PERSONALS Mr, F.C. Lierech and Harold spent a tew ee last week attending the Exhibition ee - Mrs. James A, Gray and Mr rs, Ww. D. Angus spent a few days in the are during the past week visit- ing friends. —— Gace tha Gordon and Russel Ape the i Bonding the Exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. “Harold Hammond and.son Vernon of Stratford and iMre. T. E. Hammond of twood #pent Suaday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson, 6th con. —_—ie— Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClatchey --of Stratford spent Sunday at the thome of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hiles. ——f} <= Mr. and Mrs, Alex Donley and son , Murray spent the week end in God- * —_ atthe home of the former's ‘mother 7 hy Miss Evelyn Turnbull spent a few fi . @ays this week in New, Hamburg with friends. ; —_—i— « Mrs. Goforth of Stratford spent a few Gays last week with Mrs. Hance. — }— | ~« Mr. and Mrs. Moffat Aiken and ee.’ children of Clinten ae Friday with “a Mr. and Mrs; E. 8. ne. Mra. W. of Calgary are Rig Hamitton's brother, Mr. R. A. son. ae —o— * Mr. anfl Mrs. Norman Gould of Mrs. M. Switzer. tas Mr. Mrs. A. BE. Coghlin spent Genesys at Milverton with friends. —j— ‘Miss Aldona Dickson has refmrned i‘ to Toronto after spending her vaea- tion with her paren — and Mrs. Melvin Scott and walt” Garnett, aceompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bissett and Na motored to Goderich’ Sunday last and visited with friends. ——— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis of De- troit and Miss Elva Curtis of Listo- Sag wel visited Sundey with Mr. and = Mrs. Melvin Scott, 8th con. Ema. —5— ee Mrs. George W. Douglas and child- ren of Listowel spent last week bg an the home of her parents, Mr. Mrs, Michael iain Sth con. Mr. and Mrs. vn. H. “Ratelitte of Tor- ontu-spent the week end visiting at the home of Mr. G. Ratcliffe. John ratecnad with parents after epending his holiday@in Atwood with his! grandfather and aunt. . —n— Mr. ustel Congdon, Mr, Ian Downs, Misses Shella and Jean Downs of Chicago were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mre. Scott Hamilton, 8th con. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and Mr. Walter Blackwell spent the week end with friends in Clarks- pure. Mr. James Kemp of Toronto epent the week end in Atwood at the home “WR of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Greensides otis Ex: Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Roth vieited friends in Toronto last week, “David Reld of Fern- of Mr. and Mrs. bank spent Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. John Barton. pianist Mr. and Mrs. Russel Woods and Betty of Toronto vieited Mr. and fe ‘Mra. Robert Knox on Monday =—-h— = Mr. and Mre. Albert Young and family of Hamilton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs P. i Greensides. Mary Young returned pe with them. after spending some time [esi ‘here, . Mr, and Mrs, J. P Greensides and ‘Nellie spent Monday in Brantford with friend:. Jean Young retorne with them, after spending her holl- } day in Atwood = —— tal Margaret Shera returned Tuesday to her home in Rattle Creek, Mich.. after spending her holidays in At- wood with frients Mro-and Mrs. J. Peachey and fam- Tly spent the TT I" ry week end in Stratford with friends. Mr. and Nrs D_ ¥. Hodge apent the week endl in Sratford with _ friends. as —(}—_ - 7 Miss Inex Ballantyne ta eae Be * friends in Listows rel and vwieinity : Mr. and Mra David Tbbytaon “— -ehitdren of Toronta spent ne hol day at the home of Mra. Camptet!. hoe —=- Mr, Wm. Kirk. Mr. and Mra, ‘Roy -Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle of Woodham spent Sunday at the home ~ at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter, 8th con.’ _— Messrs. A. E. Anderson and Jack " Godfrey and the Misses Isabel Val- paatte and Jean Pca jonah motored © Toronto on Sunday and spent Mcccdey at the Exhibition. r. Roy Andon of Preston t Sunday visiting his brother, Mr: A E. Anderson. : SS Mr. Tom Reid and Miss Winnifred Toronto spent the week end in Atwood with Mr. George week end in Toronto at- oe Hemiliton and son sate Oy th : fee cotstock epent Sunday at the home of friends. Mr. Edw this Mesrs. Bayfield. firs. A. tended ere —_—)}— Mr. Levi Bolton of Cleveland is visiting his sister, Mra. N. th eon. spent the we belma ton, Mich., of Detroit épent a couple with Mr. and Mrs. James P Pelton, Alfroad ton, Lawrence and William Pelton at Visited at the —n— Coghlin home from Millbank where she spent her vacation with Mrs. A. McBain. Dickson and Mr. Niagara Falls home of Mr. and Mrs. son this week. L. field and Chester M Mrs. R. E. Switzer and Mre Stevenson epent a few v in Toronto attending the Exhibition. days be d Mrs. Lorne Vallance = Bily and Mr, an E LL spent Sunday nd Mrs. in oo and Mrs. R. Swanton and son ard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nixon of Toronto and Mr. Charles Coghlin of Listowel epent Sumday at th of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Campbell. —o— ‘ Mr. and Mre. J. 8. Thompson spent a few days in Toronto attending the mh —h— Mr. Sam Ruttan and Mr. ‘ Tomlinson of Detroit spent the week end visiting at the home of the for- mers parents, Mr. Ruttan, Sth con. —o— Miés Alice Richmond of Detroit ek end visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond. = Misses Violet, Mae n Hymers of Stratford spent the week end with friends on the Mr. Edwin Young is in Toronto at- tending the Ex. —— tr. R. B. Hamilton and Mrs, A. McBain of Millbank spent Monday in Atwood at the home of Mr. and Mrs. £, G. Coghli has —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ford of St. Catharines spent the week end visil- ing at the home of Mrs. Ford's par- ents, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Johnston. —_s Misses Helen Porter and Margaret alph Porter spent week in Toronto sdaitiien the Sxhibition. Mr. Alex Home ts Is ie Toronto at- tending the Exh{bitio St Mrs. Walter Johnston of Stratford Pelton and Mr. A. Pelton of M!!ling- and Mrs. M, Schlechman 5. N. Y¥., J. —t Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Liersch and Harold, Mrs. George Brown and Ray- mond Swing spert Labor DPay—at OS ©. Whitfield; D. P., Mrs, Whit- accompanied by C. Harris and children at- the Exh!bition in Torento a few days this week. Stratford with and Mrs, George and Diekson. last week The Crusaders of the Church Army_who will be in this district from September 16th to, the 2st, ey will visit every parish in the Diocese. Several By-Laws Passed At Council Meeting TENDERS TOO HIGH FOR OON- STRUCTION OF J home D —LEFT OVER UNTIL NEXT YEAR. - The Munictpal Co Council of the Township of Elma met in the Agri- cultural Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, September lat, with all the members present. minutes of the last Parker, mestine were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Sev- eral communications were read and Albert | filed. Gibaon- Willoughby—That by law No. 891, appointing George Gordon collector of taxes for-the township of Elma for the year 1928, as now read a third time, be finally passed. County (5.62 mills on the dollar), Township (5 mills on the dollar), and Municipal School (2.39 mills o the dollar) rates for the year 1928 as now read e third time, be finally passed. Carr Giheon-Littie-—That by law No. 893 for levying the rates of the different school sections and Union School Sections in the Township of oe in the year 1928 as now read hird {ime, be finally passed. Car- Little-Willoughby — That the council do now adjourn to meet as a Court of Revision on the “Beffers’ Drain Improvement By law.’ Car- ed. Crlurt of Revision on the “poitare Drain Improvemen By law" having tae a counc!] met for general busin Donaldson- “Willoughby—That Mr. James McDonnell’ be paid the sum of $640.00 as part payment of the eantract of the Ellice, Maitland Re- lief Drain Improvement aa per en- gineer'’s certificate. Carried. Tenders were then opened for the construct:on of the Chapman Drain Imprivement and considered. returned re a spending a few weeks with her Gibsou-Donaldson — That this sister, Mrs. Janet Peebles. council) considers the tendere for the tees construction of the Chapman Drain Mr. and Mrs. John Roger spent! Improvement as being too high and Tuesday fn Stratford. that sald tae work be left over Mr. J. W. Dickson, Agnes) till next year, Carrie Dickson and Ercil motored to Hruee Donaldéon-Gibson — That Beach last Saturday. Miss Aldona! councl do now adjou to Dickson, who has been spending two| again In the Agricultural Hall, weeks there, returned with them, wood, on Saturday, September seth, for general township business. Car- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cole of Mitch-| ried. ell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Dickson a eo Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pelton and Successful Harvest Home Lloyd of Lapeer, Mich., Miss Nore The annual "Harvest Home af vices of St, h days 1l a. m. and p. was prettily decorated with grain| and fruits, vegetables and flowers. | The preacher on - bot Pel- W. Dick- morning on Zechariah 8, and In the evening on Psalm 139. Misses Carrie and Alice Hymer, Mr. George Cox and Mrs. E, G. Coghlin of the United Church choir helped in the chotr, Mrs. Coghiin rendering two splendid solos at ‘the evening service. The evening service in the ther omeoad Church was withdrawn for t oc casion and Rev. W. J. West helped | in the service by reading the lessons | and giving a short addrees and pro- nouncing the benediction. Both ser we tea Sete cel ee, + thom. vices were wel] attended considering | son spent Tuesday at Pine River. the wet Gay, ee ey in the! morning. -Mn3, F. Hurst a il at) Mr. George’ Roger home after a pleasant trip to Scot- an M. Robinson has resumed has —A the organ on both occasion ARSHALL—WARRINGTON A quiet wedding took place at the} Angiican rectory, Harriston, on Wad- returned Carried. Donaldson-Little—That by law No. 892 for levying and collecting | th’s week attending the meet jat ag Services Held Sunday | Ser- | Alban’s Church were! Fal! Fair at Elmira on Satu eld last Sunday, September 2nd at. 7.80 The church spent a day Inet week visiting with War Veterans Held Re-union In Stratford One of the most “most succestnt over- ; 8@as veterans’ reunions was held in | Queen’ s Park, Stratford, on Monday, |September 3rd, when about 800° Great War veterans gathered to apend the day together. The parade took place at ten-thirty o'clock and this was headed by the Perth Regi- ment-Band. Among those from Atwood -presen were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Peachey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Val- lance; James Vaughan, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Nicholle, David » | Mr. and Mrs. Eric Love, Ernest Wherry, Spiers, Mr. hn Mrs. R. Smart, Mr. Chas. ry. Representatives of 84th battalion, The 110th and Jiat babtalion were present from At- wood. Je eachey win the oriss for the amputation race. Presbyterial Secretary Visits Atwood W. M.S. The régular monthly meeting of the W. M. 8S. of the pb! Sew Church was held in the school roo of the Ponape on ae ectixiooa Septem’ 4h, rs. (Rev.) W. J. West in the a itr. The scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. J. B. i rs, John Hanna read from the st idy book. Mra. Thos. Inglis also read from th Glad Tidings, rs. hn Vallance gave a missionary reading. Mrs. Mc- Cabe of St. Andrews Church, Strat- ford, Presbyterlal secretary, was present and also spoke a few words. It is expected that Dr. Margaret {O'Hara will speak the annual | aae. offering early In October. | R. 8S. Ballantyne and Mrs. wie Inglis were spparetet a flower committee for September. At the close of the meeting a so- cial hour was enjoyed. eeteeteetestestententententon’. festeets seit restente aes ae ee ee ae TRALEE *, 4 ale + « eas Hesteateaestesten"estectoa eats Telestonlordenfenioeiesfonfeelonfontvel oar aa ai air i a Se aa ae a (From Our Regular Correspondent) J. F. Scott spent a da Exhjbition 3 Mrs. W. R. Burnett of Strattord visited with the former's brothers here