e ee ie ee ae RIE ILE BYTES REE: “Visitors on 1: Sundad at the home of}. = i aie | : 4 ee bees : P a ET, Li tease Fie ie OU Geers ete baie Mes ee eS ed So, an “ay ties .. ‘ -* ‘ . PY ; ; r . ‘ " ios t : . . hee Ke : why . hi Tee 2 5 ots ‘ x ee. * 5 — ~ ae ot a aa — ae ae SOCI nN PERSON Lb Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rapp were Mr. ¥ phe ad : ROMCCY 1S 1B er oe os — er , i “he Rop | R aif Br is y : es OF - oe a3 mi = ae akin re : hy: , oe ® : : " . es 4g . * .. pe ay F J% n Pa ta* Let a es | A] : and 3 A] : and Mrs. Jde p, Mr. and Mrs. LI. 26S * ORS SS eae Sho felt | ae: Semeredner ee fs ROR a a, Pitot : : t ? ‘ i */ ; : M's és A ; ; ‘ - * }- a y oe ; 4 mK " 1: ‘ = a + ‘ “4 « bf ‘ se 2 Z ? $2 fi “= ! = ; * ee = : * Chris. Ropp, Mr. and Mre. Peter te Ropp, Mr. Joseph Ropp Sr. of Poole. a | “Mrs. W. G. Shera of: agp - Mr. and ae. David Reid and fam. - a Pgipte eats = at aoe _ 227 So Wemkianied ea ‘ge i visitin r t Ww er. Lae ae bape Mrs. B. Page * Mr. perigee 7. Barton. ¥ with) Morrison, motored to Seaforth on’ ‘SES ; AWAY AT HOME OF SON— ~ Miss Ruth Robinson of Teeswater Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hiles, Mrs. Sunday and yisited:at the home of] PERTH. PRESBYTERY | HAVE spent the week end with her par-| David Hood and Miss Annie Hood! Ss. Chas. Rolph. - CHARGE. OF SERVICE, - ' CEEDS PLA Pe _ ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Robinson.| spent Monday in Stratford. | Mr. B.-A. ‘Thempson and Jessie oa ¥ 801.25. —_—_—— ‘ ‘Mr. Lyall Erskine of Monkton is} Mr. Ogden Dunlop of Toronto is motored to Woodstock and London| my. memorial service of Ree Late Following enstom seek i 4 visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.) visiting at the home-of Mr. and Mrs. the fore part of this week and spent! Rey Setborne Anderson Was héld in} years the forte Soci ot p oul | c Love. J. P. Greensides. }@ few days with friends. \the Monkton United church, on an amate <a ee ea Dy © hee ‘Suarceste ae Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Roe and John-| ° Mrs.J. P. Greensides, Lena Green- Mrs. W. Thompson end children Ned: MG Th, at. eo oO Mon- : pcre peor oy riday ev | . eR Ge a - ston of-Thameeville spent the week | sides,. Helen Gordon, Mrs E. H./SPent a few days in London this) pey w. B. Donnelly of Stratford, The play “Three ‘Live grenine:|| Come a and. a help» sing some of the old time vVInns _ end visiting at the home of Mr. and | Swing and Mr. Ogden Dunlop of Tor- week. chairman of the Perth ‘Presbytery, ; was well rendered, ‘the cipants da SE Mrs. J. J. Johnston. | onto were in Stratford. on . Friday Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis, Misses presided. Revs. D. N.°McCamus and|.displaying unusual {parts — ” Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward of Ham-! last. Annie and Mae Inglis spent Sunday; G. N. Hazen D. D. of London read the!. All scenes wets _sabent jn wtiat An 8 ER ton spent the week end visiting at}. Mr. S. Peter returned home on at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter) seriptures. The prayer of consola-|Lontion tenant house. The tenan - the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-| Friday from Palmerston where he Holman, 14th cons tion was given‘by Rev. L.,Bartlett of Mrs. Gubbins (G. E. at aC % Bain and Mrs. Albert McBain. | was visiting for some time. : eth and Mrs. W. W. Gray of Strat- Thamesville pak e fungal address] pated elderly tad ies ne aeeed is +e me es ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. McKee visited a| Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Henry, De-| "0? Bigs Priday at the home of Mr.) a, delivered by Rev. J. W. Hibbert| the’ most prominent \charatteristic, | | ek , tae few days in Ethel last week with/troft, visited his father, Mr. James ee Fig sa McMane. tor London. Rev: G.