“ garcia Bate’ $2.00 n Year in Advance, Otherwise $2.50 - Claud Chislitt Wins _ Bronze Medal At C. N. E. ; Congratulations are again due Claud Chislitt for ddding another laurel to Listowel’s en es tatfon by winning third the Canadian National Bahiition on Monday in a very keen com- petition. This puts him right in the front row with the best talent in. the province ere were 19 compétitors, ‘Guelph, Stratford, Brantford and { torlum of the music building with an appreciative and critical aud- lence and the six competitors who were chogen for the finals earned the enthusiastic applause that re. warded their effor The winners were: lst, Miss ere. Toronto; 2nd, Nor- n Le Srd, Claud Chislitt, Listow s . The salaginetrs complimented Claud by remarking “his playing was -admireble and everything was well done, but for a little lapse of memory which occurs to everyone at ae t will be r @ that Claud won the gold modal at the Strat- ford Festival last ay, Which shows that he is ‘hot a chance performer and Listowel hopes to see him bring still further ar _ to his home town. Claud its pupil of Mr. W. G. Hall, and ‘anak of his success Is due to the mark- of Mr. Hall, who takés a great in terest In his pupil, Claud’s suc- cess j4 certainly a feather in Mr. Hall's cap. “Edscations!: ‘Assembly Listowel Band Failed Held In Stratford) 1° Secure Winning Place Not only members of the Listo- EVANGELICAL OHI CHURCH HELD swere sorry to learn that they were THREE DAY CONFERENCE— | | not in rize-money at the com- BISHOP J. S&S. STAMM WAS | Lips 1 atthe Toronte ohana es a ose who heard the PRINCIPAL SPEAKER. | noe oo say they never. played bet- aes jter while some bands that secured (Contributed by Delegate) }@ place made more than one notice- “Ye Shall Know the Truth.” able mistake. The boys feel that With this most important theme in | they did not receive a. square deal view, the ous Educatio nd dt is not likely that they will sembly of the Evangelical church | enter the competition another year. opened its threg day conference with) Before the close of the compéti- splendid serv, at Stratford Cen-! tion the editor of the Banner was: in teunial Evangelical Church, West! Conversation with one of the Mea- Gore St., Tuesday, August 28th. | ford ‘bandsmen who expresed him- The chairman ' of the | which marked the official o pening, | Wel would be amo winners was Rev, H. A. Kellerman of Tavi vi-| this year. The bandsmen them- stock, president of the Conference selves and their leader were confi- Board of Religious Education. Fol-| dent in their own minds that they lowing the president's remarks, a! had done well and, listening to the very enthusiastic song service was. others, felt that they were entitled started under the leddership of Misg ‘© a place. But the adjudicator Elizabeth Rennie, chorister for con-. a differently and his decision ference, from Zurich. Miss Rennie) '§ : is alao a member of Rennie Ladies’! To show that others thought that Quartette of that place. | Listowel should have won a Rev. -A. Clemens, pastor of Cen-! ¥@ quote from a letter from tennial Church, sald a few words of|‘Teasurer of the Mount Forest band welcome to the out of town visitors. ch read: “You certainly got a Bishop J. S. Stamm, D. D., the As-| bad break at the Ex. We sembly speaker, wi introduced ¢o| YOu at least for 2nd place. a the gathering by the chairman. | was some funny judging dom Bishop Stamm’s subject was | in Cl also, * Experience of Reality.” Meaford tad secured first hog this modern subject was discussed. On Wednesday morning Rev. x jon ye third with 88% po Burn took the devotional exercis es. | was % — below the. We then had the divisional -dis- of ithird plac : cussions Shakespeare School.