last week. | Toronto on j her vacation here. Mr. and Mrs, George Plume and family of Pe ig ag beg oni! ay with =. Bro Schiebel of. Detroit ‘called on relatives ‘here last f here atrontod the rday. Miss Amelia Linesman of "Wate rloo Miss hid pom Hanley Miss Mary McConaghy of Atwood occasions | commenced her. duties as teacher on | wae the rector, who preached in the Tuesday at 8. S. No. (From Another Source) | Mr and Mrs. Herb Hastings a X! eamily of Listowel visited Tussday | ; @vening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Clarence McLaughtin. | Migs ae Cummings has return | ft ed De Ham “a Mra. C. R. "Métangivia’ hand ‘fait spent Sundey at the Enema of Mr. W. M. Wateon.s a08h q Mr: Win Graham of Toronto-spent | last week denM his ‘riends,- Mr.: “Jock” Anders Jack and Jaan. Watson of Bronte) | spent last week an this line. i. Mr. and Mrs, W Car, an of Linwood and Miss Nellie Johnston lof Carthage gpent Monday afternoon | (with Mrs. Allan McLaughiin. sday, August 29th, when Cano his duties at the Canadian Bank of R. L. Weaver united { age PTR. La n marriage | On Motor Trip— CORTMETCe after an enjoyable vaca Norman Marshall, son of Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond, ac- tion. Mrs. E. Marehall, Listowel, and, companted ef sl ; a oy tere gorge Miss Muriel Warrington, | Gray of Strattor t Monday on Mra. Jane Riach is visiting friends Mrs. | motor trip to Buff at, Niagara Faits, | In Stratford. _0t-— z Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald and Marion, Mr. Robert H spent the week end at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. and Mr, Mr. say 2 —_—o Farry Green apept the week end with friends in Andrew ymers Hym of Dunn irk Wa of the late Mr. and t bride wore a charming gown eacimere pitas bine georgette with blonde: AE Detratt trimmings and eyas A xr Phe hose , ceremony the scuts fe left on honeymoon trip to Toronto and other points east. - their return they will reside t. Marys. ville , Since 1 walk to of | posits." A os Eat a cay I Gou't Bove bank to make my de- M. Sweeton at Guelph leas La as tran Toad tee Warrington of Perth, Ont. the, ‘St. Catharines eS. “After the, suming her plano class a; Pupils prepared for Toronto Conser- Beret. He “Music if jA and other points, ! Annonces Mra. E:G; *Coshtin, Ava eas . ‘w. BI Miss Winnie~Hanley teturned to Menday after spending heoeg i) JAMES McKENZIE... N COMBUSTION AT NELSON POR- TERFIELD'S, NEAR ATWOOD. A fine large barn, the James A. McKenzie, lot 12, cons 16, dre townehip, was completely de- royed by fire after being str by 1 lightning about twelve o'clock; poree? night. The logs is estima- d at $8,000, Including the new niped and grain crop, all his farm im- plements, 15 pigs and about 200 chickens The sie ba was par- tlally cared by Insura The fire is one of the “eotat which has occurred in that district for some time, Mr. McKenzie is anuged farmer and is undecided whether or not he will build again. After the bolt of lightning had barn the flames soon did their work and practically nothing could be saved despite the efforts of many neighbors.. : eld, 1% miles from Atwood, Monday night. Spontaneous com-| b = ig thought the chuse of the! Milking operations whewthe unger way in the cow stable h per pre- vent the tamen pe spreading tb the house. All season's crop togethey with about 50 hens and six pigs were destroyed. . Porter- field had his crop ba = the Saturday previou is partly covered ty a Atwood Bowlers Win Three} The Atwood Bowling Club their annual-Scotch Doubles’ how ing tournament n Wednesday, August 29th, with sixteen Players were present from Monnt Forest, Listowel, = hae Rigger Milverton and Atwood. . were in excellent shape one an ers. Thres games of twelve ends each maining <* Atwood: Ist, E. sides; 2nd,. ary Orr and W. Smith, Milverton: 8rd, W. Blackwell and Chas. Vallance; 4th, John Roger and Grosert fnglis. Monthly Meeting Of United W. M. S. M. | Guan was held on ) afternoon, September 5th, | Nery good attendance. dent, Mrs. Coghlin, was in the chair. Atwood United