-J. Kerr-of Lam-|She-es been. collecting and spending |- aa "Kev. C. Kaine, pastor. he naetk thas’ ae Fe friends. Henry this week. ‘Al ent rs. N. Hall and Mr®.byeth added ehort reminiscent re-|;her step-son Jimmy's. (Don Loye)| ; ii SAL SERS Se eEty ee ae ss eH sgt Bie s Mies Jean Hemsworth of Listowel| Mrs. W. Brandle spent a few days| “© lison spent Sunday in Grey; orks and Rev. T. O. Miller pro-} lite insurance since the war office The monthly business meeting of , May ‘13th, 1928 ; itary ‘ | Was a guest over the week end at the; this week with her parents in Wing- township with the latter's sister, Mrs.| ,ounced the benediction. ‘had notified her of his death, and the Guild of St. Alban’s church was . Gg: He inary we of Miss Margaret Terry. ham. Isaar Clark, Visiting brefhren- of the ministry; when he suddenly appears actom- held ob ‘Wednesday afternoon; May} 10" a.m: m.—Sunday School, i: eae Mrs. C. Longmire spent the week} Misa Irene Biehn and Mr. Clayton ineluded Rev. Wm. Conway, Lamb-| panied by Wm. Foster, alies — Bill 2nd. It wae decided to --hold all a. m.—Mother’s Day ‘Service. oS See a mes nd in Palmerston, with Mrs. '.|Roph of Kitchener, Miss Lulu Cogh-| ot, Rev. Finlay Matheson, Stratford, | Jones (Fred Long) an American, | S@ndmothers fea in the near future.) Aur etait: Salient? ae ae | Leakey. and Cleyton Biehn of Listowel) poy Jas. Foster, Kirkton, Rev. E. F.j who is wanted in -his own country oP Pera and Mother.” BS i. Mr. and Mrs. Sam ‘Ramsay of|Speut Sunday with Mr and Miré.| ,+mstrong Listowel, Rev. Duncan|for stealing bonds, and Spoofy (A.R. line Bd was In Stratford | 7.30 ieee ok Song and Ser- ms a _ Wiarton spent the week end visiting | zta Biehn, 4th con. leat, ‘Ethel, Rev, itiney Davideon, | Terry). a victim of abell #hock who} [> cows Suending the, Feth) oe interesting “setviog. -- 334 | | at the home of Mr. R.A. Thompson.|_ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thompson Wingham, Revs. H.J. Uren and C. Ft.|has forgotten his identity and who Presbytery meeting held in St. Johns} which all ‘will enjoy. eee se ‘ Mr, A. E. Anderson spent Sunday|#%d Mrs. James Donaldson of God-| Brown, London, Rev. H. E. Doan,|had escaped from a German prison United church. Rey. B. W. Sart), Monday, § p.m.—Young People’s pees tay / ey d | }fiin Preston with his brother, Mr.|@Tich spent the week end at the! cinton, Rey. C. ©. Kaine, Atwood,|camp, her first thought is how to get |" ** meD present Srom. Trowbridge.| League. se ry a OZEMN1 || Roy Anderson. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Forman,| pey.-c. W. Morrow, Camlachie, Rev.|the next and last instalment of the Wedn ea oad meeting. : — ... $f) Mrs, John Long ami Winnie of} 2nd concession. J. Fidell, Milverton, Rev. J. Holmes, | insurance. The evening service in the United Baptiet. ee ; Brussels and Mr. Vernon Cragg of| Mrs. Jane Riach epent a few days|Ciinton Rey. D. Thompson, Wood-| Misa Peggy Woofers, (Mre. Rob-| Church will be at 7. 0 | during: the Thureday—Prayer Meeting 4 at Done- ot ae umis - - Pontiac, Mich., spemt Sunday visit-|! Listowel this week. ham. : inson) the landlady’s daughtetr, is) °U™™<« months instead of seven, gal. pier ee sug AT ig he Hh home of Mr. and Mrs.) 7 The choir of the ) United church|in love with Jimmy. Miss Rose sa la att on Sunday next, | ee ; . . = .