| So unless ‘there is There were three zroupe—chilaren’s change In the managem young people's and adults’ At 11; Contests next year it a. m. Bishop Stamm spoke on “Testg| that Listowel Band will, and Temptations.” Wednesday atter-| a noon Rev. A. E, Plete of New — Hamburg led the devotional exer- Friends Hono cises. He Went on to say that the -< whole resources of God are brought | Into pl t his | nto play for those who will do his A delightful will. Departmental d‘ecussions were | * took again resumed in Shakespeare’ Place Friday evé on the School. The leaders wer K, | Jawn of Miss Log when a Sreena. Waterloo, on “Wors hip’: “number of frieng h Rev. . Besse, Hamilton, on “In: | og : struetisn”: Rev. G. F. Barthel, Kit-| this week. 8 prettily chener, on “Service” and C. T. decorated for th with Houch, Stevensville, on “Recrea-| bright Ghinese | * Streamers tion.” The Rennie Ladies Quartette| 244 flowers. z aang very beautifully “Lead Thon Me {her ratte te re to oe The next address was given by | chair and the fon was made Mr. Wm. Heinmiller, Chesley, on|f & chesterfel ymantle clock, “Drink and Tobacco.” ‘He strongly | Silver salt an pep 7 = tobacco and) “@ucer. Miss Marfon Morr's, on be- condemned the use of n ‘ - half of the gatheting, made a neat strong drink. The lquor traffic , eech t your decision of leaving our midst. may hide dts real character but posing bento cod tuck in hee You have always proved to be a kind ore? cia opens its doors it offers wedded ilte. iA friend and q willing hand In time — - . ey to failure 7 Games were © Joyed and 3 reading of need, but a loss to So community ; “ y—make no istake was given by Abram. | WAl be another's n. rings sorrow, death, fallure, insan- Lunehéon wes t so ‘ae You will always have a warm spot ity, sickness, murder, poverty, im- H in our memories and may God's mortality, ete. After this address, richest blessing follow you and seg a. H. , ean of Hanover spoke) you will alw: d the best qual-| bring you much happiness and pros- oclal Purity. ity at the 1 bat Simms’. | per aur. Wednesday evelitns Miss Bileen j . are glad to meet with you here Rats of Elm!ra took up the devo-| tonight. and we feel that we’ cannot tiona exerclaee, The ya yori bo S. A. erie let you depart without ahowhie our a a em ‘ ae Faget ; Capt Gre Lieut. Wal-| appreciation os your friendship. We a Re sttrs A Mr 2 ig ve lxer, who } 4 wharge of the|asK you to accept these gifts as a Zurle Bet Dg ae prize an ny, | Salvation past month,/|slleht token of respect and trust 4 ~ — _* siene rg Pati ee i received na lers on -Satur-| that avery time spe use them they Bw: tze . go he 9 aa ~ the ere day last « ‘heir farewell | will remind you your many eb A as at ges for the con: | services ou y ey have | friends Ne this vicin ny. tee a. dws 6 Se ae to ‘ies t recelye they will be| Signed on behalf of your friends jal ec = of a digal | -ationed. dies in charge | and neighbors. ¢ then listened to an ad-: here will Webs (" dress by~Bishop Stamm. he PP gpene pars Thursday morni Dew. AP ae m Sunday next “Army Question Drawer which Rev. a. ; Dengis took ret i? of. Bible inky foHowed, At next f A. E. Pleteh of New Ham ee of the devotion. Y|galned their Mberty. ~|entarily on a peg, the youths rushed ed ability and careful instruction service,| elf quite emphatically that Listo-|® Youths Break Jail Arrested Next Day ESCAPED MONDAY BUT CAPTUR- ED ON TUESDAY—WERE CON- VICTED OF THEFT IN LISTO- WEL AND REMANDED FOR) SENTENCE. A daring escape, the first in many years, was affected from the Perth County jail at Stratford about 10.30 onday morning when Joseph Far- mer, aged 17, of Toronto and Ken- neth Bethune, age 17, of North Bay, Seizing a key which the turnkey had placed mom- to the corridor door, slammed the steel doors after them, making the turnkey a witness and escaped through the jail o On August ate 2 two ‘boys along with two others were arrested in Listowel on a charge of theft and on the following day, appeared be- fore Magistrate T. L. Hamilton and were remanded to the Stratford jail 4for sentence. n Monday morning a number of the orivomen were buay h “the washing. The task was just about completed and Turnkey Nicol had gone to the machine to disconnect Kine water. Before h placed the key on a peg close by, Which one of the lads noticed it te not known, but in any event one or tte other