Wednesday with a and. The meeting opened with » hymn and ran er. The study on Indian Mis- alons in Canada was taken by Mrs. | Swing, Mrs. Spillett, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. McKee and Miss Laidlaw Mrs. Denman read a auteadia paper on “Light Bearing” and Mrs. Green- sides had charge of. the devotional period. ‘The ogram was followed by a ' business ora when the annual ie were collected. The treasurer ported q total of $87.85 envelope “xivings for the second division of the ie: “Plana were made for a ‘delegation | . |; to be gent to Mitchell on September 28th to attend autumn rally of Perth | resbyterial. Those wishing to Tay leaye their names with Mis, E. tp Coghiin, It was deeided to hold a ‘hot sup- | | por on.the Monday following the) wi Bertgahit cna Octo , per served of the chureh anak varied, program provided by the Marntheaiée r 14th, the su | Music ' The m and prayer by’ Mrs, Groensid Two Barns Destroyed Leases By Fire In Elma ee iene 1GNITES PROPERTY. MONKTON — BFONEAPROtE wa burned shortly after six o’clock on, Honored Bride M WAS) Marshall, a ‘bride of Taat” wee! Gnited Church — Rey. C: C. Kaine, pastor. Sunday, September 9th, 1928 10 a. m.—Sunday School. ; 11 a? m.—"Child and Serpent.” 7.30 p . m—"Jesus an Example.” ag Peopiats tawie moda Peayers Meeting. Presbyterian Church West, M.A., Minister "Slay: “Gepteabax 9th ,1928 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a, m.—Subject “Seeking the old Paths.” 7.30 p. m.—Subject “The Soul Har vest.” Monday evening—Young People’s Society, Tuesday, 2.30 p. ne tatae Aid. Wednesday, 8 p .m—Young Wo- men's Misstonasy Auxiliary. Thursday, 2.30. ce and Sixth Concession W.. M. Concession W. Thursday, 7.30 p. m. —Prayer Service, Ach => - McBain left Tuesday mqrnice: mn “his Western trip. Attending Coll legiate— mer re Agnes Sweeton left on Monday for EAR | Gu nelph where she will attend the j Collegiate for the next year, | oemaee Resident Passes Away— | Word has been received md Atwood Returns To London— Miss Ela Faulkner, who haa been | spending the past few months dn At- wood and Listowel with relatives, left Monday for London to resume her duties as milliner. | meschare Resume Duties— M‘ss Jean Sasireee and Miss Donald of St. Marys have resumed their duties at aad schools on the 12th and Sth e Acce Miss Luella : Rabie left Monday to assume her duties as teacher near Blyth and Mies Edith Lucas also left Monday to assume her duties at The large barn of Nelson Porter-;a school near Zurich. \— A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. May on Monday evening of Vel week in honor sof her sister, ~ k, who received many useful and peak alah ts. Representing Perth County— The inter-county iudging “tt'ons for the province of Ontario ‘nok place at the Canadian National heuts : entries, | ® greens | were played and the results were ae follows, three out of four prizes re- Pee and J. P. Green- The regular monthly meeting of 8. of th n the sehool room and Albert b} spending a week with aeenda: here. Queer jtette ~ Bc cla » to be held ‘in tie | ne meeting closed with a hymn|_ es. | mt “xhibition on Wednesday. (Se unty was represented by Mise Prizes At Tournament | Tilley Whitney of Brunner St. Glban's Church Rev." Maurice F. Oldham, Rector Sunday, September 9th, 1928° 14th Sunday After Trinity i s m.—Sunday School and Bible of the death of Mrs. Jose Koy} 11 a. .m.—Morning prayer service, property of | of acne a former realdent of{ Rev. H. R. Diehl. Atw VF a4 P “ous Prayer Service. ST DAVIDS HENFRYN as appeal School and Bible m.