— ie i TS ne 4 ” ‘THE LISTOWEL BANNER ~*~ beck “and Mrs. Fra Kemp spent w days igs week In Toronto at Siler Exhibitio ‘Miss Phyllis Hewltt spent the | past week at Kitchener and Toronto aici a aa Sa eta ts a tee be - THIRD IiNE WALLACE | PERSON ALS | wa $a oak Og ea tectes lentes Teetenten len lasTeeleetes Teele Feel oetee! Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Dawson and| With friends. Ms. and Mrs. W. H. Good, Mr. | ramily of. Detroit spent the holiday| Mrs. Bolton and two children, Wiltiam Good of Listowel, Mr. Joyce and Bud of Hanover are risit- "lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V4 Salah Hallman and Miss Irene Horn | Stewart, ing in Listowel at the home of Mr. tH motored to Niagara Falls on Sun-} from and Mrs. Joseph Caruso. lay and visited with Mr. Gordon Good| _. Mr. B. V. Stewart was home Messrs. - Wellington, and Alvin} (id Mr. and Mrs. George Robbins. Wingham for the week ‘end. Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Herold Wins-! Mrs. Pete McIntosh and Ellen; Mr. Lorn#Jermyn of Hamilton low, Mr. Henry Horne Sr. spent the! jeturned home from Algoma where| spent the week end-at the home of| week end in Toronto attending the | | aye been visiting for several; his parents in town. Exhibition. Misses Dina and Mae Hymers of} Stratford spent a few days this week | at the home of Mrs. reg and! Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Werth and “Mr. “ad Helen Heath of Listowel: is); Bert Donegan spent Wednesday in jpending a few days at the home of| Toronto at the Exhfbition. ifr. lage Mrs. N. W. B Miss Spackman spent the week end} Mr. and Mrs. J. Lockha | Mre, S. L. McLaughlin of Listowel! in stratford at her home. Mies Pearl Good of Fiint, M:ch., pent Monday with her pat aris Mr. and Mm. Arno! Hallman are| spent the week end at the home of| irs. Ed. Web Toronto this weel. her father, Mr. 8. 8. Good. Ls Mr. Kenneth Cunliffe of Oshawa | Mr. Clarence Hallman spent the; Mr. and Mrs, V. C, Bamford spent | ind Milton 3 of pete week end with friends in Stratford. la few days this week with~Mr, and| pent the week end at the home of| Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Alexander| Mrs. Garnet Bamford Niigara| fr and Mrs. Ed. Weber. i spent the week ‘ad and holiday with | Falls. itors at the home of Mr. and friends at Brussels. Mrs, F. W. Hay and Miss Lola | be John ia ah on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cc. B. Simma and| Fair returned home today from their! fr.-and Mrs, Folierton and tam-| port were In Toronto this week. trip. | yy Mr. and Mes. W. Kress of this} wr. Geo 1rge Love of near Heariten:, Mr. Cecil Van Horne aren: the Ine, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lavery of} y Man., «pent Monday In Listowel at | week end at his home in Clint fodrefild and Miss Gertie McIntosh the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G.! r. Art Carruth apent Senday at| f London. | Alexander, |his home in Harriston. | Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wenzel of| Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Alexander and| Dr. ®. F. Taylor was in Toronto | Own line and’ Raymond visited at|yfr-and Mrs. R. J. Gray left today | this Week attending the Hxhibition. he-homée of Mr. and Mrs, John) to spend a few days al Niagara Falls,| Miss Rose Green of Lip ense: feoend | lender on Sunday. Mr. and Mra, Henry Horne and|a guest on Labor Day of Mra.A: Mr. Ed. Weber and Gordon spent} My. and Mra, H. G. Zilliax spent | Savage. ‘mesday at Toronto Exhibition Labor Day at the Exhfbition. Mr 4, Jackson returned home} Miss Edna Bender visited Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Doolittle and Wednesday evening after visiting her | fith her friend, Bessie Schneider, on Mrs John Watson spent the week end | pare ae fe 6th ine Wallace, in Toronto Mr. C. Bamford ‘of Customs and ‘Mrs. Max Rocker and family of Mr, aa’ Mrs. Ralph Matthewman| Excise, ‘i on three weeks’ vacation. istowel visited at the home of Mr.j and Vernon spent the week end in Mr. George Reynolds of Beloit, pd Mra. Fred Reid for a few daysj Toronto. Kansas, is a a at the home of st wee Mr. and Mrs. Harold Karges of| Mr. J. W. Scott. Miss Violet Bender returned to] petroit spent the week end at the Mrs. Sc waelice and Margaret have istowel to the home Mr. and] home of their parents in town. Mrs.