——2 i * be pats oe Pt, . fe. \ oy Re Pag ye eee sea ed afl ks ta — = F.C. Wilson. ward and Clarence Hallman motored eta Chesley on Sunday ond visited - Bo pS N24 — i ais ! # on Nye a yf eS ' EET Ed Re AR Fe ek Sa et ee ee WR a a, ta le ieee er iS ee ~ sal , “gman $41.50 Dinner Set for.... _ $10.25 Tée-Set tor. 2... "" £8.50 Tea Set for ss @ sie * $2.25 Lemonade Set for... Egg Cups, each... “se, @#eesteae LISTOWEL $45.00 Dinner Set for...... Ching Cups and Saucers 18¢ . $36.75 Bread and Batter Plates for... .. lic - 833.85 — White Oups and Saucers, 9c for one -. 87.45 cup and saucer. .- -86.25 Cut Glass Fruit Dishes and 6 napPies to $1.25 to match, reg. $2.50 for... ... 81.65 . > $1.05 All other China at 25 to 50% ov we nee Discount. ERE A EO TA SO OY ON AE IMS aes 2 NE ES > ES RODE ENE ES TOY SI NES oe SURI I b3 = Tih, re me ee "if : eee ae eee! a PRs Loe ae - . - " . : . ~ — . - = ee 2 . vs She $ eo Fes eee # 7 ea : ees oy ale Zz fi “ih an a. is id = Sie — _Mr. G. A. Kennedy's Variety Store on Wa stock must be sold before that date.” This stock, consisting of Dinner sets, Greeting Cards for all occasions, Dolls, Toys, Rubber Ball. Paper at a big reduction. allace Street will ke chan 2 . : ‘oe Ca Mease WMT seems. “ ae an 7 oS ete > iets Rabie it iis oo Se, a 2 aerate "5 ao tt oe ta hy : Ka” gate ee : voi Be ’ pag oe! “ar oT OS ¥ Mier te oe Tae ee nm eS es vs ee rat or ; a . wey * ; + =i . ~ hg) et, Oe a ry tet: ed into an up-to-date Bake Sh ea sets, China and Glass war + — positively must be sold regardless of _ Just a few quotations: Stationery from ...... 7c to $1.50 | School Paints, Pencil Boxes - and School Supplics at COST PRICE. ! Rulers, also school Rubbers of every 3 Se Work ee SOG. obverse description all must 8 10¢ Work Books for... ..... . .28c¢ 25c Eversharf@P@rem for..... moo Book for) sé. 3 e342 3 Hees ie se ive 50c Eversharp Pencil for......37¢ Lead Pencils from 2 for 1c to 10¢ ea. Ledgers, Cash Books, Journals, Day Pint ..-. All examination tablets and foolscap Books, Desk Files and Desk Blotters Lacquaret, at a Big Reduction } all included. ie al eS G. A. KENNEDY _ 5 Fp AE, as ere « ee = - bm ’ t 2 SAE Caer, to ge Rae ines eae La _ - = ptsutis Pp takeS ZIP E Doges. : vi ’ ‘ 2. ==, f a Sie “ = ~ >: ; ae a et oa * ad - +. he ws —_ | * ‘ : " ‘ *. 3 4 , a Z . - i . spills: i uaa eee Glass ware, Toi , Bats, and all.small Articles. Also all kinds of Paints, ion. This is all new stock only in a few months and This Sale will commence Saturday next, | Pienic Supplies, containing crepe — table cloth 42 inches by 52 inches, : : anil 10 plates, all for 18¢ House Paints, best quality, qt. . $1.15 ADNAN RG NSE TD. ig TT eee SELES ER 2th aa Spe eA bs i =<, ae)” J A ee ip te T, - J ~ wie. tt. = + ? Lie. = ort cnet? ; a fo igri Sai 4 ay Hp saga Fh ar i =) = o-_ LT er, i = = * - or al Le « a Varnishes, Brushes, etc., and Wal mat i cost. 2 ee oie i Ye at ye eared ai ~ PHONE 248 uP ea ‘ ~> a1 pte {. -< [Pes J rs barca i fy. ee a ti of Paints and Var- ~— beets Poaceae cleared out by June ist, as alterae = | Bits eons = ail eee tions for. the new bake shop will then, --68 % Pint... .40¢ be commenced, pict Syl ae , « as, = yi : - Se ee ee . —E 7 sie AN | SOCIAL Mrs. W. J. Moore is spending this; week visiting her mother in Toronto. | call eeasil Mr. Robert Oliver was in Toronto Wednesday on business. —{— Mr. Emerson Knipe of Kincardine called at the home of his father to- day. —o-— Mre. Fred Davey has visiting her daughter, -——O) — Mr. and Mre. C. B. Simms and Bert motored to Kitchener on Sun- day and visited friends. ‘ o & Miss Cora Sneath of Western University, London, is visiting at her home in town. a4} obert and John Savag Messrs. home of their uncle, Rev. Dr. Grant. ee Mr. and Mrs. Alf Keeso and Mr. and Mre. A. Vernon spent Sunday Visiting friends in Waterloo. —() — . Mrs. Wm. Campbell and Mes Mary Campbell of Toronto were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. aneefime Mr. Archie Siegner of Mildmay is visiting in Listowel at the home of his sisters, Mrs. Johneton and Mrs. Runge, Main street east. Mrs. Richard Tennant of Toronto is visiting in Listowel at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Miller, eWallace street. =~ - O—— Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Van de Water of Acton were guests Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van de Water. —~o Mr. and Mrs. Herman Denef of Hanover were guests on Sunday at the home of Bandmaster and Mrs. Welsh. — oaees Mrs. G. 8S. Dundas of Markdale epent a few daye in Listowel this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. A. Bamford. —— , a Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fleming and Mre. Kritzer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Becker, Palmerston. . th Mrs. Alf Becker and baby of Pal- merston Spent Tuesday in Listowel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fleming. —)—— Misses Luella Livingstone, Mar- garet Jacques, Pearl McLean and Beryl! Champ spent Friday last in Stratford, — Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell mot- ored to Kincarine and Tiverton and and spent the week end at their homes. F oe Mrs. Glen Blackmore and Mies Marjory Thompson spent a few days this week visiting friends in Tor- onto. me f) Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hamilton, Miss Margaret Sutherland and Mrs. Ovefend motored to London on Friday last. ——— ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanderson “and family, Mrs. Ben Faulkner and Marjory motored to Stratford on ‘Phursday last. _—— Mr. and Mrs. D. W! Henry of Springfield visited on Wednesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.> F. C; Wiison. —_o—— Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ronald and familv and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ronald and Lyle of Wallace were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ronald on Sunday. , ee Mrs. (Dr.) Harry Mount _ left ‘Wednesday for her home in Roch- ester, Minn., after spending a few weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs, P —=-th— Mrs. Brown and little daughter) Barbara of Toronto visited in Lis- ‘towel this week at the home of. Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mr, 8. J. Stevenson. ee Misses Mary Copeland and. Alice Stanborouch and Messrs, Elgin Lep- at the home of Mies Stanborough's - parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender and famiiv of Toronto, accompanied byvy- Olive Pickering of Toronto and ae and Mrs. Melvin Rapp of Elora returned home from Kitchener where she was Mre. Bitzer. aturday it -espeler~—~at-~the onto with her daughter. —_—oO— Wednesday afternoon at Blyth. wee) dine Tuesday on business. —o— on business. ——— Oe mother in town. Sunday vieiting friends at brook and Ethel. ——(}— Monkton. wa — Oe chell. a the week end _ visiting Preston and Hespeler. of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hay. —— , ton. ee ee Mr. and Mre. Clarence week end at their homes in town. — Madge Donaldson spent the end visiting friends in Galt. home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fritz. — e— Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and family visited friends in Kitchener on Sunday. - Seemann Miss Nora Beattie and $ Mise Glenna Spotton of Wingham spent Sunday with friends in Listowel. Oe Dr. Walter White of Port Credit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clarke over the week end. ——{—— Miss Marion Morris of the post Office staff is on two weeks’ vacation at Toronto and other points. ——O—— ‘Messrs. Bert Donegan and Frank Caruso spent Sunday last in Brant- ford with friends. —o— Mrs. J. D. Philp, Miss Gladys Philp and Mr. Delbert Philp motored to St. Thomas and spent the week end. ——f-—~ Mr. Robert McMillan of Montreal spent the week end with his family in town. ——O— Rev. Mitchell of Markdale called on friends in Listowel the latter part of last week. | ae Re Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Poag and fam- ily motored to Kitchener and spent Sunday with friends. —o—. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cavell of Stratford spent Sunday in Listowel and on the 3rd con. Wallace. —t}—_ é Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin and Mre. Jarrett spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Willis, Gowanstown. os Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Grainger and family, and Mr. C. M. Buller motored to Brantford on Tuesday and visited at the latter’s home. —(p-—— Mr. Fred Bell of Toronto and Mr. Dave Bell of Atwood spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. —— @ Davey and W. Zilllax motored to wth friends. _— A Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender, Miss Lilitan Bender, Mr. Roy Bender, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bender “ae Sunday at Ayton with rela- tPves. be ; ——— Mr. and Mre. Hugh McKellar of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. W.. A. Rid- dols and family and Mr. Roy Black of Guelph were guests on Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arno) Hali- man. : a ‘ Mr. Ruesel Wray «motored. from Windsor and spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Heath. Mrs. Wray and 7ittle daugh- moto’ to Listowel on Baturday of pin reek end here. A : ok ie wee "es 2 eke ey : salle fy rsa eS, ~F eie * ee spending a week in town, Mrs. Jamés. Donaldson and Miss week ' —tr>— Mr. and Mrs. D. Scherbarth and eon of Monkton spent Sunday at the Mrs. Thos. Clark ie visiting in Tor- Mr. and Mre. W. C. Clark apent} Mr. Fred Johnston was in Kincar- “Mr. Kenneth Chamney of Mount} Forest spent the week end with his —O— Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schnock spent Cran- Miss Margaret Huggins spent Sui ios with Miss Irene Waodcock at @ Messrs. Roland Gibson and Wel- lington Horne @pent Sunday at Mit- Mr. and Mre. J. N. Baker spent friends at —_0——_ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terry of Tor- onto spent the week end at the home Mrs. Dick Oke spent ia few days this week at her home in Palmere- Stricker and family of Kitchener spent the j Tuesday on business, es ; eee ae Rey. and Mrs. T. Synod. et spending a couple of } Mr. B. D. Bolton was in Wiarton) sister in Port Credit. ee pare Lorena Domm Ayton at the home o parents, her ‘parents, Mr. and Raines. Miss Verna Fisher Fieher. fe Mr. Lawrence B Mrs.° F. W. Hay, M e6oms on Monday. — (+— Hon. J. S. Martin C. M. Scott while in ee ee ee Mrs. Jarrett of May 14th, when Boudrie and Mr. riage ‘by Rev. J. M. N The following wedd of The Banner as the daughter of Mr. town. “Mr. Wm. Cookson of sale, will have the con many friends, especia Manse, Edmonton, on Deer. ed. Rev. Mr. church at Olds. son will live on seeien. St. ate ay sft will have the heartfest of good wish- : * he Sionekah Lodes hela a mis- SUITS SHIRTS ” eka odge he : cellaneous shower In honor of Mrs. waif toate, your rg ae Fine pct otiggicr fac oem Wm. Cookson on wrecnenn eve- = Aid Veit y geal ayae nanmogig? - Sizes 0 ning. The bri receive many fon special. . , : Great alues, men! pretty and useful gifte. these values .. $25.50, 835.50 At $1.59 or 2 for $3.00. BAIN—FOSTER a " The home of Mrs. W. Bicknell, 27% Christie St., Sad Does aa Wien ‘ Boys’ Wearables of a very pretty wedding on Wednes- day, May 9th, 1928, when Helen BO po Patt Aaa ge ON Odd Pants Elizabeth Foster, miece of Mr. and eee an = 8... ‘ Mrs. S. G. sages ot Leeowel, , Boos’ “vo apa lady He Po MRR ge — Tweets — becamre the bride of Mr. Gordon B,}, | ee es ree a Bain of Toronto. The ceremony Preserve Long Mack Cotton Hose. . Ape in. Mod shipment ju was pertoriosd Or Sg ie agen pas —_ 5 ahaa ak ss geo 81.95, 206, 455 den. ae Lambert, Chaplain o ristie t. , hhirte .....esees, Hospital. The bride, who entered Your Youth Broadcloth Blouses ...... 85c | the nvIng room on Mat arm - od! aunt, Mfs. 8S. G. Alexander, looke bee charming in a gown of white geore- Modern women with card F ete with Sande” of wate velve. | parties, shows, pep rn These Values for the Workingman have them all stopped. Compare with a wreath of orange blossoms. ing and sports need eyes that : : She carried a shower bouquet of j will serve unfailingly day et stb . parm -*# ee ea © ae —. Blue Shirts. “se e+ eet tito . 81.00 7 é / ants, ae OO ae . , . hambray Shirts toe eee een eee AO The bridesmaid, Miss Nora Bick-|| >and night. Work Caps, each... .......... 25 Straw Hate... 5536 Siva taffeta. with Sweater Conts, cach. ........ $1.05 Leather Gloves .............,.20¢ pale bine net frilis with blue rose}] tte lleaves ih her hair. Messrs. B. L. H. Bamford, Lester; Ophel’a roses and lily of the valley. Paris on Sunday and spent the dayjnell, wore pale blue played the wedding grocm was attended by his brother, Mr. James Bain. Following the Alexander was dressed with corsage bouquet Mr. and. Mrs. their honeymoon aor and Detroit and o will reside at 69 St. North Toronto. — Mr. Sol. Weber was in Mr. Lawrence Hyslop was in Wind- sor this week on pusiness. in London this week attending the’ Miss Elizabeth Gibson and Miss Helen Burrows of Stratford Sundey atthe former’s home here. ; Gummer aaioes Mrs. W. W} Karges and babe are, Mr. Clarence Bender spent wom * Miss. Mabel. Raines of Walkerton! spent the ‘week end at the home of} ——y—— r end in Stratford with her Mrs. Jack Heath and M-sses Climie and Viola Bender to) the Niagara district to see the blos-; Logan of Hamilton, speakers at the) ous Masonic banquet last Friday were | } the gueste of Mr. J. W. Scott and Mr.! Medicine who has been spending the wiater in at Knox church Manse on Monday, Mrs. Clementine Alexander Tilker, both of Listowel, were united in mar- ‘ —o— COOKSON—STEWART the Red Deer Advocate, Red Deer, Alta., will be of interest to readers mer well known Listowel bride is a for- Walnut and Brazil | J at nines iy Chocolate Bars 3 for 10c The wedding reads ae follows: staff of the Red.Deer Grocery, whole- war veterans, with whom he served through the Great War, on his mar- riage at the Highlands Presbyterian noon, May 6th, to Miss Mae Stewart of the Geetz-Cornett Co. staff. They were attended by several friends. Mrs. Cookson is a daughter of Mr. J.1 Stewart of Listowel and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of Red Rev. F. D. Roxburgh officiat- Roxburgh is known in this district, having been formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Cook- Mrs. L. Brock ceremony a re- ception was held}. Mrs. W. Bicknell wear'ng blue cantonecrepe with cor- sage bouquet of sweet peas. Mrs. Bain will spend | in London, Wind- — — styles B. Howard aye FREE EXTRA PANT i spent = Pi ry . -- ay a Nea, omer ~Liamne Boe weeks with her. and Miss Sunday in, tthe latter's: ou Pas Mrs. George spent the week sisters, | Miss Valera! ernie motored rs. Riggs, the PANT — “GIVEN FREE = -~ eae we. : oe \ WITH EVERY SUIT Made to your Measure during this Sale on . TUESDAY, MAY 22ND Mr. King, of “CLOTHES QUALITY” will be here with his usual large range of splendi _ Suitings to take your mearure for an unconditionally guaranteed Suit with extra pants Fr « $23.00 to $45.00 HN McDONALD and Mr. W. M. Lj town. 4 Hat, | Friday & Saturday Elmira with friends, is visiting thfs week at the home of Mrs. Ed. Specials McLaughlin. . Con, e A quiet wedding was solemnized f New Suits Rotel se acsicceich in, Ae Peppermint Patties, Ib .... 29c Cedar Flakes, Moth Balls 19¢ |}. COUORONG os cxcinccsvevaes ves OO Shirts, Caps, icol. . ing taken from | Baby Talcum....................18¢ Car Sponge & Chamois....85c the warehouse gratulations of lly among the = ‘ Two Pant Suits at........820 Sunday’ after- Van s Drug Store Topcoat Specials $1050, $14.50 —" Latest Neckwear, 50c, 75c, 95¢ well When defective vision saps nervous energy the comfort- ing help of glasses prevents headache and squinting, en- abling you to preserve your youth in ort. music. The fn black satin of sweet peas, May we show you the | SIMMS, n their return Germain Ave., ) Carried in stock, plain or print-{] Jeweler hs Optometrist — | a =item ed “Choice Dairy Butter,” finesti{ = = . es, | SeceneTUnene ter accompanied him on return “ates , ie | 2 : de uJ , bw * - ae gio ry. he i eae iting ie . ae ees” 925 ee . +S yee . 4 ~ Lauality vegetable parchment pape —W. A. Johnstone | Step Out for the 24th ina New Outfit You Will Feel 100% Better Specials for the Store open all day next Wednesday uritil 11 p.m. Closed Thursday, 24th. — Spring Tonics For Men ~ New Topcoats New Hats Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, Ete. Holiday Trade Blue Serge Suits at.......$19 Scotch Slickers at... ...$6.50 e Spring Weight Underwear 95c and evening THE CLOTHI ‘PHONE 150 ie _ Maintained on mes » ie ova Built on V. alee eas —ie F % i A eet its. pate’ a = oh - + og, , item Nt hae cept no ae, "i: ' . Pas . pS diye A oe tian) — ——s el ee nt eS Ph: ayy a aw i) = ees ink