‘a! ~ o “Sis, Peer ar, ES ae = Little Business Trans- |- acted At Council) Ste nd eo = . , F " ete Se ae Presbyterian wa 4 ® mtg * | been! — | Mr. and Mrs. Aardn Ropp vielted{ Mr. Nelson Haist spent the week WM. WHERRY RESIGNS As datiets ae ig aoe. : ni wR 3 “pou Bw 8 Pee OCP we sunday. "fo 1p: Breenels st Rik Dome.) SCROOI, RUPRNDANGR OFEL-| Guild os snntay osseink net | AS. IN -WAS B ternoon | A ae * Mr. James Vaughan was home Mr. and Mrs, Norman. Gould of} _ CER AND. JAMES DENMAN AP- The nichive ne tindey, Mother's ON TAIRD CON, recy be Bake oe! he rp = a js | ili. onal abaaatas mrad a= Senay ee Oe eee Day, were made up of mothers, At! Mr. John Doiiglas, a former Elma]... . .. . eee cee Fst a . Nor aes igpcweis . ee aoe -|St. David's church, Henfryn, the|}townslip resident passed away a et a has been! ‘th.—Sermo F ise es = etait .- Mr. and Mrs. Norval Hall spent ; mother’s choir sang two anthems.| his home in Windeomeeetie - pas ee : he r poss Sl a Aa ee Wee Lae pinging RES ' punde: at Grand Bend. Mrs, Pope, 10th con. and Mré.|° The Municipal Gouncil of the TP.| Mowers were in evidence as usual May 12th, 19 Mc ace of 56.00" 1O her home — Se i cckin eS Wh Teas aa ie a : an’ Sa Agnes Coghlin, 6th con., spent Sun-jof Elma met in the Agricultural for the day. . oF a ea He had. been seriously-i for the| Past week on a t of illness,” | onday, Pm Lectt a a tere = ae po ere. J. wal ge a fewi day’ at the home of Mrs. A. McBain. the tolromne on sry yg May 12. OE ge ale a ss past week with pnuemonia. © 3 a 1m Pe ce, kd | 4 young 8 gee Sry aa ae eee =o. ae ee re ae } , SA A 6 following members were pre- , fittingly A Yr. ey i 15.| Mrs. Switzer Sr. ee pa an: auspices pinigallag her Se eters SOM aR i: oy y ai the Nome Of Mr. acd Men| cout Reeve W. Angus Dickson, Dep- eden Sanday nee in ome “Gnited Sodeeuion "shee po pete co| Friends of Mrs. M. Switzer will be| Wednesday, 8 pam.—Prayer Meeting, = © Ee Mr. R. A. Thompson and Jessie| day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. uty Reeve Adam Willoughby | and church and a Mother’s Choir lead af the late Mr. rag Mra. Arthur} #0°ry to hear of her finess and hope. no —— ') spent Sunday visiting in Woodstock.) Wm. Thompson. . |Councilors Wm. Donald&on, Thos. the music. In the Sunday School/Douelas. It is twenty-seven years to see her out again soon. ugha pre ee ea ad ee we aS 3 , einsiens ,| 0: Gibson and Chester Little. service readings were given ‘by|eince he left Elma township, hecine| Pa ae oe : : | Presb sterian Church. > - +Mr. C. W. Harvey is confined to! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cardiff, o The minutes of the last meeting Dulcie Coghlin and Rogabelle Hiles; since resided at Dutton and Mount TM With Mumps— ay 1 Rev. Wo. d. West, M.A. Minister _~ his home on account of {liness. Brussels spent Sunday at the home|were read, approved and signed by!and the program of the Ontario Re- Bridges and for the past ‘nine years|. [Sel Barton is confined to herj— v. W. J. W t M.A, M winet ie fs oe of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Hall.” the Reeve and Clerk. Communica- ligious Education Council wis car-|at Windsor. -~ =~ = —~—— ds ome euffering from an. attack . of ete eater a 20th, 1928 Rae i + Miss Jane Love of Listowel spent) PRE 2 ar i itions were: read from the Hell. Vele-| tae wie 3s ee STeaen kid wide 3ak cbiidcen {mame hs “$s , ] : M. y 20th, 19; 2 an ~~ the week end with Mr. and Mrs.