seized the key, they both fled, and as they passed through the gate, sinned it, Takiee the turn- key a prisoner. Another inmate was asked to raise the alarm, but could do nothing but hammer on the iron gate, and It was some few nutes before he attracted the attertion of the Jail Governor Trathwyson, who was in his -private Mving quarters. By this time the fleeing youths had passed out of the jail proper, after Unlocking the steel door into the ce. Here they had nothing to do but open a door leading to the street and walk out, apparently. There was no one In the vicinity at the time and their departure from the Jall was unnoticed. On Tuesday it was learned that the farmhouse of Frank Tuer, Ellice Township, was entered In broad day- sg and a pair of trousers, contain- $17, a pair of shoes, an unloaded for in, revolver, a dozen ellver knives and/| P Wedd ings YEO—THOMPSON eek qu jet wedding took place at Knox Church Manse on ‘Thursday afternoon when Russel Harl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yoe of Elma, was united In marriage to Laura May, daughter\of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ett E. Thom of Perth. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. M. Nicol. The bride, who was un- attended, wore g gown of satin- fac goblin blue, trimmed with rosesblush georgette, hat to match) and gloves, satin shoes and hose 2 complete the ensemble. 6 youn couple will make their home on the POUmoaTS ‘west, KIDD—BBELL A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Knox Church Manse on Saturday afternoon, September 1st when David Blair Kidd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Kidd of Peel was united in marriage to Pearl Viola Bell daughter of Mr. James’ Bell of Lebanon, The cere- | was performed by-Rev, J. M. Ni The was charmingly gowned bride,.who was unattended, in white | e| Seorgette with lace and ribbon trim- ming, a tulle vall caught with a ban- deau of pearls and rhinestones sa wore stockings and 1 match. Hér bouquet was roses and Hly of the valley, The young couple will spend their honeymoon at Toronto and other points and on their return will re- side at Glenallan. pers Ophelia US0—CARU At eight 9 o'clock Monday morning, September 3rd, a very pretty wed- ing was solewabced in St. hurch, Hesson, when Mise Marys Rosa Mrs. Joseph Caruso, Listowel, and Mr. Thomas Caruso, son of Mr. and Mrs. Santo Caruso of ‘Kincardine, were united {in holy bonds of matri- mony by Rev. Fr. Weber. During the ceremony the choirvsang softly. «bride was lovely in a navy and gray ensemble suit, and carried a@ beautiful bouquet of pink roses, lily of the valley and del- hinim : ‘he streamers. a ’ nso of Walkerton were stolen, hese two ‘boys are believed to be. the guilty ones. A despatch from Huntsville sts that two boys answering the dq tion of Farmer ridden as ra# Gravenhurst, hen the train arrived the pair sncaned "detection, but later woyd was received that*the palr were-odn the highway coming hort. 4Omoer McMillan got on the job a losely scrutinized the oc- pants of motor cars. About noon opped a Toronto motorist a ov At were the two youths, wie e driver near Graven- Mable Hawthorne Honored By Friends On Friday evening, August 31st, the friends and nelg of Miss Mabel Hawthorne assembled at her home near Listowel to honor her ap- proaching marriage. Miss Hawth- orne was anked to take her place un- dem a tastefully decorated arch, while Miss Margaret Walker read the address, given below. Mias Nel- lie Sanderson and Miss Agnes Nes- bitt carried In a well-laden bask of miscellaneous articles both use and beautifu Immediately after the presentation everyone joined in sing “For She's A Jolly Good Fel low." Lunch was then served and the remainder of - Sens spent In games and dan The ‘following is the address: Dear Frien The ceonie of this community have gathered here this evening to express to you their deep regret at ge ag: SPECIALS AT spas’ | an o Saturday when mts and Mrs. Caruso wore bead ag magne dress ; ‘following the cere- ppy young couple left on ir © Guelph and Niagara ; nd on petin ec will take up ir residence in Kincardine. * e .