PALATE-PLEASING Ice Cream i Te. a rare treat on a hot | * day, or a cool one either, o have one of our sundaes. Made of rich, pure cream, | cane sugar, and delicious in- edients, it is a real tonic 1 ( jaded palates, a true de- i t, | Also sold in brick or bulk Mrs. W. C. Clark attended and ‘ne Fair at London on Wednesday. . ae -Mr.-A,-E._Rennie and Mrs. Se- cord spent Weaneasey in London. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. Maitiand Fisher, Miss Cora Lennox and Mr. Russel Krauter attended the London Fair on Wednesday. PRINCESS THEATRE tciday & Saturday Fred Thompson and Silver ‘King “A Regular Scout’ N 7 fe Cc, mI a “eRe instinct of protection comes natural to everyone as they grew said Hawthorne. Our perfect arrangements of the service protect you & from all annoyances. E Boerions s.W.A. BRITTON WALLACE RES pence DIRECTO : older,” Si 4 FUNERAL SERVIC R OF gu stowed * E For Preserving ca oa fs ee eee at MaRS Sea Phone 72 CLIMIE’S GROCERY Fruits and Vegetables Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Canteloupes, a Bananas, Cabbage, Beets, Celery, Tom- atoes and Pickling Onions Jar Rings, Certo, Pickling Spice, Quart Sealers and Vinegar R.A. CLIMIE Use Your Phone Wallace St. i} ,\e4 alt ae 2 Better Pickles Make mustard pickles this year in your own clean kitchen. You can select the i combination oe A coe you re—make the pickles to your . 4 "own high sands of uly, ta — poking Grain Reena Pica \ nail More more, a Boil together 2 gens own mustard home! | seen? lnpte abst, Write for FREE recipe book on ioikerne ter rs es; ; and in ieen| ie : Coy es Mr. Eric: Edwards of Tavistock, formerly of Listowel, spent a few days in town this week. —po— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne and family of Monkton called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm orne on Sunday, ie Mrs. Fraser and her mother, Mrs. George CHmie of Montreal motored home the Misses Hay and are spend- ing a fi days with them. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs, Blackwell and Shir- ley and’ Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon of Gowanstown motored to Kitchener on ‘Sunday and visited friends. —r Mr. and Mrs. - Bowman, Misses Maud aid Beth Climie and Mr. Rich- ardeon of Kitchener visited ony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J Climie. ot Mr. and Mrs. Alex gre of At- Chas. Nau- n nicky of ‘Listo- wel spent the week end at Wingham and Glenanna. Mrs. McKay of At- wood and Mrs. Naubauer of Listowe: spent “their childhood days at these places and see many changes ‘there, , —i— Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Loughran and Mr. Loughran of Moorefield, Mr. stone, Mr’ David McCracken, Mr. and abe Nin Ward and aa Mr. c- an T ‘John McCracken attended the Lon: don Pair on Tuesday. Undergoing Treatm Mr. Fred von Saban ve returned from Toronto on Tuesday evening after having spent several cove the city where Mrs. von Zube con- fined to the General Hospital ee going treatment. BANNER ADS. PAY Anniversary Services | and Hot Supper The anniversary services will be held in Lebanon United urch, on Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Rey. J. BY ih abs will be In charge of both services. Subjects: —‘In Peter the Rock." 7 30, Dp. tae ot ae Unpardonable Special Music by the Choir Orchestra at Both Services On Monday Evening, September 17th a hot supper will be served in the church shed from 6 to 8, after which a good program will be given in the church. “The Sphinx Orchestra’ in at- tendance. Be to supper & concert Adults dren 25¢ ew ina WELCOME Supplies High and Public School Supplies of all Kinds. Prizesand Prem- iums for every Pur- chaser. Livingstone’s | Drug Store Dr. Barrigoh Bean Seaman of London the home of his} lic " “| parents, mer and Mrs. R. A. Seaman ot Lioya Patterson, Miss Luella Living- |}. School | Bread and Cake - - - Those two eszentials to ¥-every well appointed table | —are our two leading spec- ialties. Nourishing white and brown bread, baked un- der the most ney con- ditions. Dettcious = and All Kinds id Pastrii in Ample Quan- tities, J} con. slinewoiedtenk: few anys Jaa Basan ‘ a : Misses Phyllis is Hewitt pee Isabel bbs ner spent Wednesday at Lon-} ho Operation Successful-— After an X-ray examination Toronto Mr. Ralph*McDonald under- went an oyershen to his face on Fri- y of last we e operation was quite seaauitelsp and it is. ex- pected that he will be able to return’ home within a week's time. is mother returned home the fore part of this week after sffending a few days with him. Return From Trip Rey. and Mrs. ei w. “Grascott and family returned home