| " Miss Grace Clark of Mitchell) phone Co. re placing poles on town- oe Kenneth and Jean survive. Five 10 a. m.—Sunday School. cerca ene ee |. 6hdLorne Love. spent Tuesday last with .Mise Isobel ship roads and from the Ontario De- The Young People of the Presby-| brothers and Your. igaties aa Els Will Do Home Mission Work— | 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. ubject, — ee eis tralian 0 Vallance. _ {partment of Agriculture enclosing! terian church held their meeting on'vive: George, David, Robert, resid-; W: G- West of Toronto University] “Reserves” 2 22 2 2 2 ees. eae Mises Alice Townsend of Eastwood Oo copy of the Weed Control Act and 5 3 . : Berrined tery {Spent the week end at the Manse/7.30 p.m.—Evening worship. .Subject Se a E R. A id Mrs. Stanley Purvis, 6th tons , Monday evening. — The scripture} ing in British Columbia; Charles at West. He willf * Hidden Treasure” #4 eecnpeontact veck. Toone rey, peat Gander » apy lpr as amended and filed. _ltesson was read by John Tindall. A| Ottawa and Arthur on the home-|W!th. Rev. and Mrs. Wes : The Hidd ‘ee +O Péatles. 2 eee ' Thompson jast week. con. Grey, spent Sunday at the home| Gibson-Little—Theat the council do missionary topic was given by Roy/etead, 3rd con. Elma; Mary, Maria|@° nome mission work in New Brun-| Monday, 8 p. m.—Young | ee: See EE wo eee now adjourmto meet ag a Court Oof| tamilton and a reading “The Mis-| and Jennie, in British Columbia|®¥ick during the summer. Society ‘will entertain the Listo- = Ru Mrs. Sherwood of Teeswater vie- | i} ps Reyision on the Ament Drain By- Sionary Doctor” by Margaret Dick-!and Margaret (Mrs. Bert Jones) in} A it see : we wel ¥ oN pagent en ae, “gaan ited this week at the home of Mr.j Miss Stella Willoughby spent theliaw Garried. * |son. ‘The meeting closed by all re-| Detroit Will Hold Recital > | ursday, 7.30 p.an.—Prayer Service. ae gs | eae Nira Wm. Willoughby, 12th con. [art Court Of Revision on the peating the Mizpah benediction. The funeral was held on Monday,| _, “rs. EB: G."Coghlin and pupils; Thursday, 8.30 p.m. ir Practise. = = — K uf Mre. Wm. Willoughby, 12th con. | Ament Drain By-law having closed -— + « May. $44 AGA Iutarinent dase a Ay :| will give a recital on Saturday atter-| Se ge ie | Mr. and Mrs. George eyes —Cho noon next at two-thirty o'clock in the : —o— the council met for general bueiness. a lan “Ghutch: waalin we Beer gr a vege) eee {Toran visiad Mire. Young Coulter] | re. w. Brundle and Gertradel "Siete Gbiwan- Tot tn” coumel qi Ag"oo™gbrowyierian church was|in Windsor cemetery. "Menta |Rogh Beat at | St. Giban's Church ae ver the week e nd. spent the week end visiting in WIDE-laccept with sincere regret the resig- choir composed of twenty-four moth-|chell and Arthur Douglas attended ; 1 Se ~ ane : Berets hes . —~j— é Sranteaed te ham. nation of Wm. Wherry as School At- ers rendered excellent music. Rev. the funeral. Defeated aon Atwood. .Pablic M: im F wer , 3 EB we a Mise Jean McKay of Bra ~ —o— stacoies as tendance Officer. Carried. Mr. West delivered a very Snstruct- -|. A team from the eae Rev. Maurice F. Oldham, , Rector Ae. : visiting her parents, Mr. and TS. > Mr. and Mrs. George arron th Willoughby-Donaldson—That Jas. ive and powerful address on moth- , Schoo! motored to Donegal ay 5 ; pb. : » i Alex McKay, 8th con. : Ne ee eee Ta i ae, “etaaae] Demimen be appointed School Attena-l erty since in the kere talk PEOtO EET ET+444+er4e409 | Cvening and played « friendly same; Sunday, May 20th, 1928 — ‘ait home of Mr. and Mrs. J. . ance Officer forthe Township of Phasizing the facts of the divinity of| + : + of softball with the ae age pup &- | s eee 3S . Mrs. Donély of Goderich is vis wt mond. Elma for the remainder of the cur- marriage and greater reverence for| + SIXTH LINE BLMA fe Atwood pupils won by 5- Sunday After Ascension pay ‘ss .