 and 29x 4.40. And for the man whose car carries heavy loads or travels rough roads, we have the All-Weather Tread Heavy Duty. Every one of the tires is Goodyear built and gives full Goodyear value. _ Let_ 3 show them to you. s Payne’s 207 Service Station Listowel, Ont. | Phones: Station 207, --- Residence 287 ~ . a ee . at 0s - % {gather certain impressions in a gen- ‘LStandpoint tof Hollywood, ahd all the movies by The eudden; OV. induetry in Ontarlo, Its importance is quite manifest. One has but to reflect on the fact that the motion jlargest in the world. In Ontario we have a million people a Week view the screen and that 95% of those are of United States production. The movies hare no language, but always a tremendvcus power of expressing through the eye, customs, habits 4 er stamping their impress. The observations expressed herein will mot ®e offered as a raport on the convention; there are many detaile which may be of interest to our citizens and which at a later date I may be able to report. the week when I was enabled to eral way of Hollywood, that magic city of Southern California. That it is novel and modérn must be accept- ed. That ft has beauty and charm. would be hard to deny and the tran- sient visitor thinks of the word en- | chanting. Hollywood at present is a city of 60,000, an outcropping of Los Ange- les, and I am describing it just as it appears to a visitor of a week. There is no modern city today 60 much in the public eye, yet it is the red spot on the world’s map. Ite repute may} be of good or ill report, be that az .it may, it Is still a city of 60,000 ‘souls and mustube reckoned with from the of fairness. We have’ heard of the movies and the movie @tars, aleo the divorces, complex and irreguiar ‘living, Just here let us ‘Brant a measure of truth ‘reports, yet it must not be forgotten that the movies are by no means all no méans crime ridden. flood of wealth to the movie world, which is Hollywood, and the new and spectacular Hfe of the artists and others concerned, explain any. Irre- gularities that may exist. Los Anh- geles and Hollywood together, be- cause they are one, number over one million and one might well coneinde ‘In hospitalilty, courtesy, regular living and morals compere favorably with other cities of equal size in the great nation to the South. Hollywood ie ever steeped in sun- shine, always cool at nighta. That is the chief reason why it was éel- ected by the movies. Of course, the close proximity of deserts, monn- growth were of great the movies call them commodities. CHASSIS DEMONSTRATIO # OF THE | | Bigger and Better i _CHEVR i®. | ‘WITH MOVING PICTURES TASTY MOTHER will ‘be Sonny gives her it 60c to ; Chevrolet Garage, Listowel Diana ES MAY 14th, at 8 p.m. . \ » For Mother Next Sunday Sweets on her especial Day. The whole family will enjoy the delicious. Special Pound Boxes CANDY mighty tickled when that box of Diana assortment of sweets. $1.25 * | There were the odd times during| **© two tains and all varieties of tropical: utflity and}#nd better pictures must surely have Pc her Within the city, * fat + oO teres. ae z 4 : é 7 Sa 7 t ee a ye he , r a a ~ va < =... = . - f 5 “ww ° P CPMGUCILA : hey oy +. a = kl . Leet , ts logical Aad eae picture industry is the third largest| life and temporary) in the United States and the fifth| Whose living cos ered mod angle the — couraging. ! there people drifting Hollywoodway their industries will support. We fon is in the offing. Their ventures that cali to their ald muoh shoestring financing which means ceases to flow in the - rearer know the rest. Having business In mind,. there things every Canadian might well review before leaving our oil, one the vaiue of British tradi- tions, two, the great and unlimited possibilities that Canada affords. The outstanding industry is the moving picture. Everything seems to revolve around -this. activity. ‘Millions are - brought from this