* 9 ° eang very tenderly ‘sweetly the}Gordon (H. Denman) another ten- | Ba ag tr pies aie | | | Miss Elva Curtis. of . Listowel] } | hymn ‘Forever ‘With the Lord.” eae: pP ; ¢ . acon | : Made in one Cuttin, OF Latowet Ladies Bowling Club jaymn “forever With the Lord,” tire|ant, and an American who has come} no regular monthly meeting of resbyterian ure: aa + CURRANT friend, Miss Evelyn Love, 10 th con. Or ' F Seaso Sleeping” and the anthem “At/téd hear through her or her etep son) the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Rey. W. J, West, M.A., Minister REA 7 , Miss Marion Harwey of Toronto ganize or Th | eventide.” of her sweetheart, Wm. Foster, who| Church was gore a a: aoe i Re ee. “CINNAMON: ||| spent the week end at the home of: “% In addition to floral tributes from| went overseas ‘with Jimmy Gubbins. say bey a.on “go 4 ‘ante : Sunday, May 13th, ‘1928 ee es Mr. C, W. Harvey. | MRS. A. M. ROBINSON APPDINTED| the family relatives and near friende,;An American detective, Bolton rr pyat. 3-30 a eee's S eocial BS owe :' Mrs. T.. E. Hammond returned; PRESIDENT — COMMITTEES tokens were laid upon the bier from| (Maurice Little) has offered “Mrs. ernoom was spent. At the '¢ 10 a.m. —Sunday School and Bible he % - and: home Sunday from Stratford where/ | each. of the congregations of the|Gubbins 1000 pounds for informa- Sirs, “Mesray eerved | lunch: TRS) | clam, - be | I\she has been visiting at the home of} ALSO CHOSEN. Monkton pastoral charge, from War-jtion leading to the capture of Bill JUNG OTE WH Be Bends et CBOs a —Morning worship, “Moth- 2 ae 4 PLAIN her son, Mr. Harold Hammond. _ a wick Cirenit: from: Thamesville High|Jonés alias Woster, and only throwsl home of Mrs.. W- Inglis. ‘ers Day.” “Motherhood ‘and. pie | , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond, e annual meeting of the At-| School and the firm of Weber andj Bolton's address being lost is she s ~Reverénee.” ee ae ea and son Vernon of Stratford were| 00d Ladies’ Bowling Club was held| paottger. prevented from giving Bilt up.|,, 22° a monthly meeting of 7 p.m.—Evenin orshi “Subj 1 RSS 1 cent each and Mrs. Joseph Holman. church ‘Tuesday at 7. p.m. proceeded - to Woodland. -coneteryia living for is two i |Presbyterian church was held at — Shs 2 | m™ d. A The following officers “wer : x pap is companions, Un-/home of Miss Coulter oh Wed Monday, & p. m:—Young People’s 3) = : r. and Mrs. A. R. Peebles and e e el-/ London, where interment was made|til on a foggy night he escapes from chide”: sn egypt nesday | Society. eee Bd on Saturday | |}} family of Linwood were guests on|¢cted: for 1928. in the family plot. them and kidnaps a baby, robs a safe|°Yening Hest. The scripture lesson! oi rsday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service. ® Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Hon. Pree.—Mrs. J. A, McBain. The tate Mr. Anderson-was born|of money and valuable jewell was tread, by Margaret Dickson and y, p.m rayer Ramee ¥. '_President—Mrs. A. M. “Robinson. eet. 7 ewellry, | the topic Ww ty. Miss. Bveiyn{ TEUePey, 8-20 Pine SEO Pe ee ay Jonnaton Feeies, - weer obinson./on March 16th, 1859, the only son|which. he brings to Mre. Gubbin's tHe tople was given bebe aoe You remember how well Dr. Bothwell 6f Stratford callea| 1st Vice Pres—Mre. J."Roger. |of Alexander Anderson of Shedden.|home, where two detectives, Briggs| WS" ‘The meeting closed yith. tee ey Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Vice Pres.—Mrs. J.P. Green-| His youth was spent as a sawyer in| (L. Vallance) and Benson (Bert| Tes prayer ts Unison. ie eee oe ‘you liked these last time. John Roger. wes. 3 hie father’s old water. power mill! Forrest) of Scotland Yard find ana St Iban’ ¢ ee Try some this week. Miss Cecelia Clark spent the weék ecretary——-Mrs. Lorne Vallance.