*- PETCH—BERLETT Kitchener Record,—"A 5 a AN wed- ding was solemnized at the manse of St. Andrew's Sremrretien churel iss Mabel Violet, daughter of Mr. Daniel Berlett of Listowel, became the bride of Mr. ae Roy Petch, son of Mr, and rs. §. L. Petch; Wilhelm St. city. The couple were unattended. Rey. George Taylor Munro officiated. The bride was charming in a pretty gown of white georgette trimmed with silver lace and satin ribbon. Her shoes matched her wn, The customary wedding veil was attach- ed with a coronet of pearls while-she aie wore pear! neck lac e car, a bouquet of butterfly roses. Following the soramiony the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls and other sea Bg the bride travelling in a bine = a with grey squirrel collar. n was of grey georgette with hat, "Paoaat hose, and gloves to match ‘On their re- turn they take up thelr resi- dence at 86 Wilhelm Street.” JOHNSTON—NICHOL “Elm Grove Farm,” boundery west, Listowel, the home of Mr. and George Nichol, was the scene nretty September wedding on ‘ay, September 6th, 1928, ueir daughter, Mary Isabel, was united in marriage to Maurice Johnston, son of Mr. ra. Samuel Johnston, Britton. Rev. J. M. Nicol of nox Presbyterian Church, performed the c@remony in the perenne of the immediate fami- lies 2 acione home was radiant with "suena flowe the dining room decorations & carried out in pink and white. = two age on the ar the itving wedding march played by Mrs. W. T. Ellictt of Dublin, sister of the groom where the ceremony too place beneath a beautiful arch of evergreens and asters banked with gladioli: She wore a pretty white georgette and lace dress, embroider- ed tuelle vell with orange bl ossoms, and carried a bouquet of Sunburst Ww roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Annie Nichol, sister of the bride, wore a a — as of pink secreptte roses. Litt te Marjory Ni Nichol, niece of the “bri ower girl and wore a btiewed pink silk crepe dress and yaad - basket of Test peas and: fer ‘Mr. Elwin Johnston, brother a the groom, was grooms- The groom’s gift to. the bride was Isabella fox fur,. tue bridesmaid, flower and. ‘gromaman, i Caruso, daughter of the late Mr. and pias Lohengrin’a t Looted By Chinese REV. JOHN GRIFFITH, WELL KNOWN IN THIS DISTRICT, “WRITES TO SISTER CONDITIONS IN CHINA. Dear : Since writing you last I have been to Honan and have had some rather unpleasant experiences back again. Seven of us went, so as to divide up and visit several of our etations. Mr. Menzies and ‘I went angte, Harvey Grant and Dr. Struthers to Weihwel, Herbert Boyd and Dr. Reeds pecs to Hwaking and Mr, Forbes t w. Hwaiking is not badly looted. but the mission premises In getting at the other three places named above present a sickening sight. They are much allke. At Changte d from cellars es, cutlery and thé military ook a fancy or found they could carry o 2. Heavy furniture, when ‘lett be- hind, stripped of drawers, mirrors, and other ee and left in a wrecked condit: 3. Pianos, aaa organs smashed pleces maliciousfy— panels, keys, hammers, etc., belng reduced to fragmenta. Our piano was pitched out into the yard t make more, room for a General who came into ®ur house while I was allowed to live In our own hous The steel safe in my office with wails ueay six Inches thick hed been mashed open with a sledge ham-* They got nothing in it. books are thrown into heaps-of rub- Backs “are ripped fous places to render them useless. 