Wednesday evening after a most enjoyable a weeks’ trip by motor to the West, visiting with tt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Guscott ‘at Ath- abaska Landing, Alta. They cover- ed a distance of 6, 000 miles in their poorest ee and report a fine trip. IN MEMORIAM “In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. John L. Turnbull, who passed away on September 13, 1927. We often sit and think of her when we are alone, .For memory is the ony Stone that grief can_call its Like Ivy on the weathered oak, when other things dec Our Sore for her will’ pal green and never fade a y —Deughters yee Son keap KEMP BROS. AUCTIONEERS YELLOW BILLS 218T—For FRIDAY, SEPT. Ab. Elliott, lot 3, con. 8, Wallace, farm stock, including sheep, also § acres of corn and 1 acre turnips. SA AY SPECIALS AT SIMMS' Fall Topeoata »....... $12.50 Fall Suits, two pants -. $15 cloth Shirts....... $1.25 Combination Underwear .. 75c Tweed Caps ...... $1.00 Fall Sweater Coa - $2.00 Odd Pants, new $2. Work Pants, cottonade . .,31.65 Fall Hose , 3 pair for $1.00 Boys’ School «+. 20¢ Boys’ Striped Ties S. . 25c s’ Outing Shirts ...... 50c in} WD p. m.—The Minister, Sunday, ne oe 16th - 10°30 a. m.—Bible School and Service. _ Monday, 7.45 p. m—Young People’s Social Gathering. Thursday, 7. 30 p. m—Prayer and praise service. _ If you have no church home, come and worship with us. WANTED TO BUY Chicken house, pnb hd ft x 14 ft. Apply Box 161, Listow ltp: United Ohare Listowel Sunday, September 16th Rev. John G. Scott of Ingereoll wil occupy the pulpit at both services. MORNING MUSIC Anthem “Jesus, My Saviour, Look on Me” | evin Duet—Mrs. B.D. Bennett’ and Mrs. M. W. Lavery. EVENING MUSIC Anthem “Sun of My Soul" Turner Duet—Mrs. W. C. Clark and Mrs. M. Abram. Wed. 8 ghoa ea service o* Prayer and Praise. EE Weekly Report Room I— Jim srtows 96, Vernon Matthew- man $8, Pearl Murray 82, Douglas Fleming 80, Hildred Kritzer 79, Tony Caruso 74, Bill Large 74, Morton Burnett 70, Muriel Ward 67, wi ge y et Wallace Elliott 60, Norine Filsing- er 60, Vera Longman 69, Dopothy Stricker 59, Catherine Kibler 68, Efleshia Payne 57, Vera Peppler 67, Neil Gross 56, Bill Chapman = 56, Douglas Henderson 55, Roy Ronald 55, George Chamney $3. Ellen Greenslade 54, Gibson Ducklow 50; Mervyn Bean 47, Jessie Thompso | 46, Britton Longman 465, ileen Rocher 45, Florence Ronald 465, Ellie Thedorff 45, Max Izen 44, Bob | Cockwell 38, Bert Alexander . 38, | Bedah Longman 37. an preparing Burns any kind of fuel... coal, ae or wood. - The durab a generous suppl is not n vagant consumer fuel. Be sure to see the beau- tiful Enameled HAPPY THOUGHT Range. . It’s new. t : Write to the Ha Foundry, Bra particulars, Quebec ype RANGES Built at Brantford By HAPPY THOUGHT FOUNDRY COMPANY, Limited pia ag le, resisting firebox will hold of fuel, yet lessly as to be extra’ ’ for Galvary Evangelical Rey. L. H. Wagner, Pastor Sunday, September 16th 10 a m.—Communion Service, _ ll a. ao adinatay Ss chool, 7 p. m. ae bop! worship. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm for sale. Estate must be closed. Apply Box 188, Listowel, Ont. ; 8-27 FOR SALE One hundred trap-nested Ancona hens, one year old, also fifty Ae am eight weeks old. pply O. R. Rich- ards, phone 391. Monday, m.—Young People’s Wednesday, i p. m.—Prayer meeting. Saturday, 8 p. m.—Junior meeting. Sunday, September ig aie Day and Harvest Hom The Salvation Army Adj. Webster and Capt. Sarson Sunday, September 16th ah a. m.—Special dat 7 Friday, Sept. 21st, open air service Commissioner Maxwell Taylor. Special-music. 12. i 6 —Mid-day conducted by and Col. City Mission Sunday, September 16th Deaconess Peard 2 p. m.—Sunday School, 3 ¥ m.—Gospel Service. Teseday. § p.m m.—Prayer Bervice Friday, 8 B m.—Young People’s. 1 Are Welcome ed on Sunday morning next in the Evangelical church. Preparatory services were held on Wednesday even‘ng. s * LJ Rev, John G- Scott of Ingersoll, former pastor of the Method Church here many years a will occupy the pulpit Church next Sunday s s s Mr. Albert Pequegnat, a newcomer to Listowel from Stratford, aang a much appreciated bass solo in the United Church last Sunday morning. n the evening the congregation greatly enjoyed a duet by Messrs Cox and ecoores! of Atwood. . A special sain service will be held by the Salvation Army on Hs day, September 2ist, at 12.15. towel will be visjted.on that pendalen by Commissioner Maxwell, territer- iul leader for Canada East, alad by Field Secretary Taylor, and Com- missioner Hoc from India's éeral strand ond other musicians. The public is ‘cordially invited to hear this special, service. The Anglicans