} -ing at the home of her ton, Mr. Alex —o— rent year at $2.50 for each day-en-! yarents. * eet * iR 1 10 a.m.—Sunday School. a Ae Donely. - | ' Twite Sean. Bile ned spigot rig gee ve Pertorming: bi" anton ae Aa ed ee ee ee ee Me Hake Richmond, Mr. A. R.| 77 @-m.—Morning nyaree Hentics. Se aS LOTets, Jan, : 1 olicer. Carried. : | The regular monthly meeting of| Mr. and Mrs. James Corry of this! mo” ’ MeKee at-| 7 » ™.—Evening Prayer Service, — BAe See none Of BEC MEE Mth ie nn Seiay GEG VISISEL ; Donaiapeitieon — ‘That: tyiaw lene Gaines secre mers te held in| line had visitors from Niagara Fallel iadsd the funerut ot the ime Man, ST DA ae, oe st ake home of Mr. friends. aor Rod oy tata laut Rint the basement of the due hoon on Sunday: = | mtacek “Gdan, fabmicie .itareaset “ AVIDS HENFRYN _ ", a abkmer. yante hurch on two p.m. on tur Mr. W. J. , : Miss Helen Hamilton of Stratford|pownsnip of Elma for the remainder pore Riad The ant nities Were cth nd rite as fed Be tain n of Listowel| Sangster at Molesworth on Monday.| 2 pit.—Sunday School. Peis | _, wae is season's work. $ p. m.—Evening Prayer Service. Yo read and adopted and the roll call] He intends to drill on Mr. John; eave For Home— va . = b. ae was answered to by the claas text.) Huisser’s farm, Gotham. | 4 ‘Mr. and Mrs: Thos. Vyles, George| wag a guest over the week end at of the current year and repealing and Jack of* London, visited withithe home of Mr. and. Mrs. Jesse clause 6 of ‘by-law No. 878, cancel- ; , ' : . Bd. f Woodstock spent}; ___. ee oe 7+ Mrs. Annie Ducklow last week. Peachey. ling “ry appointment of be as ibe = fe The following numbers comprised} Quite a‘number on this line are naataaay puget the home of “ur. b eae “gues: id uy he | Jean Stevenson, 4th con.) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fullerton -of| ttme he tuethi mye fea | the, Program: mission. story, Mary| suffering trom the malady la grippe. and Mrs, Brown. Mrs. Brunk and}! 2 : ae tet OT at thw saaeee Or dorcuto deant the week es at, Cal gh om sh ae : sane Pe Hodge; saat sie abn i a Hadged ely oe epee niissirg ae has! daughter Katherine returned with|. | BVERYBODY'S COLUMN : . < —" son; reading, Jimmy Inglis. or ny a Yr. JM. and's, | ee. and Mre. lvorne Love. one ot Mr. and Mrs, A. Hammond, counell tow Adjourn to meet 3-3 thy MeMane aa tiie twenty-thir Al evay el oa a> : are Woodstock where they will se ron conte i Hine e for first In | | , : n and John ; elgg 7 Ren ‘Cay,| p5#im_ and the meeting was brought! y tors at Thos. R. Alexander's ! ’ , ef a yenaiai bee ‘ag eta frisidal daw and Mick Gtoken °6¥? ‘Title. Sey Improvement By-law. ‘Car-lto o élose. ai as . oo Pea! fia fat nae sar soqey Softball eeltares payor ER inet thet ae TR ea fine wt piv coi . — oO Stratford: Suited triotde: in tha. 9th nie ee ata fie Rd, ae The United Sunday deg: rf ane aléo Miss Edith Williams, all of Lon-/ single yong of Aiwoed defeated. the ! mum charge of 26c. isp Nagas yhapman men y~, Young People’s League are holding|don. Also Mr. and Mrs. Walter ftball. | matte Oy | t- : ; married men in a game 80 et: ee: Sih called at the hone ok Mie agape met for general busines 7° Coun! {thelr anniversary services on Sunday| Jones and gon Tommy°of Ridgeway,| vr. A, BE. Anderson has named’ + ! ae. eS ‘Mrs. Hugh Riermond on Sunday. Mr. Norman Butcher of London, 8] 7 s+t10-Fo lison——That ders be| ®t: Monday next and the. special| Mr. Robt. McCourt of Listowel. an captain. of the single mén’s team NOTICE Pe ‘ : — rT ber of the local Canadian halcson—ihat orders be! speaker for the occasion will be Rev.|. We are pleased to report that|.na Mr. J. M. Erekine captain for the}. The letting of the show grounds ae former mem j‘ssued for a number of accounts.|pr Hueser of Point Edward. The Mrs. Adam Willotighby who has been Th of the} for the season of 1928 will be let to * lg pal Serre onan ware ope tg wane villa digi whursday: gage Shas Sunday School will occupy the centre| on the s'ck list is improving nicely bow Dag gna ALi ame mg Walcon'a” the h t bidder on Saturday eve- _ children Georga,”* Pearl, e frien n the villag : Willoughby-Gibson — That ‘fhe pews on Sunday nrorning next. On Mr. Collinge of Mitchell made a tour ‘. T * a 19th, at the grounds at - ~ a : st ere. FR yr ai 4 ~ Margaret appro gy seitvartont pe M Alt Wiatchotn and daughter council do now, adjourn to. meet Monday evening a etereopticon lect-|-of this vicinity Monday in search of ante seg wy is 7.30" 1 ee garet Smith motor Mrs. : ont Waka. again in the Agricultural Hall. ‘At- ure and entertainment “Mill be given) young calves, but by reports they are aa J. B. Hamilton, &. H. Swing, Saturday and visited friends. Shirley of Palmerston sp 1M wood, on Saturday, June 2hna, 192s. with {Illustrated 6lifes, under fhe getting ecarce. } 9 t. Secretary. Stee . Gay lept at the: home'ot Mr. and Ereiet ten ofclotk a.m. ast. at two 0’. auspices of the YooR. iey"Mre.Hus-|* The farmers around this bu ——— oS 5-17 : — 7" —~|R. Smart. . ISD Se ee ™ around t burg are _ aa ea Pe Fd | —— , : , ; <3 ence clock p. m..as a,Court of Revision will ompany. nd to! taking advantage of the fine weather. | Benn | CS Pe Mrs. W. G. ‘Shera returned Thurs-]°™ ‘"® Assessnrent. Roll... -Gartied, “| Atwood ast - ae : e will) Most of-them have completed their. C shy for Wool — ee we: NO fae ; day last to Battle Creek, Mich., var ' taddress i d Has sere ; bait n somes: | ‘ ; | Ma | your r | | tee rk idind. Market lardeners : es DANCE after spending.a few weeks with gf RE EEEEES49-4000-4404044444) The Young People’s League meet. ! BUTTER PAPER ai. cee a Saad betas siete mi 9 ga mother, Mre. B. anna. + ; 4 U ited h reh w ‘th ] i ‘nA ro 2 ty b rail ge 5 oe, on ee “1 ; » : ee ae oF 3.0. te DONEGAL ae of Loi es c te bub gels . Plain aS age butter wraps, in ruck or $ y lL. |i These plants will produce vegetables ., come Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Reld and. Mar-| $ esenast | cventUe. A reatling wad. given| table parchisert tage At aan || Settlement in full on receipt. ||threo weeks "eaten taaet anes AT garet and Mr. Angus McDermid of Oferfosfocfeelocteotectect 2..8..0..2.2 09 @ © © © «& _s 2 © @ @ ¥ ‘ c : pape : nner li . ired grown plants. It is. no experiment. ae : Dfratlors apeitt BERGAy AL the BOWE i ee et ete ee > arent rere woraeriiisan Tp. Resident