NOW FOR A Sale starts Saturday September 15 Seven Big Days. Great Dissolution of Partnership Sale Come the First Day. Come Early and Come Every Day. Different Bargains Each Day Come to Chapman Bros. for all your Wants. Everything in our Store Reduced for these All new Fall Goods coming in Daily go on Sale This Sale is for Cash Only. . Please do not ask for Credit After Five Enjoyable Years of Partnership Business in Listowel, Mr. S. A. Gray has Sold his Interests to Chapman Bros. who took Possession Sept. 10. We must reduce this Stock $10,000 in Seven Big Days Store Reduced . Everything in the _ Sale ends Saturday September 22 54 inch All Wool Coatings, col- ors of brown, green, red, navy and black sold at regular price up to 4.50 at = SALE 98c YARD 54 inch Flannels, fancy checks and stripes, assorted colors, sold regular $2 50 to #3 25 per ya. SALE $1.69 YARD Circular Pillow Cotton, 40 in- ches and 42 inches, an extra good weight, but finé even weave cot- ton, regular 50c and Sc. SALE 35c& 37c YARD 72 inch Grass Bleached Pure White Sheeting. ..An extra good weighty cloth and no dressing. Sold at regular price of 85c yard, SALE 69c YARD 32 inch Flannels in a big var- tety of colors, best quality on the ket, sold regular at $1 10 yd. SALE 85c YARD 36 inch Vela Velvet, two col- ers only, goblin blue and golden brown, sold regular at $3 560 yd. SALE $1.60 YARD 86 inch to 40 inch Curtain Nets also an extra goo quisette in Ivory, white and arab shades. An extra good assortment at 45¢ per yard SALE 29c YARD 34 inch Factory Cotton on sale at SALE 2 YDS. FOR 25c 36 inch Silk Pile Velvet, seferal new fall shades, and a g teed cloth, sold regular at $1 85 yard SALE $1.49 YARD 34 inch heavy weight Flat Crepe, in colors of nile, copen, peach, cor- al, rosewood, k and navy. This is w real all silk cloth and good value at the regular price of $2.50 SALE $1.50 YARD 36 inch Baronette Dress Sat. ins in colors of copen, white, sand, peach, pink, and coral, all new fall shades and g gol welghty mat- ertal. Regular at $1.50 per yd. SALE $1.19 YARD 36 inch CrePe Black Satins, the popular silk for fall wear.We have this in colors ofcocoa, coral, blush, sand and black. This material sells regular at $3.00 and $3.50. SALE $2.49 YARD 38 inch Silk Broadcloth in Bo colors, s one of the best washing and best wearing cloths on the market with a real silk fin- ish. Regular at $1.00 per yd. SALE 65c YARD Silk Georgette, all colors ..1.59 Crepe-de-Chine, all colors ,. 81,24 Silk Chiffon Velvets ...... $3.75 Printed Velvets Silk Pile $1.95 yd Fancy all wool Plaid Bed Covers, in mauve, pink, blue, rose and gold. Mossfield make, Guar: anteed all wool and good wash- ers. Special valuc, sale, $4.05, 86 inch Mackinaw Flannel! on sale SALE 3ic YARD Pure White Cotton Batts, reg 59c SALE 48c YARD 32 inch fancy Checks, Stripes and Plaid Ginghams, also all plain colored .Chambrays, .guaranteed fast colors, regular 35c per yard SALE 26c YARD 86 inch English Priats, guaran- teed will not fade SALE 41c YARD Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hose . .89c Children's Cotton Hose... ...23c Ladies’ Silk and Rayon Hose. .69¢ Ladies’ Pure Silk Hose .... 