|near Shedden. -Converted at alcroes-examine them all. Some hum- Special: Mother : Day Services will n ro hurch a eee 7 and with friends in Stretforé.ic. Treagurer—Mrs. A. E. Coghlin. Methodist revival meetime in his!orous inckdents take place during be held ifi-the local churches on Sun- . vee . Mrs. George Smith returned home| Tournament Committee — Mrs.}ate ‘teens and feeling the call of|this scene and some very fine ama-|@4Y, ext. and @ Mother's choir will Rev. Maurice F. Oldham, Rector be eee ; 3 Saturday from Stratford where she| Lochhead, Mrs. Swing, Mrs. Brandle,/Goq to the Christian ministry, he re-|teur acting was done. Spoofy is, lead the music in the United church. set 8 has been visiting friends. Mrs. Switzer. . 7 turned to public school and passed| struck on the head, after which he The attendance last year on Mother’s| — Sunday, May 13th, 1928 , alas | cz Mrs.:Wm. Willoughby, 12th con.,| Lunch ‘Committee—Mrs. McBain,! hig entrance at the age of nineteen.| recovers his memory and recognizes Day wag;considered the highest in; — Y, y Sas Lf spent Saturday in Grey with her|Mrs. Terry, Mre. Hone, Mrs. Hodge.|Then followed two yearspreparation|Lady Leicester (Mre. Swing) - the;2ee"™ but this year, the Sunday) = = 51h sunday After Easter. Bae | odel ake Mt and Mire. JO} at St. Thomas Collegiate Institute| baby’s mother and owner of the jew-/ Schoo! Roepe to have a much lerger minus Sunday, Mey 18th, 1928 5° ry Mr. and Mrs. John Love and Mr. T and three years public school teach-| els, as his wife, who had supposed attendance. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. ae. - spent Gundey with Mre. Beanett a wenty-Five Added To __| ing. “He was recelved.on probation | iim dead. Mother's Day will ‘be observed in} + @-m~-Morning Prayer Service = wen, || © P- Greensinles - Prop. if Stoleeworth ea Roll of United Church | (i ,cc years. “He received introduct-| his father, by Bolton pf the death ot] sivosd Presbyterian church next|7 B- ™.——Evening Prayer Service. en i Mr. John Roger was ‘in Stratfor Pps DENS ees ._pory theological training, in. Albert/him he ios inherited a valuable es-|5Unda¥es May Beisre: The. minister Pauraday, May 17—-Aacension Dy Da 3 Tuesday on business. ise ey Ses ay was Decision Day in| Coliege, Belleville, And then entered/<ate, 60 is ow énatjled to make res-} Will. preach _‘“‘Motherbood - service at: 8pm. , 2 agp yeah asa ees reception service) from which he ‘graduated in 1890.|at home: He and Rose are re-united;| Petheré Home’ in ‘the "evening. ST DAVIDS HENFRYN apse { trenty tye new members stood ati He was ordained to the ministry of] Mrs, Gubbins, Jimmy and Peggy A mother's choir wil lead the sing- ee a \ | pst Ww God a pete eg them-| the Methodist church in “June of the! Woofers are exonerated from blame} 2S 2nd render suitable. mutsic pede p.m.—Sunday School. gies ay : shiek Cine wr united with the/same year in Chatham. He -was!in connection with the roWbery and the ee Ee Sa Mire, Gordon’ 3 pm.—Bverding Prayer. Service and. 1 pe? Fe HE i AR ROCERY ips ae ge ers were received) married in October 1890 ‘to Anniejkidnapping. The play ends with ton. sermon for mothers: ie a 4G Ay x 16 koa congregation was} Carrick of Oban. Briggs promising Mrs. Gubbins ane — “4 Present, taking sacrament: Mr./ His forty years of active eervice in half of the reward for returning the The vous “People” League meet- : : ge Ae . _ Sunday! owing charges in their ofder. Mer-| . -o5.