Dies— {| Free bags supplied if requ |We guarantee results” or refund HENFRYN of Mr. and Mry. — “mci ‘port Nia Ber Peete loaded a load!and the topic was taken by Henriet-| Friends in this locality were sorry | ¢-® HH ) ddl ae Co , toughened ol ta Feed 7% et ft H V an Mre. Elwood Roe and Jack return-| station’ last ae at the Atwood | ta Denman. Solos were ere 6 to learn of the death in Philadelphia C. M. eaaie tiny Sten eld. P will ead teuiberauicns [| Mr. Henry ee ge ed ‘home from Toronto where they} Mr. and Mrs. B. Vipond and child~ Ha anil toehtnes all dhout"Mother” White, whe tora cain atte Oakville . Ontario |) twenty degress above without in- “| announces to the public that spent a week visiting Mrs. Roe’s}rem and Mrs. Jas. Scott. Sr, epent| 2 ‘3 : es WA Sao on ght oo jury. Bermuda onion planté and all 4 4 . hi Sunday evening with fri as 1 : were given by. Rosabelle Hiles, 2nd concession of Elma. Mr. and | - leading varieties of cabbage Plants | he will hold a dance at his sister. townehip. ends In Grey! alice Hymers, Mary Harvey, . Lens Mrs. White for several. years con-. Reférences:—Bank of Montreal. shipped promptly. 200-plants pdst- ‘| home at Henfryn- on Mr. and Mrs. ‘John Roger spent; ‘The work in the cemetery ‘here te ap orp engg ee Ro orlal ue Selets pap oa Pe igieha taht farm on the| bees : }| paid $1.00; 600, $1.75: 1000, $3.00. Sunday in Fullarton’ with noes progressing favoratily and will make Somatic? isa le tosi3 eae iiving: Sg ype dad fot | Ship express collect $2.00 thousand. &j Thursday, May 24th [ij{deventer, and Mrs Roser. remained) s great improvement when ils — ___... {survived by her hnebande l= = iomdant or ye ; & . F j * . . ‘ , ; rae ; —O- On Sunday afternoon an appro-| CEES PERE tr hits — Windsor, Ontario, ’ Good Music. - My. and Mrs. Elmer Noble of Lis-! priate Mother's Day eervice was * “ 2e ippebbetaiad dy Wel towSl spent Sunday at the home of} held 'n the chngsth here. A choir)" BRITTON r COURT OF REVISION Tt . NOTICE TO CREDITORS . ¢ , i : 1 . , , ; . —e , Everybedy ercaime Mr. and Mrs. Phe TERE. fred Cockwell ee noe yar Me yitieantbeted beh ete bd Township of Elma Do You Remember Those Ip the estate of Alexander Struth- | - = siteseens ~ ; ie) sth iia? . , 3 [ar . . - j io ‘ 2 : d. 4 ntlemen D0c. Ladies 25c Mr. d Mrs. Wm. Black and Mr.j suitable music. The ast ave : by The first sitting of the Court of: ff Gn 3 ereane . ‘ A oe paras. Lesile Rabb of Palmerston] excellent discourse aid” reatiige Mr. Fred B. Johnston of Fordw‘ch| Revision on the Assessment Roll for’ € y OLLS Seas we ne grads ch wk 25 5. Lunch Free called at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|were given by Emily Acheson and|5Pent the week end at his home here.|the Township of Elma for the year’ . , persons having claims against the es- : } G ides on Sunday. Annie Vipond. Mra. Wellington Sproule spent 4/1928 will be held In the Agricultura!’ That Mothe d to Make? tare of Alexander Struthem, late of ; | Proceeds to go towards -er- idle egies 5 The meetings of the Ladies’ Aia|feW Gays with friends in London. Hall, Attwood, on SATURDAY, ' at Mother used to Make: oan wea Elma, in the Secu : | : f C ' Shed Mr. and Mrs. Adam Spence, Mr.| 2nd W. M.S. were held on Thureday Mr.