5. Our cellar furnaces are smaah- ed¢and the connecting pipes torn out, apparently on the supposition up and taken to bits plecemeal to see if money was hidden in them “‘Ttems of Local Interest Tientein, China, July 25th| ister: c there—Mr, Menzies and I not ae Go 4. Many thousands of volumes of} Mrs that we might have hidden valuables poly wee ae ie ge nel tea there. Bed pass o 7; u Bee een he lie cL BOK. ak the Listowel Memorial Hos- Leave For eo W. Mr. Mrs. feore and facaite: left this “eek new home in Peterbo ~ aoa for sl tlow and family are moving! o Hamilton. w ys they will take up ine rexidence Purchased New - Mr. Arnold Beate and Mr. John Dougias of Wroxeter have purchase Essex coach cars trom the local deal- ers, iia and Bender. To Listo Mr. Horace Peachey, who has been relieving at the a pf Mont-, real In Zurich for -the br Resigns Position— Miss Evelyn Love has ened her position. with the Clark Metal left. ~e tegen! to secure . position in Toronto $ Successful Sale of Baking—~ The Ladies* Ald of the Baptist Church held a yery successful sale of homemade eal sewing and fancy work ,on ts. F. Davis’ lawn og Friday afternoon. Bi Pic? On Vacation— R. Hay, manager of the Taoeriat “Ban k, with Mrs. Hay and little daughter are holidaying at derich. of urora Is eclevine. Mr. bank, With Durban Chronicle— Mr. M. H. Bailey, son of Mr. and . H. W. Bailey and known to several in Listowel, has joined the uhram Chronicle staff and wiN move to that town shortly. Attended Fu Mr, Camcten Gibson was in Ford-| | wich on Monday attending the fun- ra “Hay at the pital in his 24th yea month, yes has s resumed his duties 7 the ‘Tocal ! team. ‘They report trip and a cood tin * Women napa e Tunney-Heeney fight iu Wrigley Marathon Swim faded insignificance Tuesday morning oar peel with the scrap that on Osier's Garage by and daughter. ke Héeney i the pe Sonnet if th would ha ed her fists and tongue in his dira| ection he drew back among the rest of the spectators, The mother victorious and marched Ber. daughter off home where she was placed under lock and key. 2 scene of the hyo ele battle,. Dut managed to evade her r 4 followed her, Only a minor skir- mish occurred in the evening. 5 4 In a third fen Western. Ontario” Lawn Tennis League Prine and Geea we urn: game will ‘be plage in London ORs Friday, Following are the scor 6. Hundreds of panes of glass are broken out and scores of doors, win-| Comes To Listowel Sate inary G mnie dows and shutters torn off and burn-|_ Mr. John Kirpatrick arrived this Diruis tna el ee ce ed as fuel, week from Scotland and will make a hg and Russel won from R 7. Gravestones are thrown down| his home with Bandmaster and Mrs. "Nitzer. and Grant, 6-2, 6-1; Hanne and adme.. See ah nd| Weleh. Mr, Kirpatrick is Souls Siac maton m0 everything is de fed atid “Indescrib-| Player aad will be: quite am ree ably dirty. Horses were stabled in| ‘¢ Listowel Band. Res our house. It made me feel sick. All these places are atill occupied by troops who show no inclination to get out and give us back our house It is quite uncertain that we shall be able to go back soon. John Griffith. Mrs. S. Bennett Passed Away On Sunday DIED AT LISTOWEL HOSPITAL IN 74TH YEAR, AFTER LONG FROM ILLNESS— HOME OF VOGAN. After a lingering illness for over a period of tep.months death came to the release 6f Margaret Jane Vo- gan, relict of the late Samson Ben- nett, on Sunday, Septemb 2nd. For the past six weeks Mrs. Bennett was a patient at the Listowel Mem- orial Hospital,-and during her long illness bore her suffering pacieuly, was born in Court- The deceas wright township, Durham eoraty) on Octobe: r an in ip untill the spring of 1909 when they moved to Listowel; % reside, where ed ceas nett’s death she has made her home with her brother, Mr. a fi aie of ck nship. of friends sincerely Feavet the ‘dates of this beloved la The late Mra. Bennett was a mem- ber of the Methodist and sfnca union, of the Molesworth Unit- ed Chure Four “brothers and sisters survive: Samuel Vogan ne Joseph of Carrick township; David of Howick and George of Morning- on; Mrs. Bella Brooks of Teeswater and Mrs. John Gowdy of Howick. The funeral service was held on Tuesday at the home of her brother, Mr. David Vogan, lot 40, con. 6, owick. Rev. E. W. oe the service. two of a = ogan ronto; gan, Mildmay; Harold Vogan, Cliff- ord; Grenville H. Vogan, St. Thom- Friends were present from Tor- onto, London, Woodsteck, Atwood; Harriston, Teeswater, Mildmay, Wingham and Brussels. Attended Ball Game— Messrs, F. ap te esse