in the vicinity are }Iosking forward to the coming of the Church Crusaders, who will ar- rive In Listowel from. the Deanery of Grey on Saturday, Sept. 15th, and wili divide into three groups of three officers and two sisters each. One group will rematn in Listowel, an- other at Atwood and another at Mil- yerton from Saturday until] Wednes- day morning following, holding ser- vices each day in the three parishes. They will then continue the'r work in the other parishes of Perth Dean- ery é - * = The Young People's League of the Evangelical church held their first meeting on Monday evening after being closed during the months of July and August. The president, Miss Viola Bender,’ was in the chair, and gave the tople ‘.How May Every One Become Truly Educated?" The business of the meeting was then transacted and the tople cards, with the leader and topic, for the months of September, October, November and Decenrber were then filled out. FS secretary read the minutes cf | Ltd the last business meeting and the fees were collected by the treasurer, The tople next Monday night willbe given by the pastor. LJ . . The Crusaders will come to town on Saturday, six men and two women, will remalh for parts of four will hare an open @ir y evening about eight o'clock, Sunday In Christ Church there will be a celebration of Helv Communion at 8 a. m. and the sual services at lla. my. and 7 p. m., at which some of the mem- bers will spea ak. There will be a Sunday Schoo) rally in the afternoon and again the speakers will be fram among the cilumn. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 7. a. m.; a child- ren’s wervice in the afternoon al 4.16 ‘and-a service In the church at night at 8 p..m, on Monday and Tuesday evenings, REELODED LEP EE SAE EE EET TF Communion service will be observ-| W United [79 ¥ “apply Adam Burnett, R. wel. BROILERS FOR Ancong broilers for sale. Order- yours now for Sunday. Yesterlaid Eee Farm, phone 355. G..N. Grabb, FOR SALE Po. Two tadios,. Console cabinets, wet Aart B battery, A and B bat- tery charger with both, Apply E. K. Werth. eo COOK WANTED Cook wanted for the Memorial Hospital. jence and, wages expect Mrs. W. P. Rennie, Slerctary as tal Board. Lost ~ Between Newry and a on Saturday, Sept opie 8th, and rim off in rd c Finder "kindly leave at Banner office or with George Hurst, Atwood. ~ HOUSE RENT Double house to rent on Royal Bt., 9 rooms, light and water. Will reat half or whole. Available at once. Apply to Mrs. J. Rieh » FOR SALE Two Jersey Springers, six weeks old and three ham yearlings.” Apply Alvin Clark, R. R. 1, Listowel, phone 625-13. ten pigs, head Dur- ACOOUNTS DUE . All —_ due and owing to Mr. Dn yments may proprietors, Wright & Gibson. HOMES MORE BEA Our new flluetrated free catalogue natant will asist you in selecting su‘table rubs Trees, Sh Vines, Roses, Etc. today. ears in Canada, Write Star, Rurseries, Ridgerille,’ Ona 1 FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, lot 19, con. 3, Elma, good buildings and farm in Al. con- ition, three miles from Listowel, % mile from school, For ae rend , Listo- 9-20p FOR FE , Frame bungalow on Wallace St., 7 ms, bath, summer. kiteheh, all ° convenfences, soft water ‘clstern, fireplace, bak floors, large garden, garage. ‘Sacrifice for quick éale. Apply at this office. "FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester Repeating peep and combination ivory bead and globe sights, moose hide pate also re-londing tools, reasonable, Wm. Tench, East Bie? mark St., Listowel. BAKING SALE The Travellers’ Aid Fund of the Ww. Cc. sale on Frid Miss loeger’s rooms, Wallace Street. Tea will be served. Baking will be appreciated from anyone and can he left at the rooms from 12.20 o'clock on the pd ge date, = nen ates @ can 6ell your pt en want it -soid. its occhi io number ‘of houses for easy “os “pire oe som terms, all good ‘alee. jand, B les right. Kemp ‘Bros. 8 Office. tinp R. T. Kemp & Son’ WANTED A cheesemaker for the Kilma & Mornington Cheese and Butter Co. - Tenders will be received by the undersigned for 8 man to manufact- ure the cheese and make whey but- ir eeparate and The maker to furn'sh all necessary-supplies 68 except cheese boxes. State salary per 106 Ibs. cheese and pound butter. Duties to commence Ist, 1928, Tenders received to September 20t h. James Cleland, Sec., RR. 2, Listowel. 9-6 ‘ aiisshianiatene ceca v * + BORN * * 4 kd ‘ ee On the Sth-ot Wallace o August | 27th,, - pn and ain, Geet don Nelson, a we PS.) 3 we Sal z On Saturday, August. 25, in Palm- erston pag! nn to Mr. and Mrs. Jac- eb Kr daughter, of Soa ie A Rifle in good ¢ondition, has Lyman * ~~ —— | é