source. Its growth has been rapid. Seventeen years ago there was but one studio, today eighteen. Hollywood was then one street with a few . écattered bulldings. The main studios are Pickford, Chaplin. and Fairbanks. Mary Pickford with her curls and Charlie Chaplin with the baggy ‘pants and awkward feet, are con- ceded to be still the foremost movie etars. A estudio is in Htself a town. To observe its inner opera- tions iif the process of picture build- will in theseiings gives one a slant on the industry in no other way possessed. Shoot- ing the sets and scenes, us they call photoplay, may be repeated over and Each shooting is a section, and many . sections complete the film picture. Operating on each set is first, the artist, then the scenario writer, director, . technical director and cameraman. These are all highly paid, for instance, Mary Pickford’s head ‘cameraman just $1600 a week. -The. reader will thue appreciate why a film picture costs a million or two. In _ truth, the day's work in a studio is no joy ride. The type of film that is re- leased is, and ought to be, of great concern to Ontario, in fact all Can- ada. Herein the people must carry a @hare of the responelbility. Public taste for high standards ite effect upon the producers. The | industry etudies public sentiment jJand fashion their product according- ly. Also they ever watch the _ re- action. Speaking in a general way, etill more wholesome production. Ontario, may I say; is interested in ctill higher etandards through the tympathetic co-operation. of produc- ers, censor board and genera! public as well. : Hollywood, Alhambra, Pasadena, Santa Monica, and Long. Beach have common interests and environments, business interests more or less tri- jbntary to Los Angeles, and largely what pertain ta one, effects all. The tidliywood citizen claims a- special setting. Large, spacious buildings, Salatial homes, wide paved- streets, and neatly greened boulevards, sur- rounded by a cordon of imposing mountain peaks, some snow-capped, some draped with sylvan beauty, ethers dotted with artistic homes. “‘panish architecture is much in evi- lence. Thesg are approached by ind'ng wnd picturesque motor rcads as they ascend their spiral route. At the mountain’s base and ltn into the villages, the crange and lemon trees .laden with golden fruit, alsd-tthe walnut, apricot, and tronical varieties, abound. palms, flowering “nes and luxuriant foliage with «‘retches of soft green éward spread fheméelves profusely about, all belng made possible by an extensive eystem of. irrigation. In eonclusiton, Mr. Editor. may I state’ that these notations regarding this magnet of Southern California are prompted eimply by way of passing interest to your reader. Let it not be forgotten, however, that Canada can supply largely all that Hollywood can af- fofd and besideaé, many ‘possessions of priceless value wanting in the south. J. DD. Monteith. = = Sweets . a ee, Me eee fe. Come and discover the qualities that make Chevrolet Bigger and Better. .Have all its modern mechanical | ae features fully and clearly explained by an expert © ee from the General Motors’ factories. Bae In all automobile history . . . in all Chevrolet's ee ge thirteen years of constant progress . . . there has i ae never been a low-priced car so luxurious, so modern, : Asa so beautiful as the Bigger and Better Chevrolet. — ak, 7. This demonstration will show you:why, in an inter- ie esting and instructive way. Come .... whether you contemplate buying a car or not. |] Everybody Welcome — Admission FREE . . > - e : t > t ¥ Si : 3 i % oy ‘ - E. W. 1 We are pleased to announce % - A la a mm A TIE ) 4 ee We will conduct a wholesale ' fy - aye. d 4 : as . ae a + 2 = = — - RE pele see ag eae 7? <—s ee a ' + eS ee oe Ws 4 eee ini “APs > © z Bele ss wt F é a ee Se at a y “re E Sa sa! WARS ie |S aes A et Pe a wer oe La ornare ee MT prow nna tiered. rarpenes, oo eee PD IY eee