| returned home sites a visit in Ham- te. Andrew Malcolm. Carges remained for visit with | flton with frien Mr, and Mrs. Henry Campbell) her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Mr. Brondfair of White's Hard- fere at Fordwich on Sunday attend- tg the funeral of Lawrence Gibson, om of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, tho died at the Listowel Memorial oxage ware, apent the week end at his home in Streetaville. Mr. Louls Pfeffer was in Toronto on Wednesday attending the Exhibi- ean, Edith Bean, who has been holiday- Ing for the past six weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harold Karges in Detroit has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Gee are spend- ing this week In Toronto attending the Exhibition. ss Evelyn Gee has returned to Toronto after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mre. J. H. ee. Mrs. Darl Vines and keulis 2 tie ath line, Mr. and Mrs, wy Ronald and Lyle, Mr. C. Vines, fordon and Sadie visited Sunday at foint Clarke, Mrs. Vines returning (Ome after spending a week at the on. Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. ote Mitek el] and Miss Katharine Kin f Pon- tiac, Mich., accompanied by Sie. Ed. Jermyn, Miss Mary Jermyn and Mr. Stanley Cartlidge motored to Niagara alls on Sunday and spent the day. Messrs. Glen and Ceci] Blackmore and Oscar Rapp spent the holiday at Windsor with Mrs. Noah Blackmore. Mrs, Oscar Rapp remained in Wind- sor and Mra. Glen Blackmore. ac- companied the men on thelr return 2k happ visited at Point Il spend a few Messra. Oliver Johnstone and Jack Thompson .are spending this week in Toronto attending the Exhibition. fice Ethel! Thompson and Mr. hite are spending this week trip after spending a few days in Schenk of | Windsor. the home Engagements faster, 3rd engage- ughter, es Fer- d Mrs. p. the | Molesworth 200, Blma 126, Elma and Dairymen’s Exchange : Hold Regular Meeting | Ten factories were were Teprésented at the regular meeting of the Listowel Dairymen’s Exchange held Friday afternoon last in the Council Cham- her, The highest bid on the board was 2ic but none were. sold, salesmen asking 22e. On the curb afterwards no business was trane- acted.. Buyers present were Mesers. ; Muir, Biffin, Gray and Johnaton: 1 Se factories represented were as follo Colored: Silver Corners 235, Mornington 225, Donegal 240, Mill- bank 180, Ethel 180; White: Wallace 350, Marlon Beaver 265, Hlma 3 aes 197, Millbank 260, *e hel On Professional joranaly Miss Florence bsop {gs on profes-' slonal duties at “Wingham hospital | k. 4 j cats wee A | [Bays MUk Route— enry Opfer has purchased xe milk route of McCracken Bros, Mr. Roy Wilson has taken a posi- tion with Mr, Opfer and commenced his duties this week Assisting In Store— N Dave Savage is assisting in the store of Mr. Fred Bender. Mr. Robert Goldner, who has been en- gaged in Bender's store, has accept- ed a position with the Maple Leaf Bakery: Underwent Operation— Mrs.’ Noah Blackmore underwent an operation at the Harper Hospital, Detroit, this morning, and word has been received that ehe is doing as well as can be expected. ApPointed Musical Director— Mr. P. F. Hoadley has been pointed musical director Milverton Pwblic School gnd teach music in that school each day afternoon. On Delivery Ri Mervin Richards has accepted a position on the delivery tig of Zur- brigg Bros., succeeding Mr. Sidney Greenslade, who Rook possession of his butcher shop on Tuesday. ap- the will Fri- Playing At Toronto Ex.