-and Mre. Maurice Dick and) JUNE 2nd, 1928, at two o'clock p.m. | . : : Ratios barman; wae alae 7 age Re ecuen OF & \ammunity James Spence and Mr. Moore of} @fternoon at the home of Mrs, W, m,|{#mily spent Sunday visiting at/ An persons having busivess at’ tho: Greensides, The Baker, will fifteenth day of February, A. D e at Henfryn Fordwich spent Sunday at the home; Buchanan with a good attendance. gis der saa FH a friend of pei ge 50 Ang gs lage aic amas hai have them as his week-end |) 1927, are hereby potified to send ; of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bell, 12th|Im the W..M. S. the scripture leseon Miss “Norma one an r.enc } the same time and place. | . , : Wale claims, duly ¥ am $5 atthe pall - was read by Mrs. Jas. Barton. Readg-| Torento called on friends here on George Lochhead, | special, and ina variety of rage cuilersieend raratics Shnpen Aaa ings were. given by Mesdames A. Wi}-/ Saturday evening. t erect the: Court: of flavours, such as before the fourth day of June A. D —_ ws - 7 ee | ON and C, C. Kaine. Mrs. J. H.j.. Mrs. J. Wood and famfly ‘spent! Dated at Atwood, May A4, 1928. | 4 1928. After the said date the estate — ere wae ‘ oe gave the story of Ruth and ge! Sis Re Mtaveueee a fy.) Cream will be distributed and the execu- . y ea a RPh zh ae rap Roepe SL cig i Teh de aac : Sounsuniiaaemaabibannrionee | Lemon Bx tone will be Hable only for claime for ; : : bale for the supply department. The| Pt Shree sereee ee eae ae ae | O e DATED. it tiene Cabin the | CERY next meeting will be held at the * RIDGE * STEREOPTICON JTang eighth day of May A. D., 1928." , | some of 4 Normae Acheson when|* TROWBEIDG z Lecture and | Pineapple Wilbert R. Struthers, * | | 3 and Jas. Erakine of Atwood oy ton | stetebeteeetetentndendetitatedetotepetetch Ps ta - R | Chocolate R. RM, 2, Atwood: Ont. P . dress the meeting. ntertainmen Raspberrv ; iT, The True Workers Misstonary poerry R. R. No. 3, Atwood, Ont. : Pineapples Pineapples és The church here~has arranged to Circle held their regular monthly! “THE HOLY LAND AND PAS- || Strawberry Per C. M. Scott, solicitor for the deck : . ave its garden party on June 20th. meeting on Thursday afternoon at SION HISTORY OF OUR h above named executors. Next week will be ee tentht ume ia est the home of Mrs. Chester Adams, LORD” Mars | ; ici uit. “rs. Henderson, boundary west of| 4th Yine Elma. Despite the usy : : for this delicious .) Listowel spent Sunday at the home of| time there was a good attendance, Monday Evening, May 2tst | is | We have all S1Zés SO kindly leave your order Mrs. R. 5. Ballantyne. . A splendid program was given, con-| United Church y ; 25, : : ly and be sure of the best. ) — sisting of a bibie character talk by or Cc Anniversar early a ie oe ah John a Mr. andj Miss negro study sits talk py By Rev. Dr. Husser of Pt. Ede | y : “ars. Chas. Vallance, Misa Isobel Val-] Mrs. E. L. Halpenny, readings by} : —— FF | Also a good assortment of fireworks for the 24th 7lance motored to London on Tuesday} Miss I. C. Collins and Miss H. Mar- “hee ausplees of Young Peo- | ) A yerVices oe . , and visited friends. tin and a paper on “Our Attitude ple’s “League, ; 7 , ie ae: eal 2 BR uk Toward et iy Besson sa ee on Jes- Illustrated by 65 slides, with - | of : f , Mr. and Mrs. Os. Inglis and Mr,! ws’ example taken from the four gos- lored, * Seut? . i be. J. P. Greens! es and Mrs. Chas. Valiance spent Sun-| pels, by Mies Edna Smith. At the! tome tinea Boke Sty Fs odel aker | Be. : Calvary” will also” be illus- ¢ onega nite | RS. , Ph 5 Atwood dey at the home of Mr. and Mrs:|close of the meeting a tempting trated. : | —t «bn caf one Vallance Ingl's, 14th con. Grey. lunch was served by the hostess. | Admitkeon 25h and 10 | GP G id Prop.” GT S d S hb | Me ecw awe The next meeting will be held at the . Admission 25c and Ic |G, P. Greensides_ -- Prop. 4} unday oOcnoo | me . _ Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Gilmour of} home of Miss Edna Clyde. 