EM, RE ae 9 eT BPM ERT NE RE TY RT Mee LI AE INT LES Bn LES I ate 7 ee eee 8 SR ae de Pi. ere we * i» . ii —: = 4 - — ‘ — — - t * eid = re ‘ = it + - Pee is *) + ; 3 eke = + 1 ait banal, al ate Xa ‘ ‘s Se ee 3 pal € - af ap fs ‘ i * . *) yy i Listowel Metals and Waste _ ji opencd a new business In Listowel. oe , : ' We will buy all your old metals and kindred ; which we will pay the highest cash prices. A large stock of waste and clean bags will be carried at all, | times which we will sell at closest prices. « | SPECIALIZE IN BAGS AND BUY AND SELL ALL MAKES | - ” OF BAGS. Ee oes Mail and phone orders will be given most promPt attention. Ht to the public. that we have articles for and retail business and will W - J . Folks : * +, 3 Fi f+, 22 « Will See | You cannot please with. baggy ~ Nor wrinkles in your pnts; For folks will see and laugh _— aod fg ee: Rie Fee er eee Re AL ~|[)- LISTOWEL METALS and WASTE WR | and ent. While many” have prospered} = yet the ave outiook is. not en-| © fact there is more} re told the peak has been reached X finances are rather unstable, due to} the capitalizing of unreliable sources}, / cr tn rennet ne a directly concerned with the induetry of revenue. — When outside money in annually) 2 little}: close@ next year’s contract for! the producers show a tendency for a} Then make ny any Mini Tesicas spella;: If «it Castoria, of bwhies and children euch as colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on the stom- ache and bowels, conatipation, sour r; yz . § oe : — Lang yt 5 ig} ’ E a . ; » Srypetis feet ‘ on 4 ‘Nt " - 7 a Saeue ‘ 4 ‘ hte ai 5 J A tees ee Dae Hi eS 4s woe : ad Et" ‘ eh +i te i. t Si ed - hye ey : ‘ M4 - . 5 = . ty +o > ar > & "=o = (meri'sé re TT tii , : sh. -] P | = a a eee s 7 “i * piepes ce r . rane} ee = “Es pie, eae r Md : “a. oy , aa 1% i - " ite a a 7; " * ¢ ed _ ‘ s, = . " jf \ Made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits combined pend ana il peter di pho natural ne. Itetrengthens the system to act natural without the continuous use laxativese—25c and 50c a box. te . 8 ' rs “ wer “« ft ate it a th. : he SO, aim et etree OS, Piel oe tx We eet oe betas. (8, SRY . . a¥ 4 74 " beh eat d . TT tt eS ae 1) = ee (hea, APubtne ote 4 ve bate ee a oe ete nt ew, eee Pe bay Ar ie or tity foe * Oy et pede OE i oa A ee me tr DARE: 3.Ece Mash 49]e0q] ANOX wio1s ABp-0} JepsAg — ee a — = ‘How Much Water Should Baby Get? ~A Famous Authority's Rule - “By Ruth Brittain Bahy that during the. first six months ba- ies must have three-ounees of fluid per pound of body weight dally. An specialiate agree nowadays eight pound baby, for ‘Instahce; need: twenty-four ounecas of fluid. Later on the rule. is two. cunces ot flaid per pound-of body welght. The atrium: of fluid. abasried bya breast fed. baby is - best “determined by we.ghing hin beforé and after feed-~ ing for the whole day; and it is saa. ily. calculated for the bottle fed one. deficcency”- with Water. y Giving bole cufficient water often relieves lies févérich, crying, . upset tril dossn't, g-ve hith a few drops of Fletchers For these and other ills stomach, hoes of sleep, underwe' cht, etc., leading physicians say. there's nothing so effective. It fs vegetabie—the recipe is* on the. wrapper——and miAlions have depended on it fm over thirty years of ever increasing nee. gulates baby’s bowels, makes him sleep and eat right, enables him to get full noursiiment from. his food, ee purely of . mothers It ra- ot a book on Moth ; tly nit led to = * seh chy pwd —> ee = ae Ss ' } - i ay Z nd § ‘ a ee ws -. | ‘Just @ word of caution, I the signature of Ghes. H. F 5 ) me eee re at @ bd RD 4 ee a et eat aS =" ms, : .* fe Ad -< % +, > 4 = : BaD | Sate ee ae Se a - * * am i ta ee oe. ak that te ape oliai pe tess le a re a a ae = fis : ' - * P| a « < a a eee ee . ‘a ¢ ® cps i ae > . ‘ 4 \ + Itt a 7 Yeas " ft | ' “ .

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