69c Ladies" Chamoisctte Gloves. .45c 200 pr Glové® to clear at . .25c¢ pr Hiddics' Rubber Pants 24c pr. Ladies’ Broadcloth Slips... .?6c 25 Children's all .Wool .Coar Sweaters in red, blue, sand and .white, sizes three years to 14 years regular up to 2.50 for ....81.50 All Wool Auto Rugs. Ce ye $2.45 All our fancy all wool Bed Cov- ers, all wool Blankets and Auto Rugs at Big Reductions, \ ; 200 pair Flannelette Blankets, extra 12/4 large, double bed size, guaranteed no flaws or tears. Only three pair to each customer allowed. at per pair... ee eee eee eee eae eees So't and cosy heavy weight kimona Cloth, assorted patterns and essorted colors, An ideu!l cloth for immediate wear. Hegular Price 5O0c yard, on sale ... ci eee pa eh ete ns snenbeaeaes 25c 70 real fine thread pure Linen Tabling, extra pure white Irish bleach and in a big assortment of patterns, striPes and floral de- signs. This cloth sells regular at $2.75 yard, on sale at $1.40. 36 and 40 inch plain de luxe Sateens, in a good range of colors real satin finish. Cloth suitable'for linens or comforters Regular S0c yard, on sale . 2.0... 0c cee deweea ewes weeny es 20c “- — 27 inch white or colored Stripe Flannelettes, 4 “\ good cloth, Regular 23e yard, on sale, \..--.. 16¢ assorted colors, ular 36 inch Canadian Down Preof'Sateens, 25 pieces to choose from, assorted colors. Regular price 6Sc yard, om sale ....... . Bic 36 inch heavy weight Black Duchess Silk, only 50 yard piece to’ $1.19 sell at this price. Regular $1.95 yard, on sale ... MEN’S WEAR 15 Boys’ Long Pant Suits, one pair pants, double breasted coat in fancy tweeds and stripes, also blue serge. Sizes 28 to 32. These are all new fall » at $0.50 10 Men's Worsted Suits in dark grey, brown and .brown .stripe. vest and pants in sixes 35, 36 and 37. These suits sold reg- ular at $16.50. Here is where a sthall man grins. ; SALE $8.75 15 men's all wool English Wor- sted Suits in single .or. .doubic styles, colors. of .dark grey and brown stripe, grey stripe and navy with wide. or .narrow stripe, regular up to $32.50. SALE $23.95 50 men's new Winter Overcoats 822.00 to 8385.00, SALE $15. TO $24.50 READY TO WEAR SALE trimming. Indeed, many are trimmed with real OpPossum furs. Sizes 16 to 44, These are last year’s coats but good, and sold up to 630.00. On WORE GE os ogee a ida obs ease EES SEE BiG odoo cot Pe $6.05 40 Flat Crepe and Canton Dresses at $8.95 40 Silk Dresses, Canton Crepe and flat Crepe in) ote Piece, two plece, plain and pleated skirt styles. A -Fariety of col- worth up to 824.50. choice of any dress in this lot, om sale ................ $s. 35 Voile Fugi Silk, Sponge Cloth and Broadcloth, in fact, your choice of any summer dress we. have left on the racks up to 50, on sale ........ Tyee $1.59 GIRLS', MISSES' AND LADIES’ Give us a call for your Winter Coat. We have 125 Coats on our racks for you to choose from, in all the newest motlels and latest creations of cloths and fur trimmings, Every coat at a special redueed price for our seven day sale. We can save you money. 7 Day Sale-of Ladies’ Fur Couts 195.00 Rice * - Read every item. Visit our store whether you buy or not. We $ ce Lake Rat Coats, size 88 and 40 at .... $167.50 have a store full of bargains which do not appear ‘on this ad. z Hereis a chance to Iny in a year’s supPly on many lines at almost $2.50 Men's Fine Shirts. . .$1.30 $290.00 Persian Lumb Coats, sable trimmed, at ...... $255.00 half price. (Only 7 days to do it.) $4.50 Men's Felt Hats... .$1.95 $2.50 Broadcloth Pyjamas $1.85 [J %185.00 Chapelle Seal, Grey Squirrel Collar, at .....; $151.00 86 inch extra good weight Flannelette, A real Canadian cloth, $6.25 Men's wool Sweaters $4.29 . in all white, grey stripe, pink, blue, mauve, buff or ‘almost any $150.00 Chapelle Seal Coat, all seal, nt .............. $109.50 stripe you want. Just 10 pieces—500 yards. They won't last long. COME EARLY. 