3 a ile ill b | ee a aa : . — ——~{|Lonfion spent a few days at the] Many of the farmeré are finished fi nie pemeaiaaicnaetnaminns earner Pemnceatt | wi e held | ie | ee of Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe this}seeding and. nearly ail will finish! ranean ay Sunda Mea 2/ | EE ene : 1 rs }| wee he this week. ee = — poe | | a. . : —1— ) Housecleaning and .gardening is | At 2 30 de 7.00 4 | Rte ., T h W ne end Mrs. Warten Morrison} the Oster Of the aay: o ve me 4 fg SP . : ) i} an VU pm | fy ; ; k ane family, accompanied by Mr. andj ‘Mr. an rs. Amos Smith, Mr. an Bie: a | Seed & orn Ar rive is ee Mrs. Wm. Morrison, motored to} Mrs. F. W. Smith, Miss Bana Smith | B - h j U/ / P gil / : Adie sei a of Len- | * ies ices right [fri reece NT, coe eee | rignten Up! Paint! Hore til be the speaker. | ae We have all the best Varities.. Prices right. | Booed Ray-atid ‘vicited with palatives that | : . : assisted by | me 4 Order your supply now. " Mr. Horace Peachey of the Bank| A number from here attended the if S i | Mrs. Rey. Snell and others. |f “is eS El CaS Pe ecm ne, eae of Montreal staff, Listowel, is'on twolfaneral on Monday afternoon in} And do it for Less We have a full Line of < , , a at 4 | 4 * weeks’ vacation. Horace left Tues | Molesworth of the late Mre. By amen isin baa i} pecial Colleétions : a =o 4 PAINTS AND VARNISHES day morning for Toronto where hel Doan. % : ‘House Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Shellac, and | OnM oe gr a tae . : wil spend part of his vacation. _. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Donald and other Supplies at Prices that will suit you Best... onday evening, May , i eg A fresh coat of paint will do much in bright- fine Jean and Miss Williams of London|g Other ¢ Serie, "By 28th, a high class entertain- ae : P | FS a Mr. and Mrs. J.-P. Gfeensides,/ visited in the burg on Sunday. quality. Come in and let us supply your needs. | . > ie Ying ening up your Home. ¢Lena and Nellie, Mr. EB. T. Green-}' Mire. F. D. ‘Tughen purchased a; SEE a Gaines : > $f ment will be given under the . eae : GARDEN AND LAWN SUPPLIES mained to spend a week. == [children of Detroit are the guests MA Pe oh ee eR eng) ley, of Listowel, consisting of ee. aie eet 4 , at the home of Mrs. J, R. Code. — } sys rae Gee Ryoth ra | vocal and instrumental n a Wee . fe Age , Bites * Rev. oe ere Mega of}. cfs Magi Na re Mg ad — ~. ' | rity aan ite ; ‘ee I HOS INGLIS & : SON - |fjand Mr, J, Stafford, also of ‘Chate- Workers Bilan ircle will be held a | AWARE... earaatevrry: jp) Monti visited with Rev. MF, Oldham) at the tome of Mrs. B.J.*Coghlin. fh - ace a eS : " eee of OOD ae | Pa . to the re aataw aft S 3 a’ Ord, F Pie ‘ ar 2 a * eo “ 7 * it: ws Le Ro ER ale ‘e be She od = eal T* Sal ue ae, Sl a he + Sage mibete 3 bal alt 4 4 : LD aes . abs a a, “a tae oe eee ‘2a z ante (ME J pie Seapets poet, See ae ’ ob Shri poe ode Po. - Se ee > CPEs, sty Aare i SI sek a Fo) — Les, ris ed ee ai ou . a =. Kye