R. G. Savage, John Robbie and Miley ypler m ored to Guelph on Satu after- | noon and attended the Guelph-Walk- baseball game. E ervitie. at Bag FUNERAL BROTHER, DAVID |) . | before two o'clock. Pneee, Mayburry Residence— W. E. Clark of Clark Metals, ba: purchased the reaidencé’ of Mr. . Mayburry on Main Street west and is having it <eleadation Mr. and Mrs, Clark expect to move in about a month and a half. . In an Inter-club gol eager playa On the Seaforth Golf and Club's links on Kedseaday: afters noon the Listowel men Ves ar Sea-- forth by a score of §% t 1s sae the Seaforth ladies defeated the Lis- towel ladies 11 to 0. After match tea was served at the club | house by the Seaforth “ladies. Fol- ores: fed by her caer was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk when an auto, driven by Miss Brown and accompan- led by One of the other nurses of the Memorial Hospital, came along the street. some manner the driver lost control of the car and it ran u on the sidewalk, knocking the chil down and was estopped when it ran against a tree. The little girl was rushed to the Memorial Hospital Attended Grand Lodge— Mrs. Fred Bilis and Mrs. James, Owing are the ac ro Krank returned home Tuesday even- Seaforth Listowel | ing from Hamilton where they at-|Jones, R.M. 1 SchinbeIn J. A. 06 tended the Grand Lodge of the L.|Aberhart, Dr. 1 Morphy H. B. 0 B. as delegates trom the local) Southgate, W. 0 Kelly F. Cc, 1 lodge. The lodge in seasion| Hinchley, J. © Ktbler W.-A. 1 Tuesday, Wedneedas. aaa Thorsday -5avaug 1 age Ww. 0 of last week and the delegates also| Greig, J. 1 Fritz o spent a few days in Hamilton with | Smith T. 1 Johnstons, W.A. 0 lends. McKenzie R. 1 Wanzer HP. 0 Ament W. % Schinbein, J. M. 41 Attended Elmira Fair— Laing J. 0 Taylor Dr. 1) Among those from Listowel at-| Stewart J. 0 tending the Elmira Fali Fair on| McLean 1 Monday last — ale one if 9 ' McTaggart G. 0 Bayne, Miss Co iss Roulston,| Daley J. 0. Miss K. Rothwell, ose Edith Roth. Walters R. 0 well, Miss Emily Ogram, Mr. and| Keating J. E. 0 i Mrs. Joe Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Cardno N. 0 Climie R. i) J. A. Barber and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. 4 J. H. Ruppel and family, Mr and! Total Th Total 9 3 Mrs. Wm. Gabel, Mr. Dave Savage . + « 4 and Mr. Robert Goldner. LADIES Seaf Li 1 : bag Smith . — phat i McLean Ta. Schinbein Little Eva Tanner 2 | Miss Eleoat 1 Miss “Austin Died From Injuries Mrs. MeKenzie 1 Mrs. Taylor Mrs. oar. 1 Mise Hamilton Little Eva Tanner, the three-year | Mrs. Hos 1 Miss Tatham old daughter of Mr. and Mre. A. G. Mrs. MoMurchie 1 Mrs. R. Climie Tanner, died early this afternoon! Mrs. Greig 1 Mrs. Wanzer | as the result of an accident this} “ McLaughlin 1 Miss K. Fair ) morning when she was run over by a | Miss Combe 1 co car at the corner of Victoria and Ink- | Miss Laldlaw 1 Miss Sutherland erman stree far ‘< The wotitient Pores apie about 11,30 Total 11” Total » o'clock, The ttle girl, accompan- BY In the final match for ng chay pionehip of group 1 In the P. H. & Golf League played at the Maid links in Goderich on Friday noon last the local club lost "ine ture by a score of 7-3 and the ro by one point, as the first game; Fe — in a win for thy 3 home tea: ¥ Maitland Club now meets the wingy the Kincardine-Hanover Wal tn group for the championship r and after examination it was ihe thet’ she had suffered internal 1 juPies’ and she passed Me éhortly © W. A. Johnétone trophy wh | was won last year by the Lis —s In Pcs And The Six Largest Ca Tallest Corn 4, } The Southeast Corner of the Tor- Globe on Wednesday tells of a of corn that measured 11 feet tn height. An~ American bacqae paper from Indiana that comés our desk reports a stalk 18 Beg yhe | ‘that stoc the | Banner der to stimulate a little inte this corn compe will - ; one year's subscription to 4 farmer raising ee: bringing u tallest stalk o measuring the ae of its ; ground roots to berg" of th 4 We wil give a panes b 4 \ eription | ta the farmer bringlag ‘the and most p pani weigh ore