5 yards Tor ......600ee0reeuee $1.00 75 Boys' Bloomer Pant Suits $5.50 Silk and Wool Sleeveless Jackets at ........-.. $1.59 in col a Blue Fox Se izes 24 to 35. These suits ; 75 Girls, leat f 200 yards pure Linen Tea Towelling with yee ot blue borders, sell regularly $6.00 to $13.50 ct Fam Serge Pies ed Gkirts on Waists ar .......... $1.69 An extra good wi tat 22 yard. On sale, 5 yards for .... 7c “4 c ‘ extra £ eigh y ; SALE $3.95 TO $7.95 § oo os Girtw Serge Middies, all wool, Gh cet vwas vantanaees $1.89 36 inch Colored Chintz and ‘Comforter Sateen, ofl colors and as- . $3.00 Girls’ Flannel Dresses, all colors, at ............ .. $2.49 sorted patterns in stripe and floral designs...This is an ‘ideal — patie bisied phecle a - ‘Cc ates Men's rx, Or yes » goods for a light weight'Comforter. On sale at . Sto yard ck ws 4 Underwear... 98¢ ff 828-00 Ladics, Tricotine Cloth Dresses at ............ $7.95 All Wool Rib Underwear. .81.39 . Here is a chance to stock up in Linen ‘fable Cloths, Napkins, 9 yon Odd Pants $1.95 to $3.69 fp S285 Colored Rain Coats, all sizes, at .............-.. 83.05 Lunch Cloths and Linen Squares'at BIG SAVINGS. " 2 x 2 Cloth, reg. $6 for $3.75 || 86x36 Cloth, reg, $1.25 for 85c $3.50 Ladies’ Print and House Dresses at ......--...... 98c 2x 2%, Cloth, reg, $7 for $3.95 | 54x54 (Cloth, reg. $3.25, $1.95 PICKET BRAND OVERALLS 54x54 Cloth and Napkins, colored ‘border, reg. $2.95 for . . $2.25 5 doz. Picket Bib .Overalls. in $1.00 Print and Chintz Aprong at ..............00000005 45c { blue or black heavy weight denim ; These: are a guaranteed .Overall @ $5.50 Girls’ Gingham and Cotton Dresses at .............. 58c 86 inch heavy Saxony finish Yamma Flannel, in stripe, floral, blue and the best made in Canada. bird'and kiddies’ animal patterns. Extra good washers, o SALE $1 28 $4.00 Girls’ Cotton Middies, det. col CB MAB eaecen, aii mt per yard) 2.0... eee eee eects Sens ss. Pee Te se Bic We have several pieces of Dress Goods, assorted colors and differ. Worth regular up to'S1.25 yard. On sale ..... 25c ent cloths. CURTAIN GOORS AT BIG SAVINGS 50 inch Sun Fast Repp, om sale... 22... bee cena $1.35 #6 Inch Rayon Silk Drapes, om aale ......... eee ee 50 inch Arab Curtaining, reg. $1.25 for ..--..... -«. The yd. Double Fugi Silk. ....... 59e yd. Fancy Tea Towelling..... 2c yd. S5c Stripe Galateas,..... 27 yd. INLAID LINOLEUM FLOOR OFLLCLOTHS OCONGOLEUM RUGS LINOLEUM RUGS —IN ALL SIZES AT BIG REDUCTIONS— Boys’ all wool jerseys, sale $1.10 Men's Pant Overalls, pr... . $1.25 7.00 to $10.00 Fancy Silk Blouses. Take your choice at $1.59 Corselettes, sizes 28 to fancy coutill, at a pair ........ 85c Boys’ V-neck Sweaters.... $1.49 : = wl aes nes $5.00 Tan Auto Gloves... .§1.75 Fancy Pink Coutill Brassieres, 82 to 38, on sale, each .... 35¢ Boys' all wool Underwear ... 8Dc 50 pair Corsets, odd lines, sizes 19 to 34 at HALF PRICE. . s Penman's Fleece et = - Underwear, heavy §reight, mottled, Cotton Middies with flannel collars, to clear at .......... 750 shirts or drawers, 22 to 46. SALE 98c Ladies’ Fall Weight Vests, reg. up to $1.00 for'.......... 49e 50 Remnants at HALF PRICE. Ladies’ Silk Vests and Bloomers, on sale, each ........., Te Two Stores Listowel | and Phone 71 Listowel