—Eve ening Prayer Service ae English Crusaders will visit the parish from Sept, 16th to 23rd. 2 The apuiversary of Atwood bi byterian church will be meld on Sun- day, se gear 30th, Dr. Barr of Brantford will weouaue the ces, Rer. a Mrs, ‘M. ¥. apendtis the week end in Chesley and on Sunday Mr, Oldham will con- p at morning service In St. Alban's Church an r. P, V. Smith of Listowel will route at the eve- Sansa ce. ung People’s League united chatoh held their first Soe Tuesday evening after being sien during July and August. The meeting was in charge of 1st vice president, Carrie Hymers The scripture le@son was “read Mar- ‘a ings were given by Dulcle and Joyce Margaret Dickson of Atwood, Miss| Shin, Cecilia Clarke and Lena Hazel Morrow of Diawnie and Mise seit a closed the Taking Aviation Coursee— eb eetetetettetn tae cxinier mc Mr. Halley Hammond left Wed-|,-, ‘ ‘nesday morning for Washington es PORREAE : a , will take " here he will take a course In avia-J Necenbesteteetecfeteetetenteticlnte tectenfstetacteecfecuntecte i*ton. At the closa of the Sunday Schoo! at the United Church on Sun- |day last, Halley was presented with Waterman's fountain pen by the i ft en- . ’ joyable time waa spent by the Norte | Sunday School] and Young gsr j ‘s eague of which -he has een vtive member. } Mary Harvey nade the presentation and-Mr. FE. G. Coghlin, superintendent, spoke a few “ords at the Icss of losiig a mem- her of hese two organizations. Halley has been a teacher-in the tunday School and held the office of ‘hird vice president of the League. H's many friends in Atwood wish him luck in his work. sleoDesdesdeslesdesdendesdeedesdesdeadendenlesfenfentncdoeferfecfecteedeetocte + SIXTH LINE ELMA ‘ bette + ad + Setelececeeelndefotedetetetetteteee Mr. and Mra. William Karges and dasighter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Burnett motored to Toronto Monday and intend taking in the Exhibition Mr. a Mrs. James M. Cleland of gravel road, are attending the Ex. Mr. and W. J. Alexander of Listowel, Mrs. T, P. Alexander and Miss Alexia, and Mr. Walter Jones, fth Mne, motored to Ridgeway on Sunday and spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. Master Max and Dave Cleland are at present viisting with their aunt, Mm. W. Jones at Ridgeway tedoede de foiea fen fosfenfenfentententoateateatentoatenteetententententecde |} a + HESSON Be > sledesondesfeedeclenfecfestesdeedentenfoetectecticteete: steceofefetetees M’ss .Jvhanna Schnibel of South Bend, Ind., is spending a weék with | her father ‘here Miss Amelia Linesman spent a day th Miso Winnle Manley at Tralee Messrs, Wm. Ament Ed. Schnibel Rocher of Detr are d Mrs. Edgar Giradot of Hei visited with friends here a Ming. Atms Schiebel began her udiés at St. Sorat School, Water- dewn, * Tues Misses G, Geant tte of Cha Mare . Collin of Ke -Sirmed thelr duties a tham and appa hare re- S teachers of the fravellins’| iy separate ‘echoo Ltd., Fer- Koch for, home ska Bgl et ae The Misses Dinah, Mae and Violet . Hymers of Stratford spent a few days visiting friends here. Miss Mary Vipond left Monday evening to take charge of her school near Wingham. There will be services in the Uni- ted Church here on ghee evening, September 9th at 7.30, In charge of the P. 8. of Milibank. Mr. R. B. Hamiiton will give an address on Gypsy Smith. Special fhus'c ._. Mrs. Erle Harvey and danghter Jane of Toronto spent a week at the hom Mr. and Mrs. E. Vipond Mr. Eric Harvey and Miss Daley Morseman, also of Toronto, joined returning to Toronto on Monday. : and Mrs. Thos. Hymers spent Sanday at Stratford. Mr. Mrs. Robert Hymer and Mr: and Mrs. Martin of Detroft and Mrs. MeCracken and John of Listo- wel called on friends here on Sun- tt forbedetetetedetecese epee eteeietetet ve BRITTON : STeebesleedesfeeleefecloctonleetee!: nett Srobetectetectnts Mr. and Mrs, ba Martin and Mrs. Robt, Hymers of Detroit visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mre. J. W. Johnston. ra. Silas Smith of Millbank visited her gi Mr. and Mrs Alex Maybur Mr. Fred W eston of Torsilte spent the week end with h’s friend, Mr. Fred E. Fad ag GMrs. J. Sproule and Miss Dor- othy covoute spent a couple of days {n Toronto, ® Misses J. E. and Reba Lowry also Miss Haze] Lowry of Brooklyn, . have spent the. past month with Fs a il here, returned home this w. Mibacs Hazel and ‘Thelma Lowry and Mr. B. meron spent a few days af Toronto Exhfbition last week. as Accepts Position— sh ton has sovepied ecm ome a a vy on with Johnston Peebles, hard a Fat Bley com mm enced his “duties this w