— Miss Alix. Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hall of Carthage and the talented young plano pupil of Miss Edna K. Lee, is staying over at the Exhibition to play accompani- ments for two prominent London singers. of Thanks— Jrs, Frank Graham takes this a of thanking her friends and and Igo, the hospital yor spital, . of BAPTIST “The Church with Herbert W. Guscott 10.20 a. m.—sBible School and Soprano Solo—Miss May Hill. CHURCH a Warm Welcome” Minister .. Sunday, Seushiber 9th Morning Service. Dr. Tupper: 7.00 p. m.—Evening Worship—Dr. Tupper. Thuraday, 7. 30 p. m—Prayer and praise service. If you have nto church heme, come and worship with ua. | “United Church Listowel Sunday, September 9th Mr. W. Rayner will preach at both services, MORNING MUSIC Anthem—Feetival Te Deum —Dnuiley Buck Solo—Mr. Albert Pequegnat. EVENING MUSIC Anthem—The Radiant Morn —Woodward Duet—Mr. G. E. Cox and Dr. W. A. McDowell, Atwood. “Came Unto Me,—Compana. ed. 8 p.m.—Midweek service o* Prayer and Praise. ie ae a a tO a oe oa + + > TOWN LINE EAST > + + sno besdendeefoseedeseafesfeedecfocfeclesleeleolesTosfenlesleatocfealenfeads Mr. and Mrs. C. Weber of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oppertshauser and daughter Moreen and Mre. Fred Pflug of Kitchener, Miss Oppertshauser and Messrs. St. Teboe and Arthur Oppertshauser of Detroit were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Oppertshauéer. Rev. W. B. Fallis of Bunker Hill, Ind., is visiting with his brother, James ante. M. Roberts and Mr. George Wallan of London visited gat the ay of Mr. James Fallis on Mon- “I Frank Curtis and son Gor- don and Miss Alma Gainsborough of Naahville, Mich., visited with Mrs. Curtis’ parents and with friende. The Sunshine Mission C!rcle met fat the home of Mrs. Wes. Faulkner on Wednesday. There was a good attendance. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Adama, 3rd line Wallace on October 3rd. Mra. Harvey Coghiin, Mrs. Ben Baiil- ey and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner were appointed to look after the program and Miss Thelma Fallis takes the study book. There will ae a epecial ry offering for the flower Master Billy Fallis tie | nis tonsils moved the Memorial Hospital day. ae ae a ES WORTH Taeleales at i ea ler ed Spence and Mra, oupdle of days Ronald “and to their hol'days re at- onto in 110 a. balvary Evangelical): Rev. L. H. Wagner, Pastor Sanday, September 9th m—Public worship. 11 a. Sexe —Sunday School. 7 —Publie worship. i p. wi edientay, 5 p. m.—Prayer mecting. The Salvation Army Adj. Webster and Capt. Sarson Sunday, September 9th 11-a. m.—Special’ Service. 3 pem.—Sunday School. 7 p. m.—Special Service. City Mission Deaconesses Peard and Alexander Sunday, September 9th 2 p. m.—Sunday School. 3 p. m.—Rer, N, ener, City ‘Mission Presiden 7p Cc. N. Good. Special services at 8 p. C. N. Good. in anes.” m.—Hev. Thursday and Friday, ow 28, 24— m. Rey. Good of oe LUMN 1 Ten cents . ime for first ; insertion, wit minimum e@ of S0c. Subsequent : 3 five cen Pia tutaieeee charge BOARDERS WANTED Two high echool giris, willing to- room together. Near High School. Apply at this office COOK WANTED Cook wanted for the Listowel Memoria] Hospital. State exper- iemve and wages expected. Apply Mrs. ll P, Rennie, Secratary Hospi- tal Boa 9-18 HOSPITAL AUIXLIARY Phe regular monthly meeting ‘of the Women’ 8 Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, September 10th, in the Council Chamber, at three o'clock, HOUSE TO RENT Double house to rent on Royal St., 9 rooms, ifght and water. Will rent half or whole. eae at once. Apply to Mrs. J. hm, AOCOUNTS DUE a accounts due and owing to Mr. W. ¥, Produce dealer, are eqtaeied to be paid immediately. Payments may.*be left with the new proprietors, Wright & Gibeon. HOMES MORE BEAUTIEFLE, you in selecting adie Shrubs Sire Roses. Etc, 70 years in Canada. Writ te’ today. Star Nurseries, "Ridgeville, Ontario, - 11-29" FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, lot 19, con. 3, Elma, good buildings and farm in Al con- dition, three miles from Listowel, % mile from school. For particulars apply Adam Burnett, R. R. isto- All Are Welcome wal 9-20p HUNTERS WANTED uererenars to the Banner to Bread and Cake - = % Those two essentials to every well appointed table —are our two leading spec- ialties. Nourishing white and brown bread, baked un- 1 der the most sanitary con- ditions. Delicious Cakes and All Kinds of Pastry in Ample Quan- tities Every Day The Maple Leaf Bakery } | School | ' Supplies High and Public School Supplies of all Kinds. Prizes and Prem- iums for every Pur- chaser. ivingstone’s g Store Se eee P BROS. TIONEERS W BILLS horses, mith Elma. Sale SEPTEMBER act cattle, hogs, and. Danbrook, at one PCEEEEEE EE EEG SALE LIST *} =} Ihde oes lots 55 and tock, household. In West— mton, ery. Mrs. ene wh ust 29th “at the Burial took: place ; Gisch- esident of Aisto- pin, of a few years ago. EMBER ao RE. implements, | received in Listo- of Mrs. er.) M, iD had an ourice | Friday and all report a grand unt” thelr names somewhere on tne margin of this paper, to note the date of their subscription, and when you find It, If your subscription has expired, hunt up the necessary a- mount to renew it one year. FOWL SUPPER Molesworth United church anni- vergary. services, Sunday, Sept. 9th, a. m. and 7.30 p. m. owl supper Rp sas evening, Sept: 11th from 6 .m. Good program by Hoadley Concert Party, Listowel and other numbers. HOUSES FOR SALE - We.can eel] your property if ie want it sold. We have a nu of houses for sale, some on terms, all good value. 25 acres of land, price right. Kemp Bros., Kemp & S0n’‘s Office. apes tfnp RESIDENCE FOR SALE Eleven room brick house, electric light and town water, good cellar, 4% acre of land, good apple orchard, and all kinds’ of amali ‘fruit; well situated, Will sold at a bar- gain for immediate sale. Apply on premises to Mrs. J. Riehm tft WANTED cheesemaker for the Elma & Mornington Cheese and Butter Co. Ltd. ‘Tenders will be recelved by the undersigned for a man to manufact- ure the cheese and make whey tit- ter; separate and pasteurlze the whey and box the cheese—the ey from 160 to 175 tins, (‘The maker to furnish all necessary supplies except cheese boxes. State salary per 100 Ibs. cheese and pound butter. Duties to commence December ist, 1928. mes Cisland, Sec., R. R. 2, Listowel, i a Sash se a Det ie“ oe at See Si + “ TROWBRIDGE * , Po afeefeeteele else! oe jbesfoctssSeofostosfons reales loeleeteetaals Tew! teaten tants Mrs - Jackson of Detroit is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. R. Code. Mr. and Mrs. R, Green ‘of See were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Code on Mondays. Mr. and Mrs, Carl S. Vine and family of London spent the week end and holiday at the home of Mr, R. Thompson. Mrs. Willis and Miss Willis of Ot- tawa are visiting at the home of Mrs. E. G. Code A large: number community picnic at attended Bayfield the last time, Mrs. Mary Leslie is spending a few days at the home of her 60n, Mr. George Leslie of Wallaée The True Workers Mission ‘Circle will meet atthe home of Mrs, Clafa Spray Thursday afternoon, Sept. 3th. The pwblic school started Tye ek, day of this we Mr. ector Knight of Ethel, is the teacher in charge. : seeloeleedesTesderdea]oe fede desjondosfosfonenloefestestenfeateati Selle + ate a. GOTHAM Ee MANAERERE IAG mech Jaa. Newbigging made a bust. cies ‘tp to Toronto this whek, 5 Mr. and Mrs Berghey and fami] of Michigan visited with Mr, pA Mrs. J. Leonard over: the holiday, Mr. pike A. Fullerton and eon of Toronto spent the week end ec the former's sister, Mrs. A. mee and Mrs. H. Ludwig of Preston eat: * Paste at the hom A ie A pman net-Sun Gn Mr. ahd Mre. W. Smith of Totien- mentee callers on on this line leet y. EVERYBODY’s }{. CO Admission 50c and »* ? i “4