| Was held on Monday night w na : a ee Specials jor Friday & Saturday School, assisted the pastor ‘in the re-| jj). rhe tae Bend. Camiathie, Pelee The proceeds amonnted to: 95} 25-! Greensides, ®nd vice presiddant, in| @ SES BS ) rception. service, Island. second term at Camlachie, the chair, The scripture lesson was; } | Fie 1 Ib tin Hggo Baking Powder............0+.- Se he dang 2 Sunday was also ob-| warwick, Blyth. Geo. Robinson Mem- Synod Meeting Held . read ‘by Margaret Love. Readings. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . = — Starch eal diay, cit serv n the school and a large orial, wondon, Lambeth, ‘Ontario St. <q j were given ‘by Rev. C. C. Kaine and . : 13 pkgs .. -25e tpnscimes attended. A pageant, “Whe| ciinton and Forest. In Woodstock Church | Margaret Terry. The topic was ta- Ten cents « line for first in- Lettuce, Green Onions, ‘Raddish, Celery, Pineapplés 7 po Pc nee was hich given by| He was superannuated on the eve ken by Mary Harvey, “Drums in the sertion, with minimum charge a and Strawberries helt ris, Eleanor ‘Fisher, Norma} of the great union in 1925. He] “A meeting of the Synod ‘of Hamil- | Darkness.” on Africa, An instru-|-) of 60c. Subsequent insertions- | mised Agnes Coghlin, Blanche} onent almcet three years in- retire-jton and London of the Presbyterian (mental was given by Dulcie Coghlin.; | five cents a line with mini- " Huve you got your Seeil Onions yet? Don't wait Struthers and Annie McMuane. ment near Sarnia, one of which wasichurch in Canada was held on April . mum charge of 25c. fe 4 too long. They are scarce. ‘ “7 in protracted illness. Death came:30th and May ist and 2nd. A very : ! ete | i | , ° e quietly “in the early everiing of May|large number of ministers and elder: >} -| e Married Men Win In i 1928, inthe parsonage home, of) representing Western Ontario met in : 2 . his son at Monkton. Knox church, Woodstock, last week. ’ ee as , it J ° P © Greensides Lively Softball Match | ° "730" Geceased is survived by his} Rev. Dr. Perrie of Wingham, the] py Brom ‘Trt | NOTICE : Ph + . widow, an. only sister, Mrs. Lloyd|retiring moderator, delivered a very} ye] Mt tay ON } ‘ a! The letting of the show grounds 4 one 5 twood | On Monday evening a lively game} Brown of Toronto and nine children: |schotarly and interesting sermon on}, Mr. J. A. McBain has returned! for the season of 1928 will be let to 4 iy , of softball was enjoyed at the pub-| Rey. Eri¢ L. Anderson, B.A., Monk-|the gyeat meed in thh church forf trom hie western trp. =| the highest bidder on Saturday eve- 4 ning, May 19th, at the Purchased New Car— 7, 0 p.m. grounds at Mr. J. M.\ Erskine has purchasedi J BY Hamilton, a new Chevrolet sedan from Mr. C., ? B. H. Swing, lic school grounds between the mar-|ion- A Carman Anderson, Toronto:|« ) 7 é , tudy of the word of God.’ Rev. Sm he the single men, the| p. Creswell Anderson, Bobcaygeon;|Dr. Barnet of Ridgetown was ‘elected | rst team, winning 13-7. Mr. A. M./ William S. Anderson, B. A., Sioux} moderator of the synod for the en- 1 ; -, . ae ror ) * Seed Potatoes, No. 1 stock] . Exes Wasted ‘at * highest (and Mrs. Henry Duncan of Atwood - she is doing as well as can be'expect- seri the bowling green for’ thea ee eee ee « SSS === }{|Sweeton acted as umpire. Lo>kout, Nelles C. Anderson, B. A.,| suin . | President Secretary 2 ; : ; ; ; gs year. ; ‘ ¥. 4 | : | care eee was as follows: Thamesville; M. Gershom ‘Anderson,| Most encouraging reports were Deter, Genter 65 Lowes. 3 tog D A - 3M. ge age og Peebles,| Hnglehart; Mrs. J. K. MceCormick,| given by the convenons of the several) gasing Residence Painted— — — 3 | e: Hs. b Lova ¥ ‘fan, D olman, 1st; Wy jming; F. Blyth Anderson, Monk-|} committees. It was-agreed to accept] wr andrew McKee is having the NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS : : . | oy a@llance, 2nd b., Lorne ton and Sadie I. Anderson. Wyoming.| the allocation of $175,000 for the a ' Love. 8rd ».: A. BE. Go terior of his id inted and n the estate of Alexande St th- | ’ . E. Coghiin s. s., Earl exterior residence painted an r Stru | | Switzer, 1. f., Wesley. Brandle, r. f., : ea ee eee aura boing | Mt Cunningham is dojsig.the work, (MS Soir ie hoveby: ivan Te A va : capa Lorne Vallance, c. ’f.” : | | ; \ ereby given that all t : I cine Men—N. Haist, c., Ted Hol-| Boundary Dispute er wae givelby Have, Mr, luc-| amet Mestine itate of ‘Alecandaraoineinee atk oF a | ' , iii man, p« Grosert Inglis, Ist b:, Russel : Tatouh of Milverton, shower = “c-1 The May session of Elma township; *4 exander Struthers, late of 1 - : : : Switzer, 2nd b., Lawren Settled In Stratford | 1"*08" of Milverton, showing a mem=) council will be held Saturday of} the Township of Elma, in the County : : | Dress Goods in Fugi Silks, Wacosilke, | ond tk. ie A hdeene ef pate 3 bership of 4406 or 72 per cent Of}iii. week. , lof Perth, and Province -of Ontario, ‘ sar Pans ‘ yy. Sve . what it was before -the disruption in “ | Retired Farmer. who died ¢ . : ! Godfrey, 1. f., J. Cowan r. f., Lionel It was announced this week that 1925. There are 127 young people's seed hae ha fifteenth day ae Fabrua ay viskg * || — Figured Silks, Figured Crepes, etc. jf) Neorst* ¢ tno aiapate htwoen the townships ot|Zocieies in the avaod, with 4873) M™atwmnet, Yor Cae Wicke, 16th] 1021, are hereby notided "to “send a | Resume Work— 3 maintenant of the townahip bound apie Parag te tit a ods have} C20: Elma, was quarantined Monday their claime, duly verified, to either == ; - hee. James Vaughan and Ar-jary has been settled by Elma agree- lsat thie’ chiketea. ti lech agi aad for measles. eects the tourin dike or mane a 2 Ladies’ Hose Ladies’ Hose Babtlicriile p rigen tas “thel) work ota set's sei ny lec of these 21 are st{il homeless, @l-| Confined to Her Home— 1928, After the said date the estate Silk and Weol Hose, reg. Soir a ae Pragepr 2 ij with the hydro. viously. : ss pe te Ay the aca Sok Md ge bs Mr. James Henry haa been con- ee te ngs Ee tayte and the execu- : Pd t} : : | -, tons will be Ha | $1.25 and, $1.85 at... .98c shades at a pair....81, $2 | | The dispnte was over 80 rods Of) ppouns were highly commended. by hed. to hig fase of Stout OF i betdch the Beit BeBe caching Bt as Attended District Meeting— rgad on each of two concessions of] +). <ynod for their courage and ness during the past Week, and is y then have notice. ; | : ii; ‘Messrs. Chester Little and Albert] Grey, of which the township of Elma wreie. courage ang pro-| under the doctor's care. | tent day ‘of srapegedgae eye the 7 ; ms = in t ‘ 4 “Z ’ € a 3 ! Men's Eine Shi f ep were in “Milverton on Tues-} was asked to help bear the cost, in The synod will meet iw Paris next] peg ee ee Withert R wih ot te | en's Fine irts Ou Dish jj dey as delegates to. the district] view of*the fact that the boundary year. urns to ter A Ps: | RHO. # At a - E | SPECIAL.-We have just See Our se Speer wee ee The ithe org secon cone petre ane at the Wned ‘of Mr err “Mes. Perky} = Militon Canlter, - . “ut line f Men’ Fi . i ‘ e spurte 0 e * SoePoctoctar rs ieelertseresipsforgoes Poetect. , oe ; ’ . , Shirts tn ine tow = Orage 07 piece China Sets..-- 8251: Hi vall Fair Dates Set— the Ontario Railway and Municipal bib rere TROWBRIDGE “",,| MoCracken near Listowel for the! R. R. No.3, Atwood, Ont. BS " | Ata meeting of the directors of | Board for hearing. Subeitetedetetehedtedptatipteteettatttphe | DUSt Several weeks. . pen returned” iy Peed one on aon solicitor for the eee Elma Agr-cultural Society on Satur- Th “1 dies" Ald { 5 eae “olf ier home on the 6th con. Grey. & ait Gaerne ag ptmeeie ony ‘day-evening it was‘ decided to hold — seranonan GRP scoters ae acer By meine 7 eo bres: av : | \the fall fair on Friday and Sa ; attended last Wednesday afternoon] Attended Meetings— 1 With Mumps— a Tay ‘ t rd P ; . Bee | Fresh GROCERIES Best Quality HiSeptember 2ict and 22nd. vices Be ee ee ee at the home pf Mra. A. Rae. = Rev. W. J. West attended the! Jack Cowan Ie confined to his ae i Mr. and Mrs. TW. Tughen ~sndj meeting of the synod of Hamilton} home, being {11 with m e spp Specials i : coat Y sitiwowonts > Mrs. E.G, Coda attended the fun-land London at Woodstock Inst weekj, reat aan | Peas, 2 cans for:.,...25¢e Rofled (Wheat, 3 tbs... .23c i] BS a. argeumepes FF eral of the late Mrs. May at Drayton and the presbytery..of Stratford at! Taken Position— ee | Vork and Beans,......10¢ . Pipe and Tobacco. » 88 ! : ~. ; Sefetondeefecoeoatanbonte fetonteslendeinden enfin eteteeetote Seg cag pey nae 4 Ries Listowel! on Tuesday of this week. - ‘ oeatting vii pik ofice has, pes eniss. ¥ ee, ah —_ He £°5 2 se obice of Clark Metals, a Seeded Raisins ......+ 15 Evp. Apricots, Th...... 200 if | day of last week -after. spending! taderwent Serious Opetation-- ‘Listowel. a | Aylmer Catsup ....4.,+.19¢ -Evp. Peaches, Ib.......20¢ - H | lee Cream |. We are sorry. to report there is no|three weeks at the home of hef som,;° 44. adam Dahmer underwent ‘a et : ee) 3 improvement in Mra, Doan'’s condi-} Mr, Geo. Lestie of Wallace. a i Engaged As Caretakitensts - § Ht eo, cerions operation at. the Listowel P| é | : | tion. | Mr, Allen spent the week end with] io norial Hospital on Monday. Her aan E. H. Swing and A. B. ] | ‘Every Spoonful a Smiles Mr. and Mrs. John Love ana Mr.fhis parents near Mount Forest. many friends wilt be gladto know ghlin have been engaged as care-- 4 | , z at a low price... Look at our Maker, and I |Were visitors on Sunday at the home obec focentere tetas ieee epee d deefedee x stock. market prices. | ’ YOM ca eee: 3 of Mr. D. Vogan’s to seo Mrs. Ben-| + HESSON 4 ed. tent ta hte TR eer 1a "y me | , : : 4 here to your. taste. ‘Binet who, we are sorry to say, is not bbe tt tected detest ® | Ey F. W. 0. Meeting— Dies In Milverton—-— 2 = | t I Delicious dishes of all kinds. Jimproving, in health actin, tata ween tomanler intends B81 “ie reguinr- monthly meeting otlon Tussder, Sar Bie ok. pittverton oa Ht afaress avis ~~ cious r énzies, Mr. Glen Martin,|ing an auction sale of live stoc nou ¥, May mae 4 { r ! MARE Nort ee HS 5 [Me and Mrs. Morris a Boston of Blue-!| May 5th. Pate Toeake hone lg lags ca Hamaiion ee, me rs Toth Sigg He % es a tee x ois ECE Ris gS hae F es ee e and Mr. an olin Gowdy| Mr..and Mrs. Dennis Hanley mot- survi ¥ widow and fiv es 7 | Kitchener itread Rye Mitohener’ Ment | it Take home some Ice Cream ‘J were all week end visitors at Mr. D./ored to Guelph Sunday where they) °m Wednesday, May 16th, at two-iren. Willlam and Sidney. Milverton ae ) for Dessert. - Vogan’s. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Len.| thirty o'clock. The roll ie be} Arthur, Dunnville; Mra. ‘Tan- : ae FF . Mies Jean Martin i | aesisting at Warriadas: 8 for geese "Good Nante for A Farm.” _ _jner, Mornington; Mra. Chas, Struth-. 9.5 J | jthe.home of Mr. D. VYore | Mr. Jos. Linseman was @ business yy with Poenmonia— = jem, Elma. The funeral was held | gee