eR RR TR “hie tte Making Collections ‘This Bank makes a feature of its collection service. This means that your drafts will be forwarded promptly, presented promptly and followed up until - ~ —" appear in your bank IM PERIAL BANK LISTOWEL BRAM BRANCH, M. R. HAY, vagal ADVERTISE IN THE BANNER a ape loving wishes. orric Tr your Place “yye ws are in your place carrying out your’ you all of the details of the service so that. a ceremony of rare. dignity results, I PHONE WEA BRITTON wauace phdiririer DIRECTOR OF : 224. PUNERAL SERVICE * We are taking from ST. ~~ - a CLIMIE’S GROCERY wt ee es We Lead in Quality Goods. Good Service & Regular Delivery. Our Number is 72. Use Your Phone. Seed Corn Quality No. 1. our Seed Corn for Germination. THE PINEAPPLE SEASON ‘ Is here. . Fresh Vegetables Every Day We have carefully selected Get your supply this coming week while they are the best o Phone 72 R.A. CLIMIE Use Your Phone Wallace St. rinting! ~~ Our Job Printing Department is falls equipped to handle all Printing. Only the better grade work done, Phone 61 and a representat'y- will call on you. The Listowel Banner General Motors’ Lowest Priced N ALL the great General Motors’ family of automobiles there is no other six so low-priced as Pontiac. Yet no car more fully typifies the famous General Motors’ “Policy of Progress.” For the New Series Pon- tiac Six is as advanced in quality as it is ow in price. Six e And All these are yours . . . in General Motors’ lowest priced six . . . the New Series Pontiac. Ask Wm. Bivicher & Son Listowel, Look at this imposing array of fine- car features: —Rugged, powerful six. cylinder engine: New GMR high- compression , case Ventilation: Oil Filter and Air ‘tedine Bee 1 Gaaotes tox tent ctaftsmanship) decler about the G.M.A.C. Dejarned makes buying easy. cylinder-head: Crank- P-£2-8-28¢ Plan wisich s* Ontario orders for 1 portunity and-p Items of Local Interest Remember to took up and down oefore crossing the street. Misses Victoria and Rhoda Camp- bell, teachers mear Listowsl, were home over the week end. ——Ripley Ex- "press. : Mrs. W. Irwin and sons, Lorne and Burdette of Listowel spent the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Harris.—Ripley_ Express. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dierlam and two daughters motored from Listowel and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dierlam over the week end.—Ripley Express. The singing class of Millbank, which has been conducted by Mr. ?. F. Hoadley of Listowel is holding ja eocial evening and dance next Fri- day. The class is under the aus- pices of the Women’s Institute. Mrs. D. A. Martin returned home chie week after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Grain- ger of Listowel. The past few weeke she has spent with friends in Lon- don, Windsor and Detroit.—St. Marys Journal-Argus. To Inspect O. A. C.— Jone 20 has been eet as the date when farmers of Halton, Waterloo, Dufferin, Perth, Huron, Grey Bruce Counties will visit the Ontaria Agricultural College, Guelph, during the annual Farmers’ Week this year. Groups arranged this year are the same as last. An inspection of the various departments of the College will be part of the day’s activities planned. 5 eee: IOV OTC SOT SL IAD Presentation to Mrs. Phipps— Prior to her departure for her new home in Listowel, a number of friends availed themselves of the op- nted Mrs. Phipps with a silver sandw tray as a tok- ‘en of remembrance of happy days in the fellowship of the United church at Teeswater.. Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and family have been esteemed citl- zens of our vyillage for Yourteen years and we deeply regret their re- moval from our community. Our best wishes go with them and we know that our loes is Listowel’s gain.—Teeswater News. New Scholarship Plan— Perth County is being asked to participate in a new scholarship plan just announced by the Ontario Agricultural College, in order to aé- sist first year students. Under the new scheme the 0. A. €. will provide $650 toward a echolarship in each county providing the County Council contributes a like amount. Students eligible to compete will be chosen by a committee in each county. The plan is being extended to the coun- cils of 24 counties in Ontario, it being felt that their co-operation may be secured in viéw of the much larger amount epent by the counties in secondary education for county pupils. Listowel Out In Force— Stratford Beacon-Herald —~- The male chorus from the Listowel] Unit- ed church, conducted by~- Percivai Hoadley, came in for as much or more praise as any organization re- presented. Dr. Fricker commended them for their method of attack, which he termed clear and fine, with sufficient regard for expression. In fact. he considered their work waé6 good enough to set a standard for other choirs. It was quite apparent that there were many. Listowel friends in the audience, and they made it plain that they were out to back.the home team all through. Mr. Hoadley, with his numerous entries in the festival, is making a name for his town ag a musical centre. Prince Cafe | \. Wallace Street We are prepared at all times to serve. Hot Meals, Lunches of All Kinds Pure wholesome foods prop- erly ‘prepared and aerved have won for us a vory liberal pat-— ronage. : ICE CREAM, *OrT DRINKS satisfaction’ guaranteed to our patrons, _ YOUR PATRONAGE | , SOLIOFRED. BRINCE CAFE, and | Milverton Man Jailed— t Stratford, May 13—George Paull, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Milverton, pleaded quilty to a charge of keeping liquor for sale when he appeared ‘before Magistrate Makins th's morning and was given two months in jail. The charge follow- ed a raid on the hotel by provincial police when a quantity of liquor was seized. Died. From Barns— Brussels, o'clock this morning as the result of burns received last night when’a can of coal-oll exploded after ehe had at- PSs to pour some of the oll on a re, kitchen at the thme of the explosion. With her clothing aflame she rushed into the hall, where Mr. Cameron succeeded in smothering the flames with rugs. The woman’s flesh was|: clothing before! | her marriage wae Miss Ida Knigit,}: terribly burned, and her burned off. Mrs. Cameron daughter of the late John Knight of Grey Township. her husband and one son, Wilfred of Brussels. uverseas, | Honored By Congregation— Rey. and Mrs. F. Meyer, formerly of Wallace Evangelical church, were made the centre of a happy kather- ing’ in their homes at Elmwood Mon- day evening of last week,. when the members of the Bible Clase and. con- gregation of the Elmwood Pvange- teal ch back for the fourth year. The eve- ning was spent in music and singing, complimentary readings and addres- ees and a bountiful repast was served to about fifty people. The address of weleome, given br Mr. William Rody, was as follows: “Dear Pastor and Mrs. Meyer: We have met here tonight as members of the congreg2- tion and friends to bid you a hearty} welcome back to the church and com-}: munity, and te thank you for your!: services in the past. ‘We therefore ask you to accept this emall gift, a purse, as a token of our. esteem and]: thankfulness for your @xample andj, help in the past, and looking forward for God's blessing in the future. Signed. on behalf of the Bible Class and congregation.’ fs You can’t choose but that’s fair enough. Probably they wouldn’t have chosen you. Conaty of Perth, retired- ‘farmer, May 11—Mrs. James!. Cameron, of this village, died at 11} Mrs. Cameron was alone in the! She is survived by|> Another son was killed? met to welcome them) ji your ancestors, — ae ceased; who died on of Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, are required to send by post 24th day of September, 1 27, at ihe I prepaid or to deliver to the under-' ed, the Soleltor --for --EHsabeth the County of Perth, widow, the ‘ex- | ecutrix of the last will of the said ‘deceased, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of thetr accounts and the nature of the ee- curities, if any, held by them. ams, of the Town of Listowel, in!. said , tribute the seeate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have had no- tice, and that ehe will not be Hable for the assets or any part thereof to She shall not thee have received notice, Dated at tantowel, Ontario, this 24th day of April, 1928. J. Cecil Hamilton,. Barrister. » Listowel, Ont. ‘Solicitor for said Executrix. 5-17 ESTES em aa TT }-~ And-~-notice is turther- “siven Sse at} after Ute 19th day 3 : 4: | any person of whose claim or claims! For Sale By ee ae Robert Oliver, Ltd. - e =. & ee Ld — _ , — <a r i é e. “ - 4 be - a 7 . ; . ‘ 4 ‘ e al - - ce es Lal Sir , Silos See eae ois. apt 2 Aer fe ~e 4 : ; y root . at) . . ‘ a : Heh ty Pass Ca, = F . a rl. f * te ‘ “ . - ‘ l= ae # 2 - ‘ hk -{ - =f “ a al ake Yo ed OR ek Lee Bt = "eh = a ee Lesh 4 Te “ef io reagan Te" aa) F ; . “> : ? fs a Fi ro Thhl ins ~~ Baa b * vias. a ltd % — im Fara a 7 . ies. are ae : sey Da Let a ae PT Ses ae MEME tle ib es To Je" yt yes oe a Jide Z : = ae ‘ : be art tts as ot hy = sere “ses a5 oS sis sae fs Fass met Tok, oe + fs ee +e en bo RR arta 2 Apel es i ww Sy Your Tires are’ |} \ just: “AS important f as your engine! a CAS of your tires repays you just as ° ) well as care of yourengine, Itmeans » {| | thousands of extra miles — hundreds of _ dollars saved in a few seasons. ‘And that is the reason for Dominion nas a al Poopey = i * pat wivg Wa =P Woe Ow Sta eee ae Tire Depots — not just to repair your tires when trouble o but to inspect them regularly —. cause of trouble and to on ry at its beginning. Make a habit of calling at your nearest depot Bi : every week to have your tires checked. “Hi ae You are never far away from a DOMINION: TIRE. DEPOT . LISTOWEL a [~~ Ideal Manufacturing Co. J ATWOOD. Vnilance Bros. , E [we AAAAAAASBAALSAZARSRERER ERR ERY EWE WUE YYYY ‘ + rae of i NAL _f L SERVI 'D MINION STORES Wh * oe ‘s a a SS | cece LOW PRICES : At All Times aaa nd jie Woz i ; “ey rh Tes i Fae WT: | a Nationally Advertised Products Shortening 3b. Pail 49C 201b.Tub ®2.89 Must maintain the highest standard of Post’s Bran 2 >.23c quality possible and you will always find @ full range of ‘these Jelly Powders 5 «= 27C Peaches “=z 19°, Rinso mee >= puts. 2Z2i¢ { of these tine. Be sidie bek'de daniel 1 th, tis Cook's Fr low, HEINZ PRODUCTS [nationally Advertised | CLARK'S PRODUCTS ) Baked Small 10¢ tin Cereals Meat Pastes 3 25c Beans Medium 15c tin | Shredded Wheat 12c Boiled Disiner 28c Bpaghett! Soak ae tag Ps ge see Cateup 2lc Vinegar 16 ox. Bot. Zic See ae te Oe pong soagead ac Mait, White or Cider Grape-Nuts Pkzy.17c] | , Chili Sauce sta Sneed ot ak esa tese ad. Sc FREE One Hea CAK We have been able to se- me E TIN purchase of « Friesd Baking Powder HEC ie uy 2 15-ox. 25¢ TEAS DSi. LB. ie ie es a> iat | '* : ; s a - * . . A om ‘. - . * a - * —— a a a ee or ae a ‘cS ete | ot 4 L ms *? ms i epee. vis) les be » TS oye od ) A Easy to light . . . Strike a match—that’s all! No flaring ...~ Patented automatic wick stop will not permit flame to rise above set point. - Flame can be adjusted to any safe level; it remains set. No soot on pots and pans ... Every bit of oil is changed into 4 clean, intense heat in the long chimneys. Safe Diebingi.,4 A. weceidertol overt kn: Whitty you: casibeke cake, fish and onions at the same time with- ‘out mixing flavors. } See the wonderful new models at your dealer’s. Perfec tion prices which range from $8.75 to $212.50 are splendid value. Write for full information to General Steel Wares, , Limited, Toronto, Ontario. ‘ 201 PERFECTION a Oil Burning anges 134 ge dete tid feds 7 seaegueie serail me free particulars of the Perfadtion Oil Range. Easy to control ; - poor inbie. Address PS ror _ For Sale : Listowel by . geek me cee te