| : TIP Rne Oeae = Tas Ta Ge er a tke ere aay ee eet . F ra eg gett ee ‘, ‘4 a mas oS a ig nine a Las - ee 7 . Fi we ‘ a ° - + be Ry ak. a *.< . oe * ate <i : ' . <> a ai a ea ae P aR; Res, 3 =: 1 EAE BET: Pir pe ER eS Pa — t " Z.urbrigg Bros. Listowel How to make Baoan ial C hike CRISPY bacon, smooth milky cheese tered bread, press and cut. sandwiches are delicious toasted. a sandwich that is “different,” ing and-tasty, yet fitting for every occasion Butter the desired slices of Zurbrigg's rie Mm Bread and spread liberally with grated 2g cheese. .Add a layer of very thin, crisp bacon, top with a second slice of but- Sandwiches and the finest bread and butter— tempt- “These Ontario a a a ee i ee ee ee pee ee Gentlemen :— ———— ee ne ee Please jaa eta a at eae ill Out This Cosas iit Consolidated Investments, Ltd., ’ Federal Building, Toronto, Ont. send me, without obligation, f aoe eee map 0 cd —E——EE—E ees ——_—— ee eee Federal Bldg. __ This _ outstanding Map prepared especially for r [C onsolidated Investments Limited Ad. 7221-23 Toronto, Ont. 88” O str ri | John Mpionald, work O matter what kind of heavy ou do, HAUGH'S “Big will stand the strain. | They're made from our own specially- selected drill, rigidly tested for triple-stitched and thread- riveted at points of greatest wear. tented safety pocket prevents - for “Big 88’s”—the les gros that will stand the famous “tug-o’-war’ for the printed guarantee when you buy. * test. Look Sold exclusively by Listowel aoe Pee ip Whore Quit Gt “Ryeceame —- ——— TS Sp oer Sale 6 = Y> Ved pus : J - “ y « “ + WS We a Nothing Over 1 Oc’ a ® Fancy Blue Rose 2 13 & {Rice mine ab LZCE % Carnation or St. Charles . Tall tin Eke ie 4 Milk Evaporated Baby Size 2 tins tic m be Rerned Beef a eat 206 by 7 Cc souk Totbet cakes i @ By Spinach "Sr 19c( "Ze, 19], Potembe ee. ; EE 19e | Testa, 19e pace esieh 1c : 4 Lobster Paste u. 14c)“ornts" 19¢iBrasso um 4c Py ‘Kipper Snacks 2 «ia. 13c SL Zebo wm 18c pq Graham Flour 2 te. Le SARDINI O’Cedar Polish an. 19¢ F¥ _- Tiger Catsup ss! l4c PE rie Rinso - 2m15¢ 2°) bin "i? 219¢ osts Bran iZy...| fer Cleaner uw 17c P¥ Ee KROME es |CHarm naw Sc a] Macon wast _19e| "ioe packege 18.0... cigs 15¢ | © 4 Chipso:- 1¢°|Pure Jams 19° ; x “Grape | , plectwieh | ene | Ratan . | bys Nuts ’ Sorendl Matches Peaches e be ike E9¢ | £8¢ | 19¢.%. | “in 19¢ fe , — Symington amram onagy oy @ Gravy Sait Fasnoes Progatie’ 140 LOC «1 1Sc Greens 7c . or tig Kraut Marmalade 4 - Jer a mes ° so Mind ew 390] a) Butter 42 “ras 4se| : oe ria ay Ch ORG eet . ee ST ok + Ge 4 + —— . + Sc EN — Pog Re as ER: » =! ™ — Mie fens S areal sts x , ~ x n -- » aa Wi ll Items of Local Interest The Conservatives of Western On- Lith, will convene at London on May lit tT? mts 7 The Mount Forest Pipe Band has been engaged to play in Listowel for the celebration on July 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hamilton spent Sunday at the home of -Mre... Mo- oe at Listowel. — Milverton un. wee as eh BE Algs Dios Be ot Bee Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collings and Miss Margaret Roe of Listowel spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roe.— Milverton Sun, Mr. Frank Thompson has accepted a position as baker in Milverton and left last week for that village... Mr. Clarence Hamilton has also accepted a position in the same trade at Ethel. There's a lot of money going into automobiles this year. If'you were asked juet what your fayonite car is, 6uld bé hard to answer. all look good.’ The only thing that is not good is buying on time. Old Man Interest is always working and keeps the nose to the grindstone. * as Cook’s Regulating Compound A ia” Solin three regulating po Pe Mak ae 1, $1; Ro. 2 a; No. 3, $5 per pox. or sent ~ t as price. aK ani CO. THE COCK MEDICINE TORONTO ONT. (Formerly Windsor} —— This complete ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIO _--no more than you would pay for any good battery operated radio set / Now you can satisfy your desire for Rogers ownership! $224 will purchas¢ this 1928 Model “Two-Fifty” Receiver with Table Speaker—a complete year ‘round tadio outhti (If you -already have a good Speaker, the Receiver alone is only $189.) Think of it! At ‘the reduced prices now in effect, you can buy this complete Rogers Batiergless Radio for no more than you would pay Song any good bati \Operat- There will be no further ductions on the Rogers less Radio—so why delay longer? i * _ 4 Pacers essere see — be be) The contract for the new- school at Neustadt has been given to Mr. Jacob Firtz, of Clifford, and his ee Mr. Georges Fritz of Listo- we be 560x109, will contain three rooms bes tinigaaas Ist eerice rather than walt till Ameri-' | Toronto...._We--did-—-inet- icese in you future undertakings.” a The. following ldtters are tho ar and be built of red pressed brick. The contract must be completed by next.—Ciifford. Ex- press Fractured Forearm— On Wednesday of last week as Mr. Philip Miller, of Listowel, formerly of Newton, foreman of the C. N. R. section south of Listowel, had the misfortune to, in a very simple man- ner, fall across a tie and fracture hie right arm above the wrist. As a consequence Mr. Miller will be laid off work for some time. We Also Pass It Up— Here's ea problem somebody ghot at us the other dey, so we pags it along to the readers for solution: Supposing a man in Paris; France wanted to fly to New York. He figures that as the earth turns on its axis from west to eas: all he’i!l have to do is to fly around in circles and America will come around and meet him. Why does he have to fiy to ca revolves around to him?—Dun- dalk Herald. McLen nan—Knipe A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Paul’s Lutheran pareonage, Listowel, on Wednesday, May. 2nd, when Miss Cora Annie Knipe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knipe, Wallace, was united in holy bonds of matrimony with Mr. Wilbert William McLennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. McLennan, Wallace. Rev. R. B. Geelhaar, pas- tor of the church, ‘officiated. The many friends of Mr. and Mre. Me. Lennan extend hearty congratula- tions for a long and happy wedded life. Winning Musical Honors— Last week Mr. Harry Maloney re- ceived a fine photograph of the Uni- versity of Idaho Concert Band which ij is conducted by Mr. J. C. Gardner, a former Listowel boy. He also en- closed a program given by the band at Pocatello during Music Week. and clippings from the Pocatello Tri- bune.. This paper spéakse of a young sirl who won the finals in the State ‘flufe contest, a Miss Clara Brown, who is a pupil of Mr. Gardner's. The paper also gays “J. C. Gardner Is wearing the laurel wreath, bestowed by the ladies, for appearance and mannerin conducting. The ladies are clever pickers, Gardner.”’ Receives Congratulations— Mr. Harold Siegal, contestant in the Provincial Oratorical Contests held in Toronto last- week haa _re- ceived the following letter from Rvyrie-Birks Limited, Toronto: “Dear Mr. Siegal: tion for the very fine made tn the Oratorical A word of congratula- speech you Contest in have— the privilege of personally hearing you in Massey Hall, but tuned in. on the radio. Canada has every reason to be proud of a student such aa you, and we hope that you will have suc- ‘- ee nn Saat Fre 8 proof.of its cilectiveness.:— “We consider your Minard’s Lint- ment a very sapetier actigie, and | we use it ag a mare relief for sore throat and chest-—Chas, F. Tilton, Fairville’’. “We can recommend Minard’s for eprains, bruises, tness of the hich. chest, soreness © the throat, headache or anything of that sort.Johni Wakefleld, a Have Isiands, Lonenburg Cc. N.S.” ’ “Have used Mineard's Tnipent, for for , “lang Syne Bag - Gas. BE. Sharp, >! ee © fi NARD" Si The size of the building will}: — the $2 at : ‘ ; a The soft low droning bum _ boney-laden bees reeling nt the blossom-covered boughs, mak= ing the-ndontime sweet with ree notes of bapdines: .. d sina’ bi Abe tae *That’s the hum of proper lu- ‘Ifit’s RED INDIAN OIL, you'll brication—of Red Indian Oil. hear the hum that says—“The Hear that Motor hum = you'll bill ° mages ¥ O Homi” ro save Many & Con ee oe nance. Fill up with ~ You can’ he Sed McCOLL FRONTENAC OIL CO, —you aré either using the right cere oil or you are headed for trouble. MARATHON HicTest Gas ‘Establishing A New Standard in Automobiles? THE DURANT Aabil d Power bap oer Beauly dee see ie te Durant “65”. . . after a thorough demonstration on a straight-away run, on a curving, steep hill, in traffic ... or under any road conditions you may choose ... only then can you honestly express an opines regarding this well built automobile. Stability ... to stand the strain of everyday ~ motoring with ease. . . . Power. . . . to meet every reasonable demand with certainty... . | See et tte oe geristic: of Dutant built Hayes-tiunt bodes,» — Passenger Cars Fours and Sixes from $725 w $2195 fob, Leaside, Ora Taxes Extra . The opportinity of provi id. poe cae re ek satisfaction that the new Durant Sixes have these r ~ ae ee ens ee gel your local Durant dealer’s . . . Oe without obligation! Buik by » ae Deraent Motors of Canada, Limited * Terente Canada a » ae aoa ee | Aa Ie i. | p~\ \ W. S. SHEARER, - x : eo “ax Pod i? a cS ; be tees “3 i ' : = : ‘ : # li ~ = fa - 3) z ate F Br) a oe <n tae : sa ; -a - F ks ‘ A ME RN Be SEE = Pe EY Sd Uh Js : MG